public function setUp() { $this->CI =& get_instance(); $this->CI->CLI = load_controller('CLI'); $this->CI->CLI->install(); $this->CI->CLI->add('administrator', '*****@*****.**', 'password123'); }
/** * Constructor: __construct * There is no other method in our API , when it is constructed , everything will fires */ public function __construct($request) { // Get the request , which is an array of ($id , $token , $args , $params , $popo , ....) $data = new Request($request); // check if there is controller with this endpoint name : load_controller($data->endpoint); /* Explanation : if there is a popo name in request , we dont need to instantiate the endpoint because the popo itself can access the property of its father ( which is the endpoint ) if there is no popo then we must instantiate the Parent class for example : Products this will just fire a mainRouter function in that class So : mainRouter only will fire if there is no popo specified ! */ if ($data->popo != '') { // means there is a method(verb) beside of the endpoint // Load the popo load_popo($data->endpoint, $data->popo); // popo name like : ProdutcsSale = > Products is a endpoint and Sale is a popo $class_name = $data->endpoint . $data->popo; // instantiate the popo class $this->controller = new $class_name($data, array()); new Response($this->controller->response, $data); } else { // no popo $this->controller = new $data->endpoint(); $this->controller->{"mainRouter"}($data, array()); new Response($this->controller->response, $data); } }
function masuk() { if ($this->input->post('login')) { $email = $this->input->post('email'); $password = $this->input->post('password'); $this->db->select('*'); $this->db->from('users'); $this->db->where('email', $email); $this->db->where('password', $password); $this->db->where('status_id', 1); $result = $this->db->limit(1)->get(); $sess_array = array(); if ($result->num_rows() == 1) { foreach ($result->result() as $row) { $sess_array = array('id_user' => $row->id_user, 'username' => $row->username, 'email' => $row->email, 'password' => $row->password, 'level' => $row->level, 'status_id' => true); $this->session->set_userdata($sess_array); redirect('profile/id/' . $row->id_user, 'refresh'); } } else { echo "<script>alert('Username atau Password salah!!')</script>"; redirect('masuk/login', 'refresh'); } } $data_param = ""; echo load_controller("web", "web", "web_header", $data_param); echo load_controller("web", "web", "web_open_content", $data_param); $this->load->view("akun/masuk", $data_param); echo load_controller("web", "web", "web_close_content", $data_param); echo load_controller("web", "web", "web_footer", $data_param); }
/** * Frontend::loader() * * @return */ public function loader() { $uri_segments = $this->uri->rsegment_array(); // $uri_segments[0] fehlt, da des erste Segment der Ordner des Controller ist $controller = $uri_segments[3]; $function = $uri_segments[4]; if (count($uri_segments) > 4) { $j = 0; $args = array(); for ($i = 5; $i <= count($uri_segments); $i++) { $args[$j] = $uri_segments[$i]; $j++; } } if ($controller == $this->router->class) { // dynamisch Funktionen des Frontend Controllers laden $this->{$function}($args); } else { if ($controller == 'page') { // dynamisch Inhaltseiten laden $this->load->helper('load_controller'); // $this->load->controller('pages/pages', 'c_pages'); $c_pages = load_controller('pages/pages'); $c_pages->{$function}($args[0]); } else { // dynamisch Modulseiten laden } } }
public function move_out() { $lease_id = $this->uri->segment(3); $house_id = $this->uri->segment(4); $this->Lease_model->check_out($lease_id); $this->house_model->house_check_out($house_id); $this->Invoice_model->invoice_check_out(); load_controller('menu_con', 'move_out'); }
function kategori() { $data_param = ""; echo load_controller("web", "web", "web_header", $data_param); echo load_controller("web", "web", "web_open_content", $data_param); //$this->load->view("product/detail_product",$data_param); echo load_controller("web", "web", "web_close_content", $data_param); echo load_controller("web", "web", "web_footer", $data_param); }
function add_utility() { $water = $this->input->post('water'); $elec = $this->input->post('electric'); $date = date('Y-m-d'); $data = array('water_rate' => $water, 'electric_rate' => $elec, 'date_edit' => $date); $this->Utility_model->insert_utility($data); load_controller('menu_con', 'expense'); }
function delete_user() { $data['cus_id'] = $this->uri->segment(3); $this->Customer_model->delete($data['cus_id']); echo '<script language="javascript">'; echo 'alert("Customer Deleted !!")'; echo '</script>'; $this->load->view('blank'); load_controller('menu_con', 'customer_manage'); }
function handle_controller($base, $arr) { $controller = load_controller($base, $arr[1]); $method = 'index'; if (!empty($uri[2])) { $method = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9]+/', '', $uri[2]); } if (method_exists($controller, $method)) { $controller->{$method}(); } }
function kategori() { $data_param = ""; $url = $this->uri->segment(3); $url_1 = explode("-", $url); $id = $url_1[0]; $data_param['data_kategori_lelang'] = load_model("produk", "produk_model", "get_detail_kategori", array('id' => $id)); echo load_controller("web", "web", "web_header", $data_param); echo load_controller("web", "web", "web_open_content", $data_param); $this->load->view("produk/detail_kategori", $data_param); echo load_controller("web", "web", "web_close_content", $data_param); echo load_controller("web", "web", "web_footer", $data_param); }
/** * User_Auth::forgot_password() * Sendet dem User einen Token zum zurücksetzen des Passworts zu * * @return */ public function forgot_password() { $c_admin = load_controller('admin/admin'); $result = $this->cp_auth->forgotten_password($this->input->post('email')); $messages = $this->cp_auth->get_messages_array('public'); if (!$result) { $c_admin->login('password', $messages); } else { $header['title'] = 'Backend Login'; $data['message'] = $messages; $this->load->view('backend/templates/admin/header_login', $header); $this->load->view('backend/admin/new_password', $data); $this->load->view('backend/templates/admin/footer_login'); } }
function getInput() { $username = $this->input->post('txtusername'); $password = $this->input->post('txtpassword'); $comfirmpassword = $this->input->Post('txtConPassword'); $name = $this->input->post('txtname'); $email = $this->input->post('txtemail'); $phone = $this->input->post('txtphone'); $priority = $this->input->post('txtpriority'); $data = array('username' => $username, 'password' => $password, 'user_name' => $name, 'email' => $email, 'phone' => $phone, 'priority' => $priority); $this->user_model->insert($data); echo '<script language="javascript">'; echo 'alert("Successfully Registered!!")'; echo '</script>'; load_controller('menu_con', 'index'); }
public function verifylogin() { $this->load->library('form_validation'); $this->form_validation->set_rules('username', 'username', 'trim|required|xss_clean'); $this->form_validation->set_rules('password', 'password', 'trim|required|xss_clean|callback_check_database'); //$this->form_validation->set_rules('password_confirm', 'Password Confirmation', 'required'); if ($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE) { // $this->load->view('login_form'); $error = "<li>Username or Password is Not Valid</li>"; $data = array('error' => $error); $this->view_error($data); //$this->load->view('home_control/view_error',$error); } else { load_controller('menu_con', 'index'); } }
function routing() { global $config; $requests = requests(); $controller = get_controller(); # Routing if (!$controller) { $controller = $config["default-controller"]; if (!$controller) { echo "<span style='color:#900'>No default controller set!</span><br />"; } else { load_controller($controller); } } else { load_controller($controller); } }
function routing() { global $config; $requests = requests(); $controller = get_controller(); # Routing if (!$controller) { $controller = $config["default-controller"]; if (!$controller) { $data = array("msg" => "No default controller set!"); respond($data, 500); } else { load_controller($controller); } } else { load_controller($controller); } }
public function index() { $data['house_id'] = $this->uri->segment(3); $result = $this->house_model->select_id($data['house_id']); $l_house_id = $data['house_id']; $lease_house_data = $this->Lease_model->select_lease_id($l_house_id); $housename = $result['house_name']; if ($lease_house_data != array()) { //print_r($lease_house_data); //print_r($result); $data = array('housename' => $housename, 'lease_house_data' => $lease_house_data); $this->load->view('lease_agreement_view', $data); } else { echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">alert('No have Lease agreement.') </script>"; load_controller('menu_con', 'history'); } //$this->load->view('lease_agreement_view',$result); }
public function move_out() { $lease_id = $this->uri->segment(3); $house_id = $this->uri->segment(4); $check = $this->Invoice_model->invoice_check_out($lease_id); if ($check != NULL) { echo '<script language="javascript">'; echo 'alert("สัญญานี้ไม่สามารถยกเลิกได้ เนื่องจากยังชำระเงินไม่ครบ !!")'; echo '</script>'; load_controller('menu_con', 'move_out'); } else { echo '<script language="javascript">'; echo 'alert("Success !!")'; echo '</script>'; } /* $this->Lease_model->check_out($lease_id); $this->house_model->house_check_out($house_id); $this->Invoice_model->close($lease_id);*/ load_controller('menu_con', 'move_out'); }
function route() { foreach (include_paths() as $path) { $base = $path['base']; $action = $path['action']; $controller = load_controller($base, $action); if ($controller) { if (strpos($base, '/index') === strlen($base) - 6) { $base = substr($base, 0, strlen($base) - 6); } $controller->module = $base == 'index' ? '' : $base; break; } } if (!$controller) { $path = base_path(); Logger::trace("No route for {$path}!"); throw new App404Exception("Not found!", 404); } return array($base, $controller, $action); }
public function checkin_customer() { $name = $this->input->post('cus_name'); $birthdate = $this->input->post('birthdate'); $passport_id = $this->input->post('passport'); $address = $this->input->post('address'); $province = $this->input->post('province'); $zipcode = $this->input->post('zipcode'); $country = $this->input->post('country'); $phone = $this->input->post('phone'); $email = $this->input->post('email'); $data = array('customer_name' => $name, 'birthdate' => $birthdate, 'passport_number' => $passport_id, 'address' => $address, 'province' => $province, 'zipcode' => $zipcode, 'country' => $country, 'phone' => $phone, 'email' => $email); $this->Customer_model->insert_customer($data); $result = $this->Customer_model->select_last_id(); $cus_id = $result['cus_id']; $house_id = $this->input->post('txthouseid'); $date = date('Y-m-d'); $chk_in = $this->input->post('txtstart'); $chk_out = $this->input->post('txtend'); $deposit = $this->input->post('txtdeposit'); $session_data = $this->session->userdata('logged_in'); $last_id = $this->Lease_model->check_id(); $lease_id = date('ym') . '01'; while ($last_id['lease_id'] >= $lease_id) { $lease_id = $lease_id + 1; } $data = array('lease_id' => $lease_id, 'l_house_id' => $house_id, 'start' => $chk_in, 'end' => $chk_out, 'l_cus_id' => $cus_id, 'issue_date' => $date, 'deposit' => $deposit, 'l_user_id' => $session_data['user_id']); $this->Lease_model->insert($data); $data['house_status'] = 1; $data['house_id'] = $house_id; $this->house_model->update_status($data); load_controller('invoice_con', 'generate_invoice'); $data = $this->Lease_model->select_last_id(); $this->load->view('check-in-result', $data); //$this->load->view('check-in-detail'); }
<?php load_controller('User'); class User_test_controller extends User_controller { private $test_user; public function setup() { $this->teardown(); // just in case // Create a test user $this->test_user = new User(array('name' => 'Kevin Hutchinson', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'password' => 'gherkin')); $this->test_user->insert(); } public function teardown() { $user = new User(); $user->delete_all(); } public function login_test() { // Test that our test user can login $this->set_params(array('user->email' => $this->test_user->email, 'user->password' => $this->test_user->password)); list($user) = $this->login(); $this->should('find a matching user', $user && $user->email === $this->test_user->email, $user); $this->should('start a user session', $user->id > 0 && $user->id === $this->session->user_id, $user); // Test that we cannot login with the wrong details $this->set_params(array('user->email' => $this->test_user->email, 'user->password' => 'WRONG')); list($user) = $this->login(); $this->should_not('login with the wrong details', $user->id, $user); }
public function index() { load_controller('Login_con', 'index'); }
<?php defined('BASEPATH') or exit('No direct script access allowed'); $routes = explode('/', $_SERVER["REDIRECT_URL"]); $input_controller = $routes[1]; $request = array("args" => array_slice($routes, 2)); if (!empty($input_controller)) { if (load_controller($input_controller)) { //$class = ucfirst(Utils::pluralize($input_controller)); $class = ucfirst($input_controller); $controller = new $class(); } else { http_response_code(501); show_error("no find object name"); } } else { http_response_code(400); show_error("no object name"); }
<?php // Copyright (c) 2010 Guanoo, Inc. // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. load_controller('Cache'); /** * The Cache_test_controller class tests the Cache_controller class. * See this test controller run at URL "/cache_test" * * @author Kevin Hutchinson <*****@*****.**> */ class Cache_test_controller extends Cache_controller { const SECS_IN_MIN = 60; const MINS_IN_HOUR = 60; const HOURS_IN_DAY = 24; const TEST_CACHE_SECS = 1; const TEST_CONTENTS = 'Just some test contents'; private $counter; /** * Create a new cache test controller object */
function update_all() { $check = $this->input->post('invoice_id1'); if ($check == NULL) { echo '<script language="javascript">'; echo 'alert("No invoice !!")'; echo '</script>'; } else { //Loop for every box. for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++) { $invoice_id = $this->input->post('invoice_id' . $i); $water_unit = $this->input->post('water_unit' . $i); $water_bill = $this->input->post('water_bill' . $i); $elec_unit = $this->input->post('elec_unit' . $i); $elec_bill = $this->input->post('elec_bill' . $i); $rent_fee = $this->input->post('rent_fee' . $i); $total = $this->input->post('total' . $i); $status = 1; $data = array('water_unit' => $water_unit, 'water_bill' => $water_bill, 'electric_unit' => $elec_unit, 'electric_bill' => $elec_bill, 'in_rent_fee' => $rent_fee, 'total_amount' => $total, 'invoice_status' => $status); //Check that invoice_id is Null or Not. if ($invoice_id != NULL) { $this->Invoice_model->update($data, $invoice_id); $this->invoice_email($invoice_id); } } //end for } //end if load_controller('menu_con', 'invoice'); }
function aktivasi() { $data_param = ""; echo load_controller("web", "web", "web_header", $data_param); echo load_controller("web", "web", "web_open_content", $data_param); //$this->load->view("akun/aktivasi",$data_param); echo load_controller("web", "web", "web_close_content", $data_param); echo load_controller("web", "web", "web_footer", $data_param); }
<? load_controller('Contact'); class Contact_test_controller extends Contact_controller { } // End of Contact_test.php
/** * Pages::_site_header() * * @return */ private function _site_header($facebook_infos = null) { $c_einsatz = load_controller('einsatz/einsatz'); $c_termin = load_controller('termin/termin'); $c_news = load_controller('news/news'); $c_fahrzeug = load_controller('fahrzeug/fahrzeug'); $c_presse = load_controller('presse/presse'); $this->menue = $this->m_menue->get_menue_list('online'); $header_data['menue_meta'] = $this->menue['menue_meta']; $header_data['menue'] = $this->menue['menue']; $header_data['einsaetze'] = $c_einsatz->get_einsatz_overview(1, 5, 0); $header_data['news'] = $c_news->get_news_overview(5, 0); $header_data['termine'] = $c_termin->get_termin_overview(5, 0); $header_data['fahrzeuge'] = $c_fahrzeug->get_fahrzeug_overview(1, 0); $header_data['fahrzeugeAusserDienst'] = $c_fahrzeug->get_fahrzeug_overview(1, 1); $header_data['hasRetiredFahrzeuge'] = $c_fahrzeug->hasRetired(); $header_data['articles'] = $c_presse->get_presse_overview(); $header_data['facebook_infos'] = $facebook_infos; $this->load->view('frontend/templates/header', $header_data); }
<?php /** * @file index.php * @synopsis 后台入口 * @author Yee, <*****@*****.**> * @version 1.0 * @date 2012-04-18 16:09:49 */ error_reporting(0); require 'init.php'; $pmstarttime = explode(' ', microtime()); $pm_starttime = $pmstarttime[1] + $pmstarttime[0]; if (empty($_GET['c']) || $_GET['c'] == 'login' && (empty($_GET['a']) || in_array($_GET['a'], array('login', 'ssologin'))) || $_GET['c'] == 'securimage') { } else { mod_auth::instance(); //权限 session_write_close(); } load_controller();
<?php // Copyright (c) 2010 Guanoo, Inc. // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. load_controller('Project'); class Project_test_controller extends Project_controller { public function index_test() { // TODO } public function terms_test() { // TODO } public function contact_test() { // TODO } } // End of Project_test.php
<?php // Copyright (c) 2010 Guanoo, Inc. // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. load_controller('REST'); /** * The REST_test_controller class tests the REST_controller class. * * @author Kevin Hutchinson <*****@*****.**> */ class REST_test_controller extends Rest_controller { private $test_input; private $test_input_map = array('text/xml' => '<root><assoc><list>this</list><list>that</list></assoc></root>', 'text/json' => '{"assoc":{"list":["this","that"]}}', 'text/serialized' => 'a:1:{s:5:"assoc";a:1:{s:4:"list";a:2:{i:0;s:4:"this";i:1;s:4:"that";}}}', 'text/yaml' => "assoc:\n list:[this, that]"); /** * Ensure that the service we're testing is a "test" service */ protected function before() { parent::before(); $service = ucfirst($this->app->get_folder()) . '_test'; $this->service = $this->app->new_service($service);