 * Copy a theme directory to create a new custom theme
 * @param $source source directory
 * @param $target target directory
 * @return bool|string either true or an error message
 * @author Ozh
 * @since 1.3
function copyThemeDirectory($source, $target, $newname)
    global $_zp_current_admin_obj;
    $message = true;
    $source = SERVERPATH . '/themes/' . internalToFilesystem($source);
    $target = SERVERPATH . '/themes/' . internalToFilesystem($target);
    // If the target theme already exists, nothing to do.
    if (is_dir($target)) {
        return gettext('Cannot create new theme.') . ' ' . sprintf(gettext('Directory “%s” already exists!'), basename($target));
    // If source dir is missing, exit too
    if (!is_dir($source)) {
        return gettext('Cannot create new theme.') . ' ' . sprintf(gettext('Cannot find theme directory “%s” to copy!'), basename($source));
    // We must be able to write to the themes dir.
    if (!is_writable(dirname($target))) {
        return gettext('Cannot create new theme.') . ' ' . gettext('The <tt>/themes</tt> directory is not writable!');
    // We must be able to create the directory
    if (!mkdir($target, FOLDER_MOD)) {
        return gettext('Cannot create new theme.') . ' ' . gettext('Could not create directory for the new theme');
    @chmod($target, FOLDER_MOD);
    // Get a list of files to copy: get all files from the directory, remove those containing '/.svn/'
    $source_files = array_filter(listDirectoryFiles($source), create_function('$str', 'return strpos($str, "/.svn/") === false;'));
    // Determine nested (sub)directories structure to create: go through each file, explode path on "/"
    // and collect every unique directory
    $dirs_to_create = array();
    foreach ($source_files as $path) {
        $path = explode('/', dirname(str_replace($source . '/', '', $path)));
        $dirs = '';
        foreach ($path as $subdir) {
            if ($subdir == '.svn' or $subdir == '.') {
                continue 2;
            $dirs = "{$dirs}/{$subdir}";
            $dirs_to_create[$dirs] = $dirs;
    // Create new directory structure
    foreach ($dirs_to_create as $dir) {
        mkdir("{$target}/{$dir}", FOLDER_MOD);
        @chmod("{$target}/{$dir}", FOLDER_MOD);
    // Now copy every file
    foreach ($source_files as $file) {
        $newfile = str_replace($source, $target, $file);
        if (!copy("{$file}", "{$newfile}")) {
            return sprintf(gettext("An error occurred while copying files. Please delete manually the new theme directory “%s” and retry or copy files manually."), basename($target));
        @chmod("{$newfile}", FOLDER_MOD);
    // Rewrite the theme header.
    if (file_exists($target . '/theme_description.php')) {
        $theme_description = array();
        require $target . '/theme_description.php';
        $theme_description['desc'] = sprintf(gettext('Your theme, based on theme %s'), $theme_description['name']);
    } else {
        $theme_description['desc'] = gettext('Your theme');
    $theme_description['name'] = $newname;
    $theme_description['author'] = $_zp_current_admin_obj->getUser();
    $theme_description['version'] = '1.0';
    $theme_description['date'] = date('Y-m-d H:m:s', time());
    $description = sprintf('<' . '?php
				// Theme definition file
				$theme_description["name"] = "%s";
				$theme_description["author"] = "%s";
				$theme_description["version"] = "%s";
				$theme_description["date"] = "%s";
				$theme_description["desc"] = "%s";
				?' . '>', html_encode($theme_description['name']), html_encode($theme_description['author']), html_encode($theme_description['version']), html_encode($theme_description['date']), html_encode($theme_description['desc']));
    $f = fopen($target . '/theme_description.php', 'w');
    if ($f !== FALSE) {
        @fwrite($f, $description);
        $message = gettext('New custom theme created successfully!');
    } else {
        $message = gettext('New custom theme created, but its description could not be updated');
    // Make a slightly custom theme image
    if (file_exists("{$target}/theme.png")) {
        $themeimage = "{$target}/theme.png";
    } else {
        if (file_exists("{$target}/theme.gif")) {
            $themeimage = "{$target}/theme.gif";
        } else {
            if (file_exists("{$target}/theme.jpg")) {
                $themeimage = "{$target}/theme.jpg";
            } else {
                $themeimage = false;
    if ($themeimage) {
        if ($im = zp_imageGet($themeimage)) {
            $x = zp_imageWidth($im) / 2 - 45;
            $y = zp_imageHeight($im) / 2 - 10;
            $text = "CUSTOM COPY";
            $font = zp_imageLoadFont();
            $ink = zp_colorAllocate($im, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff);
            // create a blueish overlay
            $overlay = zp_createImage(zp_imageWidth($im), zp_imageHeight($im));
            $back = zp_colorAllocate($overlay, 0x60, 0x60, 0x90);
            zp_imageFill($overlay, 0, 0, $back);
            // Merge theme image and overlay
            zp_imageMerge($im, $overlay, 0, 0, 0, 0, zp_imageWidth($im), zp_imageHeight($im), 45);
            // Add text
            zp_writeString($im, $font, $x - 1, $y - 1, $text, $ink);
            zp_writeString($im, $font, $x + 1, $y + 1, $text, $ink);
            zp_writeString($im, $font, $x, $y, $text, $ink);
            // Save new theme image
            zp_imageOutput($im, 'png', $themeimage);
    return $message;
    header("Location: " . FULLWEBPATH . "/" . ZENFOLDER . "/admin-themes.php");
$ok_extensions = array('css', 'php', 'js', 'txt', 'inc');
function isTextFile($file)
    global $ok_extensions;
    $ext = strtolower(getSuffix($file));
    return in_array($ext, $ok_extensions);
$messages = $file_to_edit = $file_content = null;
$what = 'edit';
$themes = $_zp_gallery->getThemes();
$theme = basename(sanitize($_GET['theme']));
$themedir = SERVERPATH . '/themes/' . internalToFilesystem($theme);
$themefiles = listDirectoryFiles($themedir);
$themefiles_to_ext = array();
if (themeIsEditable($theme)) {
    foreach ($themefiles as $file) {
        if (isTextFile($file)) {
            $themefiles_to_ext[getSuffix($file)][] = $file;
            // array(['php']=>array('file.php', 'image.php'),['css']=>array('style.css'))
        } else {
            // $themefile will eventually have all editable files and nothing else
    if (isset($_GET['file'])) {
        if (!in_array($themedir . '/' . $_GET['file'], $themefiles)) {
            $messages['errorbox'][] = gettext('Cannot edit this file!');
 * Copy a theme directory to create a new custom theme
 * @param $source source directory
 * @param $target target directory
 * @return bool|string either true or an error message
 * @author Ozh
 * @since 1.3
function copyThemeDirectory($source, $target, $newname)
    global $_zp_current_admin;
    $message = true;
    $source = SERVERPATH . '/themes/' . UTF8ToFilesystem($source);
    $target = SERVERPATH . '/themes/' . UTF8ToFilesystem($target);
    // If the target theme already exists, nothing to do.
    if (is_dir($target)) {
        return gettext('Cannot create new theme.') . ' ' . sprintf(gettext('Directory "%s" already exists!'), basename($target));
    // If source dir is missing, exit too
    if (!is_dir($source)) {
        return gettext('Cannot create new theme.') . ' ' . sprintf(gettext('Cannot find theme directory "%s" to copy!'), basename($source));
    // We must be able to write to the themes dir.
    if (!is_writable(dirname($target))) {
        return gettext('Cannot create new theme.') . ' ' . gettext('The <tt>/themes</tt> directory is not writable!');
    // We must be able to create the directory
    if (!mkdir($target, CHMOD_VALUE)) {
        return gettext('Cannot create new theme.') . ' ' . gettext('Could not create directory for the new theme');
    chmod($target, CHMOD_VALUE);
    // Get a list of files to copy: get all files from the directory, remove those containing '/.svn/'
    $source_files = array_filter(listDirectoryFiles($source), create_function('$str', 'return strpos($str, "/.svn/") === false;'));
    // Determine nested (sub)directories structure to create: go through each file, explode path on "/"
    // and collect every unique directory
    $dirs_to_create = array();
    foreach ($source_files as $path) {
        $path = dirname(str_replace($source . '/', '', $path));
        $path = explode('/', $path);
        $dirs = '';
        foreach ($path as $subdir) {
            if ($subdir == '.svn' or $subdir == '.') {
                continue 2;
            $dirs = "{$dirs}/{$subdir}";
            $dirs_to_create[$dirs] = $dirs;
    Example result for theme 'effervescence_plus': $dirs_to_create = array (
    	'/styles' => '/styles',
    	'/scripts' => '/scripts',
    	'/images' => '/images',
    	'/images/smooth' => '/images/smooth',
    	'/images/slimbox' => '/images/slimbox',
    // Create new directory structure
    foreach ($dirs_to_create as $dir) {
        mkdir("{$target}/{$dir}", CHMOD_VALUE);
        chmod("{$target}/{$dir}", CHMOD_VALUE);
        // Using chmod as PHP doc suggested: "Avoid using umask() in multithreaded webservers. It is better to change the file permissions with chmod() after creating the file."
    // Now copy every file
    foreach ($source_files as $file) {
        $newfile = str_replace($source, $target, $file);
        if (!copy("{$file}", "{$newfile}")) {
            return sprintf(gettext("An error occured while copying files. Please delete manually the new theme directory '%s' and retry or copy files manually."), basename($target));
        chmod("{$newfile}", CHMOD_VALUE);
    // Rewrite the theme header.
    if (file_exists($target . '/theme_description.php')) {
        $theme_description = array();
        require $target . '/theme_description.php';
        $theme_description['desc'] = sprintf(gettext('Your theme, based on theme %s'), $theme_description['name']);
    } else {
        $theme_description['desc'] = gettext('Your theme');
    $theme_description['name'] = $newname;
    $theme_description['author'] = $_zp_current_admin['user'];
    $theme_description['version'] = '1.0';
    $theme_description['date'] = date('d/m/Y');
    $description = sprintf('<' . '?php
// Zenphoto theme definition file
$theme_description["name"] = "%s";
$theme_description["author"] = "%s";
$theme_description["version"] = "%s";
$theme_description["date"] = "%s";
$theme_description["desc"] = "%s";
?' . '>', htmlentities($theme_description['name'], ENT_COMPAT), htmlentities($theme_description['author'], ENT_COMPAT), htmlentities($theme_description['version'], ENT_COMPAT), htmlentities($theme_description['date'], ENT_COMPAT), htmlentities($theme_description['desc'], ENT_COMPAT));
    $f = fopen($target . '/theme_description.php', 'w');
    if ($f !== FALSE) {
        @fwrite($f, $description);
        $message = gettext('New custom theme created successfully!');
    } else {
        $message = gettext('New custom theme created, but its description could not be updated');
    // Make a slightly custom theme image
    if (file_exists("{$target}/theme.png")) {
        $themeimage = "{$target}/theme.png";
    } else {
        if (file_exists("{$target}/theme.gif")) {
            $themeimage = "{$target}/theme.gif";
        } else {
            if (file_exists("{$target}/theme.jpg")) {
                $themeimage = "{$target}/theme.jpg";
            } else {
                $themeimage = false;
    if ($themeimage) {
        require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/functions-image.php';
        if ($im = get_image($themeimage)) {
            $x = imagesx($im) / 2 - 45;
            $y = imagesy($im) / 2 - 10;
            $text = "CUSTOM COPY";
            // create a blueish overlay
            $overlay = imagecreatetruecolor(imagesx($im), imagesy($im));
            imagefill($overlay, 0, 0, 0x606090);
            // Merge theme image and overlay
            imagecopymerge($im, $overlay, 0, 0, 0, 0, imagesx($im), imagesy($im), 45);
            // Add text
            imagestring($im, 5, $x - 1, $y - 1, $text, 0xffffff);
            imagestring($im, 5, $x + 1, $y + 1, $text, 0xffffff);
            imagestring($im, 5, $x, $y, $text, 0xff0000);
            // Save new theme image
            imagepng($im, $themeimage);
    return $message;