function listCategory($level, $parent, $current_category) { $conn = connDB(); $get_data = mysql_query("SELECT * from tbl_tag AS cat INNER JOIN tbl_tag_relation AS cat_rel ON cat.category_id = cat_rel.category_child\n\t WHERE cat.category_level = '{$level}' AND cat_rel.category_parent = '{$parent}' ORDER BY category_order", $conn); if (mysql_num_rows($get_data) != null && mysql_num_rows($get_data) != 0) { for ($counter = 1; $counter <= mysql_num_rows($get_data); $counter++) { $get_data_array = mysql_fetch_array($get_data); $new_level = $level * 1 + 1; $new_parent = $get_data_array["category_id"]; echo '<div class="col-xs-9 '; if ($level !== 1) { echo 'hidden'; } echo ' ">'; echo '<input type="checkbox" class="form-control' . $level . '" data-level="' . $level . '" id="option_level_' . $level . '"value="' . $new_parent . '" style="margin-bottom:10px;" name="tag_id[]">'; echo ' '; for ($i = 0; $i < $level; $i++) { echo '-- '; } echo $get_data_array["category_name"] . '</option>'; echo '</div>'; listCategory($new_level, $new_parent, $current_category); } } }
function listCategory($level, $parent, $current_category) { $conn = connDB(); $get_data = mysql_query("SELECT * from tbl_category AS cat INNER JOIN tbl_category_relation AS cat_rel ON cat.category_id = cat_rel.category_child\n\t WHERE cat.category_level = '{$level}' AND cat_rel.category_parent = '{$parent}' ORDER BY category_order", $conn); if (mysql_num_rows($get_data) != null && mysql_num_rows($get_data) != 0) { for ($counter = 1; $counter <= mysql_num_rows($get_data); $counter++) { $get_data_array = mysql_fetch_array($get_data); $new_level = $level * 1 + 1; $new_parent = $get_data_array["category_id"]; echo '<option class="option_level_' . $level . '" data-level="' . $level . '" id="option_level_' . $level . '"'; if ($current_category == $new_parent . "'") { echo "selected=selected"; } echo ' value="' . $new_parent . '">'; for ($i = 0; $i < $level; $i++) { echo '-- '; } echo $get_data_array["category_name"] . '</option>'; listCategory($new_level, $new_parent, $current_category); } } }
} print "</table>"; } } $cat = getCategory($_GET["cat"]); $links = new PipeMenu(); if ($_GET["cat"] != -2 && $loguserid && !$isBot) { $links->add(new PipeMenuLinkEntry("Upload file", "uploader", "", "action=uploadform&cat=" . $_GET["cat"], "cloud-upload")); } makeLinks($links); $crumbs = new PipeMenu(); $crumbs->add(new PipeMenuLinkEntry(__("Uploader"), "uploader")); $crumbs->add(new PipeMenuLinkEntry($cat["name"], "uploaderlist", "", "cat=" . $cat["id"])); makeBreadcrumbs($crumbs); print "<form method=\"post\" action=\"" . actionLink("uploader", "", "cat={$_GET["cat"]}") . "\">"; listCategory($_GET["cat"]); print "</form>"; function getCategory($cat) { if (!is_numeric($cat)) { Kill('Invalid category'); } if ($cat >= 0) { $rCategory = Query("select * from {uploader_categories} where id={0}", $cat); if (NumRows($rCategory) == 0) { Kill("Invalid category"); } $rcat = Fetch($rCategory); } else { if ($cat == -1) { $rcat = array("id" => -1, "name" => "Private files");
else $style=""; echo " <div class='menu1' $style ><a href='".getLeonardoLink(array('op'=>'competition','comp'=>$subcatID) )."'>$subcatTitle</a></div>"; } echo "<div style='height:5px;clear:both;'></div>"; echo "<div class='list_header'> <div class='list_header_r'></div> <div class='list_header_l'></div> <h1>$legend</h1> <div class='pagesDiv'>$legendRight</div> </div>"; listCategory($leagueCategories[$leagueCategory]['legend'],$leagueCategories[$leagueCategory]['header'], $leagueCategories[$leagueCategory]['arrayName'],$leagueCategories[$leagueCategory]['formatFunction']); /* listCategory(_OLC, _OLC_TOTAL_SCORE,"olc_score","formatOLCScore"); listCategory(_FAI_TRIANGLE, $FAI_TRIANGLE_str ,"triangleKm","formatDistance"); listCategory(_MENU_OPEN_DISTANCE, $MENU_OPEN_DISTANCE_str,"open_distance","formatDistance"); listCategory(_DURATION, _TOTAL_DURATION,"duration","sec2Time"); listCategory(_ALTITUDE_GAIN, _TOTAL_ALTITUDE_GAIN,"alt_gain","formatAltitude"); */ function listCategory($legend,$header, $arrayName, $formatFunction="") { global $$arrayName; global $pilotNames,$pilotGlidersMax; global $Theme; global $moduleRelPath;
addCustomerComplaint(); break; case 'addVehicle': addVehicle(); break; case 'addVehicleComplaint': addVehicleComplaint(); break; case 'listAllModels': listAllModels(); break; case 'listCategorynParts': listCategorynParts(); break; case 'listCategory': listCategory(); break; case 'addFailureDetails': addFailureDetails(); break; case 'addComplaintDetails': addComplaintDetails(); break; case 'editComplaintDetails': editComplaintDetails(); break; case 'listAllActions': listAllActions(); break; case 'listActionsTaken': listActionsTaken();
include "get.php"; include "update.php"; include "control.php"; ?> <form method="post"> <div class="subnav"> <div class="container clearfix"> <h1><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-list"></span> Filter (substrat)</h1> <select class="form-control" id="category_name_search" onchange="selectCategory()"> <option value="top">All Category</option> <?php listCategory(0, 'top'); ?> </select> <div class="btn-placeholder"> <input type="submit" class="btn btn-danger btn-sm" value="Remove All Filter" name="btn_filter_add"> <input type="button" class="btn btn-success btn-sm" value="Save Changes" onClick="validateSale()"> <input type="submit" class="btn btn-success btn-sm hidden" value="Apply Discount" id="btn_submit_sale" name="btn_filter_add"> </div> </div> </div> <?php if (!empty($_SESSION['alert'])) { echo '<div class="alert ' . $_SESSION['alert'] . '">'; echo '<div class="container">' . $_SESSION['msg'] . '</div>'; echo '</div>';
} } if ($customFormatFunction) { $formatFunction = $customFormatFunction; } else { $formatFunction = "formatOLCScore"; } if ($customRankHeader) { $rankHeader = $customRankHeader; } else { $rankHeader = _OLC_TOTAL_SCORE; } if ($listClubs) { listClubs($subrankTitle, $rankHeader, "score", "score", $formatFunction); } else { listCategory($subrankTitle, $rankHeader, "score", "score", $formatFunction); } ?> </div> <?php function listCategory($legend, $header, $category, $key, $formatFunction = "") { global $pilots; global $Theme, $countries; global $moduleRelPath; global $CONF_compItemsPerPage; global $page_num, $pagesNum, $startNum, $itemsNum; global $op, $cat; global $countHowMany; global $tabID; global $sort_funcs_pilots;