function output()
     $result = '<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
                     function saveCoords( coords ) {
                         $("#x1").attr("value", coords.x);
                         $("#y1").attr("value", coords.y);
                         $("#x2").attr("value", coords.x2);
                         $("#y2").attr("value", coords.y2);
                         $("#cropInfo").html("' . get_string('from') . ':" + coords.x + "x" + coords.y + ", ' . get_string('size') . ': " + coords.w + "x" + coords.h);;
                             onSelect: saveCoords
     $result .= '<input type="hidden" name="x1" id="x1" value="0" />
                 <input type="hidden" name="y1" id="y1" value="0" />
                 <input type="hidden" name="x2" id="x2" value="0" />
                 <input type="hidden" name="y2" id="y2" value="0" />
                     <td>' . lightboxgallery_make_img_tag(lightboxgallery_get_image_url($this->gallery->id, $this->image), 'cropImage') . '</td>
                     <td><span id="cropInfo">&nbsp;</span></td>
                     <td><input type="submit" value="' . get_string('savechanges') . '" /></td>
     return $this->enclose_in_form($result);
 function output()
     global $CFG;
     $result = '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/lightboxgallery/js/prototype.js"></script>    
                 <script type="text/javascript" src="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/lightboxgallery/js/scriptaculous.js?load=builder,dragdrop"></script>
                 <script type="text/javascript" src="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/lightboxgallery/js/cropper.js"></script>
                 <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
                     function onEndCrop( coords, dimensions ) {
                         $( \'x1\' ).value = coords.x1;
                         $( \'y1\' ).value = coords.y1;
                         $( \'x2\' ).value = coords.x2;
                         $( \'y2\' ).value = coords.y2;
                         $( \'cropInfo\' ).innerHTML = \'' . get_string('from') . ': \' + coords.x1 + \'x\' + coords.y1 + \', ' . get_string('size') . ': \' + dimensions.width + \'x\' + dimensions.height;
                         function() { 
                             new Cropper.Img( 
                                     onEndCrop: onEndCrop 
     $result .= '<input type="hidden" name="x1" id="x1" value="0" />
                 <input type="hidden" name="y1" id="y1" value="0" />
                 <input type="hidden" name="x2" id="x2" value="0" />
                 <input type="hidden" name="y2" id="y2" value="0" />
                     <td>' . lightboxgallery_make_img(lightboxgallery_get_image_url($this->gallery->id, $this->image), 'cropImage') . '</td>
                     <td><span id="cropInfo">&nbsp;</span></td>
                     <td><input type="submit" value="' . get_string('savechanges') . '" /></td>
     return $this->enclose_in_form($result, 'coord');
function lightboxgallery_rss_feed($gallery)
    global $CFG;
    $result = "";
    $images = lightboxgallery_directory_images($CFG->dataroot . '/' . $gallery->course . '/' . $gallery->folder);
    $captions = array();
    if ($cobjs = get_records_select('lightboxgallery_image_meta', "metatype = 'caption' AND gallery = {$gallery->id}")) {
        foreach ($cobjs as $cobj) {
            $captions[$cobj->image] = $cobj->description;
    if (!empty($images)) {
        $webroot = lightboxgallery_get_image_url($gallery->id);
        $dataroot = $CFG->dataroot . '/' . $gallery->course . '/' . $gallery->folder;
        $result .= "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?>\n";
        $result .= "<rss version=\"2.0\" xmlns:media=\"\" xmlns:atom=\"\">";
        $result .= rss_start_tag('channel', 1, true);
        $result .= rss_full_tag('title', 2, false, strip_tags(format_string($gallery->name, true)));
        $result .= rss_full_tag('link', 2, false, $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/lightboxgallery/view.php?l=' . $gallery->id);
        $result .= rss_full_tag('description', 2, false, format_string($gallery->description, true));
        $result .= rss_start_tag('image', 2, true);
        $result .= rss_full_tag('url', 3, false, $CFG->pixpath . '/i/rsssitelogo.gif');
        $result .= rss_full_tag('title', 3, false, 'moodle');
        $result .= rss_full_tag('link', 3, false, $CFG->wwwroot);
        $result .= rss_full_tag('width', 3, false, '140');
        $result .= rss_full_tag('height', 3, false, '35');
        $result .= rss_end_tag('image', 2, true);
        $counter = 1;
        foreach ($images as $image) {
            $description = isset($captions[$image]) ? $captions[$image] : $image;
            $result .= rss_start_tag('item', 2, true);
            $result .= rss_full_tag('title', 3, false, strip_tags($image));
            $result .= rss_full_tag('link', 3, false, $webroot . '/' . $image);
            $result .= rss_full_tag('guid', 3, false, 'img' . $counter);
            $result .= rss_full_tag('media:description', 3, false, $description);
            $result .= rss_full_tag('media:thumbnail', 3, false, '', array('url' => lightboxgallery_get_image_url($gallery->id, $image, true)));
            $result .= rss_full_tag('media:content', 3, false, '', array('url' => $webroot . '/' . $image, 'type' => mime_content_type($dataroot . '/' . $image)));
            $result .= rss_end_tag('item', 2, true);
        $result .= rss_standard_footer();
    return $result;
echo $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/lightboxgallery/nivoslider/';
jquery-1.3.2.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="<?php 
echo $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/lightboxgallery/nivoslider/';
jquery.nivo.slider.pack.js" type="text/javascript"></script>



<div id="slider" style="margin:auto;width:640px;height:480px;">
$dataroot = $CFG->dataroot . '/' . $course->id . '/' . $gallery->folder;
$webroot = lightboxgallery_get_image_url($gallery->id);
$allimages = lightboxgallery_directory_images($dataroot);
$i = 0;
foreach ($allimages as $image) {
    echo '<a href=""><img width="640px" height="480px" src="' . $webroot . "/" . $image . '" alt="" title=""></a>';


<div id="htmlcaption" class="nivo-html-caption">
    <strong>This</strong> is an example of a <em>HTML</em> caption with <a href="#">a link</a>.

<script type="text/javascript">
function lightboxgallery_image_thumbnail($courseid, $gallery, $file, $forcenew = false)
    global $CFG;
    $fallback = '[' . $file . ']';
    $oldpath = $CFG->dataroot . '/' . $courseid . '/' . $gallery->folder . '/' . $file;
    $newpath = $CFG->dataroot . '/' . $courseid . '/' . $gallery->folder . '/_thumb/' . $file . '.jpg';
    if ($forcenew || !file_exists($newpath)) {
        $thumb = new lightboxgallery_edit_image($oldpath);
        if (!$thumb->create_thumbnail()) {
            return $fallback;
    return lightboxgallery_make_img_tag(lightboxgallery_get_image_url($gallery->id, $file, true));
function lightboxgallery_image_thumbnail($courseid, $gallery, $file, $offsetx = 0, $offsety = 0)
    global $CFG;
    // If anything fails when retrieving the thumbnail, we'll fallback to just printing a label
    $fallback = '[' . $file . ']';
    $oldpath = $CFG->dataroot . '/' . $courseid . '/' . $gallery->folder . '/' . $file;
    $newpath = $courseid . '/' . $gallery->folder . '/_thumb/' . $file . '.jpg';
    if (empty($CFG->gdversion)) {
        return $fallback;
    if (file_exists($CFG->dataroot . '/' . $newpath)) {
        return lightboxgallery_make_img(lightboxgallery_get_image_url($gallery->id, $file, true));
    } else {
        $thumbdir = $CFG->dataroot . '/' . dirname($newpath);
        if (!file_exists($thumbdir) && !mkdir($thumbdir, $CFG->directorypermissions)) {
            return $fallback;
    $info = lightboxgallery_image_info($oldpath);
    if (!($im = lightboxgallery_imagecreatefromtype($info->imagesize[2], $oldpath))) {
        return $fallback;
    $thumb = lightboxgallery_resize_image($im, $info, THUMB_WIDTH, THUMB_HEIGHT, $offsetx, $offsety);
    if (function_exists('ImageJpeg')) {
        @touch($CFG->dataroot . '/' . $newpath);
        if (ImageJpeg($thumb, $CFG->dataroot . '/' . $newpath, 90)) {
            @chmod($CFG->dataroot . '/' . $newpath, 0666);
            return lightboxgallery_make_img(lightboxgallery_get_image_url($gallery->id, $file, true));
    } else {
        return $fallback;