  * Util to fetch attributes required for this user conf, not other modules.
  * @param enum $direction LDAP_USER_PROV_DIRECTION_* constants
  * @param string $ldap_context
 public function getLdapUserRequiredAttributes($direction = LDAP_USER_PROV_DIRECTION_ALL, $ldap_context = NULL)
     $attributes_map = array();
     $required_attributes = array();
     if ($this->drupalAcctProvisionServer) {
         $prov_events = $this->ldapContextToProvEvents($ldap_context);
         $attributes_map = $this->getSynchMappings($direction, $prov_events);
         $required_attributes = array();
         foreach ($attributes_map as $detail) {
             if (count(array_intersect($prov_events, $detail['prov_events']))) {
                 // Add the attribute to our array.
                 if ($detail['ldap_attr']) {
                     ldap_servers_token_extract_attributes($required_attributes, $detail['ldap_attr']);
     return $required_attributes;
 * Perform alterations of ldap attributes before query is made.
 * To avoid excessive attributes in an ldap query, modules should
 * alter attributes needed based on $op parameter
 * @param array $attributes
 *   array of attributes to be returned from ldap queries where:
 *     - each key is ldap attribute name (e.g. mail, cn)
 *     - each value is associative array of form:
 *       - 'conversion' => NULL,
 *       - 'values' => array(0 => 'john', 1 => 'johnny'))
 * @param array $params context array with some or all of the following key/values
 *   'sid' => drupal account object,
 *   'ldap_context' => ,
 *   'direction' =>
function hook_ldap_attributes_needed_alter(&$attributes, $params)
    $attributes['dn'] = ldap_servers_set_attribute_map(@$attributes['dn'], 'ldap_dn');
    if ($params['sid']) {
        // puid attributes are server specific
        $ldap_server = is_object($params['sid']) ? $params['sid'] : ldap_servers_get_servers($params['sid'], 'enabled', TRUE);
        switch ($op) {
            case 'user_insert':
            case 'user_update':
                if (!isset($attributes[$ldap_server->user_attr])) {
                    // don't provide attribute if it exists, unless you are adding data_type or value information
                    //   in that case, don't overwrite the whole array (see $ldap_server->mail_attr example below)
                    $attributes[$ldap_server->user_attr] = ldap_servers_set_attribute_map();
                if (!isset($attributes[$ldap_server->mail_attr])) {
                    $attributes[$ldap_server->mail_attr] = ldap_servers_set_attribute_map();
                    // set default values for an attribute, force data_type
                ldap_servers_token_extract_attributes($attributes, $ldap_server_obj->mail_template);
                $attributes[$ldap_server->unique_persistent_attr] = ldap_servers_set_attribute_map(@$attributes[$ldap_server->unique_persistent_attr]);
  * validate object, not form
  * @param array $values as $form_state['values'] from drupal form api
  * @return array in form array($errors, $warnings)to be thrown by form api
  * @todo validate that a user field exists, such as field.field_user_lname
 public function validate($values)
     $errors = array();
     $warnings = array();
     $tokens = array();
     $has_drupal_acct_prov_servers = (bool) $this->drupalAcctProvisionServer;
     $has_drupal_acct_prov_settings_options = count(array_filter($this->drupalAcctProvisionTriggers)) > 0;
     if (!$has_drupal_acct_prov_servers && $has_drupal_acct_prov_settings_options) {
         $warnings['drupalAcctProvisionServer'] = t('No Servers are enabled to provide provisioning to Drupal, but Drupal Account Provisioning Options are selected.', $tokens);
     if ($has_drupal_acct_prov_servers && !$has_drupal_acct_prov_settings_options) {
         $warnings['drupalAcctProvisionTriggers'] = t('Servers are enabled to provide provisioning to Drupal, but no Drupal Account Provisioning Options are selected.  This will result in no synching happening.', $tokens);
     $has_ldap_prov_servers = (bool) $this->ldapEntryProvisionServer;
     $has_ldap_prov_settings_options = count(array_filter($this->ldapEntryProvisionTriggers)) > 0;
     if (!$has_ldap_prov_servers && $has_ldap_prov_settings_options) {
         $warnings['ldapEntryProvisionServer'] = t('No Servers are enabled to provide provisioning to ldap, but LDAP Entry Options are selected.', $tokens);
     if ($has_ldap_prov_servers && !$has_ldap_prov_settings_options) {
         $warnings['ldapEntryProvisionTriggers'] = t('Servers are enabled to provide provisioning to ldap, but no LDAP Entry Options are selected.  This will result in no synching happening.', $tokens);
     if (isset($this->ldapUserSynchMappings)) {
         $to_ldap_entries_mappings_exist = FALSE;
         foreach ($this->ldapUserSynchMappings as $synch_direction => $mappings) {
             $map_index = array();
             $tokens = array();
             // array('%sid' => $sid);
             $to_drupal_user_mappings_exist = FALSE;
             $to_ldap_entries_mappings_exist = FALSE;
             foreach ($mappings as $target_attr => $mapping) {
                 if ($mapping['direction'] == LDAP_USER_PROV_DIRECTION_TO_DRUPAL_USER) {
                     $attr_value = $mapping['user_attr'];
                     $attr_name = 'user_attr';
                 if ($mapping['direction'] == LDAP_USER_PROV_DIRECTION_TO_LDAP_ENTRY) {
                     $attr_value = $mapping['ldap_attr'];
                     $attr_name = 'ldap_attr';
                 foreach ($values as $field => $value) {
                     $parts = explode('__', $field);
                     if (count($parts) == 4 && $parts[2] == $attr_name && $value == $attr_value) {
                         $map_index[$attr_value] = $parts[3];
             foreach ($mappings as $target_attr => $mapping) {
                 foreach ($mapping as $key => $value) {
                     if (is_scalar($value)) {
                         $tokens['%' . $key] = $value;
                 $row_descriptor = t("server %sid row mapping to ldap attribute %ldap_attr", $tokens);
                 $tokens['!row_descriptor'] = $row_descriptor;
                 $ldap_attribute_maps_in_token = array();
                 // debug('calling ldap_servers_token_extract_attributes from validate, mapping='); debug($mapping['ldap_attr']);
                 ldap_servers_token_extract_attributes($ldap_attribute_maps_in_token, $mapping['ldap_attr']);
                 if ($mapping['direction'] == LDAP_USER_PROV_DIRECTION_TO_DRUPAL_USER) {
                     $row_id = $map_index[$mapping['user_attr']];
                     $to_drupal_user_mappings_exist = TRUE;
                     //  if (!$is_drupal_user_prov_server) {
                     //   $errors['mappings__'. $sid] =  t('Mapping rows exist for provisioning to drupal user, but server %sid is not enabled for provisioning
                     //    to drupal users.', $tokens);
                     //  }
                 if ($mapping['direction'] == LDAP_USER_PROV_DIRECTION_TO_LDAP_ENTRY) {
                     $row_id = $map_index[$mapping['ldap_attr']];
                     $to_ldap_entries_mappings_exist = TRUE;
                     // if (!$is_ldap_entry_prov_server) {
                     //  $errors['mappings__'. $sid] =  t('Mapping rows exist for provisioning to ldap entries,
                     //    but server %sid is not enabled for provisioning
                     //   to ldap entries.', $tokens);
                     // }
                     if (count(array_keys($ldap_attribute_maps_in_token)) != 1) {
                         $token_field_id = join('__', array('sm', 'user_tokens', $row_id));
                         $errors[$token_field_id] = t('When provisioning to ldap, ldap attribute column must be singular token such as [cn]. %ldap_attr is not.
             Do not use compound tokens such as "[displayName] [sn]" or literals such as "physics". Location: !row_descriptor', $tokens);
                 $ldap_attr_field_id = join('__', array('sm', 'ldap_attr', $row_id));
                 $user_attr_field_id = join('__', array('sm', 'user_attr', $row_id));
                 $first_context_field_id = join('__', array('sm', 1, $row_id));
                 $user_tokens_field_id = join('__', array('sm', 'user_tokens', $row_id));
                 if (!$mapping['ldap_attr']) {
                     $errors[$ldap_attr_field_id] = t('No LDAP Attribute given in !row_descriptor', $tokens);
                 if ($mapping['user_attr'] == 'user_tokens' && !$mapping['user_tokens']) {
                     $errors[$user_tokens_field_id] = t('User tokens selected in !row_descriptor, but user tokens column empty.', $tokens);
                 if (isset($mapping['prov_events']) && count($mapping['prov_events']) == 0) {
                     $warnings[$first_context_field_id] = t('No synchronization events checked in !row_descriptor.
           This field will not be synchronized until some are checked.', $tokens);
         if ($to_ldap_entries_mappings_exist && !isset($mappings['[dn]'])) {
             $errors['mappings__' . $synch_direction] = t('Mapping rows exist for provisioning to ldap, but no ldap attribute is targetted for [dn].
       One row must map to [dn].  This row will have a user token like cn=[property.name],ou=users,dc=ldap,dc=mycompany,dc=com');
     return array($errors, $warnings);