function lbmn_return_font_presets_weights($remove_font_styles = true)
    // Send array of Font Presets to the java script
    $fontPresents = array();
    $actve_font_weights = array();
    $actve_font_family = '';
    $google_fonts = lbmn_get_goolefonts();
    // Go through all Google font presents in Theme Customizer
    for ($i = 1; $i < 5; $i++) {
        $preset_no = $i;
        // Check if Google font is set
        if (get_theme_mod('lbmn_font_preset_usegooglefont_' . $preset_no) && get_theme_mod('lbmn_font_preset_googlefont_' . $preset_no, '') != '') {
            // get the font name for the current preset
            $actve_font_family = get_theme_mod('lbmn_font_preset_googlefont_' . $preset_no, '');
            //check if the active font has any width variations
            if (isset($google_fonts[$actve_font_family]) && count($google_fonts[$actve_font_family]) > 0) {
                $actve_font_weights = $google_fonts[$actve_font_family];
                if ($remove_font_styles) {
                    $actve_font_weights = array_filter($actve_font_weights, "lbmn_leave_only_fontweights");
            } else {
                // active Google Font has no width variations
                $actve_font_weights = array('0' => '400');
        } else {
            // if not a google web font used return the full list of font weights
            $actve_font_weights = array('400' => '400 Regular', '100' => '100 Thin', '200' => '200 Light', '300' => '300 Book', '500' => '500 Medium', '600' => '600 DemiBold', '700' => '700 Bold', '800' => '800 ExtraBold', '900' => '900 Heavy');
        $fontPresetsWeights[$preset_no] = $actve_font_weights;
    return $fontPresetsWeights;
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Enqueue scripts and styles
function lbmn_scripts()
    $theme_dir = get_template_directory_uri();
    // JavaScript files output (the ones we don't minify)
    wp_register_script('lbmn-modernizr', $theme_dir . '/javascripts/custom.modernizr.js', false, '2.6.2', false);
    // wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery-migrate' );
    // JavaScript files output
        // Output original scripts if define( 'SCRIPT_DEBUG', true );
        // is set in wp-config.php
        wp_enqueue_script('lbmn-custom-js', $theme_dir . '/javascripts/scripts.js', array('jquery', 'mm_menu_functions'), '20140517', true);
    } else {
        // Output minified scripts if 'SCRIPT_DEBUG' isn't set to true in config.php
        // define( 'SCRIPT_DEBUG', true );
        wp_register_script('lbmn-js-minified', $theme_dir . '/javascripts/scripts.min.js', array('jquery', 'mm_menu_functions'), '20140604', true);
    // Custom icon font styles
    wp_enqueue_style('lbmn-iconfont', $theme_dir . '/iconfont/style.css');
    // Theme main css style
    wp_enqueue_style('lbmn-style', get_stylesheet_uri(), false, '20140611-6');
    if (is_singular() && comments_open() && get_option('thread_comments')) {
     * ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Special styles used when not all required plugins installed
    if (!is_plugin_active('ds-live-composer/ds-live-composer.php') || !get_option(LBMN_THEME_NAME . '_basic_config_done')) {
        wp_enqueue_style('lbmn-livecomposer-alternative-style', $theme_dir . '/design/nopluginscss/nolivecomposeractive.css', false);
    if (!is_plugin_active('mega_main_menu/mega_main_menu.php') || !get_option(LBMN_THEME_NAME . '_basic_config_done')) {
        wp_enqueue_style('lbmn-megamainmenu-alternative-style', $theme_dir . '/design/nopluginscss/nomegamenuactive.css', false);
     * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Google Web Fonts
     * Compose links to the Google Fonts used to be included in the <head>
    $googlefonts_toload = array();
    $googlefonts_weights = lbmn_get_goolefonts();
    $googlefonts_toload_prepared = '';
    $first_font = true;
    for ($i = 1; $i < 5; $i++) {
        // if use google font check box is selected
        if (get_theme_mod('lbmn_font_preset_usegooglefont_' . $i, 1)) {
            // If GoogleFont name is set use it
            if (get_theme_mod('lbmn_font_preset_googlefont_' . $i, '')) {
                $prefix = '';
                if (!$first_font) {
                    $prefix = '|';
                $googlefonts_toload[$i] = $prefix . get_theme_mod('lbmn_font_preset_googlefont_' . $i, '');
                // If no GoogleFont name set use the default one for this preset
            } else {
                $prefix = '';
                if (!$first_font) {
                    $prefix = '|';
                $googlefonts_toload[$i] = $prefix . get_theme_mod('lbmn_font_preset_googlefont_' . $i, constant('LBMN_FONT_PRESET_GOOGLEFONT_' . $i . '_DEFAULT'));
            // If font set, attach it's weights
            if ($googlefonts_toload[$i]) {
                str_replace(' ', '+', $googlefonts_toload[$i]);
                $first_weight = true;
                foreach ($googlefonts_weights[$googlefonts_toload[$i]] as $weight) {
                    if ($first_weight) {
                        $googlefonts_toload[$i] .= ':';
                    $googlefonts_toload[$i] .= $weight . ',';
                    $first_weight = false;
                $googlefonts_toload[$i] = substr_replace($googlefonts_toload[$i], "", -1);
                // remove last character ',' in a string
    foreach ($googlefonts_toload as $google_font) {
        $googlefonts_toload_prepared .= $google_font . '|';
    if ($googlefonts_toload_prepared) {
        $googlefonts_toload_prepared = substr_replace($googlefonts_toload_prepared, "", -1);
        // remove last character '|' in a string
        $googlefonts_url = "//" . $googlefonts_toload_prepared;
        $googlefonts_ext = '&subset=latin';
        if (get_theme_mod('lbmn_font_characterset_latinextended', 0)) {
            $googlefonts_ext .= ',latin-ext';
        if (get_theme_mod('lbmn_font_characterset_cyrillic', 0)) {
            $googlefonts_ext .= ',cyrillic';
        if (get_theme_mod('lbmn_font_characterset_cyrillicextended', 0)) {
            $googlefonts_ext .= ',cyrillic-ext';
        if (get_theme_mod('lbmn_font_characterset_greek', 0)) {
            $googlefonts_ext .= ',greek';
        if (get_theme_mod('lbmn_font_characterset_greekextended', 0)) {
            $googlefonts_ext .= ',greek-ext';
        if (get_theme_mod('lbmn_font_characterset_vietnamese', 0)) {
            $googlefonts_ext .= ',vietnamese';
        wp_enqueue_style('lbmn-google-fonts', $googlefonts_url . $googlefonts_ext);
  * Render Google Fonts selector
 function render_googlefonts_control($label, $section, $priority, $control_name, $default_font)
     global $wp_customize;
     $googlefonts = lbmn_get_goolefonts();
     // $fontchoices = array( '&mdash; None &mdash;' => '&mdash; None &mdash;');
     $fontchoices = array();
     foreach ($googlefonts as $font => $font_ext) {
         // Prepare font name
         $fontname = str_replace('+', ' ', $font);
         // $fontname = str_replace(':', ': ', $fontname);
         // $fontname = str_replace('00', '00 ', $fontname);
         if (count($font_ext) && $font != $font_ext) {
             $fontname .= ': ';
             $first_custom_weight = true;
             foreach ($font_ext as $weight) {
                 // if ( $weight == 'regular' ) {
                 //  $weight = '400';
                 // }
                 $custom_font_style = $weight;
                 if (!stristr($weight, 'italic')) {
                     $custom_font_weight = preg_replace("/.*(\\d{3}).*/", "\$1", $weight);
                     $custom_font_weight = intval($custom_font_weight);
                     if ($custom_font_weight == 0) {
                         $custom_font_weight = '400';
                     if (!$first_custom_weight) {
                         $fontname .= ', ';
                     $fontname .= $custom_font_weight;
                 } else {
                     // $fontname .= $weight . ' ';
                     $fontname .= '+i';
                 $first_custom_weight = false;
         $fontchoices[$font] = $fontname;
     if (isset($label)) {
         if (!isset($control_name)) {
             $control_name = strtolower($label);
             $invalid_characters = array("\$", "%", "#", "<", ">", "|", " ");
             $control_name = str_replace($invalid_characters, '', $control_name);
             $control_name = $section . '_' . $control_name;
         if (!isset($priority)) {
             $priority = 20;
         $wp_customize->add_setting($control_name, array('default' => $default_font));
         $wp_customize->add_control($control_name, array('label' => $label, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => $fontchoices, 'section' => $section, 'priority' => $priority));
  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  * Google Web Fonts
  * Compose links to the Google Fonts used to be included in the <head>
 function lbmn_google_fonts($wpml_lang = '')
     if ($wpml_lang != '') {
         $wpml_lang = '_' . $wpml_lang;
     $googlefonts_toload = array();
     $googlefonts_weights = lbmn_get_goolefonts();
     $googlefonts_toload_prepared = '';
     $first_font = true;
     for ($i = 1; $i < 5; $i++) {
         // if use google font check box is selected
         if (get_theme_mod('lbmn_font_preset_usegooglefont_' . $i . $wpml_lang, 1)) {
             // If GoogleFont name is set use it
             if (get_theme_mod('lbmn_font_preset_googlefont_' . $i . $wpml_lang, '')) {
                 $prefix = '';
                 if (!$first_font) {
                     $prefix = '|';
                 $googlefonts_toload[$i] = $prefix . get_theme_mod('lbmn_font_preset_googlefont_' . $i . $wpml_lang, '');
                 // If no GoogleFont name set use the default one for this preset
             } else {
                 $prefix = '';
                 if (!$first_font) {
                     $prefix = '|';
                 $googlefonts_toload[$i] = $prefix . get_theme_mod('lbmn_font_preset_googlefont_' . $i . $wpml_lang, constant('LBMN_FONT_PRESET_GOOGLEFONT_' . $i . '_DEFAULT'));
             // If font set, attach it's weights
             if ($googlefonts_toload[$i]) {
                 str_replace(' ', '+', $googlefonts_toload[$i]);
                 $first_weight = true;
                 foreach ($googlefonts_weights[$googlefonts_toload[$i]] as $weight) {
                     // filter our italic fonts for speed optimization
                     if (!stristr($weight, 'italic')) {
                         if ($first_weight) {
                             $googlefonts_toload[$i] .= ':';
                         $googlefonts_toload[$i] .= $weight . ',';
                     $first_weight = false;
                 if (substr($googlefonts_toload[$i], -1) == ',') {
                     $googlefonts_toload[$i] = substr_replace($googlefonts_toload[$i], "", -1);
                     // remove last character ',' in a string
     foreach ($googlefonts_toload as $google_font) {
         if ($google_font != '') {
             $googlefonts_toload_prepared .= $google_font . '|';
     if ($googlefonts_toload_prepared) {
         $googlefonts_toload_prepared = substr_replace($googlefonts_toload_prepared, "", -1);
         // remove last character '|' in a string
         $googlefonts_url = "//" . $googlefonts_toload_prepared;
         $googlefonts_ext = '&subset=latin';
         if (get_theme_mod('lbmn_font_characterset_latinextended', 0)) {
             $googlefonts_ext .= ',latin-ext';
         if (get_theme_mod('lbmn_font_characterset_cyrillic', 0)) {
             $googlefonts_ext .= ',cyrillic';
         if (get_theme_mod('lbmn_font_characterset_cyrillicextended', 0)) {
             $googlefonts_ext .= ',cyrillic-ext';
         if (get_theme_mod('lbmn_font_characterset_greek', 0)) {
             $googlefonts_ext .= ',greek';
         if (get_theme_mod('lbmn_font_characterset_greekextended', 0)) {
             $googlefonts_ext .= ',greek-ext';
         if (get_theme_mod('lbmn_font_characterset_vietnamese', 0)) {
             $googlefonts_ext .= ',vietnamese';
         wp_enqueue_style('lbmn-google-fonts' . $wpml_lang, $googlefonts_url . $googlefonts_ext);