function kona3_action_new() { global $kona3conf; $page = $kona3conf["page"]; $action = kona3getPageURL($page, "new"); $am = kona3param('a_mode', ''); $key = kona3param('a_key', ''); $res = ""; if ($am == "new") { $url = kona3getPageURL($key, "edit"); header("Location: {$url}"); exit; } $key_ = kona3text2html($key); // show form $form = <<<EOS <div> <form method="post" action="{$action}"> <input type="hidden" name="a_mode" value="new"> <input type="text" name="a_key" value="{$key_}"> <input type="submit" value="New"> </form> </div> <div> {$res} </div> EOS; // show kona3template('message', array("page_title" => kona3text2html($page), "page_body" => $form)); }
function kona3_action_login() { global $kona3conf; $page = $kona3conf["page"]; $action = kona3getPageURL($page, "login"); $am = kona3param('a_mode', ''); $user = kona3param('a_user', ''); $pw = kona3param('a_pw', ''); $msg = ''; // check user if ($am == "trylogin") { $users = $kona3conf['users']; if (isset($users[$user]) && $users[$user] == $pw) { // ok $editLink = kona3getPageURL($page, 'edit'); $msg = "<a href='{$editLink}'>Success to login.</a>"; kona3login(); kona3showMessage($page, $msg); exit; } else { // ng $msg = '<div class="error">Invalid User or Password.</div>'; } } // show form $form = <<<EOS <div id="loginform"> {$msg} <form method="post" action="{$action}"> <input type="hidden" name="a_mode" value="trylogin"> <p> <label for="user">User:</label><br> <input id="user" type="text" name="a_user"> </p> <p> <label for="pass">Password:</label><br> <input id="pass" type="password" name="a_pw"> </p> <p><input type="submit" value="Login"></p> </form> </div> EOS; // show kona3template('message', array("page_title" => kona3text2html($page), "page_body" => $form)); }
function kona3_action_search() { global $kona3conf; $page = $kona3conf["page"]; $action = kona3getPageURL($page, "search"); $am = kona3param('a_mode', ''); $key = kona3param('a_key', ''); $res = ''; if ($am == "search") { $result = array(); $path_data = $kona3conf[""]; kona3search($key, $result, $path_data); foreach ($result as $f) { $path = str_replace("{$path_data}/", "", $f); $path = preg_replace('/\\.(txt|md)$/', '', $path); $enc = urlencode($path); $res .= "<li><a href='index.php?{$enc}'>{$path}</li>"; } } if ($res != "") { $res = "<ul>{$res}</ul>\n"; } $key_ = kona3text2html($key); // show form $form = <<<EOS <div> <form method="post" action="{$action}"> <input type="hidden" name="a_mode" value="search"> <input type="text" name="a_key" value="{$key_}"> <input type="submit" value="Search"> </form> </div> <div> {$res} </div> EOS; // show kona3template('message', array("page_title" => kona3text2html($page), "page_body" => $form)); }
function kona3plugins_ls_execute($args) { global $kona3conf; $page = $kona3conf['page']; $fname = kona3getWikiFile($page); $dir = dirname($fname); // get all files $files = glob($dir . "/*"); sort($files); # filter $pat = array_shift($args); if ($pat != null) { $res = array(); foreach ($files as $f) { if (fnmatch($pat, basename($f))) { $res[] = $f; } } $files = $res; } $code = "<ul>"; foreach ($files as $f) { // directory --- check index if (is_dir($f)) { $f .= "/index.txt"; if (!file_exists($f)) { continue; } } $name = kona3getWikiName($f); $url = kona3getPageURL($name); $name = htmlentities($name); $code .= "<li><a href='{$url}'>{$name}</a></li>\n"; } $code .= "</ul>\n"; return $code; }
function _at_all($pdo, $type) { $page = kona3getPage(); $q = $pdo->query('SELECT * FROM comment_bbsid'); $allbbs = $q->fetchAll(); $html = "<h3>Comments (type={$type})</h3>"; foreach ($allbbs as $row) { $bbs_id = $row["bbs_id"]; $bbs_name = htmlentities($row["name"]); $link = kona3getPageURL($row["name"]); $where = ""; if ($type == "todo") { $where = " AND todo=1"; } $stmt = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM comment_list " . " WHERE bbs_id=? {$where} " . " ORDER BY comment_id DESC " . " LIMIT 30"); // 最新の30件 $stmt->execute(array($bbs_id)); $list = $stmt->fetchAll(); if (count($list) == 0) { continue; } $html .= "<h4><a href='{$link}'>{$bbs_name}</a></h4>"; $html .= "<ul>"; $index = "index.php?" . urlencode($page) . "&plugin&name=comment"; foreach ($list as $row) { $id = $row["comment_id"]; $name = htmlentities($row["name"]); $body = htmlentities(mb_substr($row["body"], 0, 100)); $mtime = date("m-d H:i", $row["mtime"]); $todo_v = $row["todo"]; $todo_l = $todo_v == 0 ? "done" : "todo"; $todo = "(<a class='{$todo_l}' onclick='chtodo(event,{$id},{$todo_v})'>{$todo_l}</a>)"; $html .= "<li>{$name} - {$body} <span class='memo'>({$mtime}){$todo}</span></li>"; } $html .= "</ul>"; } $html .= _todo_script(); return $html; }
<?php /** frame template */ global $kona3conf; // Parameters if (empty($page_title)) { $page_title = "?"; } if (empty($page_body)) { $page_body = "page_body is empty"; } $wiki_title_ = kona3text2html($kona3conf['title']); $page_title_ = Kona3text2html($page_title); $logo_href = kona3getPageURL(KONA3_WIKI_FRONTPAGE); $page_href = kona3getPageURL($page_title); // Is FrontPage? if ($page_title == KONA3_WIKI_FRONTPAGE) { // FrontPage $head_title = "{$wiki_title_}"; } else { // Normal page $head_title = "{$page_title}-{$wiki_title_}"; } // $logo_title_ = "<a href='{$logo_href}'>{$wiki_title_}</a>"; $page_name_ = "<a href='{$page_href}'>{$page_title_}</a>"; // js & css & header tags $js = ""; if (isset($kona3conf['js'])) { $jslist = $kona3conf['js']; $jslist = array_unique($jslist);
function kona3_action_show() { global $kona3conf; $page = $kona3conf["page"]; $page_h = htmlspecialchars($page); // check login if ($kona3conf["wiki.private"]) { if (!kona3isLogin()) { $url = kona3getPageURL($page, "login"); kona3error($page, "Private mode. <a href='{$url}'>Please login.</a>"); exit; } } // wiki file (text) $fname = kona3getWikiFile($page); // wiki file eixsits? $ext = "txt"; $wiki_live = file_exists($fname); if (!$wiki_live) { // mark down $fname = kona3getWikiFile($page, TRUE, '.md'); $wiki_live = file_exists($fname); if ($wiki_live) { $ext = "md"; } else { $fname = kona3getWikiFile($page, FALSE); $wiki_live = file_exists($fname); if (preg_match('#\\.([a-z]+)$#', $fname, $m)) { $ext = $m[1]; } } } // body if ($wiki_live) { $txt = @file_get_contents($fname); } else { $updir = dirname($page); $txt = "*** {$page}\n\n" . "Not Found\n\n" . "#ls()\n"; } // convert $cnt_txt = mb_strlen($txt); if ($ext == "txt") { $page_body = konawiki_parser_convert($txt); } else { if ($ext == "md") { $page_body = _markdown_convert($txt); } else { kona3error($page, "Sorry, System Error."); exit; } } // every page if (!empty($kona3conf['allpage.footer'])) { $footer = konawiki_parser_convert($kona3conf['allpage.footer']); $page_body .= "<hr>" . $footer; } // menu $menufile = kona3getWikiFile("MenuBar"); if (file_exists($menufile)) { $menu = @file_get_contents($menufile); $menuhtml = konawiki_parser_convert($menu); } else { $menuhtml = ""; } // show kona3template('show', array("page_title" => kona3text2html($page), "page_body" => $page_body, "cnt_txt" => $cnt_txt, "wiki_menu" => $menuhtml)); }
function kona3_trywrite(&$txt, &$a_hash, $i_mode) { global $kona3conf, $page; $edit_txt = kona3param('edit_txt', ''); $a_hash_frm = kona3param('a_hash', ''); $fname = kona3getWikiFile($page); // check hash if ($a_hash_frm !== $a_hash) { // conflict return kona3_conflict($edit_txt, $txt, $i_mode); } // save if (file_exists($fname)) { if (!is_writable($fname)) { kona3_edit_err('Could not write file.', $i_mode); exit; } } else { $dirname = dirname($fname); if (file_exists($dirname)) { if (!is_writable(dirname($fname))) { kona3_edit_err('Could not write file. Permission denied.', $i_mode); exit; } } else { // auto mkdir ? $data_dir = $kona3conf['']; $max_level = $kona3conf['path.max.mkdir']; if ($data_dir != substr($dirname, 0, strlen($data_dir))) { kona3_edit_err('Invalid File Path.', $i_mode); exit; } $dirname2 = substr($dirname, strlen($data_dir) + 1); $cnt = count(explode("/", $dirname2)); if ($cnt <= $max_level) { // 3 level directories $b = mkdir($dirname, 0777, TRUE); if (!$b) { kona3_edit_err('mkdir failed, could not use "/"', $i_mode); exit; } } else { kona3_edit_err("Invalid Wiki Name (not allow use '/' over {$max_level} times)", $i_mode); exit; } } } file_put_contents($fname, $edit_txt); // result if ($i_mode == "ajax") { echo json_encode(array('result' => 'ok', 'a_hash' => hash('sha256', $edit_txt))); exit; } $jump = kona3getPageURL($page); header("location:{$jump}"); echo "ok, saved."; }
function kona3getMenu() { global $kona3conf; $page = $kona3conf['page']; // $new_uri = kona3getPageURL($page, 'new'); $edit_uri = kona3getPageURL($page, 'edit'); $login_uri = kona3getPageURL($page, 'login'); $logout_uri = kona3getPageURL($page, 'logout'); $search_uri = kona3getPageURL($page, 'search'); // $list = array(); // if (!kona3isLogin()) { $list[] = array('login', $login_uri); $list[] = array('-', '-'); } else { $list[] = array('logout', $logout_uri); $list[] = array('-', '-'); $list[] = array('new', $new_uri); $list[] = array('edit', $edit_uri); } $list[] = array('search', $search_uri); // make link $ha = array(); foreach ($list as $it) { $label = $it[0]; $href = $it[1]; if ($href != "-") { $ha[] = "[<a href=\"{$href}\">{$label}</a>]"; } else { $ha[] = " - "; } } return implode(" ", $ha); }
function konawiki_parser_makeWikiLink($name) { // check pattern // -[[wikiname]] // -[[name:url]] // -[[caption:wikiname]] // -[[caption:wikiname]] $caption = ""; // display name $link = ""; // link $wikiname = ""; // wikiname $wikilink = TRUE; // [[xxx:xxxx]] if (strpos($name, ":") === FALSE) { // simple ? // [[wikiname]] $caption = $wikiname = $name; $link = kona3getPageURL($name); } else { // [[xxx:xxx]] preg_match('|^(.*?)\\:(.*)$|', $name, $e); $caption = $e[1]; $link = $e[2]; // protocol ? if ($caption == 'http' || $caption == 'https' || $caption == 'ftp') { $link = $caption = $name; } // check all url if (strpos($link, '://') !== FALSE) { // url $caption = konawiki_parser_disp_url($caption); $link = $link; $wikilink = FALSE; } else { // wiki link // [[caption:WikiPage]] $wikiname = $link; $link = kona3getPageURL($link); $wikilink = TRUE; } } // wikipage exists ? if ($wikilink === TRUE) { // TODO: check extra tag } return "<a href='{$link}'>{$caption}</a>"; }