public function ensureOneInstance($name) { $lastPid = $this->getPid($name); if ($lastPid != -1) { kill_pid($lastPid); } $this->setPid($name, getmypid()); }
exit; } if (isset($_GET["restart-framework"])) { restart_framework(); exit; } if (isset($_GET["restart-amavis"])) { restart_amavis(); exit; } if (isset($_GET["restart-monit"])) { restart_monit(); exit; } if (isset($_GET["kill-pid"])) { kill_pid(); exit; } if (isset($_GET["reconfig-jabberd"])) { reconfig_jabberd(); exit; } if (isset($_GET["ejabberd-status"])) { ejabberd_status(); exit; } if (isset($_GET["php-cgi-array"])) { php_cgi_array(); exit; } if (isset($_GET["yorel-rebuild"])) {
/** * @return void * @param unknown * @param unknown * @desc the function that does the redefining of fundamental file access functions. Note the double use of 'eval'. hey hey, nothing is impossible in php. Never ever repeat the code; Make it unreadable instead. :-) */ function kill_and_save_pid($name) { kill_pid($name); usleep(100); save_pid($name); }