 * Starts the dialog and its configuration
 * @param string $id dialog Id
 * @param array() $configurations Array. See the options and events in
 *        http://jqueryui.com/demos/dialog/#options
 *        http://jqueryui.com/demos/dialog/#events
 * @param string $html_attributes Additional options parameter (html attributes)
function ui_dialog_init($id, $configurations = array(), $html_attributes = null)
    $configurations = get_default_widget_configuration('app_ys_jquery_ui_dialog_defaults', $configurations);
    $pattern = _ui_dialog_pattern($configurations);
    init_ui_widget('dialog', $pattern, $id, $configurations);
    if (isset($configurations['listener'])) {
        $listener = $configurations['listener'];
        if ((isset($listener['event']) || isset($listener['oneEvent'])) && isset($listener['selector'])) {
            $dialogId = '#' . $id;
            $event = isset($listener['oneEvent']) ? $listener['oneEvent'] : $listener['event'];
            echo jquery_execute(ui_dialog_open($dialogId), $listener['selector'], $event);
    echo '<div id="' . $id . '" ' . $html_attributes . '>';
 * Adds autocomplete support
 * @param string $selector A jQuery Selector
 * @param array $configuration Array options for the autocomplete function
 * @param boolean $isInternal If this function is inner a javascript body
function jquery_autocomplete_support_to($selector, $configuration = array(), $isInternal = false)
    if (isset($configuration['focus']) && $configuration['focus'] == true) {
        echo jquery_execute(jquery_support($selector, 'focus'));
    $configuration = merge_plugin_defaults_options('auto_complete', $configuration);
    $urlOrData = '{}';
    $urlOrData = isset($configuration['data']) ? $configuration['data'] : $urlOrData;
    $urlOrData = isset($configuration['url']) ? sprintf("'%s'", $configuration['url']) : $urlOrData;
    $pattern = _ui_autocomplete_pattern($configuration);
    $jquerySintax = trim($pattern) == '' ? $urlOrData : $urlOrData . ',' . $pattern;
    if ($isInternal) {
        return jquery_support($selector, 'autocomplete', $jquerySintax);
    } else {
        return add_jquery_support($selector, 'autocomplete', $jquerySintax);
<div id="concept<?php 
echo $num;
echo $form["Concepts{$num}"];
    <img src='/images/icons/24x24/delete.png' title="Quitar concepto" alt="Quitar" id="quitar<?php 
echo $num;
" style="cursor: pointer;"/>
echo jquery_execute("\n                        \$('#invoice_Concepts" . $num . "_total').keypress(function(){\n                            return false;\n                        });\n                        \$('#quitar" . $num . "').click(function(){\n                            \$('#invoice_Concepts" . $num . "_quantity').val('');\n                            \$('#invoice_Concepts" . $num . "_price').val('');\n                            \$('#invoice_Concepts" . $num . "_total').val('');\n                            concept--;\n                            \$('#concept" . $num . "').css('display','none');\n                            });\n                        \$('#invoice_Concepts" . $num . "_discount').keyup(function(){\n                                var num_q = \$('#invoice_Concepts" . $num . "_quantity').val();\n                                var num_p = \$('#invoice_Concepts" . $num . "_price').val();\n                                discount = parseFloat(\$('#invoice_Concepts" . $num . "_discount').val());\n                                num_p = num_p - (num_p * (discount / 100));\n                                var tasa = " . sfConfig::get('app_sat_tasa') . ";\n                                aSub[{$num}] = num_q * num_p;\n                                aIva[{$num}] = (num_q * num_p) * (tasa / 100);\n                                var total = (num_q * num_p);\n                                iva = parseFloat(0);\n                                for(i=0;i<=numconcepts;i++){\n                                    if(aIva[i]){\n                                        iva = parseFloat(iva) + parseFloat(aIva[i]);\n                                        }\n                                }\n                                sub = parseFloat(0);\n                                for(i=0;i<=numconcepts;i++){\n                                    if(aSub[i]){\n                                        sub = parseFloat(sub) + parseFloat(aSub[i]);\n                                        }\n                                    }\n                                \$('#invoice_subtotal').val(sub);\n                                \$('#invoice_iva').val(iva);\n                                \$('#invoice_Concepts" . $num . "_total').val(total);\n                                aTot[{$num}] = total;\n                                tot = parseFloat(0);\n                                for(i=0;i<=numconcepts;i++){\n                                    if(aIva[i]){\n                                        tot = parseFloat(tot) + parseFloat(aTot[i]);\n                                        }\n                                    }\n                                tot2 = (\$('#invoice_subtotal').val() - (\$('#invoice_subtotal').val() * (\$('#invoice_discount').val() / 100)));\n                                tot2 = tot2 + (tot2 * (tasa / 100));\n                                \$('#invoice_total').val(tot2);\n                                });\n                        \$('#invoice_Concepts" . $num . "_quantity').keyup(function(){\n                                var num_q = \$('#invoice_Concepts" . $num . "_quantity').val();\n                                var num_p = \$('#invoice_Concepts" . $num . "_price').val();\n                                discount = parseFloat(\$('#invoice_Concepts" . $num . "_discount').val());\n                                num_p = num_p - (num_p * (discount / 100));\n                                var tasa = " . sfConfig::get('app_sat_tasa') . ";\n                                aSub[{$num}] = num_q * num_p;\n                                aIva[{$num}] = (num_q * num_p) * (tasa / 100);\n                                var total = (num_q * num_p);\n                                iva = parseFloat(0);\n                                for(i=0;i<=numconcepts;i++){\n                                    if(aIva[i]){\n                                        iva = parseFloat(iva) + parseFloat(aIva[i]);\n                                        }\n                                }\n                                sub = parseFloat(0);\n                                for(i=0;i<=numconcepts;i++){\n                                    if(aSub[i]){\n                                        sub = parseFloat(sub) + parseFloat(aSub[i]);\n                                        }\n                                    }\n                                \$('#invoice_subtotal').val(sub);\n                                \$('#invoice_iva').val(iva);\n                                \$('#invoice_Concepts" . $num . "_total').val(total);\n                                aTot[{$num}] = total;\n                                tot = parseFloat(0);\n                                for(i=0;i<=numconcepts;i++){\n                                    if(aIva[i]){\n                                        tot = parseFloat(tot) + parseFloat(aTot[i]);\n                                        }\n                                    }\n                                tot2 = (\$('#invoice_subtotal').val() - (\$('#invoice_subtotal').val() * (\$('#invoice_discount').val() / 100)));\n                                tot2 = tot2 + (tot2 * (tasa / 100));\n                                \$('#invoice_total').val(tot2);\n                                });\n                       \$('#invoice_Concepts" . $num . "_price').keyup(function(){\n                                var num_q = \$('#invoice_Concepts" . $num . "_quantity').val();\n                                var num_p = \$('#invoice_Concepts" . $num . "_price').val();\n                                discount = parseFloat(\$('#invoice_Concepts" . $num . "_discount').val());\n                                num_p = num_p - (num_p * (discount / 100));\n                                var tasa = " . sfConfig::get('app_sat_tasa') . ";\n                                aSub[{$num}] = num_q * num_p;\n                                aIva[{$num}] = (num_q * num_p) * (tasa / 100);\n                                var total = (num_q * num_p);\n                                iva = parseFloat(0);\n                                for(i=0;i<=numconcepts;i++){\n                                    if(aIva[i]){\n                                        iva = parseFloat(iva) + parseFloat(aIva[i]);\n                                        }\n                                }\n                                sub = parseFloat(0);\n                                for(i=0;i<=numconcepts;i++){\n                                    if(aSub[i]){\n                                        sub = parseFloat(sub) + parseFloat(aSub[i]);\n                                        }\n                                    }\n                                \$('#invoice_subtotal').val(sub);\n                                \$('#invoice_iva').val(iva);\n                                \$('#invoice_Concepts" . $num . "_total').val(total);\n                                aTot[{$num}] = total;\n                                tot = parseFloat(0);\n                                for(i=0;i<=numconcepts;i++){\n                                    if(aIva[i]){\n                                        tot = parseFloat(tot) + parseFloat(aTot[i]);\n                                        }\n                                    }\n                                tot2 = (\$('#invoice_subtotal').val() - (\$('#invoice_subtotal').val() * (\$('#invoice_discount').val() / 100)));\n                                tot2 = tot2 + (tot2 * (tasa / 100));\n                                \$('#invoice_total').val(tot2);\n                                });\n                                 ");
<div id="content">
    <label>Test 1 (Local Data [Months]):</label>
    <input type="text" id="suggest1" />

echo jquery_autocomplete_support_to('#suggest1', array('data' => 'months'));

jquery_ajax_event('#suggest15', 'success', like_function("alert('a')"));

    <input type="button" value="Change data" id="btnSetOptions" />
echo jquery_execute(jquery_toggle_event('#btnSetOptions', array(like_function('changeToCities()'), like_function('changeToMonths()'))));
    Test 2 (Local Data [Months] Multiple):
    <input type="text" id="suggest2" />

echo jquery_autocomplete_support_to('#suggest2', array('multiple' => true, 'highlight' => false, 'data' => 'months'));
    Test 3 (Local Data [emails]):
    <input type="text" id="suggest3" />
echo jquery_autocomplete_support_to('#suggest3', array('data' => 'emails', 'formatItem' => like_function('return row.name.replace(new RegExp("(" + term + ")", "gi"), "<strong>$1</strong>") + "<br><span style=\'font-size: 80%;\'>Email: &lt;" + row.to + "&gt;</span>"', 'row, i, max, term'), 'formatResult' => like_function('return row.to', 'row')));
      'ready' ,
            like_function('$(this).css({"list-style-type":"disc", "color":"blue"});'),
            like_function('$(this).css({"list-style-type":"disc", "color":"red"});'),
            like_function('$(this).css({"list-style-type":"", "color":"yellow"});'),
        )))); */
/* Now with jquery_execute*/
echo jquery_execute(jquery_toggle_event('li', array(like_function('$(this).css({"list-style-type":"disc", "color":"blue"});'), like_function('$(this).css({"list-style-type":"disc", "color":"red"});'), like_function('$(this).css({"list-style-type":"", "color":"yellow"});'))));

echo jquery_execute(jquery_hover_event('li', array(like_function('$(this).append($("<span> ******** </span>"));'), like_function('$(this).find("span:last").remove();'))));


<h3>Bind & Unbind - example</h3>

<input type="button" value="Bind" id="btnBind">
<input type="button" value="UnBind" id="btnUnBind">

<div id="bindExample">Click me</div>

echo add_jquery_support('#btnBind', 'click', like_function(jquery_bind_event('#bindExample', 'click', array('foo' => 'bar'), like_function('alert(event.data.foo)', 'event'))));
function ui_context_menu_enable($selector, $isInternal = true)
    $response = $isInternal ? jquery_support($selector, 'enableContextMenu') : jquery_execute(jquery_support($selector, 'enableContextMenu'));
    return $response;
 * @param string $bodyFuntion The javascript body function
 * @param string $arguments The javascript arguments function
 * @return string javascript syntax
function return_jquery($configurations, $sintax)
    $finalSintax = $sintax;
    if (is_array($configurations) && isset($configurations['listener'])) {
        $listener = $configurations['listener'];
        if ((isset($listener['event']) || isset($listener['oneEvent'])) && isset($listener['selector'])) {
            $listener['event'] = isset($listener['oneEvent']) ? $listener['oneEvent'] : $listener['event'];
            $finalSintax = '';
            if (isset($listener['oneEvent'])) {
                if (isset($listener['before'])) {
                    $finalSintax .= jquery_execute(jquery_one_event($listener['selector'], $listener['event'], $listener['before']));
                $finalSintax .= jquery_execute(jquery_one_event($listener['selector'], $listener['event'], like_function($sintax)));
                if (isset($listener['after'])) {
                    $finalSintax .= jquery_execute(jquery_one_event($listener['selector'], $listener['event'], $listener['after']));
            } else {
                if (isset($listener['before'])) {
                    $finalSintax .= add_jquery_support($listener['selector'], $listener['event'], $listener['before']);
                $finalSintax .= add_jquery_support($listener['selector'], $listener['event'], like_function($sintax));
                if (isset($listener['after'])) {
                    $finalSintax .= add_jquery_support($listener['selector'], $listener['event'], $listener['after']);
    return $finalSintax;