function showconfig(&$row, &$lists, $option)
        global $mosConfig_absolute_path, $mosConfig_live_site, $mosConfig_session_type, $mainframe;
        $tabs = new mosTabs(0);
		<script type="text/javascript">
		function saveFilePerms() {
			var f = document.adminForm;
			if (f.filePermsMode0.checked)
				f.config_fileperms.value = '';
			else {
				var perms = 0;
				if (f.filePermsUserRead.checked) perms += 400;
				if (f.filePermsUserWrite.checked) perms += 200;
				if (f.filePermsUserExecute.checked) perms += 100;
				if (f.filePermsGroupRead.checked) perms += 40;
				if (f.filePermsGroupWrite.checked) perms += 20;
				if (f.filePermsGroupExecute.checked) perms += 10;
				if (f.filePermsWorldRead.checked) perms += 4;
				if (f.filePermsWorldWrite.checked) perms += 2;
				if (f.filePermsWorldExecute.checked) perms += 1;
				f.config_fileperms.value = '0'+''+perms;
		function changeFilePermsMode(mode) {
			if(document.getElementById) {
				switch (mode) {
					case 0:
						document.getElementById('filePermsValue').style.display = 'none';
						document.getElementById('filePermsTooltip').style.display = '';
						document.getElementById('filePermsFlags').style.display = 'none';
						document.getElementById('filePermsValue').style.display = '';
						document.getElementById('filePermsTooltip').style.display = 'none';
						document.getElementById('filePermsFlags').style.display = '';
				} // switch
			} // if
		function saveDirPerms() {
			var f = document.adminForm;
			if (f.dirPermsMode0.checked)
				f.config_dirperms.value = '';
			else {
				var perms = 0;
				if (f.dirPermsUserRead.checked) perms += 400;
				if (f.dirPermsUserWrite.checked) perms += 200;
				if (f.dirPermsUserSearch.checked) perms += 100;
				if (f.dirPermsGroupRead.checked) perms += 40;
				if (f.dirPermsGroupWrite.checked) perms += 20;
				if (f.dirPermsGroupSearch.checked) perms += 10;
				if (f.dirPermsWorldRead.checked) perms += 4;
				if (f.dirPermsWorldWrite.checked) perms += 2;
				if (f.dirPermsWorldSearch.checked) perms += 1;
				f.config_dirperms.value = '0'+''+perms;
		function changeDirPermsMode(mode) 	{
			if(document.getElementById) {
				switch (mode) {
					case 0:
						document.getElementById('dirPermsValue').style.display = 'none';
						document.getElementById('dirPermsTooltip').style.display = '';
						document.getElementById('dirPermsFlags').style.display = 'none';
						document.getElementById('dirPermsValue').style.display = '';
						document.getElementById('dirPermsTooltip').style.display = 'none';
						document.getElementById('dirPermsFlags').style.display = '';
				} // switch
			} // if
		function submitbutton(pressbutton) {
			var form = document.adminForm;

			// do field validation
			if (form.config_session_type.value != <?php 
        echo $row->config_session_type;
				if ( confirm('Tem a certeza que quer mudar o `Método de Autenticação de Sessão`? \n\n Isto irá fazer com que todas as atuais sessões do Site sejam eliminadas d \n\n') ) {
					submitform( pressbutton );
				} else {
			} else {
				submitform( pressbutton );
		<form action="index2.php" method="post" name="adminForm">
		<div id="overDiv" style="position:absolute; visibility:hidden; z-index:10000;"></div>
		<table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" border="0" width="100%">
			<td width="250"><table class="adminheading"><tr><th nowrap="nowrap" class="config">Configuração Global</th></tr></table></td>
			<td width="270">
				<span class="componentheading">configuration.php está:
        echo is_writable('../configuration.php') ? '<b><font color="green"> Permissão para escrita</font></b>' : '<b><font color="red"> Não tem permissão para escrita</font></b>';
        if (mosIsChmodable('../configuration.php')) {
            if (is_writable('../configuration.php')) {
						<input type="checkbox" id="disable_write" name="disable_write" value="1"/>
						<label for="disable_write">Tornar inalterável após salvar</label>
            } else {
						<input type="checkbox" id="enable_write" name="enable_write" value="1"/>
						<label for="enable_write">Anular proteção e sobrescrever</label>
            // if
        // if
        $tabs->startTab("Site", "site-page");
			<table class="adminform">
				<td width="185">Site Off-line:</td>
        echo $lists['offline'];
				<td valign="top">Mensagem Off-line:</td>
				<td><textarea class="text_area" cols="60" rows="2" style="width:500px; height:40px" name="config_offline_message"><?php 
        echo $row->config_offline_message;
        $tip = 'Uma mensagem a ser exibida caso o site esteja Off-line';
        echo mosToolTip($tip);
				<td valign="top">Mensagem de erro de sistema:</td>
				<td><textarea class="text_area" cols="60" rows="2" style="width:500px; height:40px" name="config_error_message"><?php 
        echo $row->config_error_message;
        $tip = 'Uma mensagem a ser exibida caso o Joomla! não consiga efetuar uma ligação à base de dados';
        echo mosToolTip($tip);
				<td>Nome do site:</td>
				<td><input class="text_area" type="text" name="config_sitename" size="50" value="<?php 
        echo $row->config_sitename;
				<td>Exibir links não autorizados:</td>
        echo $lists['shownoauth'];
        $tip = 'Se escolher `Sim´, serão exibidos os links para conteúdos que exigem registro.  O usuário deverá autenticar-se para ver o artigo completo.';
        echo mosToolTip($tip);
				<td>Permitir cadastro de usuários:</td>
        echo $lists['allowUserRegistration'];
        $tip = 'Se escolher `Sim´, permite que usuários se registrem';
        echo mosToolTip($tip);
				<td>Ativação de novas contas:</td>
        echo $lists['useractivation'];
        $tip = 'Se escolher `Sim´, o usuário receberá um e-mail com um link de ativação da sua conta antes de poder autenticar.';
        echo mosToolTip($tip);
				<td>Requerer e-mail único:</td>
        echo $lists['uniquemail'];
        $tip = 'Se escolher `Sim´, os usuários não poderam partilhar o mesmo endereço de e-mail';
        echo mosToolTip($tip);
				<td>Autenticação no site - Frontend:</td>
        echo $lists['frontend_login'];
        $tip = 'Se escolher `Não´, impossibilita a autenticação no Site frontend, até mesmo quando não associado a um item de menu. Também impede a funcionalidade de Inscrição.';
        echo mosToolTip($tip);
				<td>Parâmetros do usuário no frontend:</td>
        echo $lists['frontend_userparams'];
        $tip = 'Se escolher `Não´, impede a funcionalidade de parâmetros de usuário no frontend';
        echo mosToolTip($tip);
				<td>Depurar site:</td>
        echo $lists['debug'];
        $tip = 'Se escolher `Sim´, exibe informações de diagnóstico e erros de SQL quando existirem';
        echo mosToolTip($tip);
				<td>Editor padrão WYSIWYG:</td>
        echo $lists['editor'];
				<td>Tamanho da Lista:</td>
        echo $lists['list_limit'];
        $tip = 'Configura o tamanho das listas da administração para todos os usuários';
        echo mosToolTip($tip);
				<td>Ícone de favoritos do site:</td>
				<input class="text_area" type="text" name="config_favicon" size="20" value="<?php 
        echo $row->config_favicon;
        $tip = 'Se deixado em branco ou se o arquivo não for encontrado, o favicon.ico padrão será usando.';
        echo mosToolTip($tip, 'Favourite Icon');
        $tabs->startTab("Localização", "Locale-page");
			<table class="adminform">
				<td width="185">Idioma do Site:</td>
        echo $lists['lang'];
				<td width="185">Fuso Horário:</td>
        echo $lists['offset'];
        $tip = "Data/hora atual configurada para exibição: " . mosCurrentDate(_DATE_FORMAT_LC2);
        echo mosToolTip($tip);
				<td width="185">Diferença do Servidor:</td>
				<input class="text_area" type="text" name="config_offset" size="15" value="<?php 
        echo $row->config_offset;
" disabled="disabled" />
				<td width="185">Código do País:</td>
				<input class="text_area" type="text" name="config_locale" size="15" value="<?php 
        echo $row->config_locale;
        $tabs->startTab("Conteúdo", "content-page");
			<table class="adminform">
				<td colspan="3">* Estes parâmeteros controlam os elementos de saída *<br/><br/></td>
				<td width="260">Títulos como Link:</td>
				<td width="150"><?php 
        echo $lists['link_titles'];
        $tip = 'Se escolher `Sim´, o título dos artigos serão linkados para os artigos';
        echo mosToolTip($tip);
				<td width="200">Link leia mais:</td>
				<td width="150"><?php 
        echo $lists['readmore'];
        $tip = 'Se configurado para exibir, o link ´Ler mais´ será exibido caso o conteúdo possua um texto principal';
        echo mosToolTip($tip);
				<td>Avaliação/Votação do Item:</td>
        echo $lists['vote'];
        $tip = 'Se configurado para exibir, o sistema de votação será habilitado para itens de conteúdo';
        echo mosToolTip($tip);
				<td>Nomes dos Autores:</td>
        echo $lists['hideAuthor'];
        $tip = 'Se configurado para exibir, o nome do autor será exibido. Esta é a configuração global mas pode ser alterada no menu e nos níveis do item.';
        echo mosToolTip($tip);
				<td>Data e Hora de Criação:</td>
        echo $lists['hideCreateDate'];
        $tip = 'Se configurado para exibir, a data e hora que um item foi criado será exibido. Esta é a configuração global mas pode ser alterada no menu e nos níveis do item.';
        echo mosToolTip($tip);
				<td>Data e Hora de Alteração:</td>
        echo $lists['hideModifyDate'];
        $tip = 'Se configurado para exibir, a data e hora que um item foi alterado será exibido. Esta é a configuração global mas pode ser alterada no menu e nos níveis do item.';
        echo mosToolTip($tip);
        echo $lists['hits'];
        $tip = 'Se configurado para exibir, os acesso para o item específico será exibido.  Esta é a configuração global mas pode ser alterada no menu e nos níveis do item.';
        echo mosToolTip($tip);
				<td>Ícone PDF:</td>
        echo $lists['hidePdf'];
        if (!is_writable("{$mosConfig_absolute_path}/media/")) {
            echo "<td align=\"left\">";
            echo mosToolTip('Opção não disponível pois o diretório /media não possui permissão para escrita');
            echo "</td>";
        } else {
				<td>Ícone Impressora:</td>
        echo $lists['hidePrint'];
				<td>Ícone E-mail:</td>
        echo $lists['hideEmail'];
        echo $lists['icons'];
        echo mosToolTip('Imprimir, PDF e Email podem utilizar Icones ou Texto');
				<td>Tabela de Índice em artigos de múltiplas páginas:</td>
        echo $lists['multipage_toc'];
				<td>Botão ` Voltar ´:</td>
        echo $lists['back_button'];
				<td>Navegação de Item de Conteúdo:</td>
        echo $lists['item_navigation'];
				<td>Modo de Compatibilidade de Itemid:</td>
        echo $lists['itemid_compat'];
			<input type="hidden" name="config_multilingual_support" value="<?php 
        echo $row->config_multilingual_support;
        $tabs->startTab("Base Dados", "db-page");
			<table class="adminform">
				<td width="185">Nome do Servidor:</td>
				<td><input class="text_area" type="text" name="config_host" size="25" value="<?php 
        echo $row->config_host;
				<td>Nome de Utilizador MySQL:</td>
				<td><input class="text_area" type="text" name="config_user" size="25" value="<?php 
        echo $row->config_user;
				<td>Base de Dados MySQL:</td>
				<td><input class="text_area" type="text" name="config_db" size="25" value="<?php 
        echo $row->config_db;
				<td>Prefixo da Base de Dados MySQL:</td>
				<input class="text_area" type="text" name="config_dbprefix" size="10" value="<?php 
        echo $row->config_dbprefix;
        $tabs->startTab("Servidor", "server-page");
			<table class="adminform">
				<td width="185">Caminho Absoluto:</td>
				<td width="450"><strong><?php 
        echo $row->config_absolute_path;
				<td>URL do Site:</td>
        echo $row->config_live_site;
				<td>Palavra Secreta:</td>
        echo $row->config_secret;
				<td>Compressão GZIP de Páginas:</td>
        echo $lists['gzip'];
        echo mosToolTip('Memória de Compressão de saída caso seja suportado');
				<td>Duração da Sessão do Usuário:</td>
				<input class="text_area" type="text" name="config_lifetime" size="10" value="<?php 
        echo $row->config_lifetime;
        echo mosWarning('Fim de sessão automático após este tempo de inatividade. Quanto mais alto o valor maior o risco de segurança!');
				<td>Duração da Sessão de Administração:</td>
				<input class="text_area" type="text" name="config_session_life_admin" size="10" value="<?php 
        echo $row->config_session_life_admin;
        echo mosWarning('Fim de sessão automático após este tempo de inatividade. Quanto mais alto o valor maior o risco de segurança!');
				<td>Lembre de página de Admin Expirada:</td>
        echo $lists['admin_expired'];
        echo mosToolTip('Se a sessão expirar, e se efetuar novo início de sessão num espaço de tempo inferior a 10 minutos, será redirecionado à página que estava a tentando acessar quando foi desligado.');
				<td>Método de Autenticação de sessão:</td>
        echo $lists['session_type'];
        echo mosWarning('Não mude a menos que saiba o que está a fazer!<br /> <br /> Se tem muitos usuários AOL ou condicionados por Proxys, poderá considerar a utilização da configuração Nível 2');
				<td>Relatório de Erros:</td>
        echo $lists['error_reporting'];
				<td>Servidor de Ajuda:</td>
				<td><input class="text_area" type="text" name="config_helpurl" size="50" value="<?php 
        echo $row->config_helpurl;
        $mode = 0;
        $flags = 0644;
        if ($row->config_fileperms != '') {
            $mode = 1;
            $flags = octdec($row->config_fileperms);
        // if
				<td valign="top">Criação de Arquivos:</td>
					<fieldset><legend>Permissões de Arquivos</legend>
						<table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" border="0">
								<td><input type="radio" id="filePermsMode0" name="filePermsMode" value="0" onclick="changeFilePermsMode(0)"<?php 
        if (!$mode) {
            echo ' checked="checked"';
								<td><label for="filePermsMode0">Não aplicar CHMOD a novos arquivos (usar padrão do servidor)</label></td>
								<td><input type="radio" id="filePermsMode1" name="filePermsMode" value="1" onclick="changeFilePermsMode(1)"<?php 
        if ($mode) {
            echo ' checked="checked"';
									<label for="filePermsMode1">Aplicar CHMOD a novos arquivos </label>
									<span id="filePermsValue"<?php 
        if (!$mode) {
            echo ' style="display:none"';
									para: <input class="text_area" type="text" readonly="readonly" name="config_fileperms" size="4" value="<?php 
        echo $row->config_fileperms;
									<span id="filePermsTooltip"<?php 
        if ($mode) {
            echo ' style="display:none"';
        echo mosToolTip('Selecione esta opção para definir as permissões para novos arquivos criados');
							<tr id="filePermsFlags"<?php 
        if (!$mode) {
            echo ' style="display:none"';
									<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" border="0">
											<td style="padding:0px">Usuário:</td>
											<td style="padding:0px"><input type="checkbox" id="filePermsUserRead" name="filePermsUserRead" value="1" onclick="saveFilePerms()"<?php 
        if ($flags & 0400) {
            echo ' checked="checked"';
											<td style="padding:0px"><label for="filePermsUserRead">leitura</label></td>
											<td style="padding:0px"><input type="checkbox" id="filePermsUserWrite" name="filePermsUserWrite" value="1" onclick="saveFilePerms()"<?php 
        if ($flags & 0200) {
            echo ' checked="checked"';
											<td style="padding:0px"><label for="filePermsUserWrite">escrita</label></td>
											<td style="padding:0px"><input type="checkbox" id="filePermsUserExecute" name="filePermsUserExecute" value="1" onclick="saveFilePerms()"<?php 
        if ($flags & 0100) {
            echo ' checked="checked"';
											<td style="padding:0px" colspan="3"><label for="filePermsUserExecute">execução</label></td>
											<td style="padding:0px">Grupo:</td>
											<td style="padding:0px"><input type="checkbox" id="filePermsGroupRead" name="filePermsGroupRead" value="1" onclick="saveFilePerms()"<?php 
        if ($flags & 040) {
            echo ' checked="checked"';
											<td style="padding:0px"><label for="filePermsGroupRead">leitura</label></td>
											<td style="padding:0px"><input type="checkbox" id="filePermsGroupWrite" name="filePermsGroupWrite" value="1" onclick="saveFilePerms()"<?php 
        if ($flags & 020) {
            echo ' checked="checked"';
											<td style="padding:0px"><label for="filePermsGroupWrite">escrita</label></td>
											<td style="padding:0px"><input type="checkbox" id="filePermsGroupExecute" name="filePermsGroupExecute" value="1" onclick="saveFilePerms()"<?php 
        if ($flags & 010) {
            echo ' checked="checked"';
											<td style="padding:0px" width="70"><label for="filePermsGroupExecute">execução</label></td>
											<td><input type="checkbox" id="applyFilePerms" name="applyFilePerms" value="1"/></td>
											<td nowrap="nowrap">
												<label for="applyFilePerms">
													Aplicar a arquivos existentes
        echo mosWarning('Selecionando aqui serão aplicadas as permissões a <em>todos os arquivos existentes</em> do site.<br/>' . '<b>USO INAPROPRIADO DESTA OPÇÃO PODE DEIXAR O SITE INOPERANTE!</b>');
											<td style="padding:0px">Geral:</td>
											<td style="padding:0px"><input type="checkbox" id="filePermsWorldRead" name="filePermsWorldRead" value="1" onclick="saveFilePerms()"<?php 
        if ($flags & 04) {
            echo ' checked="checked"';
											<td style="padding:0px"><label for="filePermsWorldRead">leitura</label></td>
											<td style="padding:0px"><input type="checkbox" id="filePermsWorldWrite" name="filePermsWorldWrite" value="1" onclick="saveFilePerms()"<?php 
        if ($flags & 02) {
            echo ' checked="checked"';
											<td style="padding:0px"><label for="filePermsWorldWrite">escrita</label></td>
											<td style="padding:0px"><input type="checkbox" id="filePermsWorldExecute" name="filePermsWorldExecute" value="1" onclick="saveFilePerms()"<?php 
        if ($flags & 01) {
            echo ' checked="checked"';
											<td style="padding:0px" colspan="4"><label for="filePermsWorldExecute">execução</label></td>
        $mode = 0;
        $flags = 0755;
        if ($row->config_dirperms != '') {
            $mode = 1;
            $flags = octdec($row->config_dirperms);
        // if
				<td valign="top">Criação de Diretórios:</td>
					<fieldset><legend>Permissões de Diretórios</legend>
						<table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" border="0">
								<td><input type="radio" id="dirPermsMode0" name="dirPermsMode" value="0" onclick="changeDirPermsMode(0)"<?php 
        if (!$mode) {
            echo ' checked="checked"';
								<td><label for="dirPermsMode0">Não aplicar CHMOD a novos diretórios (usar padrão do servidor)</label></td>
								<td><input type="radio" id="dirPermsMode1" name="dirPermsMode" value="1" onclick="changeDirPermsMode(1)"<?php 
        if ($mode) {
            echo ' checked="checked"';
									<label for="dirPermsMode1">Aplicar CHMOD a novos diretórios para </label> 
									<span id="dirPermsValue"<?php 
        if (!$mode) {
            echo ' style="display:none"';
									to: <input class="text_area" type="text" readonly="readonly" name="config_dirperms" size="4" value="<?php 
        echo $row->config_dirperms;
									<span id="dirPermsTooltip"<?php 
        if ($mode) {
            echo ' style="display:none"';
        echo mosToolTip('Selecione esta opção para definir as permissões para os novos diretórios a serem criados');
							<tr id="dirPermsFlags"<?php 
        if (!$mode) {
            echo ' style="display:none"';
									<table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="0">
											<td style="padding:0px">Usuário:</td>
											<td style="padding:0px"><input type="checkbox" id="dirPermsUserRead" name="dirPermsUserRead" value="1" onclick="saveDirPerms()"<?php 
        if ($flags & 0400) {
            echo ' checked="checked"';
											<td style="padding:0px"><label for="dirPermsUserRead">leitura</label></td>
											<td style="padding:0px"><input type="checkbox" id="dirPermsUserWrite" name="dirPermsUserWrite" value="1" onclick="saveDirPerms()"<?php 
        if ($flags & 0200) {
            echo ' checked="checked"';
											<td style="padding:0px"><label for="dirPermsUserWrite">escrita</label></td>
											<td style="padding:0px"><input type="checkbox" id="dirPermsUserSearch" name="dirPermsUserSearch" value="1" onclick="saveDirPerms()"<?php 
        if ($flags & 0100) {
            echo ' checked="checked"';
											<td style="padding:0px" colspan="3"><label for="dirPermsUserSearch">execução</label></td>
											<td style="padding:0px">Grupo:</td>
											<td style="padding:0px"><input type="checkbox" id="dirPermsGroupRead" name="dirPermsGroupRead" value="1" onclick="saveDirPerms()"<?php 
        if ($flags & 040) {
            echo ' checked="checked"';
											<td style="padding:0px"><label for="dirPermsGroupRead">leitura</label></td>
											<td style="padding:0px"><input type="checkbox" id="dirPermsGroupWrite" name="dirPermsGroupWrite" value="1" onclick="saveDirPerms()"<?php 
        if ($flags & 020) {
            echo ' checked="checked"';
											<td style="padding:0px"><label for="dirPermsGroupWrite">escrita</label></td>
											<td style="padding:0px"><input type="checkbox" id="dirPermsGroupSearch" name="dirPermsGroupSearch" value="1" onclick="saveDirPerms()"<?php 
        if ($flags & 010) {
            echo ' checked="checked"';
											<td style="padding:0px" width="70"><label for="dirPermsGroupSearch">execução</label></td>
											<td><input type="checkbox" id="applyDirPerms" name="applyDirPerms" value="1"/></td>
											<td nowrap="nowrap">
												<label for="applyDirPerms">
													Aplicar a diretórios existentes
        echo mosWarning('Selecione para aplicar as permissões a <em>todos os diretórios existentes</em> no site.<br/>' . '<b>O USO INAPROPRIADO DESTA OPÇÃO PODE DEIXAR O SITE INOPERANTE!</b>');
											<td style="padding:0px">Todos:</td>
											<td style="padding:0px"><input type="checkbox" id="dirPermsWorldRead" name="dirPermsWorldRead" value="1" onclick="saveDirPerms()"<?php 
        if ($flags & 04) {
            echo ' checked="checked"';
											<td style="padding:0px"><label for="dirPermsWorldRead">leitura</label></td>
											<td style="padding:0px"><input type="checkbox" id="dirPermsWorldWrite" name="dirPermsWorldWrite" value="1" onclick="saveDirPerms()"<?php 
        if ($flags & 02) {
            echo ' checked="checked"';
											<td style="padding:0px"><label for="dirPermsWorldWrite">escrita</label></td>
											<td style="padding:0px"><input type="checkbox" id="dirPermsWorldSearch" name="dirPermsWorldSearch" value="1" onclick="saveDirPerms()"<?php 
        if ($flags & 01) {
            echo ' checked="checked"';
											<td style="padding:0px" colspan="3"><label for="dirPermsWorldSearch">execução</label></td>
        $rgmode = 0;
        if (defined('RG_EMULATION')) {
            $rgmode = RG_EMULATION;
				<td valign="top">Registro Emulação de Globals:</td>
					<fieldset><legend>Register Globals Emulation</legend>
						<table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" border="0">
								<td><input type="radio" id="rgemulation" name="rgemulation" value="0"<?php 
        if (!$rgmode) {
            echo ' checked="checked"';
								<td><label for="rgemulation">OFF - more secure and the preferred setting</label></td>
								<td><input type="radio" id="rgemulation" name="rgemulation" value="1"<?php 
        if ($rgmode) {
            echo ' checked="checked"';
								<td><label for="rgemulation">ON - better compatibility but less secure</label></td>

        $tabs->startTab("Metadados", "metadata-page");
			<table class="adminform">
				<td width="185" valign="top">Metadados de Descrição Global do Site:</td>
				<td><textarea class="text_area" cols="50" rows="3" style="width:500px; height:50px" name="config_MetaDesc"><?php 
        echo $row->config_MetaDesc;
				<td valign="top">Palavras-Chave do Site:</td>
				<td><textarea class="text_area" cols="50" rows="3" style="width:500px; height:50px" name="config_MetaKeys"><?php 
        echo $row->config_MetaKeys;
				<td valign="top">Exibir Metadados de Título:</td>
        echo $lists['MetaTitle'];
        echo mosToolTip('Exibir a tag de título quando exibir artigos');
				<td valign="top">Exibir Metadados de Autor:</td>
        echo $lists['MetaAuthor'];
        echo mosToolTip('Exibir a tag de autor quando exibir artigos');
        $tabs->startTab("E-mail", "mail-page");
			<table class="adminform">
				<td width="185">Emissor de E-mail:</td>
        echo $lists['mailer'];
				<td>E-Mail do Remetente:</td>
				<td><input class="text_area" type="text" name="config_mailfrom" size="50" value="<?php 
        echo $row->config_mailfrom;
				<td>Nome do Remetente:</td>
				<td><input class="text_area" type="text" name="config_fromname" size="50" value="<?php 
        echo $row->config_fromname;
				<td>Caminho do Sendmail:</td>
				<td><input class="text_area" type="text" name="config_sendmail" size="50" value="<?php 
        echo $row->config_sendmail;
				<td>Autenticação de SMTP:</td>
        echo $lists['smtpauth'];
				<td>Utilizador SMTP:</td>
				<td><input class="text_area" type="text" name="config_smtpuser" size="50" value="<?php 
        echo $row->config_smtpuser;
				<td>Senha SMTP:</td>
				<td><input class="text_area" type="text" name="config_smtppass" size="50" value="<?php 
        echo $row->config_smtppass;
				<td>Servidor SMTP:</td>
				<td><input class="text_area" type="text" name="config_smtphost" size="50" value="<?php 
        echo $row->config_smtphost;
        $tabs->startTab("Cache", "cache-page");
			<table class="adminform" border="0">
        if (is_writeable($row->config_cachepath)) {
					<td width="185">Cache:</td>
					<td width="500"><?php 
            echo $lists['caching'];
				<td>Diretório de Cache:</td>
				<input class="text_area" type="text" name="config_cachepath" size="50" value="<?php 
        echo $row->config_cachepath;
        if (is_writeable($row->config_cachepath)) {
            echo mosToolTip('O atual Diretório de Cache é <b>Possui permissão para escrita</b>');
        } else {
            echo mosWarning('O diretório de cache não possui permissão para escrita - por favor configure este diretório para CHMOD 0766 antes de ativar a cache');
				<td>Duração da Cache:</td>
				<td><input class="text_area" type="text" name="config_cachetime" size="5" value="<?php 
        echo $row->config_cachetime;
"/> segundos</td>
        $tabs->startTab("Estatísticas", "stats-page");
			<table class="adminform">
				<td width="250">Estatísticas:</td>
				<td width="100"><?php 
        echo $lists['enable_stats'];
        echo mostooltip('Ativar/Desativar estatísticas do site');
				<td>Registro de acessos ao conteúdo por data:</td>
        echo $lists['log_items'];
				<td><span class="error"><?php 
        echo mosWarning('CUIDADO : Serão recolhidas grandes quantidades de dados. Por motivos de segurança não deve utilizar esta funcionalidade. Utilize um componente ou serviço independente');
				<td>Registro de palavras pesquisadas:</td>
        echo $lists['log_searches'];
        $tabs->startTab("SEO", "seo-page");
			<table class="adminform">
				<td width="250"><strong>Otimização para motores de busca</strong></td>
				<td width="100">&nbsp;</td>
				<td>URLs Amigáveis para motores de busca:</td>
        echo $lists['sef'];
				<td><span class="error"><?php 
        echo mosWarning('Somente Apache! Renomear htaccess.txt para .htaccess antes de ativar');
				<td>Títulos dinâmicos de páginas:</td>
        echo $lists['pagetitles'];
        echo mosToolTip('Alterar dinamicamente o título da página para refletir o conteúdo visualizado');
        // show security setting check

		<input type="hidden" name="option" value="<?php 
        echo $option;
		<input type="hidden" name="config_absolute_path" value="<?php 
        echo $row->config_absolute_path;
		<input type="hidden" name="config_live_site" value="<?php 
        echo $row->config_live_site;
		<input type="hidden" name="config_secret" value="<?php 
        echo $row->config_secret;
	  	<input type="hidden" name="task" value=""/>
		<input type="hidden" name="<?php 
        echo josSpoofValue();
" value="1" />
		<script  type="text/javascript" src="<?php 
        echo $mosConfig_live_site;
    public static function showconfig(&$row, &$lists, $option)
        global $mosConfig_absolute_path, $mosConfig_live_site, $mosConfig_session_type, $mainframe;
        $tabs = new mosTabs(0);
		<script type="text/javascript">
		function saveFilePerms() {
			var f = document.adminForm;
			if (f.filePermsMode0.checked)
				f.config_fileperms.value = '';
			else {
				var perms = 0;
				if (f.filePermsUserRead.checked) perms += 400;
				if (f.filePermsUserWrite.checked) perms += 200;
				if (f.filePermsUserExecute.checked) perms += 100;
				if (f.filePermsGroupRead.checked) perms += 40;
				if (f.filePermsGroupWrite.checked) perms += 20;
				if (f.filePermsGroupExecute.checked) perms += 10;
				if (f.filePermsWorldRead.checked) perms += 4;
				if (f.filePermsWorldWrite.checked) perms += 2;
				if (f.filePermsWorldExecute.checked) perms += 1;
				f.config_fileperms.value = '0'+''+perms;
		function changeFilePermsMode(mode) {
			if(document.getElementById) {
				switch (mode) {
					case 0:
						document.getElementById('filePermsValue').style.display = 'none';
						document.getElementById('filePermsTooltip').style.display = '';
						document.getElementById('filePermsFlags').style.display = 'none';
						document.getElementById('filePermsValue').style.display = '';
						document.getElementById('filePermsTooltip').style.display = 'none';
						document.getElementById('filePermsFlags').style.display = '';
				} // switch
			} // if
		function saveDirPerms() {
			var f = document.adminForm;
			if (f.dirPermsMode0.checked)
				f.config_dirperms.value = '';
			else {
				var perms = 0;
				if (f.dirPermsUserRead.checked) perms += 400;
				if (f.dirPermsUserWrite.checked) perms += 200;
				if (f.dirPermsUserSearch.checked) perms += 100;
				if (f.dirPermsGroupRead.checked) perms += 40;
				if (f.dirPermsGroupWrite.checked) perms += 20;
				if (f.dirPermsGroupSearch.checked) perms += 10;
				if (f.dirPermsWorldRead.checked) perms += 4;
				if (f.dirPermsWorldWrite.checked) perms += 2;
				if (f.dirPermsWorldSearch.checked) perms += 1;
				f.config_dirperms.value = '0'+''+perms;
		function changeDirPermsMode(mode) 	{
			if(document.getElementById) {
				switch (mode) {
					case 0:
						document.getElementById('dirPermsValue').style.display = 'none';
						document.getElementById('dirPermsTooltip').style.display = '';
						document.getElementById('dirPermsFlags').style.display = 'none';
						document.getElementById('dirPermsValue').style.display = '';
						document.getElementById('dirPermsTooltip').style.display = 'none';
						document.getElementById('dirPermsFlags').style.display = '';
				} // switch
			} // if
		function submitbutton(pressbutton) {
			var form = document.adminForm;

			// do field validation
			if (form.config_session_type.value != <?php 
        echo $row->config_session_type;
				if ( confirm('Are you sure you wish to change the `Session Authentication Method`? \n\n This will cause all existing front-end sessions to be deleted \n\n') ) {
					submitform( pressbutton );
				} else {
			} else {
				submitform( pressbutton );
		<form action="index2.php" method="post" name="adminForm">
		<div id="overDiv" style="position:absolute; visibility:hidden; z-index:10000;"></div>
		<table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" border="0" width="100%">
			<td width="250"><table class="adminheading"><tr><th nowrap="nowrap" class="config">Global Configuration</th></tr></table></td>
			<td width="270">
				<span class="componentheading">configuration.php is :
        echo is_writable('../configuration.php') ? '<b><font color="green"> Writeable</font></b>' : '<b><font color="red"> Unwriteable</font></b>';
        if (mosIsChmodable('../configuration.php')) {
            if (is_writable('../configuration.php')) {
						<input type="checkbox" id="disable_write" name="disable_write" value="1"/>
						<label for="disable_write">Make unwriteable after saving</label>
            } else {
						<input type="checkbox" id="enable_write" name="enable_write" value="1"/>
						<label for="enable_write">Override write protection while saving</label>
            // if
        // if
        $tabs->startTab("Site", "site-page");
			<table class="adminform">
				<td width="185">Site Offline:</td>
        echo $lists['offline'];
				<td valign="top">Offline Message:</td>
				<td><textarea class="text_area" cols="60" rows="2" style="width:500px; height:40px" name="config_offline_message"><?php 
        echo $row->config_offline_message;
        $tip = 'A message that displays if your site is offline';
        echo mosToolTip($tip);
				<td valign="top">System Error Message:</td>
				<td><textarea class="text_area" cols="60" rows="2" style="width:500px; height:40px" name="config_error_message"><?php 
        echo $row->config_error_message;
        $tip = 'A message that displays if Joomla! could not connect to the database';
        echo mosToolTip($tip);
				<td>Site Name:</td>
				<td><input class="text_area" type="text" name="config_sitename" size="50" value="<?php 
        echo $row->config_sitename;
				<td>Show Unauthorised Links:</td>
        echo $lists['shownoauth'];
        $tip = 'If yes, will show links to content to registered content even if you are not logged in.  The user will need to login to see the item in full.';
        echo mosToolTip($tip);
				<td>Allow User Registration:</td>
        echo $lists['allowUserRegistration'];
        $tip = 'If yes, allows users to self-register';
        echo mosToolTip($tip);
				<td>Use New Account Activation:</td>
        echo $lists['useractivation'];
        $tip = 'If yes, the user will be mailed a link to activate their account before they can log in.';
        echo mosToolTip($tip);
				<td>Require Unique E-mail:</td>
        echo $lists['uniquemail'];
        $tip = 'If yes, users cannot share the same e-mail address';
        echo mosToolTip($tip);
				<td>Front-end Login:</td>
        echo $lists['frontend_login'];
        $tip = 'If `No`, disables the Front-end login page and module even when associated with a menu item. Will also disable Registration functionality';
        echo mosToolTip($tip);
				<td>Front-end User Params:</td>
        echo $lists['frontend_userparams'];
        $tip = 'If `No`, disables the front-end User params functionality';
        echo mosToolTip($tip);
				<td>Debug Site:</td>
        echo $lists['debug'];
        $tip = 'If yes, displays diagnostic information and SQL errors if present';
        echo mosToolTip($tip);
				<td>Default WYSIWYG Editor:</td>
        echo $lists['editor'];
				<td>List Length:</td>
        echo $lists['list_limit'];
        $tip = 'Sets the default length of lists in the administrator for all users';
        echo mosToolTip($tip);
				<td>Favourites Site Icon:</td>
				<input class="text_area" type="text" name="config_favicon" size="20" value="<?php 
        echo $row->config_favicon;
        $tip = 'If left blank or the file cannot be found, the default favicon.ico will be used.';
        echo mosToolTip($tip, 'Favourite Icon');
        $tabs->startTab("Locale", "Locale-page");
			<table class="adminform">
				<td width="185">Language:</td>
        echo $lists['lang'];
				<td width="185">Time Offset:</td>
        echo $lists['offset'];
        $tip = "Current date/time configured to display: " . mosCurrentDate(_DATE_FORMAT_LC2);
        echo mosToolTip($tip);
				<td width="185">Server Offset:</td>
				<input class="text_area" type="text" name="config_offset" size="15" value="<?php 
        echo $row->config_offset;
" disabled="disabled" />
				<td width="185">Country Locale:</td>
				<input class="text_area" type="text" name="config_locale" size="15" value="<?php 
        echo $row->config_locale;
        $tabs->startTab("Content", "content-page");
			<table class="adminform">
				<td colspan="3">* These Parameters control Output elements*<br/><br/></td>
				<td width="200">Linked Titles:</td>
				<td width="100"><?php 
        echo $lists['link_titles'];
        $tip = 'If yes, the title of content items will be hyperlinked to the item';
        echo mosToolTip($tip);
				<td width="200">Read More Link:</td>
				<td width="100"><?php 
        echo $lists['readmore'];
        $tip = 'If set to show, the read-more link will show if main-text has been provided for the item';
        echo mosToolTip($tip);
				<td>Item Rating/Voting:</td>
        echo $lists['vote'];
        $tip = 'If set to show, a voting system will be enabled for content items';
        echo mosToolTip($tip);
				<td>Author Names:</td>
        echo $lists['hideAuthor'];
        $tip = 'If set to show, the name of the author will be displayed.  This a global setting but can be changed at menu and item levels.';
        echo mosToolTip($tip);
				<td>Created Date and Time:</td>
        echo $lists['hideCreateDate'];
        $tip = 'If set to show, the date and time an item was created will be displayed. This a global setting but can be changed at menu and item levels.';
        echo mosToolTip($tip);
				<td>Modified Date and Time:</td>
        echo $lists['hideModifyDate'];
        $tip = 'If set to show, the date and time an item was last modified will be displayed.  This a global setting but can be changed at menu and item levels.';
        echo mosToolTip($tip);
        echo $lists['hits'];
        $tip = 'If set to show, the hits for a particular item will be displayed.  This a global setting but can be changed at menu and item levels.';
        echo mosToolTip($tip);
				<td>PDF Icon:</td>
        echo $lists['hidePdf'];
        if (!is_writable("{$mosConfig_absolute_path}/media/")) {
            echo "<td align=\"left\">";
            echo mosToolTip('Option not available as /media directory not writable');
            echo "</td>";
        } else {
				<td>Print Icon:</td>
        echo $lists['hidePrint'];
				<td>E-mail Icon:</td>
        echo $lists['hideEmail'];
        echo $lists['icons'];
        echo mosToolTip('Print, PDF and E-mail will utilise Icons or Text');
				<td>Table of Contents on multi-page items:</td>
        echo $lists['multipage_toc'];
				<td>Back Button:</td>
        echo $lists['back_button'];
				<td>Content Item Navigation:</td>
        echo $lists['item_navigation'];
				<td>Itemid Compatibility Mode:</td>
        echo $lists['itemid_compat'];
			<input type="hidden" name="config_multilingual_support" value="<?php 
        echo $row->config_multilingual_support;
        $tabs->startTab("Database", "db-page");
			<table class="adminform">
				<td width="185">Hostname:</td>
				<td><input class="text_area" type="text" name="config_host" size="25" value="<?php 
        echo $row->config_host;
				<td>MySQL Username:</td>
				<td><input class="text_area" type="text" name="config_user" size="25" value="<?php 
        echo $row->config_user;
				<td>MySQL Database:</td>
				<td><input class="text_area" type="text" name="config_db" size="25" value="<?php 
        echo $row->config_db;
				<td>MySQL Database Prefix:</td>
				<input class="text_area" type="text" name="config_dbprefix" size="10" value="<?php 
        echo $row->config_dbprefix;
        $tabs->startTab("Server", "server-page");
			<table class="adminform">
				<td width="185">Absolute Path:</td>
				<td width="450"><strong><?php 
        echo $row->config_absolute_path;
				<td>Live Site:</td>
        echo $row->config_live_site;
				<td>Secret Word:</td>
        echo $row->config_secret;
				<td>GZIP Page Compression:</td>
        echo $lists['gzip'];
        echo mosToolTip('Compress buffered output if supported');
				<td>Site Session Lifetime:</td>
				<input class="text_area" type="text" name="config_lifetime" size="10" value="<?php 
        echo $row->config_lifetime;
        echo mosWarning('Auto logout after this time of inactivity for <strong>site/front-end</strong> users. The higher the value the greater the security risk!');
				<td>Admin Session Lifetime:</td>
				<input class="text_area" type="text" name="config_session_life_admin" size="10" value="<?php 
        echo $row->config_session_life_admin;
        echo mosWarning('Auto logout after this time of inactivity for <strong>admin/back-end</strong> users. The higher the value the greater the security risk!');
				<td>Remember Expired Admin page:</td>
        echo $lists['admin_expired'];
        echo mosToolTip('If session expires, when you log back in within 10 minutes of logout, you will be redirected on login to the page you were trying to access when you were logged out');
				<td>Session Authentication Method:</td>
        echo $lists['session_type'];
        echo mosWarning('Do not change unless you know what you are doing!<br /><br /> If you have a number of users using AOL or behind Proxy banks, you might consider using the Level 2 setting');
				<td>Error Reporting:</td>
        echo $lists['error_reporting'];
				<td>Help Server:</td>
				<td><input class="text_area" type="text" name="config_helpurl" size="50" value="<?php 
        echo $row->config_helpurl;
        $mode = 0;
        $flags = 0644;
        if ($row->config_fileperms != '') {
            $mode = 1;
            $flags = octdec($row->config_fileperms);
        // if
				<td valign="top">File Creation:</td>
					<fieldset><legend>File Permissions</legend>
						<table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" border="0">
								<td><input type="radio" id="filePermsMode0" name="filePermsMode" value="0" onclick="changeFilePermsMode(0)"<?php 
        if (!$mode) {
            echo ' checked="checked"';
								<td><label for="filePermsMode0">Dont CHMOD new files (use server defaults)</label></td>
								<td><input type="radio" id="filePermsMode1" name="filePermsMode" value="1" onclick="changeFilePermsMode(1)"<?php 
        if ($mode) {
            echo ' checked="checked"';
									<label for="filePermsMode1">CHMOD new files</label>
									<span id="filePermsValue"<?php 
        if (!$mode) {
            echo ' style="display:none"';
									to:	<input class="text_area" type="text" readonly="readonly" name="config_fileperms" size="4" value="<?php 
        echo $row->config_fileperms;
									<span id="filePermsTooltip"<?php 
        if ($mode) {
            echo ' style="display:none"';
        echo mosToolTip('Select this option to define permission flags for new created files');
							<tr id="filePermsFlags"<?php 
        if (!$mode) {
            echo ' style="display:none"';
									<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" border="0">
											<td style="padding:0px">User:</td>
											<td style="padding:0px"><input type="checkbox" id="filePermsUserRead" name="filePermsUserRead" value="1" onclick="saveFilePerms()"<?php 
        if ($flags & 0400) {
            echo ' checked="checked"';
											<td style="padding:0px"><label for="filePermsUserRead">read</label></td>
											<td style="padding:0px"><input type="checkbox" id="filePermsUserWrite" name="filePermsUserWrite" value="1" onclick="saveFilePerms()"<?php 
        if ($flags & 0200) {
            echo ' checked="checked"';
											<td style="padding:0px"><label for="filePermsUserWrite">write</label></td>
											<td style="padding:0px"><input type="checkbox" id="filePermsUserExecute" name="filePermsUserExecute" value="1" onclick="saveFilePerms()"<?php 
        if ($flags & 0100) {
            echo ' checked="checked"';
											<td style="padding:0px" colspan="3"><label for="filePermsUserExecute">execute</label></td>
											<td style="padding:0px">Group:</td>
											<td style="padding:0px"><input type="checkbox" id="filePermsGroupRead" name="filePermsGroupRead" value="1" onclick="saveFilePerms()"<?php 
        if ($flags & 040) {
            echo ' checked="checked"';
											<td style="padding:0px"><label for="filePermsGroupRead">read</label></td>
											<td style="padding:0px"><input type="checkbox" id="filePermsGroupWrite" name="filePermsGroupWrite" value="1" onclick="saveFilePerms()"<?php 
        if ($flags & 020) {
            echo ' checked="checked"';
											<td style="padding:0px"><label for="filePermsGroupWrite">write</label></td>
											<td style="padding:0px"><input type="checkbox" id="filePermsGroupExecute" name="filePermsGroupExecute" value="1" onclick="saveFilePerms()"<?php 
        if ($flags & 010) {
            echo ' checked="checked"';
											<td style="padding:0px" width="70"><label for="filePermsGroupExecute">execute</label></td>
											<td><input type="checkbox" id="applyFilePerms" name="applyFilePerms" value="1"/></td>
											<td nowrap="nowrap">
												<label for="applyFilePerms">
													Apply to existing files
        echo mosWarning('Checking here will apply the permission flags to <em>all existing files</em> of the site.<br/>' . '<b>INAPPROPRIATE USAGE OF THIS OPTION MAY RENDER THE SITE INOPERATIVE!</b>');
											<td style="padding:0px">World:</td>
											<td style="padding:0px"><input type="checkbox" id="filePermsWorldRead" name="filePermsWorldRead" value="1" onclick="saveFilePerms()"<?php 
        if ($flags & 04) {
            echo ' checked="checked"';
											<td style="padding:0px"><label for="filePermsWorldRead">read</label></td>
											<td style="padding:0px"><input type="checkbox" id="filePermsWorldWrite" name="filePermsWorldWrite" value="1" onclick="saveFilePerms()"<?php 
        if ($flags & 02) {
            echo ' checked="checked"';
											<td style="padding:0px"><label for="filePermsWorldWrite">write</label></td>
											<td style="padding:0px"><input type="checkbox" id="filePermsWorldExecute" name="filePermsWorldExecute" value="1" onclick="saveFilePerms()"<?php 
        if ($flags & 01) {
            echo ' checked="checked"';
											<td style="padding:0px" colspan="4"><label for="filePermsWorldExecute">execute</label></td>
        $mode = 0;
        $flags = 0755;
        if ($row->config_dirperms != '') {
            $mode = 1;
            $flags = octdec($row->config_dirperms);
        // if
				<td valign="top">Directory Creation:</td>
					<fieldset><legend>Directory Permissions</legend>
						<table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" border="0">
								<td><input type="radio" id="dirPermsMode0" name="dirPermsMode" value="0" onclick="changeDirPermsMode(0)"<?php 
        if (!$mode) {
            echo ' checked="checked"';
								<td><label for="dirPermsMode0">Dont CHMOD new directories (use server defaults)</label></td>
								<td><input type="radio" id="dirPermsMode1" name="dirPermsMode" value="1" onclick="changeDirPermsMode(1)"<?php 
        if ($mode) {
            echo ' checked="checked"';
									<label for="dirPermsMode1">CHMOD new directories</label>
									<span id="dirPermsValue"<?php 
        if (!$mode) {
            echo ' style="display:none"';
									to: <input class="text_area" type="text" readonly="readonly" name="config_dirperms" size="4" value="<?php 
        echo $row->config_dirperms;
									<span id="dirPermsTooltip"<?php 
        if ($mode) {
            echo ' style="display:none"';
        echo mosToolTip('Select this option to define permission flags for new created directories');
							<tr id="dirPermsFlags"<?php 
        if (!$mode) {
            echo ' style="display:none"';
									<table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="0">
											<td style="padding:0px">User:</td>
											<td style="padding:0px"><input type="checkbox" id="dirPermsUserRead" name="dirPermsUserRead" value="1" onclick="saveDirPerms()"<?php 
        if ($flags & 0400) {
            echo ' checked="checked"';
											<td style="padding:0px"><label for="dirPermsUserRead">read</label></td>
											<td style="padding:0px"><input type="checkbox" id="dirPermsUserWrite" name="dirPermsUserWrite" value="1" onclick="saveDirPerms()"<?php 
        if ($flags & 0200) {
            echo ' checked="checked"';
											<td style="padding:0px"><label for="dirPermsUserWrite">write</label></td>
											<td style="padding:0px"><input type="checkbox" id="dirPermsUserSearch" name="dirPermsUserSearch" value="1" onclick="saveDirPerms()"<?php 
        if ($flags & 0100) {
            echo ' checked="checked"';
											<td style="padding:0px" colspan="3"><label for="dirPermsUserSearch">search</label></td>
											<td style="padding:0px">Group:</td>
											<td style="padding:0px"><input type="checkbox" id="dirPermsGroupRead" name="dirPermsGroupRead" value="1" onclick="saveDirPerms()"<?php 
        if ($flags & 040) {
            echo ' checked="checked"';
											<td style="padding:0px"><label for="dirPermsGroupRead">read</label></td>
											<td style="padding:0px"><input type="checkbox" id="dirPermsGroupWrite" name="dirPermsGroupWrite" value="1" onclick="saveDirPerms()"<?php 
        if ($flags & 020) {
            echo ' checked="checked"';
											<td style="padding:0px"><label for="dirPermsGroupWrite">write</label></td>
											<td style="padding:0px"><input type="checkbox" id="dirPermsGroupSearch" name="dirPermsGroupSearch" value="1" onclick="saveDirPerms()"<?php 
        if ($flags & 010) {
            echo ' checked="checked"';
											<td style="padding:0px" width="70"><label for="dirPermsGroupSearch">search</label></td>
											<td><input type="checkbox" id="applyDirPerms" name="applyDirPerms" value="1"/></td>
											<td nowrap="nowrap">
												<label for="applyDirPerms">
													Apply to existing directories
        echo mosWarning('Checking here will apply the permission flags to <em>all existing directories</em> of the site.<br/>' . '<b>INAPPROPRIATE USAGE OF THIS OPTION MAY RENDER THE SITE INOPERATIVE!</b>');
											<td style="padding:0px">World:</td>
											<td style="padding:0px"><input type="checkbox" id="dirPermsWorldRead" name="dirPermsWorldRead" value="1" onclick="saveDirPerms()"<?php 
        if ($flags & 04) {
            echo ' checked="checked"';
											<td style="padding:0px"><label for="dirPermsWorldRead">read</label></td>
											<td style="padding:0px"><input type="checkbox" id="dirPermsWorldWrite" name="dirPermsWorldWrite" value="1" onclick="saveDirPerms()"<?php 
        if ($flags & 02) {
            echo ' checked="checked"';
											<td style="padding:0px"><label for="dirPermsWorldWrite">write</label></td>
											<td style="padding:0px"><input type="checkbox" id="dirPermsWorldSearch" name="dirPermsWorldSearch" value="1" onclick="saveDirPerms()"<?php 
        if ($flags & 01) {
            echo ' checked="checked"';
											<td style="padding:0px" colspan="3"><label for="dirPermsWorldSearch">search</label></td>
        $rgmode = 0;
        if (defined('RG_EMULATION')) {
            $rgmode = RG_EMULATION;
				<td valign="top">Register Globals Emulation:</td>
					<fieldset><legend>Register Globals Emulation</legend>
						<table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" border="0">
								<td><input type="radio" id="rgemulation" name="rgemulation" value="0"<?php 
        if (!$rgmode) {
            echo ' checked="checked"';
								<td><label for="rgemulation">OFF - more secure and the preferred setting</label></td>
								<td><input type="radio" id="rgemulation" name="rgemulation" value="1"<?php 
        if ($rgmode) {
            echo ' checked="checked"';
								<td><label for="rgemulation">ON - better compatibility but less secure</label></td>

        $tabs->startTab("Metadata", "metadata-page");
			<table class="adminform">
				<td width="185" valign="top">Global Site Meta Description:</td>
				<td><textarea class="text_area" cols="50" rows="3" style="width:500px; height:50px" name="config_MetaDesc"><?php 
        echo $row->config_MetaDesc;
				<td valign="top">Global Site Meta Keywords:</td>
				<td><textarea class="text_area" cols="50" rows="3" style="width:500px; height:50px" name="config_MetaKeys"><?php 
        echo $row->config_MetaKeys;
				<td valign="top">Show Title Meta Tag:</td>
        echo $lists['MetaTitle'];
        echo mosToolTip('Show the title meta tag when viewing content items');
				<td valign="top">Show Author Meta Tag:</td>
        echo $lists['MetaAuthor'];
        echo mosToolTip('Show the author meta tag when viewing content items');
        $tabs->startTab("Mail", "mail-page");
			<table class="adminform">
				<td width="185">Mailer:</td>
        echo $lists['mailer'];
				<td>Mail From:</td>
				<td><input class="text_area" type="text" name="config_mailfrom" size="50" value="<?php 
        echo $row->config_mailfrom;
				<td>From Name:</td>
				<td><input class="text_area" type="text" name="config_fromname" size="50" value="<?php 
        echo $row->config_fromname;
				<td>Sendmail Path:</td>
				<td><input class="text_area" type="text" name="config_sendmail" size="50" value="<?php 
        echo $row->config_sendmail;
				<td>SMTP Auth:</td>
        echo $lists['smtpauth'];
				<td>SMTP User:</td>
				<td><input class="text_area" type="text" name="config_smtpuser" size="50" value="<?php 
        echo $row->config_smtpuser;
				<td>SMTP Pass:</td>
				<td><input class="text_area" type="text" name="config_smtppass" size="50" value="<?php 
        echo $row->config_smtppass;
				<td>SMTP Host:</td>
				<td><input class="text_area" type="text" name="config_smtphost" size="50" value="<?php 
        echo $row->config_smtphost;
        $tabs->startTab("Cache", "cache-page");
			<table class="adminform" border="0">
        if (is_writeable($row->config_cachepath)) {
					<td width="185">Caching:</td>
					<td width="500"><?php 
            echo $lists['caching'];
				<td>Cache Folder:</td>
				<input class="text_area" type="text" name="config_cachepath" size="50" value="<?php 
        echo $row->config_cachepath;
        if (is_writeable($row->config_cachepath)) {
            echo mosToolTip('Current cache is directory is <b>Writeable</b>');
        } else {
            echo mosWarning('The cache directory is UNWRITEABLE - please set this directory to CHMOD755 before turning on the cache');
				<td>Cache Time:</td>
				<td><input class="text_area" type="text" name="config_cachetime" size="5" value="<?php 
        echo $row->config_cachetime;
"/> seconds</td>
        $tabs->startTab("Statistics", "stats-page");
			<table class="adminform">
				<td width="185">Statistics:</td>
				<td width="100"><?php 
        echo $lists['enable_stats'];
        echo mostooltip('Enable/disable collection of site statistics');
				<td>Log Content Hits by Date:</td>
        echo $lists['log_items'];
				<td><span class="error"><?php 
        echo mosWarning('WARNING : Large amounts of data will be collected');
				<td>Log Search Strings:</td>
        echo $lists['log_searches'];
        $tabs->startTab("SEO", "seo-page");
			<table class="adminform">
				<td width="200"><strong>Search Engine Optimization</strong></td>
				<td width="100">&nbsp;</td>
				<td>Search Engine Friendly URLs:</td>
        echo $lists['sef'];
				<td><span class="error"><?php 
        echo mosWarning('Apache only! Rename htaccess.txt to .htaccess before activating');
				<td>Dynamic Page Titles:</td>
        echo $lists['pagetitles'];
        echo mosToolTip('Dynamically changes the page title to reflect current content viewed');
        // show security setting check

		<input type="hidden" name="option" value="<?php 
        echo $option;
		<input type="hidden" name="config_absolute_path" value="<?php 
        echo $row->config_absolute_path;
		<input type="hidden" name="config_live_site" value="<?php 
        echo $row->config_live_site;
		<input type="hidden" name="config_secret" value="<?php 
        echo $row->config_secret;
	  	<input type="hidden" name="task" value=""/>
		<input type="hidden" name="<?php 
        echo josSpoofValue();
" value="1" />
		<script  type="text/javascript" src="<?php 
        echo $mosConfig_live_site;
    function system_info($version)
        global $mosConfig_absolute_path, $database, $mosConfig_cachepath, $mainframe;
        $width = 400;
        // width of 100%
        $tabs = new mosTabs(0);

		<table class="adminheading">
			<th class="info">
				Informações do Sistema

        $tabs->startTab("Sistema Info", "system-page");
			<table class="adminform">
				<th colspan="2">
					Informações do Sistema
				<td colspan="2">
        // show security setting check
				<td valign="top" width="250">
					<strong>Instalação do PHP:</strong>
        echo php_uname();
					<strong>Versão da Base de Dados:</strong>
        echo $database->getVersion();
					<strong>Versão do PHP:</strong>
        echo phpversion();
					<strong>Servidor Web:</strong>
        echo HTML_admin_misc::get_server_software();
					<strong>Interface de Servidor para PHP:</strong>
        echo php_sapi_name();
					<strong>Versão do Joomla!: </strong>
        echo $version;
					<strong>Navegador Utilizado:</strong>
        echo phpversion() <= '4.2.1' ? getenv('HTTP_USER_AGENT') : $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
				<td colspan="2" style="height: 10px;">
				<td valign="top">
					<strong>Configurações PHP relevantes:</strong>
					<table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="0">
						<td width="250">
							Emulação Joomla! para Registo de Globais:
						<td style="font-weight: bold;" width="50">
        echo RG_EMULATION ? '<span style="color: red;">Ligado</span>' : '<span style="color: green;">Desligado</span>';
        $img = RG_EMULATION ? 'publish_x.png' : 'tick.png';
							<img src="../images/<?php 
        echo $img;
" />
							Registros Globais:
						<td style="font-weight: bold;">
        echo HTML_admin_misc::get_php_setting('register_globals', 1, 0);
        $img = ini_get('register_globals') ? 'publish_x.png' : 'tick.png';
							<img src="../images/<?php 
        echo $img;
" />
							Citações Mágicas:
						<td style="font-weight: bold;">
        echo HTML_admin_misc::get_php_setting('magic_quotes_gpc', 1, 1);
        $img = !ini_get('magic_quotes_gpc') ? 'publish_x.png' : 'tick.png';
							<img src="../images/<?php 
        echo $img;
" />
							Modo Seguro:
						<td style="font-weight: bold;">
        echo HTML_admin_misc::get_php_setting('safe_mode', 1, 0);
        $img = ini_get('safe_mode') ? 'publish_x.png' : 'tick.png';
							<img src="../images/<?php 
        echo $img;
" />
							Envio de arquivos:
						<td style="font-weight: bold;">
        echo HTML_admin_misc::get_php_setting('file_uploads', 1, 1);
        $img = !ini_get('file_uploads') ? 'publish_x.png' : 'tick.png';
							<img src="../images/<?php 
        echo $img;
" />
							Início automático de sessão:
						<td style="font-weight: bold;">
        echo HTML_admin_misc::get_php_setting('session.auto_start', 1, 0);
        $img = ini_get('session.auto_start') ? 'publish_x.png' : 'tick.png';
							<img src="../images/<?php 
        echo $img;
" />
							Caminho para Sessão:
						<td style="font-weight: bold;" colspan="2">
        echo ($sp = ini_get('session.save_path')) ? $sp : 'nenhum';
							Tags de abertura abreviadas:
						<td style="font-weight: bold;">
        echo HTML_admin_misc::get_php_setting('short_open_tag');
							Memória temporária de saída:
						<td style="font-weight: bold;">
        echo HTML_admin_misc::get_php_setting('output_buffering');
							Diretório base de abertura:
						<td style="font-weight: bold;" colspan="2">
        echo ($ob = ini_get('open_basedir')) ? $ob : 'nenhum';
							Exibir Erros:
						<td style="font-weight: bold;" colspan="2">
        echo HTML_admin_misc::get_php_setting('display_errors');
							XML ativado:
						<td style="font-weight: bold;" colspan="2">
        echo extension_loaded('xml') ? 'Sim' : 'Não';
							Zlib ativado:
						<td style="font-weight: bold;" colspan="2">
        echo extension_loaded('zlib') ? 'Sim' : 'Não';
							Funcionalidades desativadas:
						<td style="font-weight: bold;" colspan="2">
        echo ($df = ini_get('disable_functions')) ? $df : 'nenhuma';
				<td colspan="2" style="height: 10px;">
				<td valign="top">
					<strong>Arquivo de configuração:</strong>
        $cf = file($mosConfig_absolute_path . '/configuration.php');
        foreach ($cf as $k => $v) {
            if (eregi('mosConfig_host', $v)) {
                $cf[$k] = '$mosConfig_host = \'xxxxxx\'';
            } else {
                if (eregi('mosConfig_user', $v)) {
                    $cf[$k] = '$mosConfig_user = \'xxxxxx\'';
                } else {
                    if (eregi('mosConfig_password', $v)) {
                        $cf[$k] = '$mosConfig_password = \'xxxxxx\'';
                    } else {
                        if (eregi('mosConfig_db ', $v)) {
                            $cf[$k] = '$mosConfig_db = \'xxxxxx\'';
        foreach ($cf as $k => $v) {
            $k = htmlspecialchars($k);
            $v = htmlspecialchars($v);
            $cf[$k] = $v;
        echo implode("<br />", $cf);
        $tabs->startTab("PHP Info", "php-page");
			<table class="adminform">
				<th colspan="2">
					Informações PHP
        $phpinfo = ob_get_contents();
        preg_match_all('#<body[^>]*>(.*)</body>#siU', $phpinfo, $output);
        $output = preg_replace('#<table#', '<table class="adminlist" align="center"', $output[1][0]);
        $output = preg_replace('#(\\w),(\\w)#', '\\1, \\2', $output);
        $output = preg_replace('#border="0" cellpadding="3" width="600"#', 'border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4" width="95%"', $output);
        $output = preg_replace('#<hr />#', '', $output);
        echo $output;
        $tabs->startTab('Permissões', 'perms');
			<table class="adminform">
				<th colspan="2">
					Permissões dos Diretórios
					<strong>Para todas as funções e características do Joomla! funcionem, TODOS os diretórios a seguir devem ter permissão de escrita</strong>
        $sp = ini_get('session.save_path');
        mosHTML::writableCell($mosConfig_cachepath, 0, '<strong>Cache Directory</strong> ');
        mosHTML::writableCell($sp, 0, '<strong>Session Directory</strong> ');
    public static function system_info($version)
        global $mosConfig_absolute_path, $database, $mosConfig_cachepath, $mainframe;
        $width = 400;
        // width of 100%
        $tabs = new mosTabs(0);

		<table class="adminheading">
			<th class="info">

        $tabs->startTab("System Info", "system-page");
			<table class="adminform">
				<th colspan="2">
					System Information
				<td colspan="2">
        // show security setting check
				<td valign="top" width="250">
					<strong>PHP built On:</strong>
        echo php_uname();
					<strong>Database Version:</strong>
        echo $database->getVersion();
					<strong>PHP Version:</strong>
        echo phpversion();
					<strong>Web Server:</strong>
        echo HTML_admin_misc::get_server_software();
					<strong>WebServer to PHP interface:</strong>
        echo php_sapi_name();
					<strong>Joomla! Version:</strong>
        echo $version;
					<strong>User Agent:</strong>
        echo phpversion() <= '4.2.1' ? getenv('HTTP_USER_AGENT') : $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
				<td colspan="2" style="height: 10px;">
				<td valign="top">
					<strong>Relevant PHP Settings:</strong>
					<table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="0">
						<td width="250">
							Joomla! Register Globals Emulation:
						<td style="font-weight: bold;" width="50">
        echo RG_EMULATION ? '<span style="color: red;">ON</span>' : '<span style="color: green;">OFF</span>';
        $img = RG_EMULATION ? 'publish_x.png' : 'tick.png';
							<img src="../images/<?php 
        echo $img;
" />
							Register Globals:
						<td style="font-weight: bold;">
        echo HTML_admin_misc::get_php_setting('register_globals', 1, 0);
        $img = ini_get('register_globals') ? 'publish_x.png' : 'tick.png';
							<img src="../images/<?php 
        echo $img;
" />
							Magic Quotes:
						<td style="font-weight: bold;">
        echo HTML_admin_misc::get_php_setting('magic_quotes_gpc', 1, 0);
        $img = ini_get('magic_quotes_gpc') ? 'publish_x.png' : 'tick.png';
							<img src="../images/<?php 
        echo $img;
" />
							Safe Mode:
						<td style="font-weight: bold;">
        echo HTML_admin_misc::get_php_setting('safe_mode', 1, 0);
        $img = ini_get('safe_mode') ? 'publish_x.png' : 'tick.png';
							<img src="../images/<?php 
        echo $img;
" />
							File Uploads:
						<td style="font-weight: bold;">
        echo HTML_admin_misc::get_php_setting('file_uploads', 1, 1);
        $img = !ini_get('file_uploads') ? 'publish_x.png' : 'tick.png';
							<img src="../images/<?php 
        echo $img;
" />
							Session auto start:
						<td style="font-weight: bold;">
        echo HTML_admin_misc::get_php_setting('session.auto_start', 1, 0);
        $img = ini_get('session.auto_start') ? 'publish_x.png' : 'tick.png';
							<img src="../images/<?php 
        echo $img;
" />
							Session save path:
						<td style="font-weight: bold;" colspan="2">
        echo ($sp = ini_get('session.save_path')) ? $sp : 'none';
							Short Open Tags:
						<td style="font-weight: bold;">
        echo HTML_admin_misc::get_php_setting('short_open_tag');
							Output Buffering:
						<td style="font-weight: bold;">
        echo HTML_admin_misc::get_php_setting('output_buffering');
							Open basedir:
						<td style="font-weight: bold;" colspan="2">
        echo ($ob = ini_get('open_basedir')) ? $ob : 'none';
							Display Errors:
						<td style="font-weight: bold;" colspan="2">
        echo HTML_admin_misc::get_php_setting('display_errors');
							XML enabled:
						<td style="font-weight: bold;" colspan="2">
        echo extension_loaded('xml') ? 'Yes' : 'No';
							Zlib enabled:
						<td style="font-weight: bold;" colspan="2">
        echo extension_loaded('zlib') ? 'Yes' : 'No';
							Disabled Functions:
						<td style="font-weight: bold;" colspan="2">
        echo ($df = ini_get('disable_functions')) ? $df : 'none';
				<td colspan="2" style="height: 10px;">
				<td valign="top">
					<strong>Configuration File:</strong>
        $cf = file($mosConfig_absolute_path . '/configuration.php');
        foreach ($cf as $k => $v) {
            if (preg_match('/mosConfig_host/i', $v)) {
                $cf[$k] = '$mosConfig_host = \'xxxxxx\'';
            } elseif (preg_match('/mosConfig_user/i', $v)) {
                $cf[$k] = '$mosConfig_user = \'xxxxxx\'';
            } elseif (preg_match('/mosConfig_password/i', $v)) {
                $cf[$k] = '$mosConfig_password = \'xxxxxx\'';
            } elseif (preg_match('/mosConfig_db /i', $v)) {
                $cf[$k] = '$mosConfig_db = \'xxxxxx\'';
        foreach ($cf as $k => $v) {
            $k = htmlspecialchars($k);
            $v = htmlspecialchars($v);
            $cf[$k] = $v;
        echo implode("<br />", $cf);
        $tabs->startTab("PHP Info", "php-page");
			<table class="adminform">
				<th colspan="2">
					PHP Information
        $phpinfo = ob_get_contents();
        preg_match_all('#<body[^>]*>(.*)</body>#siU', $phpinfo, $output);
        $output = preg_replace('#<table#', '<table class="adminlist" align="center"', $output[1][0]);
        $output = preg_replace('#(\\w),(\\w)#', '\\1, \\2', $output);
        $output = preg_replace('#border="0" cellpadding="3" width="600"#', 'border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4" width="95%"', $output);
        $output = preg_replace('#<hr />#', '', $output);
        echo $output;
        $tabs->startTab('Permissions', 'perms');
			<table class="adminform">
				<th colspan="2">
					Directory Permissions
					<strong>For all Joomla! functions and features to work ALL of the following directories should be writeable:</strong>
        $sp = ini_get('session.save_path');
        mosHTML::writableCell($mosConfig_cachepath, 0, '<strong>Cache Directory</strong> ');
        mosHTML::writableCell($sp, 0, '<strong>Session Directory</strong> ');
    $link = 'index2.php?option=com_media';
    quickiconButton($link, 'mediamanager.png', 'Media Manager');
    if ($my->gid > 23) {
        $link = 'index2.php?option=com_trash';
        quickiconButton($link, 'trash.png', 'Trash Manager');
    if ($my->gid > 23) {
        $link = 'index2.php?option=com_menumanager';
        quickiconButton($link, 'menu.png', 'Menu Manager');
    if ($my->gid > 24) {
        $link = 'index2.php?option=com_languages';
        quickiconButton($link, 'langmanager.png', 'Language Manager');
    if ($my->gid > 23) {
        $link = 'index2.php?option=com_users';
        quickiconButton($link, 'user.png', 'User Manager');
    if ($my->gid > 24) {
        $link = 'index2.php?option=com_config&hidemainmenu=1';
        quickiconButton($link, 'config.png', 'Global Configuration');
    if ($securitycheck) {
        // show security setting check
	<div style="clear:both;"> </div>