 function testToTransformWithUpperLowerAndNumericHexDigits()
     $hash = "ff11EE22DD33CC44";
     //", "0123456789AbcDef"}
     $hash_answer = $transform = ivcs_transform_to($hash);
     "'$hash' should transform to '$hash_answer' but transformed to '$transform' instead");
        $result = ivcs_transform_from($codewords);
$time2 = time();
echo "elapsed time = ", $time2 - $time1, " seconds.<BR>";
echo "For {$counter} six-word code groups converted.<BR>";
//--TIMING ivcs_transform_to------------------------------------------------------
echo "<BR>";
echo "Timing ivcs_transform_to()<BR>";
$time1 = time();
$counter = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < $iterations; $i++) {
    foreach ($in as $hex) {
        $result = ivcs_transform_to($hex);
$time2 = time();
echo "elapsed time = ", $time2 - $time1, " seconds.<BR>";
echo "For {$counter} hex values converted.<BR>";
$time1 = time();
$result = generator();
$time2 = time();
echo "<BR>";
echo "elapsed time = ", $time2 - $time1, " seconds.<BR>";
echo "Generated ", count($result), " user OTP's<BR>";
echo "<BR>";
echo "Result of applying hash to OTP #1 (", $result[0], ")<BR>";
echo "hex version of OTP #1 = ", ivcs_transform_from(explode(" ", $result[0])), "<BR>";
//echo "hash of ",strtolower(ivcs_transform_from(explode(" ",$result[0])))," = " , __cn_hash(sha1(strtolower(ivcs_transform_from(explode(" ",$result[0]))))),"<BR>";
echo "hash of ", ivcs_transform_from(explode(" ", $result[0])), " = ", __cn_hash(sha1(ivcs_transform_from(explode(" ", $result[0])))), "<BR>";
echo "<BR>symmetry test<BR>";
echo "1st OTP from generator = ", $result[0], "<BR>";
$hex = ivcs_transform_from(explode(" ", $result[0]));
echo "Hex result from ivcs_transform_from = ", $hex, "<BR>";
$six = ivcs_transform_to($hex);
echo "Re-encoding result from ivcs_transform_to ", implode(" ", $six), "<BR>";
echo "<BR>";
echo "<BR>";
echo "Test of OTP table : <BR>";
$index = 1;
$lastHash = __cn_hash(sha1(ivcs_transform_from(explode(" ", $result[0]))));
$numfailed = 0;
$numpassed = 0;
foreach ($result as $sixword) {
    $currentHash = ivcs_transform_from(explode(" ", $sixword));
    $verifyHash = __cn_hash(sha1($currentHash));
    if (strcmp($verifyHash, $lastHash) == 0) {
        //echo "SUCCESS at ",$index, " : hash(", $sixword, ") = ",$verifyHash, ", expected ", $lastHash,"<BR>";
    } else {
function ivcs_transform_array_to($otpList)
    if (!is_array($otpList)) {
        throw new Exception("passed list is not array!");
        return false;
    $len = count($otpList);
    if ($len < 1) {
        throw new Exception("passed list is not array!");
        return false;
    $sixWord = array();
    for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
        if (null == $otpList[$i]) {
            $sixWord[$i] = null;
        } elseif (!is_string($otpList[$i])) {
            $sixWord[$i] = null;
        } elseif (strlen($otpList[$i]) < 1) {
            $sixWord[$i] = null;
        } else {
            $sixWord[$i] = implode(" ", ivcs_transform_to($otpList[$i]));
            //////////////////// invertibilty integrity check ////////////////////////////////////
            $testinverse = ivcs_transform_from(explode(" ", $sixWord[$i]));
            if (strcmp($otpList[$i], $testinverse) != 0) {
                error_log("ivcs_transform_array_to : ivcs_transform not invertible");
                error_log("ivcs_transform_array_to : original = " . $otpList[$i] . ", strlen = " . strlen($otpList[$i]));
                error_log("ivcs_transform_array_to : transform= " . $sixWord[$i]);
                error_log("ivcs_transform_array_to : inverted = " . $testinverse . ", strlen = " . strlen($testinverse));
    return $sixWord;