# Copyright 2005-2011 by webspell.org # # # # visit webSPELL.org, webspell.info to get webSPELL for free # # - Script runs under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE # # - It's NOT allowed to remove this copyright-tag # # -- http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/gpl.html # # # # Code based on WebSPELL Clanpackage (Michael Gruber - webspell.at), # # Far Development by Development Team - webspell.org # # # # visit webspell.org # # # ########################################################################## */ $_language->read_module('gallery'); if (!isgalleryadmin($userID) or mb_substr(basename($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']), 0, 15) != "admincenter.php") { die($_language->module['access_denied']); } $galclass = new Gallery(); if (isset($_GET['part'])) { $part = $_GET['part']; } else { $part = ''; } if (isset($_GET['action'])) { $action = $_GET['action']; } else { $action = ''; } if ($part == "groups") { if (isset($_POST['save'])) {
} } else { $rateform = '<i>' . $_language->module['rate_have_to_reg_login'] . '</i>'; } $votes = $ds['votes']; unset($ratingpic); $ratings = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); for ($i = 0; $i < $ds['rating']; $i++) { $ratings[$i] = 1; } $ratingpic = '<img src="images/icons/rating_' . $ratings[0] . '_start.gif" width="1" height="5" alt="" />'; foreach ($ratings as $pic) { $ratingpic .= '<img src="images/icons/rating_' . $pic . '.gif" width="4" height="5" alt="" />'; } //admin if (isgalleryadmin($userID) and $publicadmin or $galclass->isgalleryowner($ds['galleryID'], $userID)) { $adminaction = '<input type="button" onclick="MM_goToURL(\'parent\',\'index.php?site=gallery&action=edit&id=' . $_GET['picID'] . '\');return document.MM_returnValue" value="' . $_language->module['edit'] . '" /> <input type="button" onclick="MM_confirm(\'' . $_language->module['really_del'] . '\', \'gallery.php?action=delete&id=' . $_GET['picID'] . '\')" value="' . $_language->module['delete'] . '" />'; } else { $adminaction = ""; } //group+gallery $gallery = '<a href="index.php?site=gallery&galleryID=' . $ds['galleryID'] . '" class="titlelink">' . $galclass->getgalleryname($_GET['picID']) . '</a>'; if ($galclass->getgroupid_by_gallery($ds['galleryID'])) { $group = '<a href="index.php?site=gallery&groupID=' . $galclass->getgroupid_by_gallery($ds['galleryID']) . '" class="titlelink">' . $galclass->getgroupname($galclass->getgroupid_by_gallery($ds['galleryID'])) . '</a>'; } else { $group = '<a href="index.php?site=gallery&groupID=0" class="titlelink">' . $_language->module['usergalleries'] . '</a> >> <a href="index.php?site=profile&action=galleries&id=' . $galclass->getgalleryowner($ds['galleryID']) . '" class="titlelink">' . getnickname($galclass->getgalleryowner($ds['galleryID'])) . '</a>'; } eval("\$gallery = \"" . gettemplate("gallery_comments") . "\";"); echo $gallery; //comments $comments_allowed = $ds['comments'];
if (ispageadmin($id)) { $page = '<input type="checkbox" name="pageadmin" value="1" onmouseover="showWMTT(\'id9\')" onmouseout="hideWMTT()" checked="checked" />'; } else { $page = '<input type="checkbox" name="pageadmin" value="1" onmouseover="showWMTT(\'id9\')" onmouseout="hideWMTT()" />'; } if (isfileadmin($id)) { $file = '<input type="checkbox" name="fileadmin" value="1" onmouseover="showWMTT(\'id10\')" onmouseout="hideWMTT()" checked="checked" />'; } else { $file = '<input type="checkbox" name="fileadmin" value="1" onmouseover="showWMTT(\'id10\')" onmouseout="hideWMTT()" />'; } if (iscashadmin($id)) { $cash = '<input type="checkbox" name="cashadmin" value="1" onmouseover="showWMTT(\'id11\')" onmouseout="hideWMTT()" checked="checked" />'; } else { $cash = '<input type="checkbox" name="cashadmin" value="1" onmouseover="showWMTT(\'id11\')" onmouseout="hideWMTT()" />'; } if (isgalleryadmin($id)) { $gallery = '<input type="checkbox" name="galleryadmin" value="1" onmouseover="showWMTT(\'id12\')" onmouseout="hideWMTT()" checked="checked" />'; } else { $gallery = '<input type="checkbox" name="galleryadmin" value="1" onmouseover="showWMTT(\'id12\')" onmouseout="hideWMTT()" />'; } if (issuperadmin($id)) { $super = '<input type="checkbox" name="superadmin" value="1" onmouseover="showWMTT(\'id13\')" onmouseout="hideWMTT()" checked="checked" />'; } else { $super = '<input type="checkbox" name="superadmin" value="1" onmouseover="showWMTT(\'id13\')" onmouseout="hideWMTT()" />'; } $ergebnis = safe_query("SELECT * FROM " . PREFIX . "forum_groups"); while ($ds = mysql_fetch_array($ergebnis)) { $name = $ds['name']; $fgrID = $ds['fgrID']; if (isinusergrp($fgrID, $id, 0)) { $usergrp[$fgrID] = '<input type="checkbox" name="' . $fgrID . '" value="1" checked="checked" />';
<li><a href="admincenter.php?site=forumico">Forum Rubrics</a></li> </ul> <?php } if (isfileadmin($userID) || isgalleryadmin($userID)) { ?> <h1>Media</h1> <ul> <?php } if (isfileadmin($userID)) { ?> <li><a href="admincenter.php?site=filecategorys">Files - Categorys</a></li> <?php } if (isgalleryadmin($userID)) { ?> <li><a href="admincenter.php?site=gallery&part=gallerys">Gallery - Manage</a></li> <li><a href="admincenter.php?site=gallery&part=groups">Gallery - Groups, Categorys</a></li> </ul> <?php } ?> </div> </div> <div id="inner-right"> <?php if (isset($site) && $site != "news") { $invalide = array('\\', '/', '//', ':', '.'); $site = str_replace($invalide, ' ', $site); if (file_exists($site . '.php')) {