function local_obu_forms_extend_navigation($navigation)
    global $CFG, $USER, $PAGE;
    if (!isloggedin() || isguestuser()) {
    $context = context_system::instance();
    $staff_manager = has_capability('local/obu_forms:manage_pg', $context) || has_capability('local/obu_forms:manage_ump_staff', $context);
    $students_manager = has_capability('local/obu_forms:manage_pg', $context) || has_capability('local/obu_forms:manage_ump_students', $context);
    $manager = $staff_manager || $students_manager;
    $staff = is_staff($USER->username);
    // Has a 'p' number?
    $student = is_student($USER->id);
    // Enrolled on a PIP-based course (programme)?
    // Add the 'My Forms' option
    if ($manager || $staff || $student || !empty(get_form_data($USER->id))) {
        // Find the 'myprofile' node
        $nodeParent = $navigation->find('myprofile', navigation_node::TYPE_UNKNOWN);
        // Add the option to list their completed forms
        if ($nodeParent) {
            $node = $nodeParent->add(get_string('myforms', 'local_obu_forms'), '/local/obu_forms/index.php?userid=' . $USER->id);
    if (!$manager && !$staff && !$student) {
        // Move on now please, nothing more to see here...
    // Find the 'forms' node
    $nodeParent = $navigation->find(get_string('forms', 'local_obu_forms'), navigation_node::TYPE_SYSTEM);
    // If necessary, add the 'forms' node to 'home'
    if (!$nodeParent) {
        $nodeHome = $navigation->children->get('1')->parent;
        if ($nodeHome) {
            $nodeParent = $nodeHome->add(get_string('forms', 'local_obu_forms'), null, navigation_node::TYPE_SYSTEM);
    if ($nodeParent) {
        // For form managers, add the privileged maintenance and enquiry options
        if ($manager) {
            $node = $nodeParent->add(get_string('settings_nav', 'local_obu_forms'), '/local/obu_forms/forms.php');
            $node = $nodeParent->add(get_string('template_nav', 'local_obu_forms'), '/local/obu_forms/template.php');
            $node = $nodeParent->add(get_string('auths_nav', 'local_obu_forms'), '/local/obu_forms/auths.php');
            $node = $nodeParent->add(get_string('sc_auths', 'local_obu_forms'), '/local/obu_forms/auths.php?authoriser=csa');
            $node = $nodeParent->add(get_string('list_users_forms', 'local_obu_forms'), '/local/obu_forms/list.php');
            $node = $nodeParent->add(get_string('formslist', 'local_obu_forms'), '/local/obu_forms/formslist.php');
        } else {
            // For other users, add the option(s) to list all the relevant forms
            if ($staff) {
                $node = $nodeParent->add(get_string('staff_forms', 'local_obu_forms'), '/local/obu_forms/formslist.php?type=staff');
            $node = $nodeParent->add(get_string('student_forms', 'local_obu_forms'), '/local/obu_forms/formslist.php?type=student');
            // Both staff and students can view student forms
            if ($staff) {
                $node = $nodeParent->add(get_string('list_users_forms', 'local_obu_forms'), '/local/obu_forms/list.php');
 * Print the student individual ranking points
 * @return string
function block_ranking_print_individual_ranking()
    global $USER, $COURSE;
    if (!is_student($USER->id)) {
        return '';
    $weekstart = strtotime(date('d-m-Y', strtotime('-' . date('w') . ' days')));
    $lastweekpoints = block_ranking_get_student_points_by_date($USER->id, $weekstart, time());
    $lastweekpoints = $lastweekpoints->points != null ? $lastweekpoints->points : '0';
    $lastweekpoints = $lastweekpoints . " " . strtolower(get_string('table_points', 'block_ranking'));
    $monthstart = strtotime(date('Y-m-01'));
    $lastmonthpoints = block_ranking_get_student_points_by_date($USER->id, $monthstart, time());
    $lastmonthpoints = $lastmonthpoints->points != null ? $lastmonthpoints->points : '0';
    $lastmonthpoints = $lastmonthpoints . " " . strtolower(get_string('table_points', 'block_ranking'));
    $totalpoints = block_ranking_get_student_points($USER->id);
    $totalpoints = $totalpoints->points != null ? $totalpoints->points : '0';
    $totalpoints = $totalpoints . " " . strtolower(get_string('table_points', 'block_ranking'));
    $table = new html_table();
    $table->attributes = array("class" => "rankingTable table table-striped generaltable");
    $table->head = array(get_string('weekly', 'block_ranking'), get_string('monthly', 'block_ranking'), get_string('general', 'block_ranking'));
    $row = new html_table_row();
    $row->cells = array($lastweekpoints, $lastmonthpoints, $totalpoints);
    $table->data[] = $row;
    $individualranking = html_writer::table($table);
    return "<h4>" . get_string('your_score', 'block_ranking') . ":</h4>" . $individualranking;
 $firstname = escape_string($_POST['firstname']);
 if (!isset($_POST['surname']) or $_POST['surname'] == "") {
     cust_die("You must submit the parents's last name.");
 $surname = escape_string($_POST['surname']);
 if (!isset($_POST['gender']) or $_POST['gender'] == "") {
     cust_die("You must submit the parents's gender.");
 } elseif ($_POST['gender'] != "m" and $_POST['gender'] != "f") {
     cust_die("That is not a valid gender...");
 $gender = escape_string($_POST['gender']);
 if (!isset($_POST['studentid']) or $_POST['studentid'] == "" or is_numeric($_POST['studentid']) == FALSE) {
     cust_die("You must submit the student's ID.  This probably shouldn't come up; perhaps you should submit a bug report.");
 $studentID = escape_string($_POST['studentid']);
 if (is_student($studentID) == FALSE) {
     cust_die("Invalid student ID.");
 if (!isset($_POST['email']) or $_POST['email'] == "") {
     $email = "";
 } else {
     $email = escape_string($_POST['email']);
     if (is_valid_email($email) == FALSE) {
         cust_die("The e-mail address was not in the correct format.");
 // if they haven't entered a username, generate one using the person's name
 if (!isset($_POST['username']) or $_POST['username'] == "") {
     $username = $firstname . $surname;
     $username = str_replace(" ", "", $username);
     $username = strtolower($username);
if ($type == 'staff') {
    $heading = get_string('staff_forms', 'local_obu_forms');
} else {
    if ($type == 'student') {
        $heading = get_string('student_forms', 'local_obu_forms');
    } else {
        $heading = get_string('formslist', 'local_obu_forms');
$staff_forms = substr($USER->username, 0, 1) == 'p' && is_numeric(substr($USER->username, 1));
// Can view staff forms
$pg_forms = $staff_forms || is_student($USER->id, 'PG');
// Can view PG student forms
$ump_forms = $staff_forms || is_student($USER->id, 'UMP');
// Can view UMP student forms
if ($type == 'student') {
    // Exclude staff forms
    $staff_forms = false;
if ($type == 'staff') {
    // Exclude student forms
    $pg_forms = false;
    $ump_forms = false;
// The page contents
echo $OUTPUT->header();
echo $OUTPUT->heading($heading);
$forms = get_forms(is_manager(), $staff_forms, $pg_forms, $ump_forms);
$url = new moodle_url('/local/obu_forms/form.php');