echo $lang['settings'];
        <li><a href="logout.php"><?php 
echo $lang['logout'];
    <div id="ip">
# on the RACHEL-Plus we also show a battery meter
if (is_rachelplus()) {
    echo '
                    refreshRate = 1000 * 60 * 1; // one minute on admin page, be conservative
                    function getBatteryInfo() {
                            url: "background.php?getBatteryInfo=1",
                            success: function(results) {
                                var vert = 0; // shows full charge (each icon down 12px)
                                if      (results.level < 20) { vert = -48; }
                                else if (results.level < 40) { vert = -36; }
                                else if (results.level < 60) { vert = -24; }
                                else if (results.level < 80) { vert = -12; }
                                var horz = 0; // shows not plugged (40px right to show plugged)
                                if (results.status > -20 ) { horz = 40 }
function draw_stats()
    global $maxlines, $alog, $elog;
    # start timer
    $starttime = microtime(true);
    $out = "";
    # read query string (and display)
    if ($_GET && $_GET['module']) {
        $module = $_GET['module'];
        $out .= "<p>Usage Stats\n";
        $dispmod = preg_replace("/\\/modules\\//", "", $module);
    } else {
        # i don't understand why i wrote this bit:
        if (file_exists("../modules")) {
            $module = "/modules";
        } else {
            $module = "/";
        $out .= "<p>Usage Stats\n";
        $dispmod = "";
    $modmatch = preg_quote($module, "/");
    # our log file is overrun with stuff like battery check
    # requests -- we filter that here and create a temporary
    # log file instead...
    $tmpfile = "/media/RACHEL/filteredlog";
    $lagtime = 60;
    # seconds to refresh the filtered log
    if (!file_exists($tmpfile) || filemtime($tmpfile) < time() - $lagtime) {
        exec("grep -v 'GET /admin' {$alog} > {$tmpfile}");
    # read in the log file
    $content = tail($tmpfile, $maxlines);
    # and process
    $nestcount = 0;
    $not_counted = 0;
    $total_pages = 0;
    while (1) {
        $count = 0;
        $errors = 0;
        # array();
        $stats = array();
        $start = "";
        foreach (preg_split("/((\r?\n)|(\r\n?))/", $content) as $line) {
            # line count and limiting
            # XXX is this needed if we're using tail()?
            if ($maxlines && $count >= $maxlines) {
            # we display the date range - [29/Mar/2015:06:25:15 -0700]
            preg_match("/\\[(.+?) .+?\\]/", $line, $date);
            if ($date) {
                if (!$start) {
                    $start = $date[1];
                $end = $date[1];
            # count errors
            preg_match("/\"GET.+?\" (\\d\\d\\d) /", $line, $matches);
            if ($matches && $matches[1] >= 400) {
                #inc($errors, $matches[1]);
            # count pages only (not images and support files)
            preg_match("/GET (.+?(\\/|\\.html?|\\.pdf|\\.php)) /", $line, $matches);
            if ($matches) {
                $url = $matches[1];
                # cout the subpages
                preg_match("/{$modmatch}\\/([^\\/]+)/", $url, $sub);
                if ($sub) {
                    inc($stats, $sub[1]);
                } else {
                    if (preg_match("/{$modmatch}\\/\$/", $url)) {
                        # if there was a hit with this directory as the
                        # trailing component, there was probably a page there
                        # so we count that too
                        inc($stats, "./");
                    } else {
            } else {
        # auto-descend into directories if there's only one item
        # XXX basically we redo the above over, one dir deeper each time,
        # until we reach a break condition (multiple choices, single page, or too deep,
        # which is pretty darn inefficient
        if (sizeof($stats) == 1) {
            # PHP 5.3 compat - can't index off a function, need a temp var
            $keys = array_keys($stats);
            # but not if the one thing is an html file
            if (preg_match("/(\\/|\\.html?|\\.pdf|\\.php)\$/", $keys[0])) {
            # and not if it's too deep
            if ($nestcount > 5) {
                $out .= "<h1>ERROR descending nested directories</h1>\n";
            $module .= "/" . $keys[0];
            $modmatch = preg_quote($module, "/");
            $dispmod = preg_replace("/\\/modules\\//", "", $module);
            $dispmod = preg_replace("/\\/+/", "/", $dispmod);
        } else {
    # date & time formatting (we used to show time, but now we don't)
    $start = preg_replace("/\\:.+/", " ", $start, 1);
    $end = preg_replace("/\\:.+/", " ", $end, 1);
    #$start = preg_replace("/\:/", " ", $start, 1);
    #$end   = preg_replace("/\:/", " ", $end, 1);
    #$start = preg_replace("/\:\d\d$/", "", $start, 1);
    #$end   = preg_replace("/\:\d\d$/", "", $end, 1);
    $start = preg_replace("/\\//", " ", $start);
    $end = preg_replace("/\\//", " ", $end);
    $out .= "<b>{$start}</b> through <b>{$end}</b></p>\n";
    # tell the user the path they're in
    if ($dispmod) {
        $out .= "<h3 style='margin-bottom: 0;'>Looking In: {$dispmod}</h3>\n";
        $out .= "<a href='stats.php' style='font-size: small;'>&larr; back to all modules</a>";
    } else {
        $out .= "<h3 style='margin-bottom: 0;'>Looking At: all modules</h3>\n";
    # stats display
    $out .= "<table class=\"stats\">\n";
    $out .= "<tr><th>Hits</th><th>Content</th></tr>\n";
    foreach ($stats as $mod => $hits) {
        # html pages are links to the content
        if (preg_match("/(\\/|\\.html?|\\.pdf|\\.php)\$/", $mod)) {
            $url = "{$module}/{$mod}";
            $out .= "<tr><td>{$hits}</td><td>{$mod} ";
            $out .= "<small>(<a href=\"{$url}\" target=\"_blank\">view</a>)</small></td></tr>\n";
            # directories link to a drill-down
        } else {
            $url = "stats.php?module=" . urlencode("{$module}/{$mod}");
            $out .= "<tr><td>{$hits}</td>";
            $out .= "<td><a href=\"{$url}\">{$mod}</a></td></tr>\n";
    $out .= "</table>\n";
    # timer readout
    $time = microtime(true) - $starttime;
    $out .= sprintf("<p><b>{$count} lines analyzed in %.2f seconds.</b><br>\n", $time);
    $out .= "\n        <span style='font-size: small;'>\n        {$total_pages} content pages seen<br>\n        {$not_counted} items not counted (images, css, js, admin, etc)<br>\n        <!-- {$errors} errors -->\n        Stats are updated each minute, and do not include ka-lite or wiki items.\n        </span></p>\n    ";
    # download log links
    $out .= '
        <li><a href="stats.php?dl_alog=1">Download Raw Access Log</a>
        <li><a href="stats.php?dl_elog=1">Download Raw Error Log</a>
    # allow clearing logs on the plus
    if (is_rachelplus()) {
        $out .= '
                function clearLogs() {
                    if (!confirm("Are you sure you want to clear the logs?")) {
                        return false;
                        url: "background.php?clearLogs=1",
                        success: function() {
                            $("#clearbut").css("color", "green");
                            $("#clearbut").html("&#10004; Logs Cleared");
                        error: function() {
                            $("#clearbut").css("color", "#c00");
                            $("#clearbut").html("X Internal Error");
            <button type="button" id="clearbut" onclick="clearLogs();">Clear Logs</button>
    return $out;
function clearLogs()
    if (is_rachelplus()) {
        exec("rm /var/log/httpd/access_log /var/log/httpd/error_log /media/RACHEL/filteredlog", $out, $rv);
        $rv = 0;
        if ($rv == 0) {
            # make sure they are there (even if empty) in case someone looks)
            exec("touch /var/log/httpd/access_log /var/log/httpd/error_log", $out, $rv);
            # now we need to restart the server after clearing the logs
            # but we need to do that after sending out our response and closing
            # (found on stackoverflow)
            header("HTTP/1.1 200 OK");
            header("Connection: close");
            // just to be safe
            echo "{ \"status\" : \"OK\" }\n";
            $size = ob_get_length();
            header("Content-Length: {$size}");
            // Strange behaviour, will not work
            // Unless both are called !
            // Do post-processing here
            //echo "{ \"status\" : \"NOTOK\" }\n";
            # client should be closed now
            exec("killall lighttpd");
            # shouldn't ever get here but...
    header("HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error");
function kiwix_restart()
    if (is_rachelpi()) {
        exec("sudo service kiwix restart");
    } else {
        if (is_rachelplus()) {
            exec("bash /root/rachel-scripts/rachelKiwixStart.sh");