<?php // download script really require_once 'init.php'; $API->auth(); if (!is_premium()) { $API->TPL->assign('message', $API->LANG->_('Your account type is not premium')); $API->TPL->assign('warning', "<a href=\"{$API->SEO->make_link('premium')}\">{$API->LANG->_("Extend account")}</a>"); $API->TPL->display('message.tpl'); die; } $id = $API->getval('id', 'int'); $udid = $API->getval('udid'); $app = $API->DB->query_row("SELECT links.*,apps.* FROM links LEFT JOIN apps ON links.trackid=apps.trackid WHERE links.id={$id}"); if (!$app) { app_error_message($trackid); } //$app['last_parse_itunes'] = json_decode($app['last_parse_itunes'], true); if ($udid) { $check = $API->DB->get_row_count("push", "WHERE udid={$API->DB->sqlesc($udid)} AND account_id={$API->account['id']}"); if (!$check) { die($API->LANG->_('This device does not belong to you')); } $link = $app['link']; //var_dump($link); if (!$link) { die($API->LANG->_('Error')); } /* * LINK GET CODE, used in APPGW too */
function page_footer() { $version = OVD_VERSION; if (array_key_exists('version', $_SESSION['configuration']) && $_SESSION['configuration']['version'] != $version) { $version = $_SESSION['configuration']['version'] . ' / ' . $version; } if (is_premium()) { $smtype = "Premium"; } else { $smtype = "Community"; } echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; echo '</table>'; echo '</div>'; echo '<div class="spacer"></div>'; echo '<br />'; echo '</div>'; echo '<div class="spacer"></div>'; echo '<div id="footerWrap">' . _('powered by'); echo ' <a href="http://www.ulteo.com"><img src="' . ROOT_ADMIN_URL . '/media/image/ulteo.png" width="22" height="22" alt="Ulteo" title="Ulteo" /> Ulteo</a> OVD ' . $smtype . ' Edition v' . $version . ' '; echo '</div>'; echo '</div>'; echo '</body>'; echo '</html>'; }
result(array(), "https://regmyudid.com/isigncloud/mcb.php?t=" . urlencode($ticket)); } elseif ($service_request == 'get_directinstaller_link') { $id = $API->getval('id', 'int'); /* * LINK GET CODE, used in APPGW too */ if ($id) { $appdata = $API->DB->query_row("SELECT links.* FROM links WHERE links.id={$id}"); if (!$appdata) { result('Invalid link ID'); } $link = $appdata['link']; } else { $link = trim($API->getval('link')); } if (!preg_match('#mega\\.co\\.nz#si', $link) && !is_premium()) { result('Account type is not premium'); } $link = get_directinstaller_link($link); if (!$link) { result('Unable to make directinstaller link'); } result(array(), $link); } elseif ($service_request == 'register_device') { if ($API->account) { $to_db['account_id'] = $API->account['id']; $count = $API->DB->get_row_count('push', "WHERE account_id={$to_db['account_id']}"); if ($count > 5) { result('Can not register device. Limit in 5 devices reached.'); } }
$buf = getProfileMode($prefs); $buf = new $buf(); ?> <h2><a href="configuration-profile.php">Profile - <?php echo $buf->getPrettyName(); ?> </a></h2> <?php $buf = $buf->display_sumup($prefs); echo $buf; ?> </div> </div> </td> <?php if (is_premium()) { ?> <td style="padding: 20px; vertical-align: top;"> <div class="container rounded" style="background: #eee; width: 98%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"> <div> <h2><a href="certificate.php"><?php echo _("Subscription Keys"); ?> </a></h2> <?php $expirity = $_SESSION['service']->has_valid_certificate(); if ($expirity !== false) { $expirity = floor(($expirity - gmmktime()) / (60 * 60 * 24)); if ($expirity > 0 && $expirity < 20) { echo sprintf(_("Your Premium Edition Subscription Key will expire in %d days"), $expirity); } elseif ($expirity <= 0) {