文件: start.php 项目: eokyere/elgg
 * Blog extended initialization
 * Register css extensions, contentes view for groups, widgets and event handlers
function blogextended_init()
    global $CONFIG;
    extend_view("css", "blogextended/css");
    extend_view("blog/fields_before", "blog/forms/type");
    extend_view("blog/fields_before", "groups/groupselector");
    //extend_view('groups/left_column', 'groups/groupcontents',1);
    add_widget_type('blog', elgg_echo('blog:widget:title'), elgg_echo('blog:widget:description'));
    register_elgg_event_handler("create", "object", "blog_type_handler");
    register_elgg_event_handler("update", "object", "blog_type_handler");
    register_elgg_event_handler("create", "object", "group_selector_handler");
    register_elgg_event_handler("update", "object", "group_selector_handler");
    register_page_handler('gblog', 'gblog_page_handler');
    if (is_plugin_enabled("itemicon")) {
        if (!isset($CONFIG->itemicon)) {
            $CONFIG->itemicon[] = array();
        $CONFIG->itemicon[] = "blog";
        extend_view("blog/fields_after", "itemicon/add");
    $options = array("" => "All", "WorkStories" => "Work Stories", "HowTo" => "How To's", "GroupGuides" => "Group Guides", "ManagingProjects" => "Managing a Project", "TellingYourStory" => "Telling your Story");
    $CONFIG->BLOG_TYPES = $options;
    if (file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . "/config.php")) {
        @(require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/config.php");
    $CONFIG->blogextended = $options;
 * Notification settings page setup function
function notifications_plugin_pagesetup()
    global $CONFIG;
    if (get_context() == 'settings') {
        add_submenu_item(elgg_echo('notifications:subscriptions:changesettings'), $CONFIG->wwwroot . "mod/notifications/");
        if (is_plugin_enabled('groups')) {
            add_submenu_item(elgg_echo('notifications:subscriptions:changesettings:groups'), $CONFIG->wwwroot . "mod/notifications/groups.php");
function tagcloud_init()
    add_widget_type('tagcloud', elgg_echo('tagcloud:widget:title'), elgg_echo('tagcloud:widget:description'));
    // Extend CSS
    elgg_extend_view('css', 'tagcloud/css');
    if (is_plugin_enabled('blog')) {
        // extend blog sidebar with a tag-cloud
    if (is_plugin_enabled('bookmarks')) {
        // extend bkmrks sidebar with a tag-cloud
 * Walled garden support.
 * @package ElggWalledGarden
 * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU Public License version 2
 * @author Curverider Ltd
 * @copyright Curverider Ltd 2008-2010
 * @link http://elgg.com/
function walledgarden_init()
    global $CONFIG;
    $CONFIG->disable_registration = true;
    // elgg_set_viewtype('default');
    elgg_extend_view('pageshells/pageshell', 'walledgarden/walledgarden');
    elgg_extend_view('css', 'walledgarden/css');
    // Replace the default index page if the custom index plugin does not exist
    if (!is_plugin_enabled("custom_index")) {
        register_plugin_hook('index', 'system', 'walledgarden_index');
    // um...what is this doing here?
    // Turn off simple cache if enabled
    //if (function_exists('elgg_view_disable_simplecache')) {
    //	elgg_view_disable_simplecache();
 * Country Selector
 * Main init file
 * @package country_selector
 * @author ColdTrick IT Solutions
 * @copyright Coldtrick IT Solutions 2009
 * @link http://www.coldtrick.com/
 * @version 0.1
function country_selector_init()
    if (is_plugin_enabled("profile_manager")) {
        // default profile options
        $profileoptions = array();
        $profileoptions["show_on_register"] = true;
        $profileoptions["mandatory"] = true;
        $profileoptions["user_editable"] = true;
        $profileoptions["output_as_tags"] = false;
        $profileoptions["admin_only"] = true;
        $profileoptions["simple_search"] = true;
        $profileoptions["advanced_search"] = true;
        // default group options
        $groupoptions = array();
        $groupoptions["output_as_tags"] = false;
        $groupoptions["admin_only"] = true;
        // Add profile fields
        add_custom_field_type("custom_profile_field_types", 'country', elgg_echo("country_selector:field_type:country"), $profileoptions);
        add_custom_field_type("custom_profile_field_types", 'ca_us_state', elgg_echo("country_selector:field_type:ca_us_state"), $profileoptions);
        // Add group fields
        add_custom_field_type("custom_group_field_types", 'country', elgg_echo("country_selector:field_type:country"), $groupoptions);
        add_custom_field_type("custom_group_field_types", 'ca_us_state', elgg_echo("country_selector:field_type:ca_us_state"), $groupoptions);
if (is_plugin_enabled('blog')) {
    $blog_link = "<li {$blog_highlight}><a href=\"{$vars['url']}pg/blog/{$username}\">Blog</a></li>";
} else {
    $blog_link = "";
if (is_plugin_enabled('video')) {
    $video_link = "<li {$video_highlight}><a href=\"{$vars['url']}pg/video/{$username}\">Videos</a></li>";
} else {
    $video_link = "";
if (is_plugin_enabled('pages')) {
    $pages_link = "<li {$pages_highlight}><a href=\"{$vars['url']}pg/pages/owned/{$username}\">Pages</a></li>";
} else {
    $pages_link = "";
if (is_plugin_enabled('bookmarks')) {
    $bookmark_link = "<li {$bookmarks_highlight}><a href=\"{$vars['url']}pg/bookmarks/{$username}\">Bookmarks</a></li>";
} else {
    $bookmark_link = "";
//contruct the display
$display = <<<EOT

<div id="owner_block">
\t<div class="owner_block_icon {$icon_class}">
\t<div class="owner_block_links">
 * Page handler for autocomplete endpoint.
 * @param $page
 * @return unknown_type
function input_livesearch_page_handler($page)
    global $CONFIG;
    // only return results to logged in users.
    if (!($user = get_loggedin_user())) {
    if (!($q = get_input('q'))) {
    $q = mysql_real_escape_string($q);
    // replace mysql vars with escaped strings
    $q = str_replace(array('_', '%'), array('\\_', '\\%'), $q);
    $match_on = get_input('match_on', 'all');
    if ($match_on == 'all' || $match_on[0] == 'all') {
        $match_on = array('users', 'groups');
    if (!is_array($match_on)) {
        $match_on = array($match_on);
    if (get_input('match_owner', false)) {
        $owner_guid = $user->getGUID();
        $owner_where = 'AND e.owner_guid = ' . $user->getGUID();
    } else {
        $owner_guid = null;
        $owner_where = '';
    $limit = get_input('limit', 10);
    // grab a list of entities and send them in json.
    $results = array();
    foreach ($match_on as $type) {
        switch ($type) {
            case 'all':
                // only need to pull up title from objects.
                if (!($entities = elgg_get_entities(array('owner_guid' => $owner_guid, 'limit' => $limit))) and is_array($entities)) {
                    $results = array_merge($results, $entities);
            case 'users':
                $query = "SELECT * FROM {$CONFIG->dbprefix}users_entity as ue, {$CONFIG->dbprefix}entities as e\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE e.guid = ue.guid\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND e.enabled = 'yes'\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND ue.banned = 'no'\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND (ue.name LIKE '{$q}%' OR ue.username LIKE '{$q}%')\n\t\t\t\t\tLIMIT {$limit}\n\t\t\t\t";
                if ($entities = get_data($query)) {
                    foreach ($entities as $entity) {
                        $json = json_encode(array('type' => 'user', 'name' => $entity->name, 'desc' => $entity->username, 'icon' => '<img class="livesearch_icon" src="' . get_entity($entity->guid)->getIcon('tiny') . '" />', 'guid' => $entity->guid));
                        $results[$entity->name . rand(1, 100)] = $json;
            case 'groups':
                // don't return results if groups aren't enabled.
                if (!is_plugin_enabled('groups')) {
                $query = "SELECT * FROM {$CONFIG->dbprefix}groups_entity as ge, {$CONFIG->dbprefix}entities as e\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE e.guid = ge.guid\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND e.enabled = 'yes'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{$owner_where}\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND (ge.name LIKE '{$q}%' OR ge.description LIKE '%{$q}%')\n\t\t\t\t\tLIMIT {$limit}\n\t\t\t\t";
                if ($entities = get_data($query)) {
                    foreach ($entities as $entity) {
                        $json = json_encode(array('type' => 'group', 'name' => $entity->name, 'desc' => strip_tags($entity->description), 'icon' => '<img class="livesearch_icon" src="' . get_entity($entity->guid)->getIcon('tiny') . '" />', 'guid' => $entity->guid));
                        //$results[$entity->name . rand(1,100)] = "$json|{$entity->guid}";
                        $results[$entity->name . rand(1, 100)] = $json;
            case 'friends':
                $access = get_access_sql_suffix();
                $query = "SELECT * FROM {$CONFIG->dbprefix}users_entity as ue, {$CONFIG->dbprefix}entity_relationships as er, {$CONFIG->dbprefix}entities as e\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE er.relationship = 'friend'\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND er.guid_one = {$user->getGUID()}\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND er.guid_two = ue.guid\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND e.guid = ue.guid\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND e.enabled = 'yes'\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND ue.banned = 'no'\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND (ue.name LIKE '{$q}%' OR ue.username LIKE '{$q}%')\n\t\t\t\t\tLIMIT {$limit}\n\t\t\t\t";
                if ($entities = get_data($query)) {
                    foreach ($entities as $entity) {
                        $json = json_encode(array('type' => 'user', 'name' => $entity->name, 'desc' => $entity->username, 'icon' => '<img class="livesearch_icon" src="' . get_entity($entity->guid)->getIcon('tiny') . '" />', 'guid' => $entity->guid));
                        $results[$entity->name . rand(1, 100)] = $json;
                // arbitrary subtype.
                //@todo you cannot specify a subtype without a type.
                // did this ever work?
                elgg_get_entities(array('subtype' => $type, 'owner_guid' => $owner_guid));
    echo implode($results, "\n");
文件: plugins.php 项目: eokyere/elgg
 * Return an array of installed plugins.
function get_installed_plugins()
    global $CONFIG;
    $installed_plugins = array();
    if (!empty($CONFIG->pluginspath)) {
        $plugins = get_plugin_list();
        foreach ($plugins as $mod) {
            $installed_plugins[$mod] = array();
            $installed_plugins[$mod]['active'] = is_plugin_enabled($mod);
            $installed_plugins[$mod]['manifest'] = load_plugin_manifest($mod);
    return $installed_plugins;
$contents = "";
// Are there feeds to display?
global $autofeed;
if (isset($autofeed) && $autofeed == true) {
    $url = $url2 = full_url();
    if (substr_count($url, '?')) {
        $url .= "&view=rss";
    } else {
        $url .= "?view=rss";
    $label = elgg_echo('feed:rss');
    $contents .= <<<END
\t<div class="rss_link clearfloat"><a href="{$url}" rel="nofollow" title="{$label}">{$label}</a></div>
if (is_plugin_enabled('profile')) {
    // Is there a page owner?
    $owner = page_owner_entity();
    $location = elgg_view("output/tags", array('value' => $owner->location));
    if ($owner instanceof ElggEntity) {
        $icon = elgg_view("profile/icon", array('entity' => $owner, 'size' => 'tiny'));
        if ($owner instanceof ElggUser || $owner instanceof ElggGroup) {
            $info = '<h3><a href="' . $owner->getURL() . '">' . $owner->name . '</a></h3>';
        $display = "<div class='owner_block_icon'>" . $icon . "</div>";
        $display .= "<div class='owner_block_contents clearfloat'>" . $info;
        if ($owner->briefdescription) {
            $desc = $owner->briefdescription;
            $display .= "<p class='profile_info briefdescription'>" . $desc . "</p>";
        $display .= "<p class='profile_info location'>{$location}</p>";
    //$label2 = elgg_echo('feed:odd');
    $contents .= <<<END

\t<div id="owner_block_rss_feed"><a href="{$url}" rel="nofollow">{$label}</a></div>
//the follow are for logged in users only
if (isloggedin()) {
    //is the bookmark plugin installed?
    if (is_plugin_enabled('bookmarks')) {
        $label3 = elgg_echo('bookmarks:this');
        $contents .= "<div id=\"owner_block_bookmark_this\"><a href=\"javascript:location.href='" . $CONFIG->wwwroot . "mod/bookmarks/add.php?address='+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+'&title='+encodeURIComponent(document.title)\">{$label3}</a></div>";
    //report this button
    if (is_plugin_enabled('reportedcontent')) {
        $label4 = elgg_echo('reportedcontent:report');
        $contents .= "<div id=\"owner_block_report_this\"><a href=\"javascript:location.href='" . $CONFIG->wwwroot . "mod/reportedcontent/add.php?address='+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+'&title='+encodeURIComponent(document.title)\">{$label4}</a></div>";
$contents .= elgg_view('owner_block/extend');
// Have we been asked to inject any content? If so, display it
if (isset($vars['content'])) {
    $contents .= $vars['content'];
// Initialise the submenu
$submenu = get_submenu();
// elgg_view('canvas_header/submenu');
if (!empty($submenu)) {
    $contents .= "<div id=\"owner_block_submenu\">" . $submenu . "</div>";

* iZAP izap_videos
* @package youtube, vimeo, veoh and onserver uploading
* @license GNU Public License version 3
* @author iZAP Team "<*****@*****.**>"
* @link http://www.izap.in/
* @version 1.5-1.0
if (is_plugin_enabled('izap_videos')) {
    $videos = $vars['entities'];
    $total = 16;
    if (isset($vars['videosTOdisplay'])) {
        $total = $vars['videosTOdisplay'];
    echo '<div class="index_box">';
    echo elgg_view_title(elgg_echo('videos'));
    echo '<div class="contentWrapper">';
	    function selectTab(selectedTab, displayDiv) {
 * Users initialisation function, which establishes the page handler
function users_init()
    // Load config
    global $CONFIG;
    // add Friends to tools menu - if profile mod is running
    if (isloggedin() && is_plugin_enabled('profile')) {
        $user = get_loggedin_user();
        add_menu(elgg_echo('friends'), $CONFIG->wwwroot . "pg/friends/" . $user->username, array(), 'core:friends');
    register_page_handler('friends', 'friends_page_handler');
    register_page_handler('friendsof', 'friends_of_page_handler');
    //register_page_handler('collections', 'collections_page_handler');
    register_page_handler('dashboard', 'dashboard_page_handler');
    register_page_handler('register', 'registration_page_handler');
    register_page_handler('resetpassword', 'elgg_user_resetpassword_page_handler');
    register_action("register", true);
    register_action("useradd", true);
    // User name change
    extend_elgg_settings_page('user/settings/name', 'usersettings/user', 1);
    // User password change
    extend_elgg_settings_page('user/settings/password', 'usersettings/user', 1);
    // Add email settings
    extend_elgg_settings_page('user/settings/email', 'usersettings/user', 1);
    // Add language settings
    extend_elgg_settings_page('user/settings/language', 'usersettings/user', 1);
    // Add default access settings
    extend_elgg_settings_page('user/settings/default_access', 'usersettings/user', 1);
    // Register the user type
    register_entity_type('user', '');
    register_plugin_hook('usersettings:save', 'user', 'users_settings_save');
    register_elgg_event_handler('create', 'user', 'user_create_hook_add_site_relationship');
    // Handle a special case for newly created users when the user is not logged in
    // TODO: handle this better!
    register_plugin_hook('permissions_check', 'all', 'new_user_enable_permissions_check');
 * Function to add menu items to the pages
 * @return unknown_type
function profile_manager_pagesetup()
    global $CONFIG;
    if (get_context() == "admin" && isadminloggedin()) {
        if (is_plugin_enabled("profile")) {
            // Remake admin submenu
            $subA =& $CONFIG->submenu["a"];
            foreach ($subA as $index => $item) {
                if ($item->name == elgg_echo("profile:edit:default")) {
            add_submenu_item(elgg_echo("profile:edit:default"), $CONFIG->wwwroot . "pg/profile_manager/profile_fields", "b");
        if (is_plugin_enabled("groups")) {
            add_submenu_item(elgg_echo("profile_manager:group_fields"), $CONFIG->wwwroot . "pg/profile_manager/group_fields", "b");
    if (get_plugin_setting("show_members_search") == "yes" && (get_input("handler") == "search" || strpos($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], "/search/") === 0)) {
        add_submenu_item(elgg_echo('profile_manager:members:submenu'), $CONFIG->wwwroot . "pg/members", "b");
文件: global.php 项目: jprice/EHCP
 function check_plugin_dependencies($plugin_name, $force_inclusion = FALSE)
     $dependencies = get_plugin_dependencies($plugin_name, $force_inclusion);
     if (!$dependencies) {
         return TRUE;
     if ($dependencies === SQ_INCOMPATIBLE) {
         return $dependencies;
     $missing_or_bad = array();
     foreach ($dependencies as $depend_name => $depend_requirements) {
         // check for core plugins first
         if (strpos(strtoupper($depend_requirements['version']), 'CORE') === 0) {
             // see if the plugin is in the core (just check if the directory exists)
             if (!file_exists(SM_PATH . 'plugins/' . $depend_name)) {
                 $missing_or_bad[$depend_name] = $depend_requirements;
             } else {
                 if ($depend_requirements['activate'] && !is_plugin_enabled($depend_name)) {
                     $missing_or_bad[$depend_name] = $depend_requirements;
                 } else {
                     if (strpos($depend_requirements['version'], ':') !== FALSE) {
                         $version = explode('.', substr($depend_requirements['version'], strpos($depend_requirements['version'], ':') + 1), 3);
                         $version[0] = intval($version[0]);
                         if (isset($version[1])) {
                             $version[1] = intval($version[1]);
                         } else {
                             $version[1] = 0;
                         if (isset($version[2])) {
                             $version[2] = intval($version[2]);
                         } else {
                             $version[2] = 0;
                         if (!check_sm_version($version[0], $version[1], $version[2])) {
                             $missing_or_bad[$depend_name] = $depend_requirements;
         // if the plugin is actually incompatible; check that it
         // is not activated
         if ($depend_requirements['version'] == SQ_INCOMPATIBLE) {
             if (is_plugin_enabled($depend_name)) {
                 $missing_or_bad[$depend_name] = $depend_requirements;
         // check for normal plugins
         $version = explode('.', $depend_requirements['version'], 3);
         $version[0] = intval($version[0]);
         if (isset($version[1])) {
             $version[1] = intval($version[1]);
         } else {
             $version[1] = 0;
         if (isset($version[2])) {
             $version[2] = intval($version[2]);
         } else {
             $version[2] = 0;
         $force_dependency_inclusion = !$depend_requirements['activate'];
         if (!check_plugin_version($depend_name, $version[0], $version[1], $version[2], $force_dependency_inclusion)) {
             $missing_or_bad[$depend_name] = $depend_requirements;
     if (empty($missing_or_bad)) {
         return TRUE;
     // get non-parsed required versions
     $non_parsed_dependencies = get_plugin_dependencies($plugin_name, $force_inclusion, FALSE);
     $return_array = array();
     foreach ($missing_or_bad as $depend_name => $ignore) {
         $return_array[$depend_name] = $non_parsed_dependencies[$depend_name];
     return $return_array;

 * Elgg user search box.
 * @package Elgg
 * @subpackage Core
 * @author Curverider Ltd
 * @link http://elgg.org/
if (is_plugin_enabled('search') && is_plugin_enabled('profile')) {
	<div class="admin_settings user_search">
		<form action="<?php 
    echo $vars['url'];
pg/search/" method="get">
    echo elgg_echo('admin:user:label:search');
    echo elgg_view('input/text', array('internalname' => 'q'));
			<input type="hidden" name="entity_type" value="user" />
			<input type="hidden" name="search_type" value="entities" />
			<input type="submit" name="<?php 
    echo elgg_echo('admin:user:label:searchbutton');
 * @subpackage bug_report
// This is the bug_report options page
define('PAGE_NAME', 'bug_report_options');
// Include the SquirrelMail initialization file.
require '../../include/init.php';
// load plugin functions
require_once SM_PATH . 'plugins/bug_report/functions.php';
// error out when bug_report plugin is disabled
// or is called by the wrong user
if (!is_plugin_enabled('bug_report') || !bug_report_check_user()) {
    error_box(_("Plugin is disabled."));
// get system specs
require_once SM_PATH . 'plugins/bug_report/system_specs.php';
list($body, $warnings, $corrections) = get_system_specs();
$body_top = "I am subscribed to the this mailing list.\n" . " (applies when you are sending email to SquirrelMail mailing list)\n" . "  [ ]  True - No need to CC me when replying\n" . "  [ ]  False - Please CC me when replying\n" . "\n" . "This bug occurs when I ...\n" . "  ... view a particular message\n" . "  ... use a specific plugin/function\n" . "  ... try to do/view/use ....\n" . "\n\n\n" . "The description of the bug:\n\n\n" . "I can reproduce the bug by:\n\n\n" . "(Optional) I got bored and found the bug occurs in:\n\n\n" . "(Optional) I got really bored and here's a fix:\n\n\n" . "----------------------------------------------\n\n";
$body = $body_top . $body;
global $oTemplate, $bug_report_admin_email;
if (!empty($bug_report_admin_email)) {
    $oTemplate->assign('admin_email', $bug_report_admin_email);
$oTemplate->assign('message_body', $body);
 * @link http://www.izap.in/
$mce_lang = $vars['user']->language;
if (!is_file($CONFIG->pluginspath . "tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/langs/{$mce_lang}.js")) {
    $mce_lang = 'en';

//Tinymce is load when loads this
if (is_plugin_enabled('tinymcebrowser')) {
    $file = $CONFIG->pluginspath . 'tinymcebrowser/views/default/input/longtext.php';
} elseif (is_plugin_enabled('tinymce_adv')) {
    $file = $CONFIG->pluginspath . 'tinymce_adv/views/default/input/longtext.php';
} elseif (is_plugin_enabled('tinymce')) {
    $file = $CONFIG->pluginspath . 'tinymce/views/default/input/longtext.php';
    if (is_file($file)) {
        include $file;
        $ret = ob_get_clean();
        $pos = strpos($ret, "tinyMCE.init");
        $ret = substr($ret, 0, $pos) . substr($ret, $pos);
        $pos = strpos($ret, "tinyMCE.init");
        if ($vars['noEditor'] != 'yes') {
            //add the plugins to init
            $substr = substr($ret, $pos);
            $limited_substr = substr($substr, 0, strpos($substr, "}"));
            if (strpos($limited_substr, 'plugins') !== false) {
                $pos1 = $pos + strpos($substr, "plugins");
                $substr = substr($ret, $pos1);

 * iZAP izap_videos
 * @package Elgg videotizer, by iZAP Web Solutions.
 * @license GNU Public License version 3
 * @Contact iZAP Team "<*****@*****.**>"
 * @Founder Tarun Jangra "<*****@*****.**>"
 * @link http://www.izap.in/
  <label for="video_file">
echo elgg_echo('izap_videos:addEditForm:videoFile');
  </label><br />
if (is_plugin_enabled('izap-uploadify')) {
    echo elgg_view('input/izap-uploadify', array('internalname' => 'izap[videoFile]', 'value' => $vars['loaded_data']->videoFile, 'internalid' => 'video_file', 'form_id' => 'video_form', 'redirect_url' => $vars['url'] . 'pg/videos/list/' . get_loggedin_user()->username));
} else {
    echo elgg_view('input/file', array('internalname' => 'izap[videoFile]', 'value' => $vars['loaded_data']->videoFile, 'internalid' => 'video_file'));
echo elgg_view('input/hidden', array('internalname' => 'izap[videoType]', 'value' => 'ONSERVER'));
function getPlugins()
    $handle = opendir(ROOT . './plugins/');
    $plugins = $new_plugins = $installed = array();
    $query = DB::query('SELECT name FROM plugin');
    while ($row = DB::fetch($query)) {
        $installed[] = $row['name'];
    while (1) {
        $folder = readdir($handle);
        if (!$folder) {
        if ($folder == '.' || $folder == '..') {
        $classfile = ROOT . './plugins/' . $folder . '/plugin.class.php';
        if (!file_exists($classfile)) {
        require_once $classfile;
        $classname = "plugin_{$folder}";
        if (!class_exists("plugin_{$folder}", false)) {
        $obj = new $classname();
        $arr = array('id' => $folder, 'description' => $obj->description, 'config' => method_exists($obj, 'on_config'), 'enabled' => is_plugin_enabled($folder), 'version' => getPluginVersion($folder), 'installed' => in_array($folder, $installed));
        if ($arr['installed']) {
            $plugins[] = $arr;
        } else {
            $new_plugins[] = $arr;
    return array_merge($plugins, $new_plugins);

 * Elgg plugin specific user settings.
 * @package Elgg
 * @subpackage Core
 * @author Curverider Ltd 
 * @link http://elgg.org/
// Description of what's going on
echo "<div class=\"contentWrapper\">" . elgg_view('output/longtext', array('value' => elgg_echo("usersettings:plugins:description"))) . "</div>";
$limit = get_input('limit', 10);
$offset = get_input('offset', 0);
// Get the installed plugins
$installed_plugins = $vars['installed_plugins'];
$count = count($installed_plugins);
// Display list of plugins
$n = 0;
foreach ($installed_plugins as $plugin => $data) {
    if (is_plugin_enabled($plugin)) {
        echo elgg_view("usersettings/plugins_opt/plugin", array('plugin' => $plugin, 'details' => $data));

 * Elgg latest content page
 * @package Elgg
 * @subpackage Core
 * @author Curverider Ltd
 * @link http://elgg.org/
 * Start the Elgg engine
require_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/engine/start.php";
// Load the front page
global $CONFIG;
if (is_plugin_enabled('riverdashboard')) {
    $title = elgg_view_title(elgg_echo('content:latest'));
    $content = elgg_list_registered_entities(array('limit' => 10, 'full_view' => FALSE, 'allowed_types' => array('object', 'group')));
} else {
    $content = "Riverdashboard not loaded";
$content = elgg_view_layout('one_column_with_sidebar', $title . $content);
page_draw(elgg_echo('content:latest'), $content);
<img class="icon" src="<?php 
    echo elgg_get_site_url();
mod/super_dashboard/images/tasks.png" alt="" />

//End of Bookmarks Plugin Metro Dashboard Menu

//Event Calendar Plugin Metro Dashboard Menu
if (is_plugin_enabled(event_calendar)) {
<a class="box height2" href="<?php 
    echo elgg_get_site_url();
event_calendar/list/" style="background: #4c5e51;">

<span>Event Calendar</span>
<img class="icon big" src="<?php 
    echo elgg_get_site_url();
mod/super_dashboard/images/deviantart.png" alt="" />

echo elgg_echo('twitterservice:twittername');
echo elgg_view('input/text', array('internalname' => 'params[twittername]', 'value' => $vars['entity']->twittername));
echo elgg_echo('twitterservice:twitterpass');
echo elgg_view('input/password', array('internalname' => 'params[twitterpass]', 'value' => $vars['entity']->twitterpass));
if (is_plugin_enabled('thewire')) {
    echo elgg_echo('twitterservice:postwire');
	<select name="params[sendtowire]">
		<option value="yes" <?php 
    if ($vars['entity']->sendtowire == 'yes') {
        echo " selected=\"yes\" ";
    echo elgg_echo('option:yes');

 * Elgg vazco_mainpage plugin
 * @author Michal Zacher [michal.zacher@gmail.com]
if (is_plugin_enabled('groups')) {
    //newest groups
    $groups = get_entities('group', '', 0, 4, false, false, false);
        <!-- display latest groups -->
	    <div class="index_box">
    echo elgg_echo("custom:groups");
            <div class="contentWrapper">
    if (isset($groups)) {
        //display member avatars
        foreach ($groups as $group) {
            echo "<div class=\"index_members\">";
            echo elgg_view("vazco_mainpage/groups/icon", array('entity' => $group, 'size' => 'small'));
            echo "</div>";
    } else {
        echo "<p><?php echo elgg_echo('custom:nogroups'); ?>.</p>";

if (is_plugin_enabled('pages')) {
    $limit = get_plugin_setting('pages_num_items', 'vazco_mainpage');
    if (!isset($limit) || !$limit) {
        $limit = 10;
    $objects = list_entities("object", "page_top", 0, $limit, false);
	<div class="index_box listing_narrow">
    echo elgg_echo("custom:pages");
		<div class="search_listing">
    if ($objects != '') {
        echo $objects;
    } else {
        echo elgg_echo('vazco_mainpage:pages:nopages');


 * Elgg vazco_mainpage plugin
 * @author Michal Zacher [michal.zacher@gmail.com]
if (is_plugin_enabled('file')) {
    //grab the latest files
    $files = get_entities('object', 'file', 0, "", 4);
        <!-- display latest files -->
        <div class="index_box">
    echo elgg_echo("custom:files");
    if (!empty($files)) {
        foreach ($files as $file) {
            $vars['entity'] = $file;
            $info = "<p> <a href=\"{$file->getURL()}\">{$file->title}</a></p>";
            $info .= "<p class=\"owner_timestamp\"><a href=\"{$vars['url']}pg/file/{$owner->username}\">{$owner->name}</a> {$friendlytime}";
            $numcomments = elgg_count_comments($file);
            if ($numcomments) {
                $info .= ", <a href=\"{$file->getURL()}\">" . sprintf(elgg_echo("comments")) . " (" . $numcomments . ")</a>";
            $info .= "</p>";
            // $icon = elgg_view("profile/icon",array('entity' => $owner, 'size' => 'small'));
            if ($file->smallthumb) {
 * main function that register everything
 * @global <type> $CONFIG
function init_izap_videos()
    global $CONFIG;
    // render this plugin from izap-elgg-bridge now
    if (is_plugin_enabled('izap-elgg-bridge')) {
        func_init_plugin_byizap(array('plugin' => array('name' => GLOBAL_IZAP_VIDEOS_PLUGIN)));
    } else {
        register_error('This plugin needs izap-elgg-bridge');
    // for the first time, admin settings are not set so send admin to the setting page, to set the default settings
    if (isadminloggedin() && (int) datalist_get('izap_videos_installtime') == 0) {
        datalist_set('izap_videos_installtime', time());
        forward($CONFIG->wwwroot . 'pg/videos/adminSettings/' . get_loggedin_user()->username . '?option=settings');
    // extend the views
    if (is_callable('elgg_extend_view')) {
        $extend_view = 'elgg_extend_view';
    } else {
        $extend_view = 'extend_view';
    // include the main lib file
    include dirname(__FILE__) . '/lib/izapLib.php';
    // load all the required files
    // register pagehandler
    register_page_handler('videos', 'pageHandler_izap_videos');
    register_page_handler('izap_videos_files', 'pageHandler_izap_videos_files');
    // register the notification hook
    if (is_callable('register_notification_object')) {
        register_notification_object('object', 'izap_videos', elgg_echo('izap_videos:newVideoAdded'));
    $period = get_plugin_setting('izap_cron_time', GLOBAL_IZAP_VIDEOS_PLUGIN);
    if (isOnserverEnabled() && is_plugin_enabled('crontrigger') && $period != 'none') {
        register_plugin_hook('cron', $period, 'izap_queue_cron');
    // asking group to include the izap_videos
    if (is_callable('add_group_tool_option')) {
        add_group_tool_option('izap_videos', elgg_echo('izap_videos:group:enablevideo'), true);
    // register the notification hook
    if (is_callable('register_notification_object')) {
        register_notification_object('object', 'izap_videos', elgg_echo('izap_videos:newVideoAdded'));
    // skip tags from filteration
    if (is_old_elgg()) {
        //allow some tags for elgg lesser than 1.6
        $CONFIG->allowedtags['object'] = array('width' => array(), 'height' => array(), 'classid' => array(), 'codebase' => array(), 'data' => array(), 'type' => array());
        $CONFIG->allowedtags['param'] = array('name' => array(), 'value' => array());
        $CONFIG->allowedtags['embed'] = array('src' => array(), 'type' => array(), 'wmode' => array(), 'width' => array(), 'height' => array());
    } else {
        $allowed_tags = get_plugin_setting('izapHTMLawedTags', GLOBAL_IZAP_VIDEOS_PLUGIN);
        $CONFIG->htmlawed_config['elements'] = 'object, embed, param, p, img, b, i, ul, li, ol, u, a, s, blockquote, br, strong, em' . ($allowed_tags ? ', ' . $allowed_tags : '');
    $extend_view('css', 'izap_videos/css/default');
    $extend_view('metatags', 'izap_videos/js/javascript');
    $extend_view('groups/right_column', 'izap_videos/gruopVideos', 1);
    // only if enabled by admin
    if (izapIncludeIndexWidget_izap_videos()) {
        $extend_view('index/righthandside', 'izap_videos/customindexVideos');
    // only if enabled by admin
    if (izapTopBarWidget_izap_videos()) {
        $extend_view('elgg_topbar/extend', 'izap_videos/navBar');
    // finally lets register the object
    register_entity_type('object', 'izap_videos');

if (is_plugin_enabled('blog')) {
    //grab the latest 4 blog posts. to display more, change 4 to something else
    //$blogs = list_entities('object','blog',0,4,false, false, false);
    $blogs = get_entities('object', 'blog', 0, "", 4, 0, false);
        <!-- latest blogs -->
        <div class="index_box">
    echo elgg_echo("custom:blogs");
    foreach ($blogs as $blog) {
        echo elgg_view('vazco_mainpage/objects/blog', array('entity' => $blog));
        //display blog posts

if (is_plugin_enabled('tidypics')) {
    $limit = get_plugin_setting('tidypics_num_items', 'vazco_mainpage');
    if (!isset($limit) || !$limit) {
        $limit = 10;
    $images = get_entities('object', 'image', 0, 0, $limit, false, false);
<div class="index_box">
    echo elgg_echo("custom:tidypics");
	<div class="search_listing">
    if (isset($images)) {
        $counter = -1;
        echo '<div class="frontpage_tidypics_box_narrow">';
        foreach ($images as $image) {
            $counter += 1;
            if ($counter == 2) {
                $counter = 0;
                echo "</div>";
                echo '<div class="frontpage_tidypics_box_narrow">';
            echo "<div class=\"tidypics_index\">";
            echo elgg_view("vazco_mainpage/tidypics/icon", array('mimetype' => $image->mimetype, 'thumbnail' => $image->thumbnail, 'file_guid' => $image->guid, 'link' => $image->getUrl(), 'size' => 'small'));
            echo "</div>";
<div class="index_box">
echo elgg_echo('custom:quote');
	<div class="search_listing">
if (is_plugin_enabled('quoteoftheday')) {
    $todays_quote = get_featured_quote_entity();
    if ($todays_quote) {
        if (isloggedin()) {
            echo elgg_view_entity($todays_quote);
        } else {
            echo $todays_quote->description;
    } else {
        echo elgg_echo('quoteoftheday:emptyset');