private function _validate_form() { // 先验证用户名和密码 $this->load->library('form_validation'); $this->form_validation->set_message('required', '请输入{field}'); $this->form_validation->set_rules('username', '用户名', array('required', array('is_username', function ($str) { if (is_username($str) || is_email($str) || is_phone($str)) { return true; } $this->form_validation->set_message('is_username', '无效{field}'); return false; }))); $this->form_validation->set_rules('password', '密码', array('required', array('is_password', function ($str) { if (!is_password($str)) { $this->form_validation->set_message('is_password', '无效{field}'); return false; } return true; }))); if (!$this->form_validation->run()) { return FALSE; } $this->form_validation->reset_validation(); $this->form_validation->set_message('required', '请输入{field}'); $this->form_validation->set_rules('captcha', '验证码', 'trim|required|callback_check_captcha'); return $this->form_validation->run(); }
public function doemail() { global $_M; if (!load::sys_class('pin', 'new')->check_pin($_M['form']['code'])) { okinfo($_M['url']['getpassword'], $_M['word']['membercode']); } load::sys_func('str'); if (is_email($_M['form']['username'])) { $user = $this->userclass->get_user_by_email($_M['form']['username']); if (!$user) { okinfo($_M['url']['getpassword'], $_M['word']['nouser']); } $valid = load::mod_class('user/class/valid', 'new'); if ($valid->get_email($_M['form']['username'], 'getpassword')) { okinfo($_M['url']['login'], $_M['word']['emailsucpass']); } else { okinfo($_M['url']['login'], $_M['word']['emailfail']); } } elseif (is_phone($_M['form']['username'])) { $user = $this->userclass->get_user_by_tel($_M['form']['username']); if (!$user) { okinfo($_M['url']['getpassword'], $_M['word']['nouser']); } require_once $this->template('tem/getpassword_telset'); } else { okinfo($_M['url']['getpassword'], $_M['word']['emailvildtips3']); } }
/** * 用户登录认证 * @param string $username 用户名/邮箱/手机 * @param string $password 用户密码 * @return integer 登录成功-用户ID,登录失败-错误编号 */ public function uc_user_login($username, $password, $type = false) { $uc = new \Ucenter\Client\Client(); if ($type == false) { if (is_email($username)) { $type = 2; } elseif (is_phone($username)) { $type = 3; } else { $type = 0; } } $re = $uc->__call('uc_user_login', array('username' => $username, 'password' => $password, 'isuid' => $type)); return $re; }
public static function getIdentifierName($identifier) { if (is_email($identifier)) { return 'email'; } else { if (is_phone($identifier)) { return 'phone'; } else { if (is_numeric($identifier)) { return 'id'; } else { return 'name'; } } } }
function post($phone, $type, $password) { global $_G; if (!is_phone($phone)) { msg('手机号码不正确'); } $this->init($type); include_once ROOT_PATH . 'top/baichuan/OpenSmsSendmsgRequest.php'; $req = new OpenSmsSendmsgRequest(); $arr['template_id'] = $this->tplid; $arr['signature_id'] = $this->signature_id; $arr['context'] = array('appName' => $_G['setting']['title'], 'code' => $password); $arr['external_id'] = 'change_password'; $arr['mobile'] = $phone; $SendMessageRequest = json_encode($arr); $req->setSendMessageRequest($SendMessageRequest); $resp = $_G['TOP']->execute($req); top_check_error($resp, true); $rs = $resp->result; if (!$rs->successful) { $this->save_session('post_' . $type . '_' . $phone); if ($this->debug) { L('发送修改密码短信错误:' . $rs->message . ',手机号' . $phone . ',domain:' . $arr['domain']); } return $rs->message; } else { return true; } }
function phone_check() { global $_G; msg('系统未开启发送短信功能', 'error'); if (!$_G[uid]) { msg('未登录无法进行验证操作', 'error'); //}elseif(!$_G[setting][phone_status] || !$_G[setting][phone_username]||!$_G[setting][phone_password]){ // msg('系统未开启发送短信功能','error'); } else { if ($_G[member][phone_check] == 1) { msg('您当前账号已经通过手机验证,无须再次进行验证', 'error'); } elseif (!$_GET[phone]) { msg('手机号码不存在,无法进行验证', 'error'); } } $phone = trim($_GET[phone]); if (!is_phone($phone)) { msg('手机号码格式不正确', 'error'); } $p = DB::fetch_first("SELECT uid FROM " . DB::table('member') . " WHERE phone ='" . $phone . "' AND uid != " . $_G[uid]); if ($p[uid] > 0) { msg('手机号码已被注册', 'error'); } if ($_GET[code]) { if ($_SESSION['verify_phone'] == $phone . '_' . intval($_GET[code])) { update_member(array('phone' => $phone, 'phone_check' => 1), $_G[uid]); unset($_SESSION['verify_phone'], $_SESSION['verify_phone_len']); msg('手机号码验证成功', 'success'); } else { msg('您的验证码校验失败', 'error'); } return false; } if ($_G[member][phone] != $phone) { update_member(array('phone' => $phone, 'phone_check' => 0), $_G[uid]); } $rs = send_verify_phone($phone); if ($rs['status'] == 'success') { $msg = '我们已向您的手机' . $arr['phone'] . '发送了一封验证短信,请在10分钟内查看并验证【' . $_G[setting][title] . '】'; msg($msg, 'success'); } else { msg($rs[msg], 'error'); } }
function pay_setting() { global $_G; if ($_GET[onsubmit] && check()) { $url = URL . "m=home&a=pay_setting"; $qq = implode(',', $_G['setting']['qq']); $arr = array(); if (isset($_GET[postdb][order_number])) { if ($_G['member']['order_number']) { msg('您当前已绑定了订单号,无法修改,如有疑问请咨询在线客服qq ' . $qq); } $number = trim($_GET[postdb][order_number]); if (!is_numeric($number)) { msg('订单号码只能为4位或16位纯数字'); } $len = dstrlen($number); if ($len == 4) { $arr[order_number] = $number; } else { if ($len == 16) { $number = substr($number, -4); } else { msg('订单号码只能为4位或16位纯数字'); } } $arr[order_number] = $number; $count = getcount('member', "order_number='{$number}'"); if ($count > 0) { msg('订单号已被绑定,请更换新的淘宝账号'); } } if (isset($_GET[postdb][alipay])) { $alipay = trim($_GET[postdb][alipay]); if (!is_email($alipay) && !is_phone($alipay)) { msg('支付宝账号只能为邮箱或手机号码,请重新输入'); } if ($_G['member']['alipay']) { msg('您当前已绑定了支付宝,无法修改,如有疑问请咨询在线客服qq ' . $qq); } $member = DB::fetch_first("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table('member') . " WHERE alipay='{$alipay}'"); if ($member['uid'] > 0) { msg('当前支付宝已绑定了账号' . $member['username']); } $arr[alipay] = $alipay; } if (isset($_GET[postdb][alipay_name])) { $arr[alipay_name] = trim($_GET[postdb][alipay_name]); } if (count($arr) == 0) { msg('您提交的数据为空'); } $arr = daddslashes($arr); update_member($arr); msg("修改成功", 'success', $url); } $this->show(); }
function apply() { global $_G; $id = intval($_GET[id]); if (!is_login()) { return false; } if (!$_G[uid]) { msg('抱歉,未登录无法申请兑换', 'error', 'm=duihuan&id=' . $id); return false; } if ($_G[member][groupid] == 3) { msg('抱歉,您当前是禁止用户,无法使用', 'error', 'm=duihuan&id=' . $id); return false; } else { if ($_G[member][check] == 0) { msg('抱歉,您当前账号未审核无法使用', 'error', 'm=duihuan&id=' . $id); return false; } } $rs = D(array('table' => 'duihuan_apply', 'and' => " duihuan_id=" . $id . " AND uid=" . $_G[uid])); if ($rs[id] > 0) { $msg = '抱歉,您已申请了兑换过本商品,无法再次申请,申请时间: <span class="red">' . $rs[dateline] . '</span> <br/>'; $msg .= '当前申请状态为: <span class="red">' . $rs[status_text] . '</span>'; $msg .= '<br/>客服最后操作时间: <span class="red">' . $rs[statustime] . '</span>'; msg($msg, 'error', 'm=duihuan&id=' . $id); return false; } $goods = D(array('table' => 'duihuan', 'and' => 'id=' . $id)); if ($goods[hide] == 1) { msg('抱歉,当前兑换商品已下架', 'error', 'm=duihuan&id=' . $id); return false; } if ($goods[org_start_time] > 0 && $goods[org_start_time] > TIMESTAMP) { msg('抱歉,当前兑换未开始', 'error', 'm=duihuan&id=' . $id); return false; } if ($goods[org_end_time] > 0 && $goods[org_end_time] < TIMESTAMP) { msg('抱歉,当前兑换已结束', 'error', 'm=duihuan&id=' . $id); return false; } if ($goods[num] >= $goods[sum]) { msg('抱歉,当前兑换已申请完毕', 'error', 'm=duihuan&id=' . $id); return false; } $arr = get_filed('duihuan_apply', $_GET[postdb]); if (!$arr['wangwang']) { msg('抱歉,联系旺旺不能为空', 'error', 'm=duihuan&id=' . $id); return false; } if (!$arr['truename']) { msg('抱歉,联系人姓名不能为空', 'error', 'm=duihuan&id=' . $id); return false; } if (!$arr['address']) { msg('抱歉,收货地址不能为空', 'error', 'm=duihuan&id=' . $id); return false; } if (!$arr['phone']) { msg('抱歉,联系电话不能为空', 'error', 'm=duihuan&id=' . $id); } elseif (!is_phone($arr['phone'])) { msg('抱歉,联系电话格式不正确', 'error', 'm=duihuan&id=' . $id); } if ($arr[alipay]) { if (!is_email($arr[alipay]) && !is_phone($arr[alipay])) { msg('抱歉,支付宝账号不正确,只能为邮箱或手机号码', 'error', 'm=duihuan&id=' . $id); } } if ($goods[jf] > 0) { if ($_G[member][jf] < $goods[jf]) { msg('抱歉,当前兑换需要' . $goods[jf] . '积分,您当前积分为' . $_G[member][jf] . ',无法申请兑换', 'error', 'm=duihuan&id=' . $id); return false; } else { //更新用户积分.. $jf = 0 - $goods[jf]; $add_jf = $_G['member']['jf'] + $jf; $sid = insert_sign(array('desc' => '申请兑换-' . $goods[title] . '-id=' . $id, 'type' => 'duihuan', 'org_jf' => $add_jf, 'jf' => $jf)); if ($sid) { update_member(array('jf' => $_G[member][jf] - $goods[jf]), $_G[uid]); } } } $arr['uid'] = $_G[uid]; $arr['username'] = $_G[username]; $arr['dateline'] = TIMESTAMP; $arr['ip'] = $_G[clientip]; $arr['duihuan_id'] = $id; $arr = daddslashes($arr); DB::insert('duihuan_apply', $arr); msg('兑换申成功,请等待客服审核...', 'success', 'm=duihuan&id=' . $id); }
public function basic_save() { $uid = $this->_uinfo['uid']; $action = $this->input->post('action'); if ($uid) { $old = StudentModel::get_student($uid); if (empty($old)) { StudentModel::studentAjaxLogout(); message('信息不存在', 'student/index/login'); } } $message = array(); $student_fullname = trim($this->input->post('full_name')); $len = mb_strlen($student_fullname, 'utf-8'); $student['last_name'] = mb_substr($student_fullname, 0, 1, 'utf-8'); $student['first_name'] = mb_substr($student_fullname, 1, $len - 1, 'utf-8'); $student['sex'] = intval($this->input->post('sex')) == 1 ? 1 : 2; $student['birthday'] = strtotime($this->input->post('birthday')); $student['idcard'] = trim($this->input->post('idcard')); $student['external_account'] = trim($this->input->post('student_ticket')); $student['email'] = trim($this->input->post('email')); $student['grade_id'] = intval($this->input->post('grade_id')); $student['school_id'] = intval($this->input->post('school_id')); $student['school_name'] = trim($this->input->post('school_name')); $student['mobile'] = trim($this->input->post('mobile')); if (empty($student['email']) or !is_email($student['email'])) { $message[] = '请正确填写Email地址'; } if (!$uid) { $password = trim($this->input->post('password')); $password_confirm = trim($this->input->post('password_confirm')); if ($action == 'add') { if (is_string($passwd_msg = is_password($password))) { $message[] = $passwd_msg; } else { $student['password'] = $password; } } elseif (strlen($password) > 0) { $student['password'] = $password; } if (isset($student['password']) && $password !== $password_confirm) { $message[] = '两次密码输入不一致!'; } } if (empty($student['first_name']) || empty($student['last_name'])) { $message[] = '请填写姓名'; } if (empty($student['birthday'])) { $message[] = '请填写出生日期'; } if (empty($student['idcard']) || !is_idcard($student['idcard'])) { message('请正确填写身份证号码!'); } if ($student['grade_id'] < 1 or $student['grade_id'] > 12) { $message[] = '请选择就读年级'; } if (empty($student['school_id'])) { $message[] = '请选择就读学校'; } if (strlen($student['mobile']) > 0 && !is_phone($student['mobile'])) { $message[] = '请正确填写手机号码'; } // 检查email是否已注册 $tmp_student = $this->db->select('uid, email_validate')->get_where('student', array('email' => $student['email']))->row_array(); if ($tmp_student && $tmp_student['uid'] != $uid) { $message[] = '该Email地址已被注册!'; } //检查身份证否已注册 $student_idcard = $this->db->select('uid')->get_where('student', array('idcard' => $student['idcard']))->row_array(); if ($student_idcard && $student_idcard['uid'] != $uid) { $message[] = '该身份证号码已被注册'; } if ($_FILES['picture']['name']) { if ($uid) { $config['upload_path'] = _UPLOAD_ROOT_PATH_ . 'uploads/student/' . date('Ym') . '/'; } else { $config['upload_path'] = _UPLOAD_ROOT_PATH_ . 'uploads/student/temp/' . date('Ym') . '/'; } $config['allowed_types'] = 'gif|jpg'; $config['max_size'] = '1024'; $config['max_width'] = '2000'; $config['max_height'] = '2000'; $config['encrypt_name'] = TRUE; $this->load->library('upload', $config); if ($this->upload->do_upload('picture')) { $student['picture'] = $this->upload->data('file_relative_path'); } else { $msg = array("头像图片限制:", "1、图片大小小于 1M", "2、尺寸不超过2000 x 2000像素", "3、图片格式为 jpg 或 gif"); $message[] = $this->upload->display_errors() . '<hr/><font style="font-weight:bold;font-size:12px;">' . implode('</br>', $msg) . '</font><hr/>'; } } if ($message) { if (!empty($student['picture'])) { @unlink(_UPLOAD_ROOT_PATH_ . $student['picture']); } message(implode('<br/>', $message)); } /*************** COPY FROM base_save() START ***********************/ if ($uid) { $student2 = array(); $student2['grade_id'] = intval($this->input->post('grade_id')); //$student2['address'] = trim($this->input->post('address')); $student2['zipcode'] = trim($this->input->post('zipcode')); $sbinfo = array(); $sbinfo['sb_addr_provid'] = intval($this->input->post('sb_addr_provid')); $sbinfo['sb_addr_cityid'] = intval($this->input->post('sb_addr_cityid')); $sbinfo['sb_addr_areaid'] = intval($this->input->post('sb_addr_areaid')); $sbinfo['sb_addr_desc'] = trim($this->input->post('sb_addr_desc')); // 培训机构、培训课程、授课教师 $sbcinfo = array(); $sbcinfo['no_tiid'] = intval($this->input->post('no_tiid')); $sbcinfo['sbc_tiid'] = intval($this->input->post('sbc_tiid')); $sbcinfo['ti_name'] = trim($this->input->post('ti_name')); $sbcinfo['sbc_corsid'] = intval($this->input->post('sbc_corsid')); $sbcinfo['cors_cmid'] = intval($this->input->post('cors_cmid')); $sbcinfo['cors_name'] = trim($this->input->post('cors_name')); $sbcinfo['sbc_teachers'] = trim($this->input->post('sbc_teachers')); $sbs_stunumtype = $this->input->post('sbs_stunumtype'); if (!is_array($sbs_stunumtype)) { $sbs_stunumtype = array(); } $sbclassid_classid = $this->input->post('sbclassid_classid'); if (!is_array($sbclassid_classid)) { $sbclassid_classid = array(); } /*if (empty($student2['address'])) { $message[] = '请填写家庭地址'; }*/ if (empty($student2['zipcode'])) { $message[] = '请填写邮编'; } if ($sbinfo['sb_addr_provid'] == 0) { $message[] = '请填写家庭所在省市'; } if ($sbinfo['sb_addr_desc'] == '') { $message[] = '请填写家庭住址'; } if (empty($sbcinfo['no_tiid'])) { if ($sbcinfo['ti_name'] == '') { $message[] = '请填写培训机构'; } if ($sbcinfo['cors_name'] == '') { $message[] = '请填写培训课程'; } if ($sbcinfo['sbc_teachers'] == '') { $message[] = '请填写授课教师'; } } if (empty($sbs_stunumtype)) { $message[] = '请选择可接受授课模式'; } if (empty($sbclassid_classid)) { $message[] = '请选择希望辅导难度'; } if ($message) { message(implode('<br/>', $message)); } } /*************** COPY FROM base() END ******************************/ if ($uid) { // 在用户修改信息时才发,注册不发邮件 if (empty($tmp_student) || !$tmp_student['email_validate']) { $student['email_validate'] = 0; // 发送邮件 $email_tpl = C('email_template/register'); $mail = array('student' => $student, 'hash' => email_hash('encode', $uid)); send_email($email_tpl['subject'], $this->load->view($email_tpl['tpl'], $mail, TRUE), $student['email']); } } if ($uid) { unset($student['password']); if (isset($student['external_account'])) { unset($student['external_account']); } // 已注册,更新数据库 if (isset($student['school_name'])) { unset($student['school_name']); } unset($student['uid']); Fn::db()->update('rd_student', $student, 'uid = ' . $uid); if (!empty($student['picture']) && $old['picture']) { @unlink(_UPLOAD_ROOT_PATH_ . $old['picture']); } StudentModel::studentUpdateSession(); /****************** COPY FROM base_save() START ****************/ unset($student2['grade_id']); // 已注册,更新数据库 $db = Fn::db(); $bOk = false; try { if ($db->beginTransaction()) { $db->update('rd_student', $student2, "uid = {$uid}"); $db->delete('t_student_base', "sb_uid = {$uid}"); $sbinfo['sb_uid'] = $uid; $db->insert('t_student_base', $sbinfo); $db->delete('t_student_base_classid', "sbclassid_uid = {$uid}"); foreach ($sbclassid_classid as $v) { $db->insert('t_student_base_classid', array('sbclassid_uid' => $uid, 'sbclassid_classid' => $v)); } $db->delete('t_student_base_stunumtype', "sbs_uid = {$uid}"); foreach ($sbs_stunumtype as $v) { $db->insert('t_student_base_stunumtype', array('sbs_uid' => $uid, 'sbs_stunumtype' => $v)); } $db->delete('t_student_base_course', 'sbc_uid = ' . $uid); if (empty($sbcinfo['no_tiid'])) { $now_time = time(); if (!$sbcinfo['sbc_tiid']) { $row = array('ti_name' => $sbcinfo['ti_name'], 'ti_typeid' => 1, 'ti_flag' => $now_time, 'ti_priid' => 0, 'ti_provid' => $sbinfo['sb_addr_provid'], 'ti_cityid' => $sbinfo['sb_addr_cityid'], 'ti_areaid' => $sbinfo['sb_addr_areaid'], 'ti_addtime' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $now_time), 'ti_adduid' => 1); $db->insert('t_training_institution', $row); $ti_id = $db->lastInsertId('t_training_institution', 'ti_id'); $sbcinfo['sbc_tiid'] = $ti_id; } if (!$sbcinfo['sbc_corsid']) { if ($sbcinfo['cors_cmid'] != 1) { $sbcinfo['cors_cmid'] = 2; } $row = array('cors_name' => $sbcinfo['cors_name'], 'cors_cmid' => $sbcinfo['cors_cmid'], 'cors_flag' => $now_time, 'cors_tiid' => $sbcinfo['sbc_tiid'], 'cors_stunumtype' => $sbcinfo['cors_cmid'], 'cors_addtime' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $now_time), 'cors_adduid' => 1, 'cors_lastmodify' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $now_time)); $db->insert('t_course', $row); $cors_id = $db->lastInsertId('t_course', 'cors_id'); $sbcinfo['sbc_corsid'] = $cors_id; } $db->insert('t_student_base_course', array('sbc_uid' => $uid, 'sbc_idx' => 0, 'sbc_tiid' => $sbcinfo['sbc_tiid'], 'sbc_corsid' => $sbcinfo['sbc_corsid'], 'sbc_teachers' => $sbcinfo['sbc_teachers'])); } $bOk = $db->commit(); if (!$bOk) { $err = $db->errorInfo()[2]; $db->rollBack(); message('学习概况保存失败(' . $err . ')'); } } if (!$bOk) { message('学习概况保存失败(执行事务处理失败)'); } } catch (Exception $e) { message('学习概况保存失败(' . $e->getMessage() . ')'); } /*************** COPY FROM base_save() END ********************/ } else { isset($student['password']) && ($student['password'] = my_md5($student['password'])); if (!isset($student['picture'])) { $student['picture'] = ''; } $old = $this->session->userdata('student'); if ($old) { if (empty($student['password'])) { $student['password'] = $old['password']; } if (!empty($old['picture'])) { if (empty($student['picture'])) { $student['picture'] = $old['picture']; } else { @unlink(_UPLOAD_ROOT_PATH_ . $old['picture']); } } } // 未注册,更新session $this->session->set_userdata(array('student' => $student)); } if (!$uid && C('register_simple')) { $this->session->set_userdata('complete', 1); redirect('student/profile/submit_simple'); } else { if ($uid or $this->session->userdata('complete')) { message('基本信息和学习概况修改成功', 'student/profile/preview', 'success'); } else { redirect('student/profile/preview'); //redirect('student/profile/base'); } } }
public function postSendVerify($type = null, RateLimiter $rateLimiter) { $user = auth()->user(); $request = request(); $response = response(); if (!$type) { $type = $request->input('type'); } if ($type != 'phone' && $type != 'email') { $response->json(['status' => false, 'message' => '发送失败,Type参数错误!']); } $typeValue = $request->input('input_value'); if ($type == 'email') { if ($typeValue == $user->email || !is_email($typeValue) || strlen($typeValue) > 64) { return $response->json(['status' => false, 'message' => '请输入正确的新邮箱']); } } elseif ($type == 'phone') { if ($typeValue == $user->phone || !is_phone($typeValue)) { return $response->json(['status' => false, 'message' => '请输入正确的新手机号']); } } // 60秒发送一次 $sessionKey = 'send_verify_last_time'; $sessionKey .= ".change.{$type}"; $sessionValue = session($sessionKey); $currentTime = time(); if ($sessionValue && $sessionValue + 60 > $currentTime) { return $response->json(['status' => false, 'message' => '发送失败,请不要频繁获取验证码']); } // 一个IP一个小时可以发送10次 $rateLimiterKey = 'send_verify_rate_limiter'; $rateLimiterKey .= ":change:{$type}_" . $user->id; if ($rateLimiter->tooManyAttempts($rateLimiterKey, 60, 10)) { return $response->json(['status' => false, 'message' => '当前网络环境获取已达上限,请一小时后再试']); } if (User::hasBeenUsed($type, $typeValue, true)->exists()) { $typeName = $type == 'phone' ? '手机号' : '邮箱'; return $response->json(['status' => false, 'message' => '此' . $typeName . '已被其他用户使用']); } $code = rand(100000, 999999); $value = ['type' => $type, 'code' => $code, 'value' => $typeValue, 'attempt' => 0, 'user_id' => $user->id]; $cacheKey = md5("send_verify_detail.change.{$typeValue}" . config('key')); if ($type == 'phone') { require app_path('Services/Taobao/TopSdk.php'); $status = sendSms('phone_change', $typeValue, ['code' => $code, 'product' => '积木']); } elseif ($type == 'email') { $vars = ['email' => $typeValue, 'code' => $code, 'link' => url('account/set/change-confirm') . '?key=' . urlencode($cacheKey)]; $view = 'user.set.change_verify_mail'; $status = \Mail::send($view, $vars, function ($message) use($typeValue) { $message->to($typeValue); $message->subject('[积木] 邮箱绑定验证码'); }); } if (empty($status)) { $status = false; } else { Cache::put($cacheKey, $value, 60); session([$sessionKey => $currentTime]); $rateLimiter->hit($rateLimiterKey); } $typeName = $type == 'phone' ? '短信' : '邮件'; return $response->json(['status' => (bool) $status, 'message' => $status ? '' : 'Oh. 验证' . $typeName . '发送失败,请稍后重试']); }
if ($config['fangwen'] == 4) { exit('网站正在更新'); } $ip = GetIP(); $day = date("Y-m-d", time()); $time = time(); if ($_SESSION['login'] == 1) { _location("ucenter.php", 301); exit; } //登录验证 if ($_POST) { $phone = guolv(trim($_POST['phone'])); $password = guolv(trim($_POST['password'])); //$code=guolv(trim($_POST['code'])); if (is_phone($phone) == false) { echo "<script>alert('请输入正确的手机号');location.href='login.php'</script>"; exit; } if ($password == '') { echo "<script>alert('请输入密码');location.href='login.php'</script>"; exit; } // if($code!==$_SESSION['code']){ // echo "<script>alert('验证码错误,请重新输入');location.href='login.php'</script>"; // exit; // } $row = $mysql->query("select * from `userdata` where `phone`='{$phone}' and `pass`='{$password}' limit 1"); if ($row) { //登录赠送金额 $row_login_ip = $mysql->query("select * from `refererdata` where `uid`='{$row[0]['id']}' and `aid`='0' and `ip`='{$ip}' and `day`='{$day}' limit 1");
/** * 根据excel导入学生并将导入的学生加入考场中 */ public function import_student_save() { set_time_limit(0); $place_id = intval($this->input->post('place_id')); if (!$place_id) { message('考场不存在'); } if ($this->db->get_where('exam_place', array('start_time <=' => time(), 'place_id' => $place_id))->row_array()) { message('该考场正在考试或已结束,无法做此操作', '/admin/place_student/index/' . $place_id); } $message = array(); $school_id = intval($this->input->post('school_id')); if (!$school_id) { $message[] = '考场地址有错误'; } $start_line = intval($this->input->post('start_line')); if ($start_line < 1) { $message[] = '请输入学生信息在Excel文件开始的行'; } $fullname_column = intval($this->input->post('fullname_column')); if ($fullname_column < 1) { $message[] = '请输入姓名在Excel文件的列'; } $exam_ticket_column = intval($this->input->post('exam_ticket_column')); if ($exam_ticket_column < 1) { $message[] = '请输入准考证号在Excel文件的列'; } if ($fullname_column && $exam_ticket_column && $fullname_column == $exam_ticket_column) { $message[] = '姓名和准考证号在Excel文件中不能为同一列'; } if (!$_FILES['file']) { $message[] = '请选择导入的Excel文件'; } $grade_id = intval($this->input->post('grade_id')); $mobile_column = intval($this->input->post('mobile_column')); $school_column = intval($this->input->post('school_column')); $auto_set_paper = intval($this->input->post('auto_set_paper')); $import_tables = array_filter(explode(',', $this->input->post('import_table'))); $schools = array(); $school_names = $this->input->post('school_key'); if ($school_names) { $school_ids = $this->input->post('school_ids'); foreach ($school_names as $key => $name) { $name = str_replace(' ', '', $name); $sch_id = isset($school_ids[$key]) ? intval($school_ids[$key]) : 0; if ($sch_id > 0) { $schools[$name] = $sch_id; } else { $message[] = $name . "对应的学校ID不能为空"; } } } if ($message) { message(implode('<br>', $message)); } /** * 上传文件 */ $upload_path = '../../cache/excel/'; $file_name = microtime(true) . '.' . end(explode('.', $_FILES['file']['name'])); $upload_file = $upload_path . $file_name; if (!is_dir($upload_path)) { mkdir($upload_path, '0777', true); } if (!@move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $upload_file)) { message('导入文件失败,请重新导入!'); } else { $exam = $this->db->from('rd_exam e')->join('rd_exam_place ep', "e.exam_id=ep.exam_pid", 'left')->where('place_id', $place_id)->get()->row_array(); $grade_id = $grade_id ? $grade_id : $exam['grade_id']; if (!$school_column) { $school = $this->db->get_where('school', array('school_id' => $school_id))->row_array(); } $place_student = $this->db->get_where('rd_exam_place_student', array('place_id' => $place_id))->result_array(); $place_uids = array(); foreach ($place_student as $val) { $place_uids[] = $val['uid']; } $uids = array(); //未加入考场的学生 //导入结果信息统计 $stat = array('total' => 0, 'success' => 0, 'fail' => 0, 'exist' => 0); /** * 读取excel */ $this->load->library('PHPExcel'); $this->load->library('PHPExcel/IOFactory'); $inputFileType = IOFactory::identify($upload_file); $objReader = IOFactory::createReader($inputFileType); $objPHPExcel = $objReader->load($upload_file); $sheetcount = $objPHPExcel->getSheetCount(); for ($i = 0; $i < $sheetcount; $i++) { if ($import_tables && !in_array($i + 1, $import_tables)) { continue; } $list = array_filter($objPHPExcel->getSheet($i)->toArray()); if (!empty($list)) { $line_count = count($list); for ($j = $start_line - 1; $j < $line_count; $j++) { $list[$j] = array_filter($list[$j]); if (empty($list[$j])) { continue; } $student_name = str_replace(' ', '', $list[$j][$fullname_column - 1]); $external_exam_ticket = trim($list[$j][$exam_ticket_column - 1]); if (!$student_name || !$external_exam_ticket) { continue; } $stat['total']++; if (empty($student_name)) { $message['fail']['student_name'][] = $external_exam_ticket; $stat['fail']++; continue; } if (empty($external_exam_ticket)) { $message['fail']['exam_ticket'][] = $student_name; $stat['fail']++; continue; } $exam_ticket = exam_ticket_maprule_encode($external_exam_ticket, $exam['exam_ticket_maprule']); if (!is_numeric($exam_ticket)) { $message['fail']['exam_ticket_error'][] = $student_name . "-" . $external_exam_ticket; $stat['fail']++; continue; } //判断准考证号是否已注册 if ($tmp_student = $this->db->select('uid')->from('student')->where('exam_ticket', $exam_ticket)->get()->row_array()) { $message['exist'][] = $student_name . "-" . $external_exam_ticket; $stat['exist']++; if (!in_array($tmp_student['uid'], $place_uids)) { $this->db->replace('exam_place_student', array('place_id' => $place_id, 'uid' => $tmp_student['uid'])); $uids[] = $tmp_student['uid']; } } else { $mobile = ''; if ($mobile_column && is_phone($list[$j][$mobile_column - 1])) { $mobile = $list[$j][$mobile_column - 1]; } if ($school_column && $schools) { $sch_name = str_replace(' ', '', $list[$j][$school_column - 1]); $school_id = intval($schools[$sch_name]); if (!isset($school_info[$school_id])) { $school_info[$school_id] = $this->db->get_where('school', array('school_id' => $school_id))->row_array(); } $school = $school_info[$school_id]; if (!$school) { message('学校“' . $sch_name . '”信息不存在,请设置学校对应的学校ID!'); } } $insert_data = array('email' => $exam_ticket . "", 'first_name' => mb_substr($student_name, 1, strlen($student_name), 'utf-8'), 'last_name' => mb_substr($student_name, 0, 1, 'utf-8'), 'exam_ticket' => $exam_ticket, 'external_account' => $external_exam_ticket, 'maprule' => $exam['exam_ticket_maprule'], 'password' => my_md5($exam['exam_ticket_maprule'] ? $external_exam_ticket : '123456'), 'mobile' => $mobile, 'grade_id' => $grade_id, 'province' => $school['province'], 'city' => $school['city'], 'area' => $school['area'], 'school_id' => $school_id, 'source_from' => '2', 'addtime' => time()); $this->db->insert('student', $insert_data); $uid = $this->db->insert_id(); if ($uid) { $stat['success']++; $this->db->replace('exam_place_student', array('place_id' => $place_id, 'uid' => $uid)); $uids[] = $uid; } else { $stat['fail']++; $message['fail']['insert_fail'][] = $student_name . "-" . $external_exam_ticket; // . '(' . $this->db->last_query() . ')'; } } } } } //新加入考场的学生加入分配试卷计划任务中 if ($auto_set_paper && $uids) { $insert_data = array(); $insert_data['place_id'] = $place_id; $insert_data['uid_data'] = json_encode($uids); $insert_data['status'] = 0; $insert_data['c_time'] = time(); $insert_data['u_time'] = time(); $this->db->insert('cron_task_place_student_paper', $insert_data); } @unlink($upload_file); $data = array(); $data['place_id'] = $place_id; $data['message'] = $message; $data['stat'] = $stat; $this->load->view('place_student/import_student_result', $data); } }
public function ajax_profile() { if (!$this->input->is_ajax_request()) { return; } header('Content-Type:application/json; charset=utf-8'); $fields = array('nickname', 'email', 'phone', 'qq', 'wechat'); $updates = array(); foreach ($fields as $field) { if (!isset($_POST[$field])) { echo json_encode(array('ack' => true, 'msg' => '缺少' . $field)); return; } elseif ($_POST[$field] == $_SESSION[$field]) { // 如果提交数据无修改 unset($_POST[$field]); unset($fields[$field]); } else { $updates[$field] = $_POST[$field]; } } if (empty($updates)) { echo json_encode(array('ack' => false, 'msg' => '个人资料无修改')); return; } // 验证 $this->load->library('form_validation'); $this->form_validation->set_message('required', '必须填写{field}'); $this->form_validation->set_message('min_length', '{field}至少{param}个字符'); $this->form_validation->set_message('max_length', '{field}至多{param}个字符'); $this->form_validation->set_message('valid_email', '{field}无效'); $this->form_validation->set_message('is_unique', '{field}已存在'); $this->form_validation->set_error_delimiters('', ''); // 为了is_unique载入db $this->load->database(); isset($_POST['nickname']) && $this->form_validation->set_rules('nickname', '昵称', 'trim|min_length[2]|max_length[20]|is_unique[admin_user.username]|is_unique[admin_user.nickname]'); isset($_POST['email']) && $this->form_validation->set_rules('email', 'Email', 'required|valid_email'); isset($_POST['phone']) && $this->form_validation->set_rules('phone', '手机', array('required', 'is_natural', 'exact_length[11]', 'is_unique[]', array('is_phone', function ($str) { if (!is_phone($str)) { $this->form_validation->set_message('is_phone', '{field}无效'); return false; } return true; }))); isset($_POST['qq']) && $this->form_validation->set_rules('qq', 'QQ', array('is_qq', function ($str) { if (empty($str)) { $updates['qq'] = 0; } elseif (!is_qq($str)) { $this->form_validation->set_message('is_qq', '{field}无效'); return false; } return true; })); isset($_POST['wechat']) && $this->form_validation->set_rules('wechat', '微信', array('is_wechat', function ($str) { if (!is_wechat($str)) { $this->form_validation->set_message('is_wechat', '{field}无效'); return false; } return true; })); if (!$this->form_validation->run()) { echo json_encode(array('ack' => false, 'msg' => $this->form_validation->error_string())); return; } $this->load->model('user_model'); $this->user_model->update($_SESSION['uid'], $updates); // 修改了个人资料,需要更新session $this->user_model->update_session(); echo json_encode(array('ack' => true, 'msg' => '修改成功')); return; }
/** * * 修改手机号码 **/ function edit_phone() { $user_id = $this->visitor->get('user_id'); if (!IS_POST) { /* 当前位置 */ $this->_curlocal(LANG::get('member_center'), 'index.php?app=buyer_admin', "修改手机号码"); $model_user =& m('member'); $profile = $model_user->get_info(intval($user_id)); $profile['phone'] = substr_replace($profile['phone_mob'], '*****', 3, 5); $this->assign("phone", $profile['phone']); $this->assign("phone_mob", $profile['phone_mob']); $_SESSION['send_code'] = $this->random(6, 1); $this->assign('send_code', $_SESSION['send_code']); /* 当前用户中心菜单 */ $this->_curitem('my_profile'); /* 当前所处子菜单 */ $this->_curmenu('修改手机号码'); $this->_config_seo('title', Lang::get('user_center') . ' - ' . "修改手机号码"); $this->display('member.editphone.html'); } else { $phone_mob = isset($_POST['phone_mob']) ? trim($_POST['phone_mob']) : ''; if ($_SESSION['send_code'] != $_POST['send_code']) { $this->assign('msg', '验证码错误'); $this->display('member.editphone.html'); return; } if (!$phone_mob) { $this->assign('msg', '手机号码不能为空'); $this->display('member.editphone.html'); return; } if (!is_phone($phone_mob)) { $this->assign('msg', '手机号码格式错误'); $this->display('member.editphone.html'); return; } if ($profile['phone_mob'] != $_POST['phone_moble']) { $this->assign('msg', '手机号码错误'); $this->display('member.editphone.html'); } header("location:/index.php?app=member&act=add_phone"); } }
/** * 检查学生是否已完善信息 */ private function check_perfect_student() { $uid = $this->_uinfo['uid']; if (!$uid) { // 登录失效 redirect('student/index/login'); } // 学生基本信息 $student = $this->db->where('uid', $uid)->get('rd_student')->row_array(); $basic = true; if (!is_email($student['email']) || !is_phone($student['mobile'])) { $basic = false; } if ($basic) { $fileds = array('last_name', 'first_name', 'idcard', 'sex', 'birthday', 'school_id', 'grade_id'); foreach ($fileds as $filed) { if (!$student[$filed]) { $basic = false; break; } } } $message = array(); $uri = ''; if (!$basic) { $message[] = '<a href="' . site_url('student/profile/basic') . '" target="_blank">请完善你的基本信息</a>'; $uri = 'student/profile/basic'; } // 学生学习成绩 if (!$this->db->select('id')->from('rd_student_ranking')->where('uid', $uid)->get()->row_array()) { $message[] = '<a href="' . site_url('student/profile/awards') . '" target="_blank">请填写你的学习成绩</a>'; !$uri && ($uri = 'student/profile/awards'); } // 学生发展意愿 if (!$this->db->select('id')->from('rd_student_wish')->where('uid', $uid)->get()->row_array()) { $message[] = '<a href="' . site_url('student/profile/wish') . '" target="_blank">请填写你自己的发展意愿</a>'; !$uri && ($uri = 'student/profile/wish'); } // 学生家长意愿 if (!$this->db->select('id')->from('rd_student_parent_wish')->where('uid', $uid)->get()->row_array()) { $message[] = '<a href="' . site_url('student/profile/pwish') . '" target="_blank">请填写完整家长意愿</a>'; !$uri && ($uri = 'student/profile/pwish'); } if ($message) { return array('message' => implode('<br/>', $message), 'url' => $uri); } else { return false; } }
public function postSendVerify($type = null, RateLimiter $rateLimiter) { $request = request(); $response = response(); if (!$type) { $type = $request->input('type'); } if ($type != 'register' && $type != 'forgot_password') { $response->json(['status' => false, 'message' => '发送失败,Type参数错误!']); } $identifier = $request->input('identifier'); if (!is_email($identifier) || strlen($identifier) > 64) { if (!is_phone($identifier)) { return $response->json(['status' => false, 'message' => '请输入正确的手机号或邮箱']); } $verifyType = 'phone'; } else { $verifyType = 'email'; } // 60秒发送一次 $sessionKey = 'send_verify_last_time'; $sessionKey .= ".{$type}.{$verifyType}"; $sessionValue = session($sessionKey); $currentTime = time(); if ($sessionValue && $sessionValue + 60 > $currentTime) { return $response->json(['status' => false, 'message' => '发送失败,请不要频繁获取验证码']); } // 一个IP一个小时可以发送20次 $rateLimiterKey = 'send_verify_rate_limiter'; $rateLimiterKey .= ":{$type}:{$verifyType}_" . request()->ip(); if ($rateLimiter->tooManyAttempts($rateLimiterKey, 60, 20)) { return $response->json(['status' => false, 'message' => '当前网络环境获取已达上限,请一小时后再试']); } if ($type == 'register') { if (User::hasBeenUsed($verifyType, $identifier, true)->exists()) { $verifyTypeName = $verifyType == 'phone' ? '手机号' : '邮箱'; $loginUrl = url('account/login', [$identifier]); $forgotPasswordUrl = url('account/forgot-password', [$identifier]); return $response->json(['status' => false, 'message' => '此' . $verifyTypeName . '已被注册,你可以 <a href="' . $loginUrl . '">尝试登陆</a> 或 <a href="' . $forgotPasswordUrl . '">找回密码</a>']); } } elseif ($type == 'forgot_password') { if (!User::hasBeenUsed($verifyType, $identifier, false)->exists()) { $verifyTypeName = $verifyType == 'phone' ? '手机号' : '邮箱'; $createUrl = url('account/create', [$identifier]); return $response->json(['status' => false, 'message' => '此' . $verifyTypeName . '还没注册,<a href="' . $createUrl . '">现在去注册</a>']); } } $code = rand(100000, 999999); $value = ['type' => $type, 'code' => $code, 'identifier' => $identifier, 'verify_type' => $verifyType, 'attempt' => 0]; $cacheKey = md5("send_verify_detail.{$type}.{$identifier}" . config('key')); if ($verifyType == 'phone') { require app_path('Services/Taobao/TopSdk.php'); $status = sendSms($type . '_verify', $identifier, ['code' => $code, 'product' => '积木']); } elseif ($verifyType == 'email') { $action = $type == 'register' ? 'create' : 'forgot-password'; $vars = ['email' => $identifier, 'code' => $code, 'link' => url('account/' . $action) . '?key=' . urlencode($cacheKey)]; $view = 'user.account.' . $type . '_verify_mail'; $subject = $type == 'register' ? '[积木] 账户注册验证码' : '[积木] 账户密码找回验证码'; $status = \Mail::send($view, $vars, function ($message) use($identifier, $subject) { $message->to($identifier); $message->subject($subject); }); } if (empty($status)) { $status = false; } else { Cache::put($cacheKey, $value, 60); session([$sessionKey => $currentTime]); $rateLimiter->hit($rateLimiterKey); } $typeName = $verifyType == 'phone' ? '短信' : '邮件'; return $response->json(['status' => (bool) $status, 'message' => $status ? '' : 'Oh. 验证' . $typeName . '发送失败,请稍后重试']); }
/** * Checks if the phone number is valid * * @param string phone number to check * @return string error message if phone number is not valid */ function check_is_phone($phone) { if (!is_phone($phone)) { return sprintf(T_('Please enter a valid phone number like for example: %s.'), '+1 401-555-1234'); } }
public function sendSms() { if ($this->isPost()) { $phoneNum = trim($_POST['phoneNum']); $message = trim($_POST['smsContent']); if ($_POST['settime']) { $send_time = strtotime(trim($_POST['sendtime'])); if ($send_time > time()) { $sendtime = date('YmdHis', $send_time); } } $current_sms_num = getSmsNum(); if (!F('sms')) { alert('success', L('SEND_SMS_FAILED'), $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); } $phoneNum = str_replace(" ", "", $phoneNum); $phone_array = explode(chr(10), $phoneNum); if (sizeof($phone_array) > 0) { //if(sizeof($phone_array) > $current_sms_num) alert('error','短信余额不足,请联系管理员,及时充值!',$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); } $fail_array = array(); $success_array = array(); if ($phoneNum && $message) { if (strpos($message, '{$name}', 0) === false) { foreach ($phone_array as $k => $v) { if ($v) { $phone = substr($v, 0, 11); if (is_phone($phone)) { $success_array[] = $phone; } else { $fail_array[] = $v; } } } if (!empty($fail_array)) { $fail_message = L('PART_OF_NUMBER_SEND_FAILED') . implode(',', $fail_array); } //echo '发送成功!';die(); $result = sendGroupSMS(implode(',', $success_array), $message, 'sign_name', $sendtime); if ($result == 1) { $m_sms_record = M('smsRecord'); $data['role_id'] = session('role_id'); $data['telephone'] = implode(',', $success_array); $data['content'] = $message; $data['sendtime'] = time(); $m_sms_record->add($data); alert('success', L('SEND_SUCCESS_MAY_DELAY_BY_BAD_NETWORK') . $fail_message, $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); } else { alert('error', L('SMS_NOTIFICATION_FAILS_CODE', array($result)), $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); } } else { foreach ($phone_array as $k => $v) { $real_message = $message; $name = ''; if ($v) { $no = str_replace(" ", "", $v); $phone = substr($no, 0, 11); if (is_phone($phone)) { if (strpos($v, ',', 0) === false) { $info_array = explode(',', $v); } else { $info_array = explode(',', $v); } $real_message = str_replace('{$name}', $info_array[1], $real_message); $result = sendSMS($phone, $real_message, 'sign_name', $sendtime); $m_sms_record = M('smsRecord'); $data['role_id'] = session('role_id'); $data['telephone'] = $phone; $data['content'] = $real_message; $data['sendtime'] = time(); $m_sms_record->add($data); if ($result < 0 && $k == 0) { alert('error', L('SMS_NOTIFICATION_FAILS_CODE', array($result)), $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); } } else { $fail_array[] = $v; } } } if (!empty($fail_array)) { $fail_message = L('PART_OF_NUMBER_SEND_FAILED') . implode(',', $fail_array); } alert('success', L('SEND_SUCCESS_MAY_DELAY_BY_BAD_NETWORK') . $fail_message, U('setting/sendsms')); } } else { alert('error', L('INCOMPLETE_INFORMATION'), $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); } } else { $current_sms_num = getSmsNum(); $model = trim($_GET['model']); if ($model == 'customer') { $customer_ids = trim($_GET['customer_ids']); if ($customer_ids) { $contacts_ids = M('RContactsCustomer')->where('customer_id in (%s)', $customer_ids)->getField('contacts_id', true); $contacts_ids = implode(',', $contacts_ids); $contacts = D('ContactsView')->where('contacts.contacts_id in (%s)', $contacts_ids)->select(); $this->contacts = $contacts; } else { alert('error', L('SELECT_CUSTOMER_TO_SEND'), $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); } } elseif ($model == 'contacts') { $contacts_ids = trim($_GET['contacts_ids']); if (!$contacts_ids) { alert('error', L('SELECT_CONTACTS_TO_SEND'), $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); } $contacts = D('ContactsView')->where('contacts.contacts_id in (%s)', $contacts_ids)->select(); $this->contacts = $contacts; } elseif ($model == 'leads') { $d_v_leads = D('LeadsView'); $leads_ids = trim($_GET['leads_ids']); $where['leads_id'] = array('in', $leads_ids); $customer_list = $d_v_leads->where($where)->select(); $contacts = array(); foreach ($customer_list as $k => $v) { $contacts[] = array('name' => $v['contacts_name'], 'customer_name' => $v['name'], 'telephone' => trim($v['mobile'])); } $this->contacts = $contacts; } $this->templateList = M('SmsTemplate')->order('order_id')->select(); $this->alert = parseAlert(); $this->current_sms_num = $current_sms_num; $this->display(); } }
function buddyboss_body_classes($classes) { // Default layout class if (is_phone()) { $classes[] = 'is-mobile'; } elseif (wp_is_mobile()) { if (get_option('boss_layout_tablet') == 'desktop') { $classes[] = 'is-desktop'; } else { $classes[] = 'is-mobile'; } $classes[] = 'tablet'; } else { if (get_option('boss_layout_desktop') == 'mobile') { $classes[] = 'is-mobile'; } else { $classes[] = 'is-desktop'; } } // Switch layout class if (isset($_COOKIE['switch_mode']) && get_option('boss_layout_switcher') != 'no') { if ($_COOKIE['switch_mode'] == 'mobile') { if (($key = array_search('is-desktop', $classes)) !== false) { unset($classes[$key]); } $classes[] = 'is-mobile'; } else { if (($key = array_search('is-mobile', $classes)) !== false) { unset($classes[$key]); } $classes[] = 'is-desktop'; } } // is bbpress active if (buddyboss_is_bp_active()) { $classes[] = 'bp-active'; } // is panel active if (isset($_COOKIE['left-panel-status'])) { if ($_COOKIE['left-panel-status'] == 'open') { $classes[] = 'left-menu-open'; } } elseif (get_option('buddyboss_panel_state') != 'closed') { $classes[] = 'left-menu-open'; } // is global media page if (function_exists('buddyboss_media') && buddyboss_media()->option('all-media-page') && is_page(buddyboss_media()->option('all-media-page'))) { $classes[] = 'buddyboss-media-all-media'; } //hide buddypanel if (get_option('buddyboss_panel_hide') == '0' && !is_user_logged_in()) { $classes[] = 'page-template-page-no-buddypanel'; $classes[] = 'left-menu-open'; } if (is_page_template('page-no-buddypanel.php')) { $classes[] = 'left-menu-open'; } return array_unique($classes); }
<h2><a href="<?php the_permalink(' '); ?> " title="<?php the_title(); ?> "><span class="masonry-post-title"> <?php the_title(); ?> </span></a></h2> <?php //put the excerpt markup in variable so we don't have to repeat it multiple times. $excerpt = '<div class="masonry-post-excerpt">'; $excerpt .= the_excerpt(); $excerpt .= '</div><!--.masonry-post-excerpt-->'; //if we can only skip for phones, else skip for all mobile devices if (function_exists('is_phone')) { if (!is_phone()) { echo $excerpt; } } else { if (!wp_is_mobile()) { echo $excerpt; } } ?> </div><!--/.masonry-entry-details --> </article><!--/.masonry-entry-->
function login() { global $app, $_G; if ($_G[uid]) { msg('您已登录,请退出后再进行操作', 'error', 'm=index'); } if ($_GET[username] && $_GET[login_submit] && check()) { $username = daddslashes(trim($_GET[username])); $password = daddslashes(trim($_GET[password])); if (!$username || trim($username) == '') { msg('抱歉,用户名不能为空', 'error', '?'); return false; } if (!$password) { msg('抱歉,密码不能为空', 'error', '?'); return false; } if ($_G[setting][login_yzm] && !check_yzm($_GET[yzm])) { msg('验证码效验失败,请重新输入', 'error', '?'); return false; } if (strpos($username, '@') !== false) { $name = 'email'; } elseif (is_phone($username)) { $name = 'phone'; } else { $name = 'username'; } $user = getuser($username, $name); if (!$user[uid]) { msg('账号不存在', 'error', '?'); } if ($user[groupid] == 3) { msg('抱歉,您的账户已禁止,无法登录,如有疑问,请联系客服', 'error', '?'); return false; } elseif ($user[check] == 0) { msg('抱歉,您的账户未审核,无法登录', 'error', '?'); return false; } elseif ($user['end_time'] > 0 && $user['end_time'] < TIMESTAMP) { msg('登录失败,您当前账号已到期,无法登录'); } if ($_GET[type] == 'seller' && $user[groupid] != 4) { msg('抱歉,您的账户非商家用户,无法登录', 'error', '?'); } if (!$user['password'] && $user['login_id']) { msg('登录失败,您当前账号为' . $user['login_name'] . '登录账号,需要从' . $user['login_name'] . '登录'); } if ($user[uid] > 0 && authcode($user[password], 'decode', $user['key']) == $password) { $update = array('login_time' => TIMESTAMP, 'login_ip' => $_G['clientip'], 'login_count' => $user[login_count] + 1); $_G[member] = $user; $_G[member][group] = $_G[group][$user[groupid]]; $_G[uid] = $user[uid]; $_G[groupid] = $user[groupid]; if ($user[groupid] == 1) { $_G[adminid] = 1; } $_G[username] = $user[username]; update_group($user); $auth = authcode($user[uid] . '|' . $user[password], 'encode', '', $this->login_time); DB::update('member', $update, "uid=" . $user[uid]); dsetcookie("auth", $auth, $this->login_time); $referer = $_GET['referer'] ? $_GET['referer'] : dreferer(); if (preg_match("/member/is", $referer)) { $referer = URL . 'm=home'; } $ext = '<script type="text/javascript"> setTimeout(function(){ location.href = "' . $referer . '"; },2000); </script>'; msg('登录成功,欢迎您回来 ' . $user[username], 'success', $referer, $ext); } else { msg('用户不存在或密码不正确', 'error', 'm=member&a=login'); } } $this->show('member/login'); }
public function checkPhone() { $phone = I('phone', ''); if (empty($phone)) { $this->ajaxReturn(array('code' => 0, 'msg' => '手机号码不存在')); return; } if (!is_phone($phone)) { $this->ajaxReturn(array('code' => 0, '手机号码格式不正确')); return; } $count = $this->userModel->where("phone={$phone}")->count(); if ($count) { $this->ajaxReturn(array('code' => 1, 'msg' => '该手机号已被注册')); return; } else { $this->ajaxReturn(array('code' => 0, 'msg' => '该手机号未被注册')); return; } }
private function _validate_userinfo(&$data) { if (isset($data['username'])) { $data['username'] = strtolower(trim($data['username'])); if (!is_username($data['username'])) { return '用户名不合法'; } } if (isset($data['email'])) { $data['email'] = strtolower(trim($data['email'])); if (!$data['email']) { return 'Email不合法'; } } if (isset($data['phone'])) { $data['phone'] = (int) $data['phone']; if (!is_phone($data['phone'])) { return '手机号不合法'; } } if (isset($data['password'])) { if (!is_password($data['password'])) { return '密码不合法'; } } if (isset($data['qq'])) { $data['qq'] = (int) $data['qq']; !is_qq($data['qq']) && ($data['qq'] = 0); } isset($data['wechat']) && !is_wechat($data['wechat']) && ($data['wechat'] = ''); return true; }
public function get_user_by_username($username) { global $_M; $user = $this->get_user_by_username_sql($username); if (!$user) { load::sys_func('str'); if (is_email($username)) { $user = $this->get_user_by_email($username); } if (is_phone($username)) { $user = $this->get_user_by_tel($username); } //if($user)$this->get_user_by_username($user['username']); } return $this->analyze($user); }
public function postInvite($id) { $this->projectId = $id = (int) $id; if (!$this->getProjectPermission('setting')) { return response()->json(['status' => false, 'message' => '没有权限进行此操作']); } $input = (string) request()->input('input'); if (is_email($input)) { $type = 'email'; } else { if (is_phone($input)) { $type = 'phone'; } else { return response()->json(['status' => false, 'message' => '请输入正确的手机号或邮箱']); } } $user = User::hasBeenUsed($type, $input)->first(); $invite = new ProjectInvite(); $invite->user_id = auth()->id(); $invite->project_id = $this->projectId; $invite->invite_code = substr(str_shuffle('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890'), rand(0, 27), 8); $invite->{'invited_user_' . $type} = $input; if ($user) { $invite->invited_user_id = $user->id; if ($type == 'email' && $user->phone) { $invite->invited_user_phone = $user->phone; } else { if ($type == 'phone' && $user->email) { $invite->invited_user_email = $user->email; } } } $invite->save(); if ($user) { if (!ProjectMember::where('project_id', $this->projectId)->where('user_id', $user->id)->exists()) { $projectMember = new ProjectMember(); $projectMember->user_id = $user->id; $projectMember->user_name = $user->realname; $projectMember->project_id = $this->projectId; $projectMember->save(); return response()->json(['status' => true, 'message' => '受邀用户成功加入项目组', 'data' => ['home' => url('user/' . $user->id), 'face' => oss_face_url($user->face, 's'), 'name' => $user->realname, 'id' => $user->id, 'isMaster' => $this->getProject()->user_id == auth()->id()], 'send' => url('project/' . $this->projectId . '/send-invite'), 'send_data' => ['invite_id' => $invite->id]]); } else { $invite->delete(); return response()->json(['status' => false, 'message' => '受邀用户已经在项目组了']); } } else { return response()->json(['status' => true, 'message' => '你的邀请已发送', 'send' => url('project/' . $this->projectId . '/send-invite'), 'send_data' => ['invite_id' => $invite->id]]); } }
function checkphone() { $phone = isset($_POST['phone']) ? $_POST['phone'] : 0; if (!$phone) { $this->json_error("手机号码不存在"); return; } if (!is_phone($phone)) { $this->json_error("手机号码格式不正确"); return; } $member =& m("member"); $info = $member->get("phone_mob='{$phone}'"); if (!$info) { $this->json_error("手机号码不存在"); return; } else { $this->json_result("手机验证码发送成功"); } }
function is_wechat($str) { return is_phone($str) || preg_match('/^\\w[\\w\\d\\-\\_]{5,19}$/', $str); }