function edit_account_informations($email, $civility, $firstname, $lastname, $adress, $country, $postal_code, $city, $phone_fixe, $phone_mobile) { $error_message = array(); $error_message['email_invalid'] = $error_message['email_already_used'] = $error_message['emails_dont_match'] = $error_message['civility'] = $error_message['firstname'] = $error_message['firstname'] = $error_message['lastname'] = $error_message['adress'] = $error_message['postal_code'] = $error_message['city'] = $error_message['phone_fixe'] = $error_message['phone_mobile'] = $error_message['password_invalid'] = $error_message['passwords_dont_match'] = ''; require $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/e_commerce/register/register_action_functions.php'; if ($civility != 'M' && $civility != 'Mlle' && $civility != 'Mme') { $error_message['civility'] = '- Civilité incorrecte.'; } if (!is_name_valid($firstname)) { $error_message['firstname'] = '- Prénom incorrect.'; } if (!is_name_valid($lastname)) { $error_message['lastname'] = '- Nom incorrect.'; } if (!is_adress_valid($adress)) { $error_message['adress'] = '- Adresse incorrecte.'; } if (!is_postal_code_valid($postal_code)) { $error_message['postal_code'] = '- Code postal incorrect.'; } if (!is_city_valid($city)) { $error_message['city'] = '- Ville incorrecte.'; } if (!is_phone_number_valid($phone_fixe)) { $error_message['phone_fixe'] = '- Téléphone fixe incorrect.'; } if (!is_phone_number_valid($phone_mobile)) { $error_message['phone_mobile'] = '- Téléphone mobile incorrect.'; } // If no error is raised, we update the account. if (!check_if_error($error_message)) { edit_account_informations_in_db($email, $civility, $firstname, $lastname, $adress, $country, $postal_code, $city, $phone_fixe, $phone_mobile); } $_SESSION['error_message'] = $error_message; redirect('vos_informations.php'); }
function reset_pwd($username, $auth_key, $new_pwd) { if (is_name_valid($username) != '') { return '用户不存在'; } if (strlen($new_pwd) != 32) { return '无效的密码'; } if (strlen($auth_key) != 32) { return '链接已失效'; } $profile = get_user_information($username); if ($profile == null) { return '用户不存在'; } if (process_auth_key($profile['auth_key'], $profile['last_time']) != $auth_key) { return '链接已经失效'; } $new_salt = rand_string(); $new_pwd = crypt_pwd($new_pwd, $new_salt); $new_auth_key = rand_string(32); $sql = 'UPDATE `ewu_account` SET `auth_key`= ?, `pwd`=?, `salt`=? WHERE username= ? LIMIT 1'; $a_params = array($new_auth_key, $new_pwd, $new_salt, $username); $count = (new MysqlPDO())->execute($sql, $a_params); if ($count == 1) { return '1'; } else { return '服务器繁忙,操作失败'; } }
if ($_SESSION['id_session'] !== "admin") { session_destroy(); header('Location: ../index.php'); exit; } if ($_POST["submit"] == "Add") { if ($_POST["cat"] == "Categories" && !$_POST["new_cat"]) { alert("Chose Category"); } else { if ($_POST["new_cat"] && ctype_alnum($_POST["new_cat"]) == FALSE) { alert("Only alphanumeric characters in category name"); } else { if (!$_POST["name"]) { alert("No name"); } else { if (is_name_valid($_POST["name"]) == FALSE) { alert("Alphanumeric characters or _ in product's name"); } else { if (is_img_name_valid($_FILES["imgToUp"]["name"]) == FALSE) { alert("Alphanumeric characters only and only .jpeg is supported"); } else { $products = unserialize(file_get_contents("../products/prods.db")); if (array_search($_POST["name"], array_column($products, "name")) == TRUE) { alert("There is already a product named" . $_POST["name"] . ". Change product name"); } else { if (array_search($_POST["imgToUp"], array_column($products, "name")) == TRUE) { alert("There is already an image named" . $_POST["name"] . ". Change image name"); } else { if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES["imgToUp"]["tmp_name"], "../img/" . $_FILES["imgToUp"]["name"])) { alert("Image uploaded"); } else {
<?php include "name_tests.php"; include "alert.php"; include "../config.php"; if ($_SESSION['id_session'] !== "admin") { session_destroy(); header('Location: ../index.php'); exit; } if ($_POST["submit"] == "change") { if (!$_POST["name"] || is_name_valid($_POST["name"]) == FALSE) { alert("Only Alphanumeric characters in name"); } else { $products = unserialize(file_get_contents("../products/prods.db")); if (array_search($_POST["name"], array_column($products, "name")) == TRUE) { alert("There is already a product names" . $_POST["name"] . ". Change name."); } else { foreach ($products as $key => $product) { if ($product["name"] == $_GET["name"]) { $products[$key]["name"] = $_POST["name"]; file_put_contents("../products/prods.db", serialize($products)); if ($_POST["name"]) { $_GET["name"] = $_POST["name"]; } header("Location: modify_product.php?name=" . $_GET['name'] . "&submit=OK"); } } } } } else {
function register_account($email, $email_confirmation, $civility, $firstname, $lastname, $adress, $country, $postal_code, $city, $phone_fixe, $phone_mobile, $password, $password_confirmation) { if (!is_email_valid($email) || check_if_email_already_taken($email) || !do_passwords_match($email, $email_confirmation) || $civility != 'M' && $civility != 'Mlle' && $civility != 'Mme' || !is_name_valid($firstname) || !is_name_valid($lastname) || !is_adress_valid($adress) || !is_postal_code_valid($postal_code) || !is_city_valid($city) || !is_phone_number_valid($phone_fixe) || !is_phone_number_valid($phone_mobile) || !is_password_valid($password) || !do_passwords_match($password, $password_confirmation)) { redirect('register.php'); } else { insert_account_in_db($email, $civility, $firstname, $lastname, $adress, $country, $postal_code, $city, $phone_fixe, $phone_mobile, $password); $_SESSION['email'] = $email; redirect('../index.php'); } }