function insert() { if ($this->session->userdata('logged_in')) { $session_data = $this->session->userdata('logged_in'); $idu = $session_data['id']; $idtbl = $this->input->post('tabel'); $tabel = $this->mweb->getmanage_by_id($idtbl); switch ($idtbl) { case '1': $exclude = array('user', 'log'); break; case '6': $exclude = array('acc'); break; case '7': $exclude = array('acc'); break; case '15': $exclude = array('idreq', 'idimg', 'desc'); break; case '17': $exclude = array('id'); break; default: $exclude = array(''); break; } $stmt_list = create_statement($tabel, $exclude); $query = explode(',', $stmt_list); $data = array(); $kolom = array(); $ttempb = array(); $liskol = $this->db->list_fields($tabel); $fkolm = array_shift(array_slice($liskol, 0, 1)); $lid = $this->mweb->get_akhir($fkolm, $tabel); $gettempb = $this->mweb->get_tempbrg($lid, $idtbl); foreach ($query as $row) { $kolom[] = $row; switch ($row) { case 'id': $idnee = $this->input->post($row); $idnee = $lid; $data[] = $idnee; break; case 'time': $data[] = date('d-m-Y h:i:s'); break; case 'iduser': $data[] = $session_data['id']; break; case 'Kenaikan_Harga': $hbru = $this->input->post('Harga_Baru'); $hlma = $this->input->post('Harga_Lama'); if (!empty($hbru) && !empty($hlma) && $hbru > $hlma) { $data[] = intval($hbru - $hlma); } else { $data[] = 0; } break; case 'Description': $set = $this->input->post('set'); $nmprod = $this->input->post('namaprod'); if (!empty($set) && !empty($nmprod)) { $kdbl = $this->mweb->get_akhir('kdbarang', 'barang'); $this->db->set('a.status', 'success'); $this->db->set('b.kdbarang', $kdbl); $this->db->where('a.idreq', $set); $this->db->where('a.idreq = b.idreq'); $this->db->update('antrian as a, request as b'); $imm = $nmprod . '+'; $imm .= $this->input->post($row); $data[] = $imm; } else { $data[] = $this->input->post($row); } break; case 'kdbarang': if ($tabel === 'postprod') { $data[] = $this->input->post($row); } else { $data[] = implode('|', $gettempb); } break; default: $data[] = $this->input->post($row); break; } } $setdata = array_combine($kolom, $data); $idlastt = $this->mweb->settable($tabel, $setdata); $isi = implode(',', $data); //----------------------------------------- $file = 'log.txt'; $pathfile = APPPATH . 'views/' . $file; $tulislog = $session_data['id'] . ',' . date('Y-m-d h:i:s') . ',' . $tabel . ',' . $isi . "\n"; if (file_exists($pathfile)) { $current = file_get_contents($pathfile); // Append a new person to the file $current .= $tulislog; $current .= "\r\n"; // Write the contents back to the file file_put_contents($pathfile, $current); } else { $handle = fopen($pathfile, 'w') or die('Cannot open file: ' . $pathfile); //implicitly creates file fwrite($handle, $tulislog); } if ($idlastt) { switch ($idtbl) { case '1': $this->db->where('idcus', $idlastt); $this->db->update('cus', array('iduser' => $session_data['id'])); break; case '3': $sett = $this->input->post('set'); $kdbl = $this->mweb->get_akhir('kdbarang', 'barang'); if (getusereq($sett)) { $idpeng = getusereq($sett); $notifh = array('from' => $idu, 'iduser' => $idpeng, 'msg' => 'request barang dengan kode <strong>' . $sett . '</strong> success dengan harga jual Rp.<strong>' . gethrgbrg($idlastt) . '</strong>', 'time' => date('d-m-Y h:i:s')); $settnotif = $this->mweb->settable('notif', $notifh); if (!$settnotif) { ?> <script type="text/javascript">alert('maaf terjadi kesalahan pada system :(');</script> <?php redirect('login', 'refresh'); } } break; case '5': $qqlast = $this->mweb->get_last_id($idlastt, $tabel); foreach ($qqlast as $record) { $pass = $record['password']; } $passbaru = sha1($pass); $this->mweb->updatepass($idlastt, $passbaru); break; case '15': $config['upload_path'] = FCPATH . 'uploads/'; $config['allowed_types'] = 'gif|jpg|png'; //load the upload library $this->upload->initialize($config); $this->upload->set_allowed_types('*'); $data['upload_data'] = ''; //if not successful, set the error message if (!$this->upload->do_upload('userfile')) { redirect(site_url('gudang/profile?tab=3&e=1'), 'refresh'); } else { //else, set the success message //$idlastt=$this->mweb->last_id_ins('idreq','request'); $data = array('msg' => "Upload success!"); $dataimg = $this->upload->data(); $postkdb = $this->input->post('kdbarang'); $desck = $this->input->post('namaprod'); if (empty($postkdb)) { $descc = $desck; } else { $descc = $this->input->post('kdbarang'); } $dtimg = array('idimg' => '', 'src' => $dataimg['full_path'], 'desc' => $descc); $set = $this->mweb->setimage($dtimg); $setupd = array('idimg' => $set, 'desc' => $desck); $this->db->where('idreq', $idlastt); $this->db->update('request', $setupd); $setantri = array('idreq' => $idlastt, 'time' => date('d-m-Y h:i:s')); $idant = $this->mweb->settable('antrian', $setantri); if ($idant) { if (!is_mimin()) { $notifmin = array('from' => $idu, 'iduser' => getid_min(), 'msg' => 'ada permintaan barang dengan kode <strong><a href="' . site_url('gudang/slug/17/4/21/a?id=' . $idlastt . '&tbl=15') . '">' . $idlastt . '</a></strong>', 'aksi' => 'request', 'time' => date('d-m-Y h:i:s')); $this->mweb->settable('notif', $notifmin); } } } break; case '6': if (!is_admin()) { $msginv = array('from' => $idu, 'iduser' => getid_own(), 'aksi' => 'invoice', 'time' => date('d-m-Y h:i:s'), 'msg' => 'invoice kode <a href="' . site_url('gudang/slug/5/4/6/a?id=' . $idlastt . '&tbl=6') . '"><strong>' . $idlastt . '</strong></a>'); $this->mweb->settable('notif', $msginv); } break; case '7': if (!is_admin()) { $msginv = array('from' => $idu, 'iduser' => getid_own(), 'aksi' => 'quotation', 'time' => date('d-m-Y h:i:s'), 'msg' => 'quotation kode <a href="' . site_url('gudang/slug/5/4/7/a?id=' . $idlastt . '&tbl=7') . '"><strong>' . $idlastt . '</strong></a>'); $this->mweb->settable('notif', $msginv); } break; case '16': $purc = $this->mweb->gettable_byid($fkolm, $idlastt, $tabel); if (count($purc) > 0) { foreach ($purc as $vpurc) { $lb = rtrim($vpurc['linkbeli']); $hb = rtrim($vpurc['hrg_beli']); } if (empty($lb) && empty($hb) || $hb === '0') { $this->db->where('id', $idlastt); $this->db->update('purchase', array('status' => 'p')); } else { if (strlen($lb) > 0 && empty($hb) || $hb === '0') { $this->db->where('id', $idlastt); $this->db->update('purchase', array('status' => 'w')); } else { $this->db->where('id', $idlastt); $this->db->update('purchase', array('status' => 'wp')); } } } else { redirect('gudang?ep=' . $idlastt, 'refresh'); } break; } redirect('gudang', 'refresh'); } else { redirect('gudang?e=i', 'refresh'); } } else { //If no session, redirect to login page redirect('login', 'refresh'); } }
<li><b>PENDING</b>: Belum di proses oleh purchasing karena masih dalam antrian</li> <li><b>PROSES</b> : Artinya sudah mulai dicari oleh purchasing, tapi belum mendapatkan supplier</li> <li><b>Waiting</b> : Sudah mendapatkan Supplier, tetapi belum mendapatkan harga pembelian</li> <li><b>Waiting Approval</b> : Harga pembelian sudah didapatkan, tinggal menunggu approval harga penjualan</li> <li><b>Success</b> : Request sudah berhasil diproses dan sudah masuk di data produk</li> </ul> </div> </div> <?php } ?> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-4"> <?php if (is_admin() || is_mimin()) { ?> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-heading"><strong>Follow up</strong></div> <div class="panel-body"> <div id="newsticker-container" > <ul class="list-group"> <?php if ($follap) { foreach ($follap as $valfol) { ?> <li class="list-group-item"><?php echo strlen($valfol['nama']) > 0 || strlen($valfol['perusahaan']) > 0 ? '<strong>ID. ' . $valfol['id'] . '</strong>--' . $valfol['nama'] . '<a href="' . current_url() . '?id=' . $valfol['id'] . '&tbl=16">details</a>' : '<a href="' . current_url() . '?idreq=' . $valfol['idreq'] . '&tbl=16">details</a>'; ?> </li>
<?php } ?> <?php } else { ?> <a href="<?php echo site_url('gudang/slug/17/1/16?req=' . $valdata['idreq']); ?> " class="btn btn-sm btn-primary" role="group">search</a> <?php } ?> <?php } if (is_mimin()) { ?> <a href="<?php echo site_url('gudang/slug/17/1/16?req=' . $valdata['idreq']); ?> " class="btn btn-sm btn-primary" role="group">search</a> <?php } ?> <?php } else { ?> <a href="<?php $kdbr = getkdbreq($valdata['idreq']); echo current_url() . '/a?id=' . $kdbr . '&tbl=3'; ?>