 * Site URL
 * Added simple return if the url begins with http
 * @access	public
 * @param	string	the URI string
 * @return	string
function site_url($uri = '')
    if (is_http_path($uri)) {
        return $uri;
    $CI =& get_instance();
    return $CI->config->site_url($uri);
 function get_link()
     $url = $this->url;
     if (!is_http_path($url)) {
         $url = 'http://' . $url;
     $label = !empty($this->name) ? $this->name : $this->url;
     $attrs = !empty($this->target) ? 'target="_' . $this->target . '"' : '';
     return anchor($url, $label, $attrs);
 function get_link()
     $set = $this->_parent_model->set;
     $url = $this->url;
     if (!is_http_path($url)) {
         $url = 'http://' . $url;
     $label = !empty($this->name) ? $this->name : $this->url;
     $styles = array();
     $styles[] = !empty($this->color) ? 'color: #' . $this->color : NULL;
     $style = implode(' ', $styles);
     $classes = array();
     $classes[] = !empty($this->icon) ? $set . ' ' . $set . '-' . $this->icon : NULL;
     $class = implode(' ', $classes);
     $attrs = array();
     $attrs[] = !empty($label) ? 'title="' . $label . '"' : NULL;
     $attrs[] = !empty($this->target) ? 'target="_' . $this->target . '"' : NULL;
     $attrs[] = $style ? 'style="' . $style . '"' : NULL;
     return anchor($url, '<i class="' . $class . '"></i>', implode(' ', $attrs));
 function scrape_dom($url, $xpath_query = NULL)
     if (is_http_path($url)) {
         $url = site_url($url);
     // turn off the warnings for bad html
     $old_setting = libxml_use_internal_errors(TRUE);
     $dom = new DOMDocument();
     if (!@$dom->loadHTMLFile($url)) {
         return FALSE;
     if ($xpath_query) {
         $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
         $results = $xpath->query($xpath_query);
     // change errors back to original settings
     if (isset($results)) {
         return $results;
     return $dom;
 * Will return a target="_blank" if the link is not from the same domain.
 * @access	public
 * @param	string	URL
 * @param	array	An array of extensions to check to force it to target="_blank"
 * @return	boolean
function link_target($link, $exts = array())
    $url_parts = parse_url($link);
    $test_domain = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
    $domain = '';
    if (isset($url_parts['host'])) {
        if ($url_parts['host'] == $test_domain) {
            return '';
        $host_parts = explode('.', $url_parts['host']);
        $index = count($host_parts) - 1;
        if (isset($host_parts[$index - 1])) {
            $domain = $host_parts[$index - 1];
            $domain .= '.';
            $domain .= $host_parts[$index];
        } else {
            if (count($host_parts) == 1) {
                $domain = $host_parts[0];
    // get the extension to check
    if (is_string($exts)) {
        $exts = array($exts);
    $ext = end(explode('.', $link));
    // check if an http path and that it is from a different domain
    if (is_http_path($link) and $test_domain != $domain or !empty($exts) and in_array($ext, $exts)) {
        return ' target="_blank"';
    return '';
	function on_before_clean($values)
		if (empty($values['nav_key'])) $values['nav_key'] = $values['location'];
		// if the path is local, then we clean it
		if (!is_http_path($values['location']))
			$values['location'] = str_replace(array('/', '#'), array('____', '___'), $values['location']);
			$values['location'] = url_title($values['location']);
			$values['location'] = str_replace(array('____', '___'), array('/', '#'), $values['location']);
		return $values;
  * Displays related items on the right side
  * @access	public
  * @param	array View variable data (optional)
  * @return	mixed Can be an array of items or a string value
 public function related_items($values = array())
     $CI =& get_instance();
     // don't display if it is disabled
     if ($CI->fuel->modules->get('navigation')->info('disabled') === TRUE) {
         return '';
     $CI->load->module_model(FUEL_FOLDER, 'fuel_navigation_model');
     $where['location'] = $values['location'];
     $related_items = $CI->fuel_navigation_model->find_all_array_assoc('id', $where);
     $return = array();
     if (!empty($related_items)) {
         $return['navigation'] = array();
         foreach ($related_items as $key => $item) {
             $label = $item['label'];
             if (!empty($item['group_name'])) {
                 $label .= ' (' . $item['group_name'] . ')';
             $return['navigation']['inline_edit/' . $key] = $label;
     } else {
         if (!empty($values['location']) and $this->fuel->auth->has_permission('navigation', 'create')) {
             $return['navigation'] = array();
             $label = !empty($values['page_vars']['page_title']) ? $values['page_vars']['page_title'] : '';
             $parent_id = 0;
             $group_id = $CI->fuel->config('auto_page_navigation_group_id');
             // determine parent based off of location
             $location_arr = explode('/', $values['location']);
             $parent_location = implode('/', array_slice($location_arr, 0, count($location_arr) - 1));
             if (!empty($parent_location)) {
                 $parent = $this->fuel_navigation_model->find_by_location($parent_location);
             if (!empty($parent)) {
                 $parent_id = $parent['id'];
             $return['navigation']['inline_create?location=' . urlencode($values['location']) . '&label=' . $label . '&group_id=' . $group_id . '&parent_id=' . $parent_id] = lang('navigation_related');
     $view = $this->load->module_view(FUEL_FOLDER, '_blocks/related_items_array', array('related_items' => $return), TRUE);
     $layout = $CI->fuel->layouts->get($values['layout']);
     if (!empty($layout->preview_image)) {
         $img_path = (is_http_path($layout->preview_image) or substr($layout->preview_image, 0, 1) == '/') ? $layout->preview_image : img_path($layout->preview_image);
         $view = '<img src="' . $img_path . '" alt="' . $layout->name() . '" class="layout_preview" />' . $view;
     return $view;
  * Model hook right before the data is cleaned. Cleans up location value if needed
  * @access	public
  * @param	array The values to be saved right the clean method is run
  * @return	array Returns the values to be cleaned
 public function on_before_clean($values)
     //if (empty($values['nav_key'])) $values['nav_key'] = $values['location'];
     // if the path is local, then we clean it
     if (!is_http_path($values['location'])) {
         $values['location'] = str_replace(array('/', '#', '.'), array('____', '___', '_X_'), $values['location']);
         $values['location'] = url_title($values['location']);
         $values['location'] = str_replace(array('____', '___', '_X_'), array('/', '#', '.'), $values['location']);
     if (empty($values['language'])) {
         $CI =& get_instance();
         $values['language'] = $CI->fuel->language->default_option();
     return $values;
  * Creates open graph meta tags
  * @access	protected
  * @param	mixed	An array or object of values with keys being title, url, description, image, site_name, or type
  * @return	string	An array of values
 public function og($values = array())
     $CI =& get_instance();
     // normalize the values
     $values = $this->normalize_values($values);
     $str = '';
     $defaults = array('url' => current_url(), 'title' => $CI->load->get_var('page_title'), 'description' => $CI->load->get_var('meta_description'), 'source' => $CI->fuel->config('site_name'));
     // If a post object exists, then we can auto create the information if they have the proper fields
     if ($values instanceof Base_post_item_model) {
         $values = array();
         $values['url'] = $values->url;
         $values['title'] = $values->title;
         $values['url'] = $values->url;
         $values['description'] = $values->get_excerpt(80, '...');
     $values = array_merge($defaults, $values);
     $valid_types = array('title', 'url', 'description', 'image', 'site_name', 'type');
     foreach ($values as $key => $val) {
         if (!empty($val) and in_array($key, $valid_types)) {
             // format image path
             if ($key == 'image' and !is_http_path($val)) {
                 $val = img_path($val, NULL, TRUE);
             } elseif ($key == 'url') {
                 $val = site_url($val);
             $str .= "\t<meta property=\"og:" . $key . "\" content=\"" . $values[$key] . "\">\n";
     return $str;
     * Creates an asset select/upload field
     * @access	public
     * @param	array Fields parameters
     * @return	string
    public function asset($params)
        $form_builder =& $params['instance'];
        if (empty($params['folder'])) {
            $params['folder'] = 'images';
        $asset_class = '';
        if (!isset($params['select']) or isset($params['select']) and $params['select'] !== FALSE) {
            $asset_class .= ' asset_select';
        if (!isset($params['upload']) or isset($params['upload']) and $params['upload'] !== FALSE) {
            $asset_class .= ' asset_upload';
        $asset_class .= ' ' . $params['folder'];
        $params['class'] = !empty($params['class']) ? $params['class'] . ' ' . $asset_class : $asset_class;
        // set the image preview containing class
        if (empty($params['img_container_styles'])) {
            $params['img_container_styles'] = 'overflow: auto; height: 200px; width: 400px; margin-top: 5px;';
        // set the styles specific to the image
        if (!isset($params['img_styles'])) {
            $params['img_styles'] = 'float: left; width: 100px;';
        // folders and intended contents
        $editable_filetypes = $this->fuel->config('editable_asset_filetypes');
        // set data parameters so that we can use them with the JS
        // set multiple and separator data attributes so can be used by javascript
        if (!isset($params['multiple'])) {
            $multiple = !empty($params['multiple']) or strpos($params['value'], ',') !== FALSE;
        } else {
            $multiple = $params['multiple'];
        // set the separator based on if it is multiple lines or just a single line
        $separator = (isset($params['multiline']) and $params['multiline'] === TRUE) ? "\n" : ', ';
        $params['data'] = array('multiple' => $multiple, 'separator' => $separator, 'folder' => $params['folder']);
        if (!empty($params['value'])) {
            if (is_string($params['value'])) {
                // unserialize if it is a serialized string
                if (is_json_str($params['value'])) {
                    $assets = json_decode($params['value'], TRUE);
                    //$assets = unserialize($params['value']);
                } else {
                    if ($multiple) {
                        // create assoc array with key being the image and the value being either the image name again or the caption
                        $assets = preg_split('#\\s*,\\s*|\\n#', $params['value']);
                    } else {
                        $assets = array($params['value']);
                $preview_str = '';
                // loop through all the assets and concatenate them
                foreach ($assets as $asset) {
                    if (!empty($asset)) {
                        $asset_path = '';
                        foreach ($editable_filetypes as $folder => $regex) {
                            if (!is_http_path($asset)) {
                                if (preg_match('#' . $regex . '#i', $asset)) {
                                    $path = trim($params['folder'], '/') . '/' . $asset;
                                    $asset_path = assets_path($path);
                            } else {
                                $asset_path = $asset;
                        if (!empty($asset_path)) {
                            $preview_str .= '<a href="' . $asset_path . '" target="_blank">';
                            if (isset($params['is_image']) or !isset($params['is_image']) and is_image_file($asset)) {
                                $preview_str .= '<img src="' . $asset_path . '" style="' . $params['img_styles'] . '"/>';
                            } else {
                                $preview_str .= $asset;
                            $preview_str .= '</a>';
            $preview = '';
            if (!empty($preview_str)) {
                $img_container_styles = $params['img_container_styles'];
                if ($multiple == FALSE and !empty($params['img_styles'])) {
                    $img_container_styles = $params['img_styles'];
                $preview = '<br /><div class="noclone" style="' . $img_container_styles . '">';
                $preview .= $preview_str;
                $preview .= '</div><div class="clear"></div>';
            $params['after_html'] = $preview;
        $params['type'] = '';
        if ($multiple) {
            $process_key = isset($params['subkey']) ? $params['subkey'] : $params['key'];
            // create an array with the key being the image name and the value being the caption (if it exists... otherwise the image name is used again)
            $func_str = '
				if (is_array($value))
					foreach($value as $key => $val)
						if (isset($val["' . $process_key . '"]))
							if (is_string($val["' . $process_key . '"]))
								$z = $val["' . $process_key . '"];
							else if (is_array($val["' . $process_key . '"]) AND isset($val["' . $process_key . '"]["' . $params['name'] . '"]))
								$z = $val["' . $process_key . '"]["' . $params['name'] . '"];
							$z = trim($z);
							$assets = array();
							$assets_arr = preg_split("#\\s*,\\s*|\\n#", $z);

							if (is_string($val["' . $process_key . '"]))
								if (count($assets_arr) > 1)
									$value[$key]["' . $process_key . '"] = json_encode($assets_arr);
									$value[$key]["' . $process_key . '"] = $z;
							else if (is_array($val["' . $process_key . '"]) AND isset($val["' . $process_key . '"]["' . $params['name'] . '"]))
								if (count($assets_arr) > 1)
									$value[$key]["' . $process_key . '"]["' . $params['name'] . '"] = json_encode($assets_arr);
									$value[$key]["' . $process_key . '"]["' . $params['name'] . '"] = $z;
					return $value;
					$value = trim($value);
					$assets_arr = preg_split("#\\s*,\\s*|\\n#", $value);
					if (count($assets_arr) > 1)
						return json_encode($assets_arr);
						return $value;
            $func = create_function('$value', $func_str);
            $form_builder->set_post_process($params['key'], $func);
        // unserialize value if it's serialized
        //$value = (is_serialized_str($params['value'])) ? unserialize($params['value']) : $params['value'];
        $value = (is_string($params['value']) and is_json_str($params['value'])) ? json_decode($params['value'], TRUE) : $params['value'];
        if (is_array($value)) {
            $params['value'] = '';
            foreach ($value as $key => $val) {
                if (!empty($val)) {
                    $params['value'] .= $val . $separator;
        $params['value'] = trim($params['value'], ",\n ");
        //$params['comment'] = 'Add a caption value to your image by inserting a colon after the image name and then enter your caption like so: my_img.jpg:My caption goes here.';
        // data params
        $data_params['asset_folder'] = $params['folder'];
        $data_params['subfolder'] = isset($params['subfolder']) ? $params['subfolder'] : '';
        $data_params['userfile_file_name'] = isset($params['file_name']) ? $params['file_name'] : '';
        $data_params['overwrite'] = isset($params['overwrite']) ? (bool) $params['overwrite'] : TRUE;
        $data_params['unzip'] = isset($params['unzip']) ? (bool) $params['unzip'] : TRUE;
        $data_params['create_thumb'] = isset($params['create_thumb']) ? (bool) $params['create_thumb'] : FALSE;
        $data_params['maintain_ratio'] = isset($params['maintain_ratio']) ? (bool) $params['maintain_ratio'] : FALSE;
        $data_params['width'] = isset($params['width']) ? (int) $params['width'] : '';
        $data_params['height'] = isset($params['height']) ? (int) $params['height'] : '';
        $data_params['master_dim'] = isset($params['master_dim']) ? $params['master_dim'] : '';
        $data_params['resize_and_crop'] = isset($params['resize_and_crop']) ? $params['resize_and_crop'] : '';
        $data_params['resize_method'] = isset($params['resize_method']) ? $params['resize_method'] : 'maintain_ratio';
        $data_params['hide_options'] = isset($params['hide_options']) ? (bool) $params['hide_options'] : FALSE;
        $data_params['accept'] = isset($params['accept']) ? $params['accept'] : '';
        if (isset($params['hide_image_options'])) {
            $data_params['hide_image_options'] = isset($params['hide_image_options']) ? (bool) $params['hide_image_options'] : FALSE;
        } else {
            if (!isset($params['hide_image_options']) and !preg_match('#^images#', $params['folder'])) {
                $data_params['hide_image_options'] = TRUE;
        $params['data']['params'] = http_build_query($data_params);
        if (!empty($params['multiline'])) {
            $params['class'] = 'no_editor ' . $params['class'];
            if (empty($params['style'])) {
                $params['style'] = 'float: left; width: 400px; height: 60px';
            $str = $form_builder->create_textarea($params);
        } else {
            $str = $form_builder->create_text($params);
        $str .= $params['after_html'];
        return $str;
  * Convenience method to normalize a URL path
  * @access	protected
  * @param	string	The URL to use for the CURL session
  * @return	string
 protected function _normalize_url($url)
     if (is_http_path($url)) {
         $url = site_url($url);
     return $url;
  * Renders a page in the admin
  * @access	public
  * @param	string	The name of the view file to display
  * @param	array	Variables to pass to the view file (optional)
  * @param	string	The display mode to use (can be the class constant Fuel_admin::DISPLAY_NO_ACTION, DISPLAY_COMPACT, DISPLAY_COMPACT_NO_ACTION, DISPLAY_COMPACT_TITLEBAR, DISPLAY_DEFAULT) (optional)
  * @param	array	The module to pull the view file from (optional)
  * @return	void
 public function render($view, $vars = array(), $mode = '', $module = NULL)
     // set the active state of the menu
     // set the module parameter to know where to look for view files
     if (!isset($module)) {
         $module = !empty($this->CI->view_location) ? $this->CI->view_location : $this->CI->router->fetch_module();
     // get notification if not already loaded in $vars and if any errors
     if (empty($vars['notifications'])) {
         $vars['error'] = $this->get_model_errors();
         $vars['notifications'] = $this->CI->load->module_view(FUEL_FOLDER, '_blocks/notifications', $vars, TRUE);
     // get titlebar only if there is no $vars set for it
     if (empty($vars['titlebar'])) {
         $vars['titlebar'] = $this->titlebar();
     // get titlebar icon only if there is no $vars set for it
     if (empty($vars['titlebar_icon'])) {
         $vars['titlebar_icon'] = $this->titlebar_icon();
     if (!empty($mode) or empty($this->display_mode)) {
     // set inline
     if (!empty($_POST['fuel_inline']) or (int) $this->CI->input->get('inline') != 0) {
         if (!empty($_POST['fuel_inline']) and $_POST['fuel_inline'] != 0) {
             $inline = $this->CI->input->post('fuel_inline');
         } else {
             if ((int) $this->CI->input->get('inline') != 0) {
                 $inline = $this->CI->input->get('inline');
     // set the form action
     if (empty($vars['form_action'])) {
         $vars['form_action'] = site_url($this->CI->uri->uri_string() . '?inline=' . $this->is_inline());
     } else {
         if (!empty($vars['form_action']) and !is_http_path($vars['form_action'])) {
             $vars['form_action'] = fuel_url($vars['form_action']);
     $layout = isset($vars['layout']) ? $vars['layout'] : $this->main_layout;
     if (!empty($layout)) {
         $vars['body'] = $this->CI->load->module_view($module, $view, $vars, TRUE);
         $vars['panels'] = $this->panels;
         if (is_array($layout)) {
             $layout_module = key($layout);
             $layout_view = current($layout);
             $this->CI->load->module_view($layout_module, $layout_view, $vars);
         } else {
             $this->CI->load->module_view(FUEL_FOLDER, '_layouts/' . $layout, $vars);
     } else {
         $this->CI->load->module_view($module, $view, $vars);
     // register the last page