Get_HotelSettings($hotel, $altname, $company, $register, $ebridgeid, $tax1, $tax2, $phone, $fax, $IM, $street, $city, $citycode, $state, $postcode, $countrycode, $country, $logo, $latitude, $longitude, $language, $email, $web, $ota, $chaincode);
       <table height="500" class="listing-table">	        
if (accessNew('reports') && $menu == 'shiftReport') {
} elseif ($menu == 'myShift') {
	          <td valign="top">  
if (is_ebridgeCustomer() && accessNew('reports') || is_ebridgeCustomer() && $menu == 'myShift') {
    include dirname(__FILE__) . "/../OTA/reports/shift_rpt.php";
} else {
				<form action="<?php 
    echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
" name="reportres" id="reportres"  method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
				<table width=100%>
					<tr class="tdbgcl">
						<td align="left"></td>	
					<tr class="tdbgcl">
$logofile = Get_LogoFile();
// Get the current settings
Get_HotelSettings($hotel, $altname, $company, $register, $ebridgeid, $tax1, $tax2, $phone, $fax, $IM, $street, $city, $citycode, $state, $postcode, $countrycode, $country, $logo, $latitude, $longitude, $language, $email, $web, $ota, $chaincode);
       <table height="500" class="listing-table">	        
	          <td valign="top">  
if (is_ebridgeCustomer() && accessNew('reports')) {
    include dirname(__FILE__) . "/../OTA/reports/hotel_receipt_rpt.php";
} else {
				<form action="<?php 
    echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
" name="reportres" id="reportres"  method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
				<table width=100%>

					<tr class="tdbgcl">
						<td align="left"></td>	
					<tr class="tdbgcl">
				<td colspan="2" style='padding:3'>
				  <div class="scroll" id="Requests" >
//display the list from advanced profile for e-Bridge customers
if (is_ebridgeCustomer()) {
    include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/OTA/advancedFeatures/adv_pagefuncs.php";
    $sname = "";
    $sphone = "";
    $sid = "";
    $semail = "";
    if ($search && $stype) {
        if ($stype == 1) {
            $sname = $search;
        if ($stype == 4) {
            $sid = $search;
        if ($stype == 5) {
            $sphone = $search;
 * Get the list of reservations
 * @ingroup RES_MANAGEMENT
 * @param $start [in] Start window date for reservations
 * @param $end [in] End window date for reservations
 * @param $name [in] guest name to search
 * @param $rlist [in/out] list of reservations
 * @param $active [in] open 
 * @note results rlist has form:<br/>
 * $rlist[$i]['guestname']<br/>
 * $rlist[$i]['checkindate']<br/>
 * $rlist[$i]['checkoutdate']<br/>
 * $rlist[$i]['no_pax']<br/>
 * $rlist[$i]['voucher_no']<br/>
 * $rlist[$i]['no_nights']<br/>
 * $rlist[$i]['status']<br/>
 * $rlist[$i]['reservation_id']<br/> 
 * $rlist[$i]['booked_by_ebridgeid']<br/>
 * $rlist[$i]['cancelled_by_ebridgeid']<br/>
 * $rlist[$i]['cancelled_date']<br/>
 * $rlist[$i]['reservation_by']<br/>
function get_all_reservations($start, $end, $name, &$rlist, $active)
    global $conn;
    if (!$conn) {
        $conn = connect_Hotel_db(HOST, USER, PASS, DB, PORT);
    if (!$conn) {
        return 0;
    if (is_ebridgeCustomer()) {
        include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/OTA/advancedFeatures/adv_functions.php";
        get_reservationlist_advProfile($start, $end, $name, $rlist, $active);
    } else {
        if ($name) {
            $name = strip_specials($name);
        $sql = "select src, reservation.guestid, reservation_id,reservation_by,\n\t\t\t\tDATE_FORMAT(checkindate, '%d/%m/%Y %H:%i') as checkin, DATE_FORMAT(checkoutdate, '%d/%m/%Y %H:%i') as checkout, no_adults,\n\t\t        no_child1_5, no_child6_12, no_babies, roomid, roomtypeid, ratesid, voucher_no, \n\t\t\t\treserved_by, DATE_FORMAT(reserved_date, '%d/%m/%Y') as resdate, confirmed_by, DATE_FORMAT(confirmed_date, '%d/%m/%Y') as conf_date, \n\t\t\t\tDATE_FORMAT(reserve_time, '%d/%m/%Y %H:%i') as restime, \n\t\t\t\tbook_id, status, firstname, middlename, lastname, loginname, DATEDIFF(checkoutdate, checkindate) AS no_nights,\n\t\t\t\tbooked_by_ebridgeid, cancelled_by_ebridgeid, cancelled_date \n\t\t\t\tfrom reservation, guests, users \n\t\t\t\twhere reservation.guestid = guests.guestid and users.userid = reservation.reserved_by ";
        if ($name) {
            $sql .= " and ( firstname like '%" . $name . "%' or lastname like '%" . $name . "%' or reservation_by like '%" . $name . "%' )";
        if ($start) {
            $sql .= " and checkindate >= " . date_to_dbformat("DD/MM/YYYY", 1, $start);
        if ($end) {
            $sql .= " and checkoutdate <= " . date_to_dbformat("DD/MM/YYYY", 1, $end);
        if ($active && $active == 1) {
            $sql .= " and `status` = " . RES_QUOTE;
        if ($active && $active == 2) {
            $sql .= " and `status` = " . RES_ACTIVE;
        if ($active && $active == 3) {
            $sql .= " and `status` = " . RES_CANCEL;
        if ($active && $active == 4) {
            $sql .= " and `status` = " . RES_EXPIRE;
        if ($active && $active == 5) {
            $sql .= " and `status` = " . RES_CHECKIN;
        if ($active && $active == 6) {
            $sql .= " and `status` = " . RES_VOID;
        if ($active && $active == 7) {
            $sql .= " and `status` = " . RES_CLOSE;
        $sql .= " order by checkindate  asc";
        //print $sql."<br/>";
        //echo $sql;
        $stmt = $conn->prepare($sql);
        $results = $stmt->execute();
        $rlist = array();
        $i = 0;
        if ($results) {
            while ($row = $stmt->fetch()) {
                $rlist[$i]['guestname'] = trim(trim($row['firstname']) . " " . trim($row['middlename']) . " " . trim($row['lastname']));
                $rlist[$i]['checkindate'] = $row['checkin'];
                $rlist[$i]['checkoutdate'] = $row['checkout'];
                $rlist[$i]['no_pax'] = $row['no_adults'] + $row['no_child1_5'] + $row['no_child6_12'] + $row['no_babies'];
                $rlist[$i]['voucher_no'] = $row['voucher_no'];
                $rlist[$i]['no_nights'] = $row['no_nights'];
                $rlist[$i]['status'] = $row['status'];
                $rlist[$i]['reservation_id'] = $row['reservation_id'];
                $rlist[$i]['reservation_by'] = $row['reservation_by'];
                $rlist[$i]['booked_by_ebridgeid'] = $row['booked_by_ebridgeid'];
                $rlist[$i]['cancelled_by_ebridgeid'] = $row['cancelled_by_ebridgeid'];
                $rlist[$i]['cancelled_date'] = $row['cancelled_date'];
                $rlist[$i]['ratesid'] = $row['ratesid'];
    return sizeof($rlist);