<?php echo pretty_url($website); ?> </a> <?php } ?> </div> <?php $events = get_posts(array('post_type' => 'event', 'orderby' => 'meta_value', 'order' => 'DESC', 'post_status' => 'publish', 'meta_query' => array(array('key' => 'start_date'), array('key' => 'residents', 'value' => '"' . $resident_id . '"', 'compare' => 'LIKE')))); if (is_current($resident_id) && sizeof($residencies) > 1) { echo '<div class="residencies list">'; echo '<h3 class="title">Past Residencies</h3>'; foreach ($residencies as $i => $residency) { if ($i == 0 && is_current($resident_id)) { continue; } $start_year = $residency->start_date_dt->format('Y'); $end_year = $residency->end_date_dt->format('Y'); echo '<div class="residency">'; echo $start_year; if ($start_year != $end_year) { echo '–' . $end_year; } echo '</br>'; echo get_sponsors($resident_id, $i); echo '</div>'; } echo '</div>'; }
function manage_seo_title_tags() { global $wpdb, $tabletags, $tablepost2tag, $install_directory, $wp_version; $search_value = ''; $search_query_string = ''; // Save Pages Form if (isset($_POST['action']) && ($_POST['action'] == 'pages' || $_POST['action'] == 'posts')) { if (function_exists('check_admin_referer')) { check_admin_referer('seo-title-tag-action_posts-form'); } foreach ($_POST as $name => $value) { // Update Title Tag if (preg_match('/^tagtitle_(\\d+)$/', $name, $matches)) { $value = stripslashes(strip_tags($value)); delete_post_meta($matches[1], get_option("custom_title_key")); add_post_meta($matches[1], get_option("custom_title_key"), $value); } // Update Slug if (preg_match('/^post_name_(\\d+)$/', $name, $matches)) { $postarr = get_post($matches[1], ARRAY_A); $old_post_name = $postarr['post_name']; $postarr['post_name'] = sanitize_title($value, $old_post_name); $postarr['post_category'] = array(); $cats = get_the_category($postarr['ID']); if (is_array($cats)) { foreach ($cats as $cat) { $postarr['post_category'][] = $cat->term_id; } } $tags_input = array(); $tags = get_the_tags($postarr['ID']); if (is_array($tags)) { foreach ($tags as $tag) { $tags_input[] = $tag->name; } } $postarr['tags_input'] = implode(', ', $tags_input); wp_insert_post($postarr); } } echo '<div class="updated"><p>The custom ' . ('pages' == $_POST['action'] ? 'page' : 'post') . ' titles have been updated.</p></div>'; // Save Category and Tag Forms } elseif (isset($_POST['action']) && ($_POST['action'] == 'categories' || $_POST['action'] == 'tags')) { if (function_exists('check_admin_referer')) { check_admin_referer('seo-title-tag-action_taxonomy-form'); } $singular = 'tags' == $_POST['action'] ? 'tag' : 'category'; foreach ($_POST as $name => $value) { // Update Title Tag if (preg_match('/^title_(\\d+)$/', $name, $matches)) { $title = stripslashes(strip_tags($_POST['title_' . $matches[1]])); $title = $wpdb->escape($title); if (get_option("use_category_description_as_title")) { $temp = $wpdb->get_row('SELECT term_id FROM ' . $wpdb->term_taxonomy . ' where term_id = ' . $matches[1]); if ($temp->term_id == $matches[1]) { $wpdb->query('UPDATE ' . $wpdb->term_taxonomy . ' SET description = \'' . $title . '\' where term_id = ' . $matches[1]); } } else { $table_name = $wpdb->prefix . 'seo_title_tag_' . $singular; $temp = $wpdb->get_results('SELECT ' . $singular . '_id as term_id from ' . $table_name . ' WHERE ' . $singular . '_id = ' . $matches[1]); if (isset($temp[1])) { $wpdb->query('DELETE FROM ' . $table_name . ' WHERE ' . $singular . '_id = ' . $matches[1]); unset($temp); } elseif (isset($temp[0])) { $temp = $temp[0]; } if (isset($temp) && $temp->term_id == $matches[1] && !empty($title)) { $wpdb->query('UPDATE ' . $table_name . ' SET title = \'' . $title . '\' WHERE ' . $singular . '_id = ' . $matches[1]); } elseif (!empty($title)) { $wpdb->query('INSERT INTO ' . $table_name . ' (' . $singular . '_id,title) values(\'' . $matches[1] . '\',\'' . $title . '\')'); } else { $wpdb->query('DELETE FROM ' . $table_name . ' where ' . $singular . '_id = ' . $matches[1]); } } } } echo '<div class="updated"><p>The custom ' . $singular . ' titles have been saved.</p></div>'; // Save URLs Form } elseif (isset($_POST['action']) and $_POST['action'] == 'urls') { if (function_exists('check_admin_referer')) { check_admin_referer('seo-title-tag-action_urls-form'); } $table_name = $wpdb->prefix . "seo_title_tag_url"; foreach ($_POST as $name => $value) { // Update Title Tag if (preg_match('/^url_(\\d+)$/', $name, $matches)) { $url = stripslashes($value); $url = $wpdb->escape($url); $title = stripslashes(strip_tags($_POST['title_' . $matches[1]])); $title = $wpdb->escape($title); if (!empty($url) and !empty($title)) { $wpdb->query('UPDATE ' . $table_name . ' SET url = \'' . $url . '\', title = \'' . $title . '\' WHERE id = ' . $matches[1]); } elseif (empty($url) and empty($title)) { $wpdb->query('DELETE FROM ' . $table_name . ' WHERE id = ' . $matches[1]); } } elseif (preg_match('/^url_new_(\\d+)$/', $name, $matches)) { $url = stripslashes($value); $url = $wpdb->escape($url); $title = stripslashes(strip_tags($_POST['title_new_' . $matches[1]])); $title = $wpdb->escape($title); if (!empty($url) and !empty($title)) { $wpdb->query('INSERT INTO ' . $table_name . ' (url,title) VALUES (\'' . $url . '\',\'' . $title . '\')'); } } } echo '<div class="updated"><p>The custom URLs and URL titles have been saved.</p></div>'; // Filter by Search Value } elseif (isset($_POST['search_value'])) { $search_value = stripslashes(strip_tags($_POST['search_value'])); } // If no search value from POST check for value in GET if (!isset($_POST['search_value']) && isset($_GET['search_value'])) { $search_value = stripslashes(strip_tags($_GET['search_value'])); } $title_tags_type = stripslashes(strip_tags($_GET['title_tags_type'])); $page_no = intval($_GET['page_no']); $manage_elements_per_page = get_option("manage_elements_per_page"); $element_count = 0; if (empty($title_tags_type)) { $title_tags_type = 'pages'; } if (empty($manage_elements_per_page)) { $manage_elements_per_page = 15; } $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = preg_replace('/&title_tags_type=[^&]+/', '', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = preg_replace('/&page_no=[^&]+/', '', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = preg_replace('/&search_value=[^&]*/', '', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); $search_query_string = '&search_value=' . $search_value; if (!$page_no) { $page_no = 0; } ?> <div class="wrap"> <form id="posts-filter" action="" method="post"> <h2>SEO Title Tags</h2> <p id="post-search"> <label class="hidden" for="search_value">Search Title Tags:</label> <input type="text" id="search_value" name="search_value" value="<?php if (isset($search_value)) { echo wp_specialchars($search_value, true); } ?> " /> <input type="submit" value="Search Title Tags" class="button" /> </p> <div><a href="http://www.netconcepts.com"><img width="233" height="36" alt="visit netconcepts" align="right" src="<?php echo get_option('siteurl'); ?> /wp-content/plugins/seo-title-tag/nclogo.jpg" /></a></div> <p><a href="options-general.php?page=seo-title-tag">Edit main SEO Title Tag plugin options »</a></p> <br class="clear" /> </form> <?php //do the nav menu items for the subsubmenu if (empty($_REQUEST['title_tags_type'])) { $_REQUEST['title_tags_type'] = 'pages'; } echo '<ul id="subsubmenu">' . "\n"; echo '<li ' . is_current($_REQUEST['title_tags_type'], 'pages') . '><a href="?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] . '&title_tags_type=pages">Pages</a></li>' . "\n"; echo '<li ' . is_current($_REQUEST['title_tags_type'], 'posts') . '><a href="?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] . '&title_tags_type=posts">Posts</a></li>' . "\n"; echo '<li ' . is_current($_REQUEST['title_tags_type'], 'categories') . '><a href="?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] . '&title_tags_type=categories">Categories</a></li>' . "\n"; echo '<li ' . is_current($_REQUEST['title_tags_type'], 'tags') . '><a href="?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] . '&title_tags_type=tags">Tags</a></li>' . "\n"; echo '<li ' . is_current($_REQUEST['title_tags_type'], 'urls') . '><a href="?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] . '&title_tags_type=urls">URLs</a></li>' . "\n"; echo '</ul>' . "\n"; // Render Page and Post Tabs if ($title_tags_type == 'pages' || $title_tags_type == 'posts') { $post_type = substr($title_tags_type, 0, -1); // Database table uses singular version ?> <p>Use the form below to enter or update a custom <?php echo $post_type; ?> title.<br /></p> <?php if (empty($search_value)) { if ($page_no > 0) { $limit = ' LIMIT ' . $page_no * $manage_elements_per_page . ', ' . $manage_elements_per_page; } else { $limit = ' LIMIT ' . $manage_elements_per_page; } $posts = $wpdb->get_results('SELECT * FROM ' . $wpdb->posts . ' WHERE post_type = \'' . $post_type . '\' ORDER BY menu_order ASC' . ('posts' == $title_tags_type ? ', post_date DESC' : ', ID ASC') . $limit); } else { $posts = $wpdb->get_results('SELECT * FROM ' . $wpdb->posts . ' WHERE post_type = \'' . $post_type . '\' ORDER BY menu_order ASC' . ('posts' == $title_tags_type ? ', post_date DESC' : ', ID ASC')); $new_posts; foreach ($posts as $post) { if (isset($post->post_type) and $post->post_type != $post_type) { continue; } if (empty($search_value)) { // No search value, add all $new_posts[] = $post; } else { // Filter based on search value if (preg_match('/' . $search_value . '/i', $post->post_title)) { $new_posts[] = $post; } else { $post_custom = get_post_custom($post->ID); if (preg_match('/' . $search_value . '/i', $post_custom[get_option("custom_title_key")][0]) || preg_match('/' . $search_value . '/i', $post->post_content) || preg_match('/' . $search_value . '/i', $post->post_excerpt)) { $new_posts[] = $post; } } } } $posts = $new_posts; $element_count = count($posts); if ($element_count > $manage_elements_per_page and ($page_no != 'all' or empty($page_no))) { if ($page_no > 0) { $posts = array_splice($posts, $page_no * $manage_elements_per_page); } $posts = array_slice($posts, 0, $manage_elements_per_page); } } if ($posts) { ?> <form name="posts-form" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; ?> " method="post"> <?php if (function_exists('wp_nonce_field')) { wp_nonce_field('seo-title-tag-action_posts-form'); } ?> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="<?php echo $title_tags_type; ?> " /> <table class="widefat"> <thead> <tr> <th scope="col">ID</th> <th scope="col">Title</th> <th scope="col">Custom Title</th> <th scope="col">Slug</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php manage_seo_title_tags_recursive($title_tags_type, $posts); echo '</table><br /><input type="submit" class="button" value="Submit" /></form>'; } else { echo '<p><b>No ' . $title_tags_type . ' found!</b></p>'; } // Render Categories Tab } elseif ($title_tags_type == 'categories' || $title_tags_type == 'tags') { $singular = 'tags' == $title_tags_type ? 'tag' : 'category'; $taxonomy = 'tags' == $title_tags_type ? 'post_tag' : 'category'; ?> <p>Use the form below to enter or update a custom <?php echo $singular; ?> title.<br /></p> <?php $terms = seo_title_tag_get_taxonomy($taxonomy); $table_name = $wpdb->prefix . "seo_title_tag_" . $singular; $term_titles = array(); if (get_option("use_category_description_as_title") && 'categories' == $title_tags_type) { foreach ($terms as $category) { $term_titles[$category->term_id] = $category->category_description; } } else { // defult filling of the category titles field. $sql = 'SELECT ' . $singular . '_id as term_id, title FROM ' . $table_name; $results = $wpdb->get_results($sql); $term_titles = array(); foreach ($results as $term) { $term_titles[$term->term_id] = $term->title; } $terms_new = array(); if ($terms) { foreach ($terms as $term) { $term->title = isset($term_titles[$term->term_id]) ? $term_titles[$term->term_id] : ''; if (empty($search_value)) { $terms_new[] = $term; } else { if (preg_match('/' . $search_value . '/i', $term->title) || preg_match('/' . $search_value . '/i', $term->name)) { $terms_new[] = $term; } } } $terms = $terms_new; } } $element_count = count($terms); if ($element_count > $manage_elements_per_page and ($page_no != 'all' or empty($page_no))) { if ($page_no > 0) { $terms = array_splice($terms, $page_no * $manage_elements_per_page); } $terms = array_slice($terms, 0, $manage_elements_per_page); } if ($terms) { ?> <form name="categories-form" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; ?> " method="post"> <?php if (function_exists('wp_nonce_field')) { wp_nonce_field('seo-title-tag-action_taxonomy-form'); } ?> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="<?php echo $title_tags_type; ?> " /> <table class="widefat"> <thead> <tr> <th scope="col">ID</th> <th scope="col"><?php echo ucfirst($singular); ?> </th> <th scope="col">Custom Title</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php foreach ($terms as $term) { $term_href = 'tags' == $title_tags_type ? get_tag_link($term->term_id) : get_category_link($term->term_id); ?> <tr> <td><a href="<?php echo $term_href; ?> "><?php echo $term->term_id; ?> </a></td> <td><?php echo $term->name; ?> </td> <td><input type="text" name="title_<?php echo $term->term_id; ?> " value="<?php echo wp_specialchars($term->title, true); ?> " size="70" /></td> <?php } echo '</table><br /><input type="submit" class="button" value="Submit" /></form>'; } else { //End of check for terms print "<b>No " . ucfirst($title_tags_type) . " found!</b>"; } } elseif ($title_tags_type == 'urls') { ?> <p>Use the form below to enter or update a title tag for any URL, including archives pages, tag conjunction pages, etc.</p><p>In the URL field, leave off the http:// and your domain and your blog's directory (if you have one). e.g. <i>tag/seo+articles</i> is okay; <i>http://www.netconcepts.com/tag/seo+articles</i> is NOT.<br /></p> <?php $table_name = $wpdb->prefix . "seo_title_tag_url"; $urls; $sql = 'SELECT id, url, title from ' . $table_name; if (!empty($search_value)) { $sql .= ' WHERE url LIKE "%' . $wpdb->escape($search_value) . '%" OR title LIKE "%' . $wpdb->escape($search_value) . '%"'; } $sql .= ' ORDER BY title'; $urls = $wpdb->get_results($sql); $element_count = count($urls); if ($element_count > $manage_elements_per_page and ($page_no != 'all' or empty($page_no))) { if ($page_no > 0) { $urls = array_splice($urls, $page_no * $manage_elements_per_page); } $urls = array_slice($urls, 0, $manage_elements_per_page); } ?> <form name="urls-form" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; ?> " method="post"> <?php if (function_exists('wp_nonce_field')) { wp_nonce_field('seo-title-tag-action_urls-form'); } ?> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="urls" /> <table class="widefat"> <thead> <tr> <th scope="col">ID</th> <th scope="col">URL</th> <th scope="col">Custom Title</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php if (is_array($urls)) { foreach ($urls as $url) { $url_value = $url->title; if (get_magic_quotes_runtime()) { $url_value = stripslashes($url_value); } ?> <tr> <td><a href="/<?php echo preg_replace('/^\\//', '', $url->url); ?> "><?php echo $url->id; ?> </a></td> <td><input type="text" title="<?php echo wp_specialchars($url->url, true); ?> " name="url_<?php echo $url->id; ?> " value="<?php echo wp_specialchars($url->url, true); ?> " size="40" /></td> <td><input type="text" title="<?php echo wp_specialchars($url->title, true); ?> " name="title_<?php echo $url->id; ?> " value="<?php echo wp_specialchars($url_value, true); ?> " size="70" /></td> </tr> <?php } } for ($n = 0; $n < 5; $n++) { ?> <tr> <td>New (<?php echo $n + 1; ?> )</td> <td><input type="text" name="url_new_<?php echo $n; ?> " value="" size="40" /></td> <td><input type="text" name="title_new_<?php echo $n; ?> " value="" size="70" /></td> </tr> <?php } echo '</table><br /><input type="submit" class="button" value="Submit" /></form>'; } else { echo '<p>unknown title tags type!</p>'; } ?> <?php if ($element_count > $manage_elements_per_page) { if ($page_no == 'all' and !empty($page_no)) { echo 'View All '; } else { echo '<a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] . '&page_no=all&title_tags_type=' . $title_tags_type . $search_query_string . '">View All</a> '; } } if ($element_count > $manage_elements_per_page) { for ($p = 0; $p < (int) ceil($element_count / $manage_elements_per_page); $p++) { if ($page_no == $p) { echo $p + 1 . ' '; } else { echo '<a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] . '&page_no=' . $p . '&title_tags_type=' . $title_tags_type . $search_query_string . '">' . ($p + 1) . '</a> '; } } } ?> </div> <?php }
echo '<div class="details">'; echo '<div class="left">'; if ($countries) { echo '<div class="value country">'; echo $countries; echo '</div>'; } if ($sponsors) { echo '<div class="value sponsors">'; echo '<div class="vertical-align">'; echo $sponsors; echo '</div>'; echo '</div>'; } echo '</div>'; echo '<div class="right">'; if (is_current($resident_id)) { if (is_ground_floor($resident_id)) { $ground_floor_url = $residents_url . '?filter=all&program=ground_floor'; echo '<div class="value"><a href="' . $ground_floor_url . '">Ground Floor</a></div>'; } elseif ($studio_number) { echo '<div class="value studio-number">Studio #' . $studio_number . '</div>'; } } elseif (is_past($resident_id) && $end_year) { echo '<div class="value year">'; echo $end_year; echo '</div>'; } echo '</div>'; echo '</div></div></div>'; wp_reset_postdata();
?> ><a href="/CMS/case_study">Case Studies</a></li> <li class="nav_icon" <?php echo is_current($menu_highlight, 'Pages'); ?> ><a href="/CMS/page">Pages</a></li> <li class="nav_icon" <?php echo is_current($menu_highlight, 'Links'); ?> ><a href="/CMS/links">Links</a></li> <li class="nav_icon" <?php echo is_current($menu_highlight, 'CMS Users'); ?> ><a href="/CMS/users"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-gear"></span>CMS Users</a></li> <li class="nav_icon" <?php echo is_current($menu_highlight, 'Templates'); ?> ><a href="/CMS/templates"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-signal"></span>Templates</a> <li class="nav_dropdown nav_icon_only"> <a href="javascript:;"> </a> <div class="nav_menu"> <ul> <?php /* $this->load->model('template_model'); $views = $this->template_model->list_templates(); foreach ($views as $view) { echo '<li><a href="/CMS/templates/edit/' . $view['name'] . '">' . $view['name'] . '</a></li>';
echo $url; ?> backup/">Back-Up</a></li> <li role="separator" class="divider"></li> <li <?php is_current('factory'); ?> ><a href="<?php echo $url; ?> factory/">Fabrieksinstellingen</a></li> </ul> </li> <li <?php is_current('help'); ?> ><a href="<?php echo $url; ?> help/">Help <i class="fa fa-info-circle"></i></a></li> </ul> <p class="navbar-text navbar-right"><a href="<?php echo $url; ?> " class="navbar-link">Uitloggen</a></p> <div style="margin-top: 2.5vh" class="col-lg-6"> <div class="input-group"> <input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Zoeken naar...">
<?php global $post; get_header(); $post_type = get_post_type(); switch ($post_type) { case 'resident': $this_resident = $post; $this_resident_id = $this_resident->ID; if (is_current($this_resident_id)) { // current residents list $current_residents_page_id = get_page_by_path('current-residents')->ID; $post = get_post($current_residents_page_id, OBJECT); $post->delay = 1; setup_postdata($post); get_template_part('sections/residents'); wp_reset_postdata(); //previous current residents by studio number insert_neighbor_residents($this_resident_id, 'prev', 1); //opened current resident setup_postdata($this_resident); get_template_part('sections/resident'); wp_reset_postdata(); //next current residents by studio number insert_neighbor_residents($this_resident_id, 'next', 1); // current residents list $current_residents_page_id = get_page_by_path('past-residents')->ID; $post = get_post($current_residents_page_id, OBJECT); $post->delay = 2; setup_postdata($post); get_template_part('sections/residents');
function manage_seo_title_tags() { global $wpdb, $tabletags, $tablepost2tag, $install_directory, $wp_version; $search_value = ''; $search_query_string = ''; // Save Pages Form if (isset($_POST['action']) && ($_POST['action'] == 'pages' || $_POST['action'] == 'posts')) { if (function_exists('check_admin_referer')) { check_admin_referer('seo-title-tag-action_posts-form'); } foreach ($_POST as $name => $value) { // Update Title Tag if (preg_match('/^tagtitle_(\\d+)$/', $name, $matches)) { $value = stripslashes(strip_tags($value)); //print_r( $value); die(); delete_post_meta($matches[1], get_option("custom_title_key")); add_post_meta($matches[1], get_option("custom_title_key"), $value); } // Update Descrption if (preg_match('/^tagdescription_(\\d+)$/', $name, $matches)) { $value_meta = stripslashes(strip_tags($value)); delete_post_meta($matches[1], get_option("custom_meta_description_key")); add_post_meta($matches[1], get_option("custom_meta_description_key"), $value_meta); } // Update Slug if (preg_match('/^post_name_(\\d+)$/', $name, $matches)) { $postarr = get_post($matches[1], ARRAY_A); $old_post_name = $postarr['post_name']; $postarr['post_name'] = sanitize_title($value, $old_post_name); $postarr['post_category'] = array(); $cats = get_the_category($postarr['ID']); if (is_array($cats)) { foreach ($cats as $cat) { $postarr['post_category'][] = $cat->term_id; } } $tags_input = array(); $tags = get_the_tags($postarr['ID']); if (is_array($tags)) { foreach ($tags as $tag) { $tags_input[] = $tag->name; } } $postarr['tags_input'] = implode(', ', $tags_input); wp_insert_post($postarr); } } echo '<div class="updated"><p>The custom ' . ('pages' == $_POST['action'] ? 'page' : 'post') . ' titles have been updated.</p></div>'; // Save Category and Tag Forms } elseif (isset($_POST['action']) && ($_POST['action'] == 'categories' || $_POST['action'] == 'tags')) { if (function_exists('check_admin_referer')) { check_admin_referer('seo-title-tag-action_taxonomy-form'); } $singular = 'tags' == $_POST['action'] ? 'tag' : 'category'; foreach ($_POST as $name => $value) { // Update Title Tag if (preg_match('/^title_(\\d+)$/', $name, $matches)) { $title = stripslashes(strip_tags($_POST['title_' . $matches[1]])); $title = $wpdb->escape($title); //for description $tag_meta_description = stripslashes(strip_tags($_POST['description_' . $matches[1]])); $tag_meta_description = $wpdb->escape($tag_meta_description); /* if (get_option("use_category_description_as_title")) { $temp = $wpdb->get_row('SELECT term_id FROM ' . $wpdb->term_taxonomy . ' where term_id = ' . $matches[1]); if ($temp->term_id == $matches[1]) { $wpdb->query('UPDATE ' . $wpdb->term_taxonomy . ' SET description = \'' . $title . '\' where term_id = ' . $matches[1]); } } else { */ $table_name = $wpdb->prefix . 'seo_title_tag_' . $singular; $temp = $wpdb->get_results('SELECT ' . $singular . '_id as term_id from ' . $table_name . ' WHERE ' . $singular . '_id = ' . $matches[1]); if (isset($temp[1])) { $wpdb->query('DELETE FROM ' . $table_name . ' WHERE ' . $singular . '_id = ' . $matches[1]); unset($temp); } elseif (isset($temp[0])) { $temp = $temp[0]; } if (isset($temp) && $temp->term_id == $matches[1] && !empty($title)) { $wpdb->query('UPDATE ' . $table_name . ' SET title = \'' . $title . '\', description= \'' . $tag_meta_description . '\' WHERE ' . $singular . '_id = ' . $matches[1]); } elseif (!empty($title)) { $wpdb->query('INSERT INTO ' . $table_name . ' (' . $singular . '_id,title,description) values(\'' . $matches[1] . '\',\'' . $title . '\',\'' . $tag_meta_description . '\')'); //echo $wpdb->query('INSERT INTO ' . $table_name . ' (' . $singular . '_id,title) values(\'' . $matches[1] . '\',\'' . $title . '\')'); } else { $wpdb->query('DELETE FROM ' . $table_name . ' where ' . $singular . '_id = ' . $matches[1]); } // } } } echo '<div class="updated"><p>The custom ' . $singular . ' titles have been saved.</p></div>'; // Save URLs Form } elseif (isset($_POST['action']) and $_POST['action'] == 'urls') { if (function_exists('check_admin_referer')) { check_admin_referer('seo-title-tag-action_urls-form'); } $table_name = $wpdb->prefix . "seo_title_tag_url"; foreach ($_POST as $name => $value) { // Update Title Tag if (preg_match('/^url_(\\d+)$/', $name, $matches)) { $url = stripslashes($value); $url = $wpdb->escape($url); $title = stripslashes(strip_tags($_POST['title_' . $matches[1]])); $title = $wpdb->escape($title); $meta_description_url = stripslashes(strip_tags($_POST['meta_description_' . $matches[1]])); $meta_description_url = $wpdb->escape($meta_description_url); //for url description insert if (!empty($url) and !empty($title)) { $wpdb->query('UPDATE ' . $table_name . ' SET url = \'' . $url . '\', title = \'' . $title . '\', description = \'' . $meta_description_url . '\' WHERE id = ' . $matches[1]); } elseif (empty($url) and empty($title)) { $wpdb->query('DELETE FROM ' . $table_name . ' WHERE id = ' . $matches[1]); } } elseif (preg_match('/^url_new_(\\d+)$/', $name, $matches)) { $url = stripslashes($value); $url = $wpdb->escape($url); $title = stripslashes(strip_tags($_POST['title_new_' . $matches[1]])); $title = $wpdb->escape($title); //for url description insert $meta_description_url = stripslashes(strip_tags($_POST['meta_description_new_' . $matches[1]])); $meta_description_url = $wpdb->escape($meta_description_url); if (!empty($url) and !empty($title)) { $wpdb->query('INSERT INTO ' . $table_name . ' (url,title,description) VALUES (\'' . $url . '\',\'' . $title . '\',\'' . $meta_description_url . '\')'); } } } echo '<div class="updated"><p>The custom URLs and URL titles and description have been saved.</p></div>'; // Filter by Search Value } elseif (isset($_POST['search_value'])) { $search_value = stripslashes(strip_tags($_POST['search_value'])); } // If no search value from POST check for value in GET if (!isset($_POST['search_value']) && isset($_GET['search_value'])) { $search_value = stripslashes(strip_tags($_GET['search_value'])); } $title_tags_type = stripslashes(strip_tags($_GET['title_tags_type'])); $page_no = intval($_GET['page_no']); $manage_elements_per_page = get_option("manage_elements_per_page"); $element_count = 0; if (empty($title_tags_type)) { $title_tags_type = 'pages'; } if (empty($manage_elements_per_page)) { $manage_elements_per_page = 15; } $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = preg_replace('/&title_tags_type=[^&]+/', '', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = preg_replace('/&page_no=[^&]+/', '', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = preg_replace('/&search_value=[^&]*/', '', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); $search_query_string = '&search_value=' . $search_value; if (!$page_no) { $page_no = 0; } ?> <div class="wrap"> <form id="posts-filter" action="" method="post"> <h2>SEO Title Tags</h2> <p id="post-search"> <label class="hidden" for="search_value">Search Title Tags:</label> <input type="text" id="search_value" name="search_value" value="<?php if (isset($search_value)) { echo esc_html($search_value); } ?> " /> <input type="submit" value="Search Title Tags" class="button" /> </p> <p><a href="options-general.php?page=seo-title-tag">Edit main SEO Title Tag plugin options »</a></p> <br class="clear" /> </form> <!-- csv upload in tool page --> <?php //Upload File if (isset($_POST['upload'])) { global $wpdb; $allowedExts = array("csv"); $extension = end(explode(".", $_FILES['filename']['name'])); //echo "type=". $_FILES['filename']['type']; if ($_FILES['filename']['type'] == "text/csv" || in_array($extension, $allowedExts)) { if ($_FILES['filename']['error'] > 0) { echo "Error: " . $_FILES['filename']['error'] . "<br />"; } else { if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES['filename']['tmp_name'])) { echo "<h3 style='color:green;'>" . "File " . $_FILES['filename']['name'] . " uploaded successfully." . "</h3>"; // readfile($_FILES['filename']['tmp_name']); } //Import uploaded file to Database $handle = fopen($_FILES['filename']['tmp_name'], "r"); $i = 1; while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ',')) !== FALSE) { $num = count($data); if ($i > 1) { //// check value $Postid = $data[0]; $meta_values = get_post_meta($Postid, $key, $single); if (array_key_exists('meta_description', $meta_values) && array_key_exists('title_tag', $meta_values)) { echo " "; } else { add_post_meta($Postid, get_option("custom_title_key"), $value); add_post_meta($Postid, get_option("custom_meta_description_key"), $Value_meta); } //$data = str_replace('"',"",$data[0]); //$data = explode(',',$data); $meta_description_key = get_option("custom_meta_description_key"); $meta_title_key = get_option("custom_title_key"); //$import="INSERT into wp_postmeta(post_id,meta_key,meta_value) values('".addslashes($data[0])."','".addslashes($data[1])."','".addslashes($data[2])."')"; //$import="INSERT into wp_postmeta(post_id,meta_key,meta_value) values('".addslashes($data[0])."','".addslashes($data[1])."','".addslashes($data[2])."')"; $import_title = "UPDATE " . $wpdb->prefix . "postmeta SET meta_value = '" . addslashes($data[1]) . "' WHERE post_id = '" . addslashes($data[0]) . "' and meta_key = '" . $meta_title_key . "'"; $import_meta_description = "UPDATE " . $wpdb->prefix . "postmeta SET meta_value = '" . addslashes($data[2]) . "' WHERE post_id = '" . addslashes($data[0]) . "' and meta_key = '" . $meta_description_key . "'"; $import_post_slug = "UPDATE " . $wpdb->prefix . "posts SET post_name = '" . addslashes($data[3]) . "' WHERE id = '" . addslashes($data[0]) . "'"; mysql_query($import_title) or die(mysql_error()); mysql_query($import_meta_description) or die(mysql_error()); mysql_query($import_post_slug) or die(mysql_error()); } else { echo $sucess_msg = "<h3 style='color:green;'>CSV File Data Successfully Inserted.</h3>"; } $i++; } fclose($handle); } } else { echo "<h2 style='color:red';>Invalid File! Please Select Valid CSV File to upload</h2>"; } } ?> <!-- End Funcations for csv file upload --> <?php $url = plugins_url(); ?> <h3>Upload Titles and Meta Descriptions directly through a CSV File:</h3> <!-- for csv file upload --> <form enctype='multipart/form-data' action='<?php echo $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]; ?> ' method='post'> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td scope="row">Download current CSV file for editing:</td> <td><input type='submit' name='download' value='Download'></td> </tr> <tr> <td scope="row">Select a CSV file to upload:</td> <td><input size='30' type='file' name='filename'> <input type='submit' name='upload' value='Upload'> <br/> </td> </tr> </table> </form> <!-- end csv upload in tool page --> <?php //do the nav menu items for the subsubmenu if (empty($_REQUEST['title_tags_type'])) { $_REQUEST['title_tags_type'] = 'pages'; } echo '<ul id="subsubmenu">' . "\n"; echo '<li ' . is_current($_REQUEST['title_tags_type'], 'pages') . '><a href="?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] . '&title_tags_type=pages">Pages</a></li>' . "\n"; echo '<li ' . is_current($_REQUEST['title_tags_type'], 'posts') . '><a href="?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] . '&title_tags_type=posts">Posts</a></li>' . "\n"; echo '<li ' . is_current($_REQUEST['title_tags_type'], 'categories') . '><a href="?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] . '&title_tags_type=categories">Categories</a></li>' . "\n"; echo '<li ' . is_current($_REQUEST['title_tags_type'], 'tags') . '><a href="?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] . '&title_tags_type=tags">Tags</a></li>' . "\n"; echo '<li ' . is_current($_REQUEST['title_tags_type'], 'urls') . '><a href="?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] . '&title_tags_type=urls">URLs</a></li>' . "\n"; echo '</ul>' . "\n"; // Render Page and Post Tabs if ($title_tags_type == 'pages' || $title_tags_type == 'posts') { $post_type = substr($title_tags_type, 0, -1); // Database table uses singular version ?> <p>Use the form below to enter or update a custom <?php echo $post_type; ?> title.<br /></p> <?php if (!empty($search_value)) { if ($page_no > 0) { // $limit = ' LIMIT ' . ($page_no * $manage_elements_per_page) . ', ' . $manage_elements_per_page; $limit = 10; } else { // $limit = ' LIMIT ' . $manage_elements_per_page; $limit = 10; } $posts = $wpdb->get_results('SELECT * FROM ' . $wpdb->posts . ' WHERE post_type = \'' . $post_type . '\' ORDER BY menu_order ASC' . ('posts' == $title_tags_type ? ', post_date DESC' : ', ID ASC') . $limit); } else { $posts = $wpdb->get_results('SELECT * FROM ' . $wpdb->posts . ' WHERE post_type = \'' . $post_type . '\' ORDER BY menu_order ASC' . ('posts' == $title_tags_type ? ', post_date DESC' : ', ID ASC')); $new_posts; foreach ($posts as $post) { if (isset($post->post_type) and $post->post_type != $post_type) { continue; } if (empty($search_value)) { // No search value, add all $new_posts[] = $post; } else { // Filter based on search value if (preg_match('/' . $search_value . '/i', $post->post_title)) { $new_posts[] = $post; } else { $post_custom = get_post_custom($post->ID); if (preg_match('/' . $search_value . '/i', $post_custom[get_option("custom_title_key")][0]) || preg_match('/' . $search_value . '/i', $post->post_content) || preg_match('/' . $search_value . '/i', $post->post_excerpt)) { $new_posts[] = $post; } } } } $posts = $new_posts; $element_count = count($posts); if ($element_count > $manage_elements_per_page and ($page_no != 'all' or empty($page_no))) { if ($page_no > 0) { $posts = array_splice($posts, $page_no * $manage_elements_per_page); } $posts = array_slice($posts, 0, $manage_elements_per_page); } } if ($posts) { ?> <form name="posts-form" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; ?> " method="post"> <?php if (function_exists('wp_nonce_field')) { wp_nonce_field('seo-title-tag-action_posts-form'); } ?> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="<?php echo $title_tags_type; ?> " /> <table class="widefat"> <thead> <tr> <th scope="col">ID</th> <th scope="col">Title</th> <th scope="col">Custom Title and Meta Description</th> <th scope="col">Slug</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php manage_seo_title_tags_recursive($title_tags_type, $posts); echo '</table><br /><input type="submit" class="button" value="Submit" /></form>'; } else { echo '<p><b>No ' . $title_tags_type . ' found!</b></p>'; } // Render Categories Tab } elseif ($title_tags_type == 'categories' || $title_tags_type == 'tags') { $singular = 'tags' == $title_tags_type ? 'tag' : 'category'; $taxonomy = 'tags' == $title_tags_type ? 'post_tag' : 'category'; ?> <p>Use the form below to enter or update a custom <?php echo $singular; ?> title.<br /></p> <?php $terms = seo_title_tag_get_taxonomy($taxonomy); $table_name = $wpdb->prefix . "seo_title_tag_" . $singular; $term_titles = array(); /* if (get_option("use_category_description_as_title") && 'categories' == $title_tags_type) { foreach ($terms as $category) { print_r($term_titles[$category->term_id] = $category->category_description ); } } else { */ // defult filling of the category titles field. $sql = 'SELECT ' . $singular . '_id as term_id, title,description FROM ' . $table_name; $results = $wpdb->get_results($sql); $term_titles = array(); $term_description = array(); foreach ($results as $term) { $term_titles[$term->term_id] = $term->title; $term_description[$term->term_id] = $term->description; } $terms_new = array(); if ($terms) { foreach ($terms as $term) { $term->title = isset($term_titles[$term->term_id]) ? $term_titles[$term->term_id] : ''; $term->description = isset($term_description[$term->term_id]) ? $term_description[$term->term_id] : ''; if (empty($search_value)) { $terms_new[] = $term; } else { if (preg_match('/' . $search_value . '/i', $term->title) || preg_match('/' . $search_value . '/i', $term->name)) { $terms_new[] = $term; } } } $terms = $terms_new; } // } $element_count = count($terms); if ($element_count > $manage_elements_per_page and ($page_no != 'all' or empty($page_no))) { if ($page_no > 0) { $terms = array_splice($terms, $page_no * $manage_elements_per_page); } $terms = array_slice($terms, 0, $manage_elements_per_page); } if ($terms) { ?> <form name="categories-form" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; ?> " method="post"> <?php if (function_exists('wp_nonce_field')) { wp_nonce_field('seo-title-tag-action_taxonomy-form'); } ?> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="<?php echo $title_tags_type; ?> " /> <table class="widefat"> <thead> <tr> <th scope="col">ID</th> <th scope="col"><?php echo ucfirst($singular); ?> </th> <th scope="col">Custom Title and Meta Description</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php foreach ($terms as $term) { $term_href = 'tags' == $title_tags_type ? get_tag_link($term->term_id) : get_category_link($term->term_id); ?> <tr> <td><a href="<?php echo $term_href; ?> "><?php echo $term->term_id; ?> </a></td> <td><?php echo $term->name; ?> </td> <td><span style="width:110px;float:left; padding-right: 5px;">Title </span><input type="text" name="title_<?php echo $term->term_id; ?> " value="<?php echo esc_html($term->title); ?> " size="80" /><br /> <span style="width:110px;float:left; padding-right: 5px;">Meta Description</span><input type="text" name="description_<?php echo $term->term_id; ?> " value="<?php echo esc_html($term->description); ?> " size="80" /> </td> <?php } echo '</table><br /><input type="submit" class="button" value="Submit" /></form>'; } else { //End of check for terms print "<b>No " . ucfirst($title_tags_type) . " found!</b>"; } } elseif ($title_tags_type == 'urls') { ?> <p>Use the form below to enter or update a title tag for any URL, including archives pages, tag conjunction pages, etc.</p><p>In the URL field, leave off the http:// and your domain and your blog's directory (if you have one). e.g. <i>tag/seo+articles</i> is okay; <i>http://www.netconcepts.com/tag/seo+articles</i> is NOT.<br /></p> <?php $table_name = $wpdb->prefix . "seo_title_tag_url"; $urls; $sql = 'SELECT id, url, title,description from ' . $table_name; if (!empty($search_value)) { $sql .= ' WHERE url LIKE "%' . $wpdb->escape($search_value) . '%" OR title LIKE "%' . $wpdb->escape($search_value) . '%"'; } $sql .= ' ORDER BY title'; $urls = $wpdb->get_results($sql); $element_count = count($urls); if ($element_count > $manage_elements_per_page and ($page_no != 'all' or empty($page_no))) { if ($page_no > 0) { $urls = array_splice($urls, $page_no * $manage_elements_per_page); } $urls = array_slice($urls, 0, $manage_elements_per_page); } ?> <form name="urls-form" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; ?> " method="post"> <?php if (function_exists('wp_nonce_field')) { wp_nonce_field('seo-title-tag-action_urls-form'); } ?> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="urls" /> <table class="widefat"> <thead> <tr> <th scope="col">ID</th> <th scope="col">URL</th> <th scope="col">Custom Title and Meta Description</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php if (is_array($urls)) { foreach ($urls as $url) { $url_value = $url->title; $url_value_meta_description = $url->description; if (get_magic_quotes_runtime()) { $url_value = stripslashes($url_value); } ?> <tr> <td><a href="/<?php echo preg_replace('/^\\//', '', $url->url); ?> "><?php echo $url->id; ?> </a></td> <td><input type="text" title="<?php echo esc_html($url->url); ?> " name="url_<?php echo $url->id; ?> " value="<?php echo esc_html($url->url); ?> " size="40" /></td> <td> <span style="width:110px;float:left; padding-right: 5px;">Title</span><input type="text" title="<?php echo wp_specialchars($url->title, true); ?> " name="title_<?php echo $url->id; ?> " value="<?php echo esc_html($url_value); ?> " size="70" /><br /> <span style="width:110px;float:left; padding-right: 5px;">Meta Description</span><input type="text" title="<?php echo esc_html($url->description); ?> " name="meta_description_<?php echo $url->id; ?> " value="<?php echo esc_html($url_value_meta_description); ?> " size="70" /> </td> </tr> <?php } } for ($n = 0; $n < 5; $n++) { ?> <tr> <td>New <!-- (<?php // echo ($n + 1) ?> ) --> </td> <td><input type="text" name="url_new_<?php echo $n; ?> " value="" size="40" /></td> <td><span style="width:110px;float:left; padding-right: 5px;">Title</span><input type="text" name="title_new_<?php echo $n; ?> " value="" size="70" /><br /> <span style="width:110px;float:left; padding-right: 5px;"> Meta Description</span><input type="text" name="meta_description_new_<?php echo $n; ?> " value="" size="70" /> </td> </tr> <?php } echo '</table><br /><input type="submit" class="button" value="Submit" /></form>'; } else { echo '<p>unknown title tags type!</p>'; } ?> <?php if ($element_count > $manage_elements_per_page) { if ($page_no == 'all' and !empty($page_no)) { // echo 'View All '; } else { // echo '<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?'.$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'].'&page_no=all&title_tags_type='.$title_tags_type.$search_query_string.'">View All</a> '; } } ?> <style> .pagination{float:right;} .pagination a{border:1px solid #ccc;padding:4px 8px;} </style> <?php echo "<div class='pagination'>"; if ($element_count > $manage_elements_per_page) { $max = (int) ceil($element_count / $manage_elements_per_page); $inital = 0; if ($max > 5) { $max = 5; } if ($element_count > $page_no * $manage_elements_per_page && $page_no >= 4) { $inital = $page_no - ($page_no + 1) % 5; $max = (int) ceil($element_count / $manage_elements_per_page); if ($max > $inital + 5) { $max = $inital + 5; } echo '<a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] . '&page_no=' . ($page_no - 1) . '&title_tags_type=' . $title_tags_type . $search_query_string . '"><< Prev</a> '; } for ($p = $inital; $p < $max; $p++) { if ($page_no == $p) { echo $p + 1 . ' '; } else { echo '<a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] . '&page_no=' . $p . '&title_tags_type=' . $title_tags_type . $search_query_string . '">' . ($p + 1) . '</a> '; } } if ($page_no != $max - 1 && $max >= 5) { echo '<a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] . '&page_no=' . ($page_no + 1) . '&title_tags_type=' . $title_tags_type . $search_query_string . '">Next >> </a> '; } } echo "</div>"; ?> </div> <?php }
function insert_neighbor_residents($resident_id, $direction, $count) { $resident_name = get_the_title($resident_id); $resident_end_date = get_post_meta($resident_id, 'residency_dates_0_end_date', true); $resident_start_date = get_post_meta($resident_id, 'residency_dates_0_start_date', true); $resident_studio = get_field('studio_number', $resident_id); $today = new DateTime(); $today = $today->format('Ymd'); if (is_current($resident_id)) { $date_compare = '>'; $direction_type = 'NUMERIC'; $direction_key = 'studio_number'; $direction_value = $resident_studio; $resident_orderby = 'meta_value_num post_title'; $resident_meta_key = 'studio_number'; if ($direction == 'prev') { $direction_compare = '<'; $order = 'DESC'; } elseif ($direction == 'next') { $direction_compare = '>'; $order = 'ASC'; } } else { $date_compare = '<='; $direction_type = 'DATE'; $direction_key = 'residency_dates_0_end_date'; $direction_value = $resident_end_date; $resident_orderby = 'meta_value_num post_title'; $resident_meta_key = 'residency_dates_0_end_date'; if ($direction == 'prev') { $direction_compare = '>='; $order = 'ASC'; } elseif ($direction == 'next') { // $direction_compare = '>='; // $order = 'DESC'; } } $date_args = array('type' => 'DATE', 'key' => 'residency_dates_0_end_date', 'compare' => $date_compare, 'value' => $today); $has_bio = array('type' => 'CHAR', 'key' => 'bio', 'compare' => '!=', 'value' => ''); $direction_args = array('type' => $direction_type, 'key' => $direction_key, 'compare' => $direction_compare, 'value' => $direction_value); $resident_args = array('post_type' => 'resident', 'posts_per_page' => $count, 'order' => $order, 'orderby' => $resident_orderby, 'meta_key' => $resident_meta_key, 'post__not_in' => array($resident_id), 'meta_query' => array('relation' => 'AND', $has_bio, $date_args, $direction_args)); $residents = new WP_Query($resident_args); $last_page = $residents->max_num_pages; if ($direction == 'prev') { $reverse_residents = array_reverse($residents->posts); $residents->posts = $reverse_residents; } if ($residents->have_posts()) { while ($residents->have_posts()) { $residents->the_post(); global $post; setup_postdata($post); get_template_part('sections/resident'); wp_reset_postdata(); } } wp_reset_query(); }
$classes = 'current-residents residents'; break; case 'past-residents': $classes = 'past-residents residents'; break; case 'greenroom': if (is_user_logged_in()) { $classes = 'greenroom'; } else { $classes = 'login'; } break; } switch ($post_type) { case 'resident': if (is_current($page_id)) { $classes .= 'current'; } elseif (is_past($page_id)) { $classes .= 'past'; } break; } $theme = get_template_directory_uri(); if (is_admin()) { $fav_dir = 'favicons/square'; } elseif (is_404() || strpos($classes, 'past') > -1) { $fav_dir = 'favicons/blue'; } else { $fav_dir = 'favicons/orange'; } $permalink = get_the_permalink($page_id);