function getAvailableLevelsBlock() { if (!$this->isLogged()) { return array(MsgBox(_t('_membership_err_required_login'))); } if (!isProfileActive()) { return array(MsgBox(_t('_membership_err_not_active'))); } $aMembership = $this->_oDb->getMembershipsBy(array('type' => 'price_all')); if (empty($aMembership)) { return array(MsgBox(_t('_membership_txt_empty'))); } return $this->_oTemplate->displayAvailableLevels($aMembership); }
function processMembershipChecksForMediaUploads(&$aInputs) { $isAdmin = $GLOBALS['logged']['admin'] && isProfileActive($this->_iProfileId); defineMembershipActions(array('photos add', 'sounds add', 'videos add', 'files add')); if (defined('BX_PHOTOS_ADD')) { $aCheck = checkAction(getLoggedId(), BX_PHOTOS_ADD); } if (!defined('BX_PHOTOS_ADD') || $aCheck[CHECK_ACTION_RESULT] != CHECK_ACTION_RESULT_ALLOWED && !$isAdmin) { unset($aInputs['thumb']); } $a = array('images' => 'PHOTOS', 'videos' => 'VIDEOS', 'sounds' => 'SOUNDS', 'files' => 'FILES'); foreach ($a as $k => $v) { if (defined("BX_{$v}_ADD")) { $aCheck = checkAction(getLoggedId(), constant("BX_{$v}_ADD")); } if ((!defined("BX_{$v}_ADD") || $aCheck[CHECK_ACTION_RESULT] != CHECK_ACTION_RESULT_ALLOWED) && !$isAdmin) { unset($this->_aMedia[$k]); unset($aInputs['header_' . $k]); unset($aInputs[$k . '_choice']); unset($aInputs[$k . '_upload']); } } }
function isAllowedReadForum(&$aDataEntry, $iProfileId = -1) { if (-1 == $iProfileId) { $iProfileId = $this->_iProfileId; } return $this->isAdmin() || $GLOBALS['logged']['member'] && $aDataEntry['author_id'] == $this->_iProfileId && isProfileActive($this->_iProfileId) || $this->_oPrivacyProduct->check('view_forum', $aDataEntry['id'], $iProfileId); }
function isEntryAdmin($aDataEntry, $iProfileId = 0) { if (!$iProfileId) { $iProfileId = $this->_iProfileId; } if (($GLOBALS['logged']['member'] || $GLOBALS['logged']['admin']) && $aDataEntry['author_id'] == $iProfileId && isProfileActive($iProfileId)) { return true; } return $this->_oDb->isGroupAdmin($aDataEntry['id'], $iProfileId) && isProfileActive($iProfileId); }
function isAllowedDelete(&$aSite, $isPerformAction = false) { if ($this->isAdmin() || $GLOBALS['logged']['member'] && $aSite['ownerid'] == $this->iOwnerId && isProfileActive($this->iOwnerId)) { return true; } $this->_defineActions(); $aCheck = checkAction($this->iOwnerId, BX_SITES_DELETE_ANY_SITE, $isPerformAction); return $aCheck[CHECK_ACTION_RESULT] == CHECK_ACTION_RESULT_ALLOWED; }
function isLoggedActive() { return isProfileActive(); }
function isAdmin() { return $GLOBALS['logged']['admin'] && isProfileActive($this->_iProfileId); }
/** * Check whether the viewer can make requested action. * * @param string $sAction action name from 'sys_priacy_actions' table. * @param integer $iObjectId object ID the action to be performed with. * @param integer $iViewerId viewer ID. * @return boolean result of operation. */ function check($sAction, $iObjectId, $iViewerId = 0) { if (empty($iViewerId)) { $iViewerId = getLoggedId(); } if (isLogged() && !isProfileActive($iViewerId)) { return false; } $aObject = $this->_oDb->getObjectInfo($this->getFieldAction($sAction), $iObjectId); if (empty($aObject) || !is_array($aObject)) { return false; } if ($iViewerId == $aObject['owner_id']) { return true; } if ($this->_oDb->isGroupMember($aObject['group_id'], $aObject['owner_id'], $iViewerId)) { return true; } return $this->isDynamicGroupMember($aObject['group_id'], $aObject['owner_id'], $iViewerId, $iObjectId); }