function __construct() { $this->dom = new DOMDocument(); $this->methods = function ($p, $n, $arg) { if (!isIn($n, array('loadHTML', 'loadXML'))) { return 0; } $p->dom->{$n}($arg[0]); }; }
function bullet($u, $tp) { global $bullet; foreach ($u as $v) { if (isIn($v, $bullet)) { $t = $v; $u = _drw($u)->remove($v)->O; break; } } $c = cEle($tp, array('type' => isset($t) ? $t : null)); foreach ($u as $v) { $a = isStr($v) || isDrw($v) ? li($v) : $v; $c->addChild($a); } return $c; }
<?php session_start(); require_once "../include.php"; if (!isIn() || !isTeacher()) { header("Location: ../"); exit; } ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Forex Trading Simulator - View Currency Change Values</title> <style> table, th, td { border: 1px solid black; border-collapse: collapse; } th, td { padding: 5px; text-align:center; } p { text-align:center; } </style> <?php global $mysqlusername, $mysqlpassword, $mysqldatabase, $mysqllocation; $db = new mysqli($mysqllocation, $mysqlusername, $mysqlpassword, $mysqldatabase);
<?php session_start(); require_once "../include.php"; if (!isIn()) { die; } $gameEnded = gameEnded(); global $mysqlusername, $mysqlpassword, $mysqldatabase, $mysqllocation; $db = new mysqli($mysqllocation, $mysqlusername, $mysqlpassword, $mysqldatabase); purgeDatabase(); $query = "SELECT shortname, name FROM currency WHERE currencyid = 1 LIMIT 1"; $result = $db->query($query) or die($db->error); while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { $basecurrabbv = $row["shortname"]; $basecurrname = $row["name"]; } $userkey = intval($_SESSION["userkey"]); if ($userkey <= 0) { return; } $query = "SELECT name, networth FROM users WHERE userkey={$userkey} LIMIT 1"; $result = $db->query($query) or die; $totalvalue = 0; if ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { echo "<p>Hello, " . $row["name"] . "."; $totalvalue = $row["networth"]; } if (!$gameEnded) { echo " Your net worth is " . $basecurrabbv . number_format($totalvalue, 2) . ".</p>"; } else {
print "<TABLE class='header_centro' border='0' cellpadding='5' cellspacing='0' align='center' width='100%' bgcolor='" . $cor . "'>"; print "<TR class='header'>"; print "<TD>" . TRANS('OCO_DATE', 'Data') . "</TD><TD>" . TRANS('OCO_NOTICE', 'Aviso') . "</TD><TD>" . TRANS('OCO_RESP', 'Responsável') . "</TD><TD>" . TRANS('OCO_TOAREA', 'Para área') . "</TD>"; $j = 2; while ($resposta = mysql_fetch_array($resultado)) { if ($j % 2) { $trClass = "lin_par"; } else { $trClass = "lin_impar"; } $j++; print "<TR class='" . $trClass . "'>"; print "<TD class='line'>" . formatDate($resposta['data']) . "</TD>"; print "<TD class='line'>" . nl2br($resposta['avisos']) . "</TD>"; print "<TD class='line'>" . $resposta['login'] . "</TD>"; if (isIn($resposta['sis_id'], $uareas)) { $area_aviso = $resposta['sistema']; } else { $area_aviso = "" . TRANS('OCO_ALL_AREAS', 'TODAS') . ""; } print "<TD class='line'>" . $area_aviso . "</TD>"; print "</TR>"; } print "</TR>"; print "</TABLE>"; print "</TD>"; print "</TR>"; print "</TABLE>"; } print "</TR>"; print "</TABLE>";
function push($m) { $a = func_get_args(); $f = $a[0]; if (!isIn($f, array('replace', 'byIndex', 'auto', 'distinct', 'begin'))) { $f = 'auto'; } else { mov_next($a); } while (list($i, $v) = each($a)) { push($this->O, $f, $v); } return $this; }
if (isset($_POST['operador'])) { if (!empty($_POST['operador']) && $_POST['operador'] != -1) { $query .= " AND o.operador=" . $_POST['operador'] . " "; } } if (isset($_POST['local'])) { if (!empty($_POST['local']) && $_POST['local'] != -1) { $query .= " AND o.local=" . $_POST['local'] . " "; } } if (isset($_POST['area'])) { if (!empty($_POST['area']) && $_POST['area'] != -1 && ($_SESSION['s_nivel'] == 1 || isIn($_POST['area'], $_SESSION['s_uareas']))) { $query .= " AND o.sistema=" . $_POST['area'] . " "; } } else { if ($_SESSION['s_nivel'] != 1 && !isIn($_POST['area'], $_SESSION['s_uareas'])) { print "<script>window.alert('" . TRANS('MSG_CONSULT_FOR_YOU_AREA') . "');</script>"; print "<script>history.back();</script>"; exit; } } if (!isset($_POST['d_ini']) || !isset($_POST['d_fim'])) { print "<script>window.alert('" . TRANS('MSG_PERIOD_INFO') . "'); history.back();</script>"; } else { $d_ini_nova = converte_dma_para_amd(str_replace("-", "/", $_POST['d_ini'])); $d_fim_nova = converte_dma_para_amd(str_replace("-", "/", $_POST['d_fim'])); $d_ini_completa = $d_ini_nova . $hora_inicio; $d_fim_completa = $d_fim_nova . $hora_fim; if ($d_ini_completa <= $d_fim_completa) { //$dias_va //Alterado de data_abertura para data_fechamento -- ordena mudou de fechamento para abertura $query .= " AND o.data_fechamento >= '" . $d_ini_completa . "' and o.data_fechamento <= '" . $d_fim_completa . "' and " . "o.data_atendimento is not null order by o.data_abertura";
function validate_and_insert_data($xml) { $mysqli = new mysqli("localhost", "sec_user", "Uzg82t=u%#bNgPJw", "GPA_Tracker"); $user = $_SESSION['userID']; $coursesSet = false; foreach ($xml->database[0]->children() as $table_data) { foreach ($table_data->children() as $rows) { if ($table_data['name'] == 'StudentData') { if ($rows->field[1] != $user) { return false; } } else { if ($table_data['name'] == 'StudentCourse') { if ($rows->field[8] != $user) { return false; } $stmt = $mysqli->prepare("INSERT INTO StudentCourse (grade, weight, relevance, studentCourseID, semester, year, courseInfoID, selected, userID) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)\n ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE grade=VALUES(grade), weight=VALUES(weight), relevance=VALUES(relevance)"); $stmt->bind_param('sssssssss', $rows->field[0], $rows->field[1], $rows->field[2], $rows->field[3], $rows->field[4], $rows->field[5], $rows->field[6], $rows->field[7], $user); $stmt->execute(); } else { if ($table_data['name'] == 'StudentMajor') { if ($rows->field[0] != $user) { return false; } $stmt = $mysqli->prepare("INSERT INTO StudentMajor (userID, majorID, declaredDate) VALUES (?, ?, ?)\n ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE declaredDate=VALUES(declaredDate)"); $stmt->bind_param('ssss', $user, $rows->field[1], $rows->field[2]); $stmt->execute(); } else { if ($table_data['name'] == 'AssessmentType') { if (!$coursesSet) { $stmt = $mysqli->prepare("SELECT studentCourseID\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM StudentCourse\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE userID=?"); $stmt->bind_param('s', $user); $stmt->execute(); $stmt->bind_result($studentCourse); $courseList = array(); while ($stmt->fetch()) { array_push($courseList, $studentCourse); } $coursesSet = true; } if (!isIn($rows->field[2], $courseList)) { return false; } $stmt = $mysqli->prepare("INSERT INTO AssessmentType (assessmentName, percentage, studentCourseID, assessmentTypeID) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)\n ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE assessmentName=VALUES(assessmentName), percentage=VALUES(percentage)"); $stmt->bind_param('ssss', $rows->field[0], $rows->field[1], $rows->field[2], $rows->field[3]); $stmt->execute(); } else { if ($table_data['name'] == 'Assessment') { if (!$coursesSet) { $mysqli = new mysqli("localhost", "sec_user", "Uzg82t=u%#bNgPJw", "GPA_Tracker"); $stmt = $mysqli->prepare("SELECT studentCourseID\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM StudentCourse\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE userID=?"); $stmt->bind_param('s', $user); $stmt->execute(); $stmt->bind_result($studentCourse); $courseList = array(); while ($stmt->fetch()) { array_push($courseList, $studentCourse); } $coursesSet = true; } if (!isIn($rows->field[3], $courseList)) { return false; } $stmt = $mysqli->prepare("INSERT INTO Assessment (assessmentTypeID, grade, assessmentID, studentCourseID) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)\n ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE assessmentTypeID=VALUES(assessmentTypeID), grade=VALUES(grade)"); $stmt->bind_param('ssss', $rows->field[0], $rows->field[1], $rows->field[2], $rows->field[3]); $stmt->execute(); } } } } } } } return true; }
print "</td>"; print "<TR class='header'><td class='line'>" . TRANS('OCO_DATE') . "</TD><td class='line'>" . TRANS('OCO_NOTICE') . "</TD><td class='line'>" . TRANS('OCO_RESP') . "</td><td class='line'>" . TRANS('OCO_AREA') . "</TD>"; print "<td class='line'>" . TRANS('COL_PRIORITY') . "</TD><td class='line'>" . TRANS('COL_EDIT') . "</TD><td class='line'>" . TRANS('COL_DEL') . "</TD></TR>"; $j = 2; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($resultado)) { if ($j % 2) { $trClass = "lin_par"; } else { $trClass = "lin_impar"; } $j++; print "<tr class=" . $trClass . " id='linhax" . $j . "' onMouseOver=\"destaca('linhax" . $j . "','" . $_SESSION['s_colorDestaca'] . "');\" onMouseOut=\"libera('linhax" . $j . "','" . $_SESSION['s_colorLinPar'] . "','" . $_SESSION['s_colorLinImpar'] . "');\" onMouseDown=\"marca('linhax" . $j . "','" . $_SESSION['s_colorMarca'] . "');\">"; print "<td class='line'>" . datab($row['data']) . "</td>"; print "<td class='line'>" . $row['avisos'] . "</td>"; print "<td class='line'>" . $row['nome'] . "</td>"; if (isIn($row['sis_id'], $uareas)) { $area = $row['sistema']; } else { $area = "TODAS"; } print "<td class='line'>" . $area . "</TD>"; print "<td class='line'>" . $row['status'] . "</TD>"; print "<td class='line'><a onClick=\"redirect('" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?action=alter&cellStyle=true&aviso_id=" . $row['aviso_id'] . "')\"><img height='16' width='16' src='" . ICONS_PATH . "edit.png' title='" . TRANS('HNT_EDIT') . "'></a></td>"; print "<td class='line'><a onClick=\"javascript:confirmaAcao('" . TRANS('MSG_DEL_REG') . "','avisos.php','action=excluir&aviso_id=" . $row['aviso_id'] . "');\"><img height='16' width='16' src='" . ICONS_PATH . "drop.png' title='" . TRANS('HNT_DEL') . "'></TD>"; print "</TR>"; } } } else { if (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == "incluir" && empty($_POST['submit'])) { print "<BR><B>" . TRANS('TLT_INSERT_BOARD_NOTICE') . "</B><BR>"; print "<TR>";
$VARS['%editor%'] = $rowfull['nome']; $VARS['%aberto_por%'] = $rowfull['aberto_por']; $VARS['%problema%'] = $rowfull['problema']; $VARS['%solucao%'] = ''; $VARS['%versao%'] = VERSAO; $qryconfmail = "SELECT * FROM mailconfig"; $execconfmail = mysql_query($qryconfmail) or die(TRANS('ERR_QUERY')); $rowconfmail = mysql_fetch_array($execconfmail); if (isset($_POST['mailAR']) || isIn($_SESSION['s_area'], $rowconf['conf_custom_areas'])) { $event = 'abertura-para-area'; $qrymsg = "SELECT * FROM msgconfig WHERE msg_event like ('" . $event . "')"; $execmsg = mysql_query($qrymsg) or die(TRANS('ERR_QUERY')); $rowmsg = mysql_fetch_array($execmsg); send_mail($event, $rowSis['sis_email'], $rowconfmail, $rowmsg, $VARS); } if (isset($_POST['mailOP']) || isIn($_SESSION['s_area'], $rowconf['conf_custom_areas'])) { $event = 'abertura-para-operador'; $qrymsg = "SELECT * FROM msgconfig WHERE msg_event like ('" . $event . "')"; $execmsg = mysql_query($qrymsg) or die(TRANS('MSG_ERR_MSCONFIG')); $rowmsg = mysql_fetch_array($execmsg); $sqlMailOper = "select * from usuarios where user_id =" . $_POST['foward'] . ""; $execMailOper = mysql_query($sqlMailOper); $rowMailOper = mysql_fetch_array($execMailOper); $VARS['%operador%'] = $rowMailOper['nome']; send_mail($event, $rowMailOper['email'], $rowconf, $rowmsg, $VARS); } $aviso .= "" . TRANS('MSG_SUCCESS_OPENCALL', 'Ocorrência registrada com sucesso!') . "! " . "" . TRANS('OCO_FIELD_NUMBER', 'Número') . ": <font color=red>" . $numero . "</font><BR><br>" . "<a href='atender.php?numero=" . $numero . "'>" . TRANS('OCO_ACT_ASWER', 'Atender') . "</a><br><br>" . "<a href='encaminhar.php?numero=" . $numero . "'>" . TRANS('OCO_ACT_EDIT_REDIR', 'Encaminhar/Editar') . "</a><br><br>" . "<a href='encerramento.php?numero=" . $numero . "'>" . TRANS('OCO_ACT_CLOSE', 'Encerrar') . "</a><br><br>"; $i = 0; } if ($rowqryD['sis_atende'] == 1) { $_SESSION['aviso'] = $aviso;
function create($m = null, $n = null) { $a = new DRW(func_get_args()); while (list($i1, $v) = $a->each($l)) { if (isDrw($v)) { foreach ($v as $i => $v1) { if ($i == 'type') { unset($a->O[$i1][$i]); } } } } $tp = 'input'; if (!isIn($this->type, array('textarea', 'select', 'label', 'fieldset', 'legend', 'optgroup', 'option'))) { $a->push(array('type' => $this->type)); } else { $tp = $this->type; } return Form::create($tp, $a->O); }
$sistem = "home.php"; $marca = "HOME"; //if (($_SESSION['s_ocomon']==1) && ($_SESSION['s_area'] != $rowconf['conf_ownarea'])) { if ($_SESSION['s_ocomon'] == 1 && !isIn($_SESSION['s_area'], $rowconf['conf_ownarea_2'])) { print "<li id='OCOMON'><a onMouseOver=\"destaca('OCOMON')\" onMouseOut=\"libera('OCOMON')\" onclick=\"loadIframe('menu.php?sis=o','menu','" . $ocoDirPath . "abertura.php','centro',2,'OCOMON')\"> " . TRANS('MNS_OCORRENCIAS') . " </a></li>"; if ($sis == "") { $sis = "sis=o"; } $sisPath = $ocoDirPath; $sistem = "abertura.php"; $marca = "OCOMON"; //$home = "home=true"; } else { // incluir para usuario simples. //if (($_SESSION['s_ocomon']==1) && ($_SESSION['s_area'] == $rowconf['conf_ownarea'])) { if ($_SESSION['s_ocomon'] == 1 && isIn($_SESSION['s_area'], $rowconf['conf_ownarea_2'])) { print "<li id='OCOMON' ><a onMouseOver=\"destaca('OCOMON')\" onMouseOut=\"libera('OCOMON')\" onclick=\"loadIframe('menu.php?sis=s','menu','" . $ocoDirPath . "abertura_user.php?action=listall','centro',3,'OCOMON')\"> " . TRANS('MNS_OCORRENCIAS') . " </a></li>"; $sis = "sis=s"; $sisPath = $ocoDirPath; $sistem = "abertura_user.php?action=listall"; $marca = "OCOMON"; } else { print "<li> " . TRANS('MNS_OCORRENCIAS') . " </li>"; } } if ($_SESSION['s_invmon'] == 1) { print "<li id='INVMON'><a onMouseOver=\"destaca('INVMON')\" onMouseOut=\"libera('INVMON')\" onclick=\"loadIframe('menu.php?sis=i','menu','" . $invDirPath . "abertura.php','centro',2,'INVMON')\"> " . TRANS('MNS_INVENTARIO') . " </a></li>"; //abertura.php - ".$invDirPath."".$invHome." if ($sis == "") { $sis = "sis=i"; }