文件: index.php 项目: prototux/old

require 'init.php';
if (getVar('category')) {
    $articlesQuery = $dbh->prepare("SELECT articles.id, articles.title, articles.description, categories.name AS category, articles.date FROM articles JOIN categories ON articles.category_id = categories.id WHERE articles.category_id = :category AND articles.private = 0 OR articles.private = :private ORDER BY articles.id DESC LIMIT :start,4 ");
    $articlesQuery->execute(array('category' => getVar('category'), 'start' => getVar('page') * 4, 'private' => isGuest()));
    $articles = $articlesQuery->fetchAll();
    $allArticlesQuery = $dbh->prepare("SELECT articles.id, articles.title, articles.description, categories.name AS category, articles.date FROM articles JOIN categories ON articles.category_id = categories.id WHERE articles.category_id = :category AND articles.private = 0 OR articles.private = :private");
    $allArticlesQuery->execute(array('category' => getVar('category'), 'private' => isGuest()));
} else {
    $articlesQuery = $dbh->prepare("SELECT articles.id, articles.title, articles.description, categories.name AS category, articles.date FROM articles JOIN categories ON articles.category_id = categories.id WHERE articles.private = 0 OR articles.private = :private ORDER BY articles.id DESC LIMIT :start,4 ");
    $articlesQuery->execute(array('start' => getVar('page') * 4, 'private' => isGuest()));
    $articles = $articlesQuery->fetchAll();
    $allArticlesQuery = $dbh->prepare("SELECT articles.id, articles.title, articles.description, categories.name AS category, articles.date FROM articles JOIN categories ON articles.category_id = categories.id WHERE articles.private = 0 OR articles.private = :private");
    $allArticlesQuery->execute(array('private' => isGuest()));
$maxPages = round($allArticlesQuery->rowCount() / 4);
$categoriesQuery = $dbh->prepare("SELECT id, name FROM categories ");
$categories = $categoriesQuery->fetchAll();
$page = getVar('page') ? getVar('page') : 1;
render('index', array('articles' => $articles, 'categories' => $categories, 'url' => 'index.php', 'npage' => $page, 'maxPages' => $maxPages));

require 'init.php';
if (getVar('title')) {
    $addGallery = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO galleries (title, description, private) VALUES (:title, :description, :private)");
    $addGallery->execute(array(':title' => getVar('title'), ':description' => getVar('description'), ':private', getVar('privacy')));
    $galleryId = $dbh->lastInsertId();
    mkdir('images/galleries/' . $galleryId);
    render('addpictures', array('galleryId' => $galleryId));
} else {
    if (getVar('gallery_id')) {
        $galleriesQuery = $dbh->prepare("SELECT id, title, description FROM galleries WHERE private = 0 OR private = :private");
        $galleriesQuery->execute(array('private' => isGuest()));
        $galleries = $galleriesQuery->fetchAll();
        render('pictures', array('galleries' => $galleries));
    } else {
文件: orders.php 项目: Jasabd/Plumms
            die('Error : (' . $dbcon->errno . ') ' . $dbcon->error);
    header("Location: " . SITE_URL . "index.php?orders");
//when new order is being created set the order status as new.
//new order to be created if there was no orderid in the session
if ($sess_orderID == -1) {
    //order status could be new, shippingInfo, review, confirmed, cancelled, shipped, delivered, completed
    $_SESSION['orderStatus'] = $sess_orderStatus = "new";
//in all above scenarios, the rest of the page needs to be executed
$currUserEmail = isGuest() ? "" : getCurrentUserEmail();
$currUsertype = "2";
$curr_user = ['userid' => '', 'firstname' => '', 'lastname' => '', 'email' => '', 'phone' => '', 'gender' => '', 'address1' => '', 'address2' => '', 'city' => '', 'state' => '', 'postalcode' => ''];
$order_add = ['email' => '', 'email' => '', 'ship_add1' => '', 'ship_add2' => '', 'ship_city' => '', 'ship_state' => '', 'ship_postal' => '', 'bill_add1' => '', 'bill_add2' => '', 'bill_city' => '', 'bill_state' => '', 'bill_postal' => '', 'paymenttype' => 'COD', 'phone' => ''];
//if the user is not a guest, get the current user details to prefill the order form
if (isset($_SESSION['userid'])) {
    $user_id = $_SESSION['userid'];
    $curr_user = [];
    $qry = "SELECT  userid, firstname, lastname, email, phone, gender, address1, address2, city, state, postalcode, usertype from user WHERE userid={$user_id}";
    if (!($stmt = $dbcon->prepare($qry))) {
        die('Prepare Error 1 : (' . $dbcon->errno . ') ' . $dbcon->error);
    if (!$stmt->execute()) {
        die('Error : (' . $dbcon->errno . ') ' . $dbcon->error);
文件: gallery.php 项目: prototux/old

require 'init.php';
$galleryQuery = $dbh->prepare("SELECT id, private, title, description FROM galleries WHERE id = :id");
$galleryQuery->execute(array(':id' => getVar('id')));
$gallery = $galleryQuery->fetch();
$picturesQuery = $dbh->prepare("SELECT id, number, gallery_id, name FROM pictures WHERE gallery_id = :id");
$picturesQuery->execute(array(':id' => getVar('id')));
$pictures = $picturesQuery->fetchAll();
if ($gallery['private'] && !isGuest()) {
} else {
    render('gallery', array('gallery' => $gallery, 'pictures' => $pictures));
文件: search.php 项目: prototux/old

require 'init.php';
$articlesQuery = $dbh->prepare("SELECT articles.id, articles.title, articles.description, categories.name AS category, articles.date FROM articles JOIN categories ON articles.category_id = categories.id WHERE (articles.title LIKE CONCAT('%', :searchTitle ,'%') OR articles.description LIKE CONCAT('%', :searchDescription ,'%') OR articles.content LIKE CONCAT('%', :searchContent ,'%')) AND articles.private = 0 OR articles.private = :private LIMIT :start,4 ");
$articlesQuery->execute(array(':start' => getVar('page') * 4, ':private' => isGuest(), ':searchTitle' => getVar('search'), ':searchDescription' => getVar('search'), ':searchContent' => getVar('search')));
$articles = $articlesQuery->fetchAll();
$allArticlesQuery = $dbh->prepare("SELECT articles.id, articles.title, articles.description, categories.name AS category, articles.date FROM articles JOIN categories ON articles.category_id = categories.id WHERE (articles.title LIKE CONCAT('%', :searchTitle ,'%') OR articles.description LIKE CONCAT('%', :searchDescription ,'%') OR articles.content LIKE CONCAT('%', :searchContent ,'%')) AND articles.private = 0 OR articles.private = :private");
$allArticlesQuery->execute(array('private' => isGuest(), ':searchTitle' => getVar('search'), ':searchDescription' => getVar('search'), ':searchContent' => getVar('search')));
$maxPages = round($allArticlesQuery->rowCount() / 4);
$categoriesQuery = $dbh->prepare("SELECT id, name FROM categories ");
$categories = $categoriesQuery->fetchAll();
$page = getVar('page') ? getVar('page') : 1;
render('index', array('articles' => $articles, 'categories' => $categories, 'url' => 'search.php', 'npage' => $page, 'maxPages' => $maxPages));
function tampilMenu()
    if (cekSessiKunjung()) {
        $menu = array('Home' => '?act=HomeKunjung', 'Data Komentar' => '?act=DataKomentar', 'Sign Out' => 'logout.php');
    } elseif (cekSessiAdmin()) {
        $menu = array('Informasi' => '?act=Home', 'About Program' => '?act=HomeAdmin', 'Sign Out' => 'logout.php');
    } elseif (cekSessiKelas()) {
        $menu = array('About Program' => '?act=HomeAdmin', 'Set Tahun & Bulan' => '?act=InputTahun&action=TAMBAH', 'Sign Out' => 'logout.php');
    } else {
        $menu = array('Informasi' => 'index.php?act=Home', 'About Program' => 'index.php?act=Kontak');
    echo "<ul id=\"navlist\">";
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($menu as $key => $val) {
        if ($key == 'Sign Out') {
            $klik = "onclick=\"return confirm('Yakinkah anda akan logout.?');\"";
        if (isGuest()) {
            if ($i == 1) {
                $last = "class='current_page_item'";
        } else {
            if ($i == 1) {
                $last = "class='current_page_item'";
        echo "<li title='{$key}'><a href='{$val}' >{$key}</a></li>";
    echo "</ul>";
文件: ajax.php 项目: Jasabd/Plumms
 $prod_price = $_POST["product_price"];
 $customized = 1;
 $prd_qry = "insert into products (price, mainimg, customized) VALUES (?, ?, ?)";
 $ins_stmt = $dbcon->prepare($prd_qry);
 if (!$ins_stmt) {
     die('Prepare Error : (' . $dbcon->errno . ') ' . $dbcon->error);
 $ins_stmt->bind_param('dsi', $prod_price, $customImgName, $customized);
 if ($ins_stmt->execute()) {
     $prodid = $ins_stmt->insert_id;
 } else {
     die('Insert Error : (' . $dbcon->errno . ') ' . $dbcon->error);
 $currUserEmail = isGuest() ? "guest" : getCurrentUserEmail();
 $currUsertype = isGuest() ? "2" : "1";
 $elem_qry = "INSERT into customdesign (`productid`, `elementid`,`leftPos`, `topPos`, `selectedImage`, `addedBy`, `addedByType` ) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";
 $ins_stmt1 = $dbcon->prepare($elem_qry);
 if (!$ins_stmt1) {
     die('Prepare Error : (' . $dbcon->errno . ') ' . $dbcon->error);
 foreach ($elements as $elem) {
     $ins_stmt1->bind_param('iiiisss', $prodid, $elem['id'], $elem['leftPos'], $elem['topPos'], $elem['selectedImage'], $currUserEmail, $currUsertype);
     if (!$ins_stmt1->execute()) {
         die('Custom Insert Error : (' . $dbcon->errno . ') ' . $dbcon->error);
 $result = "SUCCESS";
 $earObj = array("pid" => $prodid, "imgName" => $customImgName, "price" => $prod_price);
 $custEarrings[] = $earObj;
function section_sendmessage()
    require_once 'lib/common.php';
    $vars = array('pid', 'tid', 'f_ok_x', 'toteam', 'reply', 'f_subject', 'f_msg', 'replying', 'repid', 'mid', 'link', 'dup');
    $s_playerid = $_SESSION['playerid'];
    foreach ($vars as $var) {
        ${$var} = isset($_POST[$var]) ? $_POST[$var] : $_GET[$var];
    if (isGuest()) {
        return errorPage('Not Authorized');
    if ($dup) {
        echo '<BR><CENTER>Duplicate mail not sent (refresh or back button detected)<BR>';
    if (isset($pid)) {
        if ($toteam == 'yes' && isset($_POST['reply_team'])) {
            $team = mysql_fetch_object(mysql_query("select l_team.id, name from l_team, l_player where l_player.id={$pid} and l_team.id=team"));
            $tid = $team->id;
        } else {
            $toteam = 'no';
            $player = mysql_fetch_object(mysql_query("select callsign from l_player where id={$pid}"));
    if (isset($tid)) {
        $team = mysql_fetch_object(mysql_query("select name from l_team where id={$tid}"));
    $error = 1;
    if ($f_ok_x) {
        $error = 0;
        $f_msg = stripslashes($f_msg);
        if ($f_msg == '') {
            $error = 1;
            echo "<div class=error>You must write something to send a message</div>";
    if ($error) {
        if (isset($toteam)) {
            if ($toteam == 'yes') {
                $rcpt = 'team <a href="index.php?link=teaminfo&id=' . $tid . '&' . SID . '">' . $team->name . '</a>';
            } else {
                $rcpt = '<a href="index.php?link=playerinfo&id=' . $pid . '&' . SID . '">' . $player->callsign . '</a>';
        } else {
            if (isset($tid)) {
                $rcpt = 'team <a href="index.php?link=teaminfo&id=' . $tid . '&' . SID . '">' . $team->name . '</a>';
            } else {
                $rcpt = 'player <a href="index.php?link=playerinfo&id=' . $pid . '&' . SID . '">' . $player->callsign . '</a>';
        if (isset($reply)) {
            $msg = mysql_fetch_object(mysql_query($sql = "select * from l_message where msgid={$mid}"));
            $message = $msg->msg;
            $f_subject = $msg->subject;
            if (substr($f_subject, 0, 3) != 'Re:') {
                $f_subject = 'Re: ' . $f_subject;
            // Strip subject if it's too long
            if (strlen($f_subject) > 80) {
                $f_subject = substr($f_subject, 0, 80);
            echo "<table border=0 align=center cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1>\n        <tr class=tablehead><td>Original message:</td></tr>\n        <tr class=msgquote><td>";
            echo stripslashes(nl2br($message)) . '</td></tr></table><br>';
            // Quote initial message
            $f_msg = ereg_replace("\n", ">", ereg_replace("^", ">", $message));
            $f_msg = $f_msg . "\n>\n";
            $action = "Replying to ";
        } else {
            $action = "Sending a message to ";
        echo '<center><form method=post>' . SID_FORM . $action . $rcpt . '.<br><br>
        Enter your message below:<br>
        Subject:<input type=text maxlength=80 size=60 name=f_subject value="' . $f_subject . '"><BR>
        <textarea cols=50 rows=15 name=f_msg>' . stripslashes($f_msg) . '</textarea>
        <input type=hidden name=link value=' . $link . '>';
        echo '<TABLE><TR><TD>' . htmlFormButton('SEND', 'f_ok_x') . '</td><TD width=10></td><TD>';
        if (isset($pid)) {
            echo htmlURLbutton('Cancel', 'playerinfo', "id={$pid}", CLRBUT);
        } else {
            echo htmlURLbutton('Cancel', 'teaminfo', "id={$tid}", CLRBUT);
        echo '</td></tr></table><input type=hidden name=link value=' . $link . '>';
        if (isset($reply)) {
            // Flag that we are replying to a message
            echo '<input type=hidden name=replying value=1>';
            echo '<input type=hidden name=repid value=' . $mid . '>';
        if (isset($tid)) {
            echo '<input type=hidden name=tid value=' . $tid . '>';
        } else {
            echo '<input type=hidden name=pid value=' . $pid . '>';
        echo '</center></form></center>';
    } else {
        // Do send the message
        echo "<center>Message sent, thank you!</center>";
        snCheck('sendmessage', 'dup=1');
        // If replying we mark the original message as replied
        if (isset($replying)) {
            mysql_query("update l_message set status='replied' where msgid={$repid}");
        if (isset($pid)) {
            if ($toteam == 'yes') {
                // Send to a team
                sendBzMail($s_playerid, $tid, $f_subject, $f_msg, 'yes');
            } else {
                // Send to one player
                sendBzMail($s_playerid, $pid, $f_subject, $f_msg);
        } else {
            // Send to a team
            sendBzMail($s_playerid, $tid, $f_subject, $f_msg, 'yes');
                                <li><a href="<?php 
echo WEB . 'comments/crud';
                        <li class="authorized" id="li-logout" style="display: <?php 
echo isAuthorized($isUserLoggedIn);
"><a href="<?php 
echo WEB . 'logout';
                        <li class="guest" id="li-login" style="display: <?php 
echo isGuest($isUserLoggedIn);
"><a href="#">Login</a></li>
                        <li class="guest" id="li-form" style="display: none">
                            <form id="form-login" class="navbar-form form-signin" role="form" method="post" action="<?php 
echo WEB . 'login';
                                <div class="form-group">
                                    <input type="text" class="form-control" id="_username" name="_username" placeholder="Username" maxlength="15" required autofocus>
                                <div class="form-group">
                                    <input type="password" class="form-control" id="_password" name="_password" placeholder="Password" maxlength="20" required>
                                <div class="form-group">
                                    <button type="submit" class="btn btn-default">
文件: header.php 项目: prototux/old
            <nav class="nav-collapse collapse pull-right tales-nav">
                <ul class="nav nav-pills">
                        <a href="index.php">Blog</a>
                        <a href="pictures.php">Pictures</a>
                        <a href="private.php<?php 
if ((isGuest() || $private_access) && !$_GET['deco']) {
    echo '?deco=true';
echo (isGuest() || $private_access) && !$_GET['deco'] ? 'Logout' : 'Login';
                        <a href="about.php">Who are we?</a>
    <div class="widewrapper subheader">
        <div class="container">
            <div class="tales-breadcrumb">
                <a href="#"><?php