if ($form['autoreply_from_type'] != 'element') { echo 'ifb-hidden'; } ?> "> <select class="ifb-show-if-email-element" name="autoreply_from_element" id="autoreply_from_element"><?php echo iphorm_email_elements_as_options($form, $form['autoreply_from_element']); ?> </select> <div class="ifb-hidden ifb-info-message ifb-show-if-no-email-element"><span class="ifb-info-message-icon"></span><?php echo esc_html_e('The form must have at least one Email Address element to use this feature.', 'iphorm'); ?> </div> <p class="description ifb-show-if-email-element"><?php printf(esc_html__('The From address of the autoreply email will be set to the email address submitted in this field. %sImportant information%s.', 'iphorm'), '<a href="' . iphorm_help_link('settings-email#autoreply-from-type') . '" onclick="window.open(this.href); return false;">', '</a>'); ?> </p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="ifb-settings-sub-head" valign="top"> <td colspan="2" scope="row"><h3><?php esc_html_e('Email sending settings', 'iphorm'); ?> </h3></td> </tr> <?php if (!isset($form['email_sending_method'])) { $form['email_sending_method'] = 'global'; }
exit; } $id = absint($element['id']); if (!isset($element['label'])) { $element['label'] = __('Password', 'iphorm'); } if (!isset($element['description'])) { $element['description'] = ''; } if (!isset($element['required'])) { $element['required'] = false; } if (!isset($element['default_value'])) { $element['default_value'] = ''; } $helpUrl = iphorm_help_link('element-password'); ?> <div id="ifb-element-wrap-<?php echo $id; ?> " class="ifb-element-wrap ifb-element-wrap-password <?php if (!$element['required']) { echo 'ifb-element-optional'; } ?> <?php echo "ifb-label-placement-{$form['label_placement']}"; ?> "> <div class="ifb-top-element-wrap qfb-cf"> <?php
exit; } $id = absint($element['id']); if (!isset($element['label'])) { $element['label'] = __('Untitled', 'iphorm'); } if (!isset($element['description'])) { $element['description'] = ''; } if (!isset($element['required'])) { $element['required'] = false; } if (!isset($element['default_value'])) { $element['default_value'] = ''; } $helpUrl = iphorm_help_link('element-textarea'); ?> <div id="ifb-element-wrap-<?php echo $id; ?> " class="ifb-element-wrap ifb-element-wrap-textarea <?php if (!$element['required']) { echo 'ifb-element-optional'; } ?> <?php echo "ifb-label-placement-{$form['label_placement']}"; ?> "> <div class="ifb-top-element-wrap qfb-cf"> <?php
<li><a href="<?php echo iphorm_help_link('elements'); ?> "><span class="ifb-no-arrow"><?php esc_html_e('Elements', 'iphorm'); ?> </span></a></li> <li><a href="<?php echo iphorm_help_link('settings'); ?> "><span class="ifb-no-arrow"><?php esc_html_e('Settings', 'iphorm'); ?> </span></a></li> <li><a href="<?php echo iphorm_help_link('faq'); ?> " title="<?php esc_attr_e('Frequently asked questions', 'iphorm'); ?> "><span class="ifb-no-arrow"><?php esc_html_e('FAQ', 'iphorm'); ?> </span></a></li> </ul> </div> <?php switch ($section) { case 'basics': default: include IPHORM_ADMIN_INCLUDES_DIR . '/help/basics.php';
} if (!isset($element['year_heading'])) { $element['year_heading'] = ''; } if (!isset($element['months_as_numbers'])) { $element['months_as_numbers'] = false; } if (!isset($element['field_order'])) { $element['field_order'] = 'eu'; } $dayHeading = strlen($element['day_heading']) ? $element['day_heading'] : _x('Day', 'select day of the month', 'iphorm'); $monthHeading = strlen($element['month_heading']) ? $element['month_heading'] : _x('Month', 'select month', 'iphorm'); $yearHeading = strlen($element['year_heading']) ? $element['year_heading'] : _x('Year', 'select year', 'iphorm'); $sy = iphorm_get_start_year($element['start_year']); $ey = iphorm_get_end_year($element['end_year']); $helpUrl = iphorm_help_link('element-date'); ?> <div id="ifb-element-wrap-<?php echo $id; ?> " class="ifb-element-wrap ifb-element-wrap-date <?php if (!$element['required']) { echo 'ifb-element-optional'; } ?> <?php echo "ifb-label-placement-{$form['label_placement']}"; ?> "> <div class="ifb-top-element-wrap qfb-cf"> <?php
?> ">help for this section</a> for more information. </p> <h3><span>How do I send an autoreply?<a class="iphorm-help-anchor" name="email-autoreply" id="email-autoreply"> </a><a href="#top" class="iphorm-top-link">Top</a></span></h3> <p>To enable the sending of an autoreply email, you should have at least one Email Address element in your form and then, in the Form Builder, go to <span class="ifb-bold">Settings → Email → Autoreply email settings</span>. Tick the box <span class="ifb-bold">Send autoreply email</span> and then you can configure the autoreply using the new options that appear.</p> <h3><span>How do I customize the autoreply email?<a class="iphorm-help-anchor" name="email-cust-autoreply" id="email-cust-autoreply"> </a><a href="#top" class="iphorm-top-link">Top</a></span></h3> <p>In the Form Builder, go to <span class="ifb-bold">Settings → Email → Autoreply email settings</span>. Make sure the box <span class="ifb-bold">Send autoreply email</span> is ticked and then you can configure the autoreply content in the field <span class="ifb-bold">Email content</span>. See the <a href="<?php echo iphorm_help_link('settings-email#autoreply-email-content'); ?> ">help for this section</a> for more information.</p> <h3><span>How do I use SMTP to send the email?<a class="iphorm-help-anchor" name="email-smtp" id="email-smtp"> </a><a href="#top" class="iphorm-top-link">Top</a></span></h3> <p>There are two ways: setting this globally for every form or setting it in the form settings.</p> <p>To set it up globally for every form go to, <span class="ifb-bold">Quform → Settings</span> on the WordPress admin navigation and go to the section <span class="ifb-bold">Email sending settings</span>. Select SMTP from the dropdown menu, you will be presented with a list of text fields where you can enter your SMTP server information. Every form will now use these settings by default.If you start getting an "Error submitting the form" your SMTP settings may be incorrect.</p> <p>To set it up for a single form, in the Form Builder, go to <span class="ifb-bold">Settings → Email → Email sending settings</span>. Select SMTP from the dropdown menu, you will be presented with a list of text fields where you can enter your SMTP server information. Save the form and it will now send via your SMTP server. If you
if (!isset($element['label'])) { $element['label'] = __('Untitled', 'iphorm'); } if (!isset($element['description'])) { $element['description'] = ''; } if (!isset($element['required'])) { $element['required'] = false; } if (!isset($element['default_value'])) { $element['default_value'] = array(); } if (!isset($element['options'])) { $element['options'] = array(array('value' => __('Option 1', 'iphorm'), 'label' => __('Option 1', 'iphorm')), array('value' => __('Option 2', 'iphorm'), 'label' => __('Option 2', 'iphorm')), array('value' => __('Option 3', 'iphorm'), 'label' => __('Option 3', 'iphorm'))); } $helpUrl = iphorm_help_link('element-select'); ?> <div id="ifb-element-wrap-<?php echo $id; ?> " class="ifb-element-wrap ifb-element-wrap-select <?php if (!$element['required']) { echo 'ifb-element-optional'; } ?> <?php echo "ifb-label-placement-{$form['label_placement']}"; ?> "> <div class="ifb-top-element-wrap qfb-cf"> <?php
<?php if (!defined('IPHORM_VERSION')) { exit; } $id = absint($element['id']); if (!isset($element['label'])) { $element['label'] = __('Untitled', 'iphorm'); } if (!isset($element['default_value'])) { $element['default_value'] = ''; } $helpUrl = iphorm_help_link('element-hidden'); ?> <div id="ifb-element-wrap-<?php echo $id; ?> " class="ifb-element-wrap ifb-element-wrap-hidden <?php echo "ifb-label-placement-{$form['label_placement']}"; ?> "> <div class="ifb-top-element-wrap qfb-cf"> <?php include IPHORM_ADMIN_INCLUDES_DIR . '/elements/_actions.php'; ?> <div class="ifb-element-preview ifb-element-preview-hidden"> <label class="ifb-preview-label <?php if (!strlen($element['label'])) { echo 'ifb-hidden'; } ?>
$element['description'] = ''; } if (!isset($element['required'])) { $element['required'] = false; } if (!isset($element['default_value'])) { $element['default_value'] = array(); } if (!isset($element['options_layout'])) { $element['options_layout'] = 'block'; } if (!isset($element['options'])) { $element['options'] = array(array('value' => __('Option 1', 'iphorm'), 'label' => __('Option 1', 'iphorm')), array('value' => __('Option 2', 'iphorm'), 'label' => __('Option 2', 'iphorm')), array('value' => __('Option 3', 'iphorm'), 'label' => __('Option 3', 'iphorm'))); } $count = count($element['options']); $helpUrl = iphorm_help_link('element-radio'); ?> <div id="ifb-element-wrap-<?php echo $id; ?> " class="ifb-element-wrap ifb-element-wrap-radio <?php if (!$element['required']) { echo 'ifb-element-optional'; } ?> <?php echo "ifb-label-placement-{$form['label_placement']}"; ?> "> <div class="ifb-top-element-wrap qfb-cf"> <?php
if (!isset($element['options']['minFontSize'])) { $element['options']['minFontSize'] = 12; } if (!isset($element['options']['maxFontSize'])) { $element['options']['maxFontSize'] = 19; } if (!isset($element['options']['minAngle'])) { $element['options']['minAngle'] = 0; } if (!isset($element['options']['maxAngle'])) { $element['options']['maxAngle'] = 20; } $captchaImagePath = iphorm_plugin_url() . '/includes/captcha.php'; $captchaConfig = array('uniqId' => 1, 'tmpDir' => iphorm_get_temp_dir(), 'options' => $element['options']); $captchaConfig = base64_encode(iphorm_json_encode($captchaConfig)); $helpUrl = iphorm_help_link('element-captcha'); ?> <div id="ifb-element-wrap-<?php echo $id; ?> " class="ifb-element-wrap ifb-element-wrap-captcha <?php if (!$element['required']) { echo 'ifb-element-optional'; } ?> <?php echo "ifb-label-placement-{$form['label_placement']}"; ?> "> <div class="ifb-top-element-wrap qfb-cf"> <?php
$element['ampm_string'] = ''; } if (!isset($element['am_string'])) { $element['am_string'] = ''; } if (!isset($element['pm_string'])) { $element['pm_string'] = ''; } $hhString = strlen($element['hh_string']) ? $element['hh_string'] : _x('HH', 'select hour', 'iphorm'); $mmString = strlen($element['mm_string']) ? $element['mm_string'] : _x('MM', 'select minute', 'iphorm'); $ampmString = strlen($element['ampm_string']) ? $element['ampm_string'] : _x('am/pm', 'select morning/afternoon', 'iphorm'); $amString = strlen($element['am_string']) ? $element['am_string'] : _x('am', 'time, morning', 'iphorm'); $pmString = strlen($element['pm_string']) ? $element['pm_string'] : _x('pm', 'time, evening', 'iphorm'); $sh = is_numeric($element['start_hour']) ? $element['start_hour'] : $element['time_12_24'] == '12' ? 1 : 0; $eh = is_numeric($element['end_hour']) ? $element['end_hour'] : $element['time_12_24'] == '12' ? 12 : 23; $helpUrl = iphorm_help_link('element-time'); ?> <div id="ifb-element-wrap-<?php echo $id; ?> " class="ifb-element-wrap ifb-element-wrap-time <?php if (!$element['required']) { echo 'ifb-element-optional'; } ?> <?php echo "ifb-label-placement-{$form['label_placement']}"; ?> "> <div class="ifb-top-element-wrap qfb-cf"> <?php
</a></li> <li><a href="<?php echo iphorm_help_link('element-date'); ?> "><?php esc_html_e('Date', 'iphorm'); ?> </a></li> <li><a href="<?php echo iphorm_help_link('element-time'); ?> "><?php esc_html_e('Time', 'iphorm'); ?> </a></li> <li><a href="<?php echo iphorm_help_link('element-hidden'); ?> "><?php esc_html_e('Hidden', 'iphorm'); ?> </a></li> <li><a href="<?php echo iphorm_help_link('element-password'); ?> "><?php esc_html_e('Password', 'iphorm'); ?> </a></li> </ul> </div>
You can then start adding elements and configuring your form.</p> <h3><span>Adding an element<a class="iphorm-help-anchor" id="add-element" name="add-element"> </a><a href="#top" class="iphorm-top-link">Top</a></span></h3> <p>On the right hand side of the form builder there is a box containing buttons for every available element type you can add to your form. Click a button to add the element to the bottom of your form or drag and drop the button into the desired position within the form. For more information about each element and their configuration options, see the <a href="<?php echo iphorm_help_link('elements'); ?> ">Elements help section</a>.</p> <h3><span>Configuring an element<a class="iphorm-help-anchor" id="configure-element" name="configure-element"> </a><a href="#top" class="iphorm-top-link">Top</a></span></h3> <p>To configure an element, hover over the element in your form, you should see a button appear called <span class="ifb-bold">Settings</span>, click it to show the element settings. For help on each element's settings, see the <a href="<?php echo iphorm_help_link('elements'); ?> ">Elements help section</a>.</p> <h3><span>Moving an element<a class="iphorm-help-anchor" id="move-element" name="move-element"> </a><a href="#top" class="iphorm-top-link">Top</a></span></h3> <p>You can drag and drop an element to a different position within a form. There are two methods available to do this:</p> <ul> <li>Click and drag the move button at the top right of the element</li> <li>Click and drag the box surrounding the element preview when hovering a element</li> </ul> <p>An arrow will appear indicating the position the element will be placed. Release the mouse button to place the element.</p> <h3><span>Deleting an element<a class="iphorm-help-anchor" id="delete-element" name="delete-element"> </a><a href="#top" class="iphorm-top-link">Top</a></span></h3> <p>To delete an element, hover over the element and a bin icon should be visible in the top right corner.
/** * Get the HTML for the element for the form builder including * the settings. Called via Ajax. */ function iphorm_get_element() { if (current_user_can('iphorm_build_form')) { $element = iphorm_json_decode(stripslashes($_POST['element']), true); $form = iphorm_json_decode(stripslashes($_POST['form']), true); if (isset($element['type'])) { $response = array('type' => 'success', 'data' => array(), 'message' => iphorm_response_message(sprintf(__('%sElement added%s %sSettings%s', 'iphorm'), '<span class="ifb-message-inner">', '</span>', '<a class="iphorm-more-info" onclick="iPhorm.scrollToElement(iPhorm.getElementById(' . $element['id'] . ')); return false;">', '</a>'))); ob_start(); switch ($element['type']) { case 'text': include IPHORM_ADMIN_INCLUDES_DIR . '/elements/text.php'; break; case 'textarea': include IPHORM_ADMIN_INCLUDES_DIR . '/elements/textarea.php'; break; case 'email': include IPHORM_ADMIN_INCLUDES_DIR . '/elements/email.php'; break; case 'select': include IPHORM_ADMIN_INCLUDES_DIR . '/elements/select.php'; break; case 'checkbox': include IPHORM_ADMIN_INCLUDES_DIR . '/elements/checkbox.php'; break; case 'radio': include IPHORM_ADMIN_INCLUDES_DIR . '/elements/radio.php'; break; case 'file': include IPHORM_ADMIN_INCLUDES_DIR . '/elements/file.php'; $response['message'] = iphorm_response_message(sprintf(__('%sElement added%s', 'iphorm'), '<span class="ifb-message-inner">', '</span>'), 'success', 20, sprintf(__('The maximum file upload size has been set to 10MB, you can change this value in the element configuration. %sSee the help for more information%s.', 'iphorm'), '<a onclick="window.open(this.href); return false;" href="' . iphorm_help_link('element-file#upload-maximum-size') . '">', '</a>')); break; case 'captcha': include IPHORM_ADMIN_INCLUDES_DIR . '/elements/captcha.php'; break; case 'recaptcha': include IPHORM_ADMIN_INCLUDES_DIR . '/elements/recaptcha.php'; break; case 'html': include IPHORM_ADMIN_INCLUDES_DIR . '/elements/html.php'; break; case 'date': include IPHORM_ADMIN_INCLUDES_DIR . '/elements/date.php'; break; case 'time': include IPHORM_ADMIN_INCLUDES_DIR . '/elements/time.php'; break; case 'hidden': include IPHORM_ADMIN_INCLUDES_DIR . '/elements/hidden.php'; break; case 'password': include IPHORM_ADMIN_INCLUDES_DIR . '/elements/password.php'; break; case 'groupstart': include IPHORM_ADMIN_INCLUDES_DIR . '/elements/groupstart.php'; break; case 'groupend': include IPHORM_ADMIN_INCLUDES_DIR . '/elements/groupend.php'; unset($response['message']); break; default: $response['type'] = 'error'; $response['message'] = iphorm_response_message(__('Error adding the element', 'iphorm'), 'error', 0, 'There is no element of that type.'); } $response['data']['element'] = $element; $response['data']['html'] = ob_get_clean(); header('Content-Type: application/json'); echo iphorm_json_encode($response); } } exit; }
exit; } $id = absint($element['id']); if (!isset($element['label'])) { $element['label'] = __('Email address', 'iphorm'); } if (!isset($element['description'])) { $element['description'] = ''; } if (!isset($element['required'])) { $element['required'] = true; } if (!isset($element['default_value'])) { $element['default_value'] = ''; } $helpUrl = iphorm_help_link('element-email'); ?> <div id="ifb-element-wrap-<?php echo $id; ?> " class="ifb-element-wrap ifb-element-wrap-email <?php if (!$element['required']) { echo 'ifb-element-optional'; } ?> <?php echo "ifb-label-placement-{$form['label_placement']}"; ?> "> <div class="ifb-top-element-wrap qfb-cf"> <?php
</a></li> <li><a href="<?php echo iphorm_help_link() . '#delete-form'; ?> "><?php esc_html_e('Deleting a form', 'iphorm'); ?> </a></li> <li><a href="<?php echo iphorm_help_link() . '#view-entries'; ?> "><?php esc_html_e('Viewing entries', 'iphorm'); ?> </a></li> <li><a href="<?php echo iphorm_help_link() . '#view-entry'; ?> "><?php esc_html_e('Viewing an entry', 'iphorm'); ?> </a></li> <li><a href="<?php echo iphorm_help_link() . '#delete-entry'; ?> "><?php esc_html_e('Deleting an entry', 'iphorm'); ?> </a></li> </ul> </div>
<?php if (!defined('IPHORM_VERSION')) { exit; } $id = absint($element['id']); if (!isset($element['admin_title'])) { $element['admin_title'] = __('New', 'iphorm'); } if (!isset($element['title'])) { $element['title'] = ''; } if (!isset($element['description'])) { $element['description'] = ''; } $helpUrl = iphorm_help_link('element-group'); ?> <div id="ifb-element-wrap-<?php echo $id; ?> " class="ifb-element-wrap ifb-element-wrap-groupstart"> <div class="ifb-top-element-wrap qfb-cf"> <?php include IPHORM_ADMIN_INCLUDES_DIR . '/elements/_actions.php'; ?> <div class="ifb-element-preview ifb-element-preview-text"> <div class="ifb-group-start"> <span class="ifb-group-start-text"><?php printf(esc_html(__('Start of group: %s', 'iphorm')), '<span class="ifb-start-group-name">' . $element['admin_title'] . '</span>'); ?> </span>
<?php if (!defined('IPHORM_VERSION')) { exit; } if (!isset($element['styles'])) { $element['styles'] = array(); } $validStyles = iphorm_get_valid_styles($element); ?> <tr valign="top"> <th scope="row"> <div class="ifb-tooltip"><div class="ifb-tooltip-content"> <?php printf(esc_html__('Once you have added a style, enter the CSS styles one per line, with each line ending in a semi-colon. %sClick here%s for an example.', 'iphorm'), '<a onclick="window.open(this.href); return false;" href="' . iphorm_help_link('element-text#example-styles') . '">', '</a>'); ?> </div></div> <label><?php esc_html_e('CSS styles', 'iphorm'); ?> </label> </th> <td> <div id="ifb-styles-<?php echo $id; ?> "> <?php if (count($element['styles'])) { ?>
$element['description'] = ''; } if (!isset($element['required'])) { $element['required'] = false; } if (!isset($element['default_value'])) { $element['default_value'] = array(); } if (!isset($element['options_layout'])) { $element['options_layout'] = 'block'; } if (!isset($element['options'])) { $element['options'] = array(array('value' => __('Option 1', 'iphorm'), 'label' => __('Option 1', 'iphorm')), array('value' => __('Option 2', 'iphorm'), 'label' => __('Option 2', 'iphorm')), array('value' => __('Option 3', 'iphorm'), 'label' => __('Option 3', 'iphorm'))); } $count = count($element['options']); $helpUrl = iphorm_help_link('element-checkbox'); ?> <div id="ifb-element-wrap-<?php echo $id; ?> " class="ifb-element-wrap ifb-element-wrap-checkbox <?php if (!$element['required']) { echo 'ifb-element-optional'; } ?> <?php echo "ifb-label-placement-{$form['label_placement']}"; ?> "> <div class="ifb-top-element-wrap qfb-cf"> <?php
exit; } ?> <div class="wrap"> <div class="iphorm-top-right"> <div class="iphorm-information"> <span class="iphorm-copyright"><a href="http://www.themecatcher.net" onclick="window.open(this.href); return false;">www.themecatcher.net</a> © <?php echo date('Y'); ?> </span> <span class="iphorm-bug-link"><a href="http://www.themecatcher.net/support.php" onclick="window.open(this.href); return false;"><?php esc_html_e('Report a bug', 'iphorm'); ?> </a></span> <span class="iphorm-help-link"><a href="<?php echo iphorm_help_link(); ?> " onclick="window.open(this.href); return false;"><?php esc_html_e('Help', 'iphorm'); ?> </a></span> </div> </div> <div class="ifb-form-icon"></div> <?php if ($id > 0) { ?> <h2 class="ifb-main-title"><span class="ifb-iphorm-title"><?php echo esc_html(iphorm_get_plugin_name()); ?> </span><span class="ifb-iphorm-title-entries"><?php
<?php if (!defined('IPHORM_VERSION')) { exit; } include IPHORM_ADMIN_INCLUDES_DIR . '/help/_nav-settings.php'; ?> <div class="iphorm-help-right"> <h2>Style settings</h2> <h3><span>Style</span></h3> <h4>Theme</h4> <p>The theme you chose defines the look of your form, choose which theme you'd like. You can also add your own themes by following the instructions <a href="<?php echo iphorm_help_link('faq#create-theme'); ?> ">here</a>. If you select None, the form will have the minimal style possible.</p> <h3><span>Uniform</span></h3> <h4>Use Uniform</h4> <p>Tick the box to enable the Uniform jQuery plugin (http://www.uniformjs.com). The plugin makes form inputs such as radio buttons, checkboxes, dropdown menus look consistent in all browsers and much better than the default browser styling for these inputs. The plugin is enabled by default.</p> <h4>Theme</h4> <p>Choose the uniform theme you want to use, we recommend checking them all to see what suits your website.</p> <h3><span>Datepicker</span></h3>
</a></li> <li><a href="<?php echo iphorm_help_link('settings-style'); ?> "><?php esc_html_e('Style', 'iphorm'); ?> </a></li> <li><a href="<?php echo iphorm_help_link('settings-email'); ?> "><?php esc_html_e('Email', 'iphorm'); ?> </a></li> <li><a href="<?php echo iphorm_help_link('settings-entries'); ?> "><?php esc_html_e('Entries', 'iphorm'); ?> </a></li> <li><a href="<?php echo iphorm_help_link('settings-database'); ?> "><?php esc_html_e('Database', 'iphorm'); ?> </a></li> </ul> </div>
echo $id; ?> " name="upload_maximum_size_<?php echo $id; ?> " value="<?php echo esc_attr($element['upload_maximum_size']); ?> " /><?php esc_html_e('MB', 'iphorm'); ?> <p class="description"><?php esc_html_e('Enter the maximum size of a file in MB.', 'iphorm'); ?> <a href="<?php echo iphorm_help_link('element-file#upload-maximum-size'); ?> " onclick="window.open(this.href); return false;"><?php esc_html_e('Important information', 'iphorm'); ?> </a>.</p> </td> </tr> <?php if (!isset($element['add_as_attachment'])) { $element['add_as_attachment'] = false; } ?> <tr valign="top"> <th scope="row"><label for="add_as_attachment_<?php echo $id;