public function searchQuery($searchVariables) { if (isset($searchVariables[$this->field]) && $searchVariables[$this->field] !== '') { return ' `' . $this->field . '` = ' . ipDb()->getConnection()->quote($searchVariables[$this->field] * 100) . ''; } return null; }
/** * Get error * * @param array $values * @param int $valueKey * @param $environment * @return string|bool */ public function getError($values, $valueKey, $environment) { if (!array_key_exists($valueKey, $values)) { return false; } if ($values[$valueKey] == '' && empty($this->data['allowEmpty'])) { return false; } $table = $this->data['table']; $idField = empty($this->data['idField']) ? 'id' : $this->data['idField']; $row = ipDb()->selectRow($table, '*', array($valueKey => $values[$valueKey])); if (!$row) { return false; } if (isset($values[$idField]) && $values[$idField] == $row[$idField]) { return false; } if ($this->errorMessage !== null) { return $this->errorMessage; } if ($environment == \Ip\Form::ENVIRONMENT_ADMIN) { $errorText = __('The value should be unique', 'Ip-admin'); } else { $errorText = __('The value should be unique', 'Ip'); } return $errorText; }
/** * @param string $languageCode * @param int $parentId * @return array */ protected static function getList($languageCode, $parentId) { $pages = ipDb()->selectAll('page', '*', array('parentId' => $parentId, 'isDeleted' => 0), 'ORDER BY `pageOrder`'); $answer = array(); //generate jsTree response array foreach ($pages as $page) { $pageData = array(); $pageData['state'] = 'closed'; $jsTreeId = 'page_' . $page['id']; if (!empty($_SESSION['Pages.nodeOpen'][$jsTreeId])) { $pageData['state'] = 'open'; } $children = self::getList($languageCode, $page['id']); if (count($children) === 0) { $pageData['children'] = false; $pageData['state'] = 'leaf'; } $pageData['children'] = $children; if ($page['isVisible']) { $icon = ''; } else { $icon = ipFileUrl('Ip/Internal/Pages/assets/img/file_hidden.png'); } $pageData['li_attr'] = array('id' => $jsTreeId, 'rel' => 'page', 'languageId' => $languageCode, 'pageId' => $page['id']); $pageData['data'] = array('title' => $page['title'] . '', 'icon' => $icon); //transform null into empty string. Null break JStree into infinite loop $pageData['text'] = htmlspecialchars($page['title']); $answer[] = $pageData; } return $answer; }
private static function generatePasswordResetSecret($userId) { $secret = md5(ipConfig()->get('sessionName') . uniqid()); $data = array('resetSecret' => $secret, 'resetTime' => time()); ipDb()->update('administrator', $data, array('id' => $userId)); return $secret; }
public function searchQuery($searchVariables) { if (isset($searchVariables[$this->field]) && $searchVariables[$this->field] !== '') { return ' `' . $this->field . '` like ' . ipDb()->getConnection()->quote('%' . json_encode($searchVariables[$this->field]) . '%') . ''; } return null; }
public static function checkIfChildren($parentIds, $id) { $parentIds = implode(',', $parentIds); if (empty($parentIds)) { return false; } $table = ipTable('page'); $sql = "SELECT `id` FROM {$table} WHERE `parentId` IN ({$parentIds}) AND `isVisible` = 1 AND `isDeleted` = 0 "; $results = ipDb()->fetchAll($sql); $ids = array(); $found = false; foreach ($results as $result) { $ids[] = $result['id']; if ($result['id'] == $id) { $found = true; break; } } if ($found) { return true; } elseif (!empty($ids)) { return self::checkIfChildren($ids, $id); } else { return false; } }
public static function removePermission($permission, $administratorId = null) { if ($administratorId === null) { $administratorId = ipAdminId(); } $condition = array('permission' => $permission, 'administratorId' => $administratorId); ipDb()->delete('permission', $condition); }
public static function getByCode($languageCode) { $row = ipDb()->selectRow('language', '*', array('code' => $languageCode)); if (!$row) { return null; } return new self($row['id'], $row['code'], $row['url'], $row['title'], $row['abbreviation'], $row['isVisible'], $row['textDirection']); }
public static function veryEmail_10($vcode) { $fcode = substr($vcode, 0, strpos($vcode, '-!')); $mail = substr($vcode, strpos($vcode, '-!') + 2, 250); ipDb()->update('comments', array('approved' => '1'), array('verification_code' => $fcode, 'email' => $mail)); $data = array('message' => __('Your email address has been verified. Thank you.', 'Comments')); return ipView('view/mailVerified.php', $data)->render(); }
/** * Find all files bind to particular module */ public function findFiles($plugin, $instanceId = null) { $where = array('plugin' => $plugin); if ($instanceId !== null) { $where['instanceId'] = $instanceId; } return ipDb()->selectAll('repository_file', '*', $where); }
public static function ipWidgetDuplicated($data) { $oldId = $data['oldWidgetId']; $newId = $data['newWidgetId']; $newRevisionId = ipDb()->selectValue('widget', 'revisionId', array('id' => $newId)); $widgetTable = ipTable('widget'); $sql = "\n UPDATE\n {$widgetTable}\n SET\n `blockName` = REPLACE(`blockName`, 'block_" . (int) $oldId . "', 'block_" . (int) $newId . "')\n WHERE\n `revisionId` = :newRevisionId\n "; ipDb()->execute($sql, array('newRevisionId' => $newRevisionId)); }
/** * Get all storage values * * @return array Key=>value array of all storage values */ public function getAll() { $values = ipDb()->selectAll($this->tableName, array($this->keyColumn, $this->valueColumn), array($this->namespaceColumn => $this->namespace)); $result = array(); foreach ($values as $value) { $result[$value[$this->keyColumn]] = json_decode($value[$this->valueColumn], true); } return $result; }
/** * Drops the datatable repository db table */ private function dropDataTableRepository() { $ipTable = ipTable(TableRepository::DATA_TABLE_REPOSITORY); $sql = "\n DROP TABLE {$ipTable}\n "; try { ipDb()->execute($sql); } catch (\Ip\Exception\Db $e) { ipLog()->error("Could not drop repository table. Statement: {$sql}, Message: " . $e->getMessage()); } }
/** * @param string $alias * @param string|null $languageCode * @return \Ip\Page */ public function getPageByAlias($alias, $languageCode = null) { if ($languageCode === null) { $languageCode = ipContent()->getCurrentLanguage()->getCode(); } $row = ipDb()->selectRow('page', '*', array('alias' => $alias, 'languageCode' => $languageCode, 'isDeleted' => 0)); if (!$row) { return null; } return new \Ip\Page($row); }
public static function emptyPageForm() { $form = new \Ip\Form(); $form->setEnvironment(\Ip\Form::ENVIRONMENT_ADMIN); $pages = ipDb()->selectAll('page', 'id, title', array('isDeleted' => 1)); foreach ($pages as $page) { $field = new \Ip\Form\Field\Checkbox(array('name' => 'page[]', 'label' => $page['title'], 'value' => true, 'postValue' => $page['id'])); $form->addField($field); } return $form; }
public static function newUrl($preferredUrl) { $suffix = ''; $url = ipDb()->selectAll('language', 'id', array('url' => $preferredUrl . $suffix)); if (empty($url)) { return $preferredUrl; } while (!empty($url)) { $suffix++; $url = ipDb()->selectAll('language', 'id', array('url' => $preferredUrl . $suffix)); } return $preferredUrl . $suffix; }
public static function importData($tablePrefix) { $errors = array(); $sqlFile = self::ipFile('Plugin/Install/sql/data.sql'); $fh = fopen($sqlFile, 'r'); $sql = fread($fh, utf8_decode(filesize($sqlFile))); fclose($fh); $sql = str_replace("INSERT INTO `ip_", "INSERT INTO `" . $tablePrefix, $sql); $sql = str_replace("[[[[version]]]]", ipApplication()->getVersion(), $sql); $sql = str_replace("[[[[dbversion]]]]", \Ip\Internal\Update\Model::getDbVersion(), $sql); $sql = str_replace("[[[[time]]]]", date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $sql); $sql = str_replace("[[[[timestamp]]]]", time(), $sql); ipDb()->execute($sql); return $errors; }
/** * Logs with an arbitrary level. * * @param mixed $level * @param string $message * @param array $context * @return null */ public function log($level, $message, array $context = array()) { if (!ipDb()->isConnected()) { // do not log things if we have no database connection return; } if (!is_string($message)) { // Probably programmer made a mistake, used Logger::log($message, $context) $row = array('level' => \Psr\Log\LogLevel::ERROR, 'message' => 'Code uses ipLog()->log() without giving $level info.', 'context' => json_encode(array('args' => func_get_args()))); ipDb()->insert('log', $row); return; } $row = array('level' => $level, 'message' => $message, 'context' => json_encode($context)); ipDb()->insert('log', $row); }
public static function download() { $requestFile = ipFile('') . ipRequest()->getRelativePath(); $fileDir = ipFile('file/'); if (mb_strpos($requestFile, $fileDir) !== 0) { return null; } $file = mb_substr($requestFile, mb_strlen($fileDir)); $file = urldecode($file); if (empty($file)) { throw new \Ip\Exception('Required parameter is missing'); } $absoluteSource = realpath(ipFile('file/' . $file)); if (!$absoluteSource || !is_file($absoluteSource)) { throw new \Ip\Exception\Repository\Transform("File doesn't exist", array('filename' => $absoluteSource)); } if (strpos($absoluteSource, realpath(ipFile('file/'))) !== 0 || strpos($absoluteSource, realpath(ipFile('file/secure'))) === 0) { throw new \Exception("Requested file (" . $file . ") is outside of public dir"); } $mime = \Ip\Internal\File\Functions::getMimeType($absoluteSource); $fsize = filesize($absoluteSource); // set headers header("Pragma: public"); header("Expires: 0"); header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0"); header("Cache-Control: public"); header('Content-type: ' . $mime); header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary"); header("Content-Length: " . $fsize); // download // @readfile($file_path); $file = @fopen($absoluteSource, "rb"); if ($file) { while (!feof($file)) { print fread($file, 1024 * 8); flush(); if (connection_status() != 0) { @fclose($file); die; } } @fclose($file); } //TODO provide method to stop any output by ImpressPages ipDb()->disconnect(); exit; }
public static function getMenus() { $menuAliases = self::getMenuAliases(); $currLangCode = ipContent()->getCurrentLanguage()->getCode(); if (!empty($menuAliases)) { $menuPages = array(); foreach ($menuAliases as $menuAlias) { $menuRec = ipDb()->selectAll('page', 'id, title, alias', array('isDeleted' => 0, 'alias' => $menuAlias, 'parentId' => 0, 'isDisabled' => 0, 'isSecured' => 0, 'languageCode' => $currLangCode), 'ORDER BY `pageOrder`'); if (!empty($menuRec)) { $menuPages = array_merge($menuPages, $menuRec); } } } else { $menuPages = ipDb()->selectAll('page', 'id, title, alias', array('isDeleted' => 0, 'alias' => $menuAlias, 'parentId' => 0, 'isDisabled' => 0, 'isSecured' => 0, 'languageCode' => $currLangCode), 'ORDER BY `pageOrder`'); } return $menuPages; }
public function activate() { $sql = ' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ' . ipTable(\Plugin\MasonryGrid\Config::TABLE_NAME) . ' ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `itemOrder` double, `widgetId` int(11), `title` varchar(255), `image` varchar(255), `description` text, `url` varchar(255), `isVisible` int(1), PRIMARY KEY (`id`) )'; ipDb()->execute($sql); }
/** * @parem string $languageCode * @param $languageCode * @param string $urlPath * @returns bool true if url is available */ public static function isPathAvailable($languageCode, $urlPath) { $pageId = ipDb()->selectValue('page', '`id`', array('languageCode' => $languageCode, 'urlPath' => $urlPath, 'isDeleted' => 0)); if ($pageId) { return false; } //if lash exists, remove. If there is no slash, add it. if (substr($urlPath, -1) == '/') { $urlPath = substr($urlPath, 0, -1); } else { $urlPath .= '/'; } $pageId = ipDb()->selectValue('page', '`id`', array('languageCode' => $languageCode, 'urlPath' => $urlPath, 'isDeleted' => 0)); if (!$pageId) { return true; } return false; }
public static function getKeywordData() { $pageTable = ipTable('page'); $keywordlistTable = ipTable(self::TABLE_NAME); $langCode = ipContent()->getCurrentLanguage()->getCode(); $excludeFields = ' AND p.IsVisible = 1 AND p.IsDisabled = 0 AND p.IsDeleted = 0'; $securedPages = ipGetOption('Keywordlist.securedPages') == 1 ? '' : 'AND p.IsSecured = 0'; if (ipGetOption('Keywordlist.useMetadata') == 1) { $sql = "SELECT, p.title, p.urlPath, p.keywords, p.description FROM {$pageTable} p WHERE p.languageCode = '{$langCode}' AND p.keywords != '' {$excludeFields} {$securedPages}"; } else { $sql = "SELECT, p.title, p.urlPath, k.keywords, k.description FROM {$pageTable} p, {$keywordlistTable} k WHERE = k.pageid AND p.languageCode = '{$langCode}' AND k.keywords != '' {$excludeFields} {$securedPages}"; } $keywordArray = array(); $entries = array(); $entries = ipDb()->fetchAll($sql); $existingChars = array(); if (!empty($entries)) { // prepare array with keywords and pages $keywordArray = array(); $charSource = array('ä', 'ö', 'ü', 'ß', 'Ä', 'Ö', 'Ü'); $charReplace = array('a', 'o', 'u', 's', 'A', 'O', 'U'); foreach ($entries as $entry) { $keywords = array_map('trim', explode(",", $entry['keywords'])); foreach ($keywords as $keyword) { $firstChar = strtoupper(str_replace($charSource, $charReplace, mb_substr($keyword, 0, 1, 'UTF-8'))); if (is_numeric($firstChar)) { $firstChar = '0-9'; } $keywordArray[] = array('keyword' => $keyword, 'char' => $firstChar, 'id' => $entry['id'], 'title' => $entry['title'], 'description' => $entry['description'], 'urlPath' => $entry['urlPath']); } } // sorting keywordarray depending first char of keyword foreach ($keywordArray as $key => $row) { $char[$key] = $row['char']; } array_multisort($char, SORT_ASC, SORT_STRING, $keywordArray); $existingChars = array_unique($char); } $keywordData = array(); $keywordData['entries'] = $keywordArray; $keywordData['chars'] = $existingChars; return $keywordData; }
private static function arrayToMenuItem($pages, $depth, $curDepth, $order) { $items = array(); foreach ($pages as $pageRow) { $page = new \Ip\Page($pageRow['id']); $item = new Item(); $subSelected = false; if ($curDepth < $depth) { $children = ipDb()->selectAll('page', '*', array('parentId' => $page->getId(), 'isVisible' => 1, 'isSecured' => 0, 'isDeleted' => 0), "ORDER BY {$order}"); if ($children) { $childrenItems = self::arrayToMenuItem($children, $depth, $curDepth + 1, $order); $item->setChildren($childrenItems); } } if ($page->isCurrent() || $page->getRedirectUrl() && $page->getLink() == \Ip\Internal\UrlHelper::getCurrentUrl()) { $item->markAsCurrent(true); } elseif ($page->isInCurrentBreadcrumb() || $subSelected || $page->getRedirectUrl() && self::existInBreadcrumb($page->getLink())) { $item->markAsInCurrentBreadcrumb(true); } if ($page->isDisabled()) { $item->setUrl(''); } elseif ($page->getRedirectUrl()) { $url = $page->getRedirectUrl(); if (!preg_match('/^((http|https):\\/\\/)/i', $url)) { $url = 'http://' . $url; } $item->setUrl($url); } else { $item->setUrl($page->getLink()); } $metaTitle = $page->getMetaTitle(); $item->setBlank($page->isBlank()); $item->setTitle($page->getTitle()); $item->setDepth($curDepth); $item->setDisabled($page->isDisabled()); $item->setId($page->getId()); $item->setAlias($page->getAlias()); $item->setPageTitle(empty($metaTitle) ? $page->getTitle() : $metaTitle); $items[] = $item; } return $items; }
public function activate() { $sql = ' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ' . ipTable('slideshow') . ' ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `widgetId` int(11), `slideshowOrder` double, `title` varchar(255), `text` varchar(255), `url` varchar(255), `Enabled` boolean, `image` varchar(255), `lang` varchar(3), `itemOrder` double, `isVisible` int(1), PRIMARY KEY (`id`) )'; ipDb()->execute($sql); }
public function getPages() { $data = ipRequest()->getRequest(); if (empty($data['languageId'])) { throw new \Ip\Exception("Missing required parameters"); } $language = ipContent()->getLanguage($data['languageId']); if (!$language) { throw new \Ip\Exception("Language doesn't exist. " . $data['languageId']); } $languageCode = $language->getCode(); if (empty($data['menuName'])) { throw new \Ip\Exception("Missing required parameters"); } $menuName = $data['menuName']; $parentId = ipDb()->selectValue('page', 'id', array('languageCode' => $languageCode, 'alias' => $menuName, 'isDeleted' => 0)); $tree = JsTreeHelper::getPageTree($languageCode, $parentId); $tree = ipFilter('ipPageTree', $tree, array('languageCode' => $languageCode, 'parentId' => $parentId)); $responseData = array('tree' => $tree); return new \Ip\Response\Json($responseData); }
protected static function updateTableUrl($oldUrl, $newUrl, $table, $keyFields) { $old = parse_url($oldUrl); $new = parse_url($newUrl); $oldPart = $old['host'] . $old['path']; $newPart = $new['host'] . $new['path']; $quotedPart = substr(ipDb()->getConnection()->quote('://' . $oldPart), 1, -1); $search = '%' . addslashes($quotedPart) . '%'; $tableWithPrefix = ipTable($table); $records = ipDb()->fetchAll("SELECT * FROM {$tableWithPrefix} WHERE `value` LIKE ?", array($search)); if (!$records) { return; } if ($newUrl == ipConfig()->baseUrl()) { //the website has been moved $search = '%\\b(https?://)' . preg_quote($oldPart, '%') . '%'; } else { //internal page url has changed // \b - start at word boundary // (https?://) - protocol // (/?) - allow optional slash at the end of url // (?= ) - symbols expected after url // \Z - end of subject or end of line $search = '%\\b(https?://)' . preg_quote($oldPart, '%') . '(/?)(?=["\'?]|\\s|\\Z)%'; } foreach ($records as $row) { // ${1} - protocol, ${2} - optional '/' $after = preg_replace($search, '${1}' . $newPart . '${2}', $row['value']); if ($after != $row['value']) { $where = array(); foreach ($keyFields as $keyField) { $where[$keyField] = $row[$keyField]; } ipDb()->update($table, array('value' => $after), $where); } } }
/** * @ignore */ public function close() { ipEvent('ipBeforeApplicationClosed'); ipDb()->disconnect(); }
public function remove() { $sql = 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' . ipTable('comments'); ipDb()->execute($sql); }
public static function deleteOldLogs($days) { $logTable = ipTable('log'); ipDb()->execute("delete from {$logTable} where (UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`time`)) > ?", array($days * 24 * 60 * 60)); }