     * Create a new blog...
     * @param string Kind of blog ( 'std', 'photo', 'group', 'forum' )
    function create($kind = '')
        global $DB, $Messages, $basepath, $admin_url, $current_User, $Settings;
        // DB INSERT
        $Messages->add(T_('The new blog has been created.'), 'success');
        // Change access mode if a stub file exists:
        $stub_filename = 'blog' . $this->ID . '.php';
        if (is_file($basepath . $stub_filename)) {
            // Stub file exists and is waiting ;)
            $DB->query('UPDATE T_blogs
						SET blog_access_type = "relative", blog_siteurl = "' . $stub_filename . '"
						WHERE blog_ID = ' . $this->ID);
            $Messages->add(sprintf(T_('The new blog has been associated with the stub file «%s».'), $stub_filename), 'success');
        } elseif ($this->access_type == 'relative') {
            // Show error message only if stub file should exists!
            $Messages->add(sprintf(T_('No stub file named «%s» was found. You must create it for the blog to function properly with the current settings.'), $stub_filename), 'error');
        // Set default user permissions for this blog (All permissions for the current user, typically the admin who is creating the blog)
        // Note: current_User can be NULL only during new user registration process, when new user automatically get a new blog
        // Note: The owner of teh blog has permissions just by the sole fact he is registered as the owner.
        if ($current_User != NULL) {
            // Proceed insertions:
            $perm_statuses = "'review,draft,private,protected,deprecated,community,published'";
            $DB->query("\n\t\t\t\t\tINSERT INTO T_coll_user_perms( bloguser_blog_ID, bloguser_user_ID, bloguser_ismember,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tbloguser_perm_poststatuses, bloguser_perm_delpost, bloguser_perm_edit_ts,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tbloguser_perm_recycle_owncmts, bloguser_perm_vote_spam_cmts, bloguser_perm_cmtstatuses,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tbloguser_perm_cats, bloguser_perm_properties,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tbloguser_perm_media_upload, bloguser_perm_media_browse, bloguser_perm_media_change )\n\t\t\t\t\tVALUES ( {$this->ID}, {$current_User->ID}, 1,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{$perm_statuses}, 1, 1, 1, 1, {$perm_statuses}, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 )");
        		if( $kind == 'forum' )
        		{	// Set default group permissions for the Forum blog
        			$GroupCache = & get_GroupCache();
        			$groups_permissions = array();
        			if( $GroupCache->get_by_ID( 1, false ) )
        			{	// Check if "Administrators" group still exists
        				$groups_permissions[ 'admins' ] = "( $this->ID, 1, 1, 'published,deprecated,protected,private,draft', 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 )";
        			if( $GroupCache->get_by_ID( 2, false ) )
        			{	// Check if "Moderators" group still exists
        				$groups_permissions[ 'privileged' ] = "( $this->ID, 2, 1, 'published,deprecated,protected,private,draft', 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1 )";
        			if( $GroupCache->get_by_ID( 3, false ) )
        			{	// Check if "Bloggers" group still exists
        				$groups_permissions[ 'bloggers' ] = "( $this->ID, 3, 1, 'published,deprecated,protected,private,draft', 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0 )";
        			if( $GroupCache->get_by_ID( 4, false ) )
        			{	// Check if "Basic Users" group still exists
        				$groups_permissions[ 'users' ] = "( $this->ID, 4, 1, 'published', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 )";
        			if( $GroupCache->get_by_ID( 5, false ) )
        			{	// Check if "Spam/Suspect Users" group still exists
        				$groups_permissions[ 'spam' ] = "( $this->ID, 5, 1, 'published,deprecated,protected,private,draft', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 )";
        			$DB->query( 'INSERT INTO T_coll_group_perms( bloggroup_blog_ID, bloggroup_group_ID, bloggroup_ismember,
        					bloggroup_perm_poststatuses, bloggroup_perm_delpost, bloggroup_perm_edit_ts,
        					bloggroup_perm_recycle_owncmts, bloggroup_perm_vote_spam_cmts, bloggroup_perm_draft_cmts, bloggroup_perm_publ_cmts, bloggroup_perm_depr_cmts,
        					bloggroup_perm_cats, bloggroup_perm_properties,
        					bloggroup_perm_media_upload, bloggroup_perm_media_browse, bloggroup_perm_media_change )
        				VALUES '.implode( ',', $groups_permissions ) );
        // Create default category:
        load_class('chapters/model/_chapter.class.php', 'Chapter');
        $edited_Chapter = new Chapter(NULL, $this->ID);
        $blog_urlname = $this->get('urlname');
        $edited_Chapter->set('name', T_('Uncategorized'));
        $edited_Chapter->set('urlname', $blog_urlname . '-main');
        $Messages->add(T_('A default category has been created for this blog.'), 'success');
        insert_basic_widgets($this->ID, false, $kind);
        $Messages->add(T_('Default widgets have been set-up for this blog.'), 'success');
        // set caching
        if ($Settings->get('newblog_cache_enabled')) {
            $result = set_cache_enabled('cache_enabled', true, $this->ID);
            if ($result != NULL) {
                list($status, $message) = $result;
                $Messages->add($message, $status);
        $this->set_setting('cache_enabled_widgets', $Settings->get('newblog_cache_enabled_widget'));
        if ($this->get('advanced_perms')) {
            // Display this warning if blog has the enabled advanced perms be default
            $Messages->add(sprintf(T_('ATTENTION: go to the <a %s>advanced group permissions for this blog/forum</a> in order to allow some user groups to post new topics into this forum.'), 'href=' . $admin_url . '?ctrl=coll_settings&amp;tab=permgroup&amp;blog=' . $this->ID), 'warning');
        // Commit changes in cache:
        $BlogCache =& get_BlogCache();
 * Install basic widgets.
function install_basic_widgets($old_db_version = 0)
     * @var DB
    global $DB;
    if ($old_db_version < 11010) {
        $blog_ids = $DB->get_assoc('SELECT blog_ID, "std" FROM T_blogs');
    } else {
        $blog_ids = $DB->get_assoc('SELECT blog_ID, blog_type FROM T_blogs');
    foreach ($blog_ids as $blog_id => $blog_type) {
        task_begin('Installing default widgets for blog #' . $blog_id . '... ');
        insert_basic_widgets($blog_id, true, $blog_type);
        param('type', 'string', '');
        param_check_not_empty('type', T_('Please select a type'));
        if (param_errors_detected()) {
            $action = 'type';
        if ($reset) {
            // Reset all settings
            // Remove previous widgets, plugin and skin settings
            $DB->query('DELETE FROM T_widget WHERE wi_coll_ID = ' . $DB->quote($edited_Blog->ID));
            $DB->query('DELETE FROM T_coll_settings
				WHERE cset_coll_ID = ' . $DB->quote($edited_Blog->ID) . '
				AND ( cset_name LIKE "skin%" OR cset_name LIKE "plugin%" )');
            // ADD DEFAULT WIDGETS:
            insert_basic_widgets($edited_Blog->ID, false, $type);
        $edited_Blog->init_by_kind($type, $edited_Blog->get('name'), $edited_Blog->get('shortname'), $edited_Blog->get('urlname'));
        $Messages->add(T_('The collection type has been updated'), 'success');
        // Redirect so that a reload doesn't write to the DB twice:
        header_redirect($update_redirect_url, 303);
        // Will EXIT
    case 'enable_setting':
    case 'disable_setting':
        // Update blog settings:
        // Check that this action request is not a CSRF hacked request:
        // Check permissions:
        $current_User->check_perm('blog_properties', 'edit', true, $blog);
     * Create a new blog...
     * @param string Kind of blog ( 'std', 'photo', 'group', 'forum' )
    function create($kind = '')
        global $DB, $Messages, $basepath, $admin_url, $current_User, $Settings;
        // DB INSERT
        $Messages->add(T_('The new blog has been created.'), 'success');
        // Change access mode if a stub file exists:
        $stub_filename = 'blog' . $this->ID . '.php';
        if (is_file($basepath . $stub_filename)) {
            // Stub file exists and is waiting ;)
            $DB->query('UPDATE T_blogs
						SET blog_access_type = "relative", blog_siteurl = "' . $stub_filename . '"
						WHERE blog_ID = ' . $this->ID);
            $Messages->add(sprintf(T_('The new blog has been associated with the stub file &laquo;%s&raquo;.'), $stub_filename), 'success');
        } elseif ($this->access_type == 'relative') {
            // Show error message only if stub file should exists!
            $Messages->add(sprintf(T_('No stub file named &laquo;%s&raquo; was found. You must create it for the blog to function properly with the current settings.'), $stub_filename), 'error');
        // Set default user permissions for this collection (All permissions for the collection owner):
        if (!empty($this->owner_user_ID)) {
            // Proceed insertion:
            $DB->query('INSERT INTO T_coll_user_perms
					( bloguser_blog_ID, bloguser_user_ID, bloguser_ismember, bloguser_can_be_assignee,
						bloguser_perm_poststatuses, bloguser_perm_item_type, bloguser_perm_edit,
						bloguser_perm_delpost, bloguser_perm_edit_ts,
						bloguser_perm_delcmts, bloguser_perm_recycle_owncmts, bloguser_perm_vote_spam_cmts,
						bloguser_perm_cmtstatuses, bloguser_perm_edit_cmt,
						bloguser_perm_cats, bloguser_perm_properties, bloguser_perm_admin,
						bloguser_perm_media_upload, bloguser_perm_media_browse, bloguser_perm_media_change )
					VALUES ( ' . $this->ID . ', ' . $this->owner_user_ID . ', 1, 1,
						"published,community,deprecated,protected,private,review,draft,redirected", "admin", "all",
						1, 1,
						1, 1, 1,
						"published,community,deprecated,protected,private,review,draft", "all",
						1, 1, 1,
						1, 1, 1 )');
        // Create default category:
        load_class('chapters/model/_chapter.class.php', 'Chapter');
        $edited_Chapter = new Chapter(NULL, $this->ID);
        $blog_urlname = $this->get('urlname');
        $edited_Chapter->set('name', T_('Uncategorized'));
        $edited_Chapter->set('urlname', $blog_urlname . '-main');
        $Messages->add(T_('A default category has been created for this blog.'), 'success');
        insert_basic_widgets($this->ID, false, $kind);
        $Messages->add(T_('Default widgets have been set-up for this blog.'), 'success');
        // set caching
        if ($Settings->get('newblog_cache_enabled')) {
            $result = set_cache_enabled('cache_enabled', true, $this->ID);
            if ($result != NULL) {
                list($status, $message) = $result;
                $Messages->add($message, $status);
        $this->set_setting('cache_enabled_widgets', $Settings->get('newblog_cache_enabled_widget'));
        // Insert default group permissions:
        $default_perms_inserted = $this->insert_default_group_permissions();
        if ($this->get('advanced_perms') && $default_perms_inserted) {
            // Display this warning if coolection has the enabled advanced perms AND default permissions have been inserted for at least one group:
            $Messages->add(sprintf(T_('ATTENTION: We have set some advanced permissions for this collection. Please verify the <a %s>User permissions</a> and the <a %s>Group permissions</a> now.'), 'href=' . $admin_url . '?ctrl=coll_settings&amp;tab=perm&amp;blog=' . $this->ID, 'href=' . $admin_url . '?ctrl=coll_settings&amp;tab=permgroup&amp;blog=' . $this->ID), 'warning');
        // Commit changes in cache:
        $BlogCache =& get_BlogCache();