*/ if (is_logged_in() && $current_User->get('locale') != $current_locale && !$locale_from_get) { // change locale to users preference /* * User locale selection: * TODO: this should get done before instantiating $current_User, because we already use T_() there... */ locale_activate($current_User->get('locale')); if ($current_locale == $current_User->get('locale')) { $default_locale = $current_locale; $Debuglog->add('default_locale from user profile: ' . $default_locale, 'locale'); } else { $Debuglog->add('locale from user profile could not be activated: ' . $current_User->get('locale'), 'locale'); } } // Init charset handling: init_charsets($current_charset); // Display login errors (and form). This uses $io_charset, so it's at the end. if ($Messages->count('login_error')) { require $htsrv_path . 'login.php'; exit; } $Timer->pause('_main.inc'); /** * Load hacks file if it exists */ if (file_exists($conf_path . 'hacks.php')) { $Timer->resume('hacks.php'); include_once $conf_path . 'hacks.php'; $Timer->pause('hacks.php'); }
/** * Activate the blog locale and the corresponding charset * * @param integer the blog Id */ function activate_blog_locale($blog) { global $current_charset; if (empty($blog) || $blog <= 0) { // $blog is not a valid blog ID return; } $BlogCache =& get_BlogCache(); $Blog = $BlogCache->get_by_ID($blog, false, false); if (!empty($Blog)) { // Activate the blog locale locale_activate($Blog->get('locale')); // Re-Init charset handling, in case current_charset has changed: init_charsets($current_charset); } }
param('comment_type', 'string', 'feedback'); param('redirect_to', 'url', ''); param('reply_ID', 'integer', 0); // Only logged in users can post the meta comments $comment_type = is_logged_in() ? $comment_type : 'feedback'; $action = param_arrayindex('submit_comment_post_' . $comment_item_ID, 'save'); $ItemCache =& get_ItemCache(); $commented_Item =& $ItemCache->get_by_ID($comment_item_ID); // Make sure Blog is loaded $commented_Item->load_Blog(); $blog = $commented_Item->Blog->ID; // Initialize global $Blog to avoid restriction of redirect to external URL, for example, when collection URL is subdomain: $Blog = $commented_Item->Blog; // Re-Init charset handling, in case current_charset has changed: locale_activate($commented_Item->Blog->get('locale')); if (init_charsets($current_charset)) { // Reload Blog(s) (for encoding of name, tagline etc): $BlogCache->clear(); $commented_Item->load_Blog(); } header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=' . $io_charset); if ($Settings->get('system_lock')) { // System is locked for maintenance, users cannot send a comment $Messages->add(T_('You cannot leave a comment at this time because the system is under maintenance. Please try again in a few moments.'), 'error'); header_redirect(); // Will save $Messages into Session } // Check user permissions to post this comment: if ($comment_type == 'meta') { // Meta comment if (!$current_User->check_perm('meta_comment', 'view', false, $commented_Item)) {
/** * TODO: not sure, if we should really load everything. We'd need at least * to define EVO_MAIN_INIT to load single class files, ... */ define('EVO_MAIN_INIT', 'SIMPLETEST'); require_once EVODIR . 'blogs/conf/_config.php'; require_once $inc_path . '_core/_class' . floor(PHP_VERSION) . '.funcs.php'; require_once $inc_path . '_core/_misc.funcs.php'; require_once $inc_path . 'locales/_locale.funcs.php'; // Load vars, e.g. $is_cli // TODO: this should get done in EvoUnitTestCase::setup (clean state), but needs global massaging. load_class('_core/model/_log.class.php', 'Log_noop'); $Debuglog = new Log_noop(); require_once $inc_path . '_main.inc.php'; // Bootstrap charset handling (e.g. setting $io_charset) init_charsets('utf-8'); load_class('_core/model/_module.class.php', 'Module'); foreach ($modules as $module) { require_once $inc_path . $module . '/_' . $module . '.init.php'; } /** * MySQL settings for the tests. * * These settings override the defaults from {@link $db_config} * * This is used to create {@link EvoDbUnitTestCase::test_DB the test DB object} * in the class {@link EvoDbUnitTestCase}, which gets used for tests that * need a real database connection. * * @global array $testDB_conf */