function portal_incident_table($sql)
    global $CONFIG, $showclosed;
    $result = mysql_query($sql);
    if (mysql_error()) {
        trigger_error(mysql_error(), E_USER_WARNING);
    $numincidents = mysql_num_rows($result);
    if ($numincidents >= 1) {
        $shade = 'shade1';
        $html .= "<table align='center' width='70%'>";
        $html .= "<tr>";
        $html .= colheader('id', $GLOBALS['strID']);
        $html .= colheader('title', $GLOBALS['strTitle']);
        $html .= colheader('owner', $GLOBALS['strOwner']);
        $html .= colheader('lastupdated', $GLOBALS['strLastUpdated']);
        $html .= colheader('contact', $GLOBALS['strContact']);
        $html .= colheader('status', $GLOBALS['strStatus']);
        if ($showclosed != "true") {
            $html .= colheader('actions', $GLOBALS['strOperation']);
        $html .= "</tr>\n";
        while ($incident = mysql_fetch_object($result)) {
            $html .= "<tr class='{$shade}'><td align='center'>";
            $html .= "<a href='incident.php?id={$incident->id}'>{$incident->id}</a></td>";
            $html .= "<td>";
            if (!empty($incident->softwareid)) {
                $html .= software_name($incident->softwareid) . "<br />";
            $html .= "<strong><a href='incident.php?id={$incident->id}'>{$incident->title}</a></strong></td>";
            $html .= "<td align='center'>" . user_realname($incident->owner) . "</td>";
            $html .= "<td align='center'>" . ldate($CONFIG['dateformat_datetime'], $incident->lastupdated) . "</td>";
            $html .= "<td align='center'><a href='contactdetails.php?id={$incident->contactid}'>";
            $html .= "{$incident->forenames} {$incident->surname}</a></td>";
            $html .= "<td align='center'>" . incidentstatus_name($incident->status, external) . "</td>";
            if ($showclosed != "true") {
                $html .= "<td align='center'><a href='update.php?id={$incident->id}'>{$GLOBALS['strUpdate']}</a> | ";
                //check if the customer has requested a closure
                $lastupdate = list($update_userid, $update_type, $update_currentowner, $update_currentstatus, $update_body, $update_timestamp, $update_nextaction, $update_id) = incident_lastupdate($incident->id);
                if ($lastupdate[1] == "customerclosurerequest") {
                    $html .= "{$GLOBALS['strClosureRequested']}</td>";
                } else {
                    $html .= "<a href='close.php?id={$incident->id}'>{$GLOBALS['strRequestClosure']}</a></td>";
            $html .= "</tr>";
            if ($shade == 'shade1') {
                $shade = 'shade2';
            } else {
                $shade = 'shade1';
        $html .= "</table>";
    } else {
        $html .= "<p class='info'>{$GLOBALS['strNoIncidents']}</p>";
    return $html;
                <td align='center' width='150'><?php 
                echo ldate($CONFIG['dateformat_datetime'], $results["opened"]);
                <td align='center' width='150'><?php 
                echo ldate($CONFIG['dateformat_datetime'], $results["lastupdated"]);
                <td align='center' width='50'><?php 
                echo $results["type"];
                <td align='center' width='50'><?php 
                echo incidentstatus_name($results["status"]);
                // invert shade
                if ($shade == 1) {
                    $shade = 0;
                } else {
                    $shade = 1;
        echo "</table>";
        echo "<br />";
        echo "<p align='center'><a href=\"search_incidents_advanced.php\">{$strSearchAgain}</a></p>";
         $now = time();
         if ($timeofnextaction < 0) {
             $timeofnextaction = 0;
         $timeofnextaction = 0;
 // Put text into body of update for field changes (reverse order)
 // delim first
 $bodytext = "<hr>" . $bodytext;
 $oldstatus = incident_status($id);
 $oldtimeofnextaction = incident_timeofnextaction($id);
 if ($newstatus != $oldstatus) {
     $bodytext = "Status: " . mysql_real_escape_string(incidentstatus_name($oldstatus)) . " -&gt; <b>" . mysql_real_escape_string(incidentstatus_name($newstatus)) . "</b>\n\n" . $bodytext;
 if ($newpriority != incident_priority($id)) {
     $bodytext = "New Priority: <b>" . mysql_real_escape_string(priority_name($newpriority)) . "</b>\n\n" . $bodytext;
 if ($timeofnextaction > $oldtimeofnextaction + 60) {
     $timetext = "Next Action Time: ";
     if ($oldtimeofnextaction - $now < 1) {
         $timetext .= "None";
     } else {
         $timetext .= date("D jS M Y @ g:i A", $oldtimeofnextaction);
     $timetext .= " -&gt; <b>";
     if ($timeofnextaction < 1) {
         $timetext .= "None";
     } else {
    if (mysql_error()) {
        trigger_error(mysql_error(), E_USER_ERROR);
    $sql = "SELECT status FROM `{$dbIncidents}` WHERE id = {$incident}";
    $result = mysql_query($sql);
    if (mysql_error()) {
        trigger_error(mysql_error(), E_USER_ERROR);
    if ($obj = mysql_fetch_object($result) and $obj->status != 1 and $obj->status != 3) {
        $sql = "UPDATE `{$dbIncidents}` SET status = 1, lastupdated = {$now} WHERE id = {$incident}";
        if (mysql_error()) {
            trigger_error(mysql_error(), E_USER_ERROR);
        $bodytext = "Status: " . incidentstatus_name($obj->status) . " -&gt; <b>" . incidentstatus_name(1) . "</b>\n\n" . $srtrTaskStarted;
        $sql = "INSERT INTO `{$dbUpdates}` (incidentid, userid, type, currentowner, currentstatus, bodytext, timestamp) VALUES ";
        $sql .= "({$incident}, {$sit[2]}, 'research', {$sit[2]}, 1, '{$bodytext}', {$now})";
        if (mysql_error()) {
            trigger_error(mysql_error(), E_USER_ERROR);
    html_redirect("tasks.php?incident={$incident}", TRUE, $strActivityAdded);
} else {
    switch ($action) {
        case 'addtask':
            // External variables
            $name = cleanvar($_POST['name']);
            $description = cleanvar($_POST['description']);
            $priority = cleanvar($_POST['priority']);
 $newstatus = cleanvar($_REQUEST['newstatus']);
 $userid = cleanvar($_REQUEST['userid']);
 $temporary = cleanvar($_REQUEST['temporary']);
 $id = cleanvar($_REQUEST['id']);
 if ($tempnewowner == 'yes') {
     $temporary = 'yes';
 // Retrieve current incident details
 $sql = "SELECT * FROM `{$dbIncidents}` WHERE id='{$id}' LIMIT 1";
 $result = mysql_query($sql);
 if (mysql_error()) {
     trigger_error("MySQL Query Error " . mysql_error(), E_USER_WARNING);
 $incident = mysql_fetch_object($result);
 if ($newstatus != $incident->status) {
     $bodytext = "Status: " . incidentstatus_name($incident->status) . " -&gt; <b>" . incidentstatus_name($newstatus) . "</b>\n\n" . $bodytext;
 // Update incident
 $sql = "UPDATE `{$dbIncidents}` SET ";
 if ($fullreassign == 'yes') {
     //full reassign with temp owner, fixes http://bugs.sitracker.org/view.php?id=141
     $sql .= "owner='{$userid}', towner=0, ";
     $triggeruserid = $userid;
 } elseif ($temporary != 'yes' and $incident->towner > 0 and $sit[2] == $incident->owner) {
     $sql .= "owner='{$sit[2]}', towner=0, ";
     // make current user = owner
     $triggeruserid = $sit[2];
 } elseif ($temporary != 'yes' and $sit[2] == $incident->towner) {
     $sql .= "towner=0, ";
     // temp owner removing temp ownership
     $triggeruserid = $incident->owner;
function dashboard_watch_incidents_display($dashletid)
    global $CONFIG, $sit;
    $html = "<script type='text/javascript'>\n    //<![CDATA[\n    function statusform_submit(user)\n    {\n        URL = \"incidents.php?status=\" + window.document.statusform.status.options[window.document.statusform.status.selectedIndex].value + \"&amp;user=\" + user;\n        window.confirm(URL);\n        window.location.href = URL;\n    }\n    //]]>\n    </script>";
    // FIXME, commented out the queue selector, needs recoding to work with one-file dashboards - Ivan 22May08
    //     $html .= "<form action='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}' style='text-align: center;'>";
    //     $html .= "{$GLOBALS['strQueue']}: <select class='dropdown' name='queue' onchange='window.location.href=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value'>\n";
    //     $html .= "<option ";
    //     if ($queue == 5)
    //     {
    //         $html .= "selected='selected' ";
    //     }
    //     $html .= "value=\"javascript:get_and_display('display_watch_incidents.inc.php?queue=5','watch_incidents_windows');\">{$GLOBALS['strAll']}</option>\n";
    //     $html .= "<option ";
    //     if ($queue == 1)
    //     {
    //         $html .= "selected='selected' ";
    //     }
    //     $html .= "value=\"javascript:get_and_display('display_watch_incidents.inc.php?queue=1','watch_incidents_windows');\">{$GLOBALS['strActionNeeded']}</option>\n";
    //     $html .= "<option ";
    //     if ($queue == 3)
    //     {
    //         $html .= "selected='selected' ";
    //     }
    //     $html .= "value=\"javascript:get_and_display('display_watch_incidents.inc.php?queue=3','watch_incidents_windows');\">{$GLOBALS['strAllOpen']}</option>\n";
    //     $html .= "</select>\n";
    //     $html .= "</form>";
    $sql = "SELECT type, id FROM `{$CONFIG['db_tableprefix']}dashboard_watch_incidents` WHERE userid = {$sit[2]} ORDER BY type";
    $result = mysql_query($sql);
    if (mysql_error()) {
        trigger_error(mysql_error() . $sql, E_USER_WARNING);
    if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
        $header_printed = FALSE;
        $previous = 0;
        while ($obj = mysql_fetch_object($result)) {
            if ($obj->type != 3 and $previous == 3) {
                $html .= "</table>";
            if ($obj->type == 3 and !$header_printed) {
                $html .= "<table>";
            } else {
                if ($obj->type != 3) {
                    $html .= "<table>";
            switch ($obj->type) {
                case '0':
                    $sql = "SELECT i.id, i.title, i.status, i.servicelevel, i.maintenanceid, i.priority, c.forenames, c.surname, c.siteid ";
                    $sql .= "FROM `{$GLOBALS['dbIncidents']}` AS i, `{$GLOBALS['dbContacts']}`  AS c ";
                    $sql .= "WHERE i.contact = c.id AND c.siteid = {$obj->id} ";
                    $sql .= "AND i.status != " . STATUS_CLOSED . " AND i.status != " . STATUS_CLOSING . " ";
                    $lsql = "SELECT name FROM `{$GLOBALS['dbSites']}` WHERE id = {$obj->id}";
                    $lresult = mysql_query($lsql);
                    if (mysql_error()) {
                        trigger_error(mysql_error(), E_USER_WARNING);
                    $lobj = mysql_fetch_object($lresult);
                    $html .= "<tr><th colspan='3'>{$lobj->name} ({$GLOBALS['strSite']})</th></tr>";
                case '1':
                    $sql = "SELECT i.id, i.title, i.status, i.servicelevel, i.maintenanceid, i.priority, c.forenames, c.surname, c.siteid ";
                    $sql .= "FROM `{$GLOBALS['dbIncidents']}` AS i, `{$GLOBALS['dbContacts']}`  AS c ";
                    $sql .= "WHERE i.contact = c.id AND i.contact = {$obj->id} ";
                    $sql .= "AND i.status != " . STATUS_CLOSED . " AND i.status != " . STATUS_CLOSING . " ";
                    $lsql = "SELECT forenames, surname FROM `{$GLOBALS['dbContacts']}` WHERE id = {$obj->id} ";
                    $lresult = mysql_query($lsql);
                    if (mysql_error()) {
                        trigger_error(mysql_error(), E_USER_WARNING);
                    $lobj = mysql_fetch_object($lresult);
                    $html .= "<tr><th colspan='3'>{$lobj->forenames} {$lobj->surname} ({$GLOBALS['strContact']})</th></tr>";
                case '2':
                    $sql = "SELECT i.id, i.title, i.status, i.servicelevel, i.maintenanceid, i.priority, c.forenames, c.surname, c.siteid ";
                    $sql .= "FROM `{$GLOBALS['dbIncidents']}` AS i, `{$GLOBALS['dbContacts']}`  AS c ";
                    $sql .= "WHERE i.contact = c.id AND (i.owner = {$obj->id} OR i.towner = {$obj->id}) ";
                    $sql .= "AND i.status != " . STATUS_CLOSED . " AND i.status != " . STATUS_CLOSING . " ";
                    $lsql = "SELECT realname FROM `{$GLOBALS['dbUsers']}` WHERE id = {$obj->id}";
                    $lresult = mysql_query($lsql);
                    if (mysql_error()) {
                        trigger_error(mysql_error(), E_USER_WARNING);
                    $lobj = mysql_fetch_object($lresult);
                    $html .= "<tr><th colspan='3'>";
                    $html .= sprintf($GLOBALS['strIncidentsForEngineer'], $lobj->realname);
                    $html .= "</th></tr>";
                case '3':
                    $sql = "SELECT i.id, i.title, i.status, i.servicelevel, i.maintenanceid, i.priority ";
                    $sql .= "FROM `{$GLOBALS['dbIncidents']}` AS i ";
                    $sql .= "WHERE i.id = {$obj->id} ";
                    //$sql .= "AND incidents.status != 2 AND incidents.status != 7";
                    $sql = '';
            if (!empty($sql)) {
                switch ($queue) {
                    case 1:
                        // awaiting action
                        $sql .= "AND ((timeofnextaction > 0 AND timeofnextaction < {$now}) OR ";
                        $sql .= "(IF ((status >= 5 AND status <=8), ({$now} - lastupdated) > ({$CONFIG['regular_contact_days']} * 86400), 1=2 ) ";
                        // awaiting
                        $sql .= "OR IF (status='1' OR status='3' OR status='4', 1=1 , 1=2) ";
                        // active, research, left message - show all
                        $sql .= ") AND timeofnextaction < {$now} ) ";
                    case 3:
                        // All Open
                        $sql .= "AND status!='2' ";
                    case 5:
                        // ALL
                    // ALL
                $iresult = mysql_query($sql);
                if (mysql_error()) {
                    trigger_error(mysql_error(), E_USER_WARNING);
                if (mysql_num_rows($iresult) > 0) {
                    if ($obj->type == 3 and !$header_printed) {
                        $html .= "<tr><th colspan='4'>{$GLOBALS['strIncidents']}</th></tr>";
                        $html .= "<tr>";
                        $html .= colheader('id', $GLOBALS['strID']);
                        $html .= colheader('title', $GLOBALS['strTitle']);
                        //$html .= colheader('customer', $GLOBALS['strCustomer']);
                        $html .= colheader('status', $GLOBALS['strStatus']);
                        $html .= "</tr>\n";
                        $header_printed = TRUE;
                    } else {
                        if ($obj->type != 3) {
                            $html .= "<tr>";
                            $html .= colheader('id', $GLOBALS['strID']);
                            $html .= colheader('title', $GLOBALS['strTitle']);
                            //$html .= colheader('customer', $GLOBALS['strCustomer']);
                            $html .= colheader('status', $GLOBALS['strStatus']);
                            $html .= "</tr>\n";
                    $shade = 'shade1';
                    while ($incident = mysql_fetch_object($iresult)) {
                        $html .= "<tr class='{$shade}'>";
                        $html .= "<td>{$incident->id}</td>";
                        $html .= "<td><a href='javascript:incident_details_window({$incident->id}) '  class='info'>" . $incident->title;
                        $html .= "<span><strong>{$GLOBALS['strCustomer']}:</strong> " . sprintf($GLOBALS['strXofX'], "{$incident->forenames} {$incident->surname}", site_name($incident->siteid));
                        list($update_userid, $update_type, $update_currentowner, $update_currentstatus, $update_body, $update_timestamp, $update_nextaction, $update_id) = incident_lastupdate($incident->id);
                        $update_body = parse_updatebody($update_body);
                        if (!empty($update_body) and $update_body != '...') {
                            $html .= "<br />{$update_body}";
                        $html .= "</span></a></td>";
                        $html .= "<td>" . incidentstatus_name($incident->status) . "</td>";
                        $html .= "</tr>\n";
                        if ($shade == 'shade1') {
                            $shade = 'shade2';
                        } else {
                            $shade = 'shade1';
                } else {
                    if ($obj->type == 3 and !$header_printed) {
                        $html .= "<tr><th colspan='3'>{$GLOBALS['strIncidents']}</th></tr>";
                        $html .= "<tr><td colspan='3'>{$GLOBALS['strNoIncidents']}</td></tr>\n";
                        $header_printed = TRUE;
                    } else {
                        if ($obj->type != 3) {
                            $html .= "<tr><td colspan='3'>{$GLOBALS['strNoIncidents']}</td></tr>\n";
            if ($obj->type == 3 and !$header_printed) {
                $html .= "</table>\n";
            $previous = $obj->type;
    } else {
        $html .= "<p align='center'>{$GLOBALS['strNoRecords']}</p>";
    return $html;
} else {
    $lang = $CONFIG['default_i18n'];
$count = 0;
$pubdate = $now;
$items = array();
while ($incident = mysql_fetch_object($result)) {
    // Get Last Update
    list($update_userid, $update_type, $update_currentowner, $update_currentstatus, $update_body, $update_timestamp, $update_nextaction, $update_id) = incident_lastupdate($incident->id);
    if ($count == 0) {
    $authorname = user_realname($update_userid);
    $author = user_email($update_userid) . " (" . $authorname . ")";
    $fi = new FeedItem();
    $fi->title = "[{$incident->id}] - {$incident->title} ({$update_type})";
    $fi->author = $author;
    $fi->link = "{$CONFIG['application_uriprefix']}{$CONFIG['application_webpath']}incident_details.php?id={$incident->id}";
    $fi->description = "{$strUpdated} " . date($CONFIG['dateformat_datetime'], $update_timestamp) . " {$strby} &lt;strong&gt;{$authorname}&lt;/strong&gt;. \n{$strStatus}: " . incidentstatus_name($update_currentstatus) . ". &lt;br /&gt;\n\n" . strip_tags($update_body);
    $fi->pubdate = $update_timestamp;
    $fi->guid = "{$CONFIG['application_uriprefix']}{$CONFIG['application_webpath']}incident_details.php?id={$incident->id}#{$update_id}";
    $items[] = $fi;
$feed = new Feed();
$feed->title = "{$CONFIG['application_shortname']} {$strIncidents}";
$feed->feedurl = "{$CONFIG['application_uriprefix']}{$CONFIG['application_webpath']}incident_details.php?id={$incident->id}";
$feed->description = "{$CONFIG['application_name']}: {$strIncidents} {$strFor} " . user_realname($userid) . " ({$strActionNeeded})";
$feed->pubdate = $pubdate;
$feed->items = $items;
    echo "</a> ";
// Product Info
if (!empty($incident->product)) {
    $pisql = "SELECT pi.information AS label, ipi.information AS information ";
    $pisql .= "FROM `{$dbIncidentProductInfo}` AS ipi, `{$dbProductInfo}` AS pi ";
    $pisql .= "WHERE pi.id = ipi.productinfoid AND ipi.incidentid = {$incidentid}";
    $piresult = mysql_query($pisql);
    if (mysql_num_rows($piresult) > 0) {
        while ($pi = mysql_fetch_object($piresult)) {
            echo "{$pi->label}: {$pi->information} <br />\n";
echo sprintf($strOpenForX, $opened_for) . " ";
echo incidentstatus_name($incident->status);
if ($incident->status == 2) {
    echo " (" . closingstatus_name($incident->closingstatus) . ")";
echo "<br />\n";
// Show sla target/review target if incident is still open
if ($incident->status != 2 and $incident->status != 7) {
    if ($targettype != '') {
        if ($slaremain > 0) {
            echo sprintf($strSLAInX, $targettype, format_workday_minutes($slaremain));
        } elseif ($slaremain < 0) {
            echo " " . sprintf($strSLAXLate, $targettype, format_workday_minutes(0 - $slaremain));
        } else {
            echo " " . sprintf($strSLAXDueNow, $targettype);
         if ($timeofnextaction < 0) {
             $timeofnextaction = 0;
         $timeofnextaction = 0;
 $oldtimeofnextaction = incident_timeofnextaction($id);
 if ($newincidentstatus != incident_status($id)) {
     $sql = "UPDATE `{$dbIncidents}` SET status='{$newincidentstatus}', lastupdated='{$now}', timeofnextaction='{$timeofnextaction}' WHERE id='{$id}'";
     if (mysql_error()) {
         trigger_error("MySQL Query Error " . mysql_error(), E_USER_ERROR);
     $updateheader = "New Status: <b>" . incidentstatus_name($newincidentstatus) . "</b>\n\n";
 } else {
     mysql_query("UPDATE `{$dbIncidents}` SET lastupdated='{$now}', timeofnextaction='{$timeofnextaction}' WHERE id='{$id}'");
     if (mysql_error()) {
         trigger_error("MySQL Query Error " . mysql_error(), E_USER_ERROR);
 $timetext = '';
 if ($timeofnextaction != 0) {
     $timetext = "Next Action Time: ";
     if ($oldtimeofnextaction - $now < 1) {
         $timetext .= "None";
     } else {
         $timetext .= date("D jS M Y @ g:i A", $oldtimeofnextaction);
     $timetext .= " -&gt; <b>";
     $html .= "<td class='shade1'>" . $engineer['count'] . "</td>";
     $html .= "<td class='shade1'>" . $engineer['4'] . "</td>";
     $html .= "<td class='shade1'>" . $engineer['3'] . "</td>";
     $html .= "<td class='shade1'>" . $engineer['2'] . "</td>";
     $html .= "<td class='shade1'>" . $engineer['1'] . "</td>";
     $html .= "<td  class='shade1' >";
     $html .= "<table width='100%'>";
     foreach ($engineer['calls'] as $call) {
         $replace = array("Response", "Action");
         $html .= "<tr><td width='50%'>{$call['text']}</td>";
         $html .= "<td width='12%'>" . user_realname($call['localowner']);
         if (!empty($call['salfordtowner'])) {
             $html .= "<br />T: " . user_realname($call['salfordtowner']);
         $html .= "</td><td width='25%'>" . $call['software'] . "</td>";
         $html .= "<td>" . str_replace($replace, "", incidentstatus_name($call['status'])) . "</td></tr>";
     $html .= "</table>\n\n";
     $html .= "</td>";
     $total += $engineer['count'];
     $c['4'] += $engineer['4'];
     $c['3'] += $engineer['3'];
     $c['2'] += $engineer['2'];
     $c['1'] += $engineer['1'];
     $html .= "</tr>\n";
 $html .= "<tr><td>{$strTotal}:</td><td>{$total}</td>";
 if (empty($c['4'])) {
     $c['4'] = 0;
 if (empty($c['3'])) {
     } else {
         echo "{$strUnknownServiceLevel}<br />";
 $blinktime = time() - $servicelevel->initial_response_mins * 60;
 if ($incidents['priority'] == 4 and $incidents['lastupdated'] <= $blinktime) {
     echo "<strong class='critical'>" . priority_name($incidents["priority"]) . "</strong>";
 } else {
     echo priority_name($incidents['priority']);
 echo "</td>\n";
 echo "<td align='center'>";
 if ($incidents['status'] == 5 and $incidents['towner'] == $sit[2]) {
     echo "<strong>{$strAwaitingYourResponse}</strong>";
 } else {
     echo incidentstatus_name($incidents["status"]);
 if ($incidents['status'] == 2) {
     echo "<br />" . closingstatus_name($incidents['closingstatus']);
 echo "</td>\n";
 echo "<td align='center'>";
 echo "{$updated}";
 echo " {$strby} {$update_user}";
 if ($incidents['towner'] > 0 and $incidents['towner'] != $user) {
     if ($incidents['owner'] != $user or $user == 'all') {
         echo "<br />{$strOwner}: <strong>" . user_realname($incidents['owner'], TRUE) . "</strong>";
     echo "<br />{$strTemp}: <strong>" . user_realname($incidents['towner'], TRUE) . "</strong>";
 } elseif ($incidents['owner'] != $user) {
     echo "<br />{$strOwner}: <strong>" . user_realname($incidents['owner'], TRUE) . "</strong>";
 if ($mode == 'site') {
     $contactrealname = contact_realname($row->contact);
     echo "<td>{$contactrealname}</td>";
     if ($mode == 'site') {
         if (!array_key_exists($contactrealname, $contactlist)) {
             $contactlist[$contactrealname] = 1;
         } else {
 echo "<td>" . product_name($row->product) . "</td>";
 if ($row->status == 2) {
     echo "<td>Closed, " . closingstatus_name($row->closingstatus) . "</td>";
 } else {
     echo "<td>" . incidentstatus_name($row->status) . "</td>";
 echo "<td>" . user_realname($row->owner, TRUE) . "</td>";
 echo "<td>" . ldate($CONFIG['dateformat_date'], $row->opened) . "</td>";
 if ($row->closed > 0) {
     echo "<td>" . ldate($CONFIG['dateformat_date'], $row->closed) . "</td>";
     echo "<td>" . format_seconds($row->duration_closed) . "</td>";
 } else {
     echo "<td colspan='2'>-</td>";
 echo "<td>";
 $slahistory = incident_sla_history($row->incidentid);
 if (is_array($slahistory)) {
     foreach ($slahistory as $history) {
         if ($history['targetmet'] == FALSE) {
             $targetmet = FALSE;
 $isql .= "WHERE c.siteid = s.id AND s.id={$site->id} AND i.opened >" . strtotime($startdate) . " AND i.closed < " . strtotime($enddate) . " AND i.contact = c.id ";
 $iresult = mysql_query($isql);
 if (mysql_error()) {
     trigger_error(mysql_error(), E_USER_WARNING);
 if (mysql_num_rows($iresult) > 0) {
     $csv .= "<tr><td colspan='{$colspan}'>";
     $csv .= "<table width='100%'><th>{$strID}</th><th>{$strTitle}</th><th>{$strContact}</th><th>{$strSkill}</th><th>{$strStatus}</th>";
     $csv .= "<th>{$strEngineer}</th><th>{$strOpened}</th><th>{$strClosed}</th><th>{$strDuration}</th><th>{$strSLA}</th></tr>";
     $shade1 = 'shade1';
     while ($obj = mysql_fetch_object($iresult)) {
         $csv .= "<tr class='{$shade1}'>";
         $csv .= "<td>{$obj->id}</td><td>{$obj->title}</td>";
         $csv .= "<td>{$obj->forenames} {$obj->surname}</td>";
         $csv .= "<td>" . software_name($obj->softwareid) . "</td>";
         $csv .= "<td>" . incidentstatus_name($obj->status) . "</td>";
         $csv .= "<td>" . user_realname($obj->owner) . "</td>";
         $csv .= "<td>" . format_date_friendly($obj->opened) . "</td>";
         $csv .= "<td>";
         if ($obj->closed > 0) {
             $csv .= format_date_friendly($obj->closed);
         } else {
             $csv .= $strCurrentlyOpen;
         $csv .= "</td>";
         $csv .= "<td>";
         if ($obj->closed > 0) {
             $csv .= format_workday_minutes($obj->closed - $obj->opened);
         $csv .= "</td>";
         $csv .= "<td>{$obj->servicelevel}</td>";