function execute_script($scriptid, $hostid) { $res = 1; $command = script_make_command($scriptid, $hostid); $nodeid = id2nodeid($hostid); $socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP); if (!$socket) { $res = 0; } if ($res) { global $ZBX_SERVER, $ZBX_SERVER_PORT; $res = socket_connect($socket, $ZBX_SERVER, $ZBX_SERVER_PORT); } if ($res) { $send = "Command{$nodeid}{$hostid}{$command}\n"; socket_write($socket, $send); } if ($res) { $res = socket_read($socket, 65535); } if ($res) { list($flag, $msg) = split("", $res); $message["flag"] = $flag; $message["message"] = $msg; } else { $message["flag"] = -1; $message["message"] = S_CONNECT_TO_SERVER_ERROR . ' [' . $ZBX_SERVER . ':' . $ZBX_SERVER_PORT . '] [' . socket_strerror(socket_last_error()) . ']'; } if ($socket) { socket_close($socket); } return $message; }
public function __construct($groupid = 0, $style = STYLE_HORISONTAL) { $this->nodeid = id2nodeid($groupid); $this->groupid = $groupid; $this->style = null; parent::__construct(null, 'hosts_info'); $this->setOrientation($style); }
public function __construct($groupid = 0, $style = STYLE_HORISONTAL) { $this->nodeid = id2nodeid($groupid); $this->groupid = $groupid; $this->style = null; parent::CTable(NULL, "hosts_info"); $this->SetOrientation($style); }
function make_latest_issues($params = array()) { global $USER_DETAILS; $available_hosts = get_accessible_hosts_by_user($USER_DETAILS, PERM_READ_ONLY); $available_triggers = get_accessible_triggers(PERM_READ_ONLY, array()); $scripts_by_hosts = get_accessible_scripts_by_hosts($available_hosts); $config = select_config(); $sql_select = ''; $sql_from = ''; $sql_where = ''; $limit = 20; if (!empty($params)) { if (isset($params['limit'])) { $limit = $params['limit']; } if (isset($params['groupid']) && $params['groupid'] > 0) { $sql_select .= ', '; $sql_from .= ',groups g '; $sql_where .= ' AND g.groupid=hg.groupid ' . ' AND hg.groupid=' . $params['groupid']; } if (isset($params['hostid']) && $params['hostid'] > 0) { $sql_where .= ' AND h.hostid=' . $params['hostid']; } } $table = new CTableInfo(); $table->setHeader(array(is_show_all_nodes() ? S_NODE : null, isset($params['groupid']) && $params['groupid'] > 0 ? S_GROUP : null, S_HOST, S_ISSUE, S_LAST_CHANGE, S_AGE, $config['event_ack_enable'] ? S_ACK : NULL, S_ACTIONS)); $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT t.triggerid,t.status,t.description,t.expression,t.priority,t.lastchange,t.value,,h.hostid ' . $sql_select . ' FROM triggers t,hosts h,items i,functions f,hosts_groups hg ' . $sql_from . ' WHERE f.itemid=i.itemid ' . ' AND h.hostid=i.hostid ' . ' AND hg.hostid=h.hostid ' . ' AND t.triggerid=f.triggerid ' . ' AND t.status=' . TRIGGER_STATUS_ENABLED . ' AND i.status=' . ITEM_STATUS_ACTIVE . ' AND ' . DBcondition('t.triggerid', $available_triggers) . ' AND h.status=' . HOST_STATUS_MONITORED . ' AND t.value=' . TRIGGER_VALUE_TRUE . $sql_where . ' ORDER BY t.lastchange DESC'; $result = DBselect($sql, $limit); while ($row = DBfetch($result)) { // Check for dependencies if (trigger_dependent($row["triggerid"])) { continue; } $host = null; $menus = ''; $host_nodeid = id2nodeid($row['hostid']); foreach ($scripts_by_hosts[$row['hostid']] as $id => $script) { $script_nodeid = id2nodeid($script['scriptid']); if (bccomp($host_nodeid, $script_nodeid) == 0) { $menus .= "['" . $script['name'] . "',\"javascript: openWinCentered('scripts_exec.php?execute=1&hostid=" . $row['hostid'] . "&scriptid=" . $script['scriptid'] . "','" . S_TOOLS . "',760,540,'titlebar=no, resizable=yes, scrollbars=yes, dialog=no');\", null,{'outer' : ['pum_o_item'],'inner' : ['pum_i_item']}],"; } } $menus .= "[" . zbx_jsvalue(S_LINKS) . ",null,null,{'outer' : ['pum_oheader'],'inner' : ['pum_iheader']}],"; $menus .= "['" . S_LATEST_DATA . "',\"javascript: redirect('latest.php?groupid=0&hostid=" . $row['hostid'] . "')\", null,{'outer' : ['pum_o_item'],'inner' : ['pum_i_item']}],"; $menus = rtrim($menus, ','); $menus = "show_popup_menu(event,[[" . zbx_jsvalue(S_TOOLS) . ",null,null,{'outer' : ['pum_oheader'],'inner' : ['pum_iheader']}]," . $menus . "],180);"; $host = new CSpan($row['host'], 'link'); $host->setAttribute('onclick', 'javascript: ' . $menus); $host->setAttribute('onmouseover', "javascript: = 'pointer';"); $event_sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT e.eventid, e.value, e.clock, e.objectid as triggerid, e.acknowledged, t.type, t.url ' . ' FROM events e, triggers t ' . ' WHERE e.object=' . EVENT_SOURCE_TRIGGERS . ' AND e.objectid=' . $row['triggerid'] . ' AND t.triggerid=e.objectid ' . ' AND e.value=' . TRIGGER_VALUE_TRUE . ' ORDER by e.object DESC, e.objectid DESC, e.eventid DESC'; $res_events = DBSelect($event_sql, 1); while ($row_event = DBfetch($res_events)) { $ack = NULL; if ($config['event_ack_enable']) { if ($row_event['acknowledged'] == 1) { $ack_info = make_acktab_by_eventid($row_event['eventid']); $ack_info->setAttribute('style', 'width: auto;'); $ack = new CLink(S_YES, 'acknow.php?eventid=' . $row_event['eventid'], 'action'); $ack->setHint($ack_info); } else { $ack = new CLink(S_NO, 'acknow.php?eventid=' . $row_event['eventid'], 'on'); } } // $description = expand_trigger_description($row['triggerid']); $description = expand_trigger_description_by_data(array_merge($row, array('clock' => $row_event['clock'])), ZBX_FLAG_EVENT); //actions $actions = get_event_actions_stat_hints($row_event['eventid']); $clock = new CLink(zbx_date2str(S_DATE_FORMAT_YMDHMS, $row_event['clock']), 'events.php?triggerid=' . $row['triggerid'] . '&source=0&show_unknown=1&nav_time=' . $row_event['clock'], 'action'); if ($row_event['url']) { $description = new CLink($description, $row_event['url'], 'action', null, true); } else { $description = new CSpan($description, 'pointer'); } $description = new CCol($description, get_severity_style($row["priority"])); $description->setHint(make_popup_eventlist($row_event['eventid'], $row['type'])); $table->addRow(array(get_node_name_by_elid($row['triggerid']), $host, $description, $clock, zbx_date2age($row_event['clock']), $ack, $actions)); } unset($row, $description, $actions, $alerts, $hint); } $table->setFooter(new CCol(S_UPDATED . ': ' . date("H:i:s", time()))); return $table; }
$dbGraph = API::Graph()->get(array('graphids' => $_REQUEST['graphid'], 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'expandName' => 1)); // _ex($dbGraph,0); if (!$dbGraph) { access_deny(); } else { $dbGraph = reset($dbGraph); } $host = API::Host()->get(array('nodeids' => get_current_nodeid(true), 'graphids' => $_REQUEST['graphid'], 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'templated_hosts' => true)); $host = reset($host); /* * Display */ $timeline = CScreenBase::calculateTime(array('profileIdx' => get_request('profileIdx', 'web.screens'), 'profileIdx2' => get_request('profileIdx2'), 'updateProfile' => get_request('updateProfile', true), 'period' => get_request('period'), 'stime' => get_request('stime'))); CProfile::update('web.screens.graphid', $_REQUEST['graphid'], PROFILE_TYPE_ID); $chartHeader = ''; if (id2nodeid($dbGraph['graphid']) != get_current_nodeid()) { $chartHeader = get_node_name_by_elid($dbGraph['graphid'], true, NAME_DELIMITER); } $chartHeader .= $host['name'] . NAME_DELIMITER . $dbGraph['name']; $graph = new CLineGraphDraw_Zabbix($dbGraph['graphtype']); $graph->setHeader($chartHeader); $graph->setPeriod($timeline['period']); $graph->setSTime($timeline['stime']); if (isset($_REQUEST['border'])) { $graph->setBorder(0); } $width = get_request('width', 0); if ($width <= 0) { $width = $dbGraph['width']; } $height = get_request('height', 0);
function in_node($id_var, $nodes = null) { if (is_null($nodes)) { $nodes = get_current_nodeid(); } if (empty($nodes)) { $nodes = 0; } if (zbx_numeric($nodes)) { $nodes = array($nodes); } else { if (is_string($nodes)) { if (!eregi('([0-9\\,]+)', $nodes)) { fatal_error('Incorrect "nodes" for "in_node". Passed [' . $nodes . ']'); } $nodes = explode(',', $nodes); } else { if (!is_array($nodes)) { fatal_error('Incorrect type of "nodes" for "in_node". Passed [' . gettype($nodes) . ']'); } } } return uint_in_array(id2nodeid($id_var), $nodes); }
function condition_value2str($conditiontype, $value) { switch ($conditiontype) { case CONDITION_TYPE_HOST_GROUP: $group = get_hostgroup_by_groupid($value); $str_val = ''; if (id2nodeid($value) != get_current_nodeid()) { $str_val = get_node_name_by_elid($value, true); } $str_val .= $group['name']; break; case CONDITION_TYPE_TRIGGER: $str_val = expand_trigger_description($value); break; case CONDITION_TYPE_HOST: case CONDITION_TYPE_HOST_TEMPLATE: $host = get_host_by_hostid($value); $str_val = ''; if (id2nodeid($value) != get_current_nodeid()) { $str_val = get_node_name_by_elid($value, true); } $str_val .= $host['host']; break; case CONDITION_TYPE_TRIGGER_NAME: $str_val = $value; break; case CONDITION_TYPE_TRIGGER_VALUE: $str_val = trigger_value2str($value); break; case CONDITION_TYPE_TRIGGER_SEVERITY: $str_val = get_severity_description($value); break; case CONDITION_TYPE_TIME_PERIOD: $str_val = $value; break; case CONDITION_TYPE_MAINTENANCE: $str_val = S_MAINTENANCE_SMALL; break; case CONDITION_TYPE_DHOST_IP: $str_val = $value; break; case CONDITION_TYPE_DSERVICE_TYPE: $str_val = discovery_check_type2str($value); break; case CONDITION_TYPE_DSERVICE_PORT: $str_val = $value; break; case CONDITION_TYPE_DSTATUS: $str_val = discovery_object_status2str($value); break; case CONDITION_TYPE_DUPTIME: $str_val = $value; break; case CONDITION_TYPE_DVALUE: $str_val = $value; break; case CONDITION_TYPE_EVENT_ACKNOWLEDGED: $str_val = $value ? S_ACK : S_NOT_ACK; break; case CONDITION_TYPE_APPLICATION: $str_val = $value; break; default: return S_UNKNOWN; break; } return '"' . $str_val . '"'; }
function condition_value2str($conditiontype, $value) { switch ($conditiontype) { case CONDITION_TYPE_HOST_GROUP: $groups = API::HostGroup()->get(array('groupids' => $value, 'output' => array('name'), 'nodeids' => get_current_nodeid(true), 'limit' => 1)); if ($groups) { $group = reset($groups); $str_val = ''; if (id2nodeid($value) != get_current_nodeid()) { $str_val = get_node_name_by_elid($value, true, NAME_DELIMITER); } $str_val .= $group['name']; } else { return _('Unknown'); } break; case CONDITION_TYPE_TRIGGER: $trigs = API::Trigger()->get(array('triggerids' => $value, 'expandDescription' => true, 'output' => array('description'), 'selectHosts' => array('name'), 'nodeids' => get_current_nodeid(true), 'limit' => 1)); if ($trigs) { $trig = reset($trigs); $host = reset($trig['hosts']); $str_val = ''; if (id2nodeid($value) != get_current_nodeid()) { $str_val = get_node_name_by_elid($value, true, NAME_DELIMITER); } $str_val .= $host['name'] . NAME_DELIMITER . $trig['description']; } else { return _('Unknown'); } break; case CONDITION_TYPE_HOST: case CONDITION_TYPE_TEMPLATE: if ($host = get_host_by_hostid($value)) { $str_val = ''; if (id2nodeid($value) != get_current_nodeid()) { $str_val = get_node_name_by_elid($value, true, NAME_DELIMITER); } $str_val .= $host['name']; } else { return _('Unknown'); } break; case CONDITION_TYPE_TRIGGER_NAME: case CONDITION_TYPE_HOST_METADATA: case CONDITION_TYPE_HOST_NAME: $str_val = $value; break; case CONDITION_TYPE_TRIGGER_VALUE: $str_val = trigger_value2str($value); break; case CONDITION_TYPE_TRIGGER_SEVERITY: $str_val = getSeverityCaption($value); break; case CONDITION_TYPE_TIME_PERIOD: $str_val = $value; break; case CONDITION_TYPE_MAINTENANCE: $str_val = _('maintenance'); break; case CONDITION_TYPE_NODE: if ($node = get_node_by_nodeid($value)) { $str_val = $node['name']; } else { return _('Unknown'); } break; case CONDITION_TYPE_DRULE: if ($drule = get_discovery_rule_by_druleid($value)) { $str_val = $drule['name']; } else { return _('Unknown'); } break; case CONDITION_TYPE_DCHECK: $row = DBfetch(DBselect('SELECT,c.dcheckid,c.type,c.key_,c.ports' . ' FROM drules dr,dchecks c' . ' WHERE dr.druleid=c.druleid' . ' AND c.dcheckid=' . zbx_dbstr($value))); if ($row) { $str_val = $row['name'] . NAME_DELIMITER . discovery_check2str($row['type'], $row['key_'], $row['ports']); } else { return _('Unknown'); } break; case CONDITION_TYPE_DOBJECT: $str_val = discovery_object2str($value); break; case CONDITION_TYPE_PROXY: if ($host = get_host_by_hostid($value)) { $str_val = $host['host']; } else { return _('Unknown'); } break; case CONDITION_TYPE_DHOST_IP: $str_val = $value; break; case CONDITION_TYPE_DSERVICE_TYPE: $str_val = discovery_check_type2str($value); break; case CONDITION_TYPE_DSERVICE_PORT: $str_val = $value; break; case CONDITION_TYPE_DSTATUS: $str_val = discovery_object_status2str($value); break; case CONDITION_TYPE_DUPTIME: $str_val = $value; break; case CONDITION_TYPE_DVALUE: $str_val = $value; break; case CONDITION_TYPE_EVENT_ACKNOWLEDGED: $str_val = $value ? _('Ack') : _('Not Ack'); break; case CONDITION_TYPE_APPLICATION: $str_val = $value; break; case CONDITION_TYPE_EVENT_TYPE: $str_val = eventType($value); break; default: return _('Unknown'); } return $str_val; }
$params = array('nodeids' => get_current_nodeid(true), 'templateids' => $templateids, 'editable' => 1); $rw_templates = CTemplate::get($params); $rw_templates = zbx_toHash($rw_templates, 'templateid'); $params = array('nodeids' => get_current_nodeid(true), 'search' => array('host' => $search), 'countOutput' => 1, 'editable' => 1); $overalCount = CTemplate::get($params); $viewCount = count($templates); $header = array(ZBX_DISTRIBUTED ? new CCol(S_NODE) : null, new CCol(S_TEMPLATES), new CCol(S_APPLICATIONS), new CCol(S_ITEMS), new CCol(S_TRIGGERS), new CCol(S_GRAPHS)); $table = new CTableInfo(); $table->setHeader($header); foreach ($templates as $tnum => $template) { $templateid = $template['hostid']; $group = reset($template['groups']); $link = 'groupid=' . $group['groupid'] . '&hostid=' . $templateid . '&switch_node=' . id2nodeid($templateid); $caption = make_decoration($template['host'], $search); if (isset($rw_templates[$templateid])) { $template_link = new CLink($caption, 'templates.php?form=update&' . '&templateid=' . $templateid . '&switch_node=' . id2nodeid($templateid)); $applications_link = array(new CLink(S_APPLICATIONS, 'applications.php?' . $link), ' (' . $template['applications'] . ')'); $items_link = array(new CLink(S_ITEMS, 'items.php?' . $link), ' (' . $template['items'] . ')'); $triggers_link = array(new CLink(S_TRIGGERS, 'triggers.php?' . $link), ' (' . $template['triggers'] . ')'); $graphs_link = array(new CLink(S_GRAPHS, 'graphs.php?' . $link), ' (' . $template['graphs'] . ')'); } else { $template_link = new CSpan($caption); $applications_link = array(new CSpan(S_APPLICATIONS, 'unknown'), ' (' . $template['applications'] . ')'); $items_link = array(new CSpan(S_ITEMS, 'unknown'), ' (' . $template['items'] . ')'); $triggers_link = array(new CSpan(S_TRIGGERS, 'unknown'), ' (' . $template['triggers'] . ')'); $graphs_link = array(new CSpan(S_GRAPHS, 'unknown'), ' (' . $template['graphs'] . ')'); } $table->addRow(array(get_node_name_by_elid($templateid, true), $template_link, $applications_link, $items_link, $triggers_link, $graphs_link)); } $table->setFooter(new CCol(S_DISPLAYING . SPACE . $viewCount . SPACE . S_OF_SMALL . SPACE . $overalCount . SPACE . S_FOUND_SMALL)); $wdgt_templates = new CWidget('search_templates', $table);
function get_node_name_by_elid($objectId, $forceWithAllNodes = null, $delimiter = '') { global $ZBX_NODES, $ZBX_VIEWED_NODES; if ($forceWithAllNodes === false || is_null($forceWithAllNodes) && $ZBX_VIEWED_NODES['selected'] != 0) { return null; } $nodeId = id2nodeid($objectId); if (!isset($ZBX_NODES[$nodeId])) { return null; } return $ZBX_NODES[$nodeId]['name'] . $delimiter; }
function in_node($id_var, $nodes = null) { if (is_null($nodes)) { $nodes = get_current_nodeid(); } if (empty($nodes)) { $nodes = 0; } if (zbx_ctype_digit($nodes)) { $nodes = array($nodes); } elseif (is_string($nodes)) { if (!preg_match('/^([0-9,]+)$/', $nodes)) { fatal_error('Incorrect "nodes" for "in_node". Passed [' . $nodes . ']'); } $nodes = explode(',', $nodes); } elseif (!is_array($nodes)) { fatal_error('Incorrect type of "nodes" for "in_node". Passed [' . gettype($nodes) . ']'); } return uint_in_array(id2nodeid($id_var), $nodes); }
function make_latest_issues($filter = array()) { global $page; $config = select_config(); $limit = isset($filter['limit']) ? $filter['limit'] : 20; $options = array('groupids' => $filter['groupids'], 'monitored' => 1, 'maintenance' => $filter['maintenance'], 'skipDependent' => 1, 'filter' => array('priority' => $filter['severity'], 'value' => TRIGGER_VALUE_TRUE), 'select_groups' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'select_hosts' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'sortfield' => 'lastchange', 'sortorder' => ZBX_SORT_DOWN, 'limit' => $limit); if (isset($filter['hostids'])) { $options['hostids'] = $filter['hostids']; } $triggers = CTrigger::get($options); // GATHER HOSTS FOR SELECTED TRIGGERS {{{ $triggers_hosts = array(); foreach ($triggers as $tnum => $trigger) { // if trigger is lost(broken expression) we skip it if (empty($trigger['hosts'])) { unset($triggers[$tnum]); continue; } $triggers_hosts = array_merge($triggers_hosts, $trigger['hosts']); } $triggers_hosts = zbx_toHash($triggers_hosts, 'hostid'); $triggers_hostids = array_keys($triggers_hosts); // }}} GATHER HOSTS FOR SELECTED TRIGGERS $scripts_by_hosts = CScript::getScriptsByHosts($triggers_hostids); $table = new CTableInfo(); $table->setHeader(array(is_show_all_nodes() ? S_NODE : null, S_HOST, S_ISSUE, S_LAST_CHANGE, S_AGE, $config['event_ack_enable'] ? S_ACK : NULL, S_ACTIONS)); $thosts_cache = array(); foreach ($triggers as $tnum => $trigger) { // Check for dependencies $group = reset($trigger['groups']); $host = reset($trigger['hosts']); $trigger['hostid'] = $host['hostid']; $trigger['host'] = $host['host']; $host = null; $menus = ''; $host_nodeid = id2nodeid($trigger['hostid']); foreach ($scripts_by_hosts[$trigger['hostid']] as $id => $script) { $script_nodeid = id2nodeid($script['scriptid']); if (bccomp($host_nodeid, $script_nodeid) == 0) { $menus .= "[" . zbx_jsvalue($script['name']) . ",\"javascript: openWinCentered('scripts_exec.php?execute=1&hostid=" . $trigger['hostid'] . "&scriptid=" . $script['scriptid'] . "','" . S_TOOLS . "',760,540,'titlebar=no, resizable=yes, scrollbars=yes, dialog=no');\", null,{'outer' : ['pum_o_item'],'inner' : ['pum_i_item']}],"; } } if (!empty($scripts_by_hosts)) { $menus = "['" . S_TOOLS . "',null,null,{'outer' : ['pum_oheader'],'inner' : ['pum_iheader']}]," . $menus; } if (isset($thosts_cache[$trigger['hostid']])) { $hprofile = $thosts_cache[$trigger['hostid']]; } else { $hprofile = CHost::get(array('hostids' => $trigger['hostid'], 'output' => API_OUTPUT_SHORTEN, 'select_profile' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND)); $hprofile = reset($hprofile); $thosts_cache[$hprofile['hostid']] = $hprofile; } $menus .= "['" . S_LINKS . "',null,null,{'outer' : ['pum_oheader'],'inner' : ['pum_iheader']}],"; $menus .= "['" . S_LATEST_DATA . "',\"javascript: redirect('latest.php?groupid=" . $group['groupid'] . '&hostid=' . $trigger['hostid'] . "')\", null,{'outer' : ['pum_o_item'],'inner' : ['pum_i_item']}],"; if (!empty($hprofile['profile'])) { $menus .= "['" . S_PROFILE . "',\"javascript: redirect('hostprofiles.php?hostid=" . $trigger['hostid'] . "&prof_type=0')\", null,{'outer' : ['pum_o_item'],'inner' : ['pum_i_item']}],"; } if (!empty($hprofile['profile_ext'])) { $menus .= "['" . S_EXTENDED_PROFILE . "',\"javascript: redirect('hostprofiles.php?hostid=" . $trigger['hostid'] . "&prof_type=1')\", null,{'outer' : ['pum_o_item'],'inner' : ['pum_i_item']}],"; } $menus = rtrim($menus, ','); $menus = 'show_popup_menu(event,[' . $menus . '],180);'; $host = new CSpan($trigger['host'], 'link_menu pointer'); $host->setAttribute('onclick', 'javascript: ' . $menus); //$host = new CSpan($trigger['host'],'link_menu pointer'); //$host->setAttribute('onclick','javascript: '.$menus); // Maintenance {{{ $trigger_host = $triggers_hosts[$trigger['hostid']]; $text = null; $style = 'link_menu'; if ($trigger_host['maintenance_status']) { $style .= ' orange'; $options = array('maintenanceids' => $trigger_host['maintenanceid'], 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND); $maintenances = CMaintenance::get($options); $maintenance = reset($maintenances); $text = $maintenance['name']; $text .= ' [' . ($trigger_host['maintenance_type'] ? S_NO_DATA_MAINTENANCE : S_NORMAL_MAINTENANCE) . ']'; } $host = new CSpan($trigger['host'], $style . ' pointer'); $host->setAttribute('onclick', 'javascript: ' . $menus); if (!is_null($text)) { $host->setHint($text, '', '', false); } // }}} Maintenance $event_sql = 'SELECT e.eventid, e.value, e.clock, e.objectid as triggerid, e.acknowledged' . ' FROM events e' . ' WHERE e.object=' . EVENT_OBJECT_TRIGGER . ' AND e.objectid=' . $trigger['triggerid'] . ' AND e.value=' . TRIGGER_VALUE_TRUE . ' ORDER by e.object DESC, e.objectid DESC, e.eventid DESC'; $res_events = DBSelect($event_sql, 1); while ($row_event = DBfetch($res_events)) { $ack = NULL; if ($config['event_ack_enable']) { if ($row_event['acknowledged'] == 1) { $ack_info = make_acktab_by_eventid($row_event['eventid']); $ack_info->setAttribute('style', 'width: auto;'); $ack = new CLink(S_YES, 'acknow.php?eventid=' . $row_event['eventid'] . '&backurl=' . $page['file'], 'off'); $ack->setHint($ack_info, '', '', false); } else { $ack = new CLink(S_NO, 'acknow.php?eventid=' . $row_event['eventid'] . '&backurl=' . $page['file'], 'on'); } } // $description = expand_trigger_description($row['triggerid']); $description = expand_trigger_description_by_data(zbx_array_merge($trigger, array('clock' => $row_event['clock'])), ZBX_FLAG_EVENT); //actions $actions = get_event_actions_stat_hints($row_event['eventid']); $clock = new CLink(zbx_date2str(S_BLOCKS_LATEST_ISSUES_DATE_FORMAT, $row_event['clock']), 'events.php?triggerid=' . $trigger['triggerid'] . '&source=0&show_unknown=1&nav_time=' . $row_event['clock']); if ($trigger['url']) { $description = new CLink($description, $trigger['url'], null, null, true); } else { $description = new CSpan($description, 'pointer'); } $description = new CCol($description, get_severity_style($trigger['priority'])); $description->setHint(make_popup_eventlist($row_event['eventid'], $trigger['type'], $trigger['triggerid']), '', '', false); $table->addRow(array(get_node_name_by_elid($trigger['triggerid']), $host, $description, $clock, zbx_date2age($row_event['clock']), $ack, $actions)); } unset($trigger, $description, $actions); } $table->setFooter(new CCol(S_UPDATED . ': ' . zbx_date2str(S_BLOCKS_LATEST_ISSUES_TIME_FORMAT))); return $table; }
protected function checkInput(&$users, $method) { $create = $method === 'create'; $update = $method === 'update'; if ($update) { $userDBfields = array('userid' => null); $dbUsers = $this->get(array('output' => array('userid', 'alias', 'autologin', 'autologout'), 'userids' => zbx_objectValues($users, 'userid'), 'editable' => true, 'preservekeys' => true)); } else { $userDBfields = array('alias' => null, 'passwd' => null, 'usrgrps' => null, 'user_medias' => array()); } $themes = array_keys(Z::getThemes()); $themes[] = THEME_DEFAULT; $themeValidator = new CSetValidator(array('values' => $themes)); $alias = array(); foreach ($users as &$user) { if (!check_db_fields($userDBfields, $user)) { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('Wrong fields for user "%s".', $user['alias'])); } // permissions if ($create) { if (self::$userData['type'] != USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN) { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('You do not have permissions to create users.')); } $dbUser = $user; } elseif ($update) { if (!isset($dbUsers[$user['userid']])) { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('You do not have permissions to update user or user does not exist.')); } if (bccomp(self::$userData['userid'], $user['userid']) != 0 && self::$userData['type'] != USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN) { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('You do not have permissions to update other users.')); } $dbUser = $dbUsers[$user['userid']]; } // check if user alias if (isset($user['alias'])) { // check if we change guest user if ($dbUser['alias'] === ZBX_GUEST_USER && $user['alias'] !== ZBX_GUEST_USER) { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Cannot rename guest user.')); } if (!isset($alias[$user['alias']])) { $alias[$user['alias']] = $update ? $user['userid'] : 1; } else { if ($create || bccomp($user['userid'], $alias[$user['alias']]) != 0) { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('Duplicate user alias "%s".', $user['alias'])); } } if (zbx_strlen($user['alias']) > 64) { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _n('Maximum alias length is %1$d characters, "%2$s" is %3$d character.', 'Maximum alias length is %1$d characters, "%2$s" is %3$d characters.', 64, $user['alias'], zbx_strlen($user['alias']))); } } if (isset($user['usrgrps'])) { if (empty($user['usrgrps'])) { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('User "%s" cannot be without user group.', $dbUser['alias'])); } // checking if user tries to disable himself (not allowed). No need to check this on creating a user. if (!$create && bccomp(self::$userData['userid'], $user['userid']) == 0) { $usrgrps = API::UserGroup()->get(array('usrgrpids' => zbx_objectValues($user['usrgrps'], 'usrgrpid'), 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'preservekeys' => true, 'nopermissions' => true)); foreach ($usrgrps as $groupid => $group) { if ($group['gui_access'] == GROUP_GUI_ACCESS_DISABLED) { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('User may not modify GUI access for himself by becoming a member of user group "%s".', $group['name'])); } if ($group['users_status'] == GROUP_STATUS_DISABLED) { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('User may not modify system status for himself by becoming a member of user group "%s".', $group['name'])); } } } } if (isset($user['theme'])) { $themeValidator->messageInvalid = _s('Incorrect theme for user "%1$s".', $dbUser['alias']); $this->checkValidator($user['theme'], $themeValidator); } if (isset($user['type']) && USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN != self::$userData['type']) { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('You are not allowed to alter privileges for user "%s".', $dbUser['alias'])); } if (isset($user['autologin']) && $user['autologin'] == 1 && $dbUser['autologout'] != 0) { $user['autologout'] = 0; } if (isset($user['autologout']) && $user['autologout'] > 0 && $dbUser['autologin'] != 0) { $user['autologin'] = 0; } if (array_key_exists('passwd', $user)) { if (is_null($user['passwd'])) { unset($user['passwd']); } else { if ($dbUser['alias'] == ZBX_GUEST_USER && !zbx_empty($user['passwd'])) { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Not allowed to set password for user "guest".')); } $user['passwd'] = md5($user['passwd']); } } if (isset($user['alias'])) { $nodeids = $update ? id2nodeid($user['userid']) : get_current_nodeid(false); $userExist = $this->get(array('nodeids' => $nodeids, 'filter' => array('alias' => $user['alias']), 'nopermissions' => true)); if ($exUser = reset($userExist)) { if ($create || bccomp($exUser['userid'], $user['userid']) != 0) { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('User with alias "%s" already exists.', $user['alias'])); } } } } unset($user); }
function condition_value2str($conditiontype, $value) { switch ($conditiontype) { case CONDITION_TYPE_HOST_GROUP: $group = get_hostgroup_by_groupid($value); $str_val = ''; if (id2nodeid($value) != get_current_nodeid()) { $str_val = get_node_name_by_elid($value, true, ': '); } $str_val .= $group['name']; break; case CONDITION_TYPE_TRIGGER: $trig = CTrigger::get(array('triggerids' => $value, 'expandTriggerDescriptions' => true, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'select_hosts' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'nodeids' => get_current_nodeid(true))); $trig = reset($trig); $host = reset($trig['hosts']); $str_val = ''; if (id2nodeid($value) != get_current_nodeid()) { $str_val = get_node_name_by_elid($value, true, ': '); } $str_val .= $host['host'] . ':' . $trig['description']; break; case CONDITION_TYPE_HOST: case CONDITION_TYPE_HOST_TEMPLATE: $host = get_host_by_hostid($value); $str_val = ''; if (id2nodeid($value) != get_current_nodeid()) { $str_val = get_node_name_by_elid($value, true, ': '); } $str_val .= $host['host']; break; case CONDITION_TYPE_TRIGGER_NAME: case CONDITION_TYPE_HOST_NAME: $str_val = $value; break; case CONDITION_TYPE_TRIGGER_VALUE: $str_val = trigger_value2str($value); break; case CONDITION_TYPE_TRIGGER_SEVERITY: $str_val = get_severity_description($value); break; case CONDITION_TYPE_TIME_PERIOD: $str_val = $value; break; case CONDITION_TYPE_MAINTENANCE: $str_val = S_MAINTENANCE_SMALL; break; case CONDITION_TYPE_NODE: $node = get_node_by_nodeid($value); $str_val = $node['name']; break; case CONDITION_TYPE_DRULE: $drule = get_discovery_rule_by_druleid($value); $str_val = $drule['name']; break; case CONDITION_TYPE_DCHECK: $row = DBfetch(DBselect('SELECT DISTINCT,c.dcheckid,c.type,c.key_,c.snmp_community,c.ports' . ' FROM drules r,dchecks c WHERE r.druleid=c.druleid AND c.dcheckid=' . $value)); $str_val = $row['name'] . ':' . discovery_check2str($row['type'], $row['snmp_community'], $row['key_'], $row['ports']); break; case CONDITION_TYPE_DOBJECT: $str_val = discovery_object2str($value); break; case CONDITION_TYPE_PROXY: $host = get_host_by_hostid($value); $str_val = $host['host']; break; case CONDITION_TYPE_DHOST_IP: $str_val = $value; break; case CONDITION_TYPE_DSERVICE_TYPE: $str_val = discovery_check_type2str($value); break; case CONDITION_TYPE_DSERVICE_PORT: $str_val = $value; break; case CONDITION_TYPE_DSTATUS: $str_val = discovery_object_status2str($value); break; case CONDITION_TYPE_DUPTIME: $str_val = $value; break; case CONDITION_TYPE_DVALUE: $str_val = $value; break; case CONDITION_TYPE_EVENT_ACKNOWLEDGED: $str_val = $value ? S_ACK : S_NOT_ACK; break; case CONDITION_TYPE_APPLICATION: $str_val = $value; break; default: return S_UNKNOWN; break; } return '"' . $str_val . '"'; }
function explode_exp($expressionCompressed, $html = false, $resolveMacro = false, $sourceHost = null, $destinationHost = null) { $expressionExpanded = $html ? array() : ''; $trigger = array(); for ($i = 0, $state = '', $max = zbx_strlen($expressionCompressed); $i < $max; $i++) { if ($expressionCompressed[$i] == '{') { if ($expressionCompressed[$i + 1] == '$') { $state = 'USERMACRO'; $userMacro = ''; } elseif ($expressionCompressed[$i + 1] == '#') { $state = 'LLDMACRO'; $lldMacro = ''; } else { $state = 'FUNCTIONID'; $functionId = ''; continue; } } elseif ($expressionCompressed[$i] == '}') { if ($state == 'USERMACRO') { $state = ''; $userMacro .= '}'; if ($resolveMacro) { $functionData['expression'] = $userMacro; $userMacro = CMacrosResolverHelper::resolveTriggerExpressionUserMacro($functionData); } if ($html) { $expressionExpanded[] = $userMacro; } else { $expressionExpanded .= $userMacro; } continue; } elseif ($state == 'LLDMACRO') { $state = ''; $lldMacro .= '}'; if ($html) { $expressionExpanded[] = $lldMacro; } else { $expressionExpanded .= $lldMacro; } continue; } elseif ($functionId == 'TRIGGER.VALUE') { $state = ''; if ($html) { $expressionExpanded[] = '{' . $functionId . '}'; } else { $expressionExpanded .= '{' . $functionId . '}'; } continue; } $state = ''; $error = true; if (is_numeric($functionId)) { $functionData = DBfetch(DBselect('SELECT,h.hostid,i.itemid,i.key_,f.function,f.triggerid,f.parameter,i.itemid,i.status,i.type,i.flags' . ' FROM items i,functions f,hosts h' . ' WHERE f.functionid=' . zbx_dbstr($functionId) . ' AND i.itemid=f.itemid' . ' AND h.hostid=i.hostid')); if ($functionData) { $error = false; if ($resolveMacro) { $trigger = $functionData; // expand macros in item key $items = CMacrosResolverHelper::resolveItemKeys(array($functionData)); $item = reset($items); $functionData['key_'] = $item['key_expanded']; // expand macros in function parameter $functionParameters = CMacrosResolverHelper::resolveFunctionParameters(array($functionData)); $functionParameter = reset($functionParameters); $functionData['parameter'] = $functionParameter['parameter_expanded']; } if ($sourceHost !== null && $destinationHost !== null && $sourceHost === $functionData['host']) { $functionData['host'] = $destinationHost; } if ($html) { if ($functionData['status'] == ITEM_STATUS_DISABLED) { $style = 'disabled'; } elseif ($functionData['status'] == ITEM_STATUS_ACTIVE) { $style = 'enabled'; } else { $style = 'unknown'; } if ($functionData['flags'] == ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_CREATED || $functionData['type'] == ITEM_TYPE_HTTPTEST) { $link = new CSpan($functionData['host'] . ':' . $functionData['key_'], $style); } elseif ($functionData['flags'] == ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_PROTOTYPE) { $link = new CLink($functionData['host'] . ':' . $functionData['key_'], 'disc_prototypes.php?form=update&itemid=' . $functionData['itemid'] . '&parent_discoveryid=' . $trigger['discoveryRuleid'] . '&switch_node=' . id2nodeid($functionData['itemid']), $style); } else { $link = new CLink($functionData['host'] . ':' . $functionData['key_'], 'items.php?form=update&itemid=' . $functionData['itemid'] . '&switch_node=' . id2nodeid($functionData['itemid']), $style); } $expressionExpanded[] = array('{', $link, '.', bold($functionData['function'] . '('), $functionData['parameter'], bold(')'), '}'); } else { $expressionExpanded .= '{' . $functionData['host'] . ':' . $functionData['key_'] . '.' . $functionData['function'] . '(' . $functionData['parameter'] . ')}'; } } } if ($error) { if ($html) { $expressionExpanded[] = new CSpan('*ERROR*', 'on'); } else { $expressionExpanded .= '*ERROR*'; } } continue; } switch ($state) { case 'FUNCTIONID': $functionId .= $expressionCompressed[$i]; break; case 'USERMACRO': $userMacro .= $expressionCompressed[$i]; break; case 'LLDMACRO': $lldMacro .= $expressionCompressed[$i]; break; default: if ($html) { $expressionExpanded[] = $expressionCompressed[$i]; } else { $expressionExpanded .= $expressionCompressed[$i]; } } } return $expressionExpanded; }
/** * Executes a script on the given host and returns the result. * * @param $scriptId * @param $hostId * * @return bool|array */ public function executeScript($scriptId, $hostId) { return $this->request(array('request' => 'command', 'nodeid' => id2nodeid($hostId), 'scriptid' => $scriptId, 'hostid' => $hostId)); }
function getUserFormData($userid, $isProfile = false) { $config = select_config(); $data = array('is_profile' => $isProfile); if (isset($userid)) { $options = array('userids' => $userid, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND); if ($data['is_profile']) { $options['nodeids'] = id2nodeid($userid); } $users = API::User()->get($options); $user = reset($users); } if (isset($userid) && (!isset($_REQUEST['form_refresh']) || isset($_REQUEST['register']))) { $data['alias'] = $user['alias']; $data['name'] = $user['name']; $data['surname'] = $user['surname']; $data['password1'] = null; $data['password2'] = null; $data['url'] = $user['url']; $data['autologin'] = $user['autologin']; $data['autologout'] = $user['autologout']; $data['lang'] = $user['lang']; $data['theme'] = $user['theme']; $data['refresh'] = $user['refresh']; $data['rows_per_page'] = $user['rows_per_page']; $data['user_type'] = $user['type']; $data['messages'] = getMessageSettings(); $userGroups = API::UserGroup()->get(array('userids' => $userid, 'output' => 'usrgrpid')); $userGroup = zbx_objectValues($userGroups, 'usrgrpid'); $data['user_groups'] = zbx_toHash($userGroup); $data['user_medias'] = array(); $dbMedia = DBselect('SELECT m.mediaid,m.mediatypeid,m.period,m.sendto,m.severity,' . ' FROM media m' . ' WHERE m.userid=' . zbx_dbstr($userid)); while ($dbMedium = DBfetch($dbMedia)) { $data['user_medias'][] = $dbMedium; } if ($data['autologout'] > 0) { $_REQUEST['autologout'] = $data['autologout']; } } else { $data['alias'] = get_request('alias', ''); $data['name'] = get_request('name', ''); $data['surname'] = get_request('surname', ''); $data['password1'] = get_request('password1', ''); $data['password2'] = get_request('password2', ''); $data['url'] = get_request('url', ''); $data['autologin'] = get_request('autologin', 0); $data['autologout'] = get_request('autologout', 900); $data['lang'] = get_request('lang', 'en_gb'); $data['theme'] = get_request('theme', THEME_DEFAULT); $data['refresh'] = get_request('refresh', 30); $data['rows_per_page'] = get_request('rows_per_page', 50); $data['user_type'] = get_request('user_type', USER_TYPE_ZABBIX_USER); $data['user_groups'] = get_request('user_groups', array()); $data['change_password'] = get_request('change_password', null); $data['user_medias'] = get_request('user_medias', array()); // set messages $data['messages'] = get_request('messages', array()); if (!isset($data['messages']['enabled'])) { $data['messages']['enabled'] = 0; } if (!isset($data['messages']['sounds.recovery'])) { $data['messages']['sounds.recovery'] = 'alarm_ok.wav'; } if (!isset($data['messages']['triggers.recovery'])) { $data['messages']['triggers.recovery'] = 0; } if (!isset($data['messages']['triggers.severities'])) { $data['messages']['triggers.severities'] = array(); } $data['messages'] = array_merge(getMessageSettings(), $data['messages']); } // authentication type if ($data['user_groups']) { $data['auth_type'] = getGroupAuthenticationType($data['user_groups'], GROUP_GUI_ACCESS_INTERNAL); } else { $data['auth_type'] = $userid === null ? $config['authentication_type'] : getUserAuthenticationType($userid, GROUP_GUI_ACCESS_INTERNAL); } // set autologout if ($data['autologin'] || !isset($data['autologout'])) { $data['autologout'] = 0; } // set media types if (!empty($data['user_medias'])) { $mediaTypeDescriptions = array(); $dbMediaTypes = DBselect('SELECT mt.mediatypeid,mt.description FROM media_type mt WHERE ' . dbConditionInt('mt.mediatypeid', zbx_objectValues($data['user_medias'], 'mediatypeid'))); while ($dbMediaType = DBfetch($dbMediaTypes)) { $mediaTypeDescriptions[$dbMediaType['mediatypeid']] = $dbMediaType['description']; } foreach ($data['user_medias'] as &$media) { $media['description'] = $mediaTypeDescriptions[$media['mediatypeid']]; } unset($media); CArrayHelper::sort($data['user_medias'], array('description', 'sendto')); } // set user rights if (!$data['is_profile']) { $data['groups'] = API::UserGroup()->get(array('usrgrpids' => $data['user_groups'], 'output' => array('usrgrpid', 'name'))); order_result($data['groups'], 'name'); $group_ids = array_values($data['user_groups']); if (count($group_ids) == 0) { $group_ids = array(-1); } $db_rights = DBselect('SELECT r.* FROM rights r WHERE ' . dbConditionInt('r.groupid', $group_ids)); // deny beat all, read-write beat read $tmp_permitions = array(); while ($db_right = DBfetch($db_rights)) { if (isset($tmp_permitions[$db_right['id']]) && $tmp_permitions[$db_right['id']] != PERM_DENY) { $tmp_permitions[$db_right['id']] = $db_right['permission'] == PERM_DENY ? PERM_DENY : max($tmp_permitions[$db_right['id']], $db_right['permission']); } else { $tmp_permitions[$db_right['id']] = $db_right['permission']; } } $data['user_rights'] = array(); foreach ($tmp_permitions as $id => $permition) { array_push($data['user_rights'], array('id' => $id, 'permission' => $permition)); } } return $data; }
function get_screen_item_form() { global $USER_DETAILS; $form = new CFormTable(S_SCREEN_CELL_CONFIGURATION, 'screenedit.php?screenid=' . $_REQUEST['screenid']); $form->SetHelp('web.screenedit.cell.php'); if (isset($_REQUEST['screenitemid'])) { $sql = 'SELECT * ' . ' FROM screens_items' . ' WHERE screenid=' . $_REQUEST['screenid'] . ' AND screenitemid=' . $_REQUEST['screenitemid']; $iresult = DBSelect($sql); $form->addVar('screenitemid', $_REQUEST['screenitemid']); } else { $form->addVar('x', $_REQUEST['x']); $form->addVar('y', $_REQUEST['y']); } if (isset($_REQUEST['screenitemid']) && !isset($_REQUEST['form_refresh'])) { $irow = DBfetch($iresult); $resourcetype = $irow['resourcetype']; $resourceid = $irow['resourceid']; $width = $irow['width']; $height = $irow['height']; $colspan = $irow['colspan']; $rowspan = $irow['rowspan']; $elements = $irow['elements']; $valign = $irow['valign']; $halign = $irow['halign']; $style = $irow['style']; $url = $irow['url']; $dynamic = $irow['dynamic']; } else { $resourcetype = get_request('resourcetype', 0); $resourceid = get_request('resourceid', 0); $width = get_request('width', 500); $height = get_request('height', 100); $colspan = get_request('colspan', 0); $rowspan = get_request('rowspan', 0); $elements = get_request('elements', 25); $valign = get_request('valign', VALIGN_DEFAULT); $halign = get_request('halign', HALIGN_DEFAULT); $style = get_request('style', 0); $url = get_request('url', ''); $dynamic = get_request('dynamic', SCREEN_SIMPLE_ITEM); } $form->addVar('screenid', $_REQUEST['screenid']); // a-z order!!! $cmbRes = new CCombobox('resourcetype', $resourcetype, 'submit()'); $cmbRes->addItem(SCREEN_RESOURCE_CLOCK, S_CLOCK); $cmbRes->addItem(SCREEN_RESOURCE_DATA_OVERVIEW, S_DATA_OVERVIEW); $cmbRes->addItem(SCREEN_RESOURCE_GRAPH, S_GRAPH); $cmbRes->addItem(SCREEN_RESOURCE_ACTIONS, S_HISTORY_OF_ACTIONS); $cmbRes->addItem(SCREEN_RESOURCE_EVENTS, S_HISTORY_OF_EVENTS); $cmbRes->addItem(SCREEN_RESOURCE_HOSTS_INFO, S_HOSTS_INFO); $cmbRes->addItem(SCREEN_RESOURCE_MAP, S_MAP); $cmbRes->addItem(SCREEN_RESOURCE_PLAIN_TEXT, S_PLAIN_TEXT); $cmbRes->addItem(SCREEN_RESOURCE_SCREEN, S_SCREEN); $cmbRes->addItem(SCREEN_RESOURCE_SERVER_INFO, S_SERVER_INFO); $cmbRes->addItem(SCREEN_RESOURCE_SIMPLE_GRAPH, S_SIMPLE_GRAPH); $cmbRes->addItem(SCREEN_RESOURCE_HOSTGROUP_TRIGGERS, S_STATUS_OF_HOSTGROUP_TRIGGERS); $cmbRes->addItem(SCREEN_RESOURCE_HOST_TRIGGERS, S_STATUS_OF_HOST_TRIGGERS); $cmbRes->addItem(SCREEN_RESOURCE_SYSTEM_STATUS, S_SYSTEM_STATUS); $cmbRes->addItem(SCREEN_RESOURCE_TRIGGERS_INFO, S_TRIGGERS_INFO); $cmbRes->addItem(SCREEN_RESOURCE_TRIGGERS_OVERVIEW, S_TRIGGERS_OVERVIEW); $cmbRes->addItem(SCREEN_RESOURCE_URL, S_URL); $form->addRow(S_RESOURCE, $cmbRes); if ($resourcetype == SCREEN_RESOURCE_GRAPH) { // User-defined graph $options = array('graphids' => $resourceid, 'select_hosts' => array('hostid', 'host'), 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND); $graphs = CGraph::get($options); $caption = ''; $id = 0; if (!empty($graphs)) { $id = $resourceid; $graph = reset($graphs); order_result($graph['hosts'], 'host'); $graph['host'] = reset($graph['hosts']); $caption = $graph['host']['host'] . ':' . $graph['name']; $nodeName = get_node_name_by_elid($graph['host']['hostid']); if (!zbx_empty($nodeName)) { $caption = '(' . $nodeName . ') ' . $caption; } } $form->addVar('resourceid', $id); $textfield = new CTextbox('caption', $caption, 75, 'yes'); $selectbtn = new CButton('select', S_SELECT, "javascript: return PopUp('popup.php?writeonly=1&dstfrm=" . $form->getName() . "&real_hosts=1&dstfld1=resourceid&dstfld2=caption&srctbl=graphs&srcfld1=graphid&srcfld2=name',800,450);"); $selectbtn->setAttribute('onmouseover', "javascript: = 'pointer';"); $form->addRow(S_GRAPH_NAME, array($textfield, SPACE, $selectbtn)); } else { if ($resourcetype == SCREEN_RESOURCE_SIMPLE_GRAPH) { // Simple graph $options = array('itemids' => $resourceid, 'select_hosts' => array('hostid', 'host'), 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND); $items = CItem::get($options); $caption = ''; $id = 0; if (!empty($items)) { $id = $resourceid; $item = reset($items); $item['host'] = reset($item['hosts']); $caption = item_description($item); $nodeName = get_node_name_by_elid($item['itemid']); if (!zbx_empty($nodeName)) { $caption = '(' . $nodeName . ') ' . $caption; } } $form->addVar('resourceid', $id); $textfield = new Ctextbox('caption', $caption, 75, 'yes'); $selectbtn = new Cbutton('select', S_SELECT, "javascript: return PopUp('popup.php?writeonly=1&real_hosts=1&dstfrm=" . $form->getName() . "&dstfld1=resourceid&dstfld2=caption&srctbl=simple_graph&srcfld1=itemid&srcfld2=description',800,450);"); $selectbtn->setAttribute('onmouseover', "javascript: = 'pointer';"); $form->addRow(S_PARAMETER, array($textfield, SPACE, $selectbtn)); } else { if ($resourcetype == SCREEN_RESOURCE_MAP) { // Map $options = array('sysmapids' => $resourceid, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND); $maps = CMap::get($options); $caption = ''; $id = 0; if (!empty($maps)) { $id = $resourceid; $map = reset($maps); $caption = $map['name']; $nodeName = get_node_name_by_elid($map['sysmapid']); if (!zbx_empty($nodeName)) { $caption = '(' . $nodeName . ') ' . $caption; } } $form->addVar('resourceid', $id); $textfield = new Ctextbox('caption', $caption, 60, 'yes'); $selectbtn = new Cbutton('select', S_SELECT, "javascript: return PopUp('popup.php?writeonly=1&dstfrm=" . $form->getName() . "&dstfld1=resourceid&dstfld2=caption&srctbl=sysmaps&srcfld1=sysmapid&srcfld2=name',400,450);"); $selectbtn->setAttribute('onmouseover', "javascript: = 'pointer';"); $form->addRow(S_PARAMETER, array($textfield, SPACE, $selectbtn)); } else { if ($resourcetype == SCREEN_RESOURCE_PLAIN_TEXT) { // Plain text $options = array('itemids' => $resourceid, 'select_hosts' => array('hostid', 'host'), 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND); $items = CItem::get($options); $caption = ''; $id = 0; if (!empty($items)) { $id = $resourceid; $item = reset($items); $item['host'] = reset($item['hosts']); $caption = item_description($item); $nodeName = get_node_name_by_elid($item['itemid']); if (!zbx_empty($nodeName)) { $caption = '(' . $nodeName . ') ' . $caption; } } $form->addVar('resourceid', $id); $textfield = new CTextbox('caption', $caption, 75, 'yes'); $selectbtn = new CButton('select', S_SELECT, "javascript: return PopUp('popup.php?writeonly=1&dstfrm=" . $form->getName() . "&dstfld1=resourceid&dstfld2=caption&srctbl=plain_text&srcfld1=itemid&srcfld2=description',800,450);"); $selectbtn->setAttribute('onmouseover', "javascript: = 'pointer';"); $form->addRow(S_PARAMETER, array($textfield, SPACE, $selectbtn)); $form->addRow(S_SHOW_LINES, new CNumericBox('elements', $elements, 2)); $form->addRow(S_SHOW_TEXT_AS_HTML, new CCheckBox('style', $style, null, 1)); } else { if (uint_in_array($resourcetype, array(SCREEN_RESOURCE_HOSTGROUP_TRIGGERS, SCREEN_RESOURCE_HOST_TRIGGERS))) { // Status of triggers $caption = ''; $id = 0; if (SCREEN_RESOURCE_HOSTGROUP_TRIGGERS == $resourcetype) { if ($resourceid > 0) { $options = array('groupids' => $resourceid, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'editable' => 1); $groups = CHostgroup::get($options); foreach ($groups as $gnum => $group) { $caption = get_node_name_by_elid($group['groupid'], true, ':') . $group['name']; $id = $resourceid; } } $form->addVar('resourceid', $id); $textfield = new CTextbox('caption', $caption, 60, 'yes'); $selectbtn = new CButton('select', S_SELECT, "javascript: return PopUp('popup.php?writeonly=1&dstfrm=" . $form->getName() . "&dstfld1=resourceid&dstfld2=caption&srctbl=host_group&srcfld1=groupid&srcfld2=name',800,450);"); $selectbtn->setAttribute('onmouseover', "javascript: = 'pointer';"); $form->addRow(S_GROUP, array($textfield, SPACE, $selectbtn)); } else { if ($resourceid > 0) { $options = array('hostids' => $resourceid, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'editable' => 1); $hosts = CHost::get($options); foreach ($hosts as $hnum => $host) { $caption = get_node_name_by_elid($host['hostid'], true, ':') . $host['host']; $id = $resourceid; } } $form->addVar('resourceid', $id); $textfield = new CTextbox('caption', $caption, 60, 'yes'); $selectbtn = new CButton('select', S_SELECT, "javascript: return PopUp('popup.php?writeonly=1&dstfrm=" . $form->getName() . "&dstfld1=resourceid&dstfld2=caption&srctbl=hosts&srcfld1=hostid&srcfld2=host',800,450);"); $selectbtn->setAttribute('onmouseover', "javascript: = 'pointer';"); $form->addRow(S_HOST, array($textfield, SPACE, $selectbtn)); } $form->addRow(S_SHOW_LINES, new CNumericBox('elements', $elements, 2)); } else { if (uint_in_array($resourcetype, array(SCREEN_RESOURCE_EVENTS, SCREEN_RESOURCE_ACTIONS))) { // History of actions // History of events $form->addRow(S_SHOW_LINES, new CNumericBox('elements', $elements, 2)); $form->addVar('resourceid', 0); } else { if (uint_in_array($resourcetype, array(SCREEN_RESOURCE_TRIGGERS_OVERVIEW, SCREEN_RESOURCE_DATA_OVERVIEW))) { // Overviews $caption = ''; $id = 0; if ($resourceid > 0) { $options = array('groupids' => $resourceid, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'editable' => 1); $groups = CHostgroup::get($options); foreach ($groups as $gnum => $group) { $caption = get_node_name_by_elid($group['groupid'], true, ':') . $group['name']; $id = $resourceid; } } $form->addVar('resourceid', $id); $textfield = new CTextbox('caption', $caption, 75, 'yes'); $selectbtn = new CButton('select', S_SELECT, "javascript: return PopUp('popup.php?writeonly=1&dstfrm=" . $form->getName() . "&dstfld1=resourceid&dstfld2=caption&srctbl=overview&srcfld1=groupid&srcfld2=name',800,450);"); $selectbtn->setAttribute('onmouseover', "javascript: = 'pointer';"); $form->addRow(S_GROUP, array($textfield, SPACE, $selectbtn)); } else { if ($resourcetype == SCREEN_RESOURCE_SCREEN) { // Screens $caption = ''; $id = 0; if ($resourceid > 0) { $result = DBselect('SELECT DISTINCT as node_name,s.screenid, ' . ' FROM screens s ' . ' LEFT JOIN nodes n ON n.nodeid=' . DBid2nodeid('s.screenid') . ' WHERE s.screenid=' . $resourceid); while ($row = DBfetch($result)) { $r = CScreen::get(array('screenids' => $row['screenid'], 'output' => API_OUTPUT_SHORTEN)); if (empty($r)) { continue; } if (check_screen_recursion($_REQUEST['screenid'], $row['screenid'])) { continue; } $row['node_name'] = isset($row['node_name']) ? '(' . $row['node_name'] . ') ' : ''; $caption = $row['node_name'] . $row['name']; $id = $resourceid; } } $form->addVar('resourceid', $id); $textfield = new Ctextbox('caption', $caption, 60, 'yes'); $selectbtn = new Cbutton('select', S_SELECT, "javascript: return PopUp('popup.php?writeonly=1&dstfrm=" . $form->getName() . "&dstfld1=resourceid&dstfld2=caption&srctbl=screens2&srcfld1=screenid&srcfld2=name&screenid=" . $_REQUEST['screenid'] . "',800,450);"); $selectbtn->setAttribute('onmouseover', "javascript: = 'pointer';"); $form->addRow(S_PARAMETER, array($textfield, SPACE, $selectbtn)); } else { if ($resourcetype == SCREEN_RESOURCE_HOSTS_INFO || $resourcetype == SCREEN_RESOURCE_TRIGGERS_INFO) { // HOSTS info $caption = ''; $id = 0; $available_groups = get_accessible_groups_by_user($USER_DETAILS, PERM_READ_ONLY); if (remove_nodes_from_id($resourceid) > 0) { $result = DBselect('SELECT DISTINCT as node_name,g.groupid, ' . ' FROM hosts_groups hg, groups g ' . ' LEFT JOIN nodes n ON n.nodeid=' . DBid2nodeid('g.groupid') . ' WHERE ' . DBcondition('g.groupid', $available_groups) . ' AND g.groupid=' . $resourceid); while ($row = DBfetch($result)) { $row['node_name'] = isset($row['node_name']) ? '(' . $row['node_name'] . ') ' : ''; $caption = $row['node_name'] . $row['name']; $id = $resourceid; } } else { if (remove_nodes_from_id($resourceid) == 0) { $result = DBselect('SELECT DISTINCT as node_name ' . ' FROM nodes n ' . ' WHERE n.nodeid=' . id2nodeid($resourceid)); while ($row = DBfetch($result)) { $row['node_name'] = isset($row['node_name']) ? '(' . $row['node_name'] . ') ' : ''; $caption = $row['node_name'] . S_MINUS_ALL_GROUPS_MINUS; $id = $resourceid; } } } $form->addVar('resourceid', $id); $textfield = new CTextbox('caption', $caption, 60, 'yes'); $selectbtn = new Cbutton('select', S_SELECT, "javascript: return PopUp('popup.php?writeonly=1&dstfrm=" . $form->getName() . "&dstfld1=resourceid&dstfld2=caption&srctbl=host_group_scr&srcfld1=groupid&srcfld2=name',480,450);"); $selectbtn->setAttribute('onmouseover', "javascript: = 'pointer';"); $form->addRow(S_GROUP, array($textfield, SPACE, $selectbtn)); } else { // SCREEN_RESOURCE_CLOCK $form->addVar('resourceid', 0); } } } } } } } } } if (uint_in_array($resourcetype, array(SCREEN_RESOURCE_HOSTS_INFO, SCREEN_RESOURCE_TRIGGERS_INFO))) { $cmbStyle = new CComboBox("style", $style); $cmbStyle->addItem(STYLE_HORISONTAL, S_HORIZONTAL); $cmbStyle->addItem(STYLE_VERTICAL, S_VERTICAL); $form->addRow(S_STYLE, $cmbStyle); } else { if (uint_in_array($resourcetype, array(SCREEN_RESOURCE_TRIGGERS_OVERVIEW, SCREEN_RESOURCE_DATA_OVERVIEW))) { $cmbStyle = new CComboBox('style', $style); $cmbStyle->addItem(STYLE_LEFT, S_LEFT); $cmbStyle->addItem(STYLE_TOP, S_TOP); $form->addRow(S_HOSTS_LOCATION, $cmbStyle); } else { if ($resourcetype == SCREEN_RESOURCE_CLOCK) { $cmbStyle = new CComboBox('style', $style); $cmbStyle->addItem(TIME_TYPE_LOCAL, S_LOCAL_TIME); $cmbStyle->addItem(TIME_TYPE_SERVER, S_SERVER_TIME); $form->addRow(S_TIME_TYPE, $cmbStyle); } else { $form->addVar('style', 0); } } } if (uint_in_array($resourcetype, array(SCREEN_RESOURCE_URL))) { $form->addRow(S_URL, new CTextBox('url', $url, 60)); } else { $form->addVar('url', ''); } if (uint_in_array($resourcetype, array(SCREEN_RESOURCE_GRAPH, SCREEN_RESOURCE_SIMPLE_GRAPH, SCREEN_RESOURCE_CLOCK, SCREEN_RESOURCE_URL))) { $form->addRow(S_WIDTH, new CNumericBox('width', $width, 5)); $form->addRow(S_HEIGHT, new CNumericBox('height', $height, 5)); } else { $form->addVar('width', 500); $form->addVar('height', 100); } if (uint_in_array($resourcetype, array(SCREEN_RESOURCE_GRAPH, SCREEN_RESOURCE_SIMPLE_GRAPH, SCREEN_RESOURCE_MAP, SCREEN_RESOURCE_CLOCK, SCREEN_RESOURCE_URL))) { $cmbHalign = new CComboBox('halign', $halign); $cmbHalign->addItem(HALIGN_CENTER, S_CENTRE); $cmbHalign->addItem(HALIGN_LEFT, S_LEFT); $cmbHalign->addItem(HALIGN_RIGHT, S_RIGHT); $form->addRow(S_HORIZONTAL_ALIGN, $cmbHalign); } else { $form->addVar('halign', 0); } $cmbValign = new CComboBox('valign', $valign); $cmbValign->addItem(VALIGN_MIDDLE, S_MIDDLE); $cmbValign->addItem(VALIGN_TOP, S_TOP); $cmbValign->addItem(VALIGN_BOTTOM, S_BOTTOM); $form->addRow(S_VERTICAL_ALIGN, $cmbValign); $form->addRow(S_COLUMN_SPAN, new CNumericBox('colspan', $colspan, 2)); $form->addRow(S_ROW_SPAN, new CNumericBox('rowspan', $rowspan, 2)); // dynamic AddOn if (uint_in_array($resourcetype, array(SCREEN_RESOURCE_GRAPH, SCREEN_RESOURCE_SIMPLE_GRAPH, SCREEN_RESOURCE_PLAIN_TEXT))) { $form->addRow(S_DYNAMIC_ITEM, new CCheckBox('dynamic', $dynamic, null, 1)); } $form->addItemToBottomRow(new CButton('save', S_SAVE)); if (isset($_REQUEST['screenitemid'])) { $form->addItemToBottomRow(SPACE); $form->addItemToBottomRow(new CButtonDelete(null, url_param('form') . url_param('screenid') . url_param('screenitemid'))); } $form->addItemToBottomRow(SPACE); $form->addItemToBottomRow(new CButtonCancel(url_param('screenid'))); return $form; }
$fields = array('period' => array(T_ZBX_INT, O_OPT, P_NZERO, BETWEEN(ZBX_MIN_PERIOD, ZBX_MAX_PERIOD), null), 'from' => array(T_ZBX_INT, O_OPT, P_NZERO, null, null), 'stime' => array(T_ZBX_INT, O_OPT, P_NZERO, null, null), 'border' => array(T_ZBX_INT, O_OPT, P_NZERO, IN('0,1'), null), 'name' => array(T_ZBX_STR, O_OPT, NULL, null, null), 'width' => array(T_ZBX_INT, O_OPT, NULL, BETWEEN(0, 65535), null), 'height' => array(T_ZBX_INT, O_OPT, NULL, BETWEEN(0, 65535), null), 'ymin_type' => array(T_ZBX_INT, O_OPT, NULL, IN('0,1,2'), null), 'ymax_type' => array(T_ZBX_INT, O_OPT, NULL, IN('0,1,2'), null), 'ymin_itemid' => array(T_ZBX_INT, O_OPT, NULL, DB_ID, null), 'ymax_itemid' => array(T_ZBX_INT, O_OPT, NULL, DB_ID, null), 'graphtype' => array(T_ZBX_INT, O_OPT, NULL, IN('0,1'), null), 'yaxismin' => array(T_ZBX_DBL, O_OPT, NULL, BETWEEN(-65535, 65535), null), 'yaxismax' => array(T_ZBX_DBL, O_OPT, NULL, null, null), 'percent_left' => array(T_ZBX_DBL, O_OPT, NULL, BETWEEN(0, 100), null), 'percent_right' => array(T_ZBX_DBL, O_OPT, NULL, BETWEEN(0, 100), null), 'items' => array(T_ZBX_STR, O_OPT, NULL, null, null)); check_fields($fields); $available_hosts = get_accessible_hosts_by_user($USER_DETAILS, PERM_READ_ONLY, PERM_RES_IDS_ARRAY, get_current_nodeid(true)); $items = get_request('items', array()); asort_by_key($items, 'sortorder'); foreach ($items as $id => $gitem) { if (!($host = DBfetch(DBselect('select h.* from hosts h,items i where h.hostid=i.hostid and i.itemid=' . $gitem['itemid'])))) { fatal_error(S_NO_ITEM_DEFINED); } if (!isset($available_hosts[$host['hostid']])) { access_deny(); } } $graph = new CChart(get_request('graphtype', GRAPH_TYPE_NORMAL)); $chart_header = ''; if (id2nodeid($host['hostid']) != get_current_nodeid()) { $chart_header = get_node_name_by_elid($host['hostid'], true); } $chart_header .= $host['host'] . ':' . get_request('name', ''); $graph->setHeader($chart_header); unset($host); if (isset($_REQUEST['period'])) { $graph->setPeriod($_REQUEST['period']); } if (isset($_REQUEST['from'])) { $graph->setFrom($_REQUEST['from']); } if (isset($_REQUEST['stime'])) { $graph->setSTime($_REQUEST['stime']); } if (isset($_REQUEST['border'])) {
$_REQUEST['hostid'] = $onlyHostid; unset($_REQUEST['groupid'], $_REQUEST['nodeid']); } // value types $value_types = null; if (get_request('value_types')) { $value_types = get_request('value_types'); } elseif (get_request('numeric')) { $value_types = array(ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_FLOAT, ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_UINT64); } // choose nodes // if an LLD rule is selected, use its node if (hasRequest('parent_discoveryid')) { $nodeId = id2nodeid(getRequest('parent_discoveryid')); } elseif (hasRequest('only_hostid')) { $nodeId = id2nodeid(getRequest('only_hostid')); } else { $nodeId = getRequest('nodeid', get_current_nodeid(false)); } clearCookies(true); function get_window_opener($frame, $field, $value) { if (empty($field)) { return ''; } return ' try {' . "window.opener.document.getElementById('" . addslashes($field) . "').value='" . addslashes($value) . "'; " . '} catch(e) {' . 'throw("Error: Target not found")' . '}' . "\n"; } /* * Page filter */
function get_node_name_by_elid($id_val, $force_with_all_nodes = null, $delimiter = '') { global $ZBX_NODES, $ZBX_VIEWED_NODES; if ($force_with_all_nodes === false || is_null($force_with_all_nodes) && $ZBX_VIEWED_NODES['selected'] != 0) { return null; } $nodeid = id2nodeid($id_val); if (!isset($ZBX_NODES[$nodeid])) { return null; } return $ZBX_NODES[$nodeid]['name'] . $delimiter; }
function get_node_name_by_elid($id_val, $forse_with_subnodes = null) { global $ZBX_NODES; if (!is_show_subnodes($forse_with_subnodes)) { return null; } $nodeid = id2nodeid($id_val); if (!isset($ZBX_NODES[$nodeid])) { return null; } return '[' . $ZBX_NODES[$nodeid]['name'] . '] '; }
/** * Prepare data for trigger menu popup. * * @param array $trigger trigger data * @param string $trigger['triggerid'] trigger id * @param int $trigger['flags'] trigger flags (TRIGGER_FLAG_DISCOVERY*) * @param array $trigger['hosts'] hosts, used by trigger expression * @param string $trigger['hosts'][]['hostid'] host id * @param string $trigger['url'] url * @param array $items trigger items (optional) * @param string $items[]['name'] item name * @param array $items[]['params'] item url parameters ("name" => "value") * @param array $acknowledge acknowledge link parameters (optional) * @param string $acknowledge['eventid'] event id * @param string $acknowledge['screenid'] screen id (optional) * @param string $acknowledge['backurl'] return url (optional) * @param string $eventTime event navigation time parameter (optional) * * @return array */ function getMenuPopupTrigger(array $trigger, array $items = null, array $acknowledge = null, $eventTime = null) { if ($items) { CArrayHelper::sort($items, array('name')); } $data = array('type' => 'trigger', 'triggerid' => $trigger['triggerid'], 'items' => $items, 'acknowledge' => $acknowledge, 'eventTime' => $eventTime, 'configuration' => null, 'url' => resolveTriggerUrl($trigger)); if ((CWebUser::$data['type'] == USER_TYPE_ZABBIX_ADMIN || CWebUser::$data['type'] == USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN) && $trigger['flags'] == ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL) { $host = reset($trigger['hosts']); $data['configuration'] = array('hostid' => $host['hostid'], 'switchNode' => id2nodeid($trigger['triggerid'])); } return $data; }
function get_accessible_nodes_by_rights(&$rights, $user_type, $perm, $perm_res = null) { global $ZBX_LOCALNODEID; $nodeid = get_current_nodeid(true); if (is_null($perm_res)) { $perm_res = PERM_RES_STRING_LINE; } if (is_null($user_type)) { $user_type = USER_TYPE_ZABBIX_USER; } $node_data = array(); $result = array(); //COpt::counter_up('perm_nodes['.$userid.','.$perm.','.$perm_mode.','.$perm_res.','.$nodeid.']'); //COpt::counter_up('perm'); //SDI(get_accessible_groups_by_rights($rights,$user_type,$perm,PERM_RES_DATA_ARRAY,$nodeid)); $available_groups = get_accessible_groups_by_rights($rights, $user_type, $perm, PERM_RES_DATA_ARRAY, $nodeid); foreach ($available_groups as $id => $group) { $nodeid = id2nodeid($group['groupid']); $permission = $group['permission']; if (isset($node_data[$nodeid]) && $permission < $node_data[$nodeid]['permission']) { $permission = $node_data[$nodeid]['permission']; } $node_data[$nodeid]['nodeid'] = $nodeid; $node_data[$nodeid]['permission'] = $permission; } $available_hosts = get_accessible_hosts_by_rights($rights, $user_type, $perm, PERM_RES_DATA_ARRAY, $nodeid); foreach ($available_hosts as $id => $host) { $nodeid = id2nodeid($host['hostid']); $permission = $host['permission']; if (isset($node_data[$nodeid]) && $permission < $node_data[$nodeid]['permission']) { $permission = $node_data[$nodeid]['permission']; } $node_data[$nodeid]['nodeid'] = $nodeid; $node_data[$nodeid]['permission'] = $permission; } foreach ($node_data as $nodeid => $node) { switch ($perm_res) { case PERM_RES_DATA_ARRAY: $db_node = DBfetch(DBselect('SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE nodeid=' . $nodeid)); if (!ZBX_DISTRIBUTED) { if (!$node) { $db_node = array('nodeid' => $ZBX_LOCALNODEID, 'name' => 'local', 'permission' => PERM_READ_WRITE, 'userid' => null); } else { continue; } } $result[$nodeid] = array_merge($db_node, $node); break; default: $result[$nodeid] = $nodeid; break; } } if ($perm_res == PERM_RES_STRING_LINE) { if (count($result) == 0) { $result = '-1'; } else { $result = implode(',', $result); } } return $result; }
function explode_exp($expression, $html = false, $resolve_macro = false, $src_host = null, $dst_host = null) { $exp = !$html ? '' : array(); $trigger = array(); for ($i = 0, $state = '', $max = zbx_strlen($expression); $i < $max; $i++) { if ($expression[$i] == '{') { if ($expression[$i + 1] == '$') { $usermacro = ''; $state = 'USERMACRO'; } elseif ($expression[$i + 1] == '#') { $lldmacro = ''; $state = 'LLDMACRO'; } else { $functionid = ''; $state = 'FUNCTIONID'; continue; } } elseif ($expression[$i] == '}') { if ($state == 'USERMACRO') { $usermacro .= '}'; if ($resolve_macro) { $function_data['expression'] = $usermacro; $function_data = API::UserMacro()->resolveTrigger($function_data); $usermacro = $function_data['expression']; } if ($html) { array_push($exp, $usermacro); } else { $exp .= $usermacro; } $state = ''; continue; } elseif ($state == 'LLDMACRO') { $lldmacro .= '}'; if ($html) { array_push($exp, $lldmacro); } else { $exp .= $lldmacro; } $state = ''; continue; } elseif ($functionid == 'TRIGGER.VALUE') { if ($html) { array_push($exp, '{' . $functionid . '}'); } else { $exp .= '{' . $functionid . '}'; } $state = ''; continue; } $sql = 'SELECT,i.itemid,i.key_,f.function,f.triggerid,f.parameter,i.itemid,i.status,i.type,i.flags' . ' FROM items i,functions f,hosts h' . ' WHERE f.functionid=' . $functionid . ' AND i.itemid=f.itemid' . ' AND h.hostid=i.hostid'; if (is_numeric($functionid) && ($function_data = DBfetch(DBselect($sql)))) { if ($resolve_macro) { $trigger = $function_data; $function_data = API::UserMacro()->resolveItem($function_data); $function_data['expression'] = $function_data['parameter']; $function_data = API::UserMacro()->resolveTrigger($function_data); $function_data['parameter'] = $function_data['expression']; } if (!is_null($src_host) && !is_null($dst_host) && strcmp($src_host, $function_data['host']) == 0) { $function_data['host'] = $dst_host; } if ($html) { $style = $function_data['status'] == ITEM_STATUS_DISABLED ? 'disabled' : 'unknown'; if ($function_data['status'] == ITEM_STATUS_ACTIVE) { $style = 'enabled'; } if ($function_data['flags'] == ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_CREATED || $function_data['type'] == ITEM_TYPE_HTTPTEST) { $link = new CSpan($function_data['host'] . ':' . $function_data['key_'], $style); } elseif ($function_data['flags'] == ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_PROTOTYPE) { $link = new CLink($function_data['host'] . ':' . $function_data['key_'], 'disc_prototypes.php?form=update&itemid=' . $function_data['itemid'] . '&parent_discoveryid=' . $trigger['discoveryRuleid'] . '&switch_node=' . id2nodeid($function_data['itemid']), $style); } else { $link = new CLink($function_data['host'] . ':' . $function_data['key_'], 'items.php?form=update&itemid=' . $function_data['itemid'] . '&switch_node=' . id2nodeid($function_data['itemid']), $style); } array_push($exp, array('{', $link, '.', bold($function_data['function'] . '('), $function_data['parameter'], bold(')'), '}')); } else { $exp .= '{' . $function_data['host'] . ':' . $function_data['key_'] . '.' . $function_data['function'] . '(' . $function_data['parameter'] . ')}'; } } else { if ($html) { array_push($exp, new CSpan('*ERROR*', 'on')); } else { $exp .= '*ERROR*'; } } $state = ''; continue; } switch ($state) { case 'FUNCTIONID': $functionid .= $expression[$i]; break; case 'USERMACRO': $usermacro .= $expression[$i]; break; case 'LLDMACRO': $lldmacro .= $expression[$i]; break; default: if ($html) { array_push($exp, $expression[$i]); } else { $exp .= $expression[$i]; } } } return $exp; }
/** * Update Users * * {@source} * @access public * @static * @since 1.8 * @version 1 * * @param _array $users multidimensional array with Users data * @param string $users['userid'] * @param string $users['name'] * @param string $users['surname'] * @param array $users['alias'] * @param string $users['passwd'] * @param string $users['url'] * @param int $users['autologin'] * @param int $users['autologout'] * @param string $users['lang'] * @param string $users['theme'] * @param int $users['refresh'] * @param int $users['rows_per_page'] * @param int $users['type'] * @param array $users['user_medias'] * @param string $users['user_medias']['mediatypeid'] * @param string $users['user_medias']['address'] * @param int $users['user_medias']['severity'] * @param int $users['user_medias']['active'] * @param string $users['user_medias']['period'] * @return boolean */ public static function updateProfile($user) { global $USER_DETAILS; $errors = array(); $result = true; $options = array('nodeids' => id2nodeid($USER_DETAILS['userid']), 'userids' => $USER_DETAILS['userid'], 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'preservekeys' => 1); $upd_users = self::get($options); $upd_user = reset($upd_users); //add_audit(AUDIT_ACTION_DELETE, AUDIT_RESOURCE_USER, 'User ['.$user['alias'].']'); self::BeginTransaction(__METHOD__); $user_db_fields = $upd_user; // unset if not changed passwd if (isset($user['passwd']) && !is_null($user['passwd'])) { $user['passwd'] = md5($user['passwd']); } else { unset($user['passwd']); } //--------- if (!check_db_fields($user_db_fields, $user)) { $errors[] = array('errno' => ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, 'error' => S_CUSER_ERROR_WRONG_FIELD_FOR_USER); $result = false; break; } // copy from frontend { $sql = 'UPDATE users SET ' . ' passwd=' . zbx_dbstr($user['passwd']) . ', ' . ' url=' . zbx_dbstr($user['url']) . ', ' . ' autologin='******'autologin'] . ', ' . ' autologout=' . $user['autologout'] . ', ' . ' lang=' . zbx_dbstr($user['lang']) . ', ' . ' theme=' . zbx_dbstr($user['theme']) . ', ' . ' refresh=' . $user['refresh'] . ', ' . ' rows_per_page=' . $user['rows_per_page'] . ' WHERE userid=' . $user['userid']; $result = DBexecute($sql); $result = self::EndTransaction($result, __METHOD__); if ($result) { $options = array('nodeids' => id2nodeid($USER_DETAILS['userid']), 'userids' => $USER_DETAILS['userid'], 'extendoutput' => 1); $upd_users = self::get($options); return $upd_users; } else { self::setMethodErrors(__METHOD__, $errors); return false; } }
$img = new Cimg('images/general/up_icon.png', 'DEP_UP'); $img->setAttribute('style', 'vertical-align: middle; border: 0px;'); $img->setHint($dep_table); $description = array($img, SPACE, $description); } unset($img, $dep_table, $dependency); // }}} DEPENDENCIES $tr_desc = new CSpan($description); // host JS menu {{{ $hosts_list = array(); foreach ($trigger['hosts'] as $num => $trigger_host) { $menus = ''; $host_nodeid = id2nodeid($trigger_host['hostid']); if (isset($scripts_by_hosts[$trigger_host['hostid']])) { foreach ($scripts_by_hosts[$trigger_host['hostid']] as $id => $script) { $script_nodeid = id2nodeid($script['scriptid']); if (bccomp($host_nodeid, $script_nodeid) == 0) { $menus .= "['" . $script['name'] . "',\"javascript: openWinCentered('scripts_exec.php?execute=1&hostid=" . $trigger_host['hostid'] . "&scriptid=" . $script['scriptid'] . "','" . S_TOOLS . "',760,540,'titlebar=no, resizable=yes, scrollbars=yes, dialog=no');\", null,{'outer' : ['pum_o_item'],'inner' : ['pum_i_item']}],"; } } } if (!empty($scripts_by_hosts)) { $menus = "[" . zbx_jsvalue(S_TOOLS) . ",null,null,{'outer' : ['pum_oheader'],'inner' : ['pum_iheader']}]," . $menus; } $menus .= "[" . zbx_jsvalue(S_LINKS) . ",null,null,{'outer' : ['pum_oheader'],'inner' : ['pum_iheader']}],"; $menus .= "['" . S_LATEST_DATA . "',\"javascript: redirect('latest.php?hostid=" . $trigger_host['hostid'] . "')\", null,{'outer' : ['pum_o_item'],'inner' : ['pum_i_item']}],"; $menus = rtrim($menus, ','); $menus = 'show_popup_menu(event,[' . $menus . '],180);'; $maint_span = null; if ($trigger_host['maintenance_status']) { $text = $trigger_host['maintenance_type'] ? S_NO_DATA_MAINTENANCE : S_NORMAL_MAINTENANCE;
show_error_message(S_NO_GRAPH_DEFINED); } $options = array('nodeids' => get_current_nodeid(true), 'graphids' => $_REQUEST['graphid'], 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND); $db_data = CGraph::get($options); if (empty($db_data)) { access_deny(); } else { $db_data = reset($db_data); } $options = array('nodeids' => get_current_nodeid(true), 'graphids' => $_REQUEST['graphid'], 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND); $host = CHost::get($options); $host = reset($host); $effectiveperiod = navigation_bar_calc(); CProfile::update('web.charts.graphid', $_REQUEST['graphid'], PROFILE_TYPE_ID); $chart_header = ''; if (id2nodeid($db_data['graphid']) != get_current_nodeid()) { $chart_header = get_node_name_by_elid($db_data['graphid'], true, ': '); } $chart_header .= $host['host'] . ': ' . $db_data['name']; $graph = new CChart($db_data['graphtype']); $graph->setHeader($chart_header); if (isset($_REQUEST['period'])) { $graph->setPeriod($_REQUEST['period']); } if (isset($_REQUEST['stime'])) { $graph->setSTime($_REQUEST['stime']); } if (isset($_REQUEST['border'])) { $graph->setBorder(0); } $width = get_request('width', 0);
function update_user($userid, $user) { $result = true; $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT * ' . ' FROM users ' . ' WHERE ( alias=' . zbx_dbstr($user['alias']) . ' OR userid=' . $userid . ' ) ' . ' AND ' . DBin_node('userid', id2nodeid($userid)); $db_users = DBselect($sql); while ($db_user = DBfetch($db_users)) { if ($db_user['userid'] != $userid) { error('User ' . $user['alias'] . ' already exists'); return false; } $user_db_fields = $db_user; } if (!isset($user_db_fields)) { return false; } if (isset($user['passwd'])) { $user['passwd'] = md5($user['passwd']); } if (!check_db_fields($user_db_fields, $user)) { error('Incorrect arguments pasted to function [update_user]'); return false; } $sql = 'UPDATE users SET ' . ' name=' . zbx_dbstr($user['name']) . ' ,surname=' . zbx_dbstr($user['surname']) . ' ,alias=' . zbx_dbstr($user['alias']) . ' ,passwd=' . zbx_dbstr($user['passwd']) . ' ,url=' . zbx_dbstr($user['url']) . ' ,autologin='******'autologin'] . ' ,autologout=' . $user['autologout'] . ' ,lang=' . zbx_dbstr($user['lang']) . ' ,theme=' . zbx_dbstr($user['theme']) . ' ,refresh=' . $user['refresh'] . ' ,rows_per_page=' . $user['rows_per_page'] . ' ,type=' . $user['type'] . ' WHERE userid=' . $userid; $result = DBexecute($sql); if ($result && !is_null($user['user_groups'])) { $result = DBexecute('DELETE FROM users_groups WHERE userid=' . $userid); foreach ($user['user_groups'] as $groupid => $group_name) { if (!$result) { break; } $users_groups_id = get_dbid('users_groups', 'id'); $result = DBexecute('INSERT INTO users_groups (id, usrgrpid, userid)' . 'values(' . $users_groups_id . ',' . $groupid . ',' . $userid . ')'); } } if ($result && !is_null($user['user_medias'])) { $result = DBexecute('DELETE FROM media WHERE userid=' . $userid); foreach ($user['user_medias'] as $mediaid => $media_data) { if (!$result) { break; } $mediaid = get_dbid('media', 'mediaid'); $result = DBexecute('INSERT INTO media (mediaid, userid, mediatypeid, sendto, active, severity, period)' . ' values (' . $mediaid . ',' . $userid . ',' . $media_data['mediatypeid'] . ',' . zbx_dbstr($media_data['sendto']) . ',' . $media_data['active'] . ',' . $media_data['severity'] . ',' . zbx_dbstr($media_data['period']) . ')'); } } return $result; }
function get_node_name_by_elid($id_val, $forse_with_all_nodes = null) { global $ZBX_NODES, $ZBX_VIEWED_NODES; if ($forse_with_all_nodes === false || is_null($forse_with_all_nodes) && $ZBX_VIEWED_NODES['selected'] != 0) { return null; } $nodeid = id2nodeid($id_val); //SDI($nodeid.' - '.$ZBX_NODES[$nodeid]['name']); if (!isset($ZBX_NODES[$nodeid])) { return null; } return '[' . $ZBX_NODES[$nodeid]['name'] . '] '; }