function phorum_mod_spamhurdles_before_footer()
    // Only run this hook if we are handling a protected form.
    if (!isset($PHORUM["SPAMHURDLES"]["shown_form"])) {
    $type = $PHORUM["SPAMHURDLES"]["shown_form"];
    $conf = $PHORUM["mod_spamhurdles"];
    // If we block quick posts, then disable the submit button temporarily
    // to prevent the user from posting his message to early. This only
    // applies to the message posting form.
    if ($type == "posting" && do_spamhurdle("blockquickpost")) {
        // See how long we should delay posting for the current user.
        $spamhurdles = $PHORUM["SPAMHURDLES"];
        $delay = $conf["key_min_ttl"] - (time() - $spamhurdles["create_time"]);
        if ($delay < 0) {
            $delay = 0;

        <script type="text/javascript">
          var poststr;
          var secondsleft = <?php 
        print $delay;
          var postbutton;

          if (document.getElementById) {
              var keyfld = document.getElementById("spamhurdles_key_field");
              if (keyfld && keyfld.form) {
                  var f = keyfld.form;
                  if (f.finish) {
                      postbutton = f.finish;
                      poststr = postbutton.value;

          function spamhurdles_postdelay_countdown()
              secondsleft --;
              if (secondsleft <= 0) {
                  postbutton.value = poststr;
                  postbutton.disabled = false;
              } else {
                  postbutton.value = poststr + "(" + secondsleft + ")";
                  postbutton.disabled = true;
                  setTimeout('spamhurdles_postdelay_countdown()', 1000);
    // Javascript MD5 signing check. This code will create the signed
    // value, that will be checked when posting the form. This only
    // applies to the message posting form.
    if ($type == "posting" && do_spamhurdle("jsmd5check")) {
        if (document.getElementById)
            // Extract the signing key from the page.
            var image = document.getElementById("spamhurdles_img");
            var signkey = image.alt;

            // Extract the key from the page.
            var keyfld = document.getElementById("spamhurdles_key_field");
            var key = keyfld.value;

            // Create spamhurdles signature.
            var signature = hex_md5(key + signkey);

            // Create hidden form field on the fly for storing the signature.
            var f = keyfld.form;
            var fld = document.createElement("input");
            fld.name = "spamhurdles_signature";
            fld.type = "hidden";
            fld.value = signature;
        $html = ob_get_contents();
        print iScramble($html, FALSE, FALSE, '');
    // Show a CAPTCHA if we have generated one before.
    if (isset($PHORUM["SPAMHURDLES"]["captcha"])) {
        print $PHORUM["SPAMHURDLES"]["captcha"]["html_after_form"];
    function generate_captcha_html($question)
        $lang = $GLOBALS["PHORUM"]["DATA"]["LANG"]["mod_spamhurdles"];
        // We only have upper case chars in our banner class.
        $question = strtoupper($question);
        // Create a bitmap for the generated question.
        $banner = new banner();
        $formatted = $banner->format($question);
        // Extract all active pixels from the bitmap.
        $points = array();
        $rows = count($formatted);
        $cols = strlen($formatted[0]);
        foreach ($formatted as $row => $raster) {
            for ($col = 0; $col < strlen($raster); $col++) {
                if ($raster[$col] != ' ') {
                    $points[] = array($col, $row);
        // Pixelsize.
        $psx = 4;
        $psy = 3;
        // Generate the HTML content.
        $captcha_h = ($rows + 3) * $psy;
        $captcha_w = ($cols + 2) * $psx;
        <div style="overflow:hidden; position:relative; padding:0px; background-color: #fff; border: 1px solid black; width: <?php 
        print $captcha_w;
px; height: <?php 
        print $captcha_h;
px;" id="spamhurdles_captcha_image">
        $captcha = ob_get_contents();
        <script type="text/javascript">

        function spamhurdles_captcha_add_pixel(x,y) {
            if (!document.getElementById) return;

            var captcha = document.getElementById("spamhurdles_captcha_image"); 
            var pixel = document.createElement("div");
            pixel.innerHTML = "<span></span>";
            pixel.style.backgroundColor = randomcolor(20,130);
            pixel.style.width = "<?php 
        print $psx;
            pixel.style.height = "<?php 
        print $psy;
            pixel.style.position = "absolute";
            pixel.style.top = ((1+y)*<?php 
        print $psy;
) + "px";
            pixel.style.left = ((1+x)*<?php 
        print $psx;
) + "px";

        function spamhurdles_captcha_background() {
            if (!document.getElementById) return;

            var captcha = document.getElementById("spamhurdles_captcha_image"); 
            captcha.style.backgroundColor = randomcolor(150,200);
            var blockwidth = Math.ceil(<?php 
        print ($cols + 2) * $psx;
            for (i=0; i<10; i++) {
                var block = document.createElement("div");
                block.innerHTML = "<span></span>";
                block.style.backgroundColor = randomcolor(100,230);
                block.style.width = blockwidth + "px";
                block.style.height = "<?php 
        print $captcha_h;
                block.style.position = "absolute";
                block.style.top = 0;
                block.style.left = (blockwidth * i) + "px";

        function randomcolor(min, max) {
            r = min + Math.floor(Math.random()*(max-min)+1);
            g = min + Math.floor(Math.random()*(max-min)+1);
            b = min + Math.floor(Math.random()*(max-min)+1);
            return "rgb("+r+","+g+","+b+")";

        foreach ($points as $point) {
            print "spamhurdles_captcha_add_pixel({$point[0]},{$point[1]});\n";
        $post = ob_get_contents();
        // Some extra scrambling to make things harder for spammers.
        $captcha = iScramble($captcha, false, false, '<div id="spamhurdles_captcha_image">' . $lang["JavascriptCaptchaNoscript"] . '</div>');
        $post = iScramble($post, false, false, "");
        return array($captcha, $post);