} else { $input = array('START' => '25', 'RESULT' => '0'); $output = array('START' => 'START', 'RESULT' => 'RESULT'); echo 'About to do simple PCML program call.<BR>'; $success = i5_program_call($pgmHandle, $input, $output); $result = $output['RESULT']; if ($success) { echo "Success. Output variables: START: {$start}. RESULT: {$result}."; } else { echo "Problem calling PCML-described program. Error: " . print_r(i5_error(), true); } } echo '<BR><BR>'; $pcml = "<pcml version=\"4.0\">\n <struct name=\"S2\">\n <data name=\"ZOND2\" type=\"zoned\" length=\"10\" precision=\"5\" usage=\"inherit\" />\n <data name=\"PACK2\" type=\"packed\" length=\"19\" precision=\"5\" usage=\"inherit\" />\n <data name=\"PACK3\" type=\"packed\" length=\"19\" precision=\"5\" usage=\"inherit\" />\n <data name=\"ALPH2\" type=\"char\" length=\"20\" usage=\"inherit\" />\n </struct>\n <struct name=\"S1\">\n <data name=\"ZOND\" type=\"zoned\" length=\"10\" precision=\"5\" usage=\"inherit\" />\n <data name=\"PACK1\" type=\"packed\" length=\"19\" precision=\"5\" usage=\"inherit\" />\n <data name=\"ALPH1\" type=\"char\" length=\"10\" usage=\"inherit\" />\n </struct>\n <program name=\"TESTSTRUC\" path=\"/QSYS.LIB/{$demoLib}.LIB/TESTSTRUC.PGM\">\n <data name=\"CODE\" type=\"char\" length=\"10\" usage=\"output\" />\n <data name=\"S1\" type=\"struct\" struct=\"S1\" usage=\"inputoutput\" />\n <data name=\"S2\" type=\"struct\" struct=\"S2\" usage=\"inputoutput\" />\n <data name=\"PACK\" type=\"packed\" length=\"1\" precision=\"1\" usage=\"output\" />\n <data name=\"CH10\" type=\"char\" length=\"19\" usage=\"output\" />\n <data name=\"CH11\" type=\"char\" length=\"20\" usage=\"output\" />\n <data name=\"CH12\" type=\"char\" length=\"29\" usage=\"output\" />\n <data name=\"CH13\" type=\"char\" length=\"33\" usage=\"output\" />\n </program>\n </pcml>"; echo 'About to do a complex PCML program prepare.<BR>'; $pgmHandle = i5_program_prepare_PCML($pcml); if ($pgmHandle) { echo "Successfully prepared complex PCML program description.<BR>"; } else { echo "Problem while preparing complex PCML program description.<BR>"; } // define some input values $pack3value = 7789777.44; $alph2value = 4; $paramIn = array("S1" => array("ZOND" => 54.77, "PACK1" => 16.2, "ALPH1" => "MyValue"), "S2" => array("ZOND2" => 44.66, "PACK2" => 24444.99945, "PACK3" => $pack3value, "ALPH2" => $alph2value)); // now we need to define where to place output values; it will create new local variables $paramOut = array("S1" => "S1_Value", "S2" => "S2_Value", "CH10" => "CH10_Value", "CH11" => "CH11_Value", "CH12" => "CH12_Value", "CH13" => "CH13_Value", "CODE" => "Code_Value", "PACK" => "Pack"); echo 'About to do complex PCML program call.'; $success = i5_program_call($pgmHandle, $paramIn, $paramOut); if (function_exists('i5_output')) { extract(i5_output());
function runCwTest() { // @todo need to somehow get ToolkitService so we can use getConfigValue() // some items to turn on and off in the test $doPcml = true; $doUserSpace = true; $doDataQueue = true; $doPgmCallComplex = true; $doPgmCallSimple = true; $doObjectList = true; $doJobLists = true; $doJobLogs = true; $doSpooledFiles = true; $doAdoptAuthority = true; ini_set('display_errors', 1); set_time_limit(480); // Include CW constants $cw_const_path = __DIR__ . '/vendor/zendtech/ibmitoolkit/ToolkitApi/CW/cwconstants.php'; if (!file_exists($cw_const_path)) { throw new Exception("File " . $cw_const_path . " doesn't exist"); } require_once $cw_const_path; $cw_path = __DIR__ . '/vendor/zendtech/ibmitoolkit/ToolkitApi/CW/cw.php'; if (!file_exists($cw_path)) { throw new Exception("File " . $cw_path . " doesn't exist"); } require_once $cw_path; // require_once('CW/cw.php'); // don't need if added auto_append in PHP.INI // Use configurable demo lib/name from toolkit ini $demoLib = trim(getConfigValue('demo', 'demo_library')); if (!$demoLib) { die('Demo library not set in toolkit.ini.'); } // Use configurable encoding from toolkit ini // We use encoding in meta tag so characters appear correctly in browser $encoding = trim(getConfigValue('system', 'encoding')); if (!$encoding) { die('Encoding not set in toolkit.ini. Example: ISO-8859-1'); } // optional demo values $setLibList = trim(getConfigValue('demo', 'initlibl', '')); $setCcsid = trim(getConfigValue('demo', 'ccsid', '')); $setJobName = trim(getConfigValue('demo', 'jobname', '')); $setIdleTimeout = trim(getConfigValue('demo', 'idle_timeout', '')); $transportType = trim(getConfigValue('demo', 'transport_type', '')); // optional demo connection values $private = false; // default $privateNum = false; // default $persistent = trim(getConfigValue('demo', 'persistent', false)); if ($persistent) { // private can only happen with persistence $private = trim(getConfigValue('demo', 'private', false)); $privateNum = trim(getConfigValue('demo', 'private_num', '0')); } //(persistent) $scriptTitle = 'Test script for IBM i Compatibility Wrapper (CW)'; // TODO get test user from toolkit.ini // this user, TKITU1, should exist on the system $user = '******'; $testPw = 'WEBTEST'; ?> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=<?php echo $encoding; ?> "> <style type="text/css"> body { font: 15px; } h1 { font: 28px arial,sans-serif; font-weight: bold; border-style: solid; color: #2278A5; border: 1px 1px 1px 1px; padding: 2px 2px 2px 2px; margin-bottom: 30px; } h2 { font: 20px arial,sans-serif; font-weight: bold; background-color: lightblue; } </style> <title><?php echo $scriptTitle; ?> </title> </head> <?php echo h1($scriptTitle); echo h2('Version check'); // display CW version or warning message. $downloadSite = 'http://www.youngiprofessionals.com/wiki/XMLSERVICE'; $downloadLink = '<a href="' . $downloadSite . '" target="_blank">' . $downloadSite . '</a>'; if (function_exists('i5_version')) { echo "You are running CW version <b>" . i5_version() . "</b>.<BR> Any updates will be found at {$downloadLink}.<BR>"; } else { echo "This version of CW is out of date.<BR>Please download the latest CW from {$downloadLink}.<BR><BR>"; } echo h2('Connection'); // choose connection function based on persistence choice $connFunction = $persistent ? 'i5_pconnect' : 'i5_connect'; echo "About to connect with {$connFunction}('', '', '') (feel free to specify a real user here)<BR>"; // options (liblist, ccsid, jobname) can be changed by the user in toolkit.ini. $options = array(); if ($setLibList) { $options[I5_OPTIONS_INITLIBL] = $setLibList; echo "I5_OPTIONS_INITLIBL = '{$setLibList}'<BR>"; } if ($setCcsid) { $options[I5_OPTIONS_RMTCCSID] = $setCcsid; echo "I5_OPTIONS_RMTCCSID = '{$setCcsid}'<BR>"; } if ($setJobName) { $options[I5_OPTIONS_JOBNAME] = $setJobName; echo "I5_OPTIONS_JOBNAME = '{$setJobName}'<BR>"; } if ($setIdleTimeout) { $options[I5_OPTIONS_IDLE_TIMEOUT] = $setIdleTimeout; echo "I5_OPTIONS_IDLE_TIMEOUT = '{$setIdleTimeout}'<BR>"; } if ($transportType) { $options[CW_TRANSPORT_TYPE] = $transportType; echo "CW_TRANSPORT_TYPE = '{$transportType}'<BR>"; } if ($persistent && $private) { $options[I5_OPTIONS_PRIVATE_CONNECTION] = $privateNum; echo "I5_OPTIONS_PRIVATE_CONNECTION = '{$privateNum}'<BR>"; } // (private and privateNum) echo '<BR>'; /* * // Optionally re-use an existing database connection for your transport * // If you specify a naming mode (i5/sql) in your connection, make sure they match. * $namingMode = DB2_I5_NAMING_ON; * $existingDb = db2_pconnect('', '','', array('i5_naming' => $namingMode)); * // Add to existing connection options * $options[CW_EXISTING_TRANSPORT_CONN] = $existingDb; * $options[CW_EXISTING_TRANSPORT_I5_NAMING] = $namingMode; */ $start = microtime(true); // about to connect. Can use i5_connect or i5_pconnect. $conn = $connFunction('localhost', '', '', $options); $end = microtime(true); $elapsed = $end - $start; echo "Ran {$connFunction} function, with options, in {$elapsed} seconds.<BR>"; // if unable to connect, find out why. if (!$conn) { die('<BR>Could not connect. Reason: ' . printArray(i5_error())); } echo "Connection object output: '{$conn}'<BR><BR>"; if ($private) { // if a private connection, show what number was used or generated. $privateConnNum = i5_get_property(I5_PRIVATE_CONNECTION, $conn); echo "Private conn number from i5_get_property(I5_PRIVATE_CONNECTION, \$conn): {$privateConnNum}<BR><BR>"; $isNew = i5_get_property(I5_NEW_CONNECTION, $conn); echo "Is new connection?: {$isNew}<BR><BR>"; } // CONNECTED. // check that demo library exists echo "About to verify that the demo library, '{$demoLib}', exists.<BR>"; $list = i5_objects_list('QSYS', $demoLib, '*LIB', $conn); if (!$list) { echo 'Error getting object list: ' . printArray(i5_error()) . '<BR><BR>'; } else { if ($listItem = i5_objects_list_read($list)) { echo "Demo library '{$demoLib}' exists.<BR><BR>"; } else { die("<BR>Demo library '{$demoLib}' NOT found. Ending."); } } i5_objects_list_close($list); // ON TO ACTUAL FUNCTIONALITY if ($doPcml) { echo h2('PCML program calls'); $pcml = '<pcml version="4.0"> <program name="YYPLUS" entrypoint="YYPLUS" path="/QSYS.LIB/' . $demoLib . '.LIB/YYSRVNORES.SRVPGM" > <data name="START" type="int" length="4" precision="31" usage="inputoutput" /> <data name="RESULT" type="int" length="4" precision="31" usage="inputoutput" /> </program> </pcml>'; echo 'About to do simple PCML program prepare.<BR>'; $pgmHandle = i5_program_prepare_PCML($pcml); if (!$pgmHandle) { echo 'Error preparing simple PCML program: ' . printArray(i5_error()) . '<BR><BR>'; } else { $input = array('START' => '25', 'RESULT' => '0'); $output = array('START' => 'START', 'RESULT' => 'RESULT'); echo 'About to do simple PCML program call.<BR>'; $success = i5_program_call($pgmHandle, $input, $output); $result = $output['RESULT']; if ($success) { echo "Success. Output variables: START: {$start}. RESULT: {$result}."; } else { echo "Problem calling PCML-described program. Error: " . print_r(i5_error(), true); } } echo '<BR><BR>'; $pcml = "<pcml version=\"4.0\">\n <struct name=\"S2\">\n <data name=\"ZOND2\" type=\"zoned\" length=\"10\" precision=\"5\" usage=\"inherit\" />\n <data name=\"PACK2\" type=\"packed\" length=\"19\" precision=\"5\" usage=\"inherit\" />\n <data name=\"PACK3\" type=\"packed\" length=\"19\" precision=\"5\" usage=\"inherit\" />\n <data name=\"ALPH2\" type=\"char\" length=\"20\" usage=\"inherit\" />\n </struct>\n <struct name=\"S1\">\n <data name=\"ZOND\" type=\"zoned\" length=\"10\" precision=\"5\" usage=\"inherit\" />\n <data name=\"PACK1\" type=\"packed\" length=\"19\" precision=\"5\" usage=\"inherit\" />\n <data name=\"ALPH1\" type=\"char\" length=\"10\" usage=\"inherit\" />\n </struct>\n <program name=\"TESTSTRUC\" path=\"/QSYS.LIB/{$demoLib}.LIB/TESTSTRUC.PGM\">\n <data name=\"CODE\" type=\"char\" length=\"10\" usage=\"output\" />\n <data name=\"S1\" type=\"struct\" struct=\"S1\" usage=\"inputoutput\" />\n <data name=\"S2\" type=\"struct\" struct=\"S2\" usage=\"inputoutput\" />\n <data name=\"PACK\" type=\"packed\" length=\"1\" precision=\"1\" usage=\"output\" />\n <data name=\"CH10\" type=\"char\" length=\"19\" usage=\"output\" />\n <data name=\"CH11\" type=\"char\" length=\"20\" usage=\"output\" />\n <data name=\"CH12\" type=\"char\" length=\"29\" usage=\"output\" />\n <data name=\"CH13\" type=\"char\" length=\"33\" usage=\"output\" />\n </program>\n </pcml>"; echo 'About to do a complex PCML program prepare.<BR>'; $pgmHandle = i5_program_prepare_PCML($pcml); if ($pgmHandle) { echo "Successfully prepared complex PCML program description.<BR>"; } else { echo "Problem while preparing complex PCML program description.<BR>"; } // define some input values $pack3value = 7789777.44; $alph2value = 4; $paramIn = array("S1" => array("ZOND" => 54.77, "PACK1" => 16.2, "ALPH1" => "MyValue"), "S2" => array("ZOND2" => 44.66, "PACK2" => 24444.99945, "PACK3" => $pack3value, "ALPH2" => $alph2value)); // now we need to define where to place output values; it will create new local variables $paramOut = array("S1" => "S1_Value", "S2" => "S2_Value", "CH10" => "CH10_Value", "CH11" => "CH11_Value", "CH12" => "CH12_Value", "CH13" => "CH13_Value", "CODE" => "Code_Value", "PACK" => "Pack"); echo 'About to do complex PCML program call.'; $success = i5_program_call($pgmHandle, $paramIn, $paramOut); if (function_exists('i5_output')) { extract(i5_output()); } // i5_output() required if called in a function if ($success) { echo "Success."; echo "<BR>S1: " . var_export($S1_Value, true); echo "<BR>S2: " . var_export($S2_Value, true); echo "<BR>CH10: " . var_export($CH10_Value, true); echo "<BR>CH11: " . var_export($CH11_Value, true); echo "<BR>CH12: " . var_export($CH12_Value, true); echo "<BR>CH13: " . var_export($CH13_Value, true); echo "<BR>Code: " . var_export($Code_Value, true); echo "<BR>Pack: " . var_export($Pack, true); } else { echo "Problem calling PCML-described program. Error: " . printArray(i5_error()); } } $bigDesc = array(array("DSName" => "BIGDS", "DSParm" => array(array("Name" => "P1", "IO" => I5_INOUT, "Type" => I5_TYPE_CHAR, "Length" => 10, "Count" => 5), array("Name" => "P2C", "IO" => I5_INOUT, "Type" => I5_TYPE_LONG, "Length" => 4), array("Name" => "P2", "IO" => I5_INOUT, "Type" => I5_TYPE_CHAR, "Length" => 1, "CountRef" => "P2C"), array("DSName" => "PS", "Count" => 2, "DSParm" => array(array("Name" => "PS1", "IO" => I5_INOUT, "Type" => I5_TYPE_CHAR, "Length" => 10), array("Name" => "PS2", "IO" => I5_INOUT, "Type" => I5_TYPE_CHAR, "Length" => 10), array("Name" => "PS3", "IO" => I5_INOUT, "Type" => I5_TYPE_CHAR, "Length" => 10)))))); $bigInputValues = array("BIGDS" => array("P1" => array("t1", "t2", "t3", "t4", "t5"), "P2C" => 2, "P2" => array("a", "b"), "PS" => array(array("PS1" => "test1", "PS2" => "test2", "PS3" => "test3"), array("PS1" => "test3", "PS2" => "test4", "PS3" => "test5")))); if ($doUserSpace) { echo h2('User spaces'); $userSpaceName = 'DEMOSPACE'; $userSpaceLib = $demoLib; $usObj = new UserSpace($conn); $usObj->setUSName($userSpaceName, $userSpaceLib); // toolkit does not have an i5_userspace_delete so delete with a command. $ret = i5_command("DLTUSRSPC USRSPC({$userSpaceLib}/{$userSpaceName})", $conn); if (function_exists('i5_output')) { extract(i5_output()); } // i5_output() required if called in a function $status = $ret ? 'successfully' : 'badly'; echo "deleted user space: {$status}<BR>"; //$us = $usObj->CreateUserSpace('ALANUS', 'ALAN', $InitSize =1024, $Authority = '*ALL', $InitChar=' '); $usProperties = array(I5_NAME => $userSpaceName, I5_LIBNAME => $userSpaceLib, I5_INIT_VALUE => 'Y'); echo "About to create user space.<BR>"; $us = i5_userspace_create($usProperties, $conn); if (!$us) { echo "Error returned: " . printArray(i5_error()) . "<BR><BR>"; } else { echo "Success!<BR><BR>"; } // prepare userspace for a put $us = i5_userspace_prepare("{$userSpaceLib}/{$userSpaceName}", $bigDesc, $conn); if (!$us) { echo "Error returned from user space prepare: " . printArray(i5_error()) . "<BR><BR>"; } else { echo "Success preparing user space.<BR><BR>"; } // do the userspace put $success = i5_userspace_put($us, $bigInputValues); if (!$success) { echo "Error returned from user space put: " . printArray(i5_error()) . "<BR><BR>"; } else { echo "Success putting data into user space.<BR><BR>"; } // do the userspace get // removed counfref because doesn't work when getting. $bigDesc = array(array("DSName" => "BIGDS", "DSParm" => array(array("Name" => "P1", "IO" => I5_INOUT, "Type" => I5_TYPE_CHAR, "Length" => 10, "Count" => 5), array("Name" => "P2C", "IO" => I5_INOUT, "Type" => I5_TYPE_LONG, "Length" => 4), array("Name" => "P2", "IO" => I5_INOUT, "Type" => I5_TYPE_CHAR, "Length" => 1, "Count" => 2), array("DSName" => "PS", "Count" => 2, "DSParm" => array(array("Name" => "PS1", "IO" => I5_INOUT, "Type" => I5_TYPE_CHAR, "Length" => 10), array("Name" => "PS2", "IO" => I5_INOUT, "Type" => I5_TYPE_CHAR, "Length" => 10), array("Name" => "PS3", "IO" => I5_INOUT, "Type" => I5_TYPE_CHAR, "Length" => 10)))))); // prepare userspace for a get $us = i5_userspace_prepare("{$userSpaceLib}/{$userSpaceName}", $bigDesc, $conn); if (!$us) { echo "Error returned from user space prepare: " . printArray(i5_error()) . "<BR><BR>"; } else { echo "Success preparing user space.<BR><BR>"; } $success = i5_userspace_get($us, array("BIGDS" => "BIGDS")); if (function_exists('i5_output')) { extract(i5_output()); } // i5_output() required if called in a function if (!$success) { echo "Error returned from user space get: " . i5_error() . "<BR><BR>"; } else { echo "Success getting data from user space. BIGDS=" . printArray($BIGDS) . "<BR><BR>"; } } // data queue if ($doDataQueue) { echo h2('Data queues'); $queueName = 'KEYEDQ'; $keyLen = 10; $qObj = new DataQueue($conn); echo "<BR>About to delete data queue {$queueName}. (Will fail if doesn't exist yet)<BR>"; try { $qObj->DeleteDQ($queueName, $demoLib); echo "Success deleting data queue {$queueName}."; } catch (Exception $e) { echo "Error deleting data queue: " . $e . "<BR><BR>"; } echo "<BR>About to create data queue {$queueName}.<BR>"; try { $qObj->CreateDataQ($queueName, $demoLib, 128, '*KEYED', $keyLen); // length 10 key echo "Success creating data queue {$queueName}."; } catch (Exception $e) { echo "Error creating data queue: " . $e . "<BR><BR>"; } // test case adapted from p398 of Zend Server 5.1 manual $simpleStructure = array('DSName' => 'PS', 'DSParm' => array(array('type' => 0, 'name' => 'PS1', 'length' => '10'), array('type' => 6, 'name' => 'PS2', 'length' => '10.4'), array('type' => 0, 'name' => 'PS3', 'length' => '10'))); // prepare $queue = i5_dtaq_prepare("{$demoLib}/{$queueName}", $simpleStructure, $keyLen); if (!$queue) { echo "Error preparing data queue.<BR><BR>"; } // send $key = 'abc'; $data = array('PS1' => 'test1', 'PS2' => 13.1415, 'PS3' => 'test2'); echo "<BR>About to send simple structure to keyed data queue {$queueName} with key {$key}.<BR>"; $success = i5_dtaq_send($queue, $key, $data); if (!$success) { echo "Error returned from data queue send: " . printArray(i5_error()) . "<BR><BR>"; } else { echo "Success sending data to data queue.<BR><BR>"; } echo "<BR>About to receive simple structure from keyed data queue {$queueName} with key {$key}.<BR>"; $data = i5_dtaq_receive($queue, 'EQ', $key); // receive if (!$data) { echo "Error returned from simple data queue receive: " . printArray(i5_error()); } else { echo "Success getting simple data structure from data queue: " . printArray($data); } echo '<BR>'; // unkeyed queue with complex structure $queueName = 'NEWQ'; $qObj = new DataQueue($conn); echo "<BR>About to delete data queue {$queueName}. (Will fail if doesn't exist yet)<BR>"; try { $qObj->DeleteDQ($queueName, $demoLib); echo "Success deleting data queue {$queueName}."; } catch (Exception $e) { echo "Error deleting data queue: " . $e . "<BR><BR>"; } echo "<BR>About to create data queue {$queueName}.<BR>"; try { $qObj->CreateDataQ($queueName, $demoLib); echo "Success creating data queue {$queueName}."; } catch (Exception $e) { echo "Error creating data queue: " . $e . "<BR><BR>"; } $bigDesc = array(array("DSName" => "BIGDS", "DSParm" => array(array("Name" => "P1", "IO" => I5_INOUT, "Type" => I5_TYPE_CHAR, "Length" => 10, "Count" => 5), array("Name" => "P2C", "IO" => I5_INOUT, "Type" => I5_TYPE_LONG, "Length" => 4), array("Name" => "P2", "IO" => I5_INOUT, "Type" => I5_TYPE_CHAR, "Length" => 1, "Count" => 2), array("DSName" => "PS", "Count" => 2, "DSParm" => array(array("Name" => "PS1", "IO" => I5_INOUT, "Type" => I5_TYPE_CHAR, "Length" => 10), array("Name" => "PS2", "IO" => I5_INOUT, "Type" => I5_TYPE_CHAR, "Length" => 10), array("Name" => "PS3", "IO" => I5_INOUT, "Type" => I5_TYPE_CHAR, "Length" => 10)))))); // prepare $queue = i5_dtaq_prepare("{$demoLib}/{$queueName}", $bigDesc); if (!$queue) { echo "Error preparing data queue.<BR><BR>"; } // send echo "<BR>About to send big data structure to data queue {$queueName}.<BR>"; $success = i5_dtaq_send($queue, '', $bigInputValues); // if (!$success) { echo "Error returned from data queue send: " . i5_error() . "<BR><BR>"; } else { echo "Success sending data to data queue.<BR><BR>"; } echo "<BR>About to receive big data structure from data queue {$queueName}.<BR>"; $data = i5_dtaq_receive($queue); //, $operator = null, $key = '', $timeout = 0) // receive if (!$data) { echo "Error returned from data queue receive: " . printArray(i5_error()); } else { echo "Success getting data from data queue: " . printArray($data); } echo '<BR>'; // Now a short-form DQ test // short-form description $littleDesc = array("Name" => "sometext", "IO" => I5_INOUT, "Type" => I5_TYPE_CHAR, "Length" => 20); $littleInput = "Small text input"; echo "<BR>About to send small short-form data structure to data queue {$queueName}.<BR>"; // prepare $queue = i5_dtaq_prepare("{$demoLib}/{$queueName}", $littleDesc); if (!$queue) { echo "Error preparing data queue.<BR><BR>"; } // send $success = i5_dtaq_send($queue, '', $littleInput); // if (!$success) { echo "Error returned from data queue send of small input: " . i5_error() . "<BR><BR>"; } else { echo "Success sending the string '{$littleInput}' to data queue.<BR><BR>"; } echo "<BR>About to receive small data structure from data queue {$queueName}.<BR>"; $data = i5_dtaq_receive($queue); //, $operator = null, $key = '', $timeout = 0) // receive if (!$data) { echo "Error returned from data queue receive of small data: " . i5_error() . "<BR><BR>"; } else { echo "Success getting small data from data queue: '{$data}'<BR><BR>"; } echo '<BR><BR>'; } if ($doObjectList) { echo h2('Object lists'); echo "About to do object list with '{$demoLib}', '*ALL','*PGM'<BR>"; // object list $list = i5_objects_list($demoLib, '*ALL', '*PGM', $conn); if (!$list) { echo 'Error getting object list: ' . printArray(i5_error()) . '<BR><BR>'; } else { while ($listItem = i5_objects_list_read($list)) { echo printArray($listItem); } echo 'End of list. Error information: ' . printArray(i5_error()) . '<BR><BR>'; } i5_objects_list_close($list); } if ($doPgmCallSimple) { echo h2('Program calls'); echo 'Program call with simple parameters<BR>'; $progname = "{$demoLib}/TESTSTP2"; $desc = array(array("Name" => "code", "IO" => I5_INOUT, "Type" => I5_TYPE_CHAR, "Length" => "10"), array("Name" => "name", "IO" => I5_INOUT, "Type" => I5_TYPE_CHAR, "Length" => "10")); $desc = array(0 => array('type' => 0, 'name' => 'code', 'length' => 10, 'io' => 3), 1 => array('type' => 0, 'name' => 'name', 'length' => 10, 'io' => 3)); echo "<b>About to call {$progname} with two char parameters.</b><BR>"; $prog = i5_program_prepare($progname, $desc); if ($prog === FALSE) { $errorTab = i5_error(); echo "Program prepare failed <br>\n"; var_dump($errorTab); die; } /* Execute Program */ $params = array("code" => "123", "name" => "ABC"); $retvals = array("code" => "code", "name" => "name"); $ret = i5_program_call($prog, $params, $retvals); if (function_exists('i5_output')) { extract(i5_output()); } // i5_output() required if called in a function if ($ret === FALSE) { $errorTab = i5_error(); echo "FAIL : i5_program_call failure message: " . $conn->getLastError() . " with code <br>"; var_dump($errorTab); } else { // success echo "Success! The return values are: <br>", "Name: ", $name, "<br> Code: ", $code, "<br><BR>"; } $close_val = i5_program_close($prog); if ($close_val === false) { print "FAIL : i5_program_close returned fales, closing an open prog.<br>\n"; $errorTab = i5_error(); var_dump($errorTab); } } // (simple call) // *** data structure call! *** if ($doPgmCallComplex) { echo '<BR>Program call with complex parameters<BR>'; $progname = "{$demoLib}/RPCTEST"; echo "<b>About to call {$progname} with data structure parameters.</b>"; /*Call a program with parameters that include a DS */ $desc = array(array("Name" => "P1", "IO" => I5_INOUT, "Type" => I5_TYPE_CHAR, "Length" => 10, "Count" => 5), array("Name" => "P2C", "IO" => I5_INOUT, "Type" => I5_TYPE_LONG, "Length" => 4), array("Name" => "P2", "IO" => I5_INOUT, "Type" => I5_TYPE_CHAR, "Length" => 1, "CountRef" => "P2C"), array("DSName" => "PS", "Count" => 2, "DSParm" => array(array("Name" => "PS1", "IO" => I5_INOUT, "Type" => I5_TYPE_CHAR, "Length" => 10), array("Name" => "PS2", "IO" => I5_INOUT, "Type" => I5_TYPE_CHAR, "Length" => 10), array("Name" => "PS3", "IO" => I5_INOUT, "Type" => I5_TYPE_CHAR, "Length" => 10)))); $prog = i5_program_prepare($progname, $desc); if ($prog === FALSE) { $errorTab = i5_error(); echo "Program prepare failed <br>\n"; var_dump($errorTab); die; } /* Execute Program */ // The nameless elements in array. $params1 = array(array("PS1" => "test1", "PS2" => "test2", "PS3" => "test3"), array("PS1" => "test3", "PS2" => "test4", "PS3" => "test5")); $params2 = array("P1" => array("t1", "t2", "t3", "t4", "t5"), "P2C" => 2, "P2" => array("a", "b"), "PS" => $params1); $retvals = array("P1" => "P1", "PS" => "PS", "P2" => "P2", "P2C" => "P2C"); $ret = i5_program_call($prog, $params2, $retvals); if (function_exists('i5_output')) { extract(i5_output()); } // i5_output() required if called in a function if ($ret === FALSE) { $errorTab = i5_error(); echo "FAIL : i5_program_call failure message: " . $conn->getLastError() . " with code <br>"; var_dump($errorTab); } else { // success echo "<BR><BR>Success! The return values are: <br>"; echo "P1 : " . printArray($P1) . "<BR>"; echo "P2C : " . $P2C . "<BR>"; echo "P2 : " . printArray($P2) . "<BR>"; echo "PS: " . printArray($PS) . "<BR>"; } $close_val = i5_program_close($prog); if ($close_val === false) { print "FAIL : i5_program_close returned fales, closing an open prog.<br>\n"; $errorTab = i5_error(); var_dump($errorTab); } } //(pgmcall complex) echo h2('Commands'); $msg = 'HELLO'; $cmdString = "SNDMSG MSG({$msg}) TOUSR({$user})"; $start = microtime(true); $commandSuccessful = i5_command($cmdString, array(), array(), $conn); $end = microtime(true); $elapsed = $end - $start; echo "Ran command {$cmdString} using a single string in {$elapsed} seconds. Return: " . OkBad($commandSuccessful) . "<BR><BR>"; $badUser = '******'; $msg = 'HELLO'; $cmdString = "SNDMSG MSG({$msg}) TOUSR({$badUser})"; $start = microtime(true); $commandSuccessful = i5_command($cmdString, array(), array(), $conn); $end = microtime(true); $elapsed = $end - $start; echo "Ran command {$cmdString} using a single string to BAD user in {$elapsed} seconds.. Return: " . OkBad($commandSuccessful) . "<BR>"; if (!$commandSuccessful) { echo "Error returned: " . printArray(i5_error()) . "<BR><BR>"; } $cmdString = 'RTVJOBA'; $input = array(); // we want variable name ccsid to be created $output = array('ccsid' => array('ccsid', 'dec(5 0)'), 'dftccsid' => array('defaultCcsid', 'dec(5 0)'), 'curuser' => 'currentUser', 'nbr' => 'jobNumber', 'job' => 'jobName', 'user' => 'jobUser', 'usrlibl' => 'userLibl'); $start = microtime(true); $commandSuccessful = i5_command($cmdString, $input, $output, $conn); if (function_exists('i5_output')) { extract(i5_output()); } // i5_output() required if called in a function $end = microtime(true); $elapsed = $end - $start; echo "Ran command {$cmdString} with an output array in {$elapsed} seconds. Return: " . OkBad($commandSuccessful) . " with CCSID '{$ccsid}', default CCSID '{$defaultCcsid}', current user '{$currentUser}', job name '{$jobName}', job number '{$jobNumber}', job user '{$jobUser}', with user liblist '{$userLibl}'.<BR><BR>"; // Note: old toolkit cannot get interactive output of this sort (DSPJOBLOG). This is additional functionality of the new toolkit. $cmdString = "DSPJOBLOG JOB({$jobNumber}/{$jobUser}/{$jobName})"; echo "About to run " . $cmdString . ".<BR>"; $conn->setToolkitServiceParams(array('plugSize' => '5M')); // bigger to handle large joblog $interactiveOutput = $conn->CLInteractiveCommand($cmdString); $conn->setToolkitServiceParams(array('plugSize' => '512K')); // put back to default echo printArray($interactiveOutput) . "<BR><BR>"; $msg = 'HELLO_WITH_INPUTS_ARRAY'; $cmdString = "SNDMSG"; $inputs = array('MSG' => $msg, 'TOUSR' => $user); $commandSuccessful = i5_command($cmdString, $inputs); echo "Ran command {$cmdString} with an input array: " . printArray($inputs) . "Return: " . OkBad($commandSuccessful) . ".<BR><BR>"; $msg = "MixedCaseNoSpaces"; $cmdString = "SNDMSG"; $inputs = array('MSG' => $msg, 'TOUSR' => $user); $commandSuccessful = i5_command($cmdString, $inputs); echo "Ran command {$cmdString} with an input array: " . printArray($inputs) . "Return: " . OkBad($commandSuccessful) . ".<BR><BR>"; $msg = "Davey Jones embedded spaces without quotes--caused error in old toolkit"; $cmdString = "SNDMSG"; $inputs = array('MSG' => $msg, 'TOUSR' => $user); $commandSuccessful = i5_command($cmdString, $inputs); echo "Ran command {$cmdString} with an input array: " . printArray($inputs) . "Return: " . OkBad($commandSuccessful) . ".<BR><BR>"; $msg = "O'flanagan single quote--caused error in old toolkit"; $cmdString = "SNDMSG"; $inputs = array('MSG' => $msg, 'TOUSR' => $user); $commandSuccessful = i5_command($cmdString, $inputs); echo "Ran command {$cmdString} with an input array: " . printArray($inputs) . "Return: " . OkBad($commandSuccessful) . ".<BR><BR>"; echo h2('Error functions'); echo "Let's test i5_errormsg() and i5_errno()<BR>Get last error message: " . i5_errormsg(); echo "<BR>Get last error number: " . i5_errno() . "<BR><BR>"; echo h2('Get system value'); $start = microtime(true); $date = i5_get_system_value('QDATE'); $end = microtime(true); $elapsed = $end - $start; echo "QDATE system value: '{$date}', obtained in {$elapsed} seconds.<BR>"; echo h2('Data areas'); $dtaara = "{$demoLib}/ALLEYOOP"; $ret = i5_data_area_create($dtaara, 72); if ($ret) { echo "Created data area {$dtaara} successfully.<BR>"; } else { echo "Could not create data area {$dtaara}.<BR>"; } $ret = i5_data_area_delete($dtaara); if ($ret) { echo "Deleted data area {$dtaara} successfully.<BR>"; } else { echo "Could not delete data area {$dtaara}.<BR>"; } $dtaara = 'BETTYBOOP'; $ret = i5_data_area_create($dtaara, 100); if ($ret) { echo "Created data area {$dtaara} successfully.<BR>"; } else { echo "Could not create data area {$dtaara}. Reason: " . i5_errormsg() . " (it may already exist)<BR>"; } $dtaara = 'BETTYBOOP'; $stringToWrite = 'Very nice'; $ret = i5_data_area_write($dtaara, $stringToWrite, 5, 20); if ($ret) { echo "Wrote '{$stringToWrite}' to data area {$dtaara} successfully.<BR>"; // try to read now. $start = microtime(true); $readData = i5_data_area_read($dtaara, 3, 40); $end = microtime(true); $elapsed = $end - $start; if ($readData) { echo "Read a portion of '{$readData}' from data area {$dtaara} successfully in {$elapsed} seconds.<BR>"; } else { echo "Could not read from data area {$dtaara}. Reason: " . i5_errormsg() . "<BR>"; } // try to read now. $start = microtime(true); $readData = i5_data_area_read($dtaara); // the whole thing $end = microtime(true); $elapsed = $end - $start; if ($readData) { echo "Read ALL of '{$readData}' from data area {$dtaara} successfully in {$elapsed} seconds.<BR>"; } else { echo "Could not read from data area {$dtaara}. Reason: " . i5_errormsg() . "<BR>"; } } else { echo "Could not write to data area {$dtaara}. Reason: " . i5_errormsg() . "<BR>"; } // job list if ($doJobLists) { echo h2('Job lists'); echo "About to get up to 5 jobs with jobname ZENDSVR (can also do I5_JOBUSER, I5_USERNAME, I5_JOBNUMBER, and I5_JOBTYPE).<BR>"; $list = i5_job_list(array(I5_JOBNAME => 'ZENDSVR')); if (!$list) { echo 'Error getting job list: ' . printArray(i5_error()) . '<BR>'; } else { $jobCount = 0; while (($listItem = i5_job_list_read($list)) && ++$jobCount <= 5) { echo printArray($listItem) . '<BR>'; } echo 'End of list.<BR><BR>'; } i5_job_list_close($list); // Get info about current job echo "Getting information about current job.<BR>"; $list = i5_job_list(); //array(I5_USERNAME=>'*ALL'), $conn); if (!$list) { echo 'Error getting job list: ' . printArray(i5_error()) . '<BR>'; } else { // should be only one for current job. $listItem = i5_job_list_read($list); echo "<BR>list item for current job: " . printArray($listItem) . "<BR><BR>"; echo "Job name: {$listItem[I5_JOB_NAME]} user: {$listItem[I5_JOB_USER_NAME]} job number: {$listItem[I5_JOB_NUMBER]}<BR><BR>"; } i5_job_list_close($list); } if ($doSpooledFiles) { echo h2('Spooled Files'); $splUser = '******'; echo "Get up to 5 spooled files for user {$splUser}<BR>"; $list = i5_spool_list(array(I5_USERNAME => $splUser), $conn); if (!$list) { echo 'Error getting spool list: ' . printArray(i5_error()) . '<BR>'; } else { $spoolCount = 0; while (($listItem = i5_spool_list_read($list)) && ++$spoolCount <= 5) { echo "<BR>list item: " . printArray($listItem) . "<BR>"; echo '<BR>Output data for this spool file: <BR>'; $data = i5_spool_get_data($listItem['SPLFNAME'], $listItem['JOBNAME'], $listItem['USERNAME'], $listItem['JOBNBR'], $listItem['SPLFNBR']); if (!$data) { echo '<BR>No spool data. Error info: ' . printArray(i5_error()) . '<BR>'; } else { echo "<PRE>{$data}</PRE><BR>"; } } } i5_spool_list_close($list); $outq = 'QGPL/QPRINT'; echo "<BR>Get up to 5 spooled files for outq {$outq} (may get permissions message if user's authority is insufficient)<BR>"; $list = i5_spool_list(array(I5_OUTQ => $outq), $conn); if (!$list) { echo 'Error getting spool list: ' . printArray(i5_error()) . '<BR>'; } else { $spoolCount = 0; while (($listItem = i5_spool_list_read($list)) && ++$spoolCount <= 5) { echo "<BR>list item: " . printArray($listItem) . "<BR>"; echo '<BR>Output data for this spool file: <BR>'; $data = i5_spool_get_data($listItem['SPLFNAME'], $listItem['JOBNAME'], $listItem['USERNAME'], $listItem['JOBNBR'], $listItem['SPLFNBR']); if (!$data) { echo '<BR>No spool data. Error info: ' . printArray(i5_error()) . '<BR>'; } else { echo "<PRE>{$data}</PRE><BR>"; } } } i5_spool_list_close($list); } // job log. if ($doJobLogs) { echo h2('Job logs'); // Try current job. Good, it works, except for not enough data coming back from PHP wrapper. echo "About to get joblog (partial data) for current job<BR>"; $list = i5_jobLog_list(); if (!$list) { echo 'No joblogs found<BR>'; } else { while ($listItem = i5_jobLog_list_read($list)) { echo printArray($listItem); } echo '<BR>End of list.<BR><BR>'; } i5_jobLog_list_close($list); } if ($doAdoptAuthority) { echo h2('Adopt authority'); // Note: only works if you've defined $user and $testPw, and created the user profile. echo "About to adopt authority to user {$user}<BR>"; $start = microtime(true); $success = i5_adopt_authority($user, $testPw); $end = microtime(true); $elapsed = $end - $start; if (!$success) { echo "Error adopting authority: " . printArray(i5_error()) . "<BR>"; } else { echo "Success adopting authority in {$elapsed} seconds<BR>"; echo "About to check current user and other variables after adopting authority.<BR>"; $cmdString = 'RTVJOBA'; $input = array(); $output = array('ccsid' => array('ccsid', 'dec(5 0)'), 'dftccsid' => array('defaultCcsid', 'dec(5 0)'), 'curuser' => 'currentUser', 'nbr' => 'jobNumber', 'job' => 'jobName', 'user' => 'jobUser', 'usrlibl' => 'userLibl'); $commandSuccessful = i5_command($cmdString, $input, $output, $conn); if (function_exists('i5_output')) { extract(i5_output()); } // i5_output() required if called in a function echo "Ran command {$cmdString}. Return: " . OkBad($commandSuccessful) . " with original job user '{$jobUser}', current user '{$currentUser}', CCSID '{$ccsid}', default CCSID '{$defaultCcsid}', job name '{$jobName}', job number '{$jobNumber}', with user liblist '{$userLibl}'.<BR><BR>"; } } $ret = i5_close($conn); //$conn optional echo h2('Connection close'); echo "Closed i5 connection. return status: " . OkBad($ret) . "."; echo h1('End of script'); ?> </html> <?php }