function excluirWS() { global $id, $esquemaadmin; try { include "conexao.php"; $sql = "DELETE from " . $esquemaadmin . "i3geoadmin_ws WHERE id_ws = {$id}"; $dbhw->query($sql); i3GeoAdminInsertLog($dbhw, $sql); $dbhw = null; $dbh = null; return "ok"; } catch (PDOException $e) { return "Error!: "; } }
function excluir($id_tema, $id_grupo, $dbhw) { global $esquemaadmin; try { $sql = "DELETE from " . $esquemaadmin . "i3geousr_grupotema where id_tema = ? and id_grupo = ? "; $prep = $dbhw->prepare($sql); $prep->execute(array($id_tema, $id_grupo)); i3GeoAdminInsertLog($dbhw, $sql, array($id_tema, $id_grupo)); return true; } catch (PDOException $e) { return false; } }
function excluirGrupoUsrTema() { global $id_tema, $id_grupo, $locaplic, $esquemaadmin; include $locaplic . "/admin/php/conexao.php"; $sql = "DELETE from " . $esquemaadmin . "i3geousr_grupotema where id_tema = ? and id_grupo = ? "; $prep = $dbhw->prepare($sql); $prep->execute(array($id_tema, $id_grupo)); i3GeoAdminInsertLog($dbhw, $sql, array($id_tema, $id_grupo)); return "ok"; }
function i3GeoAdminOrdena($pdo, $ordem, $tabela, $colunaid) { global $esquemaadmin; $pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); $arr = array(); $n = count($ordem) + 1; for ($i = 1; $i < $n; $i++) { $arr[$ordem[$i - 1]] = $i; } $str_ids = implode(',', array_keys($arr)); $str_when_then = ""; foreach ($arr as $id => $ordem) { $str_when_then .= sprintf(" WHEN " . $colunaid . " = %d THEN %s ", $id, $ordem); } //whitespace + appends included in example for readability $template = "UPDATE '" . $esquemaadmin . $tabela . "' " . " SET 'ordem' = CASE " . " %s " . " END " . " WHERE " . $colunaid . " IN (%s);"; $sql = sprintf($template, $str_when_then, $str_ids); try { $resultado = $pdo->query($sql); } catch (PDOException $e) { return false; } i3GeoAdminInsertLog($pdo, $sql, array()); return true; }
function excluirPapelUsuario() { global $id_usuario, $id_papel; try { include dirname(__FILE__) . "/conexao.php"; $sql = "DELETE FROM " . $esquemaadmin . "i3geousr_papelusuario WHERE id_usuario = {$id_usuario} AND id_papel = {$id_papel} "; $dbhw->query($sql); i3GeoAdminInsertLog($dbhw, $sql); $dbhw = null; $dbh = null; return "ok"; } catch (PDOException $e) { return "Error!: "; } }
function excluirPapelOperacao() { global $id_operacao, $id_papel; try { include dirname(__FILE__) . "/conexao.php"; $sql = "DELETE from " . $esquemaadmin . "i3geousr_operacoespapeis WHERE id_operacao = {$id_operacao} AND id_papel = {$id_papel}"; $dbhw->query($sql); i3GeoAdminInsertLog($dbhw, $sql); $dbhw = null; $dbh = null; return "ok"; } catch (PDOException $e) { return "Error!: "; } }