
include "../html.php";
html_top("keyanalyze August 2001", 1);
<P><A href="index.php">[Back to Keyring Analysis Page]</A>

<P><B>Key Analysis 10 Aug 2001</B>

<P>The following stats are being pulled from a keyring that was
exported from 
<A href="http://pgp.dtype.org/">pgp.dtype.org</A> on August 9, 2001.
Before reading this, please be sure to
view the 
<A href="explanation.php">explanation of this analysis</A> and read
the <A href="keyfaq.php">FAQ</A> before asking me any questions
about it.

<P>The strong set MSD raw analysis is 
<A href="output/200108/msd-sorted-200108.txt.gz">available here</A>. Please
read the <A href="keyfaq.php">FAQ</A> to explain how to read this file.
This file includes all keys reachable from the strong set. Look up
reports for individual keys in the
<A href="output/200108/">raw output directory</A>. Here you can
also see what keys are
signed by each key (otherwise very difficult to find).

<UL><LI><A href="output/200108/">Output directory, including individual
key reports</A></UL>

<P><B>New This Month</B>
文件: index.php 项目: p12vala/sw
	include_once( 'html/htmlform.php' );
	include_once( 'settings.php' );
	html_top( $settings, "The Wormie Game!", 0 );
	echo '<center>' .  file_get_contents( "wormie.html" ). '</center>';
	html_bot( $settings );