function pc_admin_check_permission() { global $loginok, $currentuser, $pcconfig; if ($loginok != 1) { html_nologin(); } elseif (!strcmp($currentuser["userid"], "guest")) { html_init("gb2312"); html_error_quit("对不起,请先登录"); exit; } elseif (!pc_is_manager($currentuser)) { html_init("gb2312"); html_error_quit("对不起,您无权访问该页"); exit; } else { return; } }
<?php /* ** blog黑名单 ** windinsn Mar 5 , 2004 */ require "pcfuncs.php"; if ($loginok != 1) { html_nologin(); } elseif (!strcmp($currentuser["userid"], "guest")) { html_init("gb2312"); html_error_quit("guest 没有Blog!"); exit; } else { $link = pc_db_connect(); $pc = pc_load_infor($link, $currentuser["userid"]); if (!$pc || !pc_is_admin($currentuser, $pc)) { pc_db_close($link); html_error_quit("对不起,您要查看的Blog不存在"); exit; } pc_html_init("gb2312", $pc["NAME"]); $buserid = $_GET["userid"]; if ($_GET["act"] == "add" && $buserid) { $lookupuser = array(); if (bbs_getuser($buserid, $lookupuser) == 0) { echo "<script language=\"javascript\">用户" . $buserid . "不存在!</script>"; } else { $buserid = $lookupuser["userid"]; if (!pc_in_blacklist($link, $buserid, $pc["UID"])) { pc_add_blacklist($link, $buserid, $pc["UID"]);
<?php require "pcfuncs.php"; $userid = addslashes($_GET["id"]); $uid = (int) $_GET["id"]; $link = pc_db_connect(); $pc = pc_load_infor($link, $userid, $uid); if (!$pc) { pc_db_close($link); html_init("gb2312", $pcconfig["BBSNAME"] . "Blog"); html_error_quit("对不起,您要查看的Blog不存在"); exit; } $query = "SELECT nodexsl , stylesheet FROM userstyle WHERE uid = " . $pc["UID"] . " LIMIT 0 , 1;"; $result = mysql_query($query, $link); $rows = mysql_fetch_array($result); mysql_free_result($result); pc_db_close($link); if (!$rows) { html_init("gb2312", $pcconfig["BBSNAME"] . "Blog"); html_error_quit("对不起,您要查看的用户尚未设定自定义XSL文件"); exit; } if ($rows[stylesheet] == 1) { header("Content-Type: text/css"); header("Content-Disposition: inline;filename=SMTHBlog_" . $pc["USER"] . ".css"); } else { header("Content-Type: text/xml"); header("Content-Disposition: inline;filename=SMTHBlog_" . $pc["USER"] . ".xsl"); } echo stripslashes($rows[nodexsl]);
} if (isset($_GET["tag"])) { $tag = intval($_GET["tag"]); } else { $tag = 0; } if (isset($_GET["tid"])) { $tid = intval($_GET["tid"]); } else { $tid = 0; } $link = pc_db_connect(); $pc = pc_load_infor($link, $userid); if (!$pc) { pc_db_close($link); html_init("gb2312", "Blog"); html_error_quit("对不起,您要查看的Blog不存在"); exit; } $f_err = ""; if (pc_is_admin($currentuser, $pc) && $loginok == 1) { if (isset($_GET["act"])) { if ($_GET["act"] == "addfriend") { $f_err = add_friend($pc); } if ($_GET["act"] == "delfriend") { del_friend($pc); } } } $isfriend = pc_is_friend($currentuser["userid"], $pc["USER"]);
<?php /* ** ID:windinsn dec 29,2003 **/ require "funcs.php"; login_init(); require "libvote.php"; if ($loginok != 1 || !isset($currentuser)) { html_nologin(); } html_init("gb2312", "系统投票", "", 1); ?> <br /><p align=center><strong><?php echo BBS_FULL_NAME; ?> 系统投票</strong></p> <?php $link = sysvote_db_connect(); if ($_GET["svid"]) { $vote = sysvote_load_vote_infor($link, $_GET["svid"]); if (!$vote) { html_error_quit("对不起,所选择的投票不存在!"); } if ($vote[active] != 1) { echo "<script language=javascript>window.location.href=\"bbsssysvote.php?svid=" . $vote[svid] . "\";</script>"; } $per = sysvote_user_can_vote($link, $vote, $currentuser); if ($per == -1) { html_error_quit("对不起,本次投票需要登录!"); } elseif ($per == -2) {
if ($reg_name != "" && $reg_email != "") { //Anti spam part1: the contact form start if ($reg_url == "") { // then send the form to your email if ($email->Send()) { } } // otherwise, let the spammer think that they got their message through //Anti spam part1: the contact form end } //Anti spam advanced version 2 end: Don't send blank emails header("Location: indexThx.php"); exit; } else { //================================================================================================== 初期画面 html_init(""); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HTML初期画面 function html_init() { global $gtime, $script; html_header(); ?> <div id="mainContent"> <img src="img/top/bg_top01.jpg" class="img100" alt="無料体験会"> <p class="innerPad fz13 color01 txt_top01">世界の第一線で活躍するマッサージ師「川梅義和」が、これからボディケアを学んでいきたい方、スキルアップ、キャリアアップを考えている方に“川梅式”の施術法や学び方、働き方をお教えします。</p> <p><img src="img/top/img_top02.png" class="img100 img_top01"></p> <a href="#form"><img src="img/top/btn_contact01.png" class="img100 mb40" alt="WEBからのお申し込みはこちら"></a> <section> <h2 class="mb20"><img src="img/top/img_themes01.png" class="img100" alt="一人でも多くの施術者が
require "funcs.php"; login_init(); if ($loginok != 1) { html_nologin(); exit; } cache_header("nocache"); if (!strcmp($currentuser["userid"], "guest")) { header("Location: " . MAINPAGE_FILE); exit; } if ($currentuser["userlevel"] & BBS_PERM_LOGINOK) { header("Location: " . MAINPAGE_FILE); exit; } html_init("gb2312", "", "", 1); ?> <br /><br /><br /> <p align="center"><b>欢迎来到<?php echo BBS_FULL_NAME; ?> </b></p> <center> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" width="80%" border="0"> <tr><td> 尊敬的<?php echo $currentuser["userid"]; ?> ,<br /> 您好!<br /><br /> 欢迎来到<?php