$(window).load(function() { // Get folder name from hidden input // (Essential for LocalStorage!) setFolderName(); if (FolderName != undefined && FolderName != "") { // Delete all items from localstorage deleteItemsFromLS(""); // Go to login window.location.href = "../offline/cache.php?sign=out"; } else { console.log("Error FolderName is undefined!"); } }); }); </script> <input type="hidden" id="FolderName" value="<?php echo $cookie_path; ?> " /> <?php html_end(false);
function do_purge_tweets(array $querybin, $dt_start, $dt_end) { // Purge tweets $num_del = tweet_purge($querybin, $dt_start, $dt_end); // Show result $response_mediatype = choose_mediatype(['application/json', 'text/html']); switch ($response_mediatype) { case 'application/json': respond_with_json(['purge-tweets' => $num_del]); break; case 'text/html': $script_url = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_URL']; $components = explode('/', $script_url); array_pop($components); $query_bin_info = implode('/', $components); array_pop($components); $query_bin_list = implode('/', $components); html_begin("Query bin tweets: {$querybin['bin']}: purge", [["Query Bins", $query_bin_list], [$querybin['bin'], $query_bin_info], ["Purge"]]); $hB = isset($dt_end) ? dt_format_html($dt_end) : ""; if (isset($dt_start)) { $hA = dt_format_html($dt_start); if (isset($dt_end)) { $dt_desc_html = "tweets from {$hA} to {$hB}"; } else { $dt_desc_html = "tweets from {$hA} to last tweet"; } } else { if (isset($dt_end)) { $dt_desc_html = "tweets from first tweet to {$hB}"; } else { $dt_desc_html = "all tweets"; } } echo <<<END <p>Purged {$dt_desc_html}.</p> <p>Number of tweets deleted: {$num_del['tweets']}</p> END; html_end(); break; default: print "{$num_del['tweets']} tweets purged from {$querybin['bin']}\n"; foreach ($num_del as $name => $num) { print " Table {$name}: {$num} rows deleted\n"; } break; } }
/** * Default error handler * * This handler will not receive E_ERROR, E_PARSE, E_CORE_*, or E_COMPILE_* * errors. * * E_USER_* are triggered by us and will contain an error constant in $p_error * The others, being system errors, will come with a string in $p_error * * @access private * @param integer $p_type Contains the level of the error raised, as an integer. * @param string $p_error Contains the error message, as a string. * @param string $p_file Contains the filename that the error was raised in, as a string. * @param integer $p_line Contains the line number the error was raised at, as an integer. * @param array $p_context To the active symbol table at the point the error occurred (optional). * @return void * @uses lang_api.php * @uses config_api.php * @uses compress_api.php * @uses database_api.php (optional) * @uses html_api.php (optional) */ function error_handler($p_type, $p_error, $p_file, $p_line, array $p_context) { global $g_error_parameters, $g_error_handled, $g_error_proceed_url; global $g_error_send_page_header; # check if errors were disabled with @ somewhere in this call chain if (0 == error_reporting()) { return; } $t_lang_pushed = false; $t_db_connected = false; if (function_exists('db_is_connected')) { if (db_is_connected()) { $t_db_connected = true; } } $t_html_api = false; if (function_exists('html_end')) { $t_html_api = true; } # flush any language overrides to return to user's natural default if ($t_db_connected) { lang_push(lang_get_default()); $t_lang_pushed = true; } $t_method_array = config_get_global('display_errors'); if (isset($t_method_array[$p_type])) { $t_method = $t_method_array[$p_type]; } else { if (isset($t_method_array[E_ALL])) { $t_method = $t_method_array[E_ALL]; } else { $t_method = 'none'; } } # build an appropriate error string $t_error_location = 'in \'' . $p_file . '\' line ' . $p_line; $t_error_description = '\'' . $p_error . '\' ' . $t_error_location; switch ($p_type) { case E_WARNING: $t_error_type = 'SYSTEM WARNING'; break; case E_NOTICE: $t_error_type = 'SYSTEM NOTICE'; break; case E_STRICT: $t_error_type = 'STRICT NOTICE'; break; case E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR: # This should generally be considered fatal (like E_ERROR) $t_error_type = 'SYSTEM ERROR'; break; case E_DEPRECATED: $t_error_type = 'DEPRECATED'; break; case E_USER_ERROR: $t_error_type = 'APPLICATION ERROR #' . $p_error; $t_error_description = error_string($p_error); if ($t_method == DISPLAY_ERROR_INLINE) { $t_error_description .= ' (' . $t_error_location . ")\n" . error_string(ERROR_DISPLAY_USER_ERROR_INLINE); } break; case E_USER_WARNING: $t_error_type = 'APPLICATION WARNING #' . $p_error; $t_error_description = error_string($p_error) . ' (' . $t_error_location . ')'; break; case E_USER_NOTICE: # used for debugging $t_error_type = 'DEBUG'; break; case E_USER_DEPRECATED: # Get the parent of the call that triggered the error to facilitate # debugging with a more useful filename and line number $t_stack = debug_backtrace(); $t_caller = $t_stack[2]; $t_error_type = 'WARNING'; $t_error_description = error_string($p_error) . ' (in ' . $t_caller['file'] . ' line ' . $t_caller['line'] . ')'; if ($t_method == DISPLAY_ERROR_INLINE && php_sapi_name() != 'cli') { # Enqueue messages for later display with error_print_delayed() global $g_errors_delayed; $g_errors_delayed[] = $t_error_description; $g_error_handled = true; return; } break; default: # shouldn't happen, just display the error just in case $t_error_type = 'UNHANDLED ERROR TYPE (' . '<a href="http://php.net/errorfunc.constants">' . $p_type . '</a>)'; $t_error_description = $p_error . ' (' . $t_error_location . ')'; } $t_error_description = nl2br($t_error_description); if (php_sapi_name() == 'cli') { if (DISPLAY_ERROR_NONE != $t_method) { echo $t_error_type . ': ' . $t_error_description . "\n"; if (ON == config_get_global('show_detailed_errors')) { echo "\n"; debug_print_backtrace(); } } if (DISPLAY_ERROR_HALT == $t_method) { exit(1); } } else { switch ($t_method) { case DISPLAY_ERROR_HALT: # disable any further event callbacks if (function_exists('event_clear_callbacks')) { event_clear_callbacks(); } $t_oblen = ob_get_length(); if ($t_oblen > 0) { $t_old_contents = ob_get_contents(); if (!error_handled()) { # Retrieve the previously output header if (false !== preg_match_all('|^(.*)(</head>.*$)|is', $t_old_contents, $t_result) && isset($t_result[1]) && isset($t_result[1][0])) { $t_old_headers = $t_result[1][0]; unset($t_old_contents); } } } # We need to ensure compression is off - otherwise the compression headers are output. compress_disable(); # then clean the buffer, leaving output buffering on. if ($t_oblen > 0) { ob_clean(); } # If HTML error output was disabled, set an error header and stop if (defined('DISABLE_INLINE_ERROR_REPORTING')) { # @TODO Have a mapping for mantis error codes to appropiate HTTP error codes header(' ', true, 400); exit(1); } # don't send the page header information if it has already been sent if ($g_error_send_page_header) { if ($t_html_api) { html_page_top1(); if ($p_error != ERROR_DB_QUERY_FAILED && $t_db_connected == true) { html_page_top2(); } else { html_page_top2a(); } } else { echo '<html><head><title>', $t_error_type, '</title></head><body>'; } } else { # Output the previously sent headers, if defined if (isset($t_old_headers)) { echo $t_old_headers, "\n"; html_page_top2(); } } echo '<div id="error-msg">'; echo '<div class="error-type">' . $t_error_type . '</div>'; echo '<div class="error-description">', $t_error_description, '</div>'; echo '<div class="error-info">'; if (null === $g_error_proceed_url) { echo lang_get('error_no_proceed'); } else { echo '<a href="', $g_error_proceed_url, '">', lang_get('proceed'), '</a>'; } echo '</div>'; if (ON == config_get_global('show_detailed_errors')) { echo '<div class="error-details">'; error_print_details($p_file, $p_line, $p_context); echo '</div>'; echo '<div class="error-trace">'; error_print_stack_trace(); echo '</div>'; } echo '</div>'; if (isset($t_old_contents)) { echo '<div class="warning">Previous non-fatal errors occurred. Page contents follow.</div>'; echo '<div id="old-contents">'; echo $t_old_contents; echo '</div>'; } if ($t_html_api) { if ($p_error != ERROR_DB_QUERY_FAILED && $t_db_connected == true) { html_page_bottom(); } else { html_body_end(); html_end(); } } else { echo '</body></html>', "\n"; } exit(1); case DISPLAY_ERROR_INLINE: if (!defined('DISABLE_INLINE_ERROR_REPORTING')) { echo '<div class="error-inline">', $t_error_type, ': ', $t_error_description, '</div>'; } $g_error_handled = true; break; default: # do nothing - note we treat this as we've not handled an error, so any redirects go through. } } if ($t_lang_pushed) { lang_pop(); } $g_error_parameters = array(); $g_error_proceed_url = null; }
function luser_newform() { $refresh = luser_loginstart("Enter email address"); // Display table headings echo "<div align=\"center\">\n"; printf('<FORM name="newform" method="post" action="%s">%s', sanitizeInput($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), "\n"); printf('<INPUT type="hidden" name="reqtype" value="newsubmit">%s', "\n"); echo "<TABLE width=\"400\" CLASS=\"mail\" BORDER=0 WIDTH=100% CELLSPACING=2 CELLPADDING=2>\n"; echo " <THEAD>\n"; echo " <TH COLSPAN=2>Please enter your email address.<br>A new password will be emailed to you.</TH>\n"; echo " </THEAD>\n"; echo " <TR>\n"; echo " <TD ALIGN=\"LEFT\">Email Address:</TD>\n"; echo " <TD><input name=\"luser\" size=\"30\" maxlength=\"1024\"></TD>\n"; echo " </TR>\n"; echo " <TR>\n"; printf(' <TD colspan="2" align="center"><INPUT type="submit" name="submit" value="Create Account"></TD>%s', "\n"); echo " </TR>\n"; echo "</TABLE>\n</FORM>"; echo "</div>\n"; html_end(); }
function main() { global $defaults; if (isset($defaults[http_get('load_defaults')])) { $default = $defaults[http_get('load_defaults')]; $client_id = $default['client_id']; $client_secret = $default['client_secret']; $authorizeURL = $default['AuthorizeURL']; $tokenURL = $default['TokenURL']; if (isset($default['scope'])) { $scope = $default['scope']; } if (isset($default['state'])) { $state = $default['state']; } if (isset($default['code'])) { $code = $default['code']; } if (isset($default['token_type'])) { $token_type = $default['token_type']; } if (isset($default['access_token'])) { $token_type = $default['access_token']; } if (isset($default['redirect_uri'])) { $redirect_uri = $default['redirect_uri']; } if (isset($default['grand_type'])) { $redirect_uri = $default['grand_type']; } else { $redirect_uri = 'http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; } } else { $client_id = http_get('client_id', session_get('client_id')); $client_secret = http_get('client_secret', session_get('client_secret')); $authorizeURL = http_get('AuthorizeURL', session_get('AuthorizeURL')); $tokenURL = http_get('TokenURL', session_get('TokenURL')); $scope = http_get('scope', session_get('scope')); $state = http_get('state', session_get('state')); $redirect_uri = http_get('redirect_uri', session_get('redirect_uri')); $code = http_get('code', session_get('code')); $access_token = http_get('access_token', session_get('access_token')); $token_type = http_get('token_type', session_get('token_type')); $grand_type = http_get('grand_type', session_get('grand_type')); } session_set('client_id', $client_id); session_set('client_secret', $client_secret); session_set('AuthorizeURL', $authorizeURL); session_set('TokenURL', $tokenURL); session_set('scope', $scope); session_set('state', $state); session_set('redirect_uri', $redirect_uri); session_set('code', $code); session_set('access_token', $access_token); session_set('token_type', $token_type); session_set('grand_type', $grand_type); if ('Authorization Request' == http_get('action')) { // Mandatory $query = array('response_type' => 'code', 'client_id' => $client_id); // Optional if (strlen($redirect_uri) > 0) { $query['redirect_uri'] = $redirect_uri; } if (strlen($scope) > 0) { $query['scope'] = $scope; } if (strlen($state) > 0) { $query['state'] = $state; } redirect($authorizeURL, $query); // Redirect to authorization URL exit; } if ('Access Token Request' == http_get('action')) { $request = array('grant_type' => $grand_type, 'client_id' => $client_id); if (strlen($redirect_uri) > 0) { $request['redirect_uri'] = $redirect_uri; } if (strlen($state) > 0) { $request['state'] = $state; } if (strlen($code) > 0) { $request['code'] = $code; } if (strlen($client_secret) > 0) { $request['client_secret'] = $client_secret; } $headers = array(); post($tokenURL, $request, $headers); exit; } html_start(); echo "<h1>OAuth2 Client</h1>\n"; if (isset($_GET['error'])) { echo "<h2>Error</h2>\n"; echo "<h3>" . htmlentities($_GET['error']) . "</h3>\n"; global $oauth2_errors; if (isset($oauth2_errors[$_GET['error']])) { echo htmlentities($oauth2_errors[$_GET['error']]); } else { echo "Unknown error.\n"; } if (isset($_GET['error_description'])) { echo "<h3>error_description</h3>\n"; echo htmlentities($_GET['error_description']); } if (isset($_GET['error_uri'])) { echo "<h3>error_uri</h3>\n"; $link = htmlentities($_GET['error_uri']); echo "<a href='{$link}'><code>{$link}</code></code></a>\n"; } } echo "<form method='get'>\n"; echo "<h2>Configuration</h2>\n"; form_input('client_id', $client_id); form_input('client_secret', $client_secret); form_input('AuthorizeURL', $authorizeURL); form_input('TokenURL', $tokenURL); form_input('redirect_uri', $redirect_uri); echo "<h2>Parameters</h2>\n"; form_input('code', $code); form_input('scope', $scope); form_input('access_token', $access_token); form_input('token_type', $token_type); form_select('grand_type', $grand_type, array('authorization_code' => 'authorization_code', 'client_credentials' => 'client_credentials')); echo "<h2>Actions</h2>\n"; echo "<h3>OAuth2 Requests</h3>\n"; form_submit('action', 'Authorization Request'); form_submit('action', 'Access Token Request'); echo "<h3>Form</h3>\n"; form_submit('', 'Update'); echo "</form>\n"; echo "<h3>Load defaults</h2>\n"; global $defaults; foreach ($defaults as $option => $settings) { echo "<li><a href='client.php?load_defaults={$option}'>{$option}</a></li>\n"; } html_end(); }
function error_handler($p_type, $p_error, $p_file, $p_line, $p_context) { global $g_error_parameters, $g_error_handled, $g_error_proceed_url; global $g_lang_overrides; global $g_error_send_page_header; # check if errors were disabled with @ somewhere in this call chain # also suppress php 5 strict warnings if (0 == error_reporting() || 2048 == $p_type) { return; } $t_lang_pushed = false; # flush any language overrides to return to user's natural default if (function_exists('db_is_connected')) { if (db_is_connected()) { lang_push(lang_get_default()); $t_lang_pushed = true; } } $t_short_file = basename($p_file); $t_method_array = config_get('display_errors'); if (isset($t_method_array[$p_type])) { $t_method = $t_method_array[$p_type]; } else { $t_method = 'none'; } # build an appropriate error string switch ($p_type) { case E_WARNING: $t_error_type = 'SYSTEM WARNING'; $t_error_description = $p_error; break; case E_NOTICE: $t_error_type = 'SYSTEM NOTICE'; $t_error_description = $p_error; break; case E_USER_ERROR: $t_error_type = "APPLICATION ERROR #{$p_error}"; $t_error_description = error_string($p_error); break; case E_USER_WARNING: $t_error_type = "APPLICATION WARNING #{$p_error}"; $t_error_description = error_string($p_error); break; case E_USER_NOTICE: # used for debugging $t_error_type = 'DEBUG'; $t_error_description = $p_error; break; default: #shouldn't happen, just display the error just in case $t_error_type = ''; $t_error_description = $p_error; } $t_error_description = nl2br($t_error_description); if ('halt' == $t_method) { $t_old_contents = ob_get_contents(); # ob_end_clean() still seems to call the output handler which # outputs the headers indicating compression. If we had # PHP > 4.2.0 we could use ob_clean() instead but as it is # we need to disable compression. compress_disable(); if (ob_get_length()) { ob_end_clean(); } # don't send the page header information if it has already been sent if ($g_error_send_page_header) { html_page_top1(); if ($p_error != ERROR_DB_QUERY_FAILED) { html_page_top2(); } else { html_page_top2a(); } } print '<br /><div align="center"><table class="width50" cellspacing="1">'; print "<tr><td class=\"form-title\">{$t_error_type}</td></tr>"; print "<tr><td><p class=\"center\" style=\"color:red\">{$t_error_description}</p></td></tr>"; print '<tr><td><p class="center">'; if (null === $g_error_proceed_url) { print lang_get('error_no_proceed'); } else { print "<a href=\"{$g_error_proceed_url}\">" . lang_get('proceed') . '</a>'; } print '</p></td></tr>'; if (ON == config_get('show_detailed_errors')) { print '<tr><td>'; error_print_details($p_file, $p_line, $p_context); print '</td></tr>'; print '<tr><td>'; error_print_stack_trace(); print '</td></tr>'; } print '</table></div>'; if ($g_error_handled && !is_blank($t_old_contents)) { print '<p>Previous non-fatal errors occurred. Page contents follow.</p>'; print '<div style="border: solid 1px black;padding: 4px">'; print $t_old_contents; print '</div>'; } if ($p_error != ERROR_DB_QUERY_FAILED) { html_page_bottom1(); } else { html_body_end(); html_end(); } exit; } else { if ('inline' == $t_method) { print "<p style=\"color:red\">{$t_error_type}: {$t_error_description}</p>"; } else { # do nothing } } if ($t_lang_pushed) { lang_pop(); } $g_error_parameters = array(); $g_error_handled = true; $g_error_proceed_url = null; }
/** * Print the part of the page that comes below the page content but leave off * the menu. This is used during the login process and other times when the * user may not be authenticated. * @param string $p_file should always be the __FILE__ variable. * @return null */ function html_page_bottom1a($p_file = null) { if (null === $p_file) { $p_file = basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']); } // echo "###.html_bottom_banner "; html_bottom_banner(); // echo "###.html_footer "; html_footer(); // echo "###.html_body_end "; html_body_end(); // echo "###.html_end "; html_end(); }
/** * Print the part of the page that comes below the page content but leave off * the menu. This is used during the login process and other times when the * user may not be authenticated. * @param string $p_file Should always be the __FILE__ variable. * @return void */ function html_page_bottom1a($p_file = null) { if (null === $p_file) { $p_file = basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']); } error_print_delayed(); html_bottom_banner(); html_footer(); html_body_end(); html_end(); }
<h4 class="heading">Welcome</h4> <p>You can now proceed to <a href="submit.php">submit new task</a>, or to <a href="results.php">view results</a> of your previous tasks.</p> <br /> <form method="post" action="index.php"> <button type="submit" name="logout" type="button" class="btn btn-danger">Log out</button> </form> <?php } else { ?> <h4 class="heading">Log in</h4> <form class="form-horizontal" method="post" action="index.php"> <fieldset> <div class="form-group"> <label for="password" class="col-lg-2 col-xs-2 control-label">Password:</label> <div class="col-lg-4 col-xs-6"> <input type="password" class="form-control" id="password" name="password"> </div> </div> <div class="form-group"> <div class="col-xs-12"> <button type="submit" name="login" class="btn btn-success btn-lg">Log in</button> </div> </div> </fieldset> </form> <?php } // finalize html_end("home");
function ForbiddenAccess($path = "../../") { ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes" /> <meta name="description" content="Demo web app" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo $path; ?> css/bootstrap.min.css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo $path; ?> css/demo.css" /> <title>Demo webapp</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $path; ?> js/webapp/static/cots/jquery-2.0.3.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $path; ?> js/webapp/static/cots/bootstrap.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $path; ?> js/webapp/static/ihm/interface.js"></script> <script> console.log("-------------------------------"); console.log(" Forbidden access"); console.log("-------------------------------"); $(function() { $(window).load(function() { $('#SplashScreen').center(); window.setTimeout("window.location.href = \"<?php echo $path; ?> index.php\"", 3000); }); }); </script> </head> <body> <img id="SplashScreen" alt="Optum" width="171" height="73" src="<?php echo $path; ?> img/optum_logo.png" /> <?php html_end(); exit; }
require_once 'inc/html.inc.php'; html_start(); $h = array(); # show all categorized hosts if (isset($CONFIG['cat']) && is_array($CONFIG['cat'])) { foreach ($CONFIG['cat'] as $cat => $hosts) { host_summary($cat, $hosts); $h = array_merge($h, $hosts); } } # search for uncategorized hosts if (!($chosts = collectd_hosts())) { printf('<p class="warn">Error: No Collectd hosts found in <em>%s</em></p>', $CONFIG['datadir']); } $uhosts = array_diff($chosts, $h); # show all uncategorized hosts if ($uhosts) { host_summary('uncategorized', $uhosts); } if ($CONFIG['showtime']) { echo <<<EOT <script> jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery("time.timeago").timeago(); }); </script> EOT; } html_end(true);
/** * Default error handler * * This handler will not receive E_ERROR, E_PARSE, E_CORE_*, or E_COMPILE_* * errors. * * E_USER_* are triggered by us and will contain an error constant in $p_error * The others, being system errors, will come with a string in $p_error * * @access private * @param int p_type contains the level of the error raised, as an integer. * @param string p_error contains the error message, as a string. * @param string p_file contains the filename that the error was raised in, as a string. * @param int p_line contains the line number the error was raised at, as an integer. * @param array p_context to the active symbol table at the point the error occurred (optional) * @uses lang_api.php * @uses config_api.php * @uses compress_api.php * @uses database_api.php (optional) * @uses html_api.php (optional) */ function error_handler($p_type, $p_error, $p_file, $p_line, $p_context) { global $g_error_parameters, $g_error_handled, $g_error_proceed_url; global $g_lang_overrides; global $g_error_send_page_header; # check if errors were disabled with @ somewhere in this call chain if (0 == error_reporting()) { return; } $t_lang_pushed = false; $t_db_connected = false; if (function_exists('db_is_connected')) { if (db_is_connected()) { $t_db_connected = true; } } $t_html_api = false; if (function_exists('html_end')) { $t_html_api = true; } # flush any language overrides to return to user's natural default if ($t_db_connected) { lang_push(lang_get_default()); $t_lang_pushed = true; } $t_short_file = basename($p_file); $t_method_array = config_get_global('display_errors'); if (isset($t_method_array[$p_type])) { $t_method = $t_method_array[$p_type]; } else { if (isset($t_method_array[E_ALL])) { $t_method = $t_method_array[E_ALL]; } else { $t_method = 'none'; } } # build an appropriate error string switch ($p_type) { case E_WARNING: $t_error_type = 'SYSTEM WARNING'; $t_error_description = "'{$p_error}' in '{$p_file}' line {$p_line}"; break; case E_NOTICE: $t_error_type = 'SYSTEM NOTICE'; $t_error_description = "'{$p_error}' in '{$p_file}' line {$p_line}"; break; case E_USER_ERROR: $t_error_type = "APPLICATION ERROR #{$p_error}"; $t_error_description = error_string($p_error); if ($t_method == DISPLAY_ERROR_INLINE) { $t_error_description .= "\n" . error_string(ERROR_DISPLAY_USER_ERROR_INLINE); } break; case E_USER_WARNING: $t_error_type = "APPLICATION WARNING #{$p_error}"; $t_error_description = error_string($p_error); break; case E_USER_NOTICE: # used for debugging $t_error_type = 'DEBUG'; $t_error_description = $p_error; break; default: # shouldn't happen, just display the error just in case $t_error_type = ''; $t_error_description = $p_error; } $t_error_description = nl2br($t_error_description); switch ($t_method) { case DISPLAY_ERROR_HALT: # disable any further event callbacks if (function_exists('event_clear_callbacks')) { event_clear_callbacks(); } $t_oblen = ob_get_length(); if ($t_oblen > 0) { $t_old_contents = ob_get_contents(); if (!error_handled()) { # Retrieve the previously output header if (false !== preg_match_all('|^(.*)(</head>.*$)|is', $t_old_contents, $result)) { $t_old_headers = $result[1][0]; unset($t_old_contents); } } } # We need to ensure compression is off - otherwise the compression headers are output. compress_disable(); # then clean the buffer, leaving output buffering on. if ($t_oblen > 0) { ob_clean(); } # don't send the page header information if it has already been sent if ($g_error_send_page_header) { if ($t_html_api) { html_page_top1(); if ($p_error != ERROR_DB_QUERY_FAILED && $t_db_connected == true) { html_page_top2(); } else { html_page_top2a(); } } else { echo '<html><head><title>', $t_error_type, '</title></head><body>'; } } else { # Output the previously sent headers, if defined if (isset($t_old_headers)) { echo $t_old_headers, "\n"; html_page_top2(); } } echo '<div id="error-msg">'; echo '<div class="error-type">' . $t_error_type . '</div>'; echo '<div class="error-description">', $t_error_description, '</div>'; echo '<div class="error-info">'; if (null === $g_error_proceed_url) { echo lang_get('error_no_proceed'); } else { echo '<a href="', $g_error_proceed_url, '">', lang_get('proceed'), '</a>'; } echo '</div>'; if (ON == config_get_global('show_detailed_errors')) { echo '<div class="error-details">'; error_print_details($p_file, $p_line, $p_context); echo '</div>'; echo '<div class="error-trace">'; error_print_stack_trace(); echo '</div>'; } echo '</div>'; if (isset($t_old_contents)) { echo '<div class="warning">Previous non-fatal errors occurred. Page contents follow.</div>'; echo '<div id="old-contents">'; echo $t_old_contents; echo '</div>'; } if ($t_html_api) { if ($p_error != ERROR_DB_QUERY_FAILED && $t_db_connected == true) { html_page_bottom(); } else { html_body_end(); html_end(); } } else { echo '</body></html>', "\n"; } exit; case DISPLAY_ERROR_INLINE: echo '<div class="error-inline">', $t_error_type, ': ', $t_error_description, '</div>'; $g_error_handled = true; break; default: # do nothing - note we treat this as we've not handled an error, so any redirects go through. } if ($t_lang_pushed) { lang_pop(); } $g_error_parameters = array(); $g_error_proceed_url = null; }
/** * Print the part of the page that comes below the page content but leave off * the menu. This is used during the login process and other times when the * user may not be authenticated. * @return void */ function html_page_bottom1a() { error_print_delayed(); html_bottom_banner(); html_footer(); html_body_end(); html_end(); }
function abort_with_error($status, $message) { global $argv; if (PHP_SAPI !== 'cli') { // Invoked by Web server http_response_code($status); html_begin("Error", []); print "<p style=\"color: red;\">"; print htmlspecialchars($message); print "</p>"; html_end(); exit(0); } else { /// Invoked from command line fwrite(STDERR, "{$argv['0']}: error: {$message}\n"); exit(1); } }
<?php if ($is_admin == 'super') { ?> <!-- <div style='float:left; text-align:center;'>RUN TIME : <?php echo get_microtime() - $begin_time; ?> <br></div> --><?php } ?> <!-- ie6,7에서 사이드뷰가 게시판 목록에서 아래 사이드뷰에 가려지는 현상 수정 --> <!--[if lte IE 7]> <script> $(function() { var $sv_use = $(".sv_use"); var count = $sv_use.length; $sv_use.each(function() { $(this).css("z-index", count); $(this).css("position", "relative"); count = count - 1; }); }); </script> <![endif]--> </body> </html> <?php echo html_end(); // HTML 마지막 처리 함수 : 반드시 넣어주시기 바랍니다.
function report_xml_error($title, $xml) { html_start($title, '', ''); echo process_xml($xml, 'error.xsl'); html_end(); }
function html_page_bottom1a($p_file = null) { if (null === $p_file) { $p_file = basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); } html_bottom_banner(); html_footer($p_file); html_body_end(); html_end(); }
/** * Default error handler * * This handler will not receive E_ERROR, E_PARSE, E_CORE_*, or E_COMPILE_* * errors. * * E_USER_* are triggered by us and will contain an error constant in $p_error * The others, being system errors, will come with a string in $p_error * * @access private * @param int p_type contains the level of the error raised, as an integer. * @param string p_error contains the error message, as a string. * @param string p_file contains the filename that the error was raised in, as a string. * @param int p_line contains the line number the error was raised at, as an integer. * @param array p_context to the active symbol table at the point the error occurred (optional) * @uses lang_api.php * @uses config_api.php * @uses compress_api.php * @uses database_api.php (optional) * @uses html_api.php (optional) */ function error_handler($p_type, $p_error, $p_file, $p_line, $p_context) { global $g_error_parameters, $g_error_handled, $g_error_proceed_url; global $g_lang_overrides; global $g_error_send_page_header; # check if errors were disabled with @ somewhere in this call chain if (0 == error_reporting()) { return; } $t_lang_pushed = false; $t_db_connected = false; if (function_exists('db_is_connected')) { if (db_is_connected()) { $t_db_connected = true; } } $t_html_api = false; if (function_exists('html_end')) { $t_html_api = true; } # flush any language overrides to return to user's natural default if ($t_db_connected) { lang_push(lang_get_default()); $t_lang_pushed = true; } $t_short_file = basename($p_file); $t_method_array = config_get_global('display_errors'); if (isset($t_method_array[$p_type])) { $t_method = $t_method_array[$p_type]; } else { if (isset($t_method_array[E_ALL])) { $t_method = $t_method_array[E_ALL]; } else { $t_method = 'none'; } } # build an appropriate error string switch ($p_type) { case E_WARNING: $t_error_type = 'SYSTEM WARNING'; $t_error_description = "'{$p_error}' in '{$p_file}' line {$p_line}"; break; case E_NOTICE: $t_error_type = 'SYSTEM NOTICE'; $t_error_description = "'{$p_error}' in '{$p_file}' line {$p_line}"; break; case E_USER_ERROR: $t_error_type = "APPLICATION ERROR #{$p_error}"; $t_error_description = error_string($p_error); break; case E_USER_WARNING: $t_error_type = "APPLICATION WARNING #{$p_error}"; $t_error_description = error_string($p_error); break; case E_USER_NOTICE: # used for debugging $t_error_type = 'DEBUG'; $t_error_description = $p_error; break; default: # shouldn't happen, just display the error just in case $t_error_type = ''; $t_error_description = $p_error; } $t_error_description = nl2br($t_error_description); switch ($t_method) { case 'halt': # disable any further event callbacks if (function_exists('event_clear_callbacks')) { event_clear_callbacks(); } $t_oblen = ob_get_length(); if (error_handled() && $t_oblen > 0) { $t_old_contents = ob_get_contents(); } # We need to ensure compression is off - otherwise the compression headers are output. compress_disable(); # then clean the buffer, leaving output buffering on. if ($t_oblen > 0) { ob_clean(); } # don't send the page header information if it has already been sent if ($g_error_send_page_header) { if ($t_html_api) { html_page_top1(); if ($p_error != ERROR_DB_QUERY_FAILED && $t_db_connected == true) { html_page_top2(); } else { html_page_top2a(); } } else { echo '<html><head><title>', $t_error_type, '</title></head><body>'; } } echo '<br /><div align="center"><table class="width50" cellspacing="1">'; echo '<tr><td class="form-title">', $t_error_type, '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td><p class="center" style="color:red">', $t_error_description, '</p></td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td><p class="center">'; if (null === $g_error_proceed_url) { echo lang_get('error_no_proceed'); } else { echo '<a href="', $g_error_proceed_url, '">', lang_get('proceed'), '</a>'; } echo '</p></td></tr>'; if (ON == config_get_global('show_detailed_errors')) { echo '<tr><td>'; error_print_details($p_file, $p_line, $p_context); echo '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td>'; error_print_stack_trace(); echo '</td></tr>'; } echo '</table></div>'; if (isset($t_old_contents)) { echo '<p>Previous non-fatal errors occurred. Page contents follow.</p>'; echo '<div style="border: solid 1px black;padding: 4px">'; echo $t_old_contents; echo '</div>'; } if ($t_html_api) { if ($p_error != ERROR_DB_QUERY_FAILED && $t_db_connected == true) { html_page_bottom(); } else { html_body_end(); html_end(); } } else { echo '</body></html>', "\n"; } exit; case 'inline': echo '<p style="color:red">', $t_error_type, ': ', $t_error_description, '</p>'; $g_error_handled = true; break; default: # do nothing - note we treat this as we've not handled an error, so any redirects go through. } if ($t_lang_pushed) { lang_pop(); } $g_error_parameters = array(); $g_error_proceed_url = null; }
$graph->Stroke($filename); } // HTML code to display the graph echo "<TABLE BORDER=\"0\" CELLPADDING=\"10\" CELLSPACING=\"0\" WIDTH=\"100%\">"; echo "<TR>"; echo " <TD ALIGN=\"CENTER\"><IMG SRC=\"" . IMAGES_DIR . "mailscannerlogo.gif\" ALT=\"MailScannr Logo\"></TD>"; echo "</TR>"; echo "<TR>"; // Check Permissions to see if the file has been written and that apache to read it. if (is_readable($filename)) { echo " <TD ALIGN=\"CENTER\"><IMG SRC=\"" . $filename . "\" ALT=\"Graph\"></TD>"; } else { echo "<TD ALIGN=\"CENTER\"> File isn't readable. Please make sure that " . CACHE_DIR . " is readable and writable by MailWatch."; } echo "</TR>"; echo "<TR>"; echo "<TD ALIGN=\"CENTER\">"; echo "<TABLE WIDTH=\"500\">"; echo "<TR BGCOLOR=\"#F7CE4A\">"; echo "<TH>Domain</TH>"; echo "<TH>Count</TH>"; echo "<TH>Size</TH>"; echo "</TR>"; for ($i = 0; $i < count($data); $i++) { echo "<TR BGCOLOR=\"#EBEBEB\">\n <TD>{$data_names[$i]}</TD>\n <TD ALIGN=\"RIGHT\">" . number_format($data[$i]) . "</TD>\n <TD ALIGN=\"RIGHT\">" . format_mail_size($data_size[$i]) . "</TD>\n</TR>\n"; } echo "\n </TABLE>\n </TD>\n</TR>\n</TABLE>"; // Add footer html_end(); // Close any open db connections dbclose();
function html_page_bottom1a($p_file = null) { if (!php_version_at_least('4.1.0')) { global $_SERVER; } if (null === $p_file) { $p_file = basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); } html_bottom_banner(); html_footer($p_file); html_body_end(); html_end(); }