function genslotselector($area, $prefix, $first, $last, $time, $display = "block") { global $periods; $html = ''; // Get the settings for this area. Note that the variables below are // local variables, not globals. $enable_periods = $area['enable_periods']; $resolution = $enable_periods ? 60 : $area['resolution']; // Check that $resolution is positive to avoid an infinite loop below. // (Shouldn't be possible, but just in case ...) if (empty($resolution) || $resolution < 0) { fatal_error(FALSE, "Internal error - resolution is NULL or <= 0"); } // If they've asked for "display: none" then we'll also disable the select so // that there is only one select passing through the variable to the handler $disabled = strtolower($display) == "none" ? " disabled=\"disabled\"" : ""; $date = getdate($time); $time_zero = mktime(0, 0, 0, $date['mon'], $date['mday'], $date['year']); if ($enable_periods) { $base = 12 * 60 * 60; // The start of the first period of the day } else { $format = hour_min_format(); } $html .= "<select style=\"display: {$display}\" id = \"{$prefix}seconds{$area['id']}\" name=\"{$prefix}seconds\" onChange=\"adjustSlotSelectors(this.form)\"{$disabled}>\n"; for ($t = $first; $t <= $last; $t = $t + $resolution) { $timestamp = $t + $time_zero; $slot_string = $enable_periods ? $periods[intval(($t - $base) / 60)] : utf8_strftime($format, $timestamp); $html .= "<option value=\"{$t}\""; $html .= $timestamp == $time ? " selected=\"selected\"" : ""; $html .= ">{$slot_string}</option>\n"; } $html .= "</select>\n"; echo $html; }
function start_to_end($starts, $ends) { global $twentyfourhour_format, $strftime_format; $start_date = utf8_strftime($strftime_format['date'], $starts); $start_time = utf8_strftime(hour_min_format(), $starts); $end_date = utf8_strftime($strftime_format['date'], $ends); $end_time = utf8_strftime(hour_min_format(), $ends); return $start_date . " " . $start_time . " - " . $end_date . " " . $end_time; }
echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n<!--\n"; echo "EndActiveCell();\n"; echo "// -->\n</script>"; } } else { echo ' '; } } elseif ($descr != "") { #if it is booked then show echo " <a href=\"view_entry.php?id={$id}" . "&area={$area}&day={$wday}&month={$wmonth}&year={$wyear}\" " . "title=\"{$long_descr}\">{$descr}</a>"; } else { echo " \" "; } echo "</td>\n"; } # next lines to display times on right side if (FALSE != $times_right_side) { if ($enable_periods) { tdcell("red"); $time_t_stripped = preg_replace("/^0/", "", $time_t); echo "<a href=\"{$hilite_url}={$time_t}\" title=\"" . get_vocab("highlight_line") . "\">" . $periods[$time_t_stripped] . "</a></td>"; } else { tdcell("red"); echo "<a href=\"{$hilite_url}={$time_t}\" title=\"" . get_vocab("highlight_line") . "\">" . utf8_strftime(hour_min_format(), $t) . "</a></td>"; } } echo "</tr>\n"; } echo "</table>"; show_colour_key(); include "";
$d[$day_num]['data'][] = date(hour_min_format(), $row[0]) . get_vocab('to') . date(hour_min_format(), $row[1]); break; case '> = ': $d[$day_num]['data'][] = date(hour_min_format(), $row[0]) . get_vocab('to') . '24:00'; break; case '> > ': $d[$day_num]['data'][] = date(hour_min_format(), $row[0]) . get_vocab('to') . '>'; break; case '= = ': $d[$day_num]['data'][] = $all_day; break; case '= > ': $d[$day_num]['data'][] = $all_day . '>'; break; case '< < ': $d[$day_num]['data'][] = '<' . get_vocab('to') . date(hour_min_format(), $row[1]); break; case '< = ': $d[$day_num]['data'][] = '<' . $all_day; break; case '< > ': $d[$day_num]['data'][] = '<' . $all_day . '>'; break; } } if ($row[1] <= $midnight_tonight) { break; } $t = $midnight = $midnight_tonight; $day_num = date('j', $t); }
$d[$day_num]["data"][] = date(hour_min_format(), $row[0]) . get_vocab("to") . date(hour_min_format(), $row[1]); break; case "> = ": $d[$day_num]["data"][] = date(hour_min_format(), $row[0]) . get_vocab("to") . "24:00"; break; case "> > ": $d[$day_num]["data"][] = date(hour_min_format(), $row[0]) . get_vocab("to") . ">"; break; case "= = ": $d[$day_num]["data"][] = $all_day; break; case "= > ": $d[$day_num]["data"][] = $all_day . ">"; break; case "< < ": $d[$day_num]["data"][] = "<" . get_vocab("to") . date(hour_min_format(), $row[1]); break; case "< = ": $d[$day_num]["data"][] = "<" . $all_day; break; case "< > ": $d[$day_num]["data"][] = "<" . $all_day . ">"; break; } } if ($row[1] <= $midnight_tonight) { break; } $t = $midnight = $midnight_tonight; $day_num = date("j", $t); }
$d[$day_num][$month_num][$year_num]["data"][] = date(hour_min_format(), $row[0]) . "~" . date(hour_min_format(), $row[1]) . " - " . $row[3] . $temp; break; case "> = ": $d[$day_num][$month_num][$year_num]["data"][] = date(hour_min_format(), $row[0]) . "~24:00" . " - " . $row[3] . $temp; break; case "> > ": $d[$day_num][$month_num][$year_num]["data"][] = date(hour_min_format(), $row[0]) . "~====>" . " - " . $row[3] . $temp; break; case "= = ": $d[$day_num][$month_num][$year_num]["data"][] = $all_day2 . $temp; break; case "= > ": $d[$day_num][$month_num][$year_num]["data"][] = $all_day2 . "====>" . " - " . $row[3] . $temp; break; case "< < ": $d[$day_num][$month_num][$year_num]["data"][] = "<====~" . date(hour_min_format(), $row[1]) . " - " . $row[3] . $temp; break; case "< = ": $d[$day_num][$month_num][$year_num]["data"][] = "<====" . $all_day2 . " - " . $row[3] . $temp; break; case "< > ": $d[$day_num][$month_num][$year_num]["data"][] = "<====" . $all_day2 . "====>" . " - " . $row[3] . $temp; break; } } //Only if end time > midnight does the loop continue for the next day. if ($row[1] <= $midnight_tonight) { break; } //$day_num++; $t = $midnight = $midnight_tonight;
// minutes $start_difference = ($start_last_slot - $start_first_slot) * 60; // seconds $n_slots = $start_difference / $resolution + 1; $column_width = (int) (95 / $n_slots); $header .= "<th class=\"first_last\">" . get_vocab("date") . ":</th>"; for ($t = mktime($morningstarts, $morningstarts_minutes, 0, $month, $day_start_week + $j, $year); $t <= mktime($eveningends, $eveningends_minutes, 0, $month, $day_start_week + $j, $year); $t += $resolution) { $header .= "<th style=\"width: {$column_width}%\">"; if ($enable_periods) { // convert timestamps to HHMM format without leading zeros $time_t = date($format, $t); // and get a stripped version of the time for use with periods $time_t_stripped = preg_replace("/^0/", "", $time_t); $header .= $periods[$time_t_stripped]; } else { $header .= utf8_strftime(hour_min_format(), $t); } $header .= "</th>\n"; } // next: line to display times on right side if (FALSE != $row_labels_both_sides) { $header .= "<th class=\"first_last\">" . get_vocab("date") . ":</th>"; } } else { // the standard view, with days along the top and times down the side $header .= "<th class=\"first_last\">" . ($enable_periods ? get_vocab("period") : get_vocab("time")) . ":</th>"; for ($j = 0; $j <= $num_of_days - 1; $j++) { $t = mktime(12, 0, 0, $month, $day_start_week + $j, $year); if (is_hidden_day(($j + $weekstarts) % 7)) { // These days are to be hidden in the display (as they are hidden, just give the // day of the week in the header row
break; case "> > ": // Starts after midnight, continues tomorrow $d[$day_num]["data"][] = htmlspecialchars(utf8_strftime(hour_min_format(), $row['start_time'])) . "~====>"; break; case "= = ": // Starts at midnight, ends at midnight $d[$day_num]["data"][] = $all_day; break; case "= > ": // Starts at midnight, continues tomorrow $d[$day_num]["data"][] = $all_day . "====>"; break; case "< < ": // Starts before today, ends before midnight $d[$day_num]["data"][] = "<====~" . htmlspecialchars(utf8_strftime(hour_min_format(), $row['end_time'])); break; case "< = ": // Starts before today, ends at midnight $d[$day_num]["data"][] = "<====" . $all_day; break; case "< > ": // Starts before today, continues tomorrow $d[$day_num]["data"][] = "<====" . $all_day . "====>"; break; } } else { $start_str = period_time_string($row['start_time']); $end_str = period_time_string($row['end_time'], -1); switch (cmp3($row['start_time'], $midnight[$day_num]) . cmp3($row['end_time'], $midnight_tonight[$day_num] + 1)) { case "> < ":
break; case "> > ": # Starts after midnight, continues tomorrow $d[$day_num]["data"][] = utf8_strftime(hour_min_format(), $row[0]) . "~====>"; break; case "= = ": # Starts at midnight, ends at midnight $d[$day_num]["data"][] = $all_day; break; case "= > ": # Starts at midnight, continues tomorrow $d[$day_num]["data"][] = $all_day . "====>"; break; case "< < ": # Starts before today, ends before midnight $d[$day_num]["data"][] = "<====~" . utf8_strftime(hour_min_format(), $row[1]); break; case "< = ": # Starts before today, ends at midnight $d[$day_num]["data"][] = "<====" . $all_day; break; case "< > ": # Starts before today, continues tomorrow $d[$day_num]["data"][] = "<====" . $all_day . "====>"; break; } } else { $start_str = preg_replace("/ /", " ", period_time_string($row[0])); $end_str = preg_replace("/ /", " ", period_time_string($row[1], -1)); switch (cmp3($row[0], $midnight[$day_num]) . cmp3($row[1], $midnight_tonight[$day_num] + 1)) { case "> < ":
// minutes $start_difference = ($start_last_slot - $start_first_slot) * 60; // seconds $n_slots = $start_difference / $resolution + 1; $column_width = (int) (95 / $n_slots); echo "<th class=\"first_last\">" . get_vocab("room") . ":</th>"; for ($t = mktime($morningstarts, $morningstarts_minutes, 0, $month, $day + $j, $year); $t <= mktime($eveningends, $eveningends_minutes, 0, $month, $day + $j, $year); $t += $resolution) { echo "<th style=\"width: {$column_width}%\">"; if ($enable_periods) { // convert timestamps to HHMM format without leading zeros $time_t = date($format, $t); // and get a stripped version of the time for use with periods $time_t_stripped = preg_replace("/^0/", "", $time_t); echo $periods[$time_t_stripped]; } else { echo utf8_strftime(hour_min_format(), $t); } echo "</th>\n"; } // next: line to display times on right side if (FALSE != $row_labels_both_sides) { echo "<th class=\"first_last\">" . get_vocab("room") . ":</th>"; } } else { // the standard view, with rooms along the top and times down the side echo "<th class=\"first_last\">" . ($enable_periods ? get_vocab("period") : get_vocab("time")) . ":</th>"; $column_width = (int) (95 / sql_count($res)); for ($i = 0; $row = sql_row_keyed($res, $i); $i++) { echo "<th style=\"width: {$column_width}%\">\n <a href=\"week.php?year={$year}&month={$month}&day={$day}&area={$area}&room=" . $row['id'] . "\"\n title=\"" . get_vocab("viewweek") . " " . $row['description'] . "\">" . htmlspecialchars($row['room_name']) . ($row['capacity'] > 0 ? "(" . $row['capacity'] . ")" : "") . "</a></th>"; $rooms[] = $row['id']; }
echo "<th width=\"14%\">" . strftime($dformat, $t) . "</th>\n"; } echo "</tr>\n"; # This is the main bit of the display. Outer loop is for the time slots, # inner loop is for days of the week. # URL for highlighting a time. Don't use REQUEST_URI or you will get # the timetohighlight parameter duplicated each time you click. $hilite_url = "week.php?year={$year}&month={$month}&day={$day}&area={$area}&room={$room}&timetohighlight"; # $t is the date/time for the first day of the week (Sunday, if $weekstarts=0). # $wt is for the weekday in the inner loop. $t = $am7; for ($slot = $first_slot; $slot <= $last_slot; $slot++) { # Show the time linked to the URL for highlighting that time: echo "<tr>"; tdcell("red"); echo "<a href=\"{$hilite_url}={$t}\">" . date(hour_min_format(), $t) . "</a></td>"; $wt = $t; # Color to use for empty cells: white, unless highlighting this row: if (isset($timetohighlight) && $timetohighlight == $t) { $empty_color = "red"; } else { $empty_color = "white"; } # See note above: weekday==0 is day $weekstarts, not necessarily Sunday. for ($weekday = 0; $weekday < 7; $weekday++) { # Three cases: # color: id: Slot is: Color: Link to: # ----- ----- -------- --------- ----------------------- # unset - empty white,red add new entry # set unset used by type none (unlabelled slot) # set set used by type view entry
function get_booking_summary($start, $end, $day_start, $day_end) { global $enable_periods; // Use ~ (not -) to separate the start and stop times, because MSIE // will incorrectly line break after a -. $separator = '~'; $after_today = "====>"; $before_today = "<===="; $midnight = "24:00"; // need to fix this so it works with AM/PM configurations (and for that matter 24h) // Localized "all day" text but with non-breaking spaces: $all_day = preg_replace("/ /", " ", get_vocab("all_day")); if ($enable_periods) { $start_str = period_time_string($start); $end_str = period_time_string($end, -1); } else { $start_str = htmlspecialchars(utf8_strftime(hour_min_format(), $start)); $end_str = htmlspecialchars(utf8_strftime(hour_min_format(), $end)); } switch (cmp3($start, $day_start) . cmp3($end, $day_end + 1)) { case "> < ": // Starts after midnight, ends before midnight // Starts after midnight, ends before midnight case "= < ": // Starts at midnight, ends before midnight $result = $start_str; // Don't bother showing the end if it's the same as the start period if ($end_str !== $start_str) { $result .= $separator . $end_str; } break; case "> = ": // Starts after midnight, ends at midnight $result = $start_str . $separator . $midnight; break; case "> > ": // Starts after midnight, continues tomorrow $result = $start_str . $separator . $after_today; break; case "= = ": // Starts at midnight, ends at midnight $result = $all_day; break; case "= > ": // Starts at midnight, continues tomorrow $result = $all_day . $after_today; break; case "< < ": // Starts before today, ends before midnight $result = $before_today . $separator . $end_str; break; case "< = ": // Starts before today, ends at midnight $result = $before_today . $all_day; break; case "< > ": // Starts before today, continues tomorrow $result = $before_today . $all_day . $after_today; break; } return $result; }
#if it is booked then show echo " <a href=\"view_entry.php?id={$ids[$i]}&area={$area}&day={$day}&month={$month}&year={$year}\" title=\"{$long_descrs[$i]}\">{$descrs[$i]}</a><br>"; } else { echo "<a href=\"view_entry.php?id={$ids[$i]}&area={$area}&day={$day}&month={$month}&year={$year}\" title=\"{$long_descrs[$i]}\"> \" </a><br>"; } } unset($descrs); unset($long_descrs); unset($ids); echo "</td>\n"; } # next lines to display times on right side if (FALSE != $times_right_side) { if ($enable_periods) { tdcell("red"); $time_t_stripped = preg_replace("/^0/", "", $time_t); echo "<a href=\"{$hilite_url}={$time_t}\" title=\"" . get_string('highlight_line', 'block_mrbs') . "\">" . $periods[$time_t_stripped] . "</a></td>\n"; } else { tdcell("red"); echo "<a href=\"{$hilite_url}={$time_t}\" title=\"" . get_string('highlight_line', 'block_mrbs') . "\">" . userdate($t, hour_min_format()) . "</a></td>\n"; } } echo "</tr>\n"; reset($rooms); } } echo "</table>\n"; isset($output) ? print $output : ''; show_colour_key(); } include "trailer.php";
break; case "> > ": # Starts after midnight, continues tomorrow $d[$day_num]["data"][] = date(hour_min_format(), $row[0]) . "~====>"; break; case "= = ": # Starts at midnight, ends at midnight $d[$day_num]["data"][] = $all_day; break; case "= > ": # Starts at midnight, continues tomorrow $d[$day_num]["data"][] = $all_day . "====>"; break; case "< < ": # Starts before today, ends before midnight $d[$day_num]["data"][] = "<====~" . date(hour_min_format(), $row[1]); break; case "< = ": # Starts before today, ends at midnight $d[$day_num]["data"][] = "<====" . $all_day; break; case "< > ": # Starts before today, continues tomorrow $d[$day_num]["data"][] = "<====" . $all_day . "====>"; break; } # Only if end time > midnight does the loop continue for the next day. if ($row[1] <= $midnight_tonight) { break; } $day_num++;
function genSlotSelector($area, $id, $name, $current_s, $display_none = FALSE, $disabled = FALSE, $is_start = FALSE) { global $periods; $html = ''; // Check that $resolution is positive to avoid an infinite loop below. // (Shouldn't be possible, but just in case ...) if (empty($area['resolution']) || $area['resolution'] < 0) { fatal_error(FALSE, "Internal error - resolution is NULL or <= 0"); } if ($area['enable_periods']) { $base = 12 * SECONDS_PER_HOUR; // The start of the first period of the day } else { $format = hour_min_format(); } // Build the attributes $attributes = array(); if ($disabled) { // If $disabled is set, give the element a class so that the JavaScript // knows to keep it disabled $attributes[] = 'class="keep_disabled"'; } if ($display_none) { $attributes[] = 'style="display: none"'; } // Build the options $options = array(); // If we're using periods then the last slot is actually the start of the last period, // or if we're using times and this is the start selector, then we don't show the last // time if ($area['enable_periods'] || $is_start) { $last = $area['last'] - $area['resolution']; } else { $last = $area['last']; } for ($s = $area['first']; $s <= $last; $s += $area['resolution']) { $slot_string = $area['enable_periods'] ? $periods[intval(($s - $base) / 60)] : hour_min($s); $options[$s] = $slot_string; } // If $display_none or $disabled are set then we'll also disable the select so // that there is only one select passing through the variable to the handler $params = array('name' => $name, 'id' => $id, 'disabled' => $disabled || $display_none, 'create_hidden' => $disabled && !$display_none, 'attributes' => $attributes, 'value' => $current_s, 'options' => $options, 'force_assoc' => TRUE); generate_select($params); }
break; case "> > ": # Starts after midnight, continues tomorrow $d[$day_num]["data"][] = userdate($row[0], hour_min_format()) . "~====>"; break; case "= = ": # Starts at midnight, ends at midnight $d[$day_num]["data"][] = $all_day; break; case "= > ": # Starts at midnight, continues tomorrow $d[$day_num]["data"][] = $all_day . "====>"; break; case "< < ": # Starts before today, ends before midnight $d[$day_num]["data"][] = "<====~" . userdate($row[1], hour_min_format()); break; case "< = ": # Starts before today, ends at midnight $d[$day_num]["data"][] = "<====" . $all_day; break; case "< > ": # Starts before today, continues tomorrow $d[$day_num]["data"][] = "<====" . $all_day . "====>"; break; } } else { $start_str = ereg_replace(" ", " ", period_time_string($row[0])); $end_str = ereg_replace(" ", " ", period_time_string($row[1], -1)); switch (cmp3($row[0], $midnight[$day_num]) . cmp3($row[1], $midnight_tonight[$day_num] + 1)) { case "> < ":
function genSlotSelector($area, $prefix, $first, $last, $time, $display_none = FALSE, $disabled = FALSE) { global $periods; $html = ''; // Get the settings for this area. Note that the variables below are // local variables, not globals. $enable_periods = $area['enable_periods']; $resolution = $enable_periods ? 60 : $area['resolution']; // Check that $resolution is positive to avoid an infinite loop below. // (Shouldn't be possible, but just in case ...) if (empty($resolution) || $resolution < 0) { fatal_error(FALSE, "Internal error - resolution is NULL or <= 0"); } // Get the current hour and minute and convert it into nominal (ie ignoring any // DST effects) seconds since the start of the day $date = getdate($time); $current_t = ($date['hours'] * 60 + $date['minutes']) * 60; if ($enable_periods) { $base = 12 * 60 * 60; // The start of the first period of the day } else { $format = hour_min_format(); } $html .= "<select" . ($display_none ? " style=\"display: none\"" : "") . ($display_none || $disabled ? " disabled=\"disabled\"" : "") . ($disabled ? " class=\"keep_disabled\"" : "") . " id=\"{$prefix}seconds{$area['id']}\" name=\"{$prefix}seconds\" onChange=\"adjustSlotSelectors(this.form)\">\n"; for ($t = $first; $t <= $last; $t = $t + $resolution) { // The date used below is completely arbitrary. All that matters is that it // is a day that does not contain a DST boundary. (We need a real date so that // we can use strftime to get an hour and minute formatted according to the locale) $timestamp = $t + mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2000); $slot_string = $enable_periods ? $periods[intval(($t - $base) / 60)] : utf8_strftime($format, $timestamp); $html .= "<option value=\"{$t}\""; $html .= $t == $current_t ? " selected=\"selected\"" : ""; $html .= ">{$slot_string}</option>\n"; } $html .= "</select>\n"; // Add in a hidden input if the select is disabled but displayed if ($disabled && !$display_none) { $html .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"{$prefix}seconds\" value=\"{$current_t}\">\n"; } echo $html; }