function hmib_summary() { global $colors, $device_actions, $item_rows, $config; /* ================= input validation ================= */ input_validate_input_number(get_request_var_request("htop")); input_validate_input_number(get_request_var_request("ptop")); /* ==================================================== */ /* clean up sort string */ if (isset($_REQUEST["sort_column"])) { $_REQUEST["sort_column"] = sanitize_search_string(get_request_var("sort_column")); } /* clean up sort string */ if (isset($_REQUEST["sort_direction"])) { $_REQUEST["sort_direction"] = sanitize_search_string(get_request_var("sort_direction")); } /* clean up search string */ if (isset($_REQUEST["filter"])) { $_REQUEST["filter"] = sanitize_search_string(get_request_var("filter")); } /* clean up process string */ if (isset($_REQUEST["process"])) { $_REQUEST["process"] = sanitize_search_string(get_request_var("process")); } /* remember these search fields in session vars so we don't have * to keep passing them around */ if (!isset($_REQUEST["area"])) { $_REQUEST["sort_column"] = "downHosts"; $_REQUEST["sort_direction"] = "DESC"; load_current_session_value("sort_column", "sess_hmib_host_sort_column", "downHosts"); load_current_session_value("sort_direction", "sess_hmib_host_sort_direction", "ASC"); load_current_session_value("htop", "sess_hmib_host_top", read_config_option("hmib_top_types")); } elseif ($_REQUEST["area"] == "hosts") { /* if the user pushed the 'clear' button */ if (isset($_REQUEST["clearh"])) { kill_session_var("sess_hmib_host_top"); kill_session_var("sess_hmib_sort_column"); kill_session_var("sess_hmib_sort_direction"); unset($_REQUEST["htop"]); unset($_REQUEST["sort_column"]); unset($_REQUEST["sort_direction"]); } load_current_session_value("sort_column", "sess_hmib_host_sort_column", "downHosts"); load_current_session_value("sort_direction", "sess_hmib_host_sort_direction", "ASC"); load_current_session_value("htop", "sess_hmib_host_top", read_config_option("hmib_top_types")); } else { load_current_session_value("htop", "sess_hmib_host_top", read_config_option("hmib_top_types")); load_current_session_value("my_sort_column", "sess_hmib_host_sort_column", "downHosts"); load_current_session_value("my_sort_direction", "sess_hmib_host_sort_direction", "ASC"); } if (isset($_REQUEST["my_sort_column"])) { $sort_column = $_REQUEST["my_sort_column"]; $sort_dir = $_REQUEST["my_sort_direction"]; } else { $sort_column = $_REQUEST["sort_column"]; $sort_dir = $_REQUEST["sort_direction"]; } unset($_REQUEST["my_sort_column"]); unset($_REQUEST["my_sort_direction"]); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function applyHostFilter(objForm) { strURL = '?action=summary&area=hosts'; strURL = strURL + '&htop=' + objForm.htop.value; document.location = strURL; } function clearHosts() { strURL = '?area=hosts&clearh='; document.location = strURL; } --> </script> <?php html_start_box("<strong>Summary Filter</strong>", "100%", $colors["header"], "3", "center", ""); ?> <tr bgcolor="#<?php print $colors["panel"]; ?> "> <td> <form name="host_summary" action="hmib.php?action=summary"> <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td nowrap style='white-space: nowrap;' width="60"> Top: </td> <td width="1"> <select name="htop" onChange="applyHostFilter(document.host_summary)"> <option value="-1"<?php if (get_request_var_request("htop") == "-1") { ?> selected<?php } ?> >All Records</option> <option value="5"<?php if (get_request_var_request("htop") == "5") { ?> selected<?php } ?> >5 Records</option> <option value="10"<?php if (get_request_var_request("htop") == "10") { ?> selected<?php } ?> >10 Records</option> <option value="15"<?php if (get_request_var_request("htop") == "15") { ?> selected<?php } ?> >15 Records</option> <option value="20"<?php if (get_request_var_request("htop") == "20") { ?> selected<?php } ?> >20 Records</option> </select> </td> <td nowrap> <input type="button" onClick="applyHostFilter(document.host_summary)" value="Go" border="0"> <input type="button" onClick="clearHosts()" value="Clear" name="clearh" border="0"> </td> </tr> </table> </form> </td> </tr> <?php html_end_box(false); html_start_box("<strong>Host Type Summary Statistics</strong>", "100%", $colors["header"], "3", "center", ""); if ($_REQUEST["htop"] == -1) { $limit = ""; } else { $limit = "LIMIT " . get_request_var_request("htop"); } $sql = "SELECT\n\t\ AS id,\n\t\ AS name,\n\t\thrst.version AS version,\n\t\thrs.host_type AS host_type,\n\t\tSUM(CASE WHEN host_status=3 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS upHosts,\n\t\tSUM(CASE WHEN host_status=2 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS recHosts,\n\t\tSUM(CASE WHEN host_status=1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS downHosts,\n\t\tSUM(CASE WHEN host_status=0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS disabledHosts,\n\t\tSUM(users) AS users,\n\t\tSUM(numCpus) AS cpus,\n\t\tAVG(memUsed) AS avgMem,\n\t\tMAX(memUsed) AS maxMem,\n\t\tAVG(swapUsed) AS avgSwap,\n\t\tMAX(swapUsed) AS maxSwap,\n\t\tAVG(cpuPercent) AS avgCpuPercent,\n\t\tMAX(cpuPercent) AS maxCpuPercent,\n\t\tAVG(processes) AS avgProcesses,\n\t\tMAX(processes) AS maxProcesses\n\t\tFROM plugin_hmib_hrSystem AS hrs\n\t\tLEFT JOIN plugin_hmib_hrSystemTypes AS hrst\n\t\tON\n\t\tGROUP BY name, version\n\t\tORDER BY " . $sort_column . " " . $sort_dir . " " . $limit; $rows = db_fetch_assoc($sql); $display_text = array("nosort" => array("Actions", array("ASC", "left")), "name" => array("Type", array("ASC", "left")), "(version/1)" => array("Version", array("ASC", "right")), "upHosts" => array("Up", array("DESC", "right")), "recHosts" => array("Recovering", array("DESC", "right")), "downHosts" => array("Down", array("DESC", "right")), "disabledHosts" => array("Disabled", array("DESC", "right")), "users" => array("Logins", array("DESC", "right")), "cpus" => array("CPUS", array("DESC", "right")), "avgCpuPercent" => array("Avg CPU", array("DESC", "right")), "maxCpuPercent" => array("Max CPU", array("DESC", "right")), "avgMem" => array("Avg Mem", array("DESC", "right")), "maxMem" => array("Max Mem", array("DESC", "right")), "avgSwap" => array("Avg Swap", array("DESC", "right")), "maxSwap" => array("Max Swap", array("DESC", "right")), "avgProcesses" => array("Avg Proc", array("DESC", "right")), "maxProcesses" => array("Max Proc", array("DESC", "right"))); hmib_header_sort($display_text, get_request_var_request("sort_column"), get_request_var_request("sort_direction"), "action=summary&area=hosts"); /* set some defaults */ $url = $config["url_path"] . "plugins/hmib/hmib.php"; $proc = $config["url_path"] . "plugins/hmib/images/view_processes.gif"; $host = $config["url_path"] . "plugins/hmib/images/view_hosts.gif"; $hardw = $config["url_path"] . "plugins/hmib/images/view_hardware.gif"; $inven = $config["url_path"] . "plugins/hmib/images/view_inventory.gif"; $storage = $config["url_path"] . "plugins/hmib/images/view_storage.gif"; $htdq = read_config_option("hmib_dq_host_type"); $hcpudq = read_config_option("hmib_dq_host_cpu"); $hugt = read_config_option("hmib_gt_users"); $hpgt = read_config_option("hmib_gt_processes"); $htsd = read_config_option("hmib_summary_host_template"); $i = 0; if (sizeof($rows)) { foreach ($rows as $row) { $host_id = db_fetch_cell("SELECT id FROM host WHERE host_template_id={$htsd}"); $graph_url = hmib_get_graph_url($htdq, 0, $host_id, $row["id"]); $graph_ncpu = hmib_get_graph_url($hcpudq, $row["id"], 0, "", $row["cpus"], false); $graph_acpu = hmib_get_graph_url($hcpudq, $row["id"], 0, "", round($row["avgCpuPercent"], 2), false); $graph_mcpu = hmib_get_graph_url($hcpudq, $row["id"], 0, "", round($row["maxCpuPercent"], 2), false); $graph_users = hmib_get_graph_template_url($hugt, $row["id"], 0, $row["users"], false); $graph_aproc = hmib_get_graph_template_url($hpgt, $row["id"], 0, round($row["avgProcesses"], 0), false); $graph_mproc = hmib_get_graph_template_url($hpgt, $row["id"], 0, round($row["maxProcesses"], 0), false); form_alternate_row_color($colors["alternate"], $colors["light"], $i); $i++; echo "<td style='white-space:nowrap;' width='120'>"; echo "<a style='padding:1px;' href='" . htmlspecialchars("{$url}?reset=1&action=devices&type=" . $row["id"]) . "'><img src='{$host}' title='View Devices' align='absmiddle' border='0'></a>"; echo "<a style='padding:1px;' href='" . htmlspecialchars("{$url}?reset=1&action=storage&ostype=" . $row["id"]) . "'><img src='{$storage}' title='View Storage' align='absmiddle' border='0'></a>"; echo "<a style='padding:1px;' href='" . htmlspecialchars("{$url}?reset=1&action=hardware&ostype=" . $row["id"]) . "'><img src='{$hardw}' title='View Hardware' align='absmiddle' border='0'></a>"; echo "<a style='padding:1px;' href='" . htmlspecialchars("{$url}?reset=1&action=running&type=" . $row["id"]) . "'><img src='{$proc}' title='View Processes' align='absmiddle' border='0'></a>"; echo "<a style='padding:1px;' href='" . htmlspecialchars("{$url}?reset=1&action=software&ostype=" . $row["id"]) . "'><img src='{$inven}' title='View Software Inventory' align='absmiddle' border='0'></a>"; echo $graph_url; echo "</td>"; $upHosts = hmib_get_device_status_url($row["upHosts"], $row["host_type"], 3); $recHosts = hmib_get_device_status_url($row["recHosts"], $row["host_type"], 2); $downHosts = hmib_get_device_status_url($row["downHosts"], $row["host_type"], 1); $disaHosts = hmib_get_device_status_url($row["disabledHosts"], $row["host_type"], 0); echo "<td style='white-space:nowrap;' align='left' width='80'>" . ($row["name"] != "" ? $row["name"] : "Unknown") . "</td>"; echo "<td style='white-space:nowrap;' align='right' width='20'>" . $row["version"] . "</td>"; echo "<td style='white-space:nowrap;' align='right'>" . $upHosts . "</td>"; echo "<td style='white-space:nowrap;' align='right'>" . $recHosts . "</td>"; echo "<td style='white-space:nowrap;' align='right'>" . $downHosts . "</td>"; echo "<td style='white-space:nowrap;' align='right'>" . $disaHosts . "</td>"; echo "<td style='white-space:nowrap;' align='right'>" . $graph_users . "</td>"; echo "<td style='white-space:nowrap;' align='right'>" . $graph_ncpu . "</td>"; echo "<td style='white-space:nowrap;' align='right'>" . $graph_acpu . " %</td>"; echo "<td style='white-space:nowrap;' align='right'>" . $graph_mcpu . " %</td>"; echo "<td style='white-space:nowrap;' align='right'>" . round($row["avgMem"], 2) . " %</td>"; echo "<td style='white-space:nowrap;' align='right'>" . round($row["maxMem"], 2) . " %</td>"; echo "<td style='white-space:nowrap;' align='right'>" . round($row["avgSwap"], 2) . " %</td>"; echo "<td style='white-space:nowrap;' align='right'>" . round($row["maxSwap"], 2) . " %</td>"; echo "<td style='white-space:nowrap;' align='right'>" . $graph_aproc . "</td>"; echo "<td style='white-space:nowrap;' align='right'>" . $graph_mproc . "</td>"; } echo "</tr>"; } else { print "<tr><td><em>No Host Types</em></td></tr>"; } html_end_box(); if (!isset($_REQUEST["area"])) { $_REQUEST["sort_column"] = "maxCpu"; $_REQUEST["sort_direction"] = "DESC"; load_current_session_value("filter", "sess_hmib_proc_filter", ""); load_current_session_value("process", "sess_hmib_proc_process", "-1"); load_current_session_value("sort_column", "sess_hmib_proc_sort_column", "maxCpu"); load_current_session_value("sort_direction", "sess_hmib_proc_sort_direction", "DESC"); load_current_session_value("ptop", "sess_hmib_proc_top", read_config_option("hmib_top_processes")); } elseif ($_REQUEST["area"] == "processes") { /* if the user pushed the 'clear' button */ if (isset($_REQUEST["clearp"])) { kill_session_var("sess_hmib_proc_top"); kill_session_var("sess_hmib_proc_process"); kill_session_var("sess_hmib_proc_filter"); kill_session_var("sess_hmib_proc_sort_column"); kill_session_var("sess_hmib_proc_sort_direction"); unset($_REQUEST["filter"]); unset($_REQUEST["ptop"]); unset($_REQUEST["process"]); unset($_REQUEST["sort_column"]); unset($_REQUEST["sort_direction"]); } load_current_session_value("filter", "sess_hmib_proc_filter", ""); load_current_session_value("process", "sess_hmib_proc_process", "-1"); load_current_session_value("sort_column", "sess_hmib_proc_sort_column", "maxCpu"); load_current_session_value("sort_direction", "sess_hmib_proc_sort_direction", "DESC"); load_current_session_value("ptop", "sess_hmib_proc_top", read_config_option("hmib_top_processes")); } else { load_current_session_value("filter", "sess_hmib_proc_filter", ""); load_current_session_value("process", "sess_hmib_proc_process", "-1"); load_current_session_value("ptop", "sess_hmib_proc_top", read_config_option("hmib_top_processes")); load_current_session_value("my_sort_column", "sess_hmib_proc_sort_column", "maxCpu"); load_current_session_value("my_sort_direction", "sess_hmib_proc_sort_direction", "DESC"); } html_start_box("<strong>Host Process Summary Filter</strong>", "100%", $colors["header"], "3", "center", ""); ?> <tr bgcolor="#<?php print $colors["panel"]; ?> "> <td> <form name="proc_summary" action="hmib.php?action=summary"> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td nowrap style='white-space: nowrap;' width="60"> Top: </td> <td width="1"> <select name="ptop" onChange="applyProcFilter(document.proc_summary)"> <option value="-1"<?php if (get_request_var_request("ptop") == "-1") { ?> selected<?php } ?> >All Records</option> <option value="5"<?php if (get_request_var_request("ptop") == "5") { ?> selected<?php } ?> >5 Records</option> <option value="10"<?php if (get_request_var_request("ptop") == "10") { ?> selected<?php } ?> >10 Records</option> <option value="15"<?php if (get_request_var_request("ptop") == "15") { ?> selected<?php } ?> >15 Records</option> <option value="20"<?php if (get_request_var_request("ptop") == "20") { ?> selected<?php } ?> >20 Records</option> </select> </td> <td nowrap style='white-space: nowrap;' width="60"> Process: </td> <td width="1"> <select name="process" onChange="applyProcFilter(document.proc_summary)"> <option value="-1"<?php if (get_request_var_request("process") == "-1") { ?> selected<?php } ?> >All</option> <?php $processes = db_fetch_assoc("SELECT DISTINCT name FROM plugin_hmib_hrSWRun WHERE name!='' ORDER BY name"); if (sizeof($processes)) { foreach ($processes as $p) { echo "<option value='" . $p["name"] . "' " . (get_request_var_request("process") == $p["name"] ? "selected" : "") . ">" . $p["name"] . "</option>"; } } ?> </select> </td> <td nowrap style='white-space: nowrap;' width="60"> Search: </td> <td> <input type='text' size='40' name='filter' value='<?php print get_request_var_request("filter"); ?> '> </td> <td nowrap> <input type="button" onClick="applyProcFilter(document.proc_summary)" value="Go" border="0"> <input type="button" onClick="clearProc()" value="Clear" name="clearp" border="0"> </td> </tr> </table> </form> </td> </tr> <tr style='display:none;'><td> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function applyProcFilter(objForm) { strURL = '?action=summary&area=processes'; strURL = strURL + '&filter=' + objForm.filter.value; strURL = strURL + '&process=' + objForm.process.value; strURL = strURL + '&ptop=' + objForm.ptop.value; document.location = strURL; } function clearProc() { strURL = '?action=summary&area=processes&clearp'; document.location = strURL; } --> </script> </td></tr> <?php html_end_box(false); html_start_box("<strong>Host Process Summary Statistics</strong>", "100%", $colors["header"], "3", "center", ""); if (isset($_REQUEST["my_sort_column"])) { $sort_column = $_REQUEST["my_sort_column"]; $sort_dir = $_REQUEST["my_sort_direction"]; } else { $sort_column = $_REQUEST["sort_column"]; $sort_dir = $_REQUEST["sort_direction"]; } if ($_REQUEST["ptop"] == -1) { $limit = ""; } else { $limit = "LIMIT " . get_request_var_request("ptop"); } if (strlen($_REQUEST["filter"])) { $sql_where = "AND ( LIKE '%%" . get_request_var_request("filter") . "%%' OR\n\t\t\thrswr.path LIKE '%%" . get_request_var_request("filter") . "%%' OR\n\t\t\thrswr.parameters LIKE '%%" . get_request_var_request("filter") . "%%')"; } else { $sql_where = ""; } if ($_REQUEST["process"] != "-1") { $sql_where .= " AND'" . $_REQUEST["process"] . "'"; } $sql = "SELECT\n\t\ AS name,\n\t\tCOUNT(DISTINCT hrswr.path) AS paths,\n\t\tCOUNT(DISTINCT hrswr.host_id) AS numHosts,\n\t\tCOUNT(hrswr.host_id) AS numProcesses,\n\t\tAVG(hrswr.perfCPU) AS avgCpu,\n\t\tMAX(hrswr.perfCPU) AS maxCpu,\n\t\tAVG(hrswr.perfMemory) AS avgMemory,\n\t\tMAX(hrswr.perfMemory) AS maxMemory\n\t\tFROM plugin_hmib_hrSWRun AS hrswr\n\t\tWHERE!='System Idle Process' AND!=''\n\t\t{$sql_where}\n\t\tGROUP BY\n\t\tORDER BY " . $sort_column . " " . $sort_dir . " " . $limit; $rows = db_fetch_assoc($sql); //echo $sql; $display_text = array("nosort" => array("Actions", array("ASC", "left")), "name" => array("Process Name", array("ASC", "left")), "paths" => array("Num Paths", array("DESC", "right")), "numHosts" => array("Hosts", array("DESC", "right")), "numProcesses" => array("Processes", array("DESC", "right")), "avgCpu" => array("Avg CPU", array("DESC", "right")), "maxCpu" => array("Max CPU", array("DESC", "right")), "avgMemory" => array("Avg Memory", array("DESC", "right")), "maxMemory" => array("Max Memory", array("DESC", "right"))); hmib_header_sort($display_text, get_request_var_request("sort_column"), get_request_var_request("sort_direction"), "action=summary&area=processes"); /* set some defaults */ $url = $config["url_path"] . "plugins/hmib/hmib.php"; $proc = $config["url_path"] . "plugins/hmib/images/view_processes.gif"; $host = $config["url_path"] . "plugins/hmib/images/view_hosts.gif"; /* get the data query for the application use */ $adq = read_config_option("hmib_dq_applications"); $i = 0; if (sizeof($rows)) { foreach ($rows as $row) { $graph_url = hmib_get_graph_url($adq, 0, 0, $row["name"]); form_alternate_row_color($colors["alternate"], $colors["light"], $i); $i++; echo "<td width='70'>"; echo "<a style='padding:1px;' href='" . htmlspecialchars("{$url}?reset=1&action=devices&process=" . $row["name"]) . "'><img src='{$host}' title='View Devices' align='absmiddle' border='0'></a>"; echo "<a style='padding:1px;' href='" . htmlspecialchars("{$url}?reset=1&action=running&process=" . $row["name"]) . "'><img src='{$proc}' title='View Processes' align='absmiddle' border='0'></a>"; echo $graph_url; echo "</td>"; echo "<td align='left' width='80'>" . $row["name"] . "</td>"; echo "<td align='right'>" . $row["paths"] . "</td>"; echo "<td align='right'>" . $row["numHosts"] . "</td>"; echo "<td align='right'>" . $row["numProcesses"] . "</td>"; echo "<td align='right'>" . round($row["avgCpu"] / 3600, 0) . " Hrs</td>"; echo "<td align='right'>" . round($row["maxCpu"] / 3600, 0) . " Hrs</td>"; echo "<td align='right'>" . round($row["avgMemory"] / 1024, 2) . " MB</td>"; echo "<td align='right'>" . round($row["maxMemory"] / 1024, 2) . " MB</td>"; } echo "</tr>"; } else { print "<tr><td><em>No Processes</em></td></tr>"; } html_end_box(); }
function hmib_summary() { global $device_actions, $item_rows, $config; /* ================= input validation ================= */ get_filter_request_var('htop'); get_filter_request_var('ptop'); /* ==================================================== */ /* clean up sort string */ if (isset_request_var('sort_column')) { set_request_var('sort_column', sanitize_search_string(get_nfilter_request_var('sort_column'))); } /* clean up sort string */ if (isset_request_var('sort_direction')) { set_request_var('sort_direction', sanitize_search_string(get_nfilter_request_var('sort_direction'))); } /* clean up search string */ if (isset_request_var('filter')) { set_request_var('filter', sanitize_search_string(get_nfilter_request_var('filter'))); } /* remember these search fields in session vars so we don't have * to keep passing them around */ if (isset_request_var('area') && get_nfilter_request_var('area') == 'processes') { if (isset_request_var('clear')) { kill_session_var('sess_hmib_proc_top'); kill_session_var('sess_hmib_proc_filter'); kill_session_var('sess_hmib_proc_sort_column'); kill_session_var('sess_hmib_proc_sort_direction'); unset_request_var('filter'); unset_request_var('ptop'); unset_request_var('sort_column'); unset_request_var('sort_direction'); } if (isset_request_var('sort_column')) { $_SESSION['sess_hmib_proc_sort_column'] = get_request_var('sort_column'); $_SESSION['sess_hmib_proc_sort_direction'] = get_request_var('sort_direction'); } elseif (!isset($_SESSION['sess_hmib_proc_sort_column'])) { $_SESSION['sess_hmib_proc_sort_column'] = 'maxCpu'; $_SESSION['sess_hmib_proc_sort_direction'] = 'DESC'; } if (!isset($_SESSION['sess_hmib_host_sort_column'])) { $_SESSION['sess_hmib_host_sort_column'] = 'downHosts'; $_SESSION['sess_hmib_host_sort_direction'] = 'DESC'; } } elseif (isset_request_var('area') && get_nfilter_request_var('area') == 'hosts') { if (isset_request_var('clear')) { kill_session_var('sess_hmib_host_top'); kill_session_var('sess_hmib_host_sort_column'); kill_session_var('sess_hmib_host_sort_direction'); unset_request_var('htop'); unset_request_var('sort_column'); unset_request_var('sort_direction'); } if (isset_request_var('sort_column')) { $_SESSION['sess_hmib_host_sort_column'] = get_request_var('sort_column'); $_SESSION['sess_hmib_host_sort_direction'] = get_request_var('sort_direction'); } elseif (!isset($_SESSION['sess_hmib_host_sort_column'])) { $_SESSION['sess_hmib_host_sort_column'] = 'downHosts'; $_SESSION['sess_hmib_host_sort_direction'] = 'DESC'; } if (!isset($_SESSION['sess_hmib_proc_sort_column'])) { $_SESSION['sess_hmib_proc_sort_column'] = 'maxCpu'; $_SESSION['sess_hmib_proc_sort_direction'] = 'DESC'; } } else { if (!isset($_SESSION['sess_hmib_host_sort_column'])) { $_SESSION['sess_hmib_host_sort_column'] = 'downHosts'; $_SESSION['sess_hmib_host_sort_direction'] = 'DESC'; } if (!isset($_SESSION['sess_hmib_proc_sort_column'])) { $_SESSION['sess_hmib_proc_sort_column'] = 'maxCpu'; $_SESSION['sess_hmib_proc_sort_direction'] = 'DESC'; } } load_current_session_value('ptop', 'sess_hmib_proc_top', read_config_option('hmib_top_processes')); load_current_session_value('htop', 'sess_hmib_host_top', read_config_option('hmib_top_types')); load_current_session_value('filter', 'sess_hmib_proc_filter', ''); /* set some defaults */ $url = $config['url_path'] . 'plugins/hmib/hmib.php'; $proc = $config['url_path'] . 'plugins/hmib/images/cog.png'; $host = $config['url_path'] . 'plugins/hmib/images/server.png'; $hardw = $config['url_path'] . 'plugins/hmib/images/view_hardware.gif'; $inven = $config['url_path'] . 'plugins/hmib/images/view_inventory.gif'; $storage = $config['url_path'] . 'plugins/hmib/images/drive.png'; $htdq = db_fetch_cell("SELECT id \n\t\tFROM snmp_query\n\t\tWHERE hash='137aeab842986a76cf5bdef41b96c9a3'"); $hcpudq = db_fetch_cell("SELECT id \n\t\tFROM snmp_query\n\t\tWHERE hash='0d1ab53fe37487a5d0b9e1d3ee8c1d0d'"); $hugt = db_fetch_cell("SELECT id \n\t\tFROM graph_templates \n\t\tWHERE hash='e8462bbe094e4e9e814d4e681671ea82'"); $hpgt = db_fetch_cell("SELECT id \n\t\tFROM graph_templates \n\t\tWHERE hash='62205afbd4066e5c4700338841e3901e'"); $htsd = db_fetch_cell("SELECT id\n\t\tFROM host_template\n\t\tWHERE hash='7c13344910097cc599f0d0485305361d'"); if ($htdq == 0 || $hcpudq == 0 || $hugt == 0 || $hpgt == 0 || $htsd == 0) { $templates_missing = true; } else { $templates_missing = false; } ?> <script type='text/javascript'> function applyFilter(objForm) { strURL = '?action=summary&area=hosts&header=false'; strURL += '&htop=' + $('#htop').val(); loadPageNoHeader(strURL); } function clearFilter() { strURL = '?area=hosts&clear=true&header=false'; loadPageNoHeader(strURL); } </script> <?php html_start_box(__('Summary Filter'), '100%', '', '3', 'center', ''); ?> <tr class='even'> <td> <form name='host_summary'> <table class='filterTable'> <tr> <td> <?php print __('Top'); ?> </td> <td> <select id='htop' onChange='applyFilter()'> <option value='-1'<?php if (get_request_var('htop') == '-1') { ?> selected<?php } ?> ><?php print __('All Records'); ?> </option> <option value='5'<?php if (get_request_var('htop') == '5') { ?> selected<?php } ?> ><?php print __('%d Records', 5); ?> </option> <option value='10'<?php if (get_request_var('htop') == '10') { ?> selected<?php } ?> ><?php print __('%d Record', 10); ?> s</option> <option value='15'<?php if (get_request_var('htop') == '15') { ?> selected<?php } ?> ><?php print __('%d Record', 15); ?> s</option> <option value='20'<?php if (get_request_var('htop') == '20') { ?> selected<?php } ?> ><?php print __('%d Record', 20); ?> s</option> </select> </td> <td> <input type='button' onClick='applyFilter()' value='<?php print __('Go'); ?> '> </td> <td> <input type='button' onClick='clearFilter()' value='<?php print __('Clear'); ?> ' name='clear'> </td> <td> <?php print $templates_missing ? '<strong>' . __('WARNING: You need to import your Host MIB Host Template to view Graphs. See the README for more information.') . '</strong>' : ''; ?> </td> </tr> </table> </form> </td> </tr> <?php html_end_box(false); html_start_box(__('Device Type Summary Statistics'), '100%', '', '3', 'center', ''); if (!isset($_SESSION['sess_hmib_host_top'])) { $limit = 'LIMIT ' . read_config_option('hmib_top_types'); } elseif ($_SESSION['sess_hmib_host_top'] == '-1') { $limit = ''; } else { $limit = 'LIMIT ' . $_SESSION['sess_hmib_host_top']; } $sql = 'SELECT AS id, AS name, hrst.version AS version, hrs.host_type AS host_type, SUM(CASE WHEN host_status=3 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS upHosts, SUM(CASE WHEN host_status=2 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS recHosts, SUM(CASE WHEN host_status=1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS downHosts, SUM(CASE WHEN host_status=0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS disabledHosts, SUM(users) AS users, SUM(numCpus) AS cpus, AVG(memUsed) AS avgMem, MAX(memUsed) AS maxMem, AVG(swapUsed) AS avgSwap, MAX(swapUsed) AS maxSwap, AVG(cpuPercent) AS avgCpuPercent, MAX(cpuPercent) AS maxCpuPercent, AVG(processes) AS avgProcesses, MAX(processes) AS maxProcesses FROM plugin_hmib_hrSystem AS hrs LEFT JOIN plugin_hmib_hrSystemTypes AS hrst ON GROUP BY name, version ORDER BY ' . $_SESSION['sess_hmib_host_sort_column'] . ' ' . $_SESSION['sess_hmib_host_sort_direction'] . ' ' . $limit; $rows = db_fetch_assoc($sql); $display_text = array('nosort' => array('display' => __('Actions'), 'sort' => 'ASC', 'align' => 'left'), 'name' => array('display' => __('Type'), 'sort' => 'ASC', 'align' => 'left'), '(version/1)' => array('display' => __('Version'), 'sort' => 'ASC', 'align' => 'right'), 'upHosts' => array('display' => __('Up'), 'sort' => 'DESC', 'align' => 'right'), 'recHosts' => array('display' => __('Recovering'), 'sort' => 'DESC', 'align' => 'right'), 'downHosts' => array('display' => __('Down'), 'sort' => 'DESC', 'align' => 'right'), 'disabledHosts' => array('display' => __('Disabled'), 'sort' => 'DESC', 'align' => 'right'), 'users' => array('display' => __('Logins'), 'sort' => 'DESC', 'align' => 'right'), 'cpus' => array('display' => __('CPUS'), 'sort' => 'DESC', 'align' => 'right'), 'avgCpuPercent' => array('display' => __('Avg CPU'), 'sort' => 'DESC', 'align' => 'right'), 'maxCpuPercent' => array('display' => __('Max CPU'), 'sort' => 'DESC', 'align' => 'right'), 'avgMem' => array('display' => __('Avg Mem'), 'sort' => 'DESC', 'align' => 'right'), 'maxMem' => array('display' => __('Max Mem'), 'sort' => 'DESC', 'align' => 'right'), 'avgSwap' => array('display' => __('Avg Swap'), 'sort' => 'DESC', 'align' => 'right'), 'maxSwap' => array('display' => __('Max Swap'), 'sort' => 'DESC', 'align' => 'right'), 'avgProcesses' => array('display' => __('Avg Proc'), 'sort' => 'DESC', 'align' => 'right'), 'maxProcesses' => array('display' => __('Max Proc'), 'sort' => 'DESC', 'align' => 'right')); html_header_sort($display_text, $_SESSION['sess_hmib_host_sort_column'], $_SESSION['sess_hmib_host_sort_direction'], false, 'hmib.php?action=summary&area=hosts'); if (sizeof($rows)) { foreach ($rows as $row) { if (!$templates_missing) { $host_id = db_fetch_cell("SELECT id FROM host WHERE host_template_id={$htsd}"); $graph_url = hmib_get_graph_url($htdq, 0, $host_id, $row['id']); $graph_ncpu = hmib_get_graph_url($hcpudq, $row['id'], 0, '', $row['cpus'], false); $graph_acpu = hmib_get_graph_url($hcpudq, $row['id'], 0, '', round($row['avgCpuPercent'], 2), false); $graph_mcpu = hmib_get_graph_url($hcpudq, $row['id'], 0, '', round($row['maxCpuPercent'], 2), false); $graph_users = hmib_get_graph_template_url($hugt, $row['id'], 0, $row['users'], false); $graph_aproc = hmib_get_graph_template_url($hpgt, $row['id'], 0, number_format_i18n($row['avgProcesses'], 0), false); $graph_mproc = hmib_get_graph_template_url($hpgt, $row['id'], 0, number_format_i18n($row['maxProcesses'], 0), false); } else { $graph_url = ''; $graph_ncpu = ''; $graph_acpu = ''; $graph_mcpu = ''; $graph_users = ''; $graph_aproc = ''; $graph_mproc = ''; } form_alternate_row(); echo "<td style='white-space:nowrap;' width='120'>"; echo "<a style='padding:1px;' href='" . htmlspecialchars("{$url}?reset=1&action=devices&type=" . $row['id']) . "'><img src='{$host}' title='" . __('View Devices') . "' align='absmiddle' alt=''></a>"; echo "<a style='padding:1px;' href='" . htmlspecialchars("{$url}?reset=1&action=storage&ostype=" . $row['id']) . "'><img src='{$storage}' title='" . __('View Storage') . "' align='absmiddle' alt=''></a>"; echo "<a style='padding:1px;' href='" . htmlspecialchars("{$url}?reset=1&action=hardware&ostype=" . $row['id']) . "'><img src='{$hardw}' title='" . __('View Hardware') . "' align='absmiddle' alt=''></a>"; echo "<a style='padding:1px;' href='" . htmlspecialchars("{$url}?reset=1&action=running&type=" . $row['id']) . "'><img src='{$proc}' title='" . __('View Processes') . "' align='absmiddle' alt=''></a>"; echo "<a style='padding:1px;' href='" . htmlspecialchars("{$url}?reset=1&action=software&ostype=" . $row['id']) . "'><img src='{$inven}' title='" . __('View Software Inventory') . "' align='absmiddle' alt=''></a>"; echo $graph_url; echo '</td>'; $upHosts = hmib_get_device_status_url($row['upHosts'], $row['host_type'], 3); $recHosts = hmib_get_device_status_url($row['recHosts'], $row['host_type'], 2); $downHosts = hmib_get_device_status_url($row['downHosts'], $row['host_type'], 1); $disaHosts = hmib_get_device_status_url($row['disabledHosts'], $row['host_type'], 0); echo "<td class='nowrap left'>" . ($row['name'] != '' ? $row['name'] : 'Unknown') . '</td>'; echo "<td class='nowrap right'>" . $row['version'] . '</td>'; echo "<td class='nowrap right'>" . $upHosts . '</td>'; echo "<td class='nowrap right'>" . $recHosts . '</td>'; echo "<td class='nowrap right'>" . $downHosts . '</td>'; echo "<td class='nowrap right'>" . $disaHosts . '</td>'; echo "<td class='nowrap right'>" . $graph_users . '</td>'; echo "<td class='nowrap right'>" . $graph_ncpu . '</td>'; echo "<td class='nowrap right'>" . $graph_acpu . ' %</td>'; echo "<td class='nowrap right'>" . $graph_mcpu . ' %</td>'; echo "<td class='nowrap right'>" . round($row['avgMem'], 2) . ' %</td>'; echo "<td class='nowrap right'>" . round($row['maxMem'], 2) . ' %</td>'; echo "<td class='nowrap right'>" . round($row['avgSwap'], 2) . ' %</td>'; echo "<td class='nowrap right'>" . round($row['maxSwap'], 2) . ' %</td>'; echo "<td class='nowrap right'>" . $graph_aproc . '</td>'; echo "<td class='nowrap right'>" . $graph_mproc . '</td>'; } echo '</tr>'; } else { print '<tr><td colspan="8"><em>' . __('No Device Types') . '</em></td></tr>'; } html_end_box(); html_start_box(__('Process Summary Filter'), '100%', '', '3', 'center', ''); ?> <script type='text/javascript'> function applyProcFilter(objForm) { strURL = '?action=summary&area=processes'; strURL += '&filter=' + $('#filter').val(); strURL += '&ptop=' + $('#ptop').val(); strURL += '&header=false'; loadPageNoHeader(strURL); } function clearProc() { strURL = '?action=summary&area=processes&clear=true&header=false'; loadPageNoHeader(strURL); } $(function() { $('#proc_summary').submit(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); applyProcFilter(); }); }); </script> <?php ?> <tr class='even'> <td> <form id='proc_summary'> <table class='filterTable'> <tr> <td style='width:55px;'> <?php print __('Search'); ?> </td> <td> <input type='textbox' size='25' id='filter' value='<?php print get_request_var('filter'); ?> '> </td> <td> <?php print __('Top'); ?> </td> <td> <select id='ptop' onChange='applyProcFilter()'> <option value='-1'<?php if (get_request_var('ptop') == '-1') { ?> selected<?php } ?> ><?php print __('All Records'); ?> </option> <option value='5'<?php if (get_request_var('ptop') == '5') { ?> selected<?php } ?> ><?php print __('%d Records', 5); ?> </option> <option value='10'<?php if (get_request_var('ptop') == '10') { ?> selected<?php } ?> ><?php print __('%d Records', 10); ?> </option> <option value='15'<?php if (get_request_var('ptop') == '15') { ?> selected<?php } ?> ><?php print __('%d Records', 15); ?> </option> <option value='20'<?php if (get_request_var('ptop') == '20') { ?> selected<?php } ?> ><?php print __('%d Records', 20); ?> </option> </select> </td> <td> <input type='button' onClick='applyProcFilter(document.proc_summary)' value='<?php print __('Go'); ?> '> </td> <td> <input type='button' onClick='clearProc()' value='<?php print __('Clear'); ?> '> </td> <td> <?php print $templates_missing ? '<strong>' . __('WARNING: You need to import your Host MIB Host Template to view Graphs. See the README for more information.') . '</strong>' : ''; ?> </td> </tr> </table> </form> </td> </tr> <?php html_end_box(false); html_start_box(__('Process Summary Statistics'), '100%', '', '3', 'center', ''); if (!isset($_SESSION['sess_hmib_proc_top'])) { $limit = 'LIMIT ' . read_config_option('hmib_top_processes'); } elseif ($_SESSION['sess_hmib_proc_top'] == '-1') { $limit = ''; } else { $limit = 'LIMIT ' . $_SESSION['sess_hmib_proc_top']; } if (strlen(get_request_var('filter'))) { $sql_where = "AND ( LIKE '%" . get_request_var('filter') . "%' OR\n\t\t\thrswr.path LIKE '%" . get_request_var('filter') . "%' OR\n\t\t\thrswr.parameters LIKE '%" . get_request_var('filter') . "%')"; } else { $sql_where = ''; } $sql = "SELECT\n\t\ AS name,\n\t\tCOUNT(DISTINCT hrswr.path) AS paths,\n\t\tCOUNT(DISTINCT hrswr.host_id) AS numHosts,\n\t\tCOUNT(hrswr.host_id) AS numProcesses,\n\t\tAVG(hrswr.perfCPU) AS avgCpu,\n\t\tMAX(hrswr.perfCPU) AS maxCpu,\n\t\tAVG(hrswr.perfMemory) AS avgMemory,\n\t\tMAX(hrswr.perfMemory) AS maxMemory\n\t\tFROM plugin_hmib_hrSWRun AS hrswr\n\t\tWHERE!='System Idle Process' AND!=''\n\t\t{$sql_where}\n\t\tGROUP BY\n\t\tORDER BY " . $_SESSION['sess_hmib_proc_sort_column'] . ' ' . $_SESSION['sess_hmib_proc_sort_direction'] . ' ' . $limit; $rows = db_fetch_assoc($sql); //echo $sql; $display_text = array('nosort' => array('display' => __('Actions'), 'sort' => 'ASC', 'align' => 'left'), 'name' => array('display' => __('Process Name'), 'sort' => 'ASC', 'align' => 'left'), 'paths' => array('display' => __('Num Paths'), 'sort' => 'DESC', 'align' => 'right'), 'numHosts' => array('display' => __('Hosts'), 'sort' => 'DESC', 'align' => 'right'), 'numProcesses' => array('display' => __('Processes'), 'sort' => 'DESC', 'align' => 'right'), 'avgCpu' => array('display' => __('Avg CPU'), 'sort' => 'DESC', 'align' => 'right'), 'maxCpu' => array('display' => __('Max CPU'), 'sort' => 'DESC', 'align' => 'right'), 'avgMemory' => array('display' => __('Avg Memory'), 'sort' => 'DESC', 'align' => 'right'), 'maxMemory' => array('display' => __('Max Memory'), 'sort' => 'DESC', 'align' => 'right')); html_header_sort($display_text, $_SESSION['sess_hmib_proc_sort_column'], $_SESSION['sess_hmib_proc_sort_direction'], false, 'hmib.php?action=summary&area=processes'); /* set some defaults */ $url = $config['url_path'] . 'plugins/hmib/hmib.php'; $proc = $config['url_path'] . 'plugins/hmib/images/cog.png'; $host = $config['url_path'] . 'plugins/hmib/images/server.png'; /* get the data query for the application use */ $adq = db_fetch_cell("SELECT id\n\t\tFROM snmp_query\n\t\tWHERE hash='6b0ef0fe7f1d85bbb6812801ca15a7c5'"); if (sizeof($rows)) { foreach ($rows as $row) { $graph_url = hmib_get_graph_url($adq, 0, 0, $row['name']); form_alternate_row(); echo "<td width='70'>"; echo "<a style='padding:1px;' href='" . htmlspecialchars("{$url}?reset=1&action=devices&process=" . $row['name']) . "'><img src='{$host}' title='" . __('View Devices') . "' align='absmiddle' alt=''></a>"; echo "<a style='padding:1px;' href='" . htmlspecialchars("{$url}?reset=1&action=running&process=" . $row['name']) . "'><img src='{$proc}' title='" . __('View Processes') . "' align='absmiddle' alt=''></a>"; echo $graph_url; echo '</td>'; echo "<td class='left' width='140'>" . $row['name'] . '</td>'; echo "<td class='right'>" . $row['paths'] . '</td>'; echo "<td class='right'>" . $row['numHosts'] . '</td>'; echo "<td class='right'>" . $row['numProcesses'] . '</td>'; echo "<td class='right'>" . number_format_i18n($row['avgCpu'] / 3600, 0) . ' Hrs</td>'; echo "<td class='right'>" . number_format_i18n($row['maxCpu'] / 3600, 0) . ' Hrs</td>'; echo "<td class='right'>" . number_format_i18n($row['avgMemory'] / 1024, 2) . ' MB</td>'; echo "<td class='right'>" . number_format_i18n($row['maxMemory'] / 1024, 2) . ' MB</td>'; } echo '</tr>'; } else { print '<tr><td><em>' . __('No Processes') . '</em></td></tr>'; } html_end_box(); }