  * 生成发送手机验证码(未采用任何验证),历史版本方法,等待私有化
  * $mobile 手机号
  * 返回
  * success
 public function send_sms()
     $app_id = intval($this->input['app_id']);
     $appName = $this->input['app_name'];
     if ($this->settings['closesms']) {
     $mobile = trim($this->input['mobile']);
     if (!$mobile) {
     if ($this->mSmslog->check_max_limits($mobile)) {
     if (!hg_verify_mobile($mobile)) {
     if ($this->input['m_server_id']) {
         $condition = " AND status = 1 AND id = '" . $this->input['m_server_id'] . "' ";
     } else {
         $condition = " AND status = 1 ORDER BY over DESC LIMIT 1";
     if ($app_id) {
         $app_sms_record = $this->app_sms_count->detail($app_id);
         if ($app_sms_record) {
             //判断时间是否是上个月  如果是,把total清零
             $last_sms_time = $app_sms_record['last_send_time'];
             if (date('Y-m', TIMENOW) > date('Y-m', $last_sms_time)) {
                 $this->app_sms_count->update($app_id, array('total' => 0, 'last_send_time' => TIMENOW));
                 $app_sms_record = $this->app_sms_count->detail($app_id);
             $balance = $app_sms_record['total'];
             $limit_count = MAX_SENDSMS_COUNT_LIMITS + $app_sms_record['recharge'];
             if ($balance >= $limit_count) {
     $sms_server = $this->mSmsServer->get_sms_server_info($condition);
     $sms_server = $sms_server[0];
     if (empty($sms_server)) {
     $verifycode_length = $sms_server['verifycode_length'];
     $verifycode_content = $sms_server['verifycode_content'];
     $content = $sms_server['content'];
     if ($verifycode = $this->db->query_first("SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "mobile_verifycode WHERE mobile='" . $mobile . "' AND create_time >= " . intval(TIMENOW - VERIFYCODE_EXPIRED_TIME) . " ORDER BY create_time DESC")) {
         $verifycode = $verifycode['verifycode'];
     } else {
         $verifycode = hg_set_verifycode($verifycode_length, $verifycode_content);
     if (!$verifycode) {
     if (strstr($content, '{$c}')) {
         $content = str_replace('{$c}', $verifycode, $content);
     } else {
         if (strstr($content, ''{$c}'')) {
             $content = str_replace(''{$c}'', $verifycode, $content);
     if (strstr($content, '{$app}')) {
         if (strstr($content, '{$app}')) {
             $content = str_replace('{$app}', $appName, $content);
         } else {
             if (strstr($content, ''{$app}'')) {
                 $content = str_replace(''{$app}'', $appName, $content);
     if ($sms_server['charset'] != 'UTF-8') {
         $content = iconv('UTF-8', $sms_server['charset'], $content);
     $url = $sms_server['send_url'];
     if (strstr($url, '{$mobile}')) {
         $url = str_replace('{$mobile}', $mobile, $url);
     if (strstr($url, '{$content}')) {
         $url = str_replace('{$content}', $content, $url);
     $data = array(
     'mobile'		=> $mobile,
     'verifycode'	=> $verifycode,
     'create_time'	=> TIMENOW,
     if ($this->settings['closesms'])
     $ret = $this->mSmsServer->mobile_verifycode_create($data);
     if (!$sms_server['return_type']) {
         $type = 'json';
     } else {
         $type = $sms_server['return_type'];
     $return = $this->mSmsServer->curl_get($url, $type);
     if (isset($return['return']) && $return['return'] || $return['result'] == '01' || isset($return['result']['err_code']) && $return['result']['err_code'] == '0') {
         $data = array('mobile' => $mobile, 'verifycode' => $verifycode, 'create_time' => TIMENOW);
         $ret = $this->mSmsServer->mobile_verifycode_create($data);
         if ($app_id) {
         if (!$ret) {
     } else {
 private function makeToken($length = 16)
     $token = hg_set_verifycode($length = 16, $chars = '0123456789abcdefghijjklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ');
     return $token;