    holiday_greeting("Moadim L&#39;Simcha", "We wish you a happy <a href=\"{$anchor}\">{$shalosh_regalim}</a>");
} elseif (isset($shana_tova)) {
    $rh_greeting = "We wish you a happy and healthy New Year";
    if (isset($erev_rh)) {
        $next_hy = $hy + 1;
        $rh_greeting .= ".<br><a href=\"/holidays/rosh-hashana\">Rosh Hashana {$next_hy}</a> begins at sundown on {$erev_rh}";
    holiday_greeting("Shanah Tovah", $rh_greeting);
} elseif (isset($erev_yk)) {
    holiday_greeting("G&#39;mar Chatimah Tovah", "We wish you a good inscription in the Book of Life.<br><a href=\"/holidays/yom-kippur\">Yom Kippur</a> begins at sundown on {$erev_yk}");
} elseif (isset($erev_pesach)) {
    holiday_greeting("Chag Kasher v&#39;Sameach", "We wish you a happy <a href=\"/holidays/pesach\">Passover</a>.<br>Pesach begins at sundown on {$erev_pesach}");
} elseif (isset($erev_purim)) {
    holiday_greeting("Chag Sameach", "We wish you a happy <a href=\"/holidays/purim\">Purim</a> (begins at sundown on {$erev_purim})");
} elseif (isset($chag_sameach)) {
    $anchor = hebcal_make_anchor($chag_sameach);
    holiday_greeting("Chag Sameach", "We wish you a happy <a href=\"{$anchor}\">{$chag_sameach}</a>");
} elseif (isset($fast_day)) {
    holiday_greeting("Tzom Kal", "We wish you an easy fast");
if ($hmnum == 12 && $hd >= 10 || $hmnum == 13) {
    // it's past the Tish'a B'Av (12th month) or anytime in Elul (13th month)
    $hebyear = $hy + 1;
} else {
    $hebyear = $hy;
$greg_yr1 = $hebyear - 3761;
$greg_yr2 = $greg_yr1 + 1;
$greg_range = $greg_yr1 . "-" . $greg_yr2;
$year_get_args = "&amp;yt=H&amp;year={$hebyear}&amp;month=x";
// for the first 7 months of the year, just show the current Gregorian year
function display_hebrew_event($h)
    $anchor = hebcal_make_anchor($h);
    echo "<li><a href=\"{$anchor}\">", $h, "</a>\n";
    if (strncmp($h, "Parashat", 8) == 0) {
        echo "(in Diaspora)\n";