public function ajax_list($limit = 0) { $post = $this->input->post(); $export = false; if (isset($post["isExport"])) { $post = json_decode($post["lastPost"], true); $export = $post["export"] = true; } $columns = array(array('db' => 'name', 'dt' => 0), array('db' => 'role', 'dt' => 1), array('db' => 'email', 'dt' => 2), array('db' => 'creation_date', 'dt' => 3, 'formatter' => function ($d, $row) { return date('jS M y', strtotime($d)); }), array('db' => 'id', 'dt' => 4, 'formatter' => function ($d, $row) { $op = array(); if (hasAccess("adminusers", "edit")) { $op[] = '<a href="' . site_url('admin/adminusers/edit/' . $d) . '" class="fa fa-edit"></a> '; } /*if (hasAccess("adminusers","delete")) $op[] = '<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="delete_user('.$d.')" class="fa fa-trash-o"></a>';*/ return implode(" / ", $op); })); if (!$export) { echo json_encode(SSP::simple($post, ADMIN, "id", $columns)); exit; } else { $exportColumns = array("name" => "Name", "role" => "Role", "email" => "Email"); $data = SSP::simple($post, ADMIN, "id", $columns); $this->load->library("excel"); $this->excel->setActiveSheetIndex(0); $this->excel->stream('adminusers.xls', $data, $exportColumns); } }
public function ajax_list($limit = 0) { $post = $this->input->post(); $export = false; if (isset($post["isExport"])) { $post = json_decode($post["lastPost"], true); $export = $post["export"] = true; } $i = 0; $columns = array(array('db' => 'cm_uname', 'dt' => $i++), array('db' => 'cm_uemail', 'dt' => $i++), array('db' => 'cm_umobile', 'dt' => $i++), array('db' => 'cm_ucity', 'dt' => $i++), array('db' => 'cm_ucomment', 'dt' => $i++), array('db' => 'cm_date', 'dt' => $i++, 'formatter' => function ($d, $row) { return date('jS M y', strtotime($d)); }), array('db' => 'cm_id', 'dt' => $i++, 'formatter' => function ($d, $row) { $op = array(); if (hasAccess("contactrequest", "view")) { $op[] = '<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="view_contact(' . $d . ')" class="fa fa-list-alt"></a>'; } if (hasAccess("contactrequest", "delete")) { $op[] = '<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="delete_contact(' . $d . ')" class="fa fa-trash-o"></a>'; } return implode(" / ", $op); })); if (!$export) { echo json_encode(SSP::simple($post, CONTACT, "cm_id", $columns)); exit; } else { $exportColumns = array("cm_uname" => "Name", "cm_uemail" => "Email", "cm_umobile" => "Mobile number", "cm_ucity" => "City", "cm_ucomment" => "Message", "cm_date" => "Date"); $data = SSP::simple($post, CONTACT, "cm_id", $columns); $this->load->library("excel"); $this->excel->setActiveSheetIndex(0); $this->excel->stream('contact_request.xls', $data, $exportColumns); } }
public function ajax_list($limit = 0) { $post = $this->input->post(); $export = false; if (isset($post["isExport"])) { $post = json_decode($post["lastPost"], true); $export = $post["export"] = true; } $columns = array(array('db' => 'ad.ad_title', 'dt' => 0), array('db' => 'ad.ad_image', 'dt' => 1), array('db' => 'ad.ad_link', 'dt' => 2), array('db' => 'ad.ad_ispaid', 'dt' => 3), array('db' => 'ad.ad_show_on_page', 'dt' => 4), array('db' => 'ad.ad_created_date', 'dt' => 5, 'formatter' => function ($d, $row) { return date('jS M y', strtotime($d)); }), array('db' => 'ad.ad_active', 'dt' => 6, 'formatter' => function ($d, $row) { $status = ''; if ($d == 1) { $status = 'Active'; } if ($d == 0) { $status = 'Inactive'; } return $status; }), array('db' => 'ad.ad_id', 'dt' => 7, 'formatter' => function ($d, $row) { $op = array(); if (hasAccess("advertise", "view")) { $op[] = '<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="view_ad(' . $d . ')" class="fa fa-list-alt"></a>'; } if (hasAccess("advertise", "edit")) { $op[] = '<a href="' . site_url('/admin/advertise/edit/' . $d) . '" class="fa fa-edit"></a>'; } if (hasAccess("advertise", "delete")) { $op[] = '<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="delete_ad(' . $d . ')" class="fa fa-trash-o">'; } return implode(" / ", $op); })); #$join[] = array(USER_U,"u.u_id = ad.ad_uid"); if (!$export) { echo json_encode(SSP::simple($post, ADVERTISE_AD, "ad.ad_id", $columns)); exit; } else { $exportColumns = array("ad_title" => "Title", "ad_link" => "Link", "ad_ispaid" => "Is Paid", "ad_show_on_page" => "On Page", "ad_active" => "Status", "ad_created_date" => "Created At"); $data = SSP::simple($post, ADVERTISE_AD, "ad.ad_id", $columns); $this->load->library("excel"); $this->excel->setActiveSheetIndex(0); $this->excel->stream('advertise.xls', $data, $exportColumns); } }
public function ajax_list($limit = 0) { $post = $this->input->post(); $export = false; if (isset($post["isExport"])) { $post = json_decode($post["lastPost"], true); $export = $post["export"] = true; } $columns = array(array('db' => 'ad.clad_title', 'dt' => 0), array('db' => 'u.u_fname', 'dt' => 1), array('db' => 'r.report_text', 'dt' => 2), array('db' => 'r.created_on', 'dt' => 3, 'formatter' => function ($d, $row) { return date('jS M y', strtotime($d)); }), array('db' => 'r.report_id,r.report_clad_id,ad.clad_active', 'dt' => 4, 'formatter' => function ($d, $row) { $report_id = $row['report_id']; $clad_id = $row['report_clad_id']; $clad_active = $row['clad_active']; $op = array(); if (hasAccess("report", "view")) { $op[] = '<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="view_ad(' . $clad_id . ')" title="View" class="fa fa-file-text-o"></a> '; } if (hasAccess("report", "delete")) { $op[] = '<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="delete_report(' . $report_id . ')" title="Delete" class="fa fa-trash-o"></a>'; } if (hasAccess("classifiedad", "toggleStatus")) { if ($clad_active) { $op[] = '<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="toggle_status(' . $clad_id . ')" title="Ad is active" class="fa fa-pause"></a>'; } else { $op[] = '<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="toggle_status(' . $clad_id . ')" title="Ad is inactive" class="fa fa-play"></a>'; } } return implode(" ", $op); })); $join[] = array(CLASSIFIEDAD_AD, "ad.clad_id = r.report_clad_id"); $join[] = array(USER_U, "u.u_id = ad.clad_uid"); if (!$export) { echo json_encode(SSP::simple($post, REPORTAD_R, "r.report_id", $columns, $join)); exit; } else { $exportColumns = array("clad_title" => "Classified Title", "u_fname" => "User", "report_text" => "Comment", "created_on" => "Reported At", "clad_active" => "Classified Status"); $data = SSP::simple($post, REPORTAD_R, "r.report_id", $columns, $join); $this->load->library("excel"); $this->excel->setActiveSheetIndex(0); $this->excel->stream('report.xls', $data, $exportColumns); } }
<?php if (hasAccess("setting")) { ?> <li class=""> <a href="<?php echo base_url() . "admin/setting"; ?> "> <i class="fa fa-wrench"></i> <span>Setting</span> </a> </li> <?php } ?> <?php if (hasAccess("pushmessage")) { ?> <li class=""> <a href="<?php echo base_url() . "admin/pushmessage"; ?> "> <i class="fa fa-mobile"></i> <span>Push Message</span> </a> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> </section> <!-- /.sidebar -->
?> <a class="btn btn-outline btn-primary" style="float:right;" href="<?php app_url("projects"); ?> "> <i class="fa fa fa-share fa-rotate-180"></i> Back </a> </h3> </div> <div class="col-lg-12"> <?php if ($pageTitle == "Work Order" && hasAccess("APPROVE_WORK_ORDER")) { include "workorder.approve.alert.php"; } if ($pageTitle == "Bill" && hasAccess("APPROVE_BILL")) { include "bill.approve.alert.php"; } ?> </div> <div class="col-lg-8"> <div class="well"> <h4><?php echo $project->getTenderApproval()->getContractor()->getFullName(); ?> </h4> <small><?php echo $project->getTenderApproval()->getContractor()->getEmail(); ?> </small> <br/>
public function ajax_list($limit = 0) { if (!isset($_SESSION["categories"])) { $_SESSION["categories"] = $this->common_model->getCategoryArray(); } $post = $this->input->post(); $export = false; if (isset($post["isExport"])) { $post = json_decode($post["lastPost"], true); $export = $post["export"] = true; } $columns = array(); $i = 0; $columns = array(array('db' => 'ad.clad_id', 'dt' => $i++), array('db' => 'ad.clad_id', 'dt' => $i++), array('db' => 'u.u_fname', 'dt' => $i++), array('db' => 'u.u_mobile', 'dt' => $i++), array('db' => 'ad.clad_category', 'dt' => $i++, 'formatter' => function ($d, $row) { $catIds = explode("-", $d); $catId = $catIds[count($catIds) - 2]; return $_SESSION['categories'][$catId]['cat_name']; }), array('db' => 'ad.clad_title', 'dt' => $i++), array('db' => 'ad.clad_price', 'dt' => $i++), array('db' => 'ad.clad_city', 'dt' => $i++), array('db' => 'ad.clad_created_date', 'dt' => $i++, 'formatter' => function ($d, $row) { return date('d-m-Y H:i', strtotime($d)); }), array('db' => 'ad.clad_modified_date', 'dt' => $i++, 'formatter' => function ($d, $row) { return date('d-m-Y H:i', strtotime($d)); }), array('db' => 'ad.clad_total_views', 'dt' => $i++), array('db' => 'ad.clad_id,ad.clad_active,ad.is_readed', 'dt' => $i++, 'formatter' => function ($d, $row) { $op = array(); $d = $row['clad_id']; $clad_active = $row['clad_active']; if (hasAccess("classifiedad", "view")) { $op[] = '<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="view_ad(' . $d . ')" class="fa fa-list-alt icoFontsize"></a>'; } if (hasAccess("classifiedad", "edit")) { $op[] = '<a href="' . site_url('/admin/classifiedad/edit/' . $d) . '" class="fa fa-edit icoFontsize"></a>'; } if (hasAccess("classifiedad", "delete")) { $op[] = '<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="delete_ad(' . $d . ')" class="fa fa-trash-o icoFontsize">'; } if (hasAccess("classifiedad", "toggleStatus")) { if ($clad_active == 1) { $op[] = '<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="toggle_status(' . $d . ',1)" title="Ad is active" class="fa fa-pause icoFontsize"></a>'; } else { if ($clad_active == 2) { $op[] = '<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="toggle_status(' . $d . ',2)" title="Ad is waiting for approval" class="fa fa-play icoFontsize"></a>'; } else { $op[] = '<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="toggle_status(' . $d . ',0)" title="Ad is inactive" class="fa fa-play icoFontsize"></a>'; } } } if ($row["is_readed"] == 0) { $op[] = '<input type="hidden" class="not_readed">'; } return implode(" / ", $op); })); $join[] = array(USER_U, "u.u_id = ad.clad_uid"); $myWhere = array(); $myWhere["ad.is_deleted"] = 0; //$myWhere["ad.clad_expiry_date >="] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); if (isset($post["customwhere"])) { foreach ($post["customwhere"] as $key => $val) { $myWhere[str_replace("-", ".", $key)] = $val; } } if (!$export) { echo json_encode(SSP::simple($post, CLASSIFIEDAD_AD, "ad.clad_id", $columns, $join, $myWhere)); exit; } else { $exportColumns = array("clad_id" => "Id", "u_fname" => "User", "u_mobile" => "Mobile", "clad_title" => "Title", "clad_description" => "Description", "clad_category" => "Category", "clad_price" => "Price", "clad_city" => "City", "clad_created_date" => "Creation Date", "clad_modified_date" => "Modified Date", "clad_expiry_date" => "Expiration Date", "clad_used_years" => "Used Years", "clad_used_months" => "Used Months", "clad_city" => "City", "clad_locality" => "Locality", "clad_condition" => "Condition", "clad_active" => "Status (Active/In-Active)", "clad_model" => "Model", "clad_model_year" => "Model Year", "clad_fuel" => "Fuel Type", "clad_driven" => "Total Driven", "clad_job_type" => "Job Type", "clad_furnished" => "Furnished", "clad_sqft" => "Square feet", "clad_rooms" => "Rooms", "clad_total_views" => "View Count", "clad_mobile_cnt" => "Mobile View Count", "clad_is_premium" => "Premium", "clad_remark" => "Remark"); $data = SSP::simple($post, CLASSIFIEDAD_AD, "ad.clad_id", $columns, $join, $myWhere); $this->load->library("excel"); $this->excel->setActiveSheetIndex(0); $this->excel->stream('classified.xls', $data, $exportColumns); } }
public function ajax_list($limit = 0) { $post = $this->input->post(); $export = false; if (isset($post["isExport"])) { $post = json_decode($post["lastPost"], true); $export = $post["export"] = true; } $i = 0; $columns = array(array('db' => 'u_id', 'dt' => $i++), array('db' => 'u_id', 'dt' => $i++), array('db' => 'u_fname', 'dt' => $i++), array('db' => 'u_email', 'dt' => $i++), array('db' => 'u_mobile', 'dt' => $i++), array('db' => '(select count(*) from cls_adv_master where clad_uid=u_id) as u_totalad', 'dt' => $i++, 'coloumn_name' => 'u_totalad'), array('db' => 'u_is_verified', 'dt' => $i++, 'formatter' => function ($d, $row) { if ($d == 1) { return "Verified"; } else { if ($d == 0) { return 'Not Verified'; } } }), array('db' => 'u_created_date', 'dt' => $i++, 'formatter' => function ($d, $row) { return date('d-m-Y H:i', strtotime($d)); }), array('db' => 'u_modified_date', 'dt' => $i++, 'formatter' => function ($d, $row) { return date('d-m-Y H:i', strtotime($d)); }), array('db' => 'u_id,u_canpost', 'dt' => $i++, 'formatter' => function ($d, $row) { $op = array(); $d = $row['u_id']; $canpost = $row['u_canpost']; if (hasAccess("users", "view")) { //$op[] = '<a href="#" title="View" class="fa fa-file-text-o"></a> '; $op[] = '<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="view_user(' . $d . ')" class="fa fa-list-alt icoFontsize"></a>'; } if (hasAccess("users", "edit")) { $op[] = '<a href="' . site_url('/admin/users/edit/' . $d) . '" class="fa fa-edit icoFontsize"></a>'; } if (hasAccess("users", "delete")) { $op[] = '<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="delete_user(' . $d . ')" title="Delete" class="fa fa-trash-o"></a>'; } if (hasAccess("users", "toggleStatus")) { if ($canpost) { $op[] = '<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="toggle_status(' . $d . ')" title="Block User" class="fa fa-pause icoFontsize"></a>'; } else { $op[] = '<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="toggle_status(' . $d . ')" title="Unblock User" class="fa fa-play icoFontsize"></a>'; } } return implode(" ", $op); })); $myWhere = array(); if (isset($post["customwhere"])) { foreach ($post["customwhere"] as $key => $val) { $myWhere[str_replace("-", ".", $key)] = $val; } } if (!$export) { echo json_encode(SSP::simple($post, USER, "u_id", $columns, array(), $myWhere)); exit; } else { $exportColumns = array("u_fname" => "First Name", "u_email" => "Email", "u_mobile" => "Mobile", "u_active" => "Status", "u_created_date" => "Created Date"); $data = SSP::simple($post, USER, "u_id", $columns, array(), $myWhere); $this->load->library("excel"); $this->excel->setActiveSheetIndex(0); $this->excel->stream('users.xls', $data, $exportColumns); } }
/** * Parses the content of the xml file and outputs its HTML * representation. * * Assumes you have given it the content xml element * * @param SimpleXMLElement $contentBlock * @param string $inheritedSecurity * * @return string * @author Andrew Darwin <*****@*****.**> * @author Delvison Castillo */ function getContent($contentBlock, $inheritedSecurityValue) { global $usersGroups; global $defaultSecurityValue; if ($inheritedSecurityValue == "") { $inheritedSecurityValue = $defaultSecurityValue; } $header = "getContent(contentBlock): "; logMessage("{$header} Attempting to get content"); // Determine number of column declarations $columnBlocks = $contentBlock->column; $numberOfColumns = 0; $numberOfColumnsEncountered = 0; foreach ($columnBlocks as $columnBlock) { $securityValue = getCurrentSecurityRequirement($columnBlock, $defaultSecurityValue); if (hasAccess($usersGroups, $securityValue)) { $numberOfColumns++; } } $contentString = ""; if ($contentBlock == null) { logMessage("{$header} contentBlock is null. This may indicate trying to " . "access a file on a remote server."); } logMessage("{$header} Beginning to iterate through xml elements in the " . "content block"); foreach ($contentBlock as $xmlElement) { $elementName = $xmlElement->getName(); $securityValue = getCurrentSecurityRequirement($xmlElement, $inheritedSecurityValue); $accessGranted = hasAccess($usersGroups, $securityValue); //IF THE ELEMENT IS A UL ELEMENT if (isULElement($xmlElement)) { logMessage("{$header} Encountered unordered list. Send duties to " . "getListContents()."); //Don't need to worry about checking security here because //getListContents() handles it $contentString .= getListContents($xmlElement, "", true, false); //PARSE TEXT COLUMN ELEMENTS } else { if ($elementName == "column") { if ($accessGranted) { $numberOfColumnsEncountered++; $contentString .= "<div style='float: "; if ($numberOfColumnsEncountered >= $numberOfColumns) { $contentString .= "right"; } else { $contentString .= "left"; } $percentage = round(100 / $numberOfColumns); $contentString .= "; width: " . $percentage . "%;'>\n"; $contentString .= getContent($xmlElement, ""); $contentString .= "</div>\n"; } //PARSE TABLE ELEMENTS } else { if ($elementName == "table") { if (hasAccess($usersGroups, $securityValue)) { $contentString .= "<table style='width: 100%;'>\n" . getContent($xmlElement, $securityValue) . "</table>\n"; } //PARSE ROW ELEMENTS } else { if ($elementName == "row") { if (hasAccess($usersGroups, $securityValue)) { $contentString .= "<tr>\n" . getContent($xmlElement, $securityValue) . "</tr>\n"; } //PARSE COL ELEMENTS } else { if ($elementName == "cell") { if (hasAccess($usersGroups, $securityValue)) { $contentString .= getOutputHTMLWithCustomTag("td", $xmlElement, true, false, false); } else { $contentString .= "<td></td>"; } //PARSE TABLE TITLES } else { if ($elementName == "col_title") { if (hasAccess($usersGroups, $securityValue)) { $contentString .= getOutputHTMLWithCustomTag("th", $xmlElement, true, false, false); } else { $contentString .= "<th></th>"; } } else { if ($elementName == 'img') { $contentString .= getImageHTML($xmlElement, "150px", "auto"); } else { if ($elementName == "embed") { if ($accessGranted) { $contentString .= stripEnclosingXMLTag($xmlElement); } } else { if ($accessGranted) { logMessage("{$header} Security has been granted for " . "<{$elementName}>"); $contentString = $contentString . getOutputHTML($xmlElement, true, false, false); } else { logMessage("{$header} Security has not been granted for " . "<{$elementName}>"); } } } } } } } } } } return $contentString; }
"><i class="fa fa-briefcase fa-fw"></i> Projects</a> </li> <?php if (hasAccess("MANAGE_CONTRACTOR")) { ?> <li> <a href="<?php app_url("contractors"); ?> "><i class="fa fa-male fa-fw"></i> Contractors</a> </li> <?php } ?> <?php if (hasAccess("MANAGE_USER")) { ?> <li> <a href="<?php app_url("users"); ?> "><i class="fa fa-users fa-fw"></i> User Management</a> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> </div> <!-- /.sidebar-collapse --> </div> <!-- /.navbar-static-side -->
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