function replaceHtml($insertInto, $text, $style = null)
    // HTML Dom object:
    $html_dom = new simple_html_dom();
    $html_dom->load('<html><body>' . $text . '</body></html>');
    // Note, we needed to nest the html in a couple of dummy elements
    // Create the dom array of elements which we are going to work on:
    $html_dom_array = $html_dom->find('html', 0)->children();
    // Provide some initial settings:
    if ($style == null) {
        $style = array('size' => '10');
    $initial_state = array('current_style' => $style, 'style_sheet' => h2d_styles(), 'parents' => array(0 => 'body'), 'list_depth' => 0, 'context' => 'section', 'base_root' => 'http://test.local', 'base_path' => '/', 'pseudo_list' => TRUE, 'pseudo_list_indicator_font_name' => 'Wingdings', 'pseudo_list_indicator_font_size' => '7', 'pseudo_list_indicator_character' => 'l ');
    // Convert the HTML and put it into the PHPWord object
    h2d_insert_html($insertInto, $html_dom_array[0]->nodes, $initial_state);
* Populate PHPWord element
* This recursive function processes all the elements and child elements
* from the DOM array of objects created by SimpleHTMLDom.
* @param object phpword_element - the object from PHPWord in which to place the converted html
* @param array $html_dom_array - array of nodes generated by simple HTML dom
* @param array $state - variables for the current run
function h2d_insert_html(&$phpword_element, $html_dom_array, &$state = array())
    // Set some defaults:
    $state['current_style'] = $state['current_style'] ? $state['current_style'] : array('size' => '11');
    $state['parents'] = $state['parents'] ? $state['parents'] : array(0 => 'body');
    // Our parent is body
    $state['list_depth'] = $state['list_depth'] ? $state['list_depth'] : 0;
    $state['context'] = $state['context'] ? $state['context'] : 'section';
    // Possible values - section, footer or header
    // Go through the html_dom_array, adding bits to go in the PHPWord element
    $allowed_children = h2d_html_allowed_children($state['parents'][0]);
    // Go through each element:
    foreach ($html_dom_array as $element) {
        $old_style = $state['current_style'];
        $state['current_style'] = h2d_get_style($element, $state);
        switch ($element->tag) {
            case 'p':
            case 'div':
                // Treat a div as a paragraph
            // Treat a div as a paragraph
            case 'h1':
            case 'h2':
            case 'h3':
            case 'h4':
            case 'h5':
            case 'h6':
                // Everything in this element should be in the same text run
                // we need to initiate a text run here and pass it on:
                $state['textrun'] = $phpword_element->createTextRun($state['current_style']);
                if (in_array($element->tag, $allowed_children)) {
                    array_unshift($state['parents'], $element->tag);
                    h2d_insert_html($phpword_element, $element->nodes, $state);
                } else {
                    $state['textrun']->addText(h2d_clean_text($element->innertext), $state['current_style']);
                if (!isset($state['current_style']['spaceAfter'])) {
                    // For better usability for the end user of the Word document, we
                    // separate paragraphs and headings with an empty line. You can
                    // override this behaviour by setting the spaceAfter parameter for
                    // the current element.
            case 'table':
                if (in_array('table', $allowed_children)) {
                    $old_table_state = $state['table_allowed'];
                    if (in_array('td', $state['parents'])) {
                        $state['table_allowed'] = FALSE;
                        // This is a PHPWord constraint
                    } else {
                        $state['table_allowed'] = TRUE;
                        $state['table'] = $phpword_element->addTable();
                    array_unshift($state['parents'], 'table');
                    h2d_insert_html($phpword_element, $element->nodes, $state);
                    // Reset table state to what it was before a table was added:
                    $state['table_allowed'] = $old_table_state;
                } else {
                    $state['textrun'] = $phpword_element->createTextRun();
                    $state['textrun']->addText(h2d_clean_text($element->innertext), $state['current_style']);
            case 'tbody':
                if (in_array('tbody', $allowed_children)) {
                    array_unshift($state['parents'], 'tbody');
                    h2d_insert_html($phpword_element, $element->nodes, $state);
                } else {
                    $state['textrun'] = $phpword_element->createTextRun();
                    $state['textrun']->addText(h2d_clean_text($element->innertext), $state['current_style']);
            case 'tr':
                if (in_array('tr', $allowed_children)) {
                    if ($state['table_allowed']) {
                    } else {
                        // Simply add a new line if a table is not possible in this context:
                        $state['textrun'] = $phpword_element->createTextRun();
                    array_unshift($state['parents'], 'tr');
                    h2d_insert_html($phpword_element, $element->nodes, $state);
                } else {
                    $state['textrun'] = $phpword_element->createTextRun();
                    $state['textrun']->addText(h2d_clean_text($element->innertext), $state['current_style']);
            case 'td':
                // Unset any text run there may happen to be:
                // unset($state['textrun']);
                if (in_array('td', $allowed_children) && $state['table_allowed']) {
                    if (isset($element->width)) {
                        $cell_width = $element->width * 15;
                        // Converting at 15 TWIPS per pixel
                    } else {
                        $cell_width = 800;
                    $state['table_cell'] = $state['table']->addCell($cell_width);
                    array_unshift($state['parents'], 'td');
                    h2d_insert_html($state['table_cell'], $element->nodes, $state);
                } else {
                    if (!isset($state['textrun'])) {
                        $state['textrun'] = $phpword_element->createTextRun();
                    $state['textrun']->addText(h2d_clean_text($element->innertext), $state['current_style']);
            case 'a':
                // Create a new text run if we aren't in one already:
                if (!$state['textrun']) {
                    $state['textrun'] = $phpword_element->createTextRun();
                if ($state['context'] == 'section') {
                    if (strpos($element->href, 'http://') === 0) {
                        $href = $element->href;
                    } elseif (strpos($element->href, '/') === 0) {
                        $href = $state['base_root'] . $element->href;
                    } else {
                        $href = $state['base_root'] . $state['base_path'] . $element->href;
                    $state['textrun']->addLink($href, h2d_clean_text($element->innertext), $state['current_style']);
                } else {
                    // Links can't seem to be included in headers or footers with PHPWord:
                    // trying to include them causes an error which stops Word from opening the
                    // file - in Word 2003 with the converter at least.
                    // So add the link styled as a link only.
                    $state['textrun']->addText(h2d_clean_text($element->innertext), $state['current_style']);
            case 'ul':
                if (in_array('ul', $allowed_children)) {
                    if (!$state['pseudo_list']) {
                        // Unset any existing text run:
                        // PHPWord lists cannot appear in a text run. If we leave a text run active then subsequent text will go in that text run (if it isn't re-initialised), which would mean that text after this list would appear before it in the Word document.
                    array_unshift($state['parents'], 'ul');
                    h2d_insert_html($phpword_element, $element->nodes, $state);
                } else {
                    $state['textrun'] = $phpword_element->createTextRun();
                    $state['textrun']->addText(h2d_clean_text($element->innertext), $state['current_style']);
            case 'ol':
                $state['list_number'] = 0;
                // Reset list number.
                if (in_array('ol', $allowed_children)) {
                    if (!$state['pseudo_list']) {
                        // Unset any existing text run:
                        // Lists cannot appear in a text run. If we leave a text run active then subsequent text will go in that text run (if it isn't re-initialised), which would mean that text after this list would appear before it in the Word document.
                    array_unshift($state['parents'], 'ol');
                    h2d_insert_html($phpword_element, $element->nodes, $state);
                } else {
                    $state['textrun'] = $phpword_element->createTextRun();
                    $state['textrun']->addText(h2d_clean_text($element->innertext), $state['current_style']);
            case 'li':
                // You cannot style individual pieces of text in a list element so we do it
                // with text runs instead. This does not allow us to indent lists at all, so
                // we can't show nesting.
                // Create a new text run for each element:
                $state['textrun'] = $phpword_element->createTextRun();
                if (in_array('li', $allowed_children)) {
                    if ($state['parents'][0] == 'ol') {
                        $item_indicator = $state['list_number'] . '. ';
                        $style = $state['current_style'];
                    } else {
                        $style = $state['current_style'];
                        $style['name'] = $state['pseudo_list_indicator_font_name'];
                        $style['size'] = $state['pseudo_list_indicator_font_size'];
                        $item_indicator = $state['pseudo_list_indicator_character'];
                    array_unshift($state['parents'], 'li');
                    $state['textrun']->addText($item_indicator, $style);
                    h2d_insert_html($phpword_element, $element->nodes, $state);
                } else {
                    $state['textrun']->addText(h2d_clean_text($element->innertext), $state['current_style']);
                //        $phpword_element->addTextBreak();
            case 'text':
                // We may get some empty text nodes - containing just a space -
                // in simple HTML dom - we want
                // to exclude those, as these can cause extra line returns. However
                // we don't want to exclude spaces between styling elements (these will be within
                // a text run).
                if (!$state['textrun']) {
                    $text = h2d_clean_text(trim($element->innertext));
                } else {
                    $text = h2d_clean_text($element->innertext);
                if (!empty($text)) {
                    if (!$state['textrun']) {
                        $state['textrun'] = $phpword_element->createTextRun();
                    $state['textrun']->addText($text, $state['current_style']);
                // Style tags:
            // Style tags:
            case 'strong':
            case 'b':
            case 'sup':
                // Not working in PHPWord
            // Not working in PHPWord
            case 'em':
            case 'i':
            case 'u':
            case 'span':
                // Create a new text run if we aren't in one already:
                if (!$state['textrun']) {
                    $state['textrun'] = $phpword_element->createTextRun();
                if (in_array($element->tag, $allowed_children)) {
                    array_unshift($state['parents'], $element->tag);
                    h2d_insert_html($phpword_element, $element->nodes, $state);
                } else {
                    $state['textrun']->addText(h2d_clean_text($element->innertext), $state['current_style']);
            case 'br':
                // Simply create a new text run:
                $state['textrun'] = $phpword_element->createTextRun();
            case 'img':
                $image_style = array();
                if ($element->height && $element->width) {
                    $state['current_style']['height'] = $element->height;
                    $state['current_style']['width'] = $element->width;
                $phpword_element->addImage(ltrim($element->src, '/'), $state['current_style']);
                $state['textrun'] = $phpword_element->createTextRun();
                $state['textrun']->addText(h2d_clean_text($element->innertext), $state['current_style']);
        // Reset the style back to what it was:
        $state['current_style'] = $old_style;