文件: misc.php 项目: akirk/GlotPress
 * Makes from an array of arrays a flat array.
 * @param array $array the arra to flatten
 * @return array flattenned array
function gp_array_flatten($array)
    $res = array();
    foreach ($array as $value) {
        $res = array_merge($res, is_array($value) ? gp_array_flatten($value) : array($value));
    return $res;
 * Joins paths, and takes care of slashes between them
 * Example: gp_url_join( '/project', array( 'wp', 'dev) ) -> '/project/wp/dev'
 * The function will keep leading and trailing slashes of the whole URL, but won't
 * allow more than consecutive slash inside.
 * @param mixed components... arbitrary number of string or path components
 * @return string URL, built of all the components, separated with /
function gp_url_join()
    $components = func_get_args();
    $components_in_flat_array = array_filter(gp_array_flatten($components));
    $components_with_slashes = implode('/', $components_in_flat_array);
    $components_without_consecutive_slashes = preg_replace('|/{2,}|', '/', $components_with_slashes);
    $components_without_consecutive_slashes = str_replace(array('http:/', 'https:/'), array('http://', 'https://'), $components_without_consecutive_slashes);
    return $components_without_consecutive_slashes;
 * Joins paths, and takes care of slashes between them
 * Example: gp_url_join( '/project', array( 'wp', 'dev) ) -> '/project/wp/dev'
 * The function will keep leading and trailing slashes of the whole URL, but won't
 * allow more than consecutive slash inside.
 * @param mixed components... arbitrary number of string or path components
 * @return string URL, built of all the components, separated with /
function gp_url_join()
    $components = func_get_args();
    $components_in_flat_array = array_filter(gp_array_flatten($components));
    $components_with_slashes = implode('/', $components_in_flat_array);
    // Make sure all instances of the final URL are returned with a proper permalink ending.
    $components_with_slashes = user_trailingslashit($components_with_slashes);
    $components_without_consecutive_slashes = preg_replace('|/{2,}|', '/', $components_with_slashes);
    $components_without_consecutive_slashes = str_replace(array('http:/', 'https:/'), array('http://', 'https://'), $components_without_consecutive_slashes);
    return $components_without_consecutive_slashes;
文件: url.php 项目: rmccue/GlotPress
 * Joins paths, and takes care of slashes between them
function gp_url_join()
    $args = func_get_args();
    // we need array_values() in order to make sure the indices of $args are consecutive from 0 to count()-1
    $args = array_values(array_filter(gp_array_flatten($args)));
    if (empty($args)) {
        return '';
    $start_slash = gp_startswith($args[0], '/') && trim($args[0], '/') != '' ? '/' : '';
    $end_slash = gp_endswith($args[count($args) - 1], '/') && trim($args[count($args) - 1], '/') != '' ? '/' : '';
    $args = array_map(create_function('$x', 'return trim($x, "/");'), $args);
    return $start_slash . implode('/', $args) . $end_slash;
function gp_breadcrumb($breadcrumb = null, $args = array())
    $defaults = array('separator' => '<span class="separator">' . _x('&rarr;', 'breadcrumb') . '</span>', 'breadcrumb-template' => '<span class="breadcrumb">{separator}{breadcrumb}</span>');
    $args = array_merge($defaults, $args);
    if (!is_null($breadcrumb)) {
        $breadcrumb = gp_array_flatten($breadcrumb);
        $breadcrumb_string = implode($args['separator'], array_filter($breadcrumb));
        $whole_breadcrumb = str_replace('{separator}', $args['separator'], $args['breadcrumb-template']);
        $whole_breadcrumb = str_replace('{breadcrumb}', $breadcrumb_string, $whole_breadcrumb);
        add_filter('gp_breadcrumb', function () use($whole_breadcrumb) {
            return $whole_breadcrumb;
        }, 5);
    } else {
        return apply_filters('gp_breadcrumb', '');
 function test_gp_array_flatten()
     $this->assertEquals(array(), gp_array_flatten(array()));
     $this->assertEquals(array(1, 2, 3), gp_array_flatten(array(1, array(2, 3))));
     $this->assertEquals(array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7), gp_array_flatten(array(1, array(2, array(3, 4), 5), 6, array(7))));
function gp_breadcrumb($breadcrumb = null, $args = array())
    if ($breadcrumb) {
        $breadcrumb = gp_array_flatten($breadcrumb);
        add_filter('gp_breadcrumb_items', function ($breadcrumbs) use($breadcrumb) {
            return array_merge($breadcrumbs, $breadcrumb);
        }, 1);
    } else {
        $breadcrumbs = apply_filters('gp_breadcrumb_items', array());
        if ($breadcrumbs) {
            $defaults = array('before' => '<li>', 'after' => '</li>', 'breadcrumb-template' => '<ul class="breadcrumb">{breadcrumb}</ul>');
            $args = array_merge($defaults, $args);
            $whole_breadcrumb = '';
            foreach ($breadcrumbs as $breadcrumb) {
                $whole_breadcrumb .= $args['before'] . $breadcrumb . $args['after'];
            $whole_breadcrumb = str_replace('{breadcrumb}', $whole_breadcrumb, $args['breadcrumb-template']);
            return apply_filters('gp_breadcrumb', $whole_breadcrumb);
function gp_breadcrumb($breadcrumb = null, $args = array())
    if ($breadcrumb) {
        $breadcrumb = gp_array_flatten($breadcrumb);
        add_filter('gp_breadcrumb_items', function ($breadcrumbs) use($breadcrumb) {
            return array_merge($breadcrumbs, $breadcrumb);
        }, 1);
    } else {
         * Filter the list of breadcrumb navigation items.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @param array $breadcrumb_items Breadcrumb items as HTML string.
        $breadcrumbs = apply_filters('gp_breadcrumb_items', array());
        if ($breadcrumbs) {
            $defaults = array('before' => '<li>', 'after' => '</li>', 'breadcrumb-template' => '<ul class="breadcrumb">{breadcrumb}</ul>');
            $args = array_merge($defaults, $args);
            $whole_breadcrumb = '';
            foreach ($breadcrumbs as $breadcrumb) {
                $whole_breadcrumb .= $args['before'] . $breadcrumb . $args['after'];
            $whole_breadcrumb = str_replace('{breadcrumb}', $whole_breadcrumb, $args['breadcrumb-template']);
             * Filter the breadcrumb HTML output.
             * @since 1.0.0
             * @param string $whole_breadcrumb Breadcrumb HTML.
            return apply_filters('gp_breadcrumb', $whole_breadcrumb);