public static function scan($param) { list($data) = $param; self::_init(); global $_G; if (!$_G['wechat']['setting']['wsq_allow']) { return; } $authcode = C::t('#wechat#mobile_wechat_authcode')->fetch_by_code($data['key']); if (!$authcode || $authcode['status']) { // echo WeChatServer::getXml4Txt(lang('plugin/wechat', 'wechat_response_text_codeerror')); } else { if ($authcode['uid']) { $member = getuserbyuid($authcode['uid'], 1); if ($member['adminid'] == 0 && !$_G['wechat']['setting']['wechat_confirmtype']) { C::t('#wechat#mobile_wechat_authcode')->update($authcode['sid'], array('uid' => $member['uid'], 'status' => 1)); $authcode['sid'] = ''; } } else { $wechatuser = C::t('#wechat#common_member_wechat')->fetch_by_openid($data['from']); if ($wechatuser) { $member = getuserbyuid($wechatuser['uid'], 1); if ($member['adminid'] == 0 && !$_G['wechat']['setting']['wechat_confirmtype']) { C::t('#wechat#mobile_wechat_authcode')->update($authcode['sid'], array('uid' => $member['uid'], 'status' => 1)); $authcode['sid'] = ''; } } elseif ($_G['wechat']['setting']['wechat_allowregister'] && $_G['wechat']['setting']['wechat_allowfastregister'] && $_G['wechat']['setting']['wechat_mtype'] == 2) { require_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './source/plugin/wechat/wechat.class.php'; require_once libfile('function/member'); $uid = WeChat::register(WeChat::getnewname($data['from']), 1); if ($uid) { WeChatHook::bindOpenId($uid, $data['from'], 1); C::t('#wechat#mobile_wechat_authcode')->update($authcode['sid'], array('uid' => $uid, 'status' => 1)); } wsq::report('register'); $authcode['sid'] = ''; } } wsq::report('scanqr'); self::_show('scan', $data['from'] . "\t" . $authcode['sid']); } }
function user_login($uid) { $member = getuserbyuid($uid); $cookietime = 1296000; require_once libfile('function/member'); setloginstatus($member, $cookietime); }
function poll_upload() { global $_G; $this->uid = intval($_G['gp_uid']); $swfhash = md5(substr(md5($_G['config']['security']['authkey']), 8) . $this->uid); if (!$_FILES['Filedata']['error'] && $_G['gp_hash'] == $swfhash && $this->uid) { $this->aid = 0; $this->simple = 0; $this->user = getuserbyuid($this->uid); if (empty($this->user['adminid'])) { $this->uploadmsg(9); } $_G['uid'] = $this->uid; $this->pollid = !empty($_G['gp_pollid']) ? intval($_G['gp_pollid']) : 0; if ($this->pollid <= 0 || !intval(DB::result_first("SELECT contenttype FROM " . DB::table('poll_item') . " WHERE itemid='{$this->pollid}'"))) { $this->uploadmsg(9); } $attach = upload_images($_FILES['Filedata'], 'poll', 176, 176); $caption = dhtmlspecialchars(trim($attach['name'])); $caption = substr($caption, 0, -(strlen(fileext($caption)) + 1)); $data = array('itemid' => $this->pollid, 'caption' => $caption, 'displayorder' => 0, 'imageurl' => $attach['attachment'], 'aid' => $attach['aid']); DB::insert('poll_choice', $data); $this->aid = $this->pollid; $this->uploadmsg(0); } }
function getinvite() { global $_G; $result = array(); $cookies = empty($_G['cookie']['invite_auth']) ? array() : explode(',', $_G['cookie']['invite_auth']); $cookiecount = count($cookies); if ($cookiecount == 2) { $id = intval($cookies[0]); $code = $cookies[1]; $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table('common_invite') . " WHERE id='{$id}'"); if ($invite = DB::fetch($query)) { if ($invite['code'] == $code && empty($invite['fuid']) && (empty($invite['endtime']) || $_G['timestamp'] < $invite['endtime'])) { $result['uid'] = $invite['uid']; $result['id'] = $invite['id']; $result['appid'] = $invite['appid']; } } } elseif ($cookiecount == 3) { $uid = intval($cookies[0]); $code = $cookies[1]; $appid = intval($cookies[2]); $invite_code = space_key($uid, $appid); if ($code == $invite_code) { $result['uid'] = $uid; $result['appid'] = $appid; } } if ($result['uid']) { $member = getuserbyuid($result['uid']); $result['username'] = $member['username']; } else { dsetcookie('invite_auth', '', -86400 * 365); } return $result; }
private function _login($res, $username, $password, $mobile, $code, $isValidation) { global $_G; $username = rawurldecode($username); $password = rawurldecode($password); if ($username == MOBCENT_HACKER_USER && $password == MOBCENT_HACKER_PASSWORD) { $token = isset($_GET['accessToken']) ? $_GET['accessToken'] : ''; $secret = isset($_GET['accessSecret']) ? $_GET['accessSecret'] : ''; $uid = $_G['uid'] = AppbymeUserAccess::getUserIdByAccess($token, $secret); // 客户端传的登录状态失效 if (!$uid) { return $this->makeErrorInfo($res, 'mobcent_login_status'); } $result['member'] = getuserbyuid($uid); $_G['username'] = $result['member']['username']; // 把登录信息写入cookie中,并且更新登录的状态 UserUtils::updateCookie($result['member'], $uid); // 需要整理token和secret再返回给客户端 $userInfo = array('token' => $token, 'secret' => $secret); } else { $username = WebUtils::t($username); $logInfo = UserUtils::login($username, $password); if ($logInfo['errcode']) { UserUtils::delUserAccessByUsername($username); return $this->makeErrorInfo($res, $logInfo['message']); } if ($isValidation == 1) { // 是否开启了登录手机验证 $isLoginValidation = WebUtils::getDzPluginAppbymeAppConfig('mobcent_login_validation'); if ($isLoginValidation) { $userMobileBind = AppbymeSendsms::getBindInfoByUid($_G['uid']); if (!$userMobileBind) { // 当前登录的用户没有绑定手机号码 if ($mobile == '' && $code == '') { $res['isValidation'] = 1; return $this->makeErrorInfo($res, '', array('noError' => 0, 'alert' => 0)); } $checkInfo = UserUtils::checkMobileCode($res, $mobile, $code); if ($checkInfo['rs'] == 0) { return $this->makeErrorInfo($res, $checkInfo['errcode']); } $updataArr = array('uid' => $_G['uid']); AppbymeSendsms::updateMobile($mobile, $updataArr); } } } $userInfo = AppbymeUserAccess::loginProcess($_G['uid'], $password); } $userAvatar = UserUtils::getUserAvatar($_G['uid']); $res['isValidation'] = 0; $res['token'] = (string) $userInfo['token']; $res['secret'] = (string) $userInfo['secret']; $res['uid'] = (int) $_G['uid']; $res['avatar'] = (string) $userAvatar; $res['userName'] = (string) $_G['username']; return $res; }
public static function synlogin($get, $post) { global $_G; header('P3P: CP="CURa ADMa DEVa PSAo PSDo OUR BUS UNI PUR INT DEM STA PRE COM NAV OTC NOI DSP COR"'); $cookietime = 31536000; $user_id = intval($get['user_id']); if ($member = getuserbyuid($user_id)) { self::dsetcookie('auth', self::authcode("{$member['password']}\t{$member['user_id']}", 'ENCODE'), $cookietime); } }
public function update_groupid_by_uid($uid) { $user = getuserbyuid($uid); if ($user['groupid'] == 1) { return; } if (DB::result_first("select COUNT(*) from %t where uid=%d", array($this->_table, $uid))) { $groupid = 2; } else { $groupid = 9; } return C::t('user')->update($uid, array('groupid' => $groupid)); }
public function onUsersGetFormHash($uId, $userAgent) { global $_G; $uId = intval($uId); if (!$uId) { return false; } $member = getuserbyuid($uId, 1); $_G['username'] = $member['username']; $_G['uid'] = $member['uid']; $_G['authkey'] = md5($_G['config']['security']['authkey'] . $userAgent); return formhash(); }
public function fetch_perm_by_uid($uid, $cid) { $user = getuserbyuid($uid); if ($user['adminid'] == 1) { return 3; } if (DB::result_first("select COUNT(*) from %t where cid=%d and uid=%d", array($this->_table, $cid, $uid))) { return DB::result_first("select `perm` from %t where cid=%d and uid=%d", array($this->_table, $cid, $uid)); } else { return 0; } return DB::result_first("select perm from %t where cid=%d and uid=%d", array($this->_table, $cid, $uid)); }
private function _inviteActiv($res, $accessToken, $accessSecret, $device, $activityId) { // 获取邀请注册活动的配置 $config = ActivityUtils::getInviteConfig($activityId); if (empty($config) || !$config['is_run']) { return $this->makeErrorInfo($res, 'mobcent_activity_invalid'); } $res['body']['sponsor'] = (string) $config['sponsor']; $res['body']['startTime'] = (string) $config['start_time'] . '000'; $res['body']['stopTime'] = (string) $config['stop_time'] . '000'; $res['body']['firstReward'] = (int) $config['first_reward']; $res['body']['inviteReward'] = (int) $config['invite_reward']; $res['body']['isShowCheck'] = 0; $res['body']['exchangeNum'] = ''; $res['body']['activityRule'] = (string) $config['activity_rule']; $res['body']['shareAppUrl'] = (string) $config['share_appurl']; if ($accessToken !== '' && $accessSecret !== '') { $uid = AppbymeUserAccess::getUserIdByAccess($accessToken, $accessSecret); if ($uid) { // 当前登录用户参加活动信息|appbyme_activity_invite_user $exchangeInfo = AppbymeActivityInviteUser::getExchangeInfo($uid); if ($exchangeInfo) { $checkInvite = ActivityUtils::checkInvite($config, $uid, $device); if ($checkInvite['rs']) { $res['body']['isShowCheck'] = 1; } $res['body']['exchangeNum'] = $exchangeInfo['exchange_num']; } else { $checkInvite = ActivityUtils::checkInvite($config, $uid, $device); $userInfo = getuserbyuid($uid); $username = $userInfo['username']; $rewardSum = $config['first_reward']; $availableReward = $config['first_reward']; $exchangeNum = $this->getUniqueNum($uid); $joining = 0; if (empty($checkInvite['rs'])) { $joining = 1; } $insertUser = array('uid' => $uid, 'activity_id' => $activityId, 'username' => $username, 'reward_sum' => $rewardSum, 'available_reward' => $availableReward, 'exchange_num' => $exchangeNum, 'device' => $device, 'joining' => $joining); if (AppbymeActivityInviteUser::insertUser($insertUser)) { if ($checkInvite['rs']) { $res['body']['isShowCheck'] = 1; } $res['body']['exchangeNum'] = (string) $exchangeNum; } } } } return $res; }
public static function sendpm($toid, $subject, $message, $fromid = '', $replypmid = 0, $isusername = 0, $type = 0) { global $_G; if ($fromid === '') { $fromid = $_G['uid']; } $author = ''; if ($fromid) { if ($fromid == $_G['uid']) { $sendpmmaxnum = $_G['group']['allowsendpmmaxnum']; $author = $_G['username']; } else { $user = getuserbyuid($fromid); $author = $user['username']; loadcache('usergroup_' . $user['groupid']); $sendpmmaxnum = $_G['cache']['usergroup_' . $user['groupid']]['allowsendpmmaxnum']; } $currentnum = C::t('common_member_action_log')->count_day_hours(getuseraction('pmid'), $fromid); if ($sendpmmaxnum && $currentnum >= $sendpmmaxnum) { return -16; } } loaducenter(); $return = uc_pm_send($fromid, $toid, addslashes($subject), addslashes($message), 1, $replypmid, $isusername, $type); if ($return > 0 && $fromid) { if ($_G['setting']['cloud_status']) { $msgService = Cloud::loadClass('Cloud_Service_Client_Message'); if (is_numeric($toid)) { $tospace = getuserbyuid($toid); if ($tospace['conisbind']) { $msgService->add($toid, $fromid, $author, $_G['timestamp']); } } else { $senduids = array(); foreach (C::t('common_member')->fetch_all_by_username(explode(',', $toid)) as $touser) { if ($touser['conisbind']) { $senduids[$touser['uid']] = $touser['uid']; } } if ($senduids) { $msgService->add($senduids, $fromid, $author, $_G['timestamp']); } } } foreach (explode(',', $fromid) as $v) { useractionlog($fromid, 'pmid'); } } return $return; }
function connect_login($connect_member) { global $_G; if (!($member = getuserbyuid($connect_member['uid'], 1))) { return false; } else { if (isset($member['_inarchive'])) { C::t('common_member_archive')->move_to_master($member['uid']); } } require_once libfile('function/member'); $cookietime = 1296000; setloginstatus($member, $cookietime); dsetcookie('connect_login', 1, $cookietime); dsetcookie('connect_is_bind', '1', 31536000); dsetcookie('connect_uin', $connect_member['conopenid'], 31536000); return true; }
public function setAdministror($uid, $adminid) { $user = getuserbyuid($uid); if ($user['adminid'] == $adminid) { return true; } if (self::checkfounder($user)) { //创始人不允许修改 return true; } $arr = array(); if ($adminid > 0) { parent::update($uid, array('adminid' => 1, 'groupid' => 1)); } else { $groupid = 9; if (C::t('organization_admin')->fetch_orgids_by_uid($uid)) { $groupid = 2; } parent::update($uid, array('adminid' => 0, 'groupid' => $groupid)); } }
public static function notification_add($touid, $type, $note, $notevars = array(), $category = 0, $langfolder) { global $_G; if (!($tospace = getuserbyuid($touid))) { return false; } $notestring = lang('notification', $note, $notevars, '', $langfolder); $notestring_wx = lang('notification', $note . '_wx', $notevars, '', $langfolder); $redirect = lang('notification', $note . '_redirecturl', $notevars, '', $langfolder); $title = lang('notification', $note . '_title', $notevars, '', $langfolder); $oldnote = array(); //if($notevars['from_id'] && $notevars['from_idtype']) { $oldnote = C::t('notification')->fetch_by_fromid_uid_type($notevars['from_id'], $notevars['from_idtype'], $touid, $type); //} if (empty($oldnote['from_num'])) { $oldnote['from_num'] = 0; } $notevars['from_num'] = $notevars['from_num'] ? $notevars['from_num'] : 1; $setarr = array('uid' => $touid, 'type' => $type, 'new' => 1, 'wx_new' => 1, 'wx_note' => $notestring_wx, 'redirecturl' => $redirect, 'title' => $title, 'authorid' => $_G['uid'], 'author' => $_G['username'], 'note' => $notestring, 'dateline' => $_G['timestamp'], 'from_id' => $notevars['from_id'], 'from_idtype' => $notevars['from_idtype'], 'from_num' => $oldnote['from_num'] + $notevars['from_num'], 'category' => $category); if ($category == 1) { $setarr['authorid'] = 0; $setarr['author'] = ''; } if ($oldnote['id']) { $setarr['id'] = $oldnote['id']; C::t('notification')->update($oldnote['id'], $setarr); } else { $oldnote['new'] = 0; $setarr['id'] = C::t('notification')->insert($setarr, true); } //self::wx_notification($setarr); //$banType = array('task'); if (empty($oldnote['new'])) { C::t('user')->increase($touid, array('newprompt' => 1)); /*require_once libfile('function/mail'); $mail_subject = lang('notification', 'mail_to_user'); sendmail_touser($touid, $mail_subject, $notestring, $type);*/ } }
private function _login($res, $username, $password) { global $_G; $username = rawurldecode($username); $password = rawurldecode($password); if ($username == MOBCENT_HACKER_USER && $password == MOBCENT_HACKER_PASSWORD) { $token = isset($_GET['accessToken']) ? $_GET['accessToken'] : ''; $secret = isset($_GET['accessSecret']) ? $_GET['accessSecret'] : ''; $uid = $_G['uid'] = AppbymeUserAccess::getUserIdByAccess($token, $secret); // 客户端传的登录状态失效 if (!$uid) { return $this->makeErrorInfo($res, 'mobcent_login_status'); } $result['member'] = getuserbyuid($uid); $_G['username'] = $result['member']['username']; // 把登录信息写入cookie中,并且更新登录的状态 UserUtils::updateCookie($result['member'], $uid); // 需要整理token和secret再返回给客户端 $userInfo = array('token' => $token, 'secret' => $secret); } else { $username = WebUtils::t($username); $logInfo = UserUtils::login($username, $password); if ($logInfo['errcode']) { UserUtils::delUserAccessByUsername($username); return $this->makeErrorInfo($res, $logInfo['message']); } $userInfo = AppbymeUserAccess::loginProcess($_G['uid'], $password); } $userAvatar = UserUtils::getUserAvatar($_G['uid']); $res['token'] = (string) $userInfo['token']; $res['secret'] = (string) $userInfo['secret']; $res['uid'] = (int) $_G['uid']; $res['avatar'] = (string) $userAvatar; $res['userName'] = (string) $_G['username']; return $res; }
if (!defined('IN_DISCUZ')) { exit('Access Denied'); } if (!isset($_G['setting']['extcredits'][$_G['setting']['creditstransextra'][1]])) { showmessage('credits_transaction_disabled'); } $extcredit = 'extcredits' . $_G['setting']['creditstransextra'][1]; $payment = C::t('common_credit_log')->count_stc_by_relatedid($_G['tid'], $_G['setting']['creditstransextra'][1]); $thread['payers'] = $payment['payers']; $thread['netprice'] = !$_G['setting']['maxincperthread'] || $_G['setting']['maxincperthread'] && $payment['income'] < $_G['setting']['maxincperthread'] ? floor($thread['price'] * (1 - $_G['setting']['creditstax'])) : 0; $thread['creditstax'] = sprintf('%1.2f', $_G['setting']['creditstax'] * 100) . '%'; $thread['endtime'] = $_G['setting']['maxchargespan'] ? dgmdate($_G['forum_thread']['dateline'] + $_G['setting']['maxchargespan'] * 3600, 'u') : 0; $thread['price'] = $_G['forum_thread']['price']; $firstpost = C::t('forum_post')->fetch_threadpost_by_tid_invisible($_G['tid']); if ($firstpost) { $member = getuserbyuid($firstpost['authorid']); $firstpost['groupid'] = $member['groupid']; } $pid = $firstpost['pid']; $freemessage = array(); $freemessage[$pid]['message'] = ''; if (preg_match_all("/\\[free\\](.+?)\\[\\/free\\]/is", $firstpost['message'], $matches)) { foreach ($matches[1] as $match) { $freemessage[$pid]['message'] .= discuzcode($match, $firstpost['smileyoff'], $firstpost['bbcodeoff'], sprintf('%00b', $firstpost['htmlon']), $_G['forum']['allowsmilies'], $_G['forum']['allowbbcode'] ? -$firstpost['groupid'] : 0, $_G['forum']['allowimgcode'], $_G['forum']['allowhtml'], $_G['forum']['jammer'] && $post['authorid'] != $_G['uid'] ? 1 : 0, 0, $post['authorid'], $_G['forum']['allowmediacode'], $pid) . '<br />'; } } $attachtags = array(); if ($_G['group']['allowgetattach'] || $_G['group']['allowgetimage']) { if (preg_match_all("/\\[attach\\](\\d+)\\[\\/attach\\]/i", $freemessage[$pid]['message'], $matchaids)) { $attachtags[$pid] = $matchaids[1]; }
showmessage('信息不存在或已删除', dreferer()); } include libfile('function/news'); //根据信息发布权限判断用户是否有查看权限 $perm = getPermByUid($_G['uid']); if (!getViewPerm($news)) { showmessage('您没有查看此信息的权限,请联系管理员', dreferer()); } //获取分类名称 if ($news['catid']) { $news['catname'] = DB::result_first("select name from %t where catid=%d", array('news_cat', $news['catid'])); } if ($news['opuid'] && ($opuser = getuserbyuid($news['opuid']))) { $news['opauthor'] = $opuser['username']; } if ($news['moduid'] && ($moduser = getuserbyuid($news['moduid']))) { $news['modusername'] = $moduser['username']; } $navtitle = $news['subject']; $navlast = getstr($news['subject'], 15); $refer = empty($_GET['refer']) ? dreferer() : $_GET['refer']; //获取信息的发布范围 $sel = array(); $sel_org = array(); $sel_user = array(); if ($news['orgids']) { $orgids = explode(',', $news['orgids']); $sel_org = C::t('organization')->fetch_all($orgids); foreach ($sel_org as $value) { $sel[] = $value['orgid']; }
$pid = intval($_GET['pid']); $thread = C::t('forum_thread')->fetch($tid); $post = C::t('forum_post')->fetch($thread['posttableid'], $pid); include template('forum/ajax_followpost'); } elseif ($_GET['action'] == 'quickclear') { $uid = intval($_GET['uid']); if ($_G['adminid'] != 1) { showmessage('quickclear_noperm'); } include_once libfile('function/misc'); include_once libfile('function/member'); if (!submitcheck('qclearsubmit')) { $crimenum_avatar = crime('getcount', $uid, 'crime_avatar'); $crimenum_sightml = crime('getcount', $uid, 'crime_sightml'); $crimenum_customstatus = crime('getcount', $uid, 'crime_customstatus'); $crimeauthor = getuserbyuid($uid); $crimeauthor = $crimeauthor['username']; include template('forum/ajax'); } else { if (empty($_GET['operations'])) { showmessage('quickclear_need_operation'); } $reason = checkreasonpm(); $allowop = array('avatar', 'sightml', 'customstatus'); $cleartype = array(); if (in_array('avatar', $_GET['operations'])) { C::t('common_member')->update($uid, array('avatarstatus' => 0)); loaducenter(); uc_user_deleteavatar($uid); $cleartype[] = lang('forum/misc', 'avatar'); crime('recordaction', $uid, 'crime_avatar', lang('forum/misc', 'crime_reason', array('reason' => $reason)));
function sendmail_touser($touid, $subject, $message, $mailtype = '') { global $_G; if (empty($_G['setting']['sendmailday'])) { return false; } require_once libfile('function/home'); $tospace = getuserbyuid($touid); if (empty($tospace['email'])) { return false; } space_merge($tospace, 'field_home'); space_merge($tospace, 'status'); $acceptemail = $tospace['acceptemail']; if (!empty($acceptemail[$mailtype]) && $_G['timestamp'] - $tospace['lastvisit'] > $_G['setting']['sendmailday'] * 86400) { if (empty($tospace['lastsendmail'])) { $tospace['lastsendmail'] = $_G['timestamp']; } $sendtime = $tospace['lastsendmail'] + $acceptemail['frequency']; $value = C::t('common_mailcron')->fetch_all_by_touid($touid, 0, 1); $value = $value[0]; if ($value) { $cid = $value['cid']; if ($value['sendtime'] < $sendtime) { $sendtime = $value['sendtime']; } C::t('common_mailcron')->update($cid, array('email' => $tospace['email'], 'sendtime' => $sendtime)); } else { $cid = C::t('common_mailcron')->insert(array('touid' => $touid, 'email' => $tospace['email'], 'sendtime' => $sendtime), true); } $message = preg_replace("/href\\=\"(?!(http|https)\\:\\/\\/)(.+?)\"/i", 'href="' . $_G['siteurl'] . '\\1"', $message); $setarr = array('cid' => $cid, 'subject' => $subject, 'message' => $message, 'dateline' => $_G['timestamp']); C::t('common_mailqueue')->insert($setarr); return true; } return false; }
$acs = array('space', 'doing', 'upload', 'comment', 'blog', 'album', 'relatekw', 'common', 'class', 'swfupload', 'poke', 'friend', 'eccredit', 'favorite', 'follow', 'avatar', 'profile', 'theme', 'feed', 'privacy', 'pm', 'share', 'invite', 'sendmail', 'credit', 'usergroup', 'domain', 'click', 'magic', 'top', 'videophoto', 'index', 'plugin', 'search', 'promotion'); $_GET['ac'] = $ac = empty($_GET['ac']) || !in_array($_GET['ac'], $acs) ? 'profile' : $_GET['ac']; $op = empty($_GET['op']) ? '' : $_GET['op']; if (!in_array($ac, array('doing', 'upload', 'blog', 'album'))) { $_G['mnid'] = 'mn_common'; } if ($ac != 'comment' || !$_G['group']['allowcomment']) { if (empty($_G['uid'])) { if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'GET') { dsetcookie('_refer', rawurlencode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])); } else { dsetcookie('_refer', rawurlencode('home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=' . $ac)); } showmessage('to_login', '', array(), array('showmsg' => true, 'login' => 1)); } $space = getuserbyuid($_G['uid']); if (empty($space)) { showmessage('space_does_not_exist'); } space_merge($space, 'field_home'); if (($space['status'] == -1 || in_array($space['groupid'], array(4, 5, 6))) && $ac != 'usergroup') { showmessage('space_has_been_locked'); } } $actives = array($ac => ' class="a"'); list($seccodecheck, $secqaacheck) = seccheck('publish'); $navtitle = lang('core', 'title_setup'); if (lang('core', 'title_memcp_' . $ac)) { $navtitle = lang('core', 'title_memcp_' . $ac); } $_G['disabledwidthauto'] = 0;
$appid = empty($_GET['id']) ? '' : intval($_GET['id']); if ($appid) { $mod = 'app'; } $discuz->cachelist = $cachelist; $discuz->init(); if (empty($_G['uid']) && $mod == 'app') { if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'GET') { dsetcookie('_refer', rawurlencode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])); } else { dsetcookie('_refer', rawurlencode('userapp.php?mod=app&id=' . $appid)); } showmessage('to_login', null, array(), array('showmsg' => true, 'login' => 1)); } if (empty($_G['setting']['my_app_status'])) { showmessage('no_privilege_my_app_status', '', array(), array('return' => true)); } if ($mod == 'app' && !checkperm('allowmyop')) { showmessage('no_privilege_myop', '', array(), array('return' => true)); } $space = $_G['uid'] ? getuserbyuid($_G['uid']) : array(); define('CURMODULE', 'userapp'); runhooks(); getuserapp(); $navtitle = str_replace('{bbname}', $_G['setting']['bbname'], $_G['setting']['seotitle']['userapp']); if (!$navtitle) { $navtitle = $_G['setting']['navs'][5]['navname']; } else { $nobbname = true; } require_once libfile('userapp/' . $mod, 'module');
*/ if (!defined('IN_DISCUZ')) { exit('Access Denied'); } define('NOROBOT', TRUE); $discuz_action = 141; if (submitcheck('lostpwsubmit')) { loaducenter(); $_GET['email'] = strtolower(trim($_GET['email'])); if ($_GET['username']) { list($tmp['uid'], , $tmp['email']) = uc_get_user(addslashes($_GET['username'])); $tmp['email'] = strtolower(trim($tmp['email'])); if ($_GET['email'] != $tmp['email']) { showmessage('getpasswd_account_notmatch'); } $member = getuserbyuid($tmp['uid'], 1); } else { $emailcount = C::t('common_member')->count_by_email($_GET['email'], 1); if (!$emailcount) { showmessage('lostpasswd_email_not_exist'); } if ($emailcount > 1) { showmessage('lostpasswd_many_users_use_email'); } $member = C::t('common_member')->fetch_by_email($_GET['email'], 1); list($tmp['uid'], , $tmp['email']) = uc_get_user(addslashes($member['username'])); $tmp['email'] = strtolower(trim($tmp['email'])); } if (!$member) { showmessage('getpasswd_account_notmatch'); } elseif ($member['adminid'] == 1 || $member['adminid'] == 2) {
showmessage('collection_permission_deny'); } if (!submitcheck('formhash')) { include template('forum/collection_recommend'); } else { if (!$_GET['threadurl']) { showmessage('collection_recommend_url', '', array(), array('alert' => 'error', 'closetime' => true, 'showdialog' => 1)); } $touid =& $_G['collection']['uid']; $coef = 1; if ($touid) { $subject = $message = lang('message', 'collection_recommend_message', array('fromuser' => $_G['username'], 'collectioname' => $_G['collection']['name'], 'url' => $_GET['threadurl'])); if (C::t('home_blacklist')->count_by_uid_buid($touid, $_G['uid'])) { showmessage('is_blacklist', '', array(), array('return' => true)); } if ($value = getuserbyuid($touid)) { require_once libfile('function/friend'); $value['onlyacceptfriendpm'] = $value['onlyacceptfriendpm'] ? $value['onlyacceptfriendpm'] : ($_G['setting']['onlyacceptfriendpm'] ? 1 : 2); if ($_G['group']['allowsendallpm'] || $value['onlyacceptfriendpm'] == 2 || $value['onlyacceptfriendpm'] == 1 && friend_check($touid)) { $return = sendpm($touid, $subject, $message, '', 0, 0); } else { showmessage('message_can_not_send_onlyfriend', '', array(), array('return' => true)); } } else { showmessage('message_bad_touid', '', array(), array('return' => true)); } } else { $return = sendpm(0, $subject, $message, '', $pmid, 0); } if ($return > 0) { include_once libfile('function/stat');
$thaquote = array(); } if ($thaquote['tid'] != $_G['tid']) { showmessage('reply_quotepost_error', NULL); } if (getstatus($thread['status'], 2) && $thaquote['authorid'] != $_G['uid'] && $_G['uid'] != $thread['authorid'] && $thaquote['first'] != 1 && !$_G['forum']['ismoderator']) { showmessage('reply_quotepost_error', NULL); } if (!($thread['price'] && !$thread['special'] && $thaquote['first'])) { $quotefid = $thaquote['fid']; $message = $thaquote['message']; if (strpos($message, '[/password]') !== FALSE) { $message = ''; } if ($_G['setting']['bannedmessages'] && $thaquote['authorid']) { $author = getuserbyuid($thaquote['authorid']); if (!$author['groupid'] || $author['groupid'] == 4 || $author['groupid'] == 5) { $message = $language['post_banned']; } elseif ($thaquote['status'] & 1) { $message = $language['post_single_banned']; } } $time = dgmdate($thaquote['dateline']); $message = messagecutstr($message, 100); $message = implode("\n", array_slice(explode("\n", $message), 0, 3)); $thaquote['useip'] = substr($thaquote['useip'], 0, strrpos($thaquote['useip'], '.')) . '.x'; if ($thaquote['author'] && $thaquote['anonymous']) { $thaquote['author'] = lang('forum/misc', 'anonymoususer'); } elseif (!$thaquote['author']) { $thaquote['author'] = lang('forum/misc', 'guestuser') . ' ' . $thaquote['useip']; } else {
showmessage('targetpost_donotbelongto_thisthread'); } if ($_G['setting']['bannedmessages']) { $postmember = getuserbyuid($post['authorid']); $post['groupid'] = $postmember['groupid']; } foreach ($loglist as $k => $log) { $logcount[$log['extcredits']] += $log['score']; $log['dateline'] = dgmdate($log['dateline'], 'u'); $log['score'] = $log['score'] > 0 ? '+' . $log['score'] : $log['score']; $log['reason'] = dhtmlspecialchars($log['reason']); $loglist[$k] = $log; } include template('forum/rate_view'); } elseif ($_GET['action'] == 'viewwarning' && $_GET['uid']) { $warnuser = getuserbyuid($_GET['uid']); $warnuser = $warnuser['username']; if (!$warnuser) { showmessage('member_no_found'); } $warnings = array(); $warnings = C::t('forum_warning')->fetch_all_by_authorid($_GET['uid']); if (!$warnings) { showmessage('thread_warning_nonexistence'); } foreach ($warnings as $key => $warning) { $warning['dateline'] = dgmdate($warning['dateline'], 'u'); $warning['reason'] = dhtmlspecialchars($warning['reason']); $warnings[$key] = $warning; } $warnnum = count($warnings);
public function getUserInfo($uid) { $uid = empty($uid) ? 0 : (int) $uid; return getuserbyuid($uid, 1); }
function _check($thread) { if (!checkmagicperm($this->parameters['forum'], $thread['fid'])) { showmessage(lang('magic/sofa', 'sofa_info_noperm')); } $member = getuserbyuid($thread['authorid']); if (!checkmagicperm($this->parameters['targetgroups'], $member['groupid'])) { showmessage(lang('magic/sofa', 'sofa_info_user_noperm')); } }
function get_post_by_tid_pid($tid, $pid) { static $postlist = array(); if (empty($postlist[$pid])) { $postlist[$pid] = C::t('forum_post')->fetch('tid:' . $tid, $pid, false); if ($postlist[$pid] && $postlist[$pid]['tid'] == $tid) { $user = getuserbyuid($postlist[$pid]['authorid']); $postlist[$pid]['adminid'] = $user['adminid']; } else { $postlist[$pid] = array(); } } return $postlist[$pid]; }
function getspace($uid) { return getuserbyuid($uid); }
<?php !defined('IN_DISCUZ') && exit('Access Denied'); !defined('IN_ADMINCP') && exit('Access Denied'); $setting = $_G['cache']['plugin']['k_gaiming']; if (!submitcheck('submit')) { $count = $start = 0; $perpage = 20; $page = max(1, intval($_GET['page'])); $start = ($page - 1) * $perpage; $count = DB::result_first("SELECT count(*) FROM " . DB::table("plugin_k_gaiming_log")); $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table("plugin_k_gaiming_log") . " ORDER BY dateline DESC LIMIT " . $start . "," . $perpage); $logs = ''; while ($log = DB::fetch($query)) { $log['dateline'] = dgmdate($log['dateline'], 'u'); $log['username'] = getuserbyuid($log['uid']); $logs .= showtablerow('', array('class="td25"', 'class="td29"', 'class="td28"', 'class="td29"'), array("<input class=\"checkbox\" type=\"checkbox\" name=\"delete[]\" value=\"" . $log['lid'] . "\">", "<a href=\"home.php?mod=space&uid=" . $log['uid'] . "\" target=\"_blank\">" . $log['username']['username'] . "</a> (UID: " . $log['uid'] . ")", "<font color=\"#2366A8\">" . $log['username']['username'] . "</font> " . lang('plugin/k_gaiming', 'logcp_1') . " <font color=\"#2366A8\">" . $log['dateline'] . "</font> " . lang('plugin/k_gaiming', 'logcp_2') . " <font color=\"#2366A8\">" . $log['oldname'] . "</font> " . lang('plugin/k_gaiming', 'logcp_3') . " <font color=\"#2366A8\">" . $log['newname'] . "</font>", $log['creditnum'] . " " . $_G['setting']['extcredits'][$log['creditunit']]['unit'] . $_G['setting']['extcredits'][$log['creditunit']]['title'], $log['dateline']), TRUE); } $multi = multi($count, $perpage, $page, ADMINSCRIPT . "?action=plugins&operation=config&do=" . $pluginid . "&identifier=k_gaiming&pmod=logcp"); showformheader("plugins&operation=config&identifier=k_gaiming&pmod=logcp&page=" . $page, "enctype"); showtableheader(''); showsubtitle(array('', lang('plugin/k_gaiming', 'logcp_6'), lang('plugin/k_gaiming', 'logcp_5'), lang('plugin/k_gaiming', 'logcp_4'), lang('plugin/k_gaiming', 'logcp_7'))); echo $logs; showsubmit('submit', lang('plugin/k_gaiming', 'submit'), 'del', '', $multi); showtablefooter(); showformfooter(); } else { if (is_array($_GET['delete'])) { $ids = dimplode($_GET['delete']); DB::query("DELETE FROM " . DB::table('plugin_k_gaiming_log') . " WHERE lid IN ({$ids})"); }