function BackendUpdateDeposit() { // debuglog(__FUNCTION__); $btc = getdbosql('db_coins', "symbol='BTC'"); if (!$btc) { return; } $remote = new Bitcoin($btc->rpcuser, $btc->rpcpasswd, $btc->rpchost, $btc->rpcport); $info = $remote->getinfo(); if (!$info) { return; } if (!isset($info['blocks'])) { return; } $hash = $remote->getblockhash(intval($info['blocks'])); if (!$hash) { return; } $block = $remote->getblock($hash); if (!$block) { return; } if (!isset($block['time'])) { return; } if ($block['time'] + 30 * 60 < time()) { return; } $list = $remote->listaccounts(1); foreach ($list as $r => $a) { if ($a == 0) { continue; } $b = preg_match('/renter-prod-([0-9]+)/', $r, $m); if (!$b) { continue; } $renter = getdbo('db_renters', $m[1]); if (!$renter) { continue; } $ts = $remote->listtransactions(yaamp_renter_account($renter), 1); if (!$ts || !isset($ts[0])) { continue; } $moved = $remote->move(yaamp_renter_account($renter), '', $a); if (!$moved) { continue; } debuglog("deposit {$renter->id} {$renter->address}, {$a}"); $rentertx = new db_rentertxs(); $rentertx->renterid = $renter->id; $rentertx->time = time(); $rentertx->amount = $a; $rentertx->type = 'deposit'; $rentertx->tx = isset($ts[0]['txid']) ? $ts[0]['txid'] : ''; $rentertx->save(); $renter->unconfirmed = 0; $renter->balance += $a; $renter->updated = time(); $renter->save(); } $list = $remote->listaccounts(0); foreach ($list as $r => $a) { if ($a == 0) { continue; } $b = preg_match('/renter-prod-([0-9]+)/', $r, $m); if (!$b) { continue; } $renter = getdbo('db_renters', $m[1]); if (!$renter) { continue; } debuglog("unconfirmed {$renter->id} {$renter->address}, {$a}"); $renter->unconfirmed = $a; $renter->updated = time(); $renter->save(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $received1 = $remote->getbalance('bittrex', 1); //nicehash payments if ($received1 > 0) { $moved = $remote->move('bittrex', '', $received1); debuglog("moved from bittrex {$received1}"); dborun("update renters set balance=balance+{$received1} where id=7"); dborun("update renters set custom_start=custom_start+{$received1} where id=7"); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $fees = 0.0001; $list = getdbolist('db_rentertxs', "type='withdraw' and tx='scheduled'"); foreach ($list as $tx) { $renter = getdbo('db_renters', $tx->renterid); if (!$renter) { continue; } // debuglog("$renter->balance < $tx->amount + $fees"); $tx->amount = bitcoinvaluetoa(min($tx->amount, $renter->balance - $fees)); if ($tx->amount < $fees * 2) { $tx->tx = 'failed'; $tx->save(); continue; } debuglog("withdraw send {$renter->id} {$renter->address} sendtoaddress({$tx->address}, {$tx->amount})"); $tx->tx = $remote->sendtoaddress($tx->address, round($tx->amount, 8)); if (!$tx->tx) { $tx->tx = 'failed'; $tx->save(); continue; } $renter->balance -= $tx->amount + $fees; $renter->balance = max($renter->balance, 0); dborun("update renters set balance={$renter->balance} where id={$renter->id}"); $tx->save(); if ($renter->balance <= 0.0001) { dborun("update jobs set active=false, ready=false where id={$renter->id}"); } } }
function doPoloniexTrading() { // debuglog('-------------- doPoloniexTrading()'); $flushall = rand(0, 4) == 0; $poloniex = new poloniex(); $tickers = $poloniex->get_ticker(); if (!$tickers) { return; } // upgrade orders $coins = getdbolist('db_coins', "enable and id in (select distinct coinid from markets where name='poloniex')"); foreach ($coins as $coin) { if ($coin->dontsell) { continue; } $pair = "BTC_{$coin->symbol}"; if (!isset($tickers[$pair])) { continue; } $orders = $poloniex->get_open_orders($pair); if (!$orders || !isset($orders[0])) { dborun("delete from orders where coinid={$coin->id} and market='poloniex'"); continue; } foreach ($orders as $order) { if (!isset($order['orderNumber'])) { debuglog($order); continue; } if ($order['rate'] > $tickers[$pair]['lowestAsk'] + 5.0E-8 || $flushall) { // debuglog("poloniex cancel order for $pair {$order['orderNumber']}"); $poloniex->cancel_order($pair, $order['orderNumber']); $db_order = getdbosql('db_orders', "uuid=:uuid", array(':uuid' => $order['orderNumber'])); if ($db_order) { $db_order->delete(); } sleep(1); } else { $db_order = getdbosql('db_orders', "uuid=:uuid", array(':uuid' => $order['orderNumber'])); if ($db_order) { continue; } debuglog("poloniex adding order {$coin->symbol}"); $db_order = new db_orders(); $db_order->market = 'poloniex'; $db_order->coinid = $coin->id; $db_order->amount = $order['amount']; $db_order->price = $order['rate']; $db_order->ask = $tickers[$pair]['lowestAsk']; $db_order->bid = $tickers[$pair]['highestBid']; $db_order->uuid = $order['orderNumber']; $db_order->created = time(); $db_order->save(); } } $list = getdbolist('db_orders', "coinid={$coin->id} and market='poloniex'"); foreach ($list as $db_order) { $found = false; foreach ($orders as $order) { if (!isset($order['orderNumber'])) { debuglog($order); continue; } if ($order['orderNumber'] == $db_order->uuid) { $found = true; break; } } if (!$found) { debuglog("poloniex deleting order {$coin->name} {$db_order->amount}"); $db_order->delete(); } } } // add orders $savebalance = getdbosql('db_balances', "name='poloniex'"); $balances = $poloniex->get_balances(); foreach ($balances as $symbol => $balance) { if (!$balance) { continue; } if ($symbol == 'BTC') { $savebalance->balance = $balance; $savebalance->save(); continue; } $coin = getdbosql('db_coins', "symbol=:symbol", array(':symbol' => $symbol)); if (!$coin || $coin->dontsell) { continue; } $market = getdbosql('db_markets', "coinid={$coin->id} and name='poloniex'"); if ($market) { $market->lasttraded = time(); $market->save(); } $pair = "BTC_{$symbol}"; if (!isset($tickers[$pair])) { continue; } $sellprice = $tickers[$pair]['highestBid']; if ($balance * $sellprice < 0.0001) { continue; } // debuglog("poloniex selling $pair, $sellprice, $balance"); $res = $poloniex->sell($pair, $sellprice, $balance); if (!isset($res['orderNumber'])) { debuglog($res, 5); continue; } if (!isset($tickers[$pair])) { continue; } $coin = getdbosql('db_coins', "symbol=:symbol", array(':symbol' => $symbol)); if (!$coin) { continue; } $db_order = new db_orders(); $db_order->market = 'poloniex'; $db_order->coinid = $coin->id; $db_order->amount = $balance; $db_order->price = $sellprice; $db_order->ask = $tickers[$pair]['lowestAsk']; $db_order->bid = $tickers[$pair]['highestBid']; $db_order->uuid = $res['orderNumber']; $db_order->created = time(); $db_order->save(); } if ($savebalance->balance >= 0.2) { $btcaddr = YAAMP_BTCADDRESS; //'14LS7Uda6EZGXLtRrFEZ2kWmarrxobkyu9'; $amount = $savebalance->balance; // - 0.0002; debuglog("poloniex withdraw {$amount} to {$btcaddr}"); sleep(1); $res = $poloniex->withdraw('BTC', $amount, $btcaddr); debuglog($res); if ($res && $res->success) { $withdraw = new db_withdraws(); $withdraw->market = 'poloniex'; $withdraw->address = $btcaddr; $withdraw->amount = $amount; $withdraw->time = time(); // $withdraw->uuid = $res->result->uuid; $withdraw->save(); } } // debuglog('-------------- doPoloniexTrading() done'); }
function getrenterparam($address) { if (empty($address)) { return null; } $address = substr($address, 0, 34); $renter = getdbosql('db_renters', "address=:ad", array(':ad' => $address)); return $renter; }
public function __construct($coin, $marketname) { $this->coin = $coin; $this->marketname = $marketname; $this->market = getdbosql('db_markets', "coinid={$coin->id} and name='{$marketname}'"); if (!$this->market) { return; } }
<?php ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $symbol = getparam('symbol'); $coin = null; if ($symbol == 'all') { $users = getdbolist('db_accounts', "balance>.001 order by balance desc"); } else { $coin = getdbosql('db_coins', "symbol=:symbol", array(':symbol' => $symbol)); if (!$coin) { return; } $users = getdbolist('db_accounts', "balance>.001 and coinid={$coin->id} order by balance desc"); } //echo "<br><table class='dataGrid'>"; showTableSorter('maintable'); echo "<thead>"; echo "<tr>"; echo "<th>ID</th>"; echo "<th>Wallet</th>"; echo "<th>Last</th>"; echo "<th align=right>Miners</th>"; echo "<th align=right>Hashrate</th>"; echo "<th align=right>Bad</th>"; echo "<th></th>"; echo "<th align=right>Blocks</th>"; echo "<th align=right>Diff/Paid</th>"; echo "<th align=right>Balance</th>"; echo "<th align=right>Total Paid</th>"; echo "<th></th>"; echo "</tr>";
function yaamp_convert_earnings_user($user, $status) { $refcoin = getdbo('db_coins', $user->coinid); if (!$refcoin) { $refcoin = getdbosql('db_coins', "symbol='BTC'"); } if (!$refcoin || $refcoin->price2 <= 0) { return 0; } $value = dboscalar("select sum(amount*price) from earnings where {$status} and userid={$user->id}"); $value = $value / $refcoin->price2; return $value; }
public function actionAlgo() { $algo = substr(getparam('algo'), 0, 32); $a = getdbosql('db_algos', "name=:name", array(':name' => $algo)); if ($a) { user()->setState('yaamp-algo', $a->name); } else { user()->setState('yaamp-algo', 'all'); } $this->goback(); }
function BackendCoinPayments($coin) { // debuglog("BackendCoinPayments $coin->symbol"); $remote = new Bitcoin($coin->rpcuser, $coin->rpcpasswd, $coin->rpchost, $coin->rpcport); $info = $remote->getinfo(); if (!$info) { debuglog("{$coin->symbol} cant connect to coin"); return; } $min = 0.001; // if(date("w", time()) == 0 && date("H", time()) > 12) // sunday afternoon // $min = 0.0001; $users = getdbolist('db_accounts', "balance>{$min} and coinid={$coin->id}"); if ($coin->symbol == 'MUE' || $coin->symbol == 'DIME') { foreach ($users as $user) { $user = getdbo('db_accounts', $user->id); if (!$user) { continue; } $amount = $user->balance; while ($user->balance > $min && $amount > $min) { debuglog("{$coin->symbol} sendtoaddress {$user->username} {$amount}"); $tx = $remote->sendtoaddress($user->username, round($amount, 8)); if (!$tx) { debuglog("error {$remote->error}, {$user->username}, {$amount}"); if ($remote->error == 'transaction too large' || $remote->error == 'invalid amount') { $amount /= 2; continue; } break; } $payout = new db_payouts(); $payout->account_id = $user->id; $payout->time = time(); $payout->amount = bitcoinvaluetoa($amount); $payout->fee = 0; $payout->tx = $tx; $payout->save(); $user->balance -= $amount; $user->save(); } } debuglog("payment done"); return; } $total_to_pay = 0; $addresses = array(); foreach ($users as $user) { $total_to_pay += round($user->balance, 8); $addresses[$user->username] = round($user->balance, 8); } if (!$total_to_pay) { // debuglog("nothing to pay"); return; } if ($info['balance'] - 0.001 < $total_to_pay) { debuglog("{$coin->symbol} wallet insufficient funds for payment {$info['balance']} < {$total_to_pay}"); return; } if ($coin->symbol == 'BTC') { global $cold_wallet_table; $balance = $info['balance']; $stats = getdbosql('db_stats', "1 order by time desc"); $renter = dboscalar("select sum(balance) from renters"); $pie = $balance - $total_to_pay - $renter - 1; debuglog("pie to split is {$pie}"); if ($pie > 0) { foreach ($cold_wallet_table as $coldwallet => $percent) { $coldamount = round($pie * $percent, 8); if ($coldamount < $min) { break; } debuglog("paying cold wallet {$coldwallet} {$coldamount}"); $addresses[$coldwallet] = $coldamount; $total_to_pay += $coldamount; } } } debuglog("paying {$total_to_pay} {$coin->symbol} min is {$min}"); $tx = $remote->sendmany('', $addresses, 1, ''); if (!$tx) { debuglog($remote->error); return; } foreach ($users as $user) { $user = getdbo('db_accounts', $user->id); if (!$user) { continue; } $payout = new db_payouts(); $payout->account_id = $user->id; $payout->time = time(); $payout->amount = bitcoinvaluetoa($user->balance); $payout->fee = 0; $payout->tx = $tx; $payout->save(); $user->balance = 0; $user->save(); } debuglog("payment done"); sleep(5); }
function updateYobitMarkets() { $res = yobit_api_query('info'); if (!$res) { return; } foreach ($res->pairs as $i => $item) { $e = explode('_', $i); $symbol = strtoupper($e[0]); if ($e[1] != 'btc') { continue; } if ($symbol == 'BTC') { continue; } $coin = getdbosql('db_coins', "symbol=:symbol", array(':symbol' => $symbol)); if (!$coin || !$coin->installed) { continue; } $market = getdbosql('db_markets', "coinid={$coin->id} and name='yobit'"); if (!$market) { $market = new db_markets(); $market->coinid = $coin->id; $market->name = 'yobit'; } $pair = strtolower($coin->symbol) . '_btc'; $ticker = yobit_api_query("ticker/{$pair}"); if (!$ticker) { continue; } $price2 = ($ticker->{$pair}->buy + $ticker->{$pair}->sell) / 2; $market->price2 = AverageIncrement($market->price2, $price2); $market->price = AverageIncrement($market->price, $ticker->{$pair}->buy); $market->save(); } }
echo "main {$i} "; } } } echo "</span>"; $block_time = sectoa(time() - memcache_get($this->memcache->memcache, "cronjob_block_time_start")); $loop2_time = sectoa(time() - memcache_get($this->memcache->memcache, "cronjob_loop2_time_start")); $main_time2 = sectoa(time() - memcache_get($this->memcache->memcache, "cronjob_main_time_start")); $main_time = sectoa(memcache_get($this->memcache->memcache, "cronjob_main_time")); $main_text = cronstate2text($state_main); echo "*** main ({$main_time}) {$state_main} {$main_text} ({$main_time2}), loop2 ({$loop2_time}), block ({$block_time})<br>"; $topay = dboscalar("select sum(balance) from accounts where coinid={$btc->id}"); //here: take other currencies too $topay2 = bitcoinvaluetoa(dboscalar("select sum(balance) from accounts where coinid={$btc->id} and balance>0.001")); $renter = dboscalar("select sum(balance) from renters"); $stats = getdbosql('db_stats', "1 order by time desc"); $margin2 = bitcoinvaluetoa($btc->balance - $topay - $renter + $stats->balances + $stats->onsell + $stats->wallets); $margin = bitcoinvaluetoa($btc->balance - $topay - $renter); $topay = bitcoinvaluetoa($topay); $renter = bitcoinvaluetoa($renter); $immature = dboscalar("select sum(amount*price) from earnings where status=0"); $mints = dboscalar("select sum(mint*price) from coins where enable"); $off = $mints - $immature; $immature = bitcoinvaluetoa($immature); $mints = bitcoinvaluetoa($mints); $off = bitcoinvaluetoa($off); $btcaddr = YAAMP_BTCADDRESS; //'14LS7Uda6EZGXLtRrFEZ2kWmarrxobkyu9'; echo "<a href='' target=_blank>Bitstamp {$mining->usdbtc}</a>, "; echo "<a href='{$btcaddr}' target=_blank>wallet {$btc->balance}</a>, next payout {$topay2}<br>"; echo "pay {$topay}, renter {$renter}, marg {$margin}, {$margin2}<br>";
function BackendUpdateServices() { // debuglog(__FUNCTION__); $table = array(0 => 'scrypt', 1 => 'sha256', 2 => 'scryptn', 3 => 'x11', 4 => 'x13', 5 => 'keccak', 6 => 'x15', 7 => 'nist5', 8 => 'neoscrypt', 9 => 'lyra2', 10 => 'whirlx', 11 => 'qubit', 12 => 'quark', 111 => 'c11'); $res = fetch_url(''); if (!$res) { return; } $a = json_decode($res); if (!$a || !isset($a->result)) { return; } foreach ($a->result->stats as $stat) { if ($stat->price <= 0) { continue; } if (!isset($table[$stat->algo])) { continue; } $algo = $table[$stat->algo]; $service = getdbosql('db_services', "name='Nicehash' and algo=:algo", array(':algo' => $algo)); if (!$service) { $service = new db_services(); $service->name = 'Nicehash'; $service->algo = $algo; } $service->price = $stat->price / 1000; $service->speed = $stat->speed * 1000000000; $service->save(); $list = getdbolist('db_jobs', "percent>0 and algo=:algo and (host='' or host='')", array(':algo' => $algo)); foreach ($list as $job) { $job->price = round($service->price * 1000 * (100 - $job->percent) / 100, 2); $job->save(); } } $list = getdbolist('db_renters', "custom_address is not null and custom_server is not null"); foreach ($list as $renter) { $res = fetch_url("https://{$renter->custom_server}/api?method=stats.provider&addr={$renter->custom_address}"); if (!$res) { continue; } $renter->custom_balance = 0; $renter->custom_accept = 0; $renter->custom_reject = 0; $a = json_decode($res); foreach ($a->result->stats as $stat) { if (!isset($table[$stat->algo])) { continue; } $algo = $table[$stat->algo]; $renter->custom_balance += $stat->balance; $renter->custom_accept += $stat->accepted_speed * 1000000000; $renter->custom_reject += $stat->rejected_speed * 1000000000; } $renter->save(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // renting from nicehash if (!YAAMP_PRODUCTION) { return; } return; $apikey = 'c9534a11-0e4e-4d00-be64-a00e34cd927a'; $apiid = '7215'; $deposit = '1C23KmLeCaQSLLyKVykHEUse1R7jRDv9j9'; $amount = '0.01'; $res = fetch_url("{$apiid}&key={$apikey}"); $a = json_decode($res); $balance = $a->result->balance_confirmed; foreach ($table as $i => $algo) { $nicehash = getdbosql('db_nicehash', "algo=:algo", array(':algo' => $algo)); if (!$nicehash) { $nicehash = new db_nicehash(); $nicehash->active = false; $nicehash->algo = $algo; } if (!$nicehash->active) { if ($nicehash->orderid) { $res = fetch_url("{$apiid}&key={$apikey}&algo={$i}&order={$nicehash->orderid}"); debuglog($res); $nicehash->orderid = null; } $nicehash->btc = null; $nicehash->price = null; $nicehash->speed = null; $nicehash->last_decrease = null; $nicehash->save(); continue; } $price = dboscalar("select price from hashrate where algo=:algo order by time desc limit 1", array(':algo' => $algo)); $minprice = $price * 0.5; $setprice = $price * 0.7; $maxprice = $price * 0.9; $cancelprice = $price * 1.1; $res = fetch_url("{$apiid}&key={$apikey}&algo={$i}"); if (!$res) { break; } $a = json_decode($res); if (count($a->result->orders) == 0) { if ($balance < $amount) { continue; } $port = getAlgoPort($algo); $res = fetch_url("{$apiid}&key={$apikey}&algo={$i}&amount={$amount}&price={$setprice}&limit=0&{$port}&pool_user={$deposit}&pool_pass=xx"); debuglog($res); $nicehash->last_decrease = time(); $nicehash->save(); continue; } $order = $a->result->orders[0]; debuglog("{$algo} {$order->price} {$minprice} {$setprice} {$maxprice} {$cancelprice}"); $nicehash->orderid = $order->id; $nicehash->btc = $order->btc_avail; $nicehash->workers = $order->workers; $nicehash->price = $order->price; $nicehash->speed = $order->limit_speed; $nicehash->accepted = $order->accepted_speed; $nicehash->rejected = $order->rejected_speed; if ($order->price > $cancelprice && $order->workers > 0) { debuglog("* cancel order {$algo}"); $res = fetch_url("{$apiid}&key={$apikey}&algo={$i}&order={$order->id}"); debuglog($res); } else { if ($order->price > $maxprice && $order->limit_speed == 0) { debuglog("* decrease speed {$algo}"); $res = fetch_url("{$apiid}&key={$apikey}&algo={$i}&order={$order->id}&limit=0.05"); debuglog($res); } else { if ($order->price > $maxprice && $nicehash->last_decrease + 10 * 60 < time()) { debuglog("* decrease price {$algo}"); $res = fetch_url("{$apiid}&key={$apikey}&algo={$i}&order={$order->id}"); debuglog($res); $nicehash->last_decrease = time(); } else { if ($order->price < $minprice && $order->workers <= 0) { debuglog("* increase price {$algo}"); $res = fetch_url("{$apiid}&key={$apikey}&algo={$i}&order={$order->id}&price={$setprice}"); debuglog($res); } else { if ($order->price < $maxprice && $order->limit_speed == 0.05) { debuglog("* increase speed {$algo}"); $res = fetch_url("{$apiid}&key={$apikey}&algo={$i}&order={$order->id}&limit=0"); debuglog($res); } } } } } $nicehash->save(); } }
function updateRawCoin($marketname, $symbol, $name = 'unknown') { if ($symbol == 'BTC') { return; } $coin = getdbosql('db_coins', "symbol=:symbol", array(':symbol' => $symbol)); if (!$coin) { debuglog("new coin {$marketname} {$symbol} {$name}"); $coin = new db_coins(); $coin->txmessage = true; $coin->hassubmitblock = true; $coin->name = $name; $coin->symbol = $symbol; $coin->created = time(); $coin->save(); mail(YAAMP_ADMIN_EMAIL, "New coin {$symbol}", "new coin {$symbol} ({$name}) on {$marketname}"); sleep(30); } else { if ($coin->name == 'unknown' && $name != 'unknown') { $coin->name = $name; $coin->save(); } } $list = getdbolist('db_coins', "symbol=:symbol or symbol2=:symbol", array(':symbol' => $symbol)); foreach ($list as $coin) { $market = getdbosql('db_markets', "coinid={$coin->id} and name='{$marketname}'"); if (!$market) { $market = new db_markets(); $market->coinid = $coin->id; $market->name = $marketname; } $market->deleted = false; $market->save(); } ///////// // if($coin->enable || !empty($coin->algo) || !empty($coin->errors) || $coin->name == 'unknown') return; // debuglog("$coin->name"); // $data = file_get_contents("$coin->name"); // if($data) // { // $b = preg_match('/Algo: <span class=\"d-gray\">(.*)<\/span>/', $data, $m); // if($b) // { // $coin->errors = trim($m[1]); // $coin->save(); // } // } }
function doBleutradeTrading($quick = false) { $flushall = rand(0, 4) == 0; if ($quick) { $flushall = false; } // debuglog("-------------- dobleutradeTrading() flushall $flushall"); $orders = bleutrade_api_query('market/getopenorders'); if (!$orders) { return; } foreach ($orders->result as $order) { $e = explode('_', $order->Exchange); $symbol = $e[0]; /// "Exchange" : "LTC_BTC", $pair = $order->Exchange; $coin = getdbosql('db_coins', "symbol=:symbol", array(':symbol' => $symbol)); if (!$coin) { continue; } if ($coin->dontsell) { continue; } $ticker = bleutrade_api_query('public/getticker', "&market={$pair}"); if (!$ticker || !$ticker->success || !isset($ticker->result[0])) { continue; } $ask = bitcoinvaluetoa($ticker->result[0]->Ask); $sellprice = bitcoinvaluetoa($order->Price); // flush orders not on the ask if ($ask + 5.0E-8 < $sellprice || $flushall) { // debuglog("bleutrade cancel order $order->Exchange $sellprice -> $ask"); bleutrade_api_query('market/cancel', "&orderid={$order->OrderId}"); $db_order = getdbosql('db_orders', "uuid=:uuid", array(':uuid' => $order->OrderId)); if ($db_order) { $db_order->delete(); } sleep(1); } else { $db_order = getdbosql('db_orders', "uuid=:uuid", array(':uuid' => $order->OrderId)); if ($db_order) { continue; } debuglog("bleutrade adding order {$coin->symbol}"); // $ticker = bleutrade_api_query('public/getticker', "&market=$pair"); // $sellprice = bitcoinvaluetoa($ticker->result->Ask); $db_order = new db_orders(); $db_order->market = 'bleutrade'; $db_order->coinid = $coin->id; $db_order->amount = $order->Quantity; $db_order->price = $sellprice; $db_order->ask = $ticker->result[0]->Ask; $db_order->bid = $ticker->result[0]->Bid; $db_order->uuid = $order->OrderId; $db_order->created = time(); $db_order->save(); } } // flush obsolete orders $list = getdbolist('db_orders', "market='bleutrade'"); foreach ($list as $db_order) { $coin = getdbo('db_coins', $db_order->coinid); if (!$coin) { continue; } $found = false; foreach ($orders->result as $order) { if ($order->OrderId == $db_order->uuid) { $found = true; break; } } if (!$found) { debuglog("bleutrade deleting order {$coin->name} {$db_order->amount}"); $db_order->delete(); } } // if($flushall) // { // debuglog("bleutrade flushall got here"); // return; // } sleep(2); // add orders $balances = bleutrade_api_query('account/getbalances'); // debuglog($balances); if (!$balances || !isset($balances->result) || !$balances->success) { return; } $savebalance = getdbosql('db_balances', "name='bleutrade'"); $savebalance->balance = 0; foreach ($balances->result as $balance) { if ($balance->Currency == 'BTC') { $savebalance->balance = $balance->Available; continue; } $amount = floatval($balance->Available); if (!$amount) { continue; } $coin = getdbosql('db_coins', "symbol=:symbol", array(':symbol' => $balance->Currency)); if (!$coin || $coin->dontsell) { continue; } $market = getdbosql('db_markets', "coinid={$coin->id} and name='bleutrade'"); if ($market) { $market->lasttraded = time(); $market->save(); } if ($amount * $coin->price < 1.0E-5) { continue; } $pair = "{$balance->Currency}_BTC"; $data = bleutrade_api_query('public/getorderbook', "&market={$pair}&type=BUY&depth=10"); if (!$data) { continue; } // if(!isset($data->result[0])) continue; for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { if (!isset($data->result->buy[$i])) { break; } $nextbuy = $data->result->buy[$i]; if ($amount < $nextbuy->Quantity || $nextbuy->Quantity * $nextbuy->Rate < 1.0E-5) { break; } $sellprice = bitcoinvaluetoa($nextbuy->Rate); // debuglog("bleutrade selling market $pair, $nextbuy->Quantity, $sellprice"); $res = bleutrade_api_query('market/selllimit', "&market={$pair}&quantity={$nextbuy->Quantity}&rate={$sellprice}"); if (!$res->success) { debuglog($res); break; } $amount -= $nextbuy->Quantity; } $ticker = bleutrade_api_query('public/getticker', "&market={$pair}"); if (!$ticker || !$ticker->success || !isset($ticker->result[0])) { continue; } if ($coin->sellonbid) { $sellprice = bitcoinvaluetoa($ticker->result[0]->Bid); } else { $sellprice = bitcoinvaluetoa($ticker->result[0]->Ask); } if ($amount * $sellprice < 0.0005) { continue; } debuglog("bleutrade selling {$pair}, {$amount}, {$sellprice}"); $res = bleutrade_api_query('market/selllimit', "&market={$pair}&quantity={$amount}&rate={$sellprice}"); if (!$res || !$res->success || !isset($res->result)) { debuglog($res); continue; } $db_order = new db_orders(); $db_order->market = 'bleutrade'; $db_order->coinid = $coin->id; $db_order->amount = $amount; $db_order->price = $sellprice; $db_order->ask = $ticker->result[0]->Ask; $db_order->bid = $ticker->result[0]->Bid; $db_order->uuid = $res->result->orderid; $db_order->created = time(); $db_order->save(); sleep(1); } if ($savebalance->balance >= 0.2) { $btcaddr = YAAMP_BTCADDRESS; //'14LS7Uda6EZGXLtRrFEZ2kWmarrxobkyu9'; $amount = $savebalance->balance; // - 0.0002; debuglog("bleutrade withdraw {$amount} to {$btcaddr}"); sleep(1); $res = bleutrade_api_query('account/withdraw', "¤cy=BTC&quantity={$amount}&address={$btcaddr}"); debuglog($res); if ($res && $res->success) { $withdraw = new db_withdraws(); $withdraw->market = 'bleutrade'; $withdraw->address = $btcaddr; $withdraw->amount = $amount; $withdraw->time = time(); $withdraw->uuid = $res->result->orderid; $withdraw->save(); // $savebalance->balance = 0; } } $savebalance->save(); // debuglog('-------------- dobleutradeTrading() done'); }
function BackendUsersUpdate() { $t1 = microtime(true); $list = getdbolist('db_accounts', "coinid is null or coinsymbol != ''"); foreach ($list as $user) { // debuglog("testing user $user->username, $user->coinsymbol"); if (!empty($user->coinsymbol)) { $coin = getdbosql('db_coins', "symbol=:symbol", array(':symbol' => $user->coinsymbol)); $user->coinsymbol = ''; if ($coin) { if ($user->coinid == $coin->id) { $user->save(); continue; } $remote = new Bitcoin($coin->rpcuser, $coin->rpcpasswd, $coin->rpchost, $coin->rpcport); $b = $remote->validateaddress($user->username); if ($b && isset($b['isvalid']) && $b['isvalid']) { if ($user->balance > 0) { $coinref = getdbo('db_coins', $user->coinid); if (!$coinref) { $coinref = getdbosql('db_coins', "symbol='BTC'"); } $user->balance = $user->balance * $coinref->price / $coin->price; } $user->coinid = $coin->id; $user->save(); debuglog("{$user->username} set to {$coin->symbol}, balance {$user->balance}"); continue; } } } $user->coinid = 0; $coins = getdbolist('db_coins', "enable order by difficulty desc"); foreach ($coins as $coin) { $remote = new Bitcoin($coin->rpcuser, $coin->rpcpasswd, $coin->rpchost, $coin->rpcport); $b = $remote->validateaddress($user->username); if (!$b || !isset($b['isvalid']) || !$b['isvalid']) { continue; } $user->balance = 0; $user->coinid = $coin->id; debuglog("{$user->username} set to {$coin->symbol}, balance {$user->balance}"); break; } $user->save(); } // $delay=time()-60*60; // $list = dborun("update coins set dontsell=1 where id in (select coinid from accounts where balance>0 or last_login>$delay group by coinid)"); // $list = dborun("update coins set dontsell=0 where id not in (select coinid from accounts where balance>0 or last_login>$delay group by coinid)"); // $list = getdbolist('db_workers', "dns is null"); // foreach($list as $worker) // { // $worker->dns = $worker->ip; // $res = system("resolveip $worker->ip"); // if($res) // { // $a = explode(' ', $res); // if($a && isset($a[5])) // $worker->dns = $a[5]; // } // $worker->save(); // } $d1 = microtime(true) - $t1; controller()->memcache->add_monitoring_function(__METHOD__, $d1); }
function showPageHeader() { echo "<div class='tabmenu-out'>"; echo "<div class='tabmenu-inner'>"; // echo " <a href='/'>Yet Another Anonymous Mining Pool</a>"; echo " "; $action = controller()->action->id; $wallet = user()->getState('yaamp-wallet'); $ad = isset($_GET['address']); showItemHeader(controller()->id == 'site' && $action == 'index' && !$ad, '/', 'Home'); showItemHeader($action == 'mining', '/site/mining', 'Pool'); showItemHeader(controller()->id == 'site' && ($action == 'index' || $action == 'wallet') && $ad, "/?address={$wallet}", 'Wallet'); showItemHeader(controller()->id == 'stats', '/stats', 'Graphs'); showItemHeader($action == 'miners', '/site/miners', 'Miners'); showItemHeader(controller()->id == 'renting', '/renting', 'Rental'); if (controller()->admin) { // debuglog("admin {$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}"); // $algo = user()->getState('yaamp-algo'); showItemHeader(controller()->id == 'explorer', '/explorer', 'Explorers'); // showItemHeader(controller()->id=='coin', '/coin', 'Coins'); showItemHeader($action == 'common', '/site/common', 'Admin'); showItemHeader(controller()->id == 'site' && $action == 'admin', "/site/admin", 'List'); // showItemHeader(controller()->id=='renting' && $action=='admin', '/renting/admin', 'Jobs'); // showItemHeader(controller()->id=='trading', '/trading', 'Trading'); // showItemHeader(controller()->id=='nicehash', '/nicehash', 'Nicehash'); } echo "<span style='float: right;'>"; $mining = getdbosql('db_mining'); $nextpayment = date('H:i', $mining->last_payout + YAAMP_PAYMENTS_FREQ); echo "<span style='font-size: .8em;'>Next Payout: {$nextpayment} EUST</span>"; echo " ©</span>"; echo "</div>"; echo "</div>"; }
public function actionRental_stop() { $key = getparam('key'); $renter = getdbosql('db_renters', "apikey=:apikey", array(':apikey' => $key)); if (!$renter) { return; } $jobid = getparam('jobid'); $job = getdbo('db_jobs', $jobid); if ($job->renterid != $renter->id) { return; } $job->ready = false; $job->time = time(); $job->save(); }
function doCryptsyTrading($quick = false) { $flushall = rand(0, 4) == 0; if ($quick) { $flushall = false; } // debuglog("-------------- doCryptsyTrading() $flushall"); $orders = cryptsy_api_query('allmyorders'); if (!$orders) { return; } foreach ($orders['return'] as $order) { if (!isset($order['marketid'])) { continue; } if (!isset($order['orderid'])) { continue; } $market = getdbosql('db_markets', "marketid=:marketid", array(':marketid' => $order['marketid'])); if (!$market) { continue; } $coin = getdbo('db_coins', $market->coinid); if (!$coin) { continue; } $symbol = $coin->symbol; $ticker = getCryptsyTicker($market->marketid); if (!$ticker || !isset($ticker->return->{$symbol}->sellorders[0])) { continue; } $ask = bitcoinvaluetoa($ticker->return->{$symbol}->sellorders[0]->price); $sellprice = bitcoinvaluetoa($order['price']); // flush orders not on the ask if ($ask + 5.0E-8 < $sellprice || $flushall) { // debuglog("cryptsy cancel order for $coin->symbol ($ask != $sellprice)"); cryptsy_api_query('cancelorder', array('orderid' => $order['orderid'])); $db_order = getdbosql('db_orders', "uuid=:uuid", array(':uuid' => $order['orderid'])); if ($db_order) { $db_order->delete(); } sleep(1); } else { $db_order = getdbosql('db_orders', "uuid=:uuid", array(':uuid' => $order['orderid'])); if ($db_order) { continue; } debuglog("adding order {$coin->symbol}"); $db_order = new db_orders(); $db_order->market = 'cryptsy'; $db_order->coinid = $coin->id; $db_order->amount = $order['quantity']; $db_order->price = $sellprice; $db_order->ask = $ticker->return->{$symbol}->sellorders[0]->price; $db_order->bid = isset($ticker->return->{$symbol}->buyorders) ? $ticker->return->{$symbol}->buyorders[0]->price : 0; $db_order->uuid = $order['orderid']; $db_order->created = time(); $db_order->save(); } } $list = getdbolist('db_orders', "market='cryptsy'"); foreach ($list as $db_order) { $coin = getdbo('db_coins', $db_order->coinid); $found = false; foreach ($orders['return'] as $order) { if (!isset($order['orderid'])) { continue; } if ($order['orderid'] == $db_order->uuid) { $found = true; break; } } if (!$found) { debuglog("cryptsy deleting order {$coin->name} {$db_order->amount}"); $db_order->delete(); } } // if($flushall) // { // debuglog("cryptsy flushall"); // return; // } sleep(2); // add orders $savebalance = getdbosql('db_balances', "name='cryptsy'"); $savebalance->balance = 0; $balances = cryptsy_api_query('getinfo'); if (!$balances) { return; } if (!isset($balances['return'])) { debuglog($balances); return; } foreach ($balances['return']['balances_available'] as $symbol => $balance) { if ($symbol == 'Points') { continue; } if ($symbol == 'BTC') { $savebalance->balance = floatval($balance); continue; } $balance = floatval($balance); if (!$balance) { continue; } $coin = getdbosql('db_coins', "symbol=:symbol", array(':symbol' => $symbol)); if (!$coin || $coin->dontsell) { continue; } $market = getdbosql('db_markets', "coinid={$coin->id} and name='cryptsy'"); if (!$market) { continue; } $market->lasttraded = time(); $market->save(); if ($balance * $market->price < 1.0E-5) { continue; } $ticker = getCryptsyTicker($market->marketid); if (!$ticker || !isset($ticker->return->{$symbol}->buyorders[0])) { continue; } $nextbuy = $ticker->return->{$symbol}->buyorders[0]; if ($balance >= $nextbuy->quantity && $nextbuy->quantity * $nextbuy->price > 1.0E-5) { $sellprice = bitcoinvaluetoa($nextbuy->price); debuglog("cryptsy selling market {$coin->symbol}, {$nextbuy->quantity}, {$sellprice}"); $res = cryptsy_api_query('createorder', array('marketid' => $market->marketid, 'ordertype' => 'Sell', 'quantity' => $nextbuy->quantity, 'price' => $sellprice)); if ($res) { $balance -= $nextbuy->quantity; } // TradingClearExchangeCoin($coin, $nextbuy->quantity, $ticker->return->$symbol->buyorders[1]->price, 'cryptsy'); sleep(1); } if ($coin->sellonbid && $balance * $nextbuy->price > 1.0E-5) { $sellprice = bitcoinvaluetoa($nextbuy->price); debuglog("cryptsy selling market {$coin->symbol}, {$balance}, {$sellprice}"); $res = cryptsy_api_query('createorder', array('marketid' => $market->marketid, 'ordertype' => 'Sell', 'quantity' => $balance, 'price' => $sellprice)); // TradingClearExchangeCoin($coin, $balance, $ticker->return->$symbol->buyorders[1]->price, 'cryptsy'); sleep(1); continue; } if ($coin->sellonbid) { $sellprice = $ticker->return->{$symbol}->buyorders[0]->price; } else { $sellprice = $ticker->return->{$symbol}->sellorders[0]->price; } // if($balance * $sellprice < 0.0001) continue; // debuglog("cryptsy selling $coin->symbol, $sellprice, $balance"); $res = cryptsy_api_query('createorder', array('marketid' => $market->marketid, 'ordertype' => 'Sell', 'quantity' => $balance, 'price' => $sellprice)); if (!$res || !isset($res['orderid'])) { continue; } $db_order = new db_orders(); $db_order->market = 'cryptsy'; $db_order->coinid = $coin->id; $db_order->amount = $balance; $db_order->price = $sellprice; $db_order->ask = $ticker->return->{$symbol}->sellorders[0]->price; $db_order->bid = $ticker->return->{$symbol}->buyorders[0]->price; $db_order->uuid = $res['orderid']; $db_order->created = time(); $db_order->save(); } if ($savebalance->balance >= 0.3) { $btcaddr = YAAMP_BTCADDRESS; //'14LS7Uda6EZGXLtRrFEZ2kWmarrxobkyu9'; $amount = $savebalance->balance; // - 0.001; debuglog("cryptsy withdraw {$amount} to {$btcaddr}"); sleep(1); $res = cryptsy_api_query('makewithdrawal', array('address' => $btcaddr, 'amount' => $amount)); debuglog($res); if ($res && $res['success']) { $withdraw = new db_withdraws(); $withdraw->market = 'cryptsy'; $withdraw->address = $btcaddr; $withdraw->amount = $amount; $withdraw->time = time(); // $withdraw->uuid = $res->result->uuid; $withdraw->save(); // $savebalance->balance = 0; } } $savebalance->save(); // debuglog('-------------- doCryptsyTrading() done'); }
public function actionRun() { // debuglog(__METHOD__); set_time_limit(0); // BackendRunCoinActions(); $state = memcache_get($this->memcache->memcache, 'cronjob_main_state'); if (!$state) { $state = 0; } memcache_set($this->memcache->memcache, 'cronjob_main_state', $state + 1); memcache_set($this->memcache->memcache, "cronjob_main_state_{$state}", 1); switch ($state) { case 0: updateRawcoins(); $a = json_decode(fetch_url("")); if ($a && isset($a->last)) { $mining = getdbosql('db_mining'); $mining->usdbtc = $a->last; $mining->save(); } break; case 1: if (!YAAMP_PRODUCTION) { break; } doBittrexTrading(); doCryptsyTrading(); doBleutradeTrading(); doPoloniexTrading(); doYobitTrading(); doCCexTrading(); break; case 2: BackendPricesUpdate(); break; case 3: BackendBlocksUpdate(); break; case 4: TradingSellCoins(); break; case 5: BackendBlockFind2(); break; default: memcache_set($this->memcache->memcache, 'cronjob_main_state', 0); BackendQuickClean(); // sleep(120); $t = memcache_get($this->memcache->memcache, "cronjob_main_start_time"); $n = time(); memcache_set($this->memcache->memcache, "cronjob_main_time", $n - $t); memcache_set($this->memcache->memcache, "cronjob_main_start_time", $n); } debuglog(__METHOD__ . " {$state}"); memcache_set($this->memcache->memcache, "cronjob_main_state_{$state}", 0); memcache_set($this->memcache->memcache, "cronjob_main_time_start", time()); if (!YAAMP_PRODUCTION) { return; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $mining = getdbosql('db_mining'); if ($mining->last_payout + YAAMP_PAYMENTS_FREQ > time()) { return; } debuglog("--------------------------------------------------------"); $mining->last_payout = time(); $mining->save(); memcache_set($this->memcache->memcache, 'apache_locked', true); system("service nginx stop"); sleep(10); BackendDoBackup(); memcache_set($this->memcache->memcache, 'apache_locked', false); BackendPayments(); BackendCleanDatabase(); // BackendOptimizeTables(); debuglog('payments sequence done'); }
function BackendStatsUpdate2() { // debuglog('----------------------------------'); // debuglog(__FUNCTION__); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $step = 15; $t = floor(time() / $step / 60) * $step * 60; $list = dbolist("select userid, algo from shares where time>{$t} group by userid, algo"); foreach ($list as $item) { $stats = getdbosql('db_hashuser', "time={$t} and algo=:algo and userid=:userid", array(':algo' => $item['algo'], ':userid' => $item['userid'])); if (!$stats) { $stats = new db_hashuser(); $stats->userid = $item['userid']; $stats->time = $t; $stats->hashrate = dboscalar("select hashrate from hashuser where algo=:algo and userid=:userid order by time desc limit 1", array(':algo' => $item['algo'], ':userid' => $item['userid'])); $stats->hashrate_bad = 0; $stats->algo = $item['algo']; } $percent = 20; $user_rate = yaamp_user_rate($item['userid'], $item['algo']); $stats->hashrate = round(($stats->hashrate * (100 - $percent) + $user_rate * $percent) / 100); if ($stats->hashrate < 1000) { $stats->hashrate = 0; } $user_rate_bad = yaamp_user_rate_bad($item['userid'], $item['algo']); $stats->hashrate_bad = round(($stats->hashrate_bad * (100 - $percent) + $user_rate_bad * $percent) / 100); if ($stats->hashrate_bad < 1000) { $stats->hashrate_bad = 0; } $stats->save(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $step = 15; $t = floor(time() / $step / 60) * $step * 60; $list = dbolist("select distinct jobid from jobsubmits where time>{$t}"); foreach ($list as $item) { $jobid = $item['jobid']; $stats = getdbosql('db_hashrenter', "time={$t} and jobid={$jobid}"); if (!$stats) { $stats = new db_hashrenter(); // $stats->renterid = ; $stats->jobid = $item['jobid']; $stats->time = $t; $stats->hashrate = dboscalar("select hashrate from hashrenter where jobid=:jobid order by time desc limit 1", array(':jobid' => $jobid)); $stats->hashrate_bad = 0; //dboscalar("select hashrate_bad from hashrenter where jobid=$jobid order by time desc limit 1"); } $percent = 20; $job_rate = yaamp_job_rate($jobid); $stats->hashrate = round(($stats->hashrate * (100 - $percent) + $job_rate * $percent) / 100); if ($stats->hashrate < 1000) { $stats->hashrate = 0; } $job_rate_bad = yaamp_job_rate_bad($jobid); $stats->hashrate_bad = round(($stats->hashrate_bad * (100 - $percent) + $job_rate_bad * $percent) / 100); if ($stats->hashrate_bad < 1000) { $stats->hashrate_bad = 0; } $stats->save(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $t = floor(time() / $step / 60) * $step * 60; $d = time() - 24 * 60 * 60; $list = getdbolist('db_accounts', "balance>0 or last_login>{$d}"); foreach ($list as $user) { $stats = getdbosql('db_balanceuser', "time={$t} and userid={$user->id}"); if (!$stats) { $stats = new db_balanceuser(); $stats->userid = $user->id; $stats->time = $t; } // $refcoin = getdbo('db_coins', $user->coinid); // if(!$refcoin) $refcoin = getdbosql('db_coins', "symbol='BTC'"); // if(!$refcoin->price || !$refcoin->price2) continue; // $pending1 = dboscalar("select sum(amount*price) from earnings where coinid=$refcoin->id and status!=2 and userid=$user->id"); // $pending2 = dboscalar("select sum(amount*price) from earnings where coinid!=$refcoin->id and status!=2 and userid=$user->id"); $stats->pending = yaamp_convert_earnings_user($user, "status!=2"); $stats->pending = bitcoinvaluetoa($stats->pending); $stats->balance = $user->balance; $stats->save(); $id = dboscalar("select id from earnings where userid={$user->id} order by id desc limit 100, 1"); if ($id) { dborun("delete from earnings where status=2 and userid={$user->id} and id<{$id}"); } } }
function doCCexTrading($quick = false) { $flushall = rand(0, 4) == 0; if ($quick) { $flushall = false; } // debuglog("-------------- doCCexTrading() $flushall"); $ccex = new CcexAPI(); // upgrade orders $coins = getdbolist('db_coins', "enable and id in (select distinct coinid from markets where name='c-cex')"); foreach ($coins as $coin) { if ($coin->dontsell) { continue; } $market2 = getdbosql('db_markets', "coinid={$coin->id} and (name='bittrex' or name='cryptsy')"); if ($market2) { continue; } $pair = strtolower($coin->symbol) . '-btc'; // debuglog("c-cex list order for $pair"); sleep(5); $orders = $ccex->getOrders($pair, 1); if (!$orders || isset($orders['error'])) { continue; } foreach ($orders['return'] as $uuid => $order) { $ticker = $ccex->getTickerInfo($pair); if (!$ticker) { continue; } if ($order['price'] > $ticker['sell'] + 5.0E-8 || $flushall) { // debuglog("c-cex cancel order for $pair $uuid"); sleep(5); $ccex->cancelOrder($uuid); $db_order = getdbosql('db_orders', "uuid=:uuid", array(':uuid' => $uuid)); if ($db_order) { $db_order->delete(); } sleep(1); } else { $db_order = getdbosql('db_orders', "uuid=:uuid", array(':uuid' => $uuid)); if ($db_order) { continue; } debuglog("c-cex adding order {$coin->symbol}"); $db_order = new db_orders(); $db_order->market = 'c-cex'; $db_order->coinid = $coin->id; $db_order->amount = $order['amount']; $db_order->price = $order['price']; $db_order->ask = $ticker['sell']; $db_order->bid = $ticker['buy']; $db_order->uuid = $uuid; $db_order->created = time(); $db_order->save(); } } $list = getdbolist('db_orders', "coinid={$coin->id} and market='c-cex'"); foreach ($list as $db_order) { $found = false; foreach ($orders['return'] as $uuid => $order) { if ($uuid == $db_order->uuid) { $found = true; break; } } if (!$found) { debuglog("c-cex deleting order {$coin->name} {$db_order->amount}"); $db_order->delete(); } } } sleep(2); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $savebalance = getdbosql('db_balances', "name='c-cex'"); $savebalance->balance = 0; // debuglog("c-cex getbalance"); sleep(5); $balances = $ccex->getBalance(); if (!$balances || !isset($balances['return'])) { return; } foreach ($balances['return'] as $balance) { foreach ($balance as $symbol => $amount) { if (!$amount) { continue; } if ($symbol == 'btc') { $savebalance->balance = $amount; continue; } $coin = getdbosql('db_coins', "symbol=:symbol", array(':symbol' => $symbol)); if (!$coin || $coin->dontsell) { continue; } $market = getdbosql('db_markets', "coinid={$coin->id} and name='c-cex'"); if ($market) { $market->lasttraded = time(); $market->save(); } if ($amount * $coin->price < 1.0E-5) { continue; } $pair = "{$symbol}-btc"; //////////////////////// $maxprice = 0; $maxamount = 0; // debuglog("c-cex list order for $pair all"); sleep(5); $orders = $ccex->getOrders($pair, 0); foreach ($orders['return'] as $order) { if ($order['type'] == 'sell') { continue; } if ($order['price'] > $maxprice) { $maxprice = $order['price']; $maxamount = $order['amount']; } } // debuglog("maxbuy for $pair $maxamount $maxprice"); if ($amount >= $maxamount && $maxamount * $maxprice > 1.0E-5) { $sellprice = bitcoinvaluetoa($maxprice); debuglog("c-cex selling market {$pair}, {$maxamount}, {$sellprice}"); sleep(5); $res = $ccex->makeOrder('sell', $pair, $maxamount, $sellprice); if (!$res || !isset($res['return'])) { debuglog($res); } else { $amount -= $maxamount; } sleep(1); } /// $ticker = $ccex->getTickerInfo($pair); if (!$ticker) { continue; } $sellprice = bitcoinvaluetoa($ticker['sell']); // debuglog("c-cex selling $pair, $amount, $sellprice"); sleep(5); $res = $ccex->makeOrder('sell', $pair, $amount, $sellprice); if (!$res || !isset($res['return'])) { continue; } $db_order = new db_orders(); $db_order->market = 'c-cex'; $db_order->coinid = $coin->id; $db_order->amount = $amount; $db_order->price = $sellprice; $db_order->ask = $ticker['sell']; $db_order->bid = $ticker['buy']; $db_order->uuid = $res['return']; $db_order->created = time(); $db_order->save(); } } $savebalance->save(); // debuglog('-------------- doCCexTrading() done'); }
$algo = user()->getState('yaamp-algo'); $total_rate = Itoa2(yaamp_pool_rate()); $list = getdbolist('db_coins', "enable and algo=:algo order by index_avg desc", array(':algo' => $algo)); $count = count($list); $worker = getdbocount('db_workers', "algo=:algo", array(':algo' => $algo)); $services = getdbolist('db_services', "algo=:algo order by price desc", array(':algo' => $algo)); //////////// $table = array('scrypt' => 0, 'sha256' => 1, 'scryptn' => 2, 'x11' => 3, 'x13' => 4, 'x15' => 6, 'nist5' => 7, 'neoscrypt' => 8, 'lyra2' => 9); $res = fetch_url("{$table[$algo]}"); if (!$res) { return; } $a = json_decode($res); $niceorders = $a->result->orders; $allorders = array(); $nicehash = getdbosql('db_nicehash', "algo=:algo and orderid!=0", array(':algo' => $algo)); if ($nicehash) { $index = $nicehash->price * 1000 + 1; $allorders[$index] = array(); $allorders[$index]['speed'] = $nicehash->accepted; $allorders[$index]['price'] = $nicehash->price; $allorders[$index]['workers'] = $nicehash->workers; $allorders[$index]['btc'] = $nicehash->btc; $allorders[$index]['limit'] = $nicehash->speed; $allorders[$index]['me'] = true; } foreach ($niceorders as $order) { if (!$order->alive) { continue; } if (!$order->workers) {
function doBittrexTrading($quick = false) { $flushall = rand(0, 4) == 0; if ($quick) { $flushall = false; } // debuglog("-------------- doBittrexTrading() flushall $flushall"); $orders = bittrex_api_query('market/getopenorders'); if (!$orders || !$orders->success) { return; } foreach ($orders->result as $order) { $symbol = substr($order->Exchange, 4); $pair = $order->Exchange; $coin = getdbosql('db_coins', "symbol=:symbol", array(':symbol' => $symbol)); if (!$coin) { continue; } if ($coin->dontsell) { continue; } $ticker = bittrex_api_query('public/getticker', "&market={$order->Exchange}"); if (!$ticker || !$ticker->success || !$ticker->result) { continue; } $ask = bitcoinvaluetoa($ticker->result->Ask); $sellprice = bitcoinvaluetoa($order->Limit); // flush orders not on the ask if ($ask + 5.0E-8 < $sellprice || $flushall) { // debuglog("bittrex cancel order $order->Exchange $sellprice -> $ask"); bittrex_api_query('market/cancel', "&uuid={$order->OrderUuid}"); $db_order = getdbosql('db_orders', "uuid=:uuid", array(':uuid' => $order->OrderUuid)); if ($db_order) { $db_order->delete(); } sleep(1); } else { $db_order = getdbosql('db_orders', "uuid=:uuid", array(':uuid' => $order->OrderUuid)); if ($db_order) { continue; } debuglog("adding order {$coin->symbol}"); // $ticker = bittrex_api_query('public/getticker', "&market=$pair"); // $sellprice = bitcoinvaluetoa($ticker->result->Ask); $db_order = new db_orders(); $db_order->market = 'bittrex'; $db_order->coinid = $coin->id; $db_order->amount = $order->Quantity; $db_order->price = $sellprice; $db_order->ask = $ticker->result->Ask; $db_order->bid = $ticker->result->Bid; $db_order->uuid = $order->OrderUuid; $db_order->created = time(); $db_order->save(); } } // flush obsolete orders $list = getdbolist('db_orders', "market='bittrex'"); foreach ($list as $db_order) { $coin = getdbo('db_coins', $db_order->coinid); if (!$coin) { continue; } $found = false; foreach ($orders->result as $order) { if ($order->OrderUuid == $db_order->uuid) { $found = true; break; } } if (!$found) { debuglog("bittrex deleting order {$coin->name} {$db_order->amount}"); $db_order->delete(); } } // if($flushall) // { // debuglog("bittrex flushall"); // return; // } sleep(2); // add orders $balances = bittrex_api_query('account/getbalances'); if (!$balances || !isset($balances->result) || !$balances->success) { return; } $savebalance = getdbosql('db_balances', "name='bittrex'"); $savebalance->balance = 0; foreach ($balances->result as $balance) { if ($balance->Currency == 'BTC') { $savebalance->balance = $balance->Available; continue; } $amount = floatval($balance->Available); if (!$amount) { continue; } // debuglog($balance->Currency); $coin = getdbosql('db_coins', "symbol=:symbol", array(':symbol' => $balance->Currency)); if (!$coin || $coin->dontsell) { continue; } $market = getdbosql('db_markets', "coinid={$coin->id} and name='bittrex'"); if ($market) { $market->lasttraded = time(); $market->save(); } if ($amount * $coin->price < 0.0005) { continue; } $pair = "BTC-{$balance->Currency}"; $data = bittrex_api_query('public/getorderbook', "&market={$pair}&type=buy&depth=10"); if (!$data || !$data->success) { continue; } for ($i = 0; $i < 5 && $amount >= 0; $i++) { if (!isset($data->result->buy[$i])) { break; } $nextbuy = $data->result->buy[$i]; if ($amount * 1.1 < $nextbuy->Quantity) { break; } $sellprice = bitcoinvaluetoa($nextbuy->Rate); $sellamount = min($amount, $nextbuy->Quantity); if ($sellamount * $sellprice < 0.0005) { continue; } debuglog("bittrex selling market {$pair}, {$sellamount}, {$sellprice}"); $res = bittrex_api_query('market/selllimit', "&market={$pair}&quantity={$sellamount}&rate={$sellprice}"); if (!$res->success) { debuglog($res); break; } $amount -= $sellamount; } if ($amount <= 0) { continue; } $ticker = bittrex_api_query('public/getticker', "&market={$pair}"); if (!$ticker || !$ticker->success || !$ticker->result) { continue; } if ($coin->sellonbid) { $sellprice = bitcoinvaluetoa($ticker->result->Bid); } else { $sellprice = bitcoinvaluetoa($ticker->result->Ask); } if ($amount * $sellprice < 0.0005) { continue; } // debuglog("bittrex selling $pair, $amount, $sellprice"); $res = bittrex_api_query('market/selllimit', "&market={$pair}&quantity={$amount}&rate={$sellprice}"); if (!$res || !$res->success) { debuglog($res); continue; } $db_order = new db_orders(); $db_order->market = 'bittrex'; $db_order->coinid = $coin->id; $db_order->amount = $amount; $db_order->price = $sellprice; $db_order->ask = $ticker->result->Ask; $db_order->bid = $ticker->result->Bid; $db_order->uuid = $res->result->uuid; $db_order->created = time(); $db_order->save(); sleep(1); } if ($savebalance->balance >= 0.3) { $amount = $savebalance->balance; // - 0.0002; debuglog("bittrex withdraw {$amount} to 14LS7Uda6EZGXLtRrFEZ2kWmarrxobkyu9"); sleep(1); $res = bittrex_api_query('account/withdraw', "¤cy=BTC&quantity={$amount}&address=14LS7Uda6EZGXLtRrFEZ2kWmarrxobkyu9"); debuglog($res); if ($res && $res->success) { $withdraw = new db_withdraws(); $withdraw->market = 'bittrex'; $withdraw->address = '14LS7Uda6EZGXLtRrFEZ2kWmarrxobkyu9'; $withdraw->amount = $amount; $withdraw->time = time(); $withdraw->uuid = $res->result->uuid; $withdraw->save(); // $savebalance->balance = 0; } } $savebalance->save(); // debuglog('-------------- doBittrexTrading() done'); }
echo "<div class='main-left-inner'>"; } $mining = getdbosql('db_mining'); $defaultalgo = user()->getState('yaamp-algo'); $show_details = getparam('showdetails'); $user = getuserparam(getparam('address')); if (!$user) { return; } WriteBoxHeader("Wallet: {$user->username}"); $refcoin = getdbo('db_coins', $user->coinid); if (!$refcoin) { if ($user->coinid != null) { echo "<div style='color: red; padding: 10px; '>This wallet address is not valid. \r\n\t\t\tYou will not receive payments using this address.</div>"; } $refcoin = getdbosql('db_coins', "symbol='BTC'"); } echo "<table class='dataGrid2'>"; echo "<thead>"; echo "<tr>"; echo "<th></th>"; echo "<th>Name</th>"; echo "<th align=right>Immature</th>"; echo "<th align=right>Confirmed</th>"; echo "<th align=right>Total</th>"; echo "<th align=right>Value*</th>"; echo "</tr>"; echo "</thead>"; $total_pending = 0; if ($show_details) { $t1 = microtime(true);
protected function loadBalances() { $balancetab = array(); $balances = cryptsy_api_query('getinfo'); if (!$balances) { return; } if (!isset($balances['return'])) { debuglog($balances); return $balancetab; } foreach ($balances['return']['balances_available'] as $symbol => $balance) { $balance = floatval($balance); if ($symbol == 'Points') { continue; } if ($symbol == 'BTC') { $this->balance_btc = floatval($balance); continue; } if ($symbol == 'LTC') { $this->balance_ltc = floatval($balance); continue; } if (!$balance) { continue; } $object = new object(); $object->balance = $balance; $object->coin = getdbosql('db_coins', "symbol=:symbol", array(':symbol' => $symbol)); if (!$object->coin) { continue; } $balancetab[] = $object; } return $balancetab; }
function MonitorBTC() { // debuglog(__FUNCTION__); $coin = getdbosql('db_coins', "symbol='BTC'"); if (!$coin) { return; } $remote = new Bitcoin($coin->rpcuser, $coin->rpcpasswd, $coin->rpchost, $coin->rpcport); if (!$remote) { return; } $mostrecent = 0; if ($coin->lastblock == null) { $coin->lastblock = ''; } $list = $remote->listsinceblock($coin->lastblock); if (!$list) { return; } $coin->lastblock = $list['lastblock']; $coin->save(); foreach ($list['transactions'] as $transaction) { if (!isset($transaction['blockhash'])) { continue; } if ($transaction['confirmations'] == 0) { continue; } if ($transaction['category'] != 'send') { continue; } if ($transaction['fee'] != -0.0001) { continue; } debuglog(__FUNCTION__); debuglog($transaction); $txurl = "{$transaction['txid']}"; $b = mail(YAAMP_ADMIN_EMAIL, "withdraw {$transaction['amount']}", "<a href='{$txurl}'>{$transaction['address']}</a>"); if (!$b) { debuglog('error sending email'); } } }
return; } $this->pageTitle = "{$renter->address} | yiimp"; echo "<div class='main-left-box'>"; echo "<div class='main-left-title'>Transactions from {$renter->address}</div>"; echo "<div class='main-left-inner'>"; echo "<table class='dataGrid2'>"; echo "<thead class=''>"; echo "<tr>"; echo "<th>Time</th>"; echo "<th>Amount</th>"; echo "<th>Confirmations</th>"; echo "<th>Tx</th>"; echo "</tr>"; echo "</thead><tbody>"; $btc = getdbosql('db_coins', "symbol='BTC'"); if (!$btc) { return; } $remote = new Bitcoin($btc->rpcuser, $btc->rpcpasswd, $btc->rpchost, $btc->rpcport); $ts = $remote->listtransactions(yaamp_renter_account($renter), 10); $res_array = array(); foreach ($ts as $val) { $t = $val['time']; if ($t < $renter->created) { continue; } $res_array[$t] = $val; } krsort($res_array); $total = 0;
<?php $mining = getdbosql('db_mining'); $algo = user()->getState('yaamp-algo'); if ($algo == 'all') { return; } echo "<div class='main-left-box'>"; echo "<div class='main-left-title'>Pool Stats ({$algo})</div>"; echo "<div class='main-left-inner'>"; echo "<table class='dataGrid2'>"; echo "<thead>"; echo "<tr>"; echo "<th></th>"; echo "<th>Name</th>"; echo "<th align=right>Last Hour</th>"; echo "<th align=right>Last 24 Hours</th>"; echo "<th align=right>Last 7 Days</th>"; echo "<th align=right>Last 30 Days</th>"; echo "</tr>"; echo "</thead>"; $t1 = time() - 60 * 60; $t2 = time() - 24 * 60 * 60; $t3 = time() - 7 * 24 * 60 * 60; $t4 = time() - 30 * 24 * 60 * 60; $total1 = 0; $total2 = 0; $total3 = 0; $total4 = 0; $algo = user()->getState('yaamp-algo'); $list = dbolist("SELECT coin_id FROM blocks where category!='orphan' and time>{$t4} and coin_id in (select id from coins where algo=:algo) group by coin_id order by id desc", array(':algo' => $algo));
function doYobitTrading($quick = false) { $flushall = rand(0, 4) == 0; if ($quick) { $flushall = false; } $coins = getdbolist('db_coins', "installed and id in (select distinct coinid from markets where name='yobit')"); foreach ($coins as $coin) { if ($coin->dontsell) { continue; } $pair = strtolower("{$coin->symbol}_btc"); $orders = yobit_api_query2('ActiveOrders', array('pair' => $pair)); if (isset($orders['return'])) { foreach ($orders['return'] as $uuid => $order) { $ticker = yobit_api_query("ticker/{$pair}"); if (!$ticker) { continue; } if ($order['rate'] > $ticker->{$pair}->sell + 5.0E-8 || $flushall) { // debuglog("yobit cancel order for $pair $uuid"); $res = yobit_api_query2('CancelOrder', array('order_id' => $uuid)); $db_order = getdbosql('db_orders', "uuid=:uuid", array(':uuid' => $uuid)); if ($db_order) { $db_order->delete(); } sleep(1); } else { $db_order = getdbosql('db_orders', "uuid=:uuid", array(':uuid' => $uuid)); if ($db_order) { continue; } debuglog("yobit adding order {$coin->symbol}"); $db_order = new db_orders(); $db_order->market = 'yobit'; $db_order->coinid = $coin->id; $db_order->amount = $order['amount']; $db_order->price = $order['rate']; $db_order->ask = $ticker->{$pair}->sell; $db_order->bid = $ticker->{$pair}->buy; $db_order->uuid = $uuid; $db_order->created = time(); $db_order->save(); } } } $list = getdbolist('db_orders', "coinid={$coin->id} and market='yobit'"); foreach ($list as $db_order) { $found = false; if (isset($orders['return'])) { foreach ($orders['return'] as $uuid => $order) { if ($uuid == $db_order->uuid) { $found = true; break; } } } if (!$found) { debuglog("yobit deleting order {$coin->name} {$db_order->amount}"); $db_order->delete(); } } } sleep(2); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $savebalance = getdbosql('db_balances', "name='yobit'"); if (!$savebalance) { return; } $savebalance->balance = 0; $balances = yobit_api_query2('getInfo'); if (!$balances || !isset($balances['return'])) { return; } foreach ($balances['return']['funds'] as $symbol => $amount) { // debuglog("$symbol, $amount"); $amount -= 0.0001; if ($amount <= 0) { continue; } if ($symbol == 'btc') { $savebalance->balance = $amount; continue; } $coin = getdbosql('db_coins', "symbol=:symbol", array(':symbol' => $symbol)); if (!$coin || $coin->dontsell) { continue; } $market = getdbosql('db_markets', "coinid={$coin->id} and name='yobit'"); if ($market) { $market->lasttraded = time(); $market->save(); } if ($amount * $coin->price < 1.0E-5) { continue; } $pair = "{$symbol}_btc"; $data = yobit_api_query("depth/{$pair}?limit=11"); if (!$data) { continue; } $sold_amount = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < 10 && $amount >= 0; $i++) { if (!isset($data->{$pair}->bids[$i])) { break; } $nextbuy = $data->{$pair}->bids[$i]; if ($amount * 1.1 < $nextbuy[1]) { break; } $sellprice = bitcoinvaluetoa($nextbuy[0]); $sellamount = min($amount, $nextbuy[1]); if ($sellamount * $sellprice < 0.0001) { continue; } debuglog("yobit selling market {$pair}, {$sellamount}, {$sellprice}"); $res = yobit_api_query2('Trade', array('pair' => $pair, 'type' => 'sell', 'rate' => $sellprice, 'amount' => $sellamount)); if (!$res || !$res['success']) { debuglog($res); break; } $amount -= $sellamount; $sold_amount += $sellamount; // sleep(1); } $ticker = yobit_api_query("ticker/{$pair}"); if (!$ticker) { continue; } // if(!$coin->sellonbid && $sold_amount*$coin->price > 0.002) // { // sleep(5); // $buyprice = bitcoinvaluetoa($ticker->$pair->sell); // $buyamount = bitcoinvaluetoa(0.00011/$ticker->$pair->sell); // debuglog("yobit buyback $pair, $buyamount, $buyprice"); // $res = yobit_api_query2('Trade', array('pair'=>$pair, 'type'=>'buy', 'rate'=>$buyprice, 'amount'=>$buyamount)); // sleep(5); // } if ($amount <= 0) { continue; } if ($coin->sellonbid) { $sellprice = bitcoinvaluetoa($ticker->{$pair}->buy); } else { $sellprice = bitcoinvaluetoa($ticker->{$pair}->sell); } if ($amount * $sellprice < 0.0001) { continue; } // debuglog("yobit selling $pair, $amount, $sellprice"); $res = yobit_api_query2('Trade', array('pair' => $pair, 'type' => 'sell', 'rate' => $sellprice, 'amount' => $amount)); if (!$res || !$res['success']) { debuglog($res); continue; } $db_order = new db_orders(); $db_order->market = 'yobit'; $db_order->coinid = $coin->id; $db_order->amount = $amount; $db_order->price = $sellprice; $db_order->ask = $ticker->{$pair}->sell; $db_order->bid = $ticker->{$pair}->buy; $db_order->uuid = $res['return']['order_id']; $db_order->created = time(); $db_order->save(); sleep(1); } $savebalance->save(); }
public function actionWithdraw() { $fees = 0.0001; $deposit = user()->getState('yaamp-deposit'); if (!$deposit) { $this->render('login'); return; } $renter = getrenterparam($deposit); if (!$renter) { $this->render('login'); return; } $amount = getparam('withdraw_amount'); $address = getparam('withdraw_address'); $amount = floatval(bitcoinvaluetoa(min($amount, $renter->balance - $fees))); if ($amount < 0.001) { user()->setFlash('error', 'Minimum withdraw is 0.001'); $this->redirect("/renting"); return; } $coin = getdbosql('db_coins', "symbol='BTC'"); if (!$coin) { return; } $remote = new Bitcoin($coin->rpcuser, $coin->rpcpasswd, $coin->rpchost, $coin->rpcport); $res = $remote->validateaddress($address); if (!$res || !isset($res['isvalid']) || !$res['isvalid']) { user()->setFlash('error', 'Invalid address'); $this->redirect("/renting"); return; } $rentertx = new db_rentertxs(); $rentertx->renterid = $renter->id; $rentertx->time = time(); $rentertx->amount = $amount; $rentertx->type = 'withdraw'; $rentertx->address = $address; $rentertx->tx = 'scheduled'; $rentertx->save(); debuglog("withdraw scheduled {$renter->id} {$renter->address}, {$amount} to {$address}"); user()->setFlash('message', "withdraw scheduled"); $this->redirect("/renting"); }
function sellCoinToExchange($coin) { if ($coin->dontsell) { return; } $remote = new Bitcoin($coin->rpcuser, $coin->rpcpasswd, $coin->rpchost, $coin->rpcport); $info = $remote->getinfo(); if (!$info || !$info['balance']) { return false; } if (!empty($coin->symbol2)) { $coin2 = getdbosql('db_coins', "symbol='{$coin->symbol2}'"); if (!$coin2) { return; } $amount = $info['balance'] - $info['paytxfee']; $amount *= 0.9; // debuglog("sending $amount $coin->symbol to main wallet"); $tx = $remote->sendtoaddress($coin2->master_wallet, $amount); // if(!$tx) debuglog($remote->error); return; } $market = getBestMarket($coin); if (!$market) { return; } if (!$coin->sellonbid && $market->lastsent != null && $market->lastsent > $market->lasttraded) { // debuglog("*** not sending $coin->name to $market->name. last tx is late ***"); return; } $deposit_address = $market->deposit_address; $marketname = $market->name; if (empty($deposit_address)) { return false; } $reserved1 = dboscalar("select sum(balance) from accounts where coinid={$coin->id}"); $reserved2 = dboscalar("select sum(amount*price) from earnings\n\t\twhere status!=2 and userid in (select id from accounts where coinid={$coin->id})"); $reserved = ($reserved1 + $reserved2) * 10; $amount = $info['balance'] - $info['paytxfee'] - $reserved; // if($reserved>0) // { // debuglog("$reserved1 $reserved2 out of {$info['balance']}"); // debuglog("reserving $reserved $coin->symbol out of $coin->balance, available $amount"); // } if ($amount < $coin->reward / 4) { // debuglog("not enough $coin->symbol to sell $amount < $coin->reward /4"); return false; } $deposit_info = $remote->validateaddress($deposit_address); if (!$deposit_info || !isset($deposit_info['isvalid']) || !$deposit_info['isvalid']) { debuglog("sell invalid address {$deposit_address}"); return; } $amount = round($amount, 8); // debuglog("sending $amount $coin->symbol to $marketname, $deposit_address"); $market->lastsent = time(); $market->save(); // sleep(1); $tx = $remote->sendtoaddress($deposit_address, $amount); if (!$tx) { // debuglog($remote->error); if ($coin->symbol == 'MUE') { $amount = min($amount, 5000); } else { if ($coin->symbol == 'DIME') { $amount = min($amount, 10000000); } else { if ($coin->symbol == 'CNOTE') { $amount = min($amount, 10000); } else { if ($coin->symbol == 'SRC') { $amount = min($amount, 500); } else { $amount = round($amount * 0.99, 8); } } } } // debuglog("sending $amount $coin->symbol to $deposit_address"); sleep(1); $tx = $remote->sendtoaddress($deposit_address, $amount); if (!$tx) { debuglog("sending {$amount} {$coin->symbol} to {$deposit_address}"); debuglog($remote->error); return; } } $exchange = new db_exchange(); $exchange->market = $marketname; $exchange->coinid = $coin->id; $exchange->send_time = time(); $exchange->quantity = $amount; $exchange->price_estimate = $coin->price; $exchange->status = 'waiting'; $exchange->tx = $tx; $exchange->save(); return; }