 function user_import()
     global $sql;
     $this->userDB = new db();
     // Have our own database object to write to the user table
     // Create list of predefined extended user fields which are present
     if ($ret = getcachedvars("userdata_{$uid}")) {
         foreach ($this->userExtended as $v) {
             if (isset($ret[$v])) {
                 $this->actualExtended[] = $v;
 * Core NEXTPREV shortcode
 * Comma separated parameters are now deprecated.
 * Parameter string should be formatted as if it were the query string passed via a URL:
 * <code>$parm = 'total=10&amount=5&current=0&type=...'</code>
 * Parameter list:
 * - total (integer) [required]: total records/pages
 * - amount (integer| string 'all') [required]: Records per page, always 1 when we counting pages (see 'type' parameter), ignored where tmpl_prefix is not set and 'old_np' pref is false
 * - current (integer)[required]: Current record/page
 * - type (string page|record) [optional]: What kind of navigation logic we need, default is 'record' (the old way)
 * - url (rawurlencode'd string) [required]: URL template, will be rawurldecode'd after parameters are parsed to array, '--AMP--' strings will be replaced with '&amp;'
 * 	NOTE: URL should be DOUBLE encoded, which means you need to encode the query only of passed URL (W3C standards) and rawurlencode the whole URL string
 * The reason to do this is to not break the whole shortcode $parm string, shortcode itself is doing decode once, which means we'll end up with correct, W3C compliant URL string
 * 'url' now supports url::module/controller/action?id=xxx--AMP--name=yyy--AMP--page=--FROM--::full=1 and route::news/list/category::id=xxx--AMP--name=yyy--AMP--page=--FROM--::full=1 formats
 * Preffered 'FROM' template is now '--FROM--' (instead '[FROM]')
 * - caption (rawurlencode'd string) [optional]: Label, rawurldecode'd after parameters are parsed to array, language constants are supported
 * - pagetitle (rawurlencode'd string) [optional]: Page labels, rawurldecode'd after parameters are parsed to array,
 * separated by '|', if present they will be used as lablels instead page numbers; language constants are supported
 * - plugin (string) [optional]: plugin name used for template loading
 * - tmpl_prefix (string) [optional]: template keys prefix; core supported are 'default' and 'dropdown', default depends on 'old_np' pref
 * - navcount (integer) [optional]: number of navigation items to be shown, minimal allowed value is 4, default is 10
 * - nonavcount (no value) [optional]: if is set it'll disable navigation counting (navcount will be ignored)
 * - bullet (string) [optional]: currently it should contain the markup to be prepended to the navigation item title
 * WARNING: You have to do rawuldecode() on url, caption and title parameter values (before passing them to the shortcode)
 * or you'll break the whole script
 * TODO - add create URL support when new URL handler is ready
 * @param string $parm
 * @return string page navigation bar HTML
function nextprev_shortcode($parm = '')
    $e107 = e107::getInstance();
    $pref = e107::getPref();
    $tp = e107::getParser();
     * The NEW way.
     * New parameter requirements formatted as a GET string.
     * Template support.
    if (strpos($parm, 'total=') !== false) {
        parse_str($parm, $parm);
        // Calculate
        $total_items = intval($parm['total']);
        $check_render = true;
        if (vartrue($parm['glyphs']) && deftrue('BOOTSTRAP')) {
            $LAN_NP_FIRST = $tp->toGlyph("icon-fast-backward.glyph", false);
            $LAN_NP_PREVIOUS = $tp->toGlyph("icon-backward.glyph", false);
            $LAN_NP_NEXT = $tp->toGlyph("icon-forward.glyph", false);
            $LAN_NP_LAST = $tp->toGlyph("icon-fast-forward", false);
        } else {
            $LAN_NP_FIRST = LAN_NP_FIRST;
            $LAN_NP_NEXT = LAN_NP_NEXT;
            $LAN_NP_LAST = LAN_NP_LAST;
        // search for template keys - default_start, default_end etc.
        if (isset($parm['tmpl_prefix'])) {
            // forced
            $tprefix = vartrue($parm['tmpl_prefix'], 'default');
            //$perpage = $parm['amount'] !== 'all' ? intval($parm['amount']) : $total_items;
        } elseif (isset($parm['tmpl'])) {
            // forced
            $tprefix = vartrue($parm['tmpl'], 'default');
            //$perpage = $parm['amount'] !== 'all' ? intval($parm['amount']) : $total_items;
        } elseif ($pref['old_np']) {
            $tprefix = 'default';
            //$perpage = $parm['amount'] !== 'all' ? intval($parm['amount']) : $total_items;
        } else {
            $tprefix = 'dropdown';
            //$parm['amount'] = 'all';
        if ($tprefix == 'default' && deftrue('BOOTSTRAP')) {
            $tprefix = 'bootstrap';
        $tprefix .= '_';
        if ($parm['amount'] === 'all') {
            $perpage = 1;
            // amount is ignored
            $check_render = $total_items > 1;
        } else {
            $perpage = intval($parm['amount']);
        if (!$check_render) {
            return '';
        // TODO - rename old_np to something more meaningful
        $current_start = intval($parm['current']);
        $nptype = varset($parm['type'], 'record');
        switch ($nptype) {
            case 'page':
                $perpage = 1;
                $current_page = $current_start;
                $first_page = 1;
                $next_page = $current_page + 1;
                $prev_page = $current_page - 1;
                $total_pages = $last_page = $total_items;
                $index_add = 1;
                $total_pages = ceil($total_items / $perpage);
                $last_page = ceil($total_pages * $perpage) - $perpage;
                $current_page = $current_start / $perpage + 1;
                $next_page = $current_page * $perpage;
                $prev_page = $current_start - $perpage;
                $first_page = 0;
                $index_add = 0;
        if ($total_pages <= 1) {
            return '';
        // urldecoded once by parse_str()
        if (substr($parm['url'], 0, 7) == 'route::') {
            // New - use URL assembling engine
            // Format is: route::module/controller/action::urlParams::urlOptions
            // Example: route::news/list/category::id=xxx--AMP--name=yyy--AMP--page=--FROM--::full=1
            // WARNING - url parameter string have to be rawurlencode-ed BEFORE passed to the shortcode, or it'll break everything
            $urlParms = explode('::', str_replace('--AMP--', '&', $parm['url']));
            $url = str_replace('--FROM--', '[FROM]', $e107->url->create($urlParms[1], $urlParms[2], varset($urlParms[3])));
        } elseif (substr($parm['url'], 0, 5) == 'url::') {
            // New - use URL assembling engine
            // Format is: url::module/controller/action?id=xxx--AMP--name=yyy--AMP--page=--FROM--::full=1
            // WARNING - url parameter string have to be rawurlencode-ed BEFORE passed to the shortcode, or it'll break everything
            $urlParms = explode('::', str_replace('--AMP--', '&', $parm['url']));
            $url = str_replace('--FROM--', '[FROM]', $e107->url->create($urlParms[1], array(), varset($urlParms[2])));
        } else {
            $url = str_replace(array('--FROM--', '--AMP--'), array('[FROM]', '&amp;'), $parm['url']);
        // Simple parser vars
        $e_vars = new e_vars(array('total_pages' => $total_pages, 'current_page' => $current_page));
        // urldecoded by parse_str()
        if (!varset($parm['caption'])) {
            $e_vars->caption = 'LAN_NP_CAPTION';
        // Advanced multilingual support: 'Page [x] of [y]' -> match the exact argument, result would be 'Page 1 of 20'
        $e_vars->caption = $tp->lanVars(defset($e_vars->caption, $e_vars->caption), array('x' => $current_page, 'y' => $total_pages));
        // sprintXX(defset($e_vars->caption, $e_vars->caption), $current_page, $total_pages);
        // urldecoded by parse_str()
        $pagetitle = explode('|', vartrue($parm['pagetitle']));
        // new - bullet support
        $bullet = vartrue($parm['bullet'], '');
        // no navigation counter
        if (isset($parm['nonavcount'])) {
            $navcount = $total_pages;
            $navmid = 0;
        } else {
            // navigation number settings
            $navcount = abs(intval(vartrue($parm['navcount'], 10)));
            // prevent infinite loop!
            if ($navcount < 4) {
                $navcount = 4;
            $navmid = floor($navcount / 2);
        // get template - nextprev_template.php, support for plugin template locations - myplug/templates/nextprev_template.php
        $tmpl = e107::getTemplate(varset($parm['plugin'], null), 'nextprev');
        // init advanced navigation visibility
        $show_first = $show_prev = $current_page != 1;
        $show_last = $show_next = $current_page != $total_pages;
        // Render
        // Parse via simpleParse()
        $tp = e107::getParser();
        // Nextprev navigation start
        $ret = $tp->simpleParse($tmpl[$tprefix . 'start'], $e_vars);
        // caption, e.g. 'Page 1 of 20' box
        if ($e_vars->caption) {
            $ret .= $tp->simpleParse($tmpl[$tprefix . 'nav_caption'], $e_vars);
        $ret_array = array();
        // Show from 1 to $navcount || $total_pages
        if ($current_page <= $navmid || $total_pages <= $navcount) {
            $loop_start = 0;
            $loop_end = $navcount;
            $show_first = false;
            if ($navcount >= $total_pages) {
                $loop_end = $total_pages;
                $show_last = false;
        } else {
            if ($current_page + $navmid >= $total_pages) {
                $loop_start = $total_pages - $navcount;
                if ($loop_start < 0) {
                    $loop_start = 0;
                $loop_end = $total_pages;
                $show_last = false;
            } else {
                $loop_start = $current_page - $navmid;
                $loop_end = $current_page + ($navcount - $navmid);
                // odd/even $navcount support
                if ($loop_start < 0) {
                    $loop_start = 0;
                } elseif ($loop_end > $total_pages) {
                    $loop_end = $total_pages;
                    $show_last = false;
        // Add 'first', 'previous' navigation
        if ($show_prev) {
            if ($show_first && !empty($tmpl[$tprefix . 'nav_first'])) {
                $e_vars->url = str_replace('[FROM]', $first_page, $url);
                $e_vars->label = $LAN_NP_FIRST;
                $e_vars->url_label = LAN_NP_URLFIRST;
                $ret_array[] = $tp->simpleParse($tmpl[$tprefix . 'nav_first'], $e_vars);
            if (!empty($tmpl[$tprefix . 'nav_prev'])) {
                $e_vars->url = str_replace('[FROM]', $prev_page, $url);
                $e_vars->label = $LAN_NP_PREVIOUS;
                $e_vars->url_label = LAN_NP_URLPREVIOUS;
                $ret_array[] = $tp->simpleParse($tmpl[$tprefix . 'nav_prev'], $e_vars);
        $e_vars_loop = new e_vars();
        $e_vars_loop->bullet = stripslashes($bullet);
        // fix magicquotes
        $ret_items = array();
        for ($c = $loop_start; $c < $loop_end; $c++) {
            $label = '';
            if (varset($pagetitle[$c])) {
                $label = defset($pagetitle[$c], $pagetitle[$c]);
            $e_vars_loop->url = str_replace('[FROM]', $perpage * ($c + $index_add), $url);
            $e_vars_loop->label = $label ? $tp->toHTML(stripslashes($label), false, 'TITLE') : $c + 1;
            //quick fix servers with magicquotes - stripslashes()
            if ($c + 1 == $current_page) {
                $e_vars_loop->url_label = $label ? $tp->toAttribute($label) : LAN_NP_URLCURRENT;
                $ret_items[] = $tp->simpleParse($tmpl[$tprefix . 'item_current'], $e_vars_loop);
            } else {
                $e_vars_loop->url_label = $label ? $tp->toAttribute($label) : LAN_NP_GOTO;
                $e_vars_loop->url_label = str_replace("[x]", $c + 1, $e_vars_loop->url_label);
                $ret_items[] = $tp->simpleParse($tmpl[$tprefix . 'item'], $e_vars_loop);
        $ret_array[] = $tp->simpleParse($tmpl[$tprefix . 'items_start'], $e_vars) . implode($tmpl[$tprefix . 'separator'], $ret_items) . $tp->simpleParse($tmpl[$tprefix . 'items_end'], $e_vars);
        unset($ret_items, $e_vars_loop);
        if ($show_next) {
            if (!empty($tmpl[$tprefix . 'nav_next'])) {
                $e_vars->url = str_replace('[FROM]', $next_page, $url);
                $e_vars->label = $LAN_NP_NEXT;
                $e_vars->url_label = LAN_NP_URLNEXT;
                $ret_array[] = $tp->simpleParse($tmpl[$tprefix . 'nav_next'], $e_vars);
            if ($show_last && !empty($tmpl[$tprefix . 'nav_last'])) {
                $e_vars->url = str_replace('[FROM]', $last_page, $url);
                $e_vars->label = $LAN_NP_LAST;
                $e_vars->url_label = LAN_NP_URLLAST;
                $ret_array[] = $tp->simpleParse($tmpl[$tprefix . 'nav_last'], $e_vars);
        $ret .= implode($tmpl[$tprefix . 'separator'], $ret_array);
        // Nextprev navigation end
        $ret .= $tp->simpleParse($tmpl[$tprefix . 'end'], $e_vars);
        unset($e_vars, $ret_array);
        return $ret;
    } else {
        $parm_count = substr_count($parm, ',');
        while ($parm_count < 5) {
            $parm .= ',';
        $p = explode(',', $parm, 6);
        $total_items = intval($p[0]);
        $perpage = intval($p[1]);
        // page number instead record start now supported
        if (is_numeric($p[2])) {
            $current_start = intval($p[2]);
            $current_page = $current_start / $perpage + 1;
            $total_pages = ceil($total_items / $perpage);
            $index_add = 0;
        } else {
            $perpage = 1;
            $current_start = intval(array_pop(explode(':', $p[2], 2)));
            $current_page = $current_start;
            $total_pages = $total_items;
            $index_add = 1;
        if ($total_items < $perpage) {
            return '';
        $url = trim($p[3]);
        $caption = trim($p[4]);
        $pagetitle = explode('|', trim($p[5]));
        $caption = !$caption || $caption == 'off' ? LAN_GOPAGE . '&nbsp;' : $caption;
        while (substr($url, -1) == '.') {
            $url = substr($url, 0, -1);
    if ($total_pages > 1) {
        if (vartrue($pref['old_np'])) {
            $NP_PRE_ACTIVE = '';
            $NP_POST_ACTIVE = '';
            $NP_STYLE = '';
            if (!defined('NEXTPREV_NOSTYLE') || NEXTPREV_NOSTYLE == FALSE) {
                $NP_PRE_ACTIVE = '[';
                $NP_POST_ACTIVE = '] ';
                $NP_STYLE = "style='text-decoration:underline'";
            //	Use OLD nextprev method
            $nppage = '';
            $nppage .= "\n\n<!-- Start of Next/Prev -->\n\n";
            if ($total_pages > 10) {
                //$current_page = ($current_start/$perpage)+1;
                for ($c = 0; $c <= 2; $c++) {
                    if ($perpage * ($c + $index_add) == $current_start) {
                        $nppage .= $NP_PRE_ACTIVE . "<span class='nextprev_current' {$NP_STYLE} >" . ($c + 1) . "</span>" . $NP_POST_ACTIVE . "\n";
                    } else {
                        $link = str_replace("[FROM]", $perpage * ($c + $index_add), $url);
                        $nppage .= "<a class='nextprev_link' href='{$link}'>" . ($c + 1) . "</a> \n";
                if ($current_page >= 3 && $current_page <= 5) {
                    for ($c = 3; $c <= $current_page; $c++) {
                        if ($perpage * ($c + $index_add) == $current_start) {
                            $nppage .= $NP_PRE_ACTIVE . "<span class='nextprev_current' {$NP_STYLE} >" . ($c + 1) . "</span>" . $NP_POST_ACTIVE . "\n";
                        } else {
                            $link = str_replace("[FROM]", $perpage * ($c + $index_add), $url);
                            $nppage .= "<a class='nextprev_link' href='{$link}'>" . ($c + 1) . "</a> \n";
                } else {
                    if ($current_page >= 6 && $current_page <= $total_pages - 5) {
                        $nppage .= " ... ";
                        for ($c = $current_page - 2; $c <= $current_page; $c++) {
                            if ($perpage * ($c + $index_add) == $current_start) {
                                $nppage .= $NP_PRE_ACTIVE . "<span class='nextprev_current' {$NP_STYLE} >" . ($c + 1) . "</span>" . $NP_POST_ACTIVE . "\n";
                            } else {
                                $link = str_replace("[FROM]", $perpage * ($c + $index_add), $url);
                                $nppage .= "<a class='nextprev_link' href='{$link}'>" . ($c + 1) . "</a> \n";
                $nppage .= " ... ";
                if ($current_page + 5 > $total_pages && $current_page != $total_pages) {
                    $tmp = $current_page - 2;
                } else {
                    $tmp = $total_pages - 3;
                for ($c = $tmp; $c <= $total_pages - 1; $c++) {
                    if ($perpage * ($c + $index_add) == $current_start) {
                        $nppage .= $NP_PRE_ACTIVE . "<span class='nextprev_current' {$NP_STYLE} >" . ($c + 1) . "</span>" . $NP_POST_ACTIVE . "\n";
                    } else {
                        $link = str_replace("[FROM]", $perpage * ($c + $index_add), $url);
                        $nppage .= "<a class='nextprev_link' href='{$link}'>" . ($c + 1) . "</a> \n";
            } else {
                for ($c = 0; $c < $total_pages; $c++) {
                    if ($perpage * ($c + $index_add) == $current_start) {
                        $nppage .= $NP_PRE_ACTIVE . "<span class='nextprev_current' {$NP_STYLE} >" . ($c + 1) . "</span>" . $NP_POST_ACTIVE . "\n";
                    } else {
                        $link = str_replace("[FROM]", $perpage * ($c + $index_add), $url);
                        $nppage .= "<a class='nextprev_link' href='{$link}'>" . ($c + 1) . "</a> \n";
            $nppage .= "\n\n<!-- End of Next/Prev -->\n\n";
            return $caption . $nppage;
        // Use NEW nextprev method
        $np_parm['template'] = "<span class='form-group form-inline'>[PREV]&nbsp;&nbsp;[DROPDOWN]&nbsp;&nbsp;[NEXT]<span>";
        $np_parms['prev'] = '&nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;&lt;&nbsp;&nbsp;';
        $np_parms['next'] = '&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt;&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;';
        $np_parms['np_class'] = 'tbox npbutton btn btn-default';
        $np_parms['dropdown_class'] = 'tbox npdropdown form-control';
        $caption = '';
        // legacy has no caption.
        if ($cached_parms = getcachedvars('nextprev')) {
            $tmp = $cached_parms;
            foreach ($tmp as $key => $val) {
                $np_parms[$key] = $val;
        $prev = '';
        $next = '';
        if ($current_page > 1) {
            $prevstart = $current_start - $perpage;
            if (substr($url, 0, 5) == 'url::') {
                $urlParms = explode('::', $url);
                $urlParms[2] = str_replace('[FROM]', $prevstart, $urlParms[2]);
                $link = $e107->url->create($urlParms[1], $urlParms[2], varset($urlParms[3]));
            } else {
                $link = str_replace('[FROM]', $prevstart, $url);
            $prev = "<a class='{$np_parms['np_class']}' style='text-decoration:none' href='{$link}'>{$np_parms['prev']}</a>";
        if ($current_page < $total_pages) {
            $nextstart = $current_start + $perpage;
            if (substr($url, 0, 5) == 'url::') {
                $urlParms = explode('::', $url);
                $urlParms[2] = str_replace('[FROM]', $nextstart, $urlParms[2]);
                $link = $e107->url->create($urlParms[1], $urlParms[2], varset($urlParms[3]));
            } else {
                $link = str_replace('[FROM]', $nextstart, $url);
            $next = "<a class='{$np_parms['np_class']}' style='text-decoration:none' href='{$link}'>{$np_parms['next']}</a>";
        $dropdown = "<select class='{$np_parms['dropdown_class']}' name='pageSelect' onchange='location.href=this.options[selectedIndex].value'>";
        for ($i = 1; $i <= $total_pages; $i++) {
            $sel = '';
            if ($current_page == $i) {
                $sel = " selected='selected' ";
            $newstart = ($i - 1 + $index_add) * $perpage;
            if (substr($url, 0, 5) == 'url::') {
                $urlParms = explode('::', $url);
                $urlParms[2] = str_replace('[FROM]', $newstart, $urlParms[2]);
                $link = $e107->url->create($urlParms[1], $urlParms[2], varset($urlParms[3]));
            } else {
                $link = str_replace('[FROM]', $newstart, $url);
            $c = $i - 1 + $index_add;
            $title = isset($pagetitle[$c]) && $pagetitle[$c] ? $pagetitle[$c] : $i;
            $dropdown .= "<option value='{$link}' {$sel}>{$title}</option>\n";
        $dropdown .= '</select>';
        $ret = $np_parm['template'];
        // Set default
        if (isset($np_parms['template']) && $np_parms['template']) {
            $ret = $np_parms['template'];
            // Use override
        $ret = str_replace('[DROPDOWN]', $dropdown, $ret);
        $ret = str_replace('[PREV]', $prev, $ret);
        $ret = str_replace('[NEXT]', $next, $ret);
        return $caption . $ret;
  * Preferred version of user_extended_getStruct();
 function user_extended_getStruct($orderby = "user_extended_struct_order")
     if ($ueStruct = getcachedvars('ue_struct')) {
         return $ueStruct;
     $tp = e107::getParser();
     $sql_ue = e107::getDb('ue');
     // new db;		// Use our own db to avoid interference with other objects
     $ret = array();
     $parms = "";
     if ($orderby != "") {
         $parms = "1 ORDER BY " . $tp->toDB($orderby, true);
     if ($sql_ue->select('user_extended_struct', '*', $parms)) {
         while ($row = $sql_ue->fetch()) {
             $ret['user_' . $row['user_extended_struct_name']] = $row;
     cachevars('ue_struct', $ret);
     return $ret;
 function get_e_comment()
     if ($this->engine != 'e107') {
         return null;
     $data = getcachedvars('e_comment');
     if ($data !== FALSE) {
         return $data;
     if ($files = e107::getPref('e_comment_list')) {
         foreach ($files as $file => $perms) {
             unset($e_comment, $key);
             include e_PLUGIN . $file . "/e_comment.php";
             if ($e_comment && is_array($e_comment)) {
                 $key = $e_comment['eplug_comment_ids'];
                 if (isset($key) && $key != '') {
                     $data[$key] = $e_comment;
             } else {
                 //convert old method variables into the same array method
                 $key = $e_plug_table;
                 if (isset($key) && $key != '') {
                     $e_comment['eplug_comment_ids'] = $e_plug_table;
                     $e_comment['plugin_name'] = $plugin_name;
                     $e_comment['plugin_path'] = $plugin_path;
                     $e_comment['reply_location'] = $reply_location;
                     $e_comment['db_title'] = $link_name;
                     $e_comment['db_id'] = $db_id;
                     $e_comment['db_table'] = $db_table;
                     $e_comment['qry'] = '';
                     $data[$key] = $e_comment;
         cachevars('e_comment', $data);
         return $data;
 function sc_signature()
     if (!USER) {
         return '';
     global $forum;
     static $forum_sig_shown;
     if ($forum->prefs->get('sig_once')) {
         $_tmp = 'forum_sig_shown_' . $this->postInfo['post_user'];
         if (getcachedvars($_tmp)) {
             return '';
         cachevars($_tmp, 1);
     return $this->postInfo['user_signature'] ? "<br /><hr style='width:15%; text-align:left' /><span class='smalltext'>" . $this->e107->tp->toHTML($this->postInfo['user_signature'], true) . '</span>' : '';
  *	@todo - $plugin_path is undefined - needs to be obtained from somewhere
 function get_plugin_data($plugid)
     if (($tmp = getcachedvars('loginbox_eplug_data_' . $plugid)) !== FALSE) {
         return $tmp;
     $ret = array();
     if (is_readable(e_PLUGIN . $plugin_path . '/plugin.xml')) {
         require_once e_HANDLER . 'xml_class.php';
         $xml = new xmlClass();
         $xml->filter = array('name' => FALSE, 'version' => FALSE);
         // Just want a couple of variables
         $readFile = $xml->loadXMLfile(e_PLUGIN . $plugin_path . '/plugin.xml', true, true);
         $ret['eplug_name'] = defined($readFile['name']) ? constant($readFile['name']) : $readFile['name'];
         $ret['eplug_version'] = $readFile['version'];
     } elseif (is_readable(e_PLUGIN . $plugid . '/plugin.php')) {
         include e_PLUGIN . $plugid . '/plugin.php';
         $ret['eplug_name'] = defined($eplug_name) ? constant($eplug_name) : $eplug_name;
         $ret['eplug_version'] = $eplug_version;
     } else {
         return array();
     // Valid data here
     cachevars('loginbox_eplug_data_' . $plugid, $ret);
     return $ret;
 function sc_userextended_field($parm)
     global $sql, $tp, $usersettings_shortcodes, $extended_showed, $ue, $USEREXTENDED_FIELD, $REQUIRED_FIELD;
     if (isset($extended_showed['field'][$parm])) {
         return "";
     $ret = "";
     $fInfo = getcachedvars("extendeddata_{$parm}");
     if (!$fInfo) {
         $qry = "\n\t\t\tSELECT * FROM #user_extended_struct\n\t\t\tWHERE user_extended_struct_applicable IN (" . $tp->toDB($this->var['userclass_list'], true) . ")\n\t\t\tAND user_extended_struct_write IN (" . USERCLASS_LIST . ")\n\t\t\tAND user_extended_struct_name = '" . $tp->toDB($parm, true) . "'\n\t\t\t";
         if ($sql->db_Select_gen($qry)) {
             $fInfo = $sql->db_Fetch();
     if ($fInfo) {
         $fname = $fInfo['user_extended_struct_text'];
         if (defined($fname)) {
             $fname = constant($fname);
         $fname = $tp->toHTML($fname, "", "emotes_off, defs");
         if ($fInfo['user_extended_struct_required'] == 1) {
             $fname = str_replace("{FIELDNAME}", $fname, $REQUIRED_FIELD);
         $parms = explode("^,^", $fInfo['user_extended_struct_parms']);
         $fhide = "";
         if ($parms[3]) {
             $chk = strpos($this->var['user_hidden_fields'], "^user_" . $parm . "^") === FALSE ? FALSE : TRUE;
             if (isset($_POST['updatesettings'])) {
                 $chk = isset($_POST['hide']['user_' . $parm]);
             $fhide = $ue->user_extended_hide($fInfo, $chk);
         $uVal = str_replace(chr(1), "", $this->var['user_' . $parm]);
         $fval = $ue->user_extended_edit($fInfo, $uVal);
         $ret = $USEREXTENDED_FIELD;
         $ret = str_replace("{FIELDNAME}", $fname, $ret);
         $ret = str_replace("{FIELDVAL}", $fval, $ret);
         $ret = str_replace("{HIDEFIELD}", $fhide, $ret);
     $extended_showed['field'][$parm] = 1;
     return $ret;
 function sc_lm_listnew_link($parm = '')
     $data = getcachedvars('login_menu_data');
     if ($parm == 'href') {
         return $data['listnew_link'];
     return $data['listnew_link'] ? '<a href="' . $data['listnew_link'] . '" class="login_menu_link listnew" id="login_menu_link_listnew">' . LAN_LOGINMENU_24 . '</a>' : '';
 function sc_user_jump_link($parm)
     global $full_perms;
     $sql = e107::getDb();
     if (!$full_perms) {
     $url = e107::getUrl();
     if (!($userjump = getcachedvars('userjump'))) {
         //  $sql->db_Select("user", "user_id, user_name", "`user_id` > ".intval($this->var['user_id'])." AND `user_ban`=0 ORDER BY user_id ASC LIMIT 1 ");
         $sql->db_Select_gen("SELECT user_id, user_name FROM `#user` FORCE INDEX (PRIMARY) WHERE `user_id` > " . intval($this->var['user_id']) . " AND `user_ban`=0 ORDER BY user_id ASC LIMIT 1 ");
         if ($row = $sql->db_Fetch()) {
             $userjump['next']['id'] = $row['user_id'];
             $userjump['next']['name'] = $row['user_name'];
         //  $sql->db_Select("user", "user_id, user_name", "`user_id` < ".intval($this->var['user_id'])." AND `user_ban`=0 ORDER BY user_id DESC LIMIT 1 ");
         $sql->db_Select_gen("SELECT user_id, user_name FROM `#user` FORCE INDEX (PRIMARY) WHERE `user_id` < " . intval($this->var['user_id']) . " AND `user_ban`=0 ORDER BY user_id DESC LIMIT 1 ");
         if ($row = $sql->db_Fetch()) {
             $userjump['prev']['id'] = $row['user_id'];
             $userjump['prev']['name'] = $row['user_name'];
         cachevars('userjump', $userjump);
     if ($parm == 'prev') {
         return isset($userjump['prev']['id']) ? "&lt;&lt; " . LAN_USER_40 . " [ <a href='" . $url->create('user/profile/view', $userjump['prev']) . "'>" . $userjump['prev']['name'] . "</a> ]" : "&nbsp;";
     } else {
         return isset($userjump['next']['id']) ? "[ <a href='" . $url->create('user/profile/view', $userjump['next']) . "'>" . $userjump['next']['name'] . "</a> ] " . LAN_USER_41 . " &gt;&gt;" : "&nbsp;";