echo '<div class="vacancyBox">'; echo '<p><strong>Upcoming Vacancies:</strong><ul>'; while ($thisRow = mysql_fetch_array($vacancy_list, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $shift_date = mktime(0, 0, 0, substr($thisRow['SHIFTID'], 0, 2), substr($thisRow['SHIFTID'], 3, 2), substr($thisRow['SHIFTID'], 6, 2)); if ($shift_date > $today && $shift_date < $two_weeks) { echo '<li type="circle"><a href="' . $path . 'editShift.php?shift=' . $thisRow['SHIFTID'] . '">' . get_shift_name_from_id($thisRow['SHIFTID']) . '</a></li>'; } } echo '</ul></p></div><br>'; } //active applicants // connect(); //Checks all of the volunteers to see if they are within 7 days old, if so add them to $array_New_Volunteers $one_Week = 7; $array_New_Volunteers; $volunteers_within_week = getall_persons(); foreach ($volunteers_within_week as $temp_Week_Volunteer) { $daysAsVolunteer = check_Days_As_Volunteer($temp_Week_Volunteer->get_date_added()); if ($daysAsVolunteer <= $one_Week) { #array_push($array_New_Volunteers, $temp_Week_Volunteer); $array_New_Volunteers[] = $temp_Week_Volunteer; } } //If $array_New_Volunteers has any new volunteers it will display their first and last name, else it will say there are no new volunteers. echo '<div class="applicantsBox"><p><strong>New Volunteers (within a week):</strong><ul>'; if (empty($array_New_Volunteers)) { echo 'There are no new volunteers within the past week.'; } else { //Old way of displaying applicants /* $applicants_tab = getall_applicants(); $numLines = 0;
include 'header.php'; ?> <div id="content"> <!-- your main page data goes here. This is the place to enter content --> <p><strong>View Persons in the Database</strong><br /> To find a specific person, <a href="searchPeople.php">search the database</a>!</p> <?php if ($_SESSION['access_level'] < 1) { //you can only edit your own entry echo '<p>You do not have sufficient permissions to view all persons in the database. You can <a href="searchPeople.php">search</a> or you can '; echo '<a href="personEdit.php?id=' . $_SESSION['_id'] . '">edit</a> your own profile.</p>'; } else { //grab stuff from the db include_once 'database/dbPersons.php'; include_once 'domain/Person.php'; $allPersons = getall_persons(); //the beginnings of not listing all people at once. $i = 0; $num_results = $_GET['num_results']; if (!$num_results) { $num_results = 25; $page_num = 0; } else { $page_num = $_GET['page_num']; } $min_num = $num_results * $page_num; $max_num = $num_results * ($page_num + 1); if (sizeof($allPersons) <= $max_num) { $max_num = sizeof($allPersons); } echo "Viewing results " . ($min_num + 1) . "-" . $max_num . ". Showing ";
*/ ?> <html> <title> Database Sandbox Initialization </title> <body> <?php include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/dbZipCodes.php'; include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/dbPersons.php'; create_dbZipCodes(); /* now add counties to the address of all Maine persons in the database * */ $every_person = getall_persons(); $allpersons = sizeof($every_person); $mainepersons = $countiesadded = 0; foreach ($every_person as $person) { if ($person->get_state() == "ME") { $mainepersons += 1; $countydata = false; if ($person->get_zip() != "") { $countydata = retrieve_dbZipCodes($person->get_zip(), ""); } else { if (!$countydata) { $countydata = retrieve_dbZipCodes("", $person->get_city()); } } if ($countydata) { $person->set_county($countydata[3]);