 public function get_newsletter_form()
     /* BENCHMARK */
     $newsletter_html = '';
     // only make a newsletter form if users who are not site admins are signed in
     /*if ('super_admin'==$this->user['user_type'] or
           'admin_user'==$this->user['user_type'] or
     $attr = array('name' => 'newsletter_form', 'id' => 'newsletter_form', 'class' => 'form');
     $hidden = array('url' => uri_string());
     // reload url
     $newsletter_html .= form_open('newsletter/signup', $attr, $hidden);
     // email field
     $attr = array('name' => 'newsletter_email', 'id' => 'newsletter_email', 'class' => 'form_field', 'placeholder' => 'enter your email ...', 'value' => get_value(null, 'newsletter_email'));
     $newsletter_html .= form_input($attr, '');
     $newsletter_html .= form_input(array('name' => 'phone_number', 'class' => 'phone_number', 'style' => 'position:absolute;top:-10000px;'));
     // submit button
     $attr = array('name' => 'submit', 'id' => 'newsletter_submit', 'class' => 'checkout submit');
     $newsletter_html .= form_submit($attr, 'sign up');
     $newsletter_html .= form_close();
     /* BENCHMARK */
     return $newsletter_html;
  * Standard modular run function.
  * @param  array		A map of parameters.
  * @return tempcode	The result of execution.
 function run($map)
     $room_id = array_key_exists('param', $map) ? intval($map['param']) : NULL;
     $num_messages = array_key_exists('max', $map) ? intval($map['max']) : 5;
     if (is_null($room_id)) {
         $room_id = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value_null_ok('chat_rooms', 'MIN(id)', array('is_im' => 0));
         if (is_null($room_id)) {
             return new ocp_tempcode();
     $room_check = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_select('chat_rooms', array('*'), array('id' => $room_id), '', 1);
     if (!array_key_exists(0, $room_check)) {
         return new ocp_tempcode();
     if (!check_chatroom_access($room_check[0], true)) {
         global $DO_NOT_CACHE_THIS;
         // We don't cache against access, so we have a problem and can't cache
         $DO_NOT_CACHE_THIS = true;
         return new ocp_tempcode();
     $content = NULL;
     if (get_value('no_frames') === '1') {
         $content = shoutbox_script(true, $room_id, $num_messages);
     return do_template('BLOCK_SIDE_SHOUTBOX_IFRAME', array('CONTENT' => $content, 'ROOM_ID' => strval($room_id), 'NUM_MESSAGES' => strval($num_messages)));
  * Standard modular run function.
  * @return array		An array of tuples: The task row to show, the number of seconds until it is due (or NULL if not on a timer), the number of things to sort out (or NULL if not on a queue), The name of the config option that controls the schedule (or NULL if no option).
 function run()
     if (!addon_installed('backup')) {
         return array();
     if (get_option('backup_time', true) == '') {
         return array();
     $limit_hours = intval(get_option('backup_time', true));
     $date = intval(get_value('last_backup'));
     $seconds_ago = mixed();
     if ($date != 0) {
         $seconds_ago = time() - $date;
         $status = intval($seconds_ago) > $limit_hours * 60 * 60 ? 0 : 1;
     } else {
         $status = 0;
     $_status = $status == 0 ? do_template('BLOCK_MAIN_STAFF_CHECKLIST_ITEM_STATUS_0') : do_template('BLOCK_MAIN_STAFF_CHECKLIST_ITEM_STATUS_1');
     $config_row = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_select('config', array('the_page', 'section'), array('the_name' => 'backup_time'), '', 1);
     if (array_key_exists(0, $config_row)) {
         $_config_url = build_url(array('page' => 'admin_config', 'type' => 'category', 'id' => $config_row[0]['the_page']), get_module_zone('admin_config'));
         $config_url = $_config_url->evaluate();
         $config_url .= '#group_' . $config_row[0]['section'];
     } else {
         $config_url = NULL;
     $url = build_url(array('page' => 'admin_backup', 'type' => 'misc'), 'adminzone');
     list($info, $seconds_due_in) = staff_checklist_time_ago_and_due($seconds_ago, $limit_hours);
     $tpl = do_template('BLOCK_MAIN_STAFF_CHECKLIST_ITEM', array('_GUID' => '432685ec6c9f7548ce8b488b6ce00030', 'CONFIG_URL' => $config_url, 'URL' => $url, 'STATUS' => $_status, 'TASK' => do_lang_tempcode('BACKUP'), 'INFO' => $info));
     return array(array($tpl, $seconds_due_in, NULL, 'backup_time'));
  * Standard modular run function.
  * @param  array		A map of parameters.
  * @return tempcode	The result of execution.
 function run($map)
     // The counter we're using
     $name = array_key_exists('param', $map) ? $map['param'] : '';
     if ($name == '-') {
         $name = get_page_name() . ':' . get_param('type', 'misc') . ':' . get_param('id', '');
     if ($name == '') {
         $name = 'hits';
     $start = array_key_exists('start', $map) ? intval($map['start']) : 0;
     // Set it if it's not already
     $_current_value = get_value($name);
     if (is_null($_current_value)) {
         set_value($name, strval($start));
         $current_value = $start;
     } else {
         $current_value = intval($_current_value);
         if ($start > $current_value) {
             $current_value = $start;
             set_value($name, strval($current_value));
     // Hit counter?
     $hit_count = array_key_exists('hit_count', $map) ? intval($map['hit_count']) : 1;
     if ($hit_count == 1) {
         update_stat($name, 1);
     return do_template('MAIN_COUNT', array('NAME' => $name, 'VALUE' => strval($current_value)));
  * Standard modular run function for CRON hooks. Searches for tasks to perform.
 function run()
     if (get_value('implicit_usergroup_sync') === '1') {
         $last = get_value('last_implicit_sync');
         if (is_null($last) || intval($last) < time() - 60 * 60) {
             $hooks = find_all_hooks('systems', 'ocf_implicit_usergroups');
             foreach (array_keys($hooks) as $hook) {
                 require_code('hooks/systems/ocf_implicit_usergroups/' . $hook);
                 $ob = object_factory('Hook_implicit_usergroups_' . $hook);
                 $group_id = $ob->get_bound_group_id();
                 $GLOBALS['FORUM_DB']->query_delete('f_group_members', array('gm_group_id' => $group_id));
                 $list = $ob->get_member_list();
                 if (!is_null($list)) {
                     foreach ($list as $member_row) {
                         $GLOBALS['FORUM_DB']->query_insert('f_group_members', array('gm_group_id' => $group_id, 'gm_member_id' => $member_row['id'], 'gm_validated' => 1));
                 } else {
                     $start = 0;
                     do {
                         $members = collapse_1d_complexity('id', $GLOBALS['FORUM_DB']->query_select('f_members', array('id'), NULL, '', 400, $start));
                         foreach ($members as $member_id) {
                             if ($ob->is_member_within($member_id)) {
                                 $GLOBALS['FORUM_DB']->query_insert('f_group_members', array('gm_group_id' => $group_id, 'gm_member_id' => $member_id, 'gm_validated' => 1));
                         $start += 400;
                     } while (count($members) == 400);
             set_value('last_implicit_sync', strval(time()));
function get_value($indexes, $arrayToAccess)
    if (count($indexes) > 1) {
        return get_value(array_slice($indexes, 1), $arrayToAccess[$indexes[0]]);
    return $arrayToAccess[$indexes[0]];
  * Standard modular run function for CRON hooks. Searches for tasks to perform.
 function run()
     if (get_forum_type() != 'ocf') {
     $time = time();
     $last_time = intval(get_value('last_confirm_reminder_time'));
     if ($last_time > time() - 24 * 60 * 60 * 2) {
     set_value('last_confirm_reminder_time', strval($time));
     $GLOBALS['NO_DB_SCOPE_CHECK'] = true;
     $rows = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query('SELECT * FROM ' . $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->get_table_prefix() . 'f_members WHERE ' . db_string_not_equal_to('m_validated_email_confirm_code', '') . ' AND m_join_time>' . strval($last_time));
     $GLOBALS['NO_DB_SCOPE_CHECK'] = false;
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
         $coppa = get_option('is_on_coppa') == '1' && utctime_to_usertime(time() - mktime(0, 0, 0, $row['m_dob_month'], $row['m_dob_day'], $row['m_dob_year'])) / 31536000.0 < 13.0;
         if (!$coppa) {
             $zone = get_module_zone('join');
             if ($zone != '') {
                 $zone .= '/';
             $url = get_base_url() . '/' . $zone . 'index.php?page=join&type=step4&email=' . rawurlencode($row['m_email_address']) . '&code=' . $row['m_validated_email_confirm_code'];
             $url_simple = get_base_url() . '/' . $zone . 'index.php?page=join&type=step4';
             $message = do_lang('OCF_SIGNUP_TEXT', comcode_escape(get_site_name()), comcode_escape($url), array($url_simple, $row['m_email_address'], strval($row['m_validated_email_confirm_code'])), $row['m_language']);
             mail_wrap(do_lang('CONFIRM_EMAIL_SUBJECT', get_site_name(), NULL, NULL, $row['m_language']), $message, array($row['m_email_address']), $row['m_username']);
  * Standard modular run function.
  * @return array		An array of tuples: The task row to show, the number of seconds until it is due (or NULL if not on a timer), the number of things to sort out (or NULL if not on a queue), The name of the config option that controls the schedule (or NULL if no option).
 function run()
     if (!addon_installed('newsletter')) {
         return array();
     if (get_option('news_update_time', true) == '') {
         return array();
     $limit_hours = intval(get_option('news_update_time', true));
     $limit_hours = intval($limit_hours / 3);
     // 3 news pieces (+ other stuff) per newsletter seems reasonable
     $date = get_value('newsletter_send_time');
     $seconds_ago = mixed();
     if (!is_null($date)) {
         $seconds_ago = time() - intval($date);
         $status = $seconds_ago > $limit_hours * 60 * 60 ? 0 : 1;
     } else {
         $status = 0;
     $_status = $status == 0 ? do_template('BLOCK_MAIN_STAFF_CHECKLIST_ITEM_STATUS_0') : do_template('BLOCK_MAIN_STAFF_CHECKLIST_ITEM_STATUS_1');
     $config_row = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_select('config', array('the_page', 'section'), array('the_name' => 'news_update_time'), '', 1);
     if (array_key_exists(0, $config_row)) {
         $_config_url = build_url(array('page' => 'admin_config', 'type' => 'category', 'id' => $config_row[0]['the_page']), get_module_zone('admin_config'));
         $config_url = $_config_url->evaluate();
         $config_url .= '#group_' . $config_row[0]['section'];
     } else {
         $config_url = NULL;
     $url = build_url(array('page' => 'admin_newsletter', 'type' => 'whatsnew'), 'adminzone');
     list($info, $seconds_due_in) = staff_checklist_time_ago_and_due($seconds_ago, $limit_hours);
     $tpl = do_template('BLOCK_MAIN_STAFF_CHECKLIST_ITEM', array('_GUID' => 'fb9483bb05ad90b9f2b7eba0c53996f4', 'CONFIG_URL' => $config_url, 'URL' => $url, 'STATUS' => $_status, 'TASK' => do_lang_tempcode('NEWSLETTER_SEND'), 'INFO' => $info));
     return array(array($tpl, $seconds_due_in, NULL, 'news_update_time'));
文件: utils.php 项目: kadimi/tijara
function header_social_links()
    $social_links = tijara_option('social_links');
    if (!is_array($social_links)) {
     * Social sites to font icon reference
     * Example:
     * $social_domains['google'] = ''
     * Note:
     * If no corresponding value is found for a social site,
     * the domain without extention will be used (e.g.: twitter, facebook...)
    $social_domains = array('google' => array('google-plus', 'Google+'), 'facebook' => array('facebook', 'Facebook'), 'flickr' => array('flickr', 'Flickr'), 'instagram' => array('instagram', 'Instagram'), 'linkedin' => array('linkedin', 'LinkedIn'), 'pinterest' => array('pinterest', 'Pinterest'), 'skype' => array('skype', 'Skype'), 'twitter' => array('twitter', 'Twitter'), 'vimeo' => array('vimeo', 'Vimeo'), 'vk' => array('vk', 'VKontakte'), 'youtube' => array('youtube', 'YouTube'));
    foreach ($social_links as $social_link) {
        // Get link domain
        $social_domain = str_replace('www.', '', get_value(parse_url($social_link), 'host'));
        // Automatic slug
        $social_domain_no_ext = array_shift(preg_split('/(?=\\.[^.]+$)/', $social_domain));
        // Slug from referece
        if (isset($social_domains[$social_domain_no_ext])) {
            $social_slug = $social_domains[$social_domain_no_ext][0];
            $social_service = $social_domains[$social_domain_no_ext][1];
        } else {
            $social_slug = 'question-circle';
        echo "<a title = \"" . sprintf(__('Follow on %s', 'tijara'), $social_service) . "\" href=\"{$social_link}\" ><i class=\"{$social_slug} fa fa-{$social_slug}\"></i></a> ";
 public function display_messages()
     if (empty($this->messages)) {
     $last_message_level = null;
     foreach ($this->messages as $message) {
         $css_class = get_value($message->level, $this->message_css_classes, '');
         if ($message->level != $last_message_level) {
             if (!empty($last_message_level)) {
                 echo '</div>';
             echo '<div class="' . $css_class . '">';
             $message_header = $this->get_message_header($message->level);
             if (!empty($message_header)) {
                 echo '<h4 class="wc_aelia message_header">';
                 echo $message_header;
                 echo '</h4>';
         $output_msg = empty($message->code) ? '' : $message->code . ' ';
         $output_msg .= $message->message;
         echo '<p class="wc_aelia message">';
         echo $output_msg;
         echo '</p>';
         $last_message_level = $message->level;
     echo '</div>';
  * Standard modular run function for OcCLE notification hooks.
  * @param  ?integer	The "current" time on which to base queries (NULL: now)
  * @return ~array		Array of section, type and message responses (false: nothing)
 function run($timestamp = NULL)
     if (!addon_installed('chat')) {
         return false;
     if (!is_null(get_value('occle_watched_chatroom'))) {
         if (is_null($timestamp)) {
             $timestamp = time();
         $room = intval(get_value('occle_watched_chatroom'));
         $room_messages = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query('SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM ' . get_table_prefix() . 'chat_messages WHERE room_id=' . strval($room) . ' AND date_and_time>=' . strval((int) $timestamp));
         if (!array_key_exists(0, $room_messages)) {
             return false;
         if ($room_messages[0]['cnt'] > 0) {
             $rooms = array();
             $messages = $room_messages[0]['cnt'];
             $room_data = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value_null_ok('chat_rooms', 'room_name', array('id' => $room));
             if (is_null($room_data)) {
                 return false;
             // Selected room deleted
             $rooms[$room_data] = build_url(array('page' => 'chat', 'type' => 'room', 'id' => $room), get_module_zone('chat'));
             return array(do_lang('SECTION_CHAT'), do_lang('NEW_MESSAGES'), do_template('OCCLE_CHAT_NOTIFICATION', array('MESSAGE_COUNT' => integer_format($messages), 'ROOMS' => $rooms)));
         } else {
             return false;
     } else {
         return false;
  * Standard modular run function for OcCLE hooks.
  * @param  array	The options with which the command was called
  * @param  array	The parameters with which the command was called
  * @param  array	A reference to the OcCLE filesystem object
  * @return array	Array of stdcommand, stdhtml, stdout, and stderr responses
 function run($options, $parameters, &$occle_fs)
     if (array_key_exists('h', $options) || array_key_exists('help', $options)) {
         return array('', do_command_help('watch_chatroom', array('h', 'u'), array(true)), '', '');
     } else {
         if (array_key_exists('u', $options) || array_key_exists('unwatch', $options)) {
             $_chatroom = do_lang('SUCCESS');
         } elseif (array_key_exists(0, $parameters)) {
             if (is_numeric($parameters[0])) {
                 $chatroom = $parameters[0];
             } else {
                 $chatroom = get_chatroom_id($parameters[0]);
             if (is_null($chatroom)) {
                 return array('', '', '', do_lang('MISSING_RESOURCE'));
             set_value('occle_watched_chatroom', $chatroom);
             $_chatroom = get_chatroom_name($chatroom);
         } else {
             $_chatroom = get_chatroom_name(intval(get_value('occle_watched_chatroom')), true);
             if (is_null($_chatroom)) {
                 return array('', '', '', do_lang('MISSING_RESOURCE'));
         return array('', '', $_chatroom, '');
function custom_menu_tree($menus = array())
    $html = '';
    // Build all application menus in a tree format
    foreach ($menus as $menu) {
        // Check if this menu has children
        $count_menu_children = count(get_value($menu, 'children'));
        // Build a single line menu
        $html .= '<li id="menu-item-' . get_value($menu, 'id_menu') . '" class="dd-item dd3-item" data-id="' . get_value($menu, 'id_menu') . '" order="' . get_value($menu, 'order_') . '">';
        $html .= '<div class="dd-handle dd3-handle"></div>';
        $html .= '<div class="dd3-content">';
        $class = get_value($menu, 'dtt_inative') != '' ? 'text-error' : '';
        $img = image(get_value($menu, 'url_img'));
        $label = get_value($menu, 'url_img') == '' && get_value($menu, 'label') == '' ? '[NO NAME]' : lang(get_value($menu, 'label'));
        $html .= '<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="menu-label ' . $class . '" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#modal-menu-' . get_value($menu, 'id_menu') . '">' . $img . ' ' . $label . '</a>';
        $html .= '<i class="text-success fa fa-fw fa-check-circle" style="display: none; margin-left: 5px"></i>';
        $html .= '<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="menu-delete pull-right hidden"><i class="fa fa-trash fa-fw"></i></a>';
        $html .= '</div>';
        // If current menu has children items, then build all again
        if ($count_menu_children > 0) {
            $html .= '<ol class="dd-list">' . custom_menu_tree(get_value($menu, 'children')) . '</ol>';
        $html .= '</li>';
    return $html;
  * Standard modular run function for OcCLE hooks.
  * @param  array	The options with which the command was called
  * @param  array	The parameters with which the command was called
  * @param  array	A reference to the OcCLE filesystem object
  * @return array	Array of stdcommand, stdhtml, stdout, and stderr responses
 function run($options, $parameters, &$occle_fs)
     if (array_key_exists('h', $options) || array_key_exists('help', $options)) {
         return array('', do_command_help('send_chatmessage', array('h'), array(true, true)), '', '');
     } else {
         if (!array_key_exists(0, $parameters)) {
             return array('', '', '', do_lang('MISSING_PARAM', '1', 'send_chatmessage'));
         if (!array_key_exists(1, $parameters)) {
             return array('', '', '', do_lang('MISSING_PARAM', '2', 'send_chatmessage'));
         if (is_numeric($parameters[0])) {
             $chatroom = $parameters[0];
         } elseif ($parameters[0] == 'first-watched') {
             $_chatroom = get_value('occle_watched_chatroom');
             $chatroom = is_null($_chatroom) ? $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value_null_ok('chat_rooms', 'id', NULL, 'ORDER BY id') : intval($_chatroom);
         } else {
             $chatroom = get_chatroom_id($parameters[0]);
         if (is_null($chatroom)) {
             return array('', '', '', do_lang('MISSING_RESOURCE'));
         chat_post_message($chatroom, $parameters[1], get_option('chat_default_post_font'), get_option('chat_default_post_colour'));
         return array('', '', do_lang('SUCCESS'), '');
function build_menu($menus = array())
    // Check if current level is parent
    $current_line = isset($menus[0]) ? $menus[0] : array();
    $root_level = get_value($current_line, 'id_menu_parent') <= 0 ? true : false;
    if (count($menus) > 0) {
        foreach ($menus as $menu) {
            // DEBUG:
            // print_r($menu);
            // Counting children menu
            $count_menu_children = count(get_value($menu, 'children'));
            // Build a link
            $link = tag_replace(get_value($menu, 'link'));
            $target = get_value($menu, 'target') != '' ? ' target="' . tag_replace(get_value($menu, 'target')) . '" ' : '';
            $label = lang(get_value($menu, 'label'));
            $img = image(get_value($menu, 'url_img'));
            // Build a single line menu
            if ($count_menu_children > 0) {
                $class = $root_level ? 'dropdown' : 'dropdown dropdown-submenu';
                $caret = $root_level ? '<span class="caret"></span>' : '';
				<li class="<?php 
                echo $class;
					<a href="<?php 
                echo $link;
" <?php 
                echo $target;
 class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">
                echo $img . ' ' . $label . $caret;
					<ul class="dropdown-menu"><?php 
                build_menu(get_value($menu, 'children'));
            } else {
				<li><a href="<?php 
                echo $link;
" <?php 
                echo $target;
                echo $img . ' ' . $label;
  * Find what field types this hook can serve. This method only needs to be defined if it is not serving a single field type with a name corresponding to the hook itself.
  * @return array			Map of field type to field type title
 function get_field_types()
     $ret = array('short_text' => do_lang_tempcode('FIELD_TYPE_short_text'));
     if (get_value('html5') === '1') {
         $ret += array('tel' => do_lang_tempcode('FIELD_TYPE_tel'));
     return $ret;
 * Get the tempcode for the form to add a banner, with the information passed along to it via the parameters already added in.
 * @param  boolean			Whether to simplify the banner interface (for the point-store buy process)
 * @param  ID_TEXT			The name of the banner
 * @param  URLPATH			The URL to the banner image
 * @param  URLPATH			The URL to the site the banner leads to
 * @param  SHORT_TEXT		The caption of the banner
 * @param  LONG_TEXT			Any notes associated with the banner
 * @param  integer			The banners "importance modulus"
 * @range  1 max
 * @param  ?integer			The number of hits the banner may have (NULL: not applicable for this banner type)
 * @range  0 max
 * @param  SHORT_INTEGER	The type of banner (0=permanent, 1=campaign, 2=default)
 * @set    0 1 2
 * @param  ?TIME				The banner expiry date (NULL: never expires)
 * @param  ?ID_TEXT			The username of the banners submitter (NULL: current member)
 * @param  BINARY				Whether the banner has been validated
 * @param  ID_TEXT			The banner type (can be anything, where blank means 'normal')
 * @param  SHORT_TEXT		The title text for the banner (only used for text banners, and functions as the 'trigger text' if the banner type is shown inline)
 * @return tempcode			The input field tempcode
function get_banner_form_fields($simplified = false, $name = '', $image_url = '', $site_url = '', $caption = '', $notes = '', $importancemodulus = 3, $campaignremaining = 50, $the_type = 1, $expiry_date = NULL, $submitter = NULL, $validated = 1, $b_type = '', $title_text = '')
    $fields = new ocp_tempcode();
    $fields->attach(form_input_codename(do_lang_tempcode('CODENAME'), do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION_BANNER_NAME'), 'name', $name, true));
    $fields->attach(form_input_line(do_lang_tempcode('DESTINATION_URL'), do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION_BANNER_URL'), 'site_url', $site_url, false));
    // Blank implies iframe
    if (!$simplified) {
        $types = nice_get_banner_types($b_type);
        if ($types->is_empty()) {
        $fields->attach(form_input_list(do_lang_tempcode('_BANNER_TYPE'), do_lang_tempcode('_DESCRIPTION_BANNER_TYPE'), 'b_type', $types, NULL, false, false));
    } else {
        $fields->attach(form_input_hidden('b_type', $b_type));
    if (has_specific_permission(get_member(), 'full_banner_setup')) {
        $fields->attach(form_input_username(do_lang_tempcode('OWNER'), do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION_SUBMITTER'), 'submitter', is_null($submitter) ? $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_username(get_member()) : $submitter, false));
    if (get_value('disable_staff_notes') !== '1') {
        $fields->attach(form_input_text(do_lang_tempcode('NOTES'), do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION_NOTES'), 'notes', $notes, false));
    if (has_specific_permission(get_member(), 'bypass_validation_midrange_content', 'cms_banners')) {
        if ($validated == 0) {
            $validated = get_param_integer('validated', 0);
            if ($validated == 1) {
        if (addon_installed('unvalidated')) {
            $fields->attach(form_input_tick(do_lang_tempcode('VALIDATED'), do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION_VALIDATED'), 'validated', $validated == 1));
    $fields->attach(do_template('FORM_SCREEN_FIELD_SPACER', array('TITLE' => do_lang_tempcode('SOURCE_MEDIA'))));
    $fields->attach(form_input_upload(do_lang_tempcode('UPLOAD'), do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION_UPLOAD_BANNER'), 'file', false, NULL, NULL, true, str_replace(' ', '', get_option('valid_images') . ',swf')));
    $fields->attach(form_input_line(do_lang_tempcode('ALT_FIELD', do_lang_tempcode('IMAGE_URL')), do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION_URL_BANNER'), 'image_url', $image_url, false));
    $fields->attach(form_input_line_comcode(do_lang_tempcode('BANNER_TITLE_TEXT'), do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION_BANNER_TITLE_TEXT'), 'title_text', $title_text, false));
    $fields->attach(form_input_line_comcode(do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION'), do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION_BANNER_DESCRIPTION'), 'caption', $caption, false));
    $fields->attach(do_template('FORM_SCREEN_FIELD_SPACER', array('TITLE' => do_lang_tempcode('DEPLOYMENT_DETERMINATION'))));
    if (has_specific_permission(get_member(), 'full_banner_setup')) {
        $radios = new ocp_tempcode();
        $radios->attach(form_input_radio_entry('the_type', strval(BANNER_PERMANENT), $the_type == BANNER_PERMANENT, do_lang_tempcode('BANNER_PERMANENT')));
        $radios->attach(form_input_radio_entry('the_type', strval(BANNER_CAMPAIGN), $the_type == BANNER_CAMPAIGN, do_lang_tempcode('BANNER_CAMPAIGN')));
        $radios->attach(form_input_radio_entry('the_type', strval(BANNER_DEFAULT), $the_type == BANNER_DEFAULT, do_lang_tempcode('BANNER_DEFAULT')));
        $fields->attach(form_input_radio(do_lang_tempcode('DEPLOYMENT_AGREEMENT'), do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION_BANNER_TYPE'), 'the_type', $radios));
        $fields->attach(form_input_integer(do_lang_tempcode('HITS_ALLOCATED'), do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION_HITS_ALLOCATED'), 'campaignremaining', $campaignremaining, false));
        $total_importance = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value_null_ok_full('SELECT SUM(importance_modulus) FROM ' . get_table_prefix() . 'banners WHERE ' . db_string_not_equal_to('name', $name));
        if (is_null($total_importance)) {
            $total_importance = 0;
        $fields->attach(form_input_integer(do_lang_tempcode('IMPORTANCE_MODULUS'), do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION_IMPORTANCE_MODULUS', strval($total_importance), strval($importancemodulus)), 'importancemodulus', $importancemodulus, true));
    $fields->attach(form_input_date(do_lang_tempcode('EXPIRY_DATE'), do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION_EXPIRY_DATE'), 'expiry_date', true, is_null($expiry_date), true, $expiry_date, 2));
    return $fields;
  * Intercepts the data about to be passed to KISSMetrics, replacing the order
  * totals with their counterpart in base currency.
  * @param array kissmetrics_properties The data to be passed to KISSMetrics.
  * @return array
 public function wc_kissmetrics_completed_purchase_properties($kissmetrics_properties)
     $order_id = get_value('order_id', $kissmetrics_properties);
     if (!empty($order_id)) {
         $order = new Aelia_Order($order_id);
         $kissmetrics_properties['order_total'] = $order->get_total_in_base_currency();
         $kissmetrics_properties['shipping_total'] = $order->get_shipping_in_base_currency();
     return $kissmetrics_properties;
  * Standard modular run function for attachment hooks. They see if permission to an attachment of an ID relating to this content is present for the current member.
  * @param  ID_TEXT		The ID
  * @param  object			The database connection to check on
  * @return boolean		Whether there is permission
 function run($id, $connection)
     $info = $connection->query_select('catalogue_entries', array('c_name', 'cc_id'), array('id' => intval($id)), '', 1);
     if (!array_key_exists(0, $info)) {
         return false;
     if (!has_category_access(get_member(), 'catalogues_catalogue', $info[0]['c_name'])) {
         return false;
     return get_value('disable_cat_cat_perms') === '1' || has_category_access(get_member(), 'catalogues_category', strval($info[0]['cc_id']));
  * Standard modular run function.
  * @param  array		A map of parameters.
  * @return tempcode	The result of execution.
 function run($map)
     if (get_value('no_frames') === '1') {
         return staff_tips_script(true);
     return do_template('BLOCK_MAIN_STAFF_TIPS_IFRAME');
  * Returns current plugin settings, or the value a specific setting.
  * @param string key If specified, method will return only the setting identified
  * by the key.
  * @param mixed default The default value to return if the setting requested
  * via the "key" argument is not found.
  * @return array|mixed The plugin settings, or the value of the specified
  * setting.
 public function current_settings($key = null, $default = null)
     if (empty($this->_current_settings)) {
         $this->_current_settings = $this->load();
     if (empty($key)) {
         return $this->_current_settings;
     } else {
         return get_value($key, $this->_current_settings, $default);
function db_get_template($tpl_name, &$tpl_source, &$smarty_obj)
    global $db;
    global $thulit;
    $set = db_get("select id from data where name_id='" . $tpl_name . "' and node_type='template'");
    if ($arr = $set->fetchRow()) {
        $tpl_source = get_value($arr['id'], $thulit['lang']);
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;
 public function adicionarTerreno($id_personagem, $id_cidade, $terreno)
     $query = "\n            SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'quantidade'\n            FROM personagem_terreno\n            WHERE id_personagem = '" . do_escape($id_personagem) . "'\n            AND id_cidade = '" . do_escape($id_cidade) . "'\n        ";
     $quantidade = get_value($query, 'quantidade');
     if ($quantidade > 0) {
         $query = "\n                UPDATE personagem_terreno SET\n                    terreno = terreno + " . do_escape($terreno) . "\n                WHERE id_personagem = '" . do_escape($id_personagem) . "'\n                AND id_cidade = '" . do_escape($id_cidade) . "'\n            ";
     } else {
         $query = "\n                INSERT INTO personagem_terreno (\n                    id_personagem,\n                    id_cidade,\n                    terreno\n                ) VALUES (\n                    '" . do_escape($id_personagem) . "',\n                    '" . do_escape($id_cidade) . "',\n                    '" . do_escape($terreno) . "'\n                )\n            ";
  * @param string $key
  * @param mixed  $default
  * @param string $castTo
  * @return mixed
 protected function getValue($key, $default = null, $castTo = null)
     $value = get_value($key, $default, $this->values);
     if ($castTo) {
         if (method_exists($this, 'cast')) {
             $value = $this->cast($value, $castTo);
         } else {
             throw new \LogicException('Casting is not supported.');
     return $value;
  * Standard modular run function for CRON hooks. Searches for tasks to perform.
 function run()
     //if (!addon_installed('octhief')) return;
     // ensure it is done once per week
     $time = time();
     $last_time = intval(get_value('last_insult_time'));
     if ($last_time > time() - 24 * 60 * 60) {
     // run it once a day
     set_value('last_insult_time', strval($time));
     // how many points a correct response will give
     $_insult_points = get_option('insult_points', true);
     if (is_null($_insult_points)) {
         // add option and default value if not installed yet
         add_config_option('INSULT_POINTS', 'insult_points', 'integer', 'return \'10\';', 'POINTS', 'INSULT_TITLE');
     $insult_points = isset($_insult_points) && is_numeric($_insult_points) ? intval($_insult_points) : 10;
     // who to insult?
     $selected_members = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DB']->query('SELECT id FROM ' . $GLOBALS['FORUM_DB']->get_table_prefix() . 'f_members WHERE  id <> ' . strval($GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_guest_id()) . ' ORDER BY RAND( ) ', 2, NULL, true);
     $selected_member1 = isset($selected_members[0]['id']) && $selected_members[0]['id'] > 0 ? $selected_members[0]['id'] : 0;
     $selected_member2 = isset($selected_members[1]['id']) && $selected_members[1]['id'] > 0 ? $selected_members[1]['id'] : 0;
     // send insult to picked members
     if ($selected_member1 != 0 && $selected_member2 != 0) {
         $get_insult = '';
         if (is_file(get_file_base() . '/text_custom/' . user_lang() . '/insults.txt')) {
             $insults = file(get_file_base() . '/text_custom/' . user_lang() . '/insults.txt');
             $insults_array = array();
             foreach ($insults as $insult) {
                 $x = explode('=', $insult);
                 $insults_array[] = $x[0];
             $rand_key = array_rand($insults_array, 1);
             $rand_key = is_array($rand_key) ? $rand_key[0] : $rand_key;
             $get_insult = $insults_array[$rand_key];
         if ($get_insult != '') {
             global $SITE_INFO;
             $insult_pt_topic_post = do_lang('INSULT_EXPLANATION', get_site_name(), $get_insult, $insult_points);
             $subject = do_lang('INSULT_PT_TOPIC', $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_username($selected_member2), $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_username($selected_member1));
             $topic_id = ocf_make_topic(NULL, $subject, '', 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, $selected_member2, $selected_member1, true, 0, NULL, '');
             $post_id = ocf_make_post($topic_id, $subject, $insult_pt_topic_post, 0, true, 1, 0, do_lang('SYSTEM'), NULL, NULL, $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_guest_id(), NULL, NULL, NULL, false, true, NULL, true, $subject, 0, NULL, true, true, true);
             send_pt_notification($post_id, $subject, $topic_id, $selected_member2, $selected_member1);
  * Standard modular run function for CRON hooks. Searches for tasks to perform.
 function run()
     if (!addon_installed('catalogues')) {
     $last = get_value('last_classified_refresh');
     $time = time();
     if (!is_null($last) && intval($last) > $time - 60 * 60) {
     // Don't do more than once per hour
     if (function_exists('set_time_limit')) {
     $start = 0;
     do {
         $entries = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_select('catalogue_entries e JOIN ' . get_table_prefix() . 'classifieds_prices p ON p.c_catalogue_name=e.c_name', array('e.*'), array('ce_validated' => 1), '', 1000, $start);
         foreach ($entries as $entry) {
             if ($entry['ce_last_moved'] == $entry['ce_add_date']) {
             // Expiring
             if ($entry['ce_last_moved'] < $time) {
                 $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_update('catalogue_entries', array('ce_validated' => 0), array('id' => $entry['id']), '', 1);
             } elseif ($entry['ce_last_moved'] < $time + 60 * 60 * 24 && $entry['ce_last_moved'] > $time + 60 * 60 * 23) {
                 // Expiring in 24 hours
                 $member_id = $entry['ce_submitter'];
                 $renew_url = build_url(array('page' => 'classifieds', 'type' => 'adverts', 'id' => $member_id), get_module_zone('classifieds'));
                 $data_map = get_catalogue_entry_map($entry, NULL, 'CATEGORY', 'DEFAULT', NULL, NULL, array(0));
                 $ad_title = $data_map['FIELD_0_PLAIN'];
                 if (is_object($ad_title)) {
                     $ad_title = $ad_title->evaluate();
                 $subject_tag = do_lang('SUBJECT_CLASSIFIED_ADVERT_EXPIRING', $ad_title, get_site_name(), NULL, get_lang($member_id), false);
                 $mail = do_lang('MAIL_CLASSIFIED_ADVERT_EXPIRING', $ad_title, comcode_escape(get_site_name()), comcode_escape($renew_url->evaluate()), get_lang($member_id), false);
                 // Send actual notification
                 dispatch_notification('classifieds__' . $entry['c_name'], '', $subject_tag, $mail, array($member_id), A_FROM_SYSTEM_PRIVILEGED);
     } while (count($entries) == 1000);
     set_value('last_classified_refresh', strval($time));
function get_amount_rights()
    $payrights = get_value('payrights');
    if ($payrights == '') {
        $amount = get_value('amount');
        $eff = get_eff_value();
        if ($amount == '') {
            return '';
        return $amount * $eff / 100;
    } else {
        return $payrights;
 public function search($params, $order, $page)
     $fields = 'user_id, user_name, true_name, bid, uposition, is_admin, create_uname, create_time';
     $where = array(array('is_del', '0'), array('user_name', get_value($params, 'user_name'), 'like'), array('true_name', get_value($params, 'true_name'), 'like'), array('uposition', get_value($params, 'uposition'), 'like'), array('is_admin', get_value($params, 'is_admin')));
     $result = $this->db->get_page($this->table, $fields, $where, $order, $page);
     $this->load->model('sys/branch_model', 'branch_model');
     $CI =& get_instance();
     foreach ($result['rows'] as $k => $v) {
         if ($bname = $CI->branch_model->get_name_by_id($v['bid'])) {
             $result['rows'][$k]['bname'] = $bname;
     return $result;
  * The UI for managing super debranding.
  * @return tempcode		The UI
 function misc()
     $title = get_page_title('SUPER_DEBRAND');
     $rebrand_name = get_value('rebrand_name');
     if (is_null($rebrand_name)) {
         $rebrand_name = 'ocPortal';
     $rebrand_base_url = get_value('rebrand_base_url');
     if (is_null($rebrand_base_url)) {
         $rebrand_base_url = 'http://ocportal.com';
     $company_name = get_value('company_name');
     if (is_null($company_name)) {
         $company_name = 'ocProducts';
     $keyboard_map = file_exists(get_file_base() . '/pages/comcode/' . get_site_default_lang() . '/keymap.txt') ? file_get_contents(get_file_base() . '/pages/comcode/' . get_site_default_lang() . '/keymap.txt') : file_get_contents(get_file_base() . '/pages/comcode/' . fallback_lang() . '/keymap.txt');
     if (file_exists(get_file_base() . '/pages/comcode_custom/' . get_site_default_lang() . '/keymap.txt')) {
         $keyboard_map = file_get_contents(get_file_base() . '/pages/comcode_custom/' . get_site_default_lang() . '/keymap.txt');
     if (file_exists(get_file_base() . '/adminzone/pages/comcode_custom/' . get_site_default_lang() . '/website.txt')) {
         $adminguide = file_get_contents(get_file_base() . '/adminzone/pages/comcode_custom/' . get_site_default_lang() . '/website.txt');
     } else {
         $adminguide = do_lang('ADMINGUIDE_DEFAULT_TRAINING');
     if (file_exists(get_file_base() . '/adminzone/pages/comcode_custom/' . get_site_default_lang() . '/start.txt')) {
         $start_page = file_get_contents(get_file_base() . '/adminzone/pages/comcode_custom/' . get_site_default_lang() . '/start.txt');
     } elseif (file_exists(get_file_base() . '/adminzone/pages/comcode/' . get_site_default_lang() . '/start.txt')) {
         $start_page = file_exists(get_file_base() . '/adminzone/pages/comcode/' . get_site_default_lang() . '/start.txt') ? file_get_contents(get_file_base() . '/adminzone/pages/comcode/' . get_site_default_lang() . '/start.txt') : file_get_contents(get_file_base() . '/adminzone/pages/comcode/' . fallback_lang() . '/start.txt');
     } else {
         $start_page = do_lang('REBRAND_FRONT_PAGE');
     $fields = new ocp_tempcode();
     $fields->attach(form_input_line(do_lang_tempcode('REBRAND_NAME'), do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION_REBRAND_NAME'), 'rebrand_name', $rebrand_name, true));
     $fields->attach(form_input_line(do_lang_tempcode('REBRAND_BASE_URL'), do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION_BRAND_BASE_URL', escape_html('docs' . strval(ocp_version()))), 'rebrand_base_url', $rebrand_base_url, true));
     $fields->attach(form_input_line(do_lang_tempcode('COMPANY_NAME'), '', 'company_name', $company_name, true));
     $fields->attach(form_input_text_comcode(do_lang_tempcode('ADMINGUIDE'), do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION_ADMINGUIDE'), 'adminguide', $adminguide, true));
     $fields->attach(form_input_text_comcode(do_lang_tempcode('ADMINSTART_PAGE'), do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION_ADMINSTART_PAGE'), 'start_page', $start_page, true));
     $fields->attach(form_input_text_comcode(do_lang_tempcode('KEYBOARD_MAP'), '', 'keyboard_map', $keyboard_map, true));
     $fields->attach(form_input_tick(do_lang_tempcode('DELETE_UN_PC'), do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION_DELETE_UN_PC'), 'churchy', false));
     $fields->attach(form_input_tick(do_lang_tempcode('SHOW_DOCS'), do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION_SHOW_DOCS'), 'show_docs', get_option('show_docs') == '1'));
     $fields->attach(form_input_upload(do_lang_tempcode('FAVICON'), do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION_FAVICON'), 'favicon', false, find_theme_image('favicon'), NULL, true, str_replace(' ', '', get_option('valid_images'))));
     $fields->attach(form_input_upload(do_lang_tempcode('APPLEICON'), do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION_APPLEICON'), 'appleicon', false, find_theme_image('appleicon'), NULL, true, str_replace(' ', '', get_option('valid_images'))));
     if (addon_installed('ocf_avatars')) {
         $fields->attach(form_input_upload(do_lang_tempcode('SYSTEM_AVATAR'), do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION_SYSTEM_AVATAR'), 'system_avatar', false, find_theme_image('ocf_default_avatars/default_set/ocp_fanatic'), NULL, true, str_replace(' ', '', get_option('valid_images'))));
     $post_url = build_url(array('page' => '_SELF', 'type' => 'actual'), '_SELF');
     $submit_name = do_lang_tempcode('SUPER_DEBRAND');
     return do_template('FORM_SCREEN', array('HIDDEN' => '', 'TITLE' => $title, 'URL' => $post_url, 'FIELDS' => $fields, 'TEXT' => do_lang_tempcode('WARNING_SUPER_DEBRAND_MAJOR_CHANGES'), 'SUBMIT_NAME' => $submit_name));
 * Put the contents of a page inside an iframe. This is typically used when a page is being used to traverse a result-set that spans multiple screens.
 * @param  tempcode		The title
 * @param  ?integer		The time between refreshes (NULL: do not refresh)
 * @param  ?mixed			Data. A refresh will only happen if an AJAX-check indicates this data has changed (NULL: no check)
 * @return ?tempcode		The page output to finish off our current page stream such that it will spawn the iframe (NULL: not internalised)
function internalise_own_screen($title, $refresh_time = NULL, $refresh_if_changed = NULL)
    if (get_value('no_frames') === '1' || get_param_integer('no_frames', 0) == 1 || get_param_integer('keep_no_frames', 0) == 1) {
        return NULL;
    if (!has_js()) {
        return NULL;
    // We need JS to make this a seamless process
    if (strpos(ocp_srv('REQUEST_URI'), '/iframe.php') !== false) {
        return NULL;
    // This is already in the iframe
    $url = find_script('iframe') . '?zone=' . rawurlencode(get_zone_name()) . '&wide_high=1&utheme=' . rawurlencode($GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_theme());
    foreach (array_merge($_GET, $_POST) as $key => $param) {
        if (!is_string($param)) {
        if (substr($key, 0, 5) == 'keep_' && skippable_keep($key, $param)) {
        if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
            $param = stripslashes($param);
        $url .= '&' . $key . '=' . urlencode($param);
    if (!is_null($refresh_if_changed)) {
        $change_detection_url = find_script('change_detection') . '?whatever=1';
        foreach ($_GET as $key => $param) {
            if (!is_string($param)) {
            if (substr($key, 0, 5) == 'keep_' && skippable_keep($key, $param)) {
            if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
                $param = stripslashes($param);
            $change_detection_url .= '&' . $key . '=' . urlencode($param);
    } else {
        $refresh_if_changed = '';
        $change_detection_url = '';
    return do_template('IFRAME_SCREEN', array('_GUID' => '06554eb227428fd5c648dee3c5b38185', 'TITLE' => $title, 'REFRESH_IF_CHANGED' => md5(serialize($refresh_if_changed)), 'CHANGE_DETECTION_URL' => $change_detection_url, 'REFRESH_TIME' => is_null($refresh_time) ? '' : strval($refresh_time), 'IFRAME_URL' => $url));