} $current_version_number = get_option('wpsc_version'); if (count(explode(".", $current_version_number)) > 2) { // in a previous version, I accidentally had the major version number have two dots, and three numbers // this code rectifies that mistake $current_version_number_array = explode(".", $current_version_number); array_pop($current_version_number_array); $current_version_number = (double) implode(".", $current_version_number_array); } else { if (!is_numeric(get_option('wpsc_version'))) { $current_version_number = 0; } } //if there are any upgrades present, include them., thanks to nielo.info and lsdev.biz if ($v1[0] >= 2.8) { $upgrades = get_upgrades(); foreach ($upgrades as $path => $upgrade) { $upgrade_file = WPSC_UPGRADES_DIR . '/' . $path; require_once $upgrade_file; } } include_once WPSC_FILE_PATH . "/wpsc-includes/install_and_update.functions.php"; register_activation_hook(__FILE__, 'wpsc_install'); /** * Code to define where the uploaded files are stored ends here */ if (!function_exists('wpsc_start_the_query')) { function wpsc_start_the_query() { global $wp_query, $wpsc_query; $wpsc_query = new WPSC_query();
display_message(_LOGO_ERROR . "Impossible de se connecter à la base de données"); } else { display_message(_LOGO_GOOD . "Connexion à la base de données établie"); mysql_select_db($_SESSION['install_iconito']['database']); //do_mysql_importdump($filename, $connexion); $version = 0; $sql = "SELECT * FROM kernel_version_bdd ORDER BY version DESC, date DESC LIMIT 1"; $list = do_mysql_runquery_list($sql, $connexion); if ($list) { while ($r = do_mysql_move_next($list)) { //print_r($r); $version = $r['version']; } } display_message(_LOGO_INFO . "Version détectée : <b>{$version}</b>"); $upgrades = get_upgrades($version); if ($upgrades) { $upgradesInv = $upgrades; $last = array_pop($upgradesInv); $lastVersion = $last['numero']; display_message(_LOGO_INFO . "Version à installer : <b>{$lastVersion}</b>"); if (isset($_GET['go']) && $_GET['go']) { echo '<hr />'; //print_r($_SESSION); $stop = false; foreach ($upgrades as $upgrade) { //print_r($upgrade); if ($stop) { continue; } $run = do_mysql_importdump('../../instal/upgrade_bdd/' . $upgrade['file'], $connexion);